Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

Wow, nowadays, got people getting more desperate to do biz??? Really abit absurd. Especially the one Tan Leng Leng highlighted. Totally has nothing to do with mummies or kids items. Still have own website! tsk tsk tsk...
Pls see this posted in Jan 06 thread.

Post Number: 20
Registered: 5-2006
Posted on Monday, May 29, 2006 - 2:55 am:


Dear mummies and mummies-to-be,

We sell childrens clothes of great design and great quality. Please feel free to visit our online shop

Thank you.
What is going on ? She mentioned buying for her friend's gal, and the price is $9. So is she doing a BP since there are so many sizes available ???
Oh.... I get the picture now... the seller is actually selling these pants at $9 but sold to girlgirl27 for $4.50 only?

Did the seller tell you she is selling these pants?

I find the pants very cute, kinda interested but ... doubtful now..
mrs shim, seems we always eyeing the same thing.. i also asked her abt the material.. quite keen to get.. but now think wont get liao.. if those other mummies who ordering fm her know that $4.50 also can get it will sure feel sore.. is that the case?
Mrs Shim,
I think that's the point girlgirl27 is trying to raise. On one hand, seller said the pants is $9 but why offer to girlgirl for only $4.50. Actually, the pants are rather nice but the seller's intention leaves me in doubt.
<font color="aa00aa">elmobbger</font>
ya lor! how can her selling price be cut by 50% and yet she is still in the process of taking more orders for $9 each?! ridiculous! someone pls go and advise her to sell at $4.50 each since she can sell to girlgirl27 at such price!

btw, kyla has many of such cotton pants from fox baby. i think she has 5-6 of them. these pants are highly-recommended. they are very comfy for little girls to move around, she will wear these pants to school.
Mrs Shim,
If I have enough 'evidence' she is doing this, I will definitely inform her that this is not right. $4.50 and $9 is 50% leh !!!

Fox baby sells very comfortable pants. My girl has this white 100% cotton one and it matches all her clothes. But now Fox doesn't sell anymore white bottoms. So sad.
My gf gave me her daughter's outgrown denim bottom from Chateau de sable and it is not bad either.
Some members repeatedly organise certain BPs esp those carters/oshkosh/old navy/Gap factory overruns,which can be found in HDB shops at $5 each.

Some members constanlty keep mentioning selling for friends/buying for friends brand new items that come in different sizes.

Some members got banned,threads removed then come in again with different IDs, and phrase their postings very carefully.

Some don't even post any pictures anymore, just post with self-explanatory headers then ask members to PM them.

And what if some started doing business in language that others don't understand?
Jennyjosh5 is the one with the genius kid, right ? I thought she changed her nick to raymond something, and now to JRJ ? Why does she keep changing ? Did Chin Leng ban her nick before ?
I also find it suspicious when certain people mention things like buying for friend's daughters when actually they could be running a biz here. This excuse is just too common. Now just about most HDB stalls are selling over-runs at $5 each for brands like OshKosh, Carters, ON, Gap etc. So mummies, if you do see any threads here asking price for snipped labels is like $9, do not participate so fast.
Hi girlgirl27,

You sure i offered you the pants at $4.50 anot? Pls lar.. Since you email me for stocks, means you're selling too mah.. if you're having a own biz.. Y make thing difficult for others..

Actually, it's ok if i'm banned from this forum..

Thanks for making things difficult.. Didn't know there are such pple like you.. But i dare say that i'm getting for my friend's twins as well.. &amp; i'm sure the price i emailed u is not $4.50.
hi jessie..
yes i am bubs. definitely NOT selling the tees here. and if you are actually talking about the ANY MALAY MUMS thread, no we are not organising any sales in MALAY. If you don't believe me, it'll be nice if you can get a quick lesson in the language.It'll be nice if you just approach the matter directly to the pesron concerned. Should there be no response after your well-intended advice, then it should be fine if you post the matter to Chin Leng. I think we should learn to respect one another even when we are communicating in such a portal. I've respected the decision for my threads to be removed and am not selling any here but it is strange how my thread selling preloved clothing for girls age 4-12 is also questioned. Ask the mothers who have seen my girl and they can tell you why she owns such labels that go beyond what a NORMAL PETITE girl of 5 would. Hope that clarifies issue and we can go on enjoying this beautiful portal..thanks to Chin Leng and do away with all the back-bitings.
ladies.... i am unaware of what had happened to bubs' aka boo thread on selling clothes since i did not take notice at all.

one thing i can help to clarify is - i met her and her daughter who is 6yo. her girl is rather chubby for her age. she was wearing big-sized clothes when i saw her.

hope this will help to clear the doubts about how her little girl looked like.
sorry mrs shim,she's only 5. and thanks for trying to clear matters. really appreciate it and you are indeed a nice person.

oops! i remembered she said she is in K1 right? oops, K1 is 5yo and K2 is 6yo! sorry ah, my ger still not there yet lah, that's why mistaken by the age-calculation.
And it's just so alarming how people are so intensely guarded like as if the ANY MALAY MUMS thread is started to stir something some kind of THREAT. I just thought it'll be nice to know who the Malay mums are here so that we can prob meet up during HARI RAYA and all, if there's a response for it. This is total PARANOIA at its best. Let's all just have fun and maintein respect. Like what I have said, I respected Chin Leng's decision to boot me out because of the t-shirt sales but I have to get myself in again to continue the BP of Messy Mats which I started on. Don't want the mums to be left in alurch. And if you are going to question if I'm THE DISTRIBUTOR for the messy mats (and I'm laughing as I'm writing this), check with Linda from T-TOTS CLUB. :+)
Well $4.50 is reasonably cheap for a kid's top or bottom lah. But since postage is not included, the total cost could add up to $5.50. If mummies have time, of course they would go down to Clementi and buy more items, each at $5.
Hi Janet n Mrs Shim, u are the seniors in the forum based on the post numbers :). I am very sad n disappointed that mommies out there are actually trying to earn $ from BP.

I tot can help mommies to save $ cos sported the prices difference from seller, n alerted the mommies but kanna sabo as seller went in to change the prices. I wonder how chin leng can monitor n ban these people cos they can easily come in with another uses. Since so many mommies doing biz, maybe can set up a place for forum mommies to do biz transactions to avoid any conflicts, just like bay*supplies forum. Wat do u think? I really respect both of you cos u really post very upright opinions n not siding anyone. Have a great day.
Actually I am here most of the time because this forum is a great place to learn from other mummies and get good advice when I post a new thread for help.

I wonder if the only way to avoid further conflicts and prevent some people from doing biz here is to ban BP completely. So, only mummies who organize sprees from Gymboree, ON and Children's Place from US can continue. It's stressful to organize a spree because the organizer has nothing to profit but the stress of whether the stock will come on time after all the ladies have paid her. Mrs Shim, Leng Leng what do you think ?
The seller cc2568/ccfactry in that forum, who has a pair of twins, seemed to be here selling her clothes before,very familiar.But her threads have been removed,so it's unlikely that you can search anything.
So Mummies who are frequently here, what do you think of banning BP completely ? If majority says yes, can inform Chin Leng. Then we will not see BP at market place.

If you scroll down marketplace, you will see just about every thread doing BP. Sometimes, I wonder how true it is for buying for this and that person's kids. In any case, to avoid conflicts and people doing biz here, BAN BP COMPLETELY.
