Childless Not By Choice Group

hello Lyn, congratulations!! hope you are enjoying motherhood

hello ladies, sorry for not keepig in touch. things are ok with me. after failed IVF went for holiday in Dec. just the thought of going to the gynae again gives me jitters.

dont know what i should do next. but taking life as it comes. take care ladies. be happy and healthy.

Hey Becky..

Glad to know u took a holiday...

I feel like going for a holiday too but with a new job, seems like I can only hope for now..

Follow your heart when it comes to what to do next and we are all behind you..if u don't feel like going to the gynae for now..just hold on and once u feel like going, your heart will tell u so..we are all behind u in what u choose to k

And don't have to apologise for not keeping in coming here to read as and when, we are already keeping in touch..

Just remember to put yourself as no 1. Honestly, I am very guilty of neglecting myself in the midst of having a new job..can feel my health I must keep reminding myself that a job is a job and health is priceless..
Hello ladies! I just want to share my story here. Hope it brings some light n hope for you!

I just head that a couple of others had conceived naturally after repeated miscarriages/ or unsuccessful ivfs/ iuis. . My healer say thanks for your support and she is glad to hv helped us in realising your dreams! I myself also managed a bfp under her help together with Ivf my last resort. My next one will be natural!

I'm stilling seeing her but less frequently now - I'm in my 17 weeks doing well but also keeping my fingers crossed.

If u r keen to know more about her, i have written about her previously and can read more at Facebook / search for Yoga Inn. She is Mdm Valencia Tan( based at Waterloo Street). There are some testimonials there!

Jia you everyone!
Hello Becky, I totally understand ur feelings. I was also supposed to c gynae after my failed ivf in may 2010 but I m so low morale that I kept pushing n pushing the gynae appt till match last yr then I hv the encourage to go back. Things at ur side r definitely much better then mine back then so u got nonthing much to worry juz tat u r only waiting for urself to healed up totally emotional n mentally before u r ready for another try. Believe me, before u knw it u may be gg for another cycle again n things to follow after ur bfp will be rocket fast. So for nw take things easy n pamper urself. Put this issue aside first n relax. Things may happen when u least expect. Jiayou, sister. We r all behind u....

The rest all the ladies who r ttcing must jiayou too!!! Mummies must enjoy motherhood!!!
Hey sisters and Lyn,

When I was studying, a friend from mechanical engineering jokingly told me that there is a joke among mechanical engineering students who take bus home. That the first law of transportation says that when you are waiting for the bus, the bus never comes and that second law of transportation says that when you are not waiting for the bus, the bus always comes. I find its very much like trying to conceive. But I am sure the third law said that when you are willing to wait patiently, the bus will definitely come. And while waiting, pls do not forget to entertain yourself by reading a book or listening to some music.

Lyn, I am so happy for you that the bus ulimately come after such a long wait.

I will find time to read your blogspot...happy for you too

Congrats lots lots and have a smoonth pregnancy and thanks for coming by the share the encouragement. And thanks for reminding me about the importance of "healer". I believe it is not just in conception but in everything in life that we need a healer after we have over-exerted ourselves.

Will surely read your blogspot soon
Hi Tanny,

I read your blog. Its a touching story that can touch the hearts of us here. All the best for your pregnancy. Somehow, I find that babies who are born to women like us who are so wishful for them are very lucky

Check out the taka babyfair up to 25 March, you might want to buy small basic stuff first.
Dear sisters..

How is everyone doing?

Just want to drop a note of encouragement and reminder to myself and all sisters who might still be reading this thread. That at each stage of our lives, there will be new challenges but never stop running. When tired, take small rest here and there but never stop running. Even after successfully having a child in my case, the challenges never stop presenting themselves in my life, be it job, health, childraising challenges, or general family life. And always remember that childbearing is just one aspect of this big scheme of things. Recently, I came across the sina blogs of my celebrities what I like and they are in their 50s. Surprised to see how good they still look. Many of them remained single and reading their blogs, can see that they are enjoy life to the fullest, contributing their part to society. Their life and happy existence challenges to the typical notion of what makes a complete life: getting ourselves educated, getting a good job, getting married, having kids and then making sure our kids get a good education and the cycle goes on and on. Perhaps we are being progammed by the society to think that only a life like this is deemed complete. But who is the judge here.Definitely not the society or our neighbour next door or the relative we meet once a year during CNY. Ulimately, we are our own judge. Not marrying, can also turn our to be a happy and complete life. In a nutshell, no one has the right except for the ourselves to decide what makes our own life complete.

So no matter which stage you are at sisters, keep running and don't let anyone judge you.
Hey ladies, hw is everyone. Been busy n popping by on n off. Hope everyone is fine n continue to chase the dream. Jiayou.

Hi babyg, yes totally agreed with wat u had said. It's our life n it's our choice. Never let anyone judge our life, as long as we r happy n tats more important. N yes u r so right that everyone sees getting married n having kids n hw our kids perform in school as the achievement in one's life n it's shameful to say ppl look down on single n ppl wif no children n hw bad one's child perform in school as a big failure in life.. I hate those ppl.... They r juz simply being so superficial in their thinking. Wats the point of achieving all those above but not happy at all??? In life there is no right or wrong, as long as we r happy who cares right??? So ladies, can juz tell these ppl off if they happen to question abt babies again. Juz tell them I rule my own life!!!!

Ladies, never give up. Like wat babyg had said, rest when u r tired but never stop running coz life is a journey, not a destination. Jiayou!!!!
Hi ladies,

I do know of some supplements that can and hv successfully help some people to conceived. Do PM me if u want more details.
Hi ladies,

I m new here and chanced upon this thread. The title spells out exactly how i felt and am thkful that u ladies are ard to share ur lives.

You all are courageous in your own ways and i m inspired and encouraged by it.

