Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

Wah! Occupation also crime! In her opinion perhaps this forum should exclude anyone who represents or owns a biz i.e. have a fulltime job, other than SAHM. Ms Tan should consider quitting SAHM and becoming PI. Perhaps apply as honeypot to lure husbands to stray from their families.
GreaterKPO, pls keep your comments and criticisms constructive and useful. Unless you are the one being highlighted, or have a personal spite against Leng Leng, I see no reason for you to give such sarcastic comments.
Exactly, GreaterKPO. Pls keep your <font color="ff0000">uncalled for remarks</font> away from this forum!!
Try to make me? Always the same few KPKB. Have some backbone, leave this place and create your own little private sanctuary so you can enforce your own little rules. Till then, stop KPKB.

Who else will speak up for babynico, who was naive enough to be honest about what she does for a living, only to be immediately labelled a peddler, even before CL conducts his investigation? She probably didn't think for a moment that people here so free as to peek at her profile. What ever happened to 'innocent before proven guilty'?

The way I see it, it's the few of you who are the real troublemakers here. The forum has become alot unfriendlier because of you few loud mouths. Give it a break!

Why make a fool of ourselves in this forum where it's totally opened to the public to see? What had become of Singapore women?


I hope you understand that what those ladies tried to do when reporting business owners whom abuse to the forum when they obviously had read the terms and condition to becoming a member! Advertising for their own business had been stated right from the beginning as a NO NO when they signed up! Thus, it's only fair that all obey the rules in order to use this forum. And why are you standing up against those ppl whom only had interest of protecting the forum? Operating a forum is not 'cheap' and easy. Kindly understand that what the rest of the mummies here are actually assisting CL and relieving him from his load from freeloaders!


Shall we keep a close from here. I trust that the comments that we leave here are actually hurting CL alot. What had his forum become of? Neither do we have the rights to ask ppl to stay away from the forum do we? Only CL would have the rights to, I believe. Peace.
just wondering - has babynico starts her "biz" in the forum? if yes, where are the threads?

why report a person just becos of the occupation?
can't a "selling children clothes" person is really pregant and wants to chat here?
honestly, I consider those who say that there are troublemakers here are troublemakers themselves because they know what troublemakers are like.

think your comments are uncalled for.
just wondering,

aiyoh!, babynico's threads that show her selling children''s clothes are removed by Chin Leng already. Isn't that clear indication?
In this case, then CL would hv known this person ard. if he din ban this nick, must hv came to a mutual agree decision.

why still need to repost her profile to push the issue further?
just wondering,

the thread was not removed by CL yet before LengLeng posted to alert CL about <font color="ff0000">quek(babynico)</font>'s occupation.

it was removed after LengLeng's post.
Nothing better to do then to report others? Always the same few kapos.
PeaceNoWar, I am quite clear what the T&amp;Cs are. Read carefully, I did say CL should investigate first before we start labelling people, which is what I am against.

Perhaps this entire thread should be removed and in place, a new arrangement: All the self appointed police mammas/KPOs (?) can pm CL to notify him of any possible 'breach' and leave the moderator to do his job. This achieves 'enforcement' while denying these pple with nothing better to do the satisfaction of being able to sabo/label people publicly.

Alternatively, restrict this thread (including hiding from public view when we search for new messages) to only those who REALLY DO care alot abt other people businesses. It is also for their own sake really. Do we want them, at some pt to piss off someone to such an extent that she starts confronting them at public gatherings which I understand some of these kaypos attend? Think twice before shooting off, esp in the Internet.

CL, what say you?
Those people who wants to notify Chin Leng should just send him a private message.

What is the point of posting here for all to see ? The thing is the people who post are not moderators "authorized" by Chin Leng. There will always be people who disagrees with them, or thinks that they have no right to do so.

It will be better for all to just send private messages to Chin Leng and let him decide what to do. Posting here is only a waste of time and will only attract more cat fights.
sidetrack abit.... i am not particularly active in posting, but i do go through the threads quite a bit.

i'm not sure if i am being a bit sensitive, but i think that this forum is getting very unfriendly, to the extent of being plain ugly at times.

i joined this forum abt 6 months ago, and thought to myself this place is really warm and homely. now this feeling is barely there. *sigh*
yes, i do share the same sentiments as duckweed.

i think one problem is allowing guests to post hiding behind a guest nick, it seems they are given freedom to express their feelings without tot or care for the other parties' feelings...
Hi all,

We would like to thank everyone for their comments and feedback. We would like to assure everyone that we would investigate first before we act on any 'tip-off' which we received. It is solely our decision whether we take appropriate actions on a user and threads posted.

For every tip-off we receive, we take about 20 mintues to investigate before actions are taken. When there are 10 threads which we are investigating, it can easily take up to 200 minutes. These are precious times which we can focus our attentions on developing We can write more articles, develop more tools, include more information etc. We do not like to ban a user or remove a thread. But we have no choice. There are just too many business owners or service providers who are using our resources for their own financial gains.

In an ideal situation, the business owners or service providers should advertise with us. That way, they get to create more awarness and business; our users get to buy from known service providers; we get the resources to continue operating and further developing for all our users.

Instead, we are getting more people who abuse our forum. Currently, about 50% of the messages are concentrated in the marketplace and many of them are posted by non-advertisers promoting their own business. Some blatantly obvious, some covert. It is not a good situation to be in.

Everyday, we spend a lot of time just to look through the forum and we can't look through all. We still need to find time to maintain the forum, hardware, development and get revenue to keep the portal operational. That is why, we do appreciate all the help we can get.

Currently, we allow the users to e-mail, PM or post their messages here. We leave the choice to you in how you want to contact us. However, we'll be monitoring the situation. If the situation worsen and there is a need to close this thread, we'll do so.

Chin Leng.
Hi all,

We have heard your comments and we have changed the threads here to only allow postings by registered users.

We had allowed guests postings as we wanted to let users who had problem registering able to communicate with us here through the forum, on top of e-mailing us. Guess the good intention had received mixed results. So we are now restricting the postings here to registered members only.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Chin Leng.
YEAH! Finally people dun get slam by guests!! haha...

Chin Leng, anyway, I still think that for users to post in the Marketplace, I have the following suggestions:
1. Have minimum number of postings (but this may result in flooding as well as restrict those who are interested to purchase but do not meet the min req to post will not be able to reply)
2. Need to write to seek permission (traced by a log number or something in the title) from the moderator to create a new thread. Any threads without this log number will be deemed to have no permission and should be removed.

Hi ladies, I share the same sentiments as some of u. It would be great if everyone here comes with a positive mindset to share info &amp; life experiences without any ulterior motive. Life in S'pore is alreadly stressful enough. why create more stress here. Live &amp; let live. Cheers!
Our IP to be logged.
Trace account by our IP address,
only 1 account to be created with each IP.
For 2nd account, approval by moderator b4 use.

If for some reason, the IP is banned,
then have to get approval from moderator to create
new account.
It will be good news if there are no more guests allowed in this thread anymore. Only members will be allowed to post here to give their personal views/opinions.
If the forum users suspect anyone is doing biz here then shd alert CL and do not respond to their thread at all.
By responding to them we are encouring them to post more and benefit fm it.
Actually, if the buyers see the high price, they should not ask further. For eg, the First Teeth toothpaste. It is sold at $12.50 for just the toothpaste along. Doing a BP means we should get it cheaper. Bidding means you will bring up the price.
Chances are she is doing business,previous threads got removed, that's why resort to this "1 pc available"gimmick.
