Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

Dear Moderator

Able to assist to change title to Old Navy Spree #3 for

Many Thx
Hi Chin Leng

Personally i feel that certain threads in your forum has to be 'house keeping'. I think this will help you on the 'band width'.

I notice that some thread has as many as few hundred pages, will one go and read such items from page 1 to 100? My suggestions is that you can delete page 2 onwards to maybe page 90 and so on. People usually follow the first thread to understand what the topic is all about before going to the final one to follow through.

I also notice that there are only 1 thread posted by some mothers and nobody reply, it lasted for a few months, perhaps you want to house keep such threads as well. 1 thread help you on the bandwidth, so if you have 1000 of such 1 thread, you have more spaces, don't neglect these.
hi i am confused... as I saw many posting recruitment and home based jobs in the forum...

So am i able to post as i got a home based and some jobs specially for mummies and SAHM?
Hi prettymama,

Please advise the thread title. Is this under overseas spree?

Best regards
Bee Lee
Hi prettymama,

The thread was removed as it was inactive for more than 7 days. It is now returned to overseas spree section for your coordination.

Please note that threads in Marketplace (WTB, WTS, Free items and overseas spree) are removed routinely after 7 days of inactivity.

Thank you.

Best regards
Bee Lee
Hi Kanec,
Quite strange what is actually allowed in WTS section. I saw a thread which is selling a new apartment. Now posting threads looking for job applicants as well. These do not fall under WTS section.
Though the recruitment thread fall under the wrong section, it's quite interesting to read. It might be helpful to mummies who's seeking for employment.

Can serve as a guide for market rate too.hmm...maybe it's time for me to change job - Does CL need any more staff
Hi Janet,

I do knw that i shd post in the right channel,but i wana to help mummies whom are currently looking for jobs etc since mummies are so active in this forum.

I do hope & also wana to share with mummies,they can earn extra $,increase pay etc,change of environment etc,sincerely hope that i dun creat messy in the forum.
hi Janet,

i had posted in Temp holding place section already,but seem mummies don't really interested in that section,so i posted in free item section lor.