I have been married for 8 yrs but no kids. It is really a struggle for me as time goes by. Went thru tonnes of medications but nothing wked. Instead brought me greater fear each day. Fear of being alone when both my hubby and I aged. Fear of going thru another rd of medication and their side effects.

Not sure if any of u been thru these fears? Now my last resort is IVF but i must say, at this stage i m totally not ready for it at all. All the fears kick in. The injections, the hormones changes etc, yet at the same time, just struggle that things has been status quo in our lives while my friends hv moved on setting up families.

Hence, when i saw 'childless not by choice', i touched my heart deeply.

Thks for starting this thread.
Welcome! Take things one step at a time. Ivf is a scary journey. It is like the last resort and our minds are filled with thoughts of what if it fails and what it means. That was what I felt when I did my ivf cycles. However in the back of my mind I knew that if I didn't try I would regret. So I went for the cycles. Ivf is definitely straining mentally, physically, emotionally and financially. Thus, u must be prepared. Find out the process, the side effects and what to expect so that u have a better feel and will not feel so lost. The process is also a test of your marriage as it is straining. There is also a lot of prep work to be done before ivf. Do feel free to post your questions here, the sisters who are around ESP babyg will try to answer them.

Lastly there are really a lot of things to think abt when it comes to ttc. take things one step at a time. A lot of things are beyond our cOntrol. We just have to soldier on and make decisions when the time comes. If we try to think of everything, we will definitely feel overwhelm and that's not good for Ivf.

The truths abt ivf is
Yes. The hormones will make you feel sick and put on weight and make u cranky. It differs from Person to person
Yes. The thot of jabbing yourself is scary!
The fear of failure is paralysing

But still you must try. For if you don't, you are not giving yourself a chance and your future baby a chance. At least in this time and age, at least there is ivf for the fertility challenged. Jia you.

If you don't mind, you can share with us your history to see if the sisters here have any advice.
And miracles do happen. Some of us got preg naturally after all things failed and some of us are successful in the ivf journeys. So don't give up. In the meanwhile, just do the things u enjoy and always wanted to do. The truth is even with kids, you might still end uP alone in old age. So our best friend is ourselves.
Ladies, I have been reading ur thread silently recently. Just wanted to write to let u all know how much I admire all ur spirit n determination, as well as the strong support u have for one another. I've been thru one IVF cycle n one FET, so I know how tough the process can be, both physically n emotionally... Jiayou!!
hi Chloe, welcome to the forum. its natural for you to feel anxious when you consider IVF. having gone through the same fears before i tried IVF for the first time, all i can say is i am glad i tried it. it didnt work out for me, but i am glad that i overcame my fears and did my best.

however the choice is entirely yours. you need to feel happy whichever step you are taking. a lot of sisters in this group have gone through tough times trying to conceive. so feel free to bare your feelings. we'll try to help as much as we can.

liz, you are right. we needs to do the things we enjoy
how have you been?

ladies, how are all of you? i am still undecided on when i should go for my FET. still taking time to settle down. i've been seeing some of my friends who got married much later than i did, giving birth and enjoying motherhood. fills me with a lot of mixed feelings. feel like the years are just rushing by..

love to all. take care
Hey Chleo,
Despite that fact that we have never met, but we have actually met, somehow. U might find it strange that I said that but its because we the fears you have mentioned are all so familiar and please take comfort that you are not an alien to feel so and you are definitely not alone k. All these fears are still fresh in my mind and I am taken a firm decision not to forget them as they made me what I am today. These are our fears and doubts and questions of having to walk this road of being fertility challenged:

People “fear” you as u are different from the rest. They view us as being different, as being the minority, as being the leftist of the society. Afterall, human beings are supposed to reproduce. But of course they are wrong, while there are the childless not by choice group, there are also the childless by choice group. And for the childless by choice group, if u keep lecturing them about the virtures of having kids, they will tell u to go and fly kite..heee..Again, I still subscribe to the belief that having a lot of kids is normal and so is not having a kid. Afterall, no one can play god to judge.

However, this type of fear is what we would encounter and have to face with everyday in our lives, during all festive periods when people showcase their kids, have nothing to talk about but only the topic of when are u having a kid or having a second kid. When we meet someone and they see we are of a “certain” age and they will ask, how many kids to you have? If the answer is no, and they then start to lecture and interrogate. For this type of fear, its controllable as we can choose to exclude these “poisons” from our lives. Also, don’t give them a chance to make us fear inadequate or inferior. They made the choice of being insensitive and imposing but we can certainly make the choice of being indifferent. Nevertheless, I need to get to the point of – it might be tough for us to be indifferent because of the next fear

Fear of being alone with hubby and the fear of me passing on and leaving hb all by himself in old age.
This fear is for real and it is not external inflicted but self-inflicted and it was my worst fear throughout the years. And Chleo, this fear was so real that every time when I look at my hubby’s childhood photo during the trying ttc years, a strong sense of sadness would overwhelm me. The sadness that I could never see how my hubby’s offspring would look like. That there will be on one to survive him and his genes would end right there. And the fact that fear no.1 can eat into us because we have this fear no.2 right inside us that is eating into us everyday. And I would be lying to you that it is easy to overcome this fear. It’s not easy and its not a one way journey. It is probably not to overcome this fear but to manage the fear, to manage it to the point that we can continue to ttc and still live a happy life. As in the ttc journey, if we are handicapped by this fear, it will slowly destroy our health and ability to conceive. Of course they are some lucky ones that despite having so much fear, they can still conceive. But generally, fear is not good for our systems and can only sabotage our effects.

