Child Adoption

Ladies, was window shopping at marina. Saw some really cute bb stuff at FOX. The bb set (2 set) going at S$29. Not sure if this is a good deal or is the material good but the bb clothes are so adorable !!! Go check it out. Can wait for my shopping spree

Ladies,my husband got a call from TOUCH. Our interview will be in 2 weeks time. The interviewer will be Wei Lee (the lady who gave the disclosure talk).

I'm having mixed feelings right now. I actually had a good cry, not out of happiness but because there is this feeling of loss and sadness. Sadness, because my three pregnancies didn't have a chance to take off.

Suddenly, I'm wondering whether I'm ready for all this. It was so easy to give advice and reassure you all but now that my time has come, I'm freaking out! Now that I'm one step closer to being a parent, I feel that I will be losing my freedom. I hate myself for being so negative and selfish!

What if I don't bond with the child? I used to tell myself that I'll treat the child as if it were my own but now I'm not so sure.

I dare not share my feelings with my husband because he is overjoyed right now.I can only share my feelings here.I'm so sorry but I really hope that I have not offended anybody.Is it normal to feel like this? I just hope that all my self-doubts and negative feelings will pass and that tomorrow I will feel differently.

Its normal to get cold feet now that the idea of having a baby for real is coming true. Biological mothers who are going to give birth have the same fears and worries..wat more for adoptive mothers! I'm sure u are happy n overjoyed jus like ur hubby but also sensible enough to realize the huge responsibilities that comes with baby hence the worry. I'm sure u can share ur feelings with hubby..hugs ;)
I totally agree with die. And I am sure you can do it. It is normal to feel this way and I guess reality is sinking in. I believe all your fear will disappear when you find your little bundle of joy.

I am truly happy that you are moving to the next stage. And I can assure you that you won't regret it! I feel that everything is fated and things happen for a reason. Your fated daughter/son is waiting for you.
Hi ladies, ok, I've sorted out my feelings. I'm feeling much better now. Yesterday was a bad day for me. I actually had a panic attack and had difficulty breathing. I thought I was going to die!

I think I need to rationalise and pray to God for strength.

Die and Dream thank you so much for putting things in perspective for me. I was so afraid of being judged.

Die, I still can't share my feelings with my hubby - he's so looking forward to being a dad. I don't want to spoil it for him.But you are right - I had major cold feet yesterday!

Dream, you're right too! Reality has finally sunk in! Yesterday, I had this sense of finality - that I would never be able to give birth to children of my own. But really, I'm feeling much better!

Thank you all so much!
I went thru the same feelings as u have too. I was worried that I might not have bond or even love the child I'm going to adopt. I cried like u telling myself I will never have a child of my own. I even asked myself will my hubby love me even I can't bore him a child. It's normal to think these way. Looking at myself today, I feel very proud & happy to have my little princess with us. She bring happiness to my family.
Since u have come to this stage, just look forward. Happiness will come to u if u have faith in it.
Did u ever try giving yr son those pre ready food found in those supermarket? I tried giving my girl those food & it seems like her stomach can't take it. We tried giving rice cereal & pre mashed food by heinz all those food doesn't suit her. Now got to try home cooked food for her.
BlessBB, thanks so much! I'm so glad I'm not alone!
All along I've harboured feelings that I'm not good enough for my husband. Whenvever I'm feeling sorry for myself, I'll tell him to marry someone who will be able to give him children! Thank God, he did not follow up on my advice! Ha!Ha!

I believe too that eventually I'll come to terms with my loss and like all you ladies look forward to the future. Thanks again!
Hi Janella,
Happy to read that you are feeling better and really, please continue to come in and share your sorrows/happiness. I guess we all had our dark days and we are here to support each other.

I am really happy to hear about your hubby being so excited about being a father. It must be great to see him so cheerful and happy.

Remember a chapter is being closed but another new and brighter one is opening up. Just look at all of us!

And remember to always look at the bright things! You are indeed very lucky to have such a caring and loving hubby
Janella, it's okay. I remember feeling like you but I shared with my husband. He then told me that everything will be fine. And then when baby arrived, he got very involved in everything, from cleaning the poo to changing the diaper, to feeding medicine and milk. So, feel free to share with your hubby everything.

People always ask, 'How's the life of being a mother?' I always say 'Good Good' but deep down, I still think it's a over rated thing being a mother. Wondering if my mother friends were showing off last time. That's nothing so fantastic of being a mother except that we have the responsibility of loving and nurturing a human being who is totally dependent of us. With these overrated status, comes with the very scary responsibilities. But it's really nothing! So, Janella, don't be scare.
I also remembered telling my hubby to leave me for some other woman that can bore child for him. lucky they never follow our advice...haha...think of it....i find myself funny and stupid...

