Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

Marketplace & Exchange Corner
@@@ WTS Carters latest spring collection Sunsuit @@@@@
cbn (cbn) - 5/08, 5:06 pm - These are Carters Latest
cbn (cbn) - 5/08, 5:09 pm - hot pink 6M [hot
cbn (cbn) - 5/08, 5:10 pm - pink flower patch 6m [pi
cbn (cbn) - 5/08, 5:11 pm - light blue 9m [light blu
cbn (cbn) - 5/08, 5:12 pm - pink sleveless flower 6m
cbn (cbn) - 5/08, 5:23 pm - bcos my friend onli have
cbn (cbn) - 5/08, 6:15 pm - karen, so far i have the
cbn (cbn) - 5/08, 7:11 pm - Violet 9M [violet 9m.jpg]
cbn (cbn) - 5/08, 7:14 pm - There are few of you who
cbn (cbn) - 5/08, 9:51 pm - anyone interested in the

@@@ BNWT Girl Blue Floral 2 Piece PJ 18M $10 @@@
cbn (cbn) - 5/06, 9:31 pm - Girls blue floral 2 piece
cbn (cbn) - 5/08, 6:43 pm - repost

@@@@@ Carters Sleepwear for babies 0-6M (incl. of postage...
cbn (cbn) - 5/06, 5:50 pm - i have a few sleepwear fo
cbn (cbn) - 5/06, 5:52 pm - Carters - blue striped 6M
cbn (cbn) - 5/06, 5:54 pm - Carters Beep Beep 6M $17
cbn (cbn) - 5/06, 5:56 pm - Carters Soccer $17 - 6M
cbn (cbn) - 5/06, 6:05 pm - BN Carters Bunny $17 - 3M
cbn (cbn) - 5/07, 11:50 am - hi miki, i only have 1 pi
cbn (cbn) - 5/08, 1:13 am - repost
cbn (cbn) - 5/08, 4:43 pm - repost
cbn (cbn) - 5/08, 6:37 pm - repost

Hi Chin Leng, would like to know this thread:
posted by Catherine....
is it being removed? i can't find it.
i mean.... this is also a form of biz mah.
Normal means will be they need to send flyers or get a booth to do biz rite?
Sending flyers oso need $ to print and engage ppl to distribute the flyers therefore is as good as advertising, so shd pay for advertising in forum oso mah...
Get a booth oso need to pay rent, so shd pay for using forum oso.... rite?

I am just listing down the threads that I feel fishy la, still up to CL to scrutinize lor. Not mean that whatever I list is difinitely something that is not allowed lor.
OIC. I didn't know that.
unsolicited email fr Mariateoo...

Details below:

Congratulations! You have received a private message from the
following discussion board user: Mariateoo


I am able to get top quality bird nest [ they call it DRAGON TEETH in
chinese ] from supplier [ who supply to Singapore and Hong kong ] at
a very good rate of $190 per tael or 37.5gm, the price of all the
shop here are selling between $220 - $250 per tael or 37.5gm.

Quality Guaranteed.
why i said Quality Guaranteed because i myself have been taking their
bird nest from 1997 my second baby till now my fourth baby [ one or
twice a month ] and there is also great improvement in my complexsion.

as for the grade, different shop will name it differently like grade
1 or AAA or ultimate or premiun and etc etc .
Chin Leng, perhaps u may wan to close this thread to prevent others from misunderstanding tha i am doing my own biz or helping smone close to me in this. Dun wish to be malign by others as i am sharing this purely out of personal experience.

Also jus wish to clarify.. are we allowed multiple usernames? Cos i mention in yr earlier post that this is NOT ALLOWED and is stated in yr terms and conditions. Pls advise....
Hi BBLoveMe,

I was searching very hard about this "No multiple accounts"rule after you highlighted to me,and couldn't find anything on "Terms Of Use",and finally found it on this thread.

I use one ID which accept PM for participating in Sprees, and one which doesn't accept PM for regular postings and to avoid receiving spamms. Thanks for highlihgting.Will Stop using UserID:Just


Chin Leng (chinleng)
Intermediate Member
Username: chinleng

Post Number: 2935
Registered: 2-2001
Posted on Thursday, April 20, 2006 - 2:18 pm:

Hi Mumloveme,

I'm interested in your explaination as well. We don't encourage multiple usernames per person unless there is any satisfying and compelling reason. Can you e-mail me a copy too. Please send to [email protected]. Thank you.

Chin Leng.
Hi Justine,
I think it's best to use just 1 username, regardless of whether it is for sprees or normal postings. This way, we know it's you, JUSTINE.
Thanks Janet. The idea of having another ID,partly also come from arielene???/loveme/lovebb/bbloveme,when I came across a post about multiple ID in this thread.

The fact that I created another ID for general comments which does not accept PM is due to some experiences at other forums.When I asked for suggestions and views about certain products/services, the persons selling sent me unsolicited PM which I dislike.

Anyway, I hope I don't have to use this ID again, but since your are addressing this msg to me, so no choice, have to use again.


Since CL has banned 'guests' from posting on this forum, we are free from comments sometimes uncalled for. I know how it feels receiving unsolicited emails.
Not sure if nanny/babysitter agent business allowed here?

Previously came in to recommend under ID:sheryl03
Now under ID:sailormoon76

Look under this thread and many other threads ,would be able to tell it's the same person.
Hi Chin Leng
just a suggestion to have a topic called Zonal Mums or something.

There're threads for AMK, clementi, redhill mummies in the marketplace. Then if we look at matters of the heart, there're another lot from another part of Singapore.

Perhaps we can put them all together and have a topic or subtopic for them? it's funny esp when we have such a discussionary thread in the marketplace. defeats purpose of why you set up different topics.

just my two cents worth..
I'm new here and also a business owner so I wanna add my 2 cents.

In any forum, there will always be users who abuse it and try to make money from fellow members. Many small business owners find it difficult to kick start their business and if they're selling products that they themselves are familar with (eg baby products), naturally they think the best place to do business is from where they know the parents will gather.

These people, IMO, will not survive beyond a year into their business. Which is the reason why they are not far sighted enough to see beyond selling their products from a 1-to-1 basis.

I've not been here long enough to understand how bad these abuse had been but one thing Singapore Motherhood can help these people is to create really affordable advertising methods within the forum. With such a program in place, you might reduce the number of spam PMs and personal advertising.
How come this fella post all the same postings huh? Does he/she know how to retrieve his existing thread in the 1st place? My goodness! So MANY leh!!!
mrs shim
Not that he doesn't know how to retrieve his threads.He wanted to create awareness, and reach every member in the forum.Typical of someone desparate to sell.

But seems like Karung Guni business is okay to post here,since CL only deleted two threads?
mmm, how do you differentiate between karung guni biz vs mothers who wanna sell off their used/excess items? is it by the qty of items you sell? do we now need to put down a quota for the items each mom can sell each time...?
Highlighted for CL to investigate and decide.

CL has just deleted all the threads.So I assumed he also agreed that this is Karung Guni Business and not mummy who wanted to sell of her used items.

Not sure if you have a chance to visit the poster's website before CL deleted it.If you have visited his website, you should be able to tell that it doesn't look like just mother trying to sell of used items.

Usually "businesses" posted here have certain "traits",which are not too hard to spot.But then it's up to the moderator to investigate and decide.
Just my 2-cents..
Some phrases here and there in non-English shld be alright. If whole thread is non-english that means those who don't understand that particular written language (be it malay, chinese or jap...) couldn't participate/read the thread.
But frankly-speaking I don't really mind to miss 1 or 2 cos too many threads to read hehe.. So it depends on the administrator.