Some tactics that I used to manage this most sticky fear (not assuming that it will work for everyone as everyone is different but some small points might lessen the fear):
- Having a kid is not the only way to pass on the genes. Making a difference to society does. There are many useful childless people who have existed and their names are never forgotten in history. Is it because they have 20 kids. No, but because they made a difference in their own ways. Our Teresa Hsu is one. No one can every judge she is an inadequate person as she is never married. She is titan in my eyes.
- It would be great to have an offspring for husband. But between always dwelling and being sad about not having a kid and let it affect marriage life vs making every little effort to inject life into the marriage and making ourselves and hubby happy just as a couple, every man would choose the latter. And assuming there is a kid or kids but yet having an unhappy married life, everyday just arguing about kids vs a life that focus on plain happiness between a couple, any man would choose the latter.
- Another thought is that having kids will not guarantee that we would not be lonely. There is a high chance that more and more young people will study and work outside of Singapore. When our kids come home and tell us one day that mom, I want to see and experience the world or I want to migrate (a few of my close friends already did, went to Australia), we cannot force them to stay by our side. Hence, somehow, I feel the best guarantee against loneliness in our old age is to keep our minds active and have a hobby we can sustain and make small effort to keep friendships going through the years. Do not neglect good friends even when we have kids and try to keep in touch often.

Yes, the fear of putting in all the effort and yet having the possibility of it amounting to nothing also strikes ample fear.
Chleo, u got to believe me on this as I was so afraid that I started reading the ivf support thread 6 months prior to doing the cycle. I was so afraid that I need to read way in advance what others were doing and thinking about. And many sisters back at that thread also commented that I was so way ahead in preparation. Ivf was so new to me in that when I started reading the thread, I had no idea about what it was all about, what medicine I must inject into the body, how many times I must see a doctor. There were so many unknown and question marks. I even started an excel spreadsheet and noted some points inside. Really very scared and kiasu then.

But amazing, after so much “investment” of time, emotions, money, hopes, the cycle ended with all the embies arrested (they stopped developing and I had nothing to transfer inside the womb), of course there was sadness and hopelessness, but the more overwhelming emotion I had then was relief. No mistake, relief. It was only after failing ivf that I could move on with life without the baggage and question of “will I have a kid if I have tried ivf”? I know then that despite having failed, I had no regrets. And for sisters who persisted on subsequent cyclings when the first did not work out, I also salute them as they want to live with no regrets, whatever the outcome is.

The relief was not a death sentence but rather the affirmation that I could give to myself that I have put in my best and if nothing happens, the conscience is clear. And then, its time to move on with life in one way or the other. One can choose to stop cycling and do natural and one can also choose to continue to cycle. Only thing is, keep having a goal. And the goal must include to be good to yourself as a human being and not as a potential mother only.

The fear of seeing friends having moved on in family planning is also very real and valid. I remember at gatherings, my friends who always talk about breastfeeding and which swimming classes their kids and they would always turn to me with that big question mark. The feeling is like having to jog at the same spot for many years. Nevertheless, somehow, someday, I realized that while the view from society has imprisoned us, we have also imprisoned ourselves. Instead of having our lives as being status quo, we can also move on in another sense. Moving on to become a mother is just one way we can move on. Moving on to learning a new skill is also considered as moving on. Moving on to a new attitude in life is yet another more major step of moving on. We deserve better than being trapped in process of TCM, visits to doctors, needles and yet more needles and feeling dejected time and again when the treatments have yet to bring home a baby. While its not easy to still go for treatment and at the same time pursuing other aspects of life, its definitely possible sister
Have faith that u can do it de
During the years of needles and hospital visits, over at my end, I picked up cooking amongst other things. Cooking for myself and hubby over the weekend, buying ingredients, reading up recipes, cooking itself somehow distracted me from all the disappointments and gave me something nice to look forward to. And we know ourselves best, what is it that we like to do. Simple pleasures to distract ourselves and at the same time, still ttcing. Again, its easier said than done but try as much not to let ttc consume us. Let ttc be just one aspect of the whole scheme of things.

About fear of the physical aspects of ivf inself, the injections, and hormone changes..If we can do it, u sure can also
The medicine will have some side effects, however, trust me that they do subside after sometime. And who knows, never try never know, maybe the next thing u worry after all the injection is not about recovering as u will grow fatter and fatter with a big babybum..
. Chleo, and if you feel that you are not ready for ivf, follow what you heart tells u k. One way to get going is to start reading up at the ivf thread and get a rough feel of what its like first. By and by u will gain the momentum. And be it good or bad, the sisters here are walking dictionaries on ivf…some on specific issues like what to eat. Liz and Lyn are gurus on royal u will have no lack of answers should you have questions…just ask and ask k..and again if u are not ready for ivf, give yourself more time, maybe you will ultimately conceive naturally, one would never know we predict, be it ivf or natural, keep your heart young and hopeful and open and come in an chat whenever you feel like it..and share whenever you free like it. And u must jiayou, to be a happy ttcing mtb k

Liz and Chleo
I was writing the above long mail yesterday and then I saw Liz’s mail and on reading it, cannot help but to keep nodding my head on what Liz feels
Agree agree, take one step at a time and hands up legs up that the big sentiment is that we don’t want any regrets and slowly find out and one will not feel so lost liao. Liz, not wanting to have regrets rather than having confidence that I would bring a baby home was what motivated me to ivf then too. And like Liz said, I still keep reminding myself to be my own best friend and also to maintain friendship outside of family as that seems to be the inevitable given the trend of globalization.

And forgive me for repeating this so many times but truly subscribe to the belief that when a door closes, a window opens. In the past years when the effort of ttc wears me out, I gained invaluable friendship from the sisters here, those I have met, liz, lyn, elle, hopewaves, noi and those I have not met, becky and other sisters whom I would love to meet one day…I am grateful for such friendship that would never be possible if the path was always smooth. Of course everyone would have wished for a smooth path but for a rough path, there is always a silver lining out there..

