Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

Janet, Carol...

Aft reading these posts... I've only a few comments.
1) Shld not do posting simply to increase the post numbers.
2) Shld not act like back-stabbers!
3) Shld mind yr OWN business/thread only.
4) It's a shared forum u can suggest but not act on yr own.

Personally, I agree with Kitty123, garfield & prettymama.


1) Highlighting a URL here is not back-stabbing. If you don't understand what back-stabbing is, I hope you find out what it really means. BTW, I've been suspended b4 due to some misunderstanding. Following that, I learnt the hard way.

2) I'm at this forum bcos I'm addicted to a non-profit making biz thread.

3) That particular non-profit making thread is a SHARED thread.

Lastly, if you wish to participate in any forum, I hope you read the Dos & Don'ts.

<font color="0000ff">Carole,</font>
Thanks for yr advice. I really appreciate it
Why is it that the people who flaunt the forum rules are the ones who are complaining about backstabbing/politics?? If you want to participate in a community, there are guidelines that must be followed. If you can't abide by them, you will obviously be highlighted. Simple
I have tried to inform users who posted WTS in the wrong sections they shouldn't do that. Unfortunately there are some who persisted in refreshing their threads. So is it wrong to inform the moderator about it ??
One do not have to register a NEW to slam us here. We are only reporting and its deem fit of the moderators to take action.

just like you said, mind your own biz.
there nothing wrong to inform the mod but some thread tat i saw u highlight there not even a word of advise so not every1 u have inform so tat explain why bt who would read T&C unless it money involve do u not agree to it when u register as a user as i do admit i nv read.
Would like to suggest everytime ppl want to start a new thread at WTB or FREE section pls add a warning etc TO POST ANTHING TO SELL AT THIS SECTION ACCOUNT WILL BE TAKEN ACTION OR SUSPENDED as i realize alotsa ppl dun read T&C like me myself btw the best place to input it is where u place the posting information as tat way nobody will miss out and tis way it will minimze ppl abuse the forum unless it on purpose.
human make error so who will not err so give them a chance anyway GOOD WILL BEGET GOOD so to inform first is better than report on them first.
But Carole Ng & Janet (belong to the same flock of birds), who are u to give pre-warning? Did u draft the T & C? Or u own this forum? U aim to be the moderator for this forum? Have u put up yr request? Yr posts are mainly back-stabbing and reports to moderators! Kindly reflect upon yr own actions.
Hi Garfield,
I've given up highlighting to some users that they have posted in the wrong section.

Pls note:
Marketplace and Exchange Corner (Restricted)
The following topics are restricted to current members who activated their account before 15 November 2006. For future application, only members who have been active for one year or more can apply to join. This rule applies to the
*Spree section (overseas) AND
*Want to Sell section
HI BBjuzie,
I didn't give a <u>warning</u>, as you have
mentioned. What I've done is to inform, not warn. The T&C are indicated in black and white. If you are unhappy using this forum, why continue to add yr comments ???
Janet: just leave it. like i say, prevent any problems, just email directly.

Leave those ppl alone.

chow janet, i wan to pm you... pm me ur email
bbjuze, ever heard of the saying a guilty person needs no accuser?? why are you so angry at janet and carole when they are just trying to help CL and BL in monitoring the forum.
Janet, Carole,
Why don't you email Chin Leng and volunteer as moderators ? This way you can remove any posts that break the rules without having to post here.

There are just too many people who do not know how to read the T & C before they post, no point arguing with them. This forum needs more moderators like you.
Wonder if I'm too much of a neat freak. Honestly I don't own this forum, but just love to see threads in the right section.
Then I will be sneezing more...bcos new users will find their threads missing when posted in wrong section...and they will be swearing behind my back. HaHaHa.
The moderators are anonymous, no one knows who they are. There quite a few of them I think, so no one will know that who did it.
Ya, anonymouss.... con't to be (invisible) back-stabbers! Well, someone juz like this type of work... better still, with supporters!!!!
Anonymous moderators are not back-stabbers, they are authorized by the administrators to help to enforce the rules of the forum. They don't have to stab you in the back, when they can stab you in the chest.
i think the definition of backstabbing need to be clarified here... To attack (someone) unfairly, especially in an underhand, deceitful manner (from here:

what janet, carole et al are doing is not backstabbing but trying to maintain order in the forum. why is it so difficult to understand or are you purposely being obtuse?

the T&C is clear, new members can't sell stuff. you can't get away from this rule by posting in the WTB or Free items area because they will be removed by the moderators even if janet or carole or anyone else doesn't report the thread here. if you can't abide by the rules then stop visiting the forum, worse still, stop creating problems and calling people names because it is you who is looking sillier with every post!

you're beginning to sound like a spoiled child who is throwing a tantrum for not getting what they want.. GROW UP!
patsy, I'm not angry but pissed! Yes, i heard"the saying a guilty person needs no accuser"-they're GUILTY.