Happy to know that yr hubby is excited abt being a dad least there is someone there for u when u need him. (cleaning the poo and changing diaper..feeding during nite time) haha
What iwanititvmuch mention is very true...nothing is so fantastic being a mother except learning resposibility and Janella just things step by step...and see where God is leading u.
I am back!!! Been a busy gal for the past few days. I collected my report today, and will be applying for the dependent's pass by tomorrow.


I think it is very normal to have such fears, as we do not have nine months to prepare ourselves for this wonderful mircaclewhich is going to come into our lives. When I first started out,I had my own set of concerns,many ofthem were what you pointed out. What has delivered me so far is the strength and support ofmy family, esp Hubby, friends and this forum. There will be moments when you will feel negative, but honestly,like what die, dream, blesswbb and iwantitverymuch says, it is perfectly normal for any mother to feel whether the child is their own or adopted. We have our own unique set of concerns, but we were given this special gift/opportunity to love this Miracle, to me, I feel God has already chosen for this child parents who will be fit enough to take care of him, as his birth parents could not do it. Janella, i know that it is in you to be the best mum you can be to your child. When you hold the baby in your arms, you will forget that you would even felt this way in the first place. I totally forgot when I started taking care of my son. Just take each day as it comes, use us to voice your concerns, speak to your hubby,as ultimately, this is a joint decision,and I am sure you hubby would have had similar concerns. This would probable bring you a lot closer to each other, as you will be opening another chapter in your life. Wei Li, I hear is a really nice person. Those who have had her, have nothing bad to say about her. TOUCH understands our challenges, and they are more than willing to support us. You know, during my office and home interview, I learned so much from my assessor. Good luck for the preparation!

As ur girl is not 6 mths yet,it is best not to combine the food. Try giving her the fruit separatly, and introduce 1 type at a time, so you will know which ones she cannot tahan. Then you can try it laterwhen her digestive system develops. I did not introduce fruits till bb was 6 mths. He takes it well.The only food he had a reaction to was rusk. Haven't given him since.

How's motherhood treating you?
Hi janella, glad u are feeling better. Just know that you are not alone in this. From the moment I held my girl 3 yes ago, I don't ever feel that she's any different from if I hv delivered her. Your child will be yours as she's born in your heart.

Ladies, just wondering did anyone of you start buying baby stuff like milk bottles, mattress etc b4 your hsr is completed or before you identify your child? I remembered the last time, I only bought the cot 1 wk b4 we saw the baby. All the other stuff were boughton the day babycame.
Perhaps it's the longing, I have gone down to robinsons today cos have 20percent sale intending to get some stuff. But when I looked at them, I realized I dun hv the courage to buy in case I never get to use / things din turn out as planned. I am just thinking why normal parents have the joy of shopping for their newborn but adoptive parent like me have so much uncertainty. Do you feel the same way?
I only started giving my girl solid food this week. I did not mix the food. I introduced the rice cereal 1st and she started poos even during middle of the nite. Then i try giving her pre ready mashed pumpkin with sweet potatos...she poos more than 4 times a day. Today, i try giving her home cooked food...still monitoring and at this moment she still fine.

I only start buying after i identify my child. It very normal for u to feel like buying but then worry that baby will not be here as planned. Anyway, i will advise u not to get anything until u identify your baby.
I think there is no harm in doing just a tiny bit of shopping. During my HSR, I did buy some things to affirm, that I will get through this process and bring my child back to Singapore. It's only natural for us to desire a child. What I find hard is making a decision as to what to buy:p, because there is so much out there. I think most of the mums here start shopping after the first interview
. I think, as long as you are comfortable, go ahead. Actually, our 'pregnancy' is much shorter than actual parents, because it starts when we prepare our HSR documents, but I am sure that they have their own set of concerns.

if you have started solids this week, then it should only be one item at a time. As long as baby does not have diarrhoea, it's okie. rice cereal first, wait for her system to adjust for a week or 2 then,then introduce fruit. For the fruit, introduce the fruit, wait 4 days before introducing another type.

I think weaning is tricky as anything, as different babies react differently. Diane, dream, you probably would be best at advising us, as you have done this before right.

Any takes on introducing cooked hard-boiled egg yolks?
BlessBB, Babylove, Dream, Die, Ivantitvmuch, Dkristen, I can't thank you enough for all your reassurances and sharing your thoughts and experiences. Truly, I'm glad to be in this forum. I feel so reassured, really!

I'm now looking forward to the interview and yes, also looking forward to carrying a little miracle in my arms. I must bring lots of tissue with me to the interview as I know I will cry bucketsfull of tears!! I heard that the interviews can be very grueling and emotional.

I did tell my husband to lets starts looking for baby stuff but he is not keen on doing it now. I think we were reminded about what happened at my first pregnancy when we actually started looking at cots and other stuff and then promptly lost the baby.