I can sense your strong spirit and determination too and cheers for your jiayou
And we over here will all reach the finishing line, timing is not important,how many injections is not important, what is important is to grow stronger with eveyr injection to prepare us to be good people/moms.

*clap clap*, I agree so much to what you wrote and I your courage has inspired me too. Even until today, there are still times that I acted very slowly in life due to some sort of fear, fear for the unknown, fear for changes..

Yes, take your time to settle down and to decide when to go for FET as it is a function of mental and also body condition. No worries Becky, in the story of the tortoise and hare, the tortoise has the last laugh…its not a matter of time but a matter of ending the finishing line in style
. I am sure your day will come

Those people and relatives that have judged so cruelly usually have something missing in their lifes, that is why like to pick on others life. You are our encouragement
Remember those big FSH numbers. You should write a book one day about how "important" FSH numbers are..heeheee..
Hi babyg, wow u really investment ur time writing to all of us here. Unlike me, I do log in but at times lazy to write especially with the small wordings on the iPhone. I will take sometime to read ur above messenge, hehe.
Ya u r write that I shld write something abt the fsh reading someday but not nw coz damn busy, hehe... Juz joking la, but the truth is I m glad I m an encouragement to ladies here. Those ladies who r reading this messenge, I wanna tell u ladies if I can make it with fsh of a nearly going to menopause women I sure all of u here will succeed for sure...

Hi chloe, totally understand the fear u hving nw. I had lots of fear during the difficult times of ttcing. I fear to meet up frds with kids, fear to talk abt kids stuff, fear to attend baby showers n even fear to see a pregnant women. But the biggest fear n it's this fear that convicted myself to go thru another round of ivf. This fear is the fear of leaving my hubby alone if I pass on first without a kid. I agreeded with Liz tat even wif a kid the chances is high that we will be alone tooduring our old age. But back then I felt that the least I can do for my hubby is to try my best to hv a offspring of ours, be it if they going to be filial or not. I understand tat lots of ppl feared ivf alot coz of the jabs but trust me when u r into it the fear is as not as much as u think coz we focused alot on the final outcome... My advice is go for it with no regrets!!!
I write very long whenever can squeeze time here and there. Anyhow, all of us here should just write at our own leisure and ease with no pressure k..

Yes, always remember what you said about Dr's comments on your FSH, goes to prove again how unpredictable life is, as long as we hold on to hope, anything is possible.

Do you agree that even with a baby now, life never stops to pose us with challenges and we must keep holding on to a positive attitude or we will fall off the threadmill. Jiayou to non-stopping challenges in life sister..
Good to hear from you. Take your time to prep. I took abt a year between the ivfs. Hahahah. Went for my holidays first. Think after my first ivf. I went for 4 holidays the year after. Went japan in Jan. Followed by Malaysia, hong kong and Europe in dec. Muahahahahah...

I agree. One of the best things out of this journey are the friends made. Having a kid is a lifelong journey and commitment
Babyg, yes I agreed wif u. We hv won the first battle of hving a kid but lots of challenges ahead. I always remembered someone tell me tat life is a journey, not a destination n therefore challenges never stops cming.

Liz, ya the best of this journey is the true friendship we hv gotten. Really very happy. Who knows we may even come out for tea n gossip when we r retired, hehe
Ya. We will be bitching abt our daughters in law while babyg will be telling us how great her son in law is... Muahahahahaha

Babygalore, Lynn n Liz.. *Waves*

So nice to see this thread still active. better yet, to see your posts!

i kinda scanned thru the posts n saw all the positive vibes in this thread.

to those who feels tired of the ttc journey --> dun give up! jia you!
like wat lynn said, life is a journey, not a destination. do what ur heart tells u to, and enjoy the process. dun get too stressed up too. make a decision, take 1 step at a time, and see where it takes u.

i failed 2 ivf cycles.. n gave up hope on having a bb.. went on a holiday.. came back for an op to remove a cyst n to unblock my tubes.. and guess wat.. i conceived naturally to a girl. she is now 3wks old.

i hope my experience can be a form of encouragement to some who are still in this journey. i know it can be heartbreaking n tiring in this journey, but dun neglect urself also. You'll only have 1 life, live it to the fullest. TTC is just a part of it. dun let it overwhelm u. and somehow like wat others always say.. u will get wat ur heart desires when u least expected it or when u stop trying hard for it. that's wat happened to me too!
Hi meow
Congrats!!! How's things with the new baby?

Wondering if anyone still reads this thread? Anyway came across this posting in another thread. Thot it's v meaningful

There are women that become mothers without effort, without thought, without patience or loss and though they are good mothers and loved their children, I know I will be better. 

I will be better not because of genetics or money or that I have read more books, but because I have struggled and toiled for this child. I have longed and waited. I have cried and I prayed. I have endured and planned over and over again. 

Like most things in life, the people who truly have appreciation are those who have struggled to attain their dreams. I will notice everything about my child. I will take time to watch my child sleep, explore and discover, I will marvel at this miracle everyday for the rest of my life. 

I will be happy when I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of my child, knowing that I can comfort, hold, and feed him and that I am not waking to take another tempuerature, pop another pill, take another shot, or cry tears of a broken dream. My dream will be crying for me! 

I count myself lucky in a sense; that God has given me this insight, this special vision with which I will look upon my child that my friends will not see. 

Whether I parent a child I actually give birth to or a child God leads me to, I will not be careless with my love. 

I will be a better mother for all that I have endured. I am a better wife, a better aunt, a better daughter, neighbor, a friends and a sister because I have known pain. 

And when others hurt around me I do not run from their pain in order to save myself ddiscomfort. I see it, mourn it, and join them in theirs. I listen. And even though I cannot make it better, I can make it less lonely. 

Yes, we are wonderful people…but we will be even better mothers!

Anyway, hope all the sisters here are well and living love to the fullest and your dreams are coming true!!!!
Liz, beautiful words indeed.