It's usually when a user needs help post their thread asking for help... then the user would only view their own thread for any response or any help offerred. It's my initial intention too when I register. Can u view the picture of having a third party "Janet/Carol" abruptly interrrupting YR OWN thread/conversation between another user "telling them to find their right place to post their posting" when they r the ones intruding into my thread? Did they ever realise that my thread does not even need their post at all? Not to mention if they can be of any help! Wat happened was the "help" - disappeared and I'm left to think wat was a life & death situation for me! Did the "back-stabbers" realize the impact they're causing?? No! Doesn't concern them at all!!!

Juz like the abov post... tamarind's doing. It's normal for some group of people to find excuses & reasons for their actions or some even DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO ADMIT MISTAKES!!!! Or some are even control freaks!
Does not mean that u r right even if u r a out-spoken person... I believe I'm not the first one to ask them to mind their own business/posts! So, the truth speaks for itself, no need for yr clarification.
bbjuz, the only time i would imagine janet/carole interupting your thread is when you post an item to be sold (yes, this is YOUR post) in a section that isn't for selling things. But also, f it's a thread to ask for help, etc... why not put it under matters of the heart, temporary holding place in the first place and not in WTB/Free items threads? I don't really know what is happening but what I think has happened is that janet/carole is preventing the forum from being cluttered with too many posts in too many threads, which causes the server to get slow, etc.

if your matter is life and death, then you can highlight the thread to the moderators and i'm sure they can re-instate it in the appropriate area.
bbjuz: what does being out-spoken have to do with being right? i'm really getting confused at your arguments! most of the people who have said mind your own business are those who have been highlighted for postiing things for sale in the wrong sections (i.e. flaunting the rules)...
As a matter of fact, I'm asking for help... not selling item nor it was posted in WTB/Free items, I've posted it in matters of the heart, temporary holding place... but still was being intruded.. Haiz..

As for yr comments abt..."but what I think has happened is that janet/carole is preventing the forum from being cluttered with too many posts in too many threads, which causes the server to get slow, etc. " Does it mean that user can't posts too many postings or even start too many threads? Why a forum would discourage such actions/intention???

My comments was not intended to direct to u, but u thought so.... Anyway what is dead cannot be ressurrected... I hope 'they' can have a drop of consideration effect in their heart and reflect upon their posts before posting out.
why bother to rebuke and answer to people who register a new nick to start some arguements? leave them alone and will disappear.

Tamarind, if janet & me are moderators.. i think more will slam us lor.. better keep it this way. I dun post here to highlight to the moderators. Faster to email and tell them abt it. Its all up to the Moderators to deleted the thread(s) that been highlighted.

Those who choose not to read the T&C(s) or ignore the T&C(s), sorry. cos you failed to do your part. One cant sign on the marriage cert blindly and cant sign the credit bill blindly. We cant tell everyone to read the T&C if they choose not to. If they cant post in certain thread, there is a reason. The thread heading in each catergory states what it is for. Dont tell me they didnt read before they click onto the headings of individual catergory?
bbjuz: where did i say you can't post new topics? what i meant was that there will be too many stray topics in each thread.

anyway, what was it that you psoted about anyway, if it's life and death, we should try to get the moderators to re-instate it, right?

and you know what, i know very well what is dead can't be resurrected! too well
No one knows who the moderators are, so no one can slam you. Of course if you do become a moderator, don't go and announce to the whole world that you are a moderator lah. You only email to Chin Leng and Bee Lee, right ? I remember reading from Chin Leng that he as a group of volunteer moderators, but we don't know who they are. Since you only email to 2 person, they may not have the time to respond quickly. Removing the thread yourself is fastest.
Hi Bbjuzie,

I believe you should refrain from commenting further without understanding the reasons behind the forum's current restrictions.

When the forum started, it was opened to all to post in the marketplace and exchange corner. However, as the popularity of the forum increases, it also attracted the attention of business owners who uses the forum to promote and sell their products and services.

Please note that we are trying very hard to maintain the forum and make it remain free for genuine members to use the forum. We've server and bandwidth cost to pay. And once it exceeds a certain loading threshold, the cost of the next solution increases exponentially. We are talking about blade server, load balancing etc which we have not implemented as the cost is prohibitive.

