Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

just a suggestion, but what if we have a marketplace rant thread?? So all disputes go into there instead of clogging up the other thread??
patsy: suppose all dispute to be settle one to one, dun think one should be needed. sometimes household problem should jus settle themselves. if this seller is nt good, and realise the same seller is still selling.. then PM the mummies and pre-warn them instead.
Hi Patsy,
I think it would be more advisable if the buyer/seller can trash it out among themselves or else it might snowball into a BIG problem if they have a section to vent their frustrations.
carole/janet: guess so, but you know it's not going to happen, right? so might as well get them to thrash it out in public but in a proper place since they're doing it anyway!
They will definitely thrash it out but if there is a thread just for this purpose, there will be many people who might add more salt and vinegar to make matters worse.
Even non-profit trading must have some code of ethics. Some sellers are too inconsiderate and irresponsible.
I understand that most of the mummies in this forum are very nice and even "chin chye".
For some mere dollars, some dishonest sellers could MIA, refused to reply mail. There was once I paid for a item via postage but the condition was so bad (totally different from pic that she sent me)that I threw it away.
The seller refused to refund and never replied my mail after that. Am I going to make a police report for mere few dollars?
Do we let them get away scot-free and cheat again? How many more unfair trading will there be in the marketplace? We do not know whoever PM them too unless they stated in the thread.
Chinese sayings "wu feng bu qi liang", if they never did anything wrong, why would others want to write about them? We never see complaints about long time veteran sellers. I suppose if it's genuine miscommunication, most users would settle amicably among themselves. Afterall who would want to make enemies unnecessary and create a scene? Some people are just beyond reasoning.
At least if we create awareness about dishonest trading in the marketplace (doesn't even need to mention about the seller's ID), others will take precaution to prevent the same incident from occuring again.
On the other hand, it will also prevent other dishonest sellers to resort the same tricks.
I understand that the mummies in this thread are very kind to keep the thread neat and tidy (sincerly appreciate that
, there's no spam, vulgarity in the forum.
However, is it necessary to bother CL about such trival matters as well? He might find us these "san gu liu po" very "fan".
*No hard feelings, just my 2cents of thoughts*
Hi Susanna,
I've sold/bought quite a few items in the past and have 'met' several ladies who are really sweet and nice. Of course there are not-so-pleasant ones too. It made me very hurt and upset when I see the item which is not as 'mint condition' as seller claimed to be.

Hope the unhappiness can be resolved between the 2 parties and not spill over here and snowball into a big issue.

Is this allowed here ? No offence, but just wondering if these threads should be posted in another section.
Hi Janet

Me too!! I banned them as well! There was this incident that made me very angry too!! That particular member, I just kept quiet till I saw that she "complaint" others, and others spill out unpleasant dealings with her too!!
Not only that, she stayed in a CONDO but went to WTG thread to get free items that's stated for needy *faint*
Sometimes I wonder why some people do ugly things
or are dishonest when selling their things here. To me, 9/10 or 9.5/10 condition means as good as new, but there are sellers who literally indicate mint condition when the items are FAR from it. I've 'seen' many types of sellers/buyers here and an incident last year made me so mad that I wanted to discontinue coming to this forum. Fortunately I came to realize it's just one of those black sheep.
Now you know how she can affort a CONDO??? hahaha.. Anyway its true some people are just too much. Anyway there are still some nice mummy here (example ME...)

thr r a lot of ppl in tis world. i remembered abt an article sometime back which reported tt a guy who drove a merc went 2 collect a free TV which is supposed 2 b 4 d poor? i was like, hw can he do tt? he's driving a merc 4 goodness sake.

nw i hv 'mellowed', i feel tt if these ppl can deprive those needy ppl of these stuff, they'll get their retribution sooner or later.
Now we know how some people can afford to stay in a condo and drive Benz..they go for free items meant for the poor and needy. If they can do such a thing, it really goes to show what kind of character they really are. How sad...
Hi Janet
I agreed! Most of the mummies here r v nice! She's the worst that i've seen so far! Now i see her, i "siam" her far far.