Hello ladies, sorry to interrupt. I have excess bottles of DHEA to let go, with lomg expiry dates. Interested, pl pm me.
Hi Liz, that was the most beautiful words I hv ever heard abt hw tough our journey to motherhood. I m near to tearing as I read. It truly expressed my feelings abt hw I felt during the though n long journey of attaining motherhood... Very well said!!
Yes Lynn! Really echoes our thoughts and feelings... That's one of the reason why I'm a sahm for the time being. Really enjoy each and every moment with my boy and watch in awe and joy at their innocence. Truly believe that this journey made me a better mother. I know all the sisters here would have rather not gone or be going thru this journey. But this is just my personal realization after I became a mum.

Sincerely hope all sisters will be basking in the joy of motherhood soon! Jia you!!!

***lots of waves*****U experience is definitely an encouragment an important reminder to everyone that if it can happen to u, it can happen to any sisters who don't give up, love themselves and those who matters. Again, all the persistent tortoises who don't give up on the race in these world will become mothers one day de

Sister, remember you told me that after your failed ivf, u went to ikea or a playground(I remembered it to be ikea but I might be wrong) and saw many kids and you felt like crying. And whenever I think of you going through that, I feel very sad inside but I am so so glad for you that its your kid(s) turn that will play at the playground
So happy for you really.

And to other ttcing sisters, you will finish the race once day with kid(s) to bring to the playground. Don't give up, must keep running.

This para u posted is sent many ripples right through my heart. It is the best article that regarding how this struggle has added value to our lives that I have come across.

I find this line especially true:
"I will be a better mother for all that I have endured. I am a better wife, a better aunt, a better daughter, neighbor, a friends and a sister because I have known pain."

And I want to add another line: I will be a better human being, judge less, listen more, understands compassion because I have known what feels like that fate has forsaken me. I have also learnt that fate cannot ulimately forsake us if we choose not to forsake ourselves.

yes, after reading Liz' para, have to turn my head away or people can see me tear..
Dear Sisters,

Here is to write to thanks everyone for still reading this thread. To thanks those who are writing..Liz and Lyn and Meow, so glad that I know u all, I am thankful I have known u all as friendship makes this journey less lonely..

And to thanks those sisters who are reading silently..may u find strength and joy everyday and that this thread will also make u less lonely..

This few weeks has been quite siong for me at work..and coming here and see updates from sisters have injected life into me
Dear sisters,

How is everyone doing?

Just want to drop a note to remind everyone to take care of yourself.

I am very guilty of slacking in exercise. Although I have been telling myself inside to exercise and exercise but its not realised. Finally, this weekend, I am going to sign up for a 6 months yoga class with my sister and that would make it a firm commitment for me.

Signing up for a class is one way to ensure the discipline.

U girls don't be like me, must exercise with discipline k.
I have been trying for a baby for 2 years plus and still no news.. Getting worried

To make things worse, one of my friends is pregnant! She said "I dun understand why people so difficult to get pregnant. I tried once and i got it.. And its a boy".

I dun blame her cos she doesn't know about my situation.. But it is really hurtful..
Hey Jj baby,

Thanks and a welcome for sharing your thoughts and feelings about this journey.

Fully understand your worrying, from what we always read about doctor’s advices, its natural to get worried after ttcing beyond a year and not yet seeing result. Nevertheless, there is still a lot that you and hb can do. You might have already being tracking your ovulation and taking body temperature. As this is the first time I am talking to you, I don’t want to assume too much and pretend that I know or impose invited suggestions on you but feel free to ask any ttcing questions you might have k…such as timing of ttcing, steps you can take to investigate the mysteries inside our bodies. I am not a dr of course but can simply share ttcing experience and which drs I have come across, good ones, bad ones..

Most importantly, I want to encourage you until the day we go through menopause, any dark horse can have a baby as we have seen so many times..who has the right to judge who finds it hard to have a baby..coming to your friend..while I agree that she is a lucky girl that gets her first born easily..and good that she gets a boy but its not international standard that people prefer boys. I for one cherish girls and nothing but girls..hehee.And she does not understand that life has many “disclaimers”. Yes, while one can get a first born easily, I have come across friends who face secondary fertility challenges. And while one never faces fertility challenges, I have come across daughters who are hurt by their own moms for passing comments like “I had you so easily, don’t understand why you cannot have your own babies easily”. No one can guarantee if the road ahead remains smooth or the road ahead for our loved ones remains smooth. Hence, never say never and never speak too soon. It's a very short-sighted remark/attitude that does not protect your friend to face disappointments in life. Hence, your friend better pray very hard that her life remains so smooth forever. I am not cursing her, I am just stating a fact of life. In fact, it is this fertility journey has that increased our level of resilience.

So Jj baby, jia you, don’t have any reservations to ask questions here whenever you wish to..and don’t bother about those naive/short-sighted wet blankets k.

Actually i dun really know what i can do.. Or should i say how to start.

I went to see gynae this year in March and she did a scan and say that "I'm healthy". Later on, she said that from my chart, i didn't seems to ovulate even when i get my period every month. So last month, i started to take pills from the 2nd to 6th of my period to make me ovulate.

Now this is the 2nd time i am taking the pills. Hopefully can have good news soon : )

Is there any other tests or method which i should also try?
Jj baby
Did the doc say what exactly is the issue? From my personal experience, my first doc didn't do a thorough investigation of our problems so we wasted quite a lot of time with him. It was only after we went to our second doc that we found out our issues and ways to improve our conditions

A few basic tests will be
1. Sperm test for your hb to see if the shape, count and mobility of his soldiers are ok
2. A hba test to check if his sperms are able tO bind with the egg prOperly
3. A hsg which a test to check if your tubes are ok. A dye will be injected into your womb and X-ray taken
4. Blood tests to check your hormone levels and egg reserve

Will rec that you go to a fertility specialist rather than a normal gynae

Some ladies will also go for Tcm and accu

And most of all. Lead a healthy lifestyle. There are also supplements such as multi. Vits, royal jelly, bee pollen which you can take. But these will depend on what your issue might be.