So being quite superstitious now, I think we will wait till we know for sure that the baby is going to be ours and then only will we go on a wild shopping spree.Can't wait though!Ha!Ha!

It's really up to the individual as to when to buy baby stuff! I also see Babyloves point of view as rational. Buying stuff for the baby earlier is an affirmation and if you are comfortable, go ahead!
I think most of us went thru the same dilemna than you. What most of us have done is identify the big items we would like to buy and then buy them once things are more settled. Otherwise, it may be very stressful for you to have big items lying around the house and it will definitely add you more stress! but for small things like bb bottle, clothes and bedsheet, I think it may be good to buy them early as you can wash them and prepare the place for bb. I also did a lot of spring cleaning. I guess you may still have lots of clothes, toys from your elder girl so just start washing and cleaning them and sorting them.

For eggs, I remember that you can not give eggs until baby is one year old. So, I think it is better to wait.

Otherwise, as my daughter is already 8 years old, I have forgotten lots of things! but I remember that I used to give her all the prepared food as I felt it would be more balanced and did not have much time.

A big hug to you! Btw, there is a box of tissues available in the interview room. And it is true, it's up to the individual

I checked the lists of food provided by my PD. Eggs and yoghurt can only be given to infants from 9-12mths.
By the way, my girl loves the home cooked food and i don see her poos so often than she takes milk (3 times a day). And she looks much happier and her doesn't has much colic now.

Have u started mixing 0-6mths formula milk with 6-12mths formula? I was told by my friend that before baby turn 6mths i need to mix both formula graduately. If not baby wlll reject the milk when they taste it differently.
Great to read that my memory is not failing me! So, babylove, better wait for another 6 months to be on the safe side.

It is great that you give home cooked food to your girl. Would most likely do that with my boy since I have help at home.

Otherwise, quite worried today as my boy just had his pneumoccal and rotavirus vaccination last night and his fever came up this morning (38C). What is strange is that it is taking a really long time for his fever to come down after paracetamol. It took almost 4 hours for fever to come down to 37.5, Do you remember whether your bbs have this pb? how long would the fever last? Usually, his fever will come down within an hour after paracetamol.

Just enjoy doing window shopping now and once bb is here, just rush to buy all the items. Glad that you are looking forward to your next step and I believe life is made of challenges for us to appreciate what we have.

Finally a week end in Singapore! Must feel awkward for you not to rush to Malaysia!
Actually I bought the baby cot after I got the HSR Report cos think baby will be here anytime... haha... And I started buying bits by bits...

Hugs! Initially I also felt the same way as you. Like what the babylove mentioned, when u see the baby in your arms, the joy and it's miracle!

Hi Ladies,
My baby girl has passed all the medical test but she's not nutritious as mentioned by PD. We'll be bringing her back this Sunday! I'm so excited.
CONGRATS! Really happy for you! Another 2 more days and bb will be home with you. Otherwise, what does PD mean by not nutritious? meaning she was lacking some nutritions? What did PD prescribe?
Sweetclo - congratulations! So happy for you. Sleep well tonight and tomorrow - heh heh.

Janella - I'm so glad to read you are better now. My story is slightly different. I was really gung-ho and really excited while waiting for a baby. So I didn't have any worries except whether I can bond with baby BUT my gung-ho-ness was quickly deflated after 3 days with baby cos I wasn't prepared for how tiring it was to take care of a newborn baby. I was too idealistic, too consumed by the happiness/excitement and didnt prepare for the reality! haha. So I think I actually experienced post-adoption blues about 3 days after baby came to me. I asked my husband if we had done the right thing. I missed my freedom. I felt really tied down. I felt like it was just feed the baby, burp the baby, change the baby, rock the baby.....then the whole cycle repeated itself. I am so glad my mum noticed that I wasn't handling it well and offered to help with the nites so that I could get some rest. After the first week with baby and with more sleep, I was more rational and started to enjoy baby. I'm not proud that I had those negative thots towards baby. I was ashamed, guilty and surprised that I felt that way. Nobody knew except my husband lah. I was told by different people it'll get more fun when baby can interact, that time will pass very fast etc but I cldnt believe it at that time cos everyday was the same routine and everyday seemed to pass sooooo slowly BUT now that my dd is 5mths old today, I can look back and say, yah hor, time did pass very quickly and yes, I'm enjoying her a lot more now and she is lots of fun

So, I think it's good that you are feeling the way you feel now cos I went in without thinking so deeply and then got overwhelmed.

Blesswbb, no leh, I haven't started her on anything!!! no solids, no change in formula. I intend to start mixing the formula when she's 5.5mths. We intend to start her on her first taste of solids (rice cereal) on 11 Jan - her 6th mth and our wedding anniversary!