Hi mummies
Yeah!!! Luckily the smart mummy who wanted to giveaway the items did a check and found that "needy mummy" is actually not needy at all!!!
I really buay tahan those who purposely want to take freebies meant for needy!
Hi Bestwishes,
Most of the mommies here are really nice and sweet, save for some black sheep of course.

These people who take things meant for the needy are really the ugly S'poreans.
to the Biz user on the above thread. If you are reading, please take note that you are not suppose to flood the other threads.

I have reported this to the moderator.
I've seen & read the abv thread... Seems like everyone is ignoring Memoiracts (memoiracts's posting...) Carole, WELL DONE! ANOTHER GOOD JOB!
I have seen new users who post items for sale under the disguise of 'WTB'. Some users can start threads in WTB section with heading as 'WTS: xxx'.
Bee Lee
Need ya help to revive this thread --> PMM Drugstore Spree #9.
Our order has just arrived and I need the thread to inform the spreeists on accounting matters and collection.

Many thx!
Hi Chin Leng/Bee Lee,

Could you consider renaming the bulk purchase thread? cos its seemed that quite a lot of the bulk purchases organizers are actually doing the bulk purchase for a profit.

At least, its good for the newbies to know so that they would compare prices before jumping into the bp. Cos there i've seen bulk purchases for items going at 30% more than the online retail prices.
Ya, I agree that nowadays BP prices are not so attractive anymore. Some use BP word to camouflage their prices. So mummies here tend to think it's a good buy.

For eg, I see one organizer offer a dress for $xx with free normal postage, I checked and compare. Another seller selling $1.10 cheaper than her (without postage). So I add up the postage, it's abt the same price as the organizer.

So is this also called BP price??
Honestly it's hard to tell. But there are people who can be nasty & unreasonable. What to do, the world is made up of diferent types of people.

4 me, i do a bit of hmwk. i do a search on d mummy's postings 4 d past 1 mth. fr thr, i can gauge whether d mummy is genuine or nt. it's a bit more wk, bt at least i m assured tt my stuff is put 2 gd use.

4 d mummy who demanded her postage back, u can ask her 2 fly kite. who gt such thing 1? she wan free stuff w/o chking it our properly, then when she finds tt it's nt suitable 4 her, she wan her postage back?
oouh i see,

that means more homework for me,

i still got some stuff at home, like stroller and used shoes but now to tell you gals the truth i'm too afraid to post it in WTG due to last time
she even sms me scolding and things that even until now i didnt understand..

well just move on lah..

i'll try vone's trick heehee
that stuff is shoes,
the saddest thing is the shoe i've sent her she compared with the brands she had for her kid (and a lot expensive than mine) i couldnt afford it, really..when i saw in the store it was the most expensive brand..
my fault too lah, i depend on the shoe size (what written on the shoe) and didnt measure it using meter/ruler/somesort.. too busy distributing all the stuff....

dun b dishearted by 1 lousy mummy k. thr r still a lot of mummies who wld appreciate ur kindness 1.

i still keep in touch wif some mummies who i hv given my stuff 2. tis shows tt nt all mummies r unappreciative.

wah, since tt mummy can afford d most expensive brand, y is she still asking 4 freebies? i feel tt she's 2 much liao.
Get going. Don't get disheartened by one lousy mummy. I know how it feels, but just move on. Not worth it to let one person get you down.
Hi patsy,

please do not get so woke up, maybe she really din see it. Anyway she is a new member, we all know that rules need to be abide.

ya, have to agree with u that the poster appears to be defensive.

Think she must have been banned/suspended before.
Hi carnellin

I saw ur thread on that incident before, I agreed with you!!
For free items, ppl already kind enough to give items to you, we cannot be too fussy right!
Just put her in your "blacklist"..heehee..

For me, whatever ppl I am unhappy with, I just blacklist them..heehee..
Hi prettymama

How are u? U r one of the nice mummies here (my trusted BP organiser)!
Din see u organising any now.
Haha... our "relationship" started since the good old days of BP and you still recall

PMM "old" liao, down liao so she needs to take some rest.
Have not been well hence going slow (and steady I hope), charging my batt now

I like ya sharing on the "blacklist". Sad to say but I think I should have one started, especially when one's capacity is limited...