Hope this helps

I have yet to find out what exactly is the issue. Anyway, really thanks a lot for your advice. I will take note and check with my gynae during my next visit
Hey JJ,

Sorry for the late reply as I caught up with work.

I assume that the pills you are taking are clomid to induce ovulation? For clomid, the gynae should be monitoring your ovulation and timing ttcing period for you. One thing to take note for Clomid is that there is a maximum number of times for taking it – 6 months..of course hope you don't have to take too many times and you will dusts to you k..

Yes, Liz has listed down the basic tests to take and in addition:

Female (some test can be done at home, such as taking body temperature/check for cervical mucus but some tests only by gynae)

1. Ensure that ovulation is taking place. Ways to know if one is ovulating is to take basel body temperature and do charting.
b. Alternatively, depending on how many days your cycle is, track ovulation at gynae using virginal scan (V-scan) but that method is more expensive. Say cycle is 28 days (luteal phase will be around 14 days, luteal phase is the period between post ovulation and the next menses, when the basal temperature is elevated and remains high to incubate the fertilized egg), go for virginal scan around day 11 of cycle and see if there is a dominate follicle form in one of the ovaries. The gynae will be able to diagnose if ovulation is about to take place/if you are ovulating. If you cycle is around 35 days, do V-scan around day 16-18 of cycle.

2. Once you ensure that you are ovulating, check if see if you have enough cervical mucus to allow sperm to reach egg/survival in virginal to wait for ovulation. Close to ovulation, good cervical mucus resembles that of egg white. Stretchy, clear and more watery.

3. Next, can do a high virginal swap at the gynae (cost about SGD35-50) to check for any infection in the virginal that might be affecting the quality of mucus/ability for sperm to survive in the mucus.

4. Next thing to check is your lining. Good lining is needed for embryo to implant. A judge of your lining can be the amount of menses you get every month. If menses are scanty (thick flow last one day), it meant lining might be too thin and it could be due to hormonal insufficiency that can be corrected with TCM or supplements/healthier lifestyle. If really want to know lining thickness, go for v-scan post ovulation (once you see basal body temp increase). But expensive to see gynae so often and lining for every month differs. So a more fundamental way is to use menses amount to judge if lining is good.

5. Next thing to check is your luteal phase. A luteal phase that is long enough to ensure implantation is successful is around at least 11 to 12 days. Too short a luteal phase could be due to hormonal issues which again can be correct using supplement, TCM and overall lifestyle change. Luteal phase can be checked using basal body temperature taking.

6. If your menses are irregular, such does not come regular every month, it could be PCOS. And for that, the gynae can provide oral treatment and can be improved by changing lifestyle/supplements. If you can that, can PM Liz for help. A gynae will be able to diagnose if its PCOS.

7. There are also specific test to detect hormonal problems (hypo/hyperthyroid, excessive prolactin/ insufficient estrogen) that can affect ovulation. There are called the Day 3 and Day 21 tests. These two are blood tests and you can request for a gynae who specializes in ivf to conduct for you. If it's a hormonal problem, these two tests can help to pick up important issues which can be correct with TCM, supplements, lifestyle changes.

8. A hsg test to check if your tubes are ok as written by Liz.

9. Lifestyle changes (sufficient mild exercises, enough fruits and vege, manage stress) can all be done to improve your chances. I have written detailed suggestions in earlier posts, if you need, I can go dig up the past postings. Yes, in general, conceive gold by Blackmores, royal jelly eaten with bee pollen are very good health supplements that not only improve our overall health, but can work wonders for our reproductive system.

1. Liz has listed the two key tests for the hubbies and one additional test to request is to check for infection of the semen to ensure no infection is sabotaging the effort.

As a Couple
1. If time permits, ttcing in the morning is better than in the evening as sperms are refreshed in the morning.

Yes, there are many tests to take but don’t be overwhelmed ok, a good fertility specialist will be able to guide u along de
Jia you
one step at a time and you can bpf de
Which gynae are you seeing now?

Thanks a lot for yr detailed explanation.. It's really very informative.

I have been taking clomid for 2nd time already. Btw you mean i can only take upto 6 times? Then after that?

My gynae is Dr Esther Ng @ East Coast Clinic and next weekend is my gynae appointment : )
You are so cute! I'm like the pcos expert here? Lol. I'm pretty out of touch Liao lah.

Not rec to take more than 6 times. I took 5 times and since it didn't work. I told my next doc who gave me another type of meds to try. I don't think anyone I know have taken it before.

Usually if it still doesn't work after 6 rounds, u will move on to so-iui and finally ivf. So-iui will involve daily jabs of follicle stimulating hormone and monitoring of folicle growth, the doc will aim for 2-3 eggs and once the eggs are mature, they will "wash" your hb sperms and injEct it back. This is similar to
Ivf except ivf will mean higher dosage Of the meds and the eggs will be removed and fertilized outside and the embryos will be put back.

Btw clomid does dry up the cervical mucus so you might want to try sperm friendly lubricant such as preseed. You might want to get started on vit d for both u and hb and vit e end esativa (green oat extract) for hb.

You are welcome

Regarding clomid, like Liz said, research shows that if it does not work for an individual after 6 months on it, its better to "cut loss" and move on to another method as continuing will no longer increase the chance. Hope it works for you nevertheless..

Yes, u are crowned as the PCOS expert..heheheehe
its a fact that you can educate us more on PCOS than even my gynae who never answers my questions on PCOs as wholesome as u...
Hey sisters..