There are daily 5000+ postings a day in the forum which really consumes a lot of resources which we are paying for. Therefore, it is unfair to us that there are people who abuses the forum's resources for their own commercial benefits. Many of them don't even bother to consider advertising with us and just make use of the "Want to Sell" and "Bulk Purchase" category for their benefits.

You can check with the many members who have been with us for a long period. You can even check some of our earlier messages in the announcement thread. We've tried many ways to stop the abuse but some of the business owners just keep coming back. We finally had no choice but to close the two categories to the public.

We would like to help too. But in order for us to continue to help, we must continue to have the resources (monetary, especially) to continue to help. So to prevent fraudulent abuse of our limited resources, we had to restrict. We don't have the luxury and liberty to waste our resources.

We have written rules, we have make announcements, we have put it in the categories headings, what else would you like us to do? When users know that they can't post in the restricted threads, shouldn't they have realise something is amiss?

If there were really a life-and-death situation and require our assistance, anyone could just write to us and we would be more than willing to help if we can.

Who likes to see multiple spams in the forum? Not us, obviously. If everyone is allowed to post multiple similar messages in the forum, our resources will be further strained. Just imagine, if everyone posts 2 same message every time, we would have 10,000+ postings in the forum a day! Can you begin to comprehend the amount of pressure and stress that we may be facing?

You are concern about your point of view but we need to balance the needs of more than 11,000+ members who have been active within the past year. I can't guarantee that we'll make the best decisions but we try to make the best decision that we can. If we made a bad decision, it is us who need to live with the consequences. If members do not like the forum here, they have a choice to visit other forums. But for us, we have no choice. We can't leave. We've poured our sweat, tears, blood, heart and soul into this project to make the best community available to genuine members who will support us.

This is our home. This is our pride. We know we can't please all but we are doing the best that we can, with whatever limited resources we have.

I would really appreciate your understanding. Thank you.

Chin Leng.
Chin Leng,
I myself work in the IT line. I totally understand the amount of sweat and blood you and your team have poured into this forum, so that myself, and so many other mommies, can enjoy free, unlimited usage of the forum, to find emotional support with each other. I am really grateful to all your hard work and I am sure many sensible mommies out there are grateful to you too.

I feel really sorry for you, that you constantly have to tolerate verbal abuse from ungrateful people who think it is their birth right to take advantage of this forum.
i too work in IT line

Though load balancing and blade servers r much powerful and better to manage the forum .. too costly to maintain. hopefully someone will donate a few blades to the forum :0
Hi Chin Leng,
Thanks for coming out to give your explaination to people who fail to understand T&Cs & why their threads have been removed.

If a thread is a life-and-death situation and brought to your attention to be highlighted, I'm sure you won't delete it if that's really the case.

I appreciate what you have done to make this forum a place where we can draw emotional support with one another & get to know understanding & friendly mommies.

Thank you.

Hi all,

I got this PM from bbjuz. I am just going to treat it like a small kid talking nonsense.

Congratulations! You have received a private message from the following discussion board user: Bbjuz


Feeling sorry for Chin Leng huh? Go hug him la.. Stupid! So it's yr birth right as a backstabber... I'm sure there's one traitor during World War times in yr family line.

Tamarind, of all people this baby chooses you lehz. Well, stupid people hide behind a new nick and started talking about back stabbing.

you can just put the email address on SPAM. you wont receive the email already.
Yup you are right. This email is SPAM. Some people think that they can email anything and get away with it. But I know that their IP address is tracked when they post in the forum, and it is possible to track to their actual location. But I am not going to be so free to do it lah.

I think bbjuz has limited vocabulary. She seems to only know how to use the word "backstabber".
Hi Tamarind,

That PM was uncalled for. Appropriate actions have been taken.

Chin Leng.
HI Tamarind,
Oh dear, how could that stupid person send you such a terrible PM ? It seems to be she really has an attitude problem and a coward as well.
Hi Carole,
Hope the sellers who posted items for sale in WTB will not persist, and hide behind a new nick to tell us we are back-stabbers.
Hi Miracle/CL,
I agree with you that such threads as well as those FYI (for any upcoming sale), and requiring advice be in a separate section.

Hi Chin Leng,
There are a few WTS threads in WTB section.

Hi Janet/Chin Leng,

Here's another one..nothing to do w Free Items Only.

mothers are probably gonna hate me for doing this, since i participated in it and i do regret doing so, coz now a mother wants to know the nicks of all the 'boycotted' mums.

i regret it, coz sometimes i think it isn't fair to the 'unpure' person. maybe she is actually not like that? Just becoz of 1 incident? yes, i do ask myself this question ever so often n sadly, i do not hv an answer to that.

i really think all these threads have no fruitfulness in them, eventually.

how about removing them permanently?