This tuesday that just passed, I finally resumed my yoga session with my yoga instructor I was following for a while previously.It felt really good and just one session shedded has to do with the deep breathing and the stretching and it really improved my mood.

Remember to add some regular exercise regime whenever you can k..

Jiayou in whatever you are pursuing and jiayou to myself for making appointment with myself to resume my love relationship with Yoga all over again
, not for ttcing or whatsoever, purely for love for myself
Hi BabyG!

Remember me? Have not posted in a while but have been reading the thread. Seems like it has been rather quiet recently.

Good to see you picking up yoga again. Jiayou!
Yes, Dana dear, of course I remember you
And thanks for reading this thread still..

U have motivated/encouraged me when I was doing job search..I remember u for ur strength and postivness in life. I also remembered u had a new job and/or new boss? Settled down liao?

In the health aspect of life, I am putting in serious effort as a personal investment after slacking for months.Thanks for Jiayouing me
made me look forward to Tuesdays more. Enjoy your weekend k
Thanks BabyG for remembering me!

I am still reading this thread of course, just that have not been posting. Still ttc-ing and hoping for success, so riding on emotional roller coaster. Pai say, not positive most of the times and try to busy myself so as not to think too much.

My new boss couldn't fit in and leaving soon. Lots of changes at work. I try to lie low

I also re-picked up yoga a few mths ago. Stopped going for abt 3 weeks due to time constraint. And am sick now. On mc today, so can post
I need to go back to yoga again too.

Enjoy your weekend too.
Big hi also to Lyn, Liz and the other sisters!

I am still trying and wanting to "graduate". Hope see the rainbow.

Was losing the focus and obsessing. Coming to this thread and reading the old posts is a good remainder that ttc is not all of our lives. Yes, life is a journey which we are all going through. Enjoy while we are at it. Have faith that there are good reasons for things happening or not happening.

Take care all.
Dearest Dana,

Hope you are feeling better from the recently illness..Tight huggzzz and honestly, with the ttcing journey, its impossible to be positive 100% of the time. Most important is to build up our resilience and after falling down, take time to cry, to grieve and think of ways to make ourselves slightly happier. In my ttcing days, be it after a loss, a failed cycle, menses reporting, I would feel very down and then I would tell myself, maybe after buying a dress, I would feel better, however, after buying that dress, I still feel very down. Then I tell myself, maybe after eating some chocolate, I would feel better, and after eating that chocolate, yes, slightly better but just slightl and still very depressed. It can be after several rounds of "pampering" and self psychoing that I finally feel better. And often, it also means to put in concrete terms the next step. For instance, when the menses reported and its a another month of ttcing effort disappeared right infront of our eyes, its time to start planning of what to do to pick ourselves up while waiting for the next month to try again. Planning of what to do could be something as simple as planning for a trip to a restaurant we have never been but always want to go. So while its impossible to completely snap out of the ttcing blues, its possible and important to take steps to lessen the pain and build the resilience. Resilience is the opposite of depression.

And from my past encounters with u, I know you have that resilience and having some down days not mean that you do not have that resilience. And you are absolutely right that they are good reasons for things happening or not happening. One thing I am sure is that souls who built that resilience with ttcing can use that strength throughout life. Strange as it might sound but its a strange gift that we are force to accept and if we can make that work for us. Its easy to be obsessed with ttcing, as I was. So personally, to counter that, I have a quotation that I pinned in my study and everytime I was obessed, I would look at it.My quotation was, "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade". I am sure you can find the quotation in your heart that works for you, Dana I am sure of that, or perhaps, you have found that quotation already

Yes, you can graduate de, and in the meantime, enjoy the scenery along the way.

So you are my fellow Yogi its a beautiful exercise, non-competitive but yet enriches the soul and body.

And lots of changes at work for me too, lying low is a good strategy
I would follow u too..

All ttcing sisters,

This is my recent quotation that I take time to reread:

No one rule in life:
You must love yourself. Unconditionally. With no exceptions.

Part of that love means honoring your mind with stillness.

Your spirit with oneness.

And your physical body with wellbeing.
Thanks, BabyG!

You have put, in words, so accurately, the emotional roller coaster. It is a continuous effort and endless cycles of highs, lows, not-so-bads. I became so sensitive that any small trivial matter can trigger a swing of emotions in the opposite direction. To be very blunt, I don't like my current self and feel that I am a negative impact on people around me, especially for my hub.

I am not sure if I am resilient. I only know that there is no other way, except to press on and hope that one day, ttc will pass and be a chapter in my life, just like studies etc.

As my treatment options are almost exhausted, I have started looking at other options to complete a family. Am considering adoption. Along the way, I realise that the knocks and failures in ttc have dented my confidence and outlook in life. I used to be rather optimistic but now am always fearful that the worst will happen.

Actually, among all the changes, I have been presented with a good opportunity at work now. I have been asked to be take up a bigger and more challenging role at the hq. While my boss and colleagues are all confident that I am the most suitable person and I can do the job, I am hesitant. I am not sure why.

I am probably a little more blue than usual as it is a Monday. You take care! You are an angel to still provide support to us even though you have moved onto parenthood. Heartfelt thanks!
Hey Dana

Honestly, although I have moved onto parenthood, I am still on life's roller coaster probably for as long as I(we) breath. There are different challenges everyday, be it family life or work life or my relationship with myself.

Nevertheless, I really felt that the ttc challenge is a lot more difficult than other challenges in life as it very often has to be suffered in silience and if we choose not to suffer in silience, we would attract unsolicited advise from the self-declared well-meaning people. Yes, one aspect of ttcing that is the hardest is that it give us a lot of self-doubt and like you said, can come to a point that it can make us dislike ourselves. I remembered there was once I realised tcm medicication did not work for me and had in fact worked against my ovulation, I cried in bed/curled up in bed at the start of the morning and felt ultra depressed. When my hb saw me like that, he said "can you brace yourself, you are stronger than this". Then I asked him to give me time to recover. And at that moment, I also hated myself, hated the circumstances, hated the fact that I hated myself. And hated being sad. At that juncture, I believe I forgot how to be happy. Yes, we can actually forget how to be happy. Then over time, I got tired of being sad, got tired of having a life focused on just ttc. Got tired of not having a life. Got tired of not having no other goals. Got tired of not smiling anymore.

Looking for happiness, remembering to be happy again needs a conscientious effort and the roller coaster never ends, there will still be bad days, crying days. However, let there be good days too k.

One thing I can say with high possibility is that women like us to find difficulties conceiving often have the gift of a good husband since my rationale is that if our husbands are bad, would not have tried so hard to conceived. Hence, I am sure your hubby is a good chap and and I a sure he would long for a date with you, like before marriage, with no baggage of any sort. Just a plain date
Dana, its perfectly normal for ttcing to affect relationship, just like when I cried and sulk for every menses that come, my hubby would tell me, he feels very "sian" too. But let there be good days too and after you walk out from this temporary gloomy period, look for happiness again k
You can de

Yes, you are resilient and the fact that you know pressing on is the way to go shows it. I share your sentiment that the knocks and failiures in ttc can somehow, psychologically, inject a kind of unknown fear in us. After my miscarriages, I would sometimes imagine that someone I love would get kidnapped for no reason. Its because, subconsciously, we had to come face to face with the fact that life can be helpless sometimes and it manifests in the unknown source of fearfulness we both experiences. When such fears knock, I would quickly replace it with good thoughts, that good things can about to happen somehow. Dana, I am sure you can retrain your optimistism and bring it back on again. Of course, its impossible to be 100% optimisitic given what we are made to go through, but at least, since your underlying an optimist, its easier to bring it back on

And personally, I am a soul for adoption. I firmly feel that its greatest kind of motherly love that human beings are capable of. Back then, I told my hubby that I am keen on adoption once I feel that I am ready and he said he is keen too with the exception of consideration that his mom might not support. Then told me what my ex-boss told me: adoption is for life while our parents will eventually pass on. Hence, the decision to adopt should lie with us and not whether our parents or anybody else would support. I still hold that view. Hence, Dana, you have my full support in how you want your life map to be, as long as, ulimately, its one that has at least 50% of smiles and laughters

And PLEASE take on that career advancement/promotion as long as it will not offset time to take care of health. Will knock your head if you reject...heeeee..It can be the big break to immediately bring that optimisitic/confident character of yours

Thanks for your faith in me sister and I have gained a lot and is still gaining a lot by coming here as I will continue to share the challenges I continue to face in life. My current job is very tough in that there are a lot of unforeseen issues I have to deal with on a daily basis and to the extent that it has adversely affected my health. I feel tired more easily due to work stress and there are more unhappy days. And I am determined to refocus and determine to remember to love myself. Lets both jiayou together k..

Dearest BabyG,

Jiayou! You have overcome and master the skills of perserverence during your ttc journey. you should be able to tackle the day-to-day challenges in life. When the going gets too tough, take a break and recall your strength during the ttc journey to remind yourself, you can do it!

I agree that life is a roller coaster. Sometimes, we get so caught up that everyday is a fire fighting exercise. Always remember the quotation in your study

Appreciate your sharing of your behaviour after tcm didn't work for you. I am more or less like this. Crying myself crazy and unable to do anything else when menses came etc. At least, now, I know I am not abnormal. I think this is probably a grieving process for me. I could be better 1 day but worse another day. Sometimes, it feels like 1 step forward and 2 steps back

I have picked up lots of hobbies to divert my attention. Eg, cooking, baking, bento making, jewellery making, book scraping etc. However, I realise the interest doesn't last long. I would be cooking and thinking, I can cook this for my kid next time and I would get depressed. Sigh......

I think for women like us, one good that come out of the difficult ttc journey is that our relationship with our husbands become stronger. My husband is a good chap but he became better now. More sensitive and understanding.

At times, we will talk about what if we had tried for a baby immediately after marrying. And we think that our marriage may be strained by the baby caring activities. My husband acknowledged that he is not the very hands-on kind and prefer to still have time to do his own things. So, if he had become a father in his younger days, he might just leave the baby duties to me. And I might be super-frustrated. We are seeing strained marriage around our friends now and some are due to differences in views in sharing of childcare & household responsibilities which is very sad.

I am now sort of at the cross roads of ttc journey. There are a few options possible :
1) continue with ivf,
2) try donor eggs in Malaysia or Thailand,
3) adoption,
4) remain childfree.

I am asking myself which direction should I go. For options 1 to 3, there is fear of failure or things going wrong. For option 4, I just can't accept it now. Hence, I am feeling lost and hopeless now.

My husband has not warmed up to the idea of adoption. He is more for remaining childfree. However, he will try to support my decision, esp for future ivfs.

For me, I thought of donor eggs as I really want my husband to have his own biological child. For myself, I don't emphasise so much on biological ties. I have seen enough family disputes to conclude that what binds a family is love, not blood.

I feel that I am now searching for peace within myself. Somehow, I have a feeling that my body (or maybe my eggs) is never going to help me fulfill my dream of a complete family. Can I live with stopping treatment now? But I still can't give up the dream of having my own baby. On the other hand, I feel exhausted by the nurmerous rounds of disappointment. In fact, fear the waves of despair after each failed cycle. I wish I have a crystal ball now

I hope your view of the new role at work can be a positive impact comes true
I have just told my boss, yes. Let's see how it goes. Don't knock my head

Your job sounds very stressful. Health is the most important. Thinking of changing job? I remember you mentioned that yours is a very specialised field. Consider switching field?

TGIF! Have a good weekend.