Today's her 5th mth and also the day we received her BC!! Woohoo! I'm now officially, legally a mommy! I think I almost teared when I saw our names on the BC with dd's new given name

Next step: we applied for citizenship today. Now gotta wait til it's approved then apply for passport.

Hello to all the other ladies - I got no time to write now cos gotta go back to work but will come back and post again soon!
Thanks for sharing your experience. I am sure it can benefit future mummies. I think all of us experience different things but at the end of the day, we will enjoy our little bundle of joy. I think the difficulty for us to truly enjoy motherhood is due to all stress related to the adoption paperworks and the short adoption leave we can enjoy. Although I managed to get one month adoption leave, I really truly believe that this is not enough and it is really very unfair that we have to go back to work when bb is just 1 month old. At that time, I was really stressed and exhausted (as my bb used to wake up every 1.5-2 hours). I still can't understand why adoptive parents do not enjoy the same benefits than other parents and I really felt angry towards my company/society for being treated unfairly or even felt discriminated in a way. Now that my boy is 3 months old, it is better as I get more sleep and I guess because I am on leave!

So, that's my story!

Yuli, Congrats for being officially a mother!
Yuli, I'm so happy for you! I also almost teared when I saw that you almost teared. So happy for you. The process is faster than other countries but to us, it's sooooo long!

Sweetclo5, congrats that baby passed the medical tests! Enjoy motherhood.

babylove, so happy no need to go back Johor eh?? hee hee.

This morning, I went to pick up some breast milk. A friend has a friend who has too much milk that she's throwing away. So, she hooked me up and I've got 20 packets of breast milk. I'm so happy!
iwantitvmuch, wah, so good of your friend's friend. That's fantastic. I wish there was a breast milk bank in Singapore (like in the UK) so that we can also give our babies the best milk!

Actually I just learnt from Alice that one of her clients is and has been breastfeeding her adoptive son for the last 7-8 mths now! Alice didn't have much details except that the adoptive mum went to KKH to get some hormone tablets to induce lactation.

I had read that it's definitely possible for adoptive mums to breastfeed, it's just that there is 'preparation' involved eg: stimulating of the milk ducts, pumping etc.

If we adopt another child, I would almost definitely want to explore going to KKH for lactation help.

Yah, babylove, first full weekend in Singapore in a long time, hor?

Sweetclo - one more day to mommydom!

Diane - I only window shopped for stuff after the interview. I only bought stuff after we met our dd for the first time.

Janella - you mentioned last time that you didn't mind pre-loved baby clothes - are you still keen? If you are, I have a few pieces waiting for your bb
But all in pink! If you don't need them, no problem, just lemme know!
dear ladies,

i rem someone mention abt some adoption books, may i know the title and author of the books so tat i can go and look for the books...?? thanks a lot!
breast feeding very 'kang Core'(difficult). I know that induce lactation is possible. Maybe can google and find out more.

when my friend gave me some pre-loved clothes, they were abit old and colours were a bit off. So, i was wondering why my best friend gave me such old clothes.
Then, after changing the baby so many times, I find myself loving the pre-loved clothes!! THey are soft, easily to stretch and makes it easier to wear! They are better than those I bought from M0ther Car3 !! Babies feel so soft and so comfortable.
Janella, if you can, get those from Yuli!
Congrats!! So happy you legally her mummy now. It will be my turn soon. Received letter from the lawyer that our final hearing is on the 18 Dec...cant wait my girl to be legally ours.
Since your girl got not problem with milk...then u should stick to milk and solid in the later stage. But as mixing of milk u should start now so that by her 6mths u be able to switch it with no problem.

dream, girl loves home cooked porridge. Now she even drink her milk without any problem. I'm so happy. It looks like she has lactose intolerance. But no choice still have to stick to giving her milk.

So happy for u...tmr can bring bb back home. Don worry abt not enough nutrient. Once she's in your arm u can start feeding her with best milk in town... hehe

i agree with you...breastfeeding is so difficult. Those of my friends who breastfeed looks very tired. And bb tend to be always hungry.
Hi Ladies,

Today is our 2nd wedding anniversary. It was nice being able to wake up and plan how we can spend the day, rather than rushing to jb. I am starting to experiment with other foods for my bb. I made up some chicken porridge today, and gave to bb. Think he enjoyed it. It's quite an adventure

Routine wise, I am still establishing the feeding times, as it is tricky giving him 3 servs of solids mixed with his formula feeds. Would appreciate if anyone has any ideas. I did read up, but none of the reading materials state any fixed schedule.

Today my bb did poop 3x, but it wasn't the usual mushy paste, in fact it was more a solid paste. When this happened, I was wondering if this was what you meant by when wrote about ur lil girl pooping 3 times. I think as long as the stools are solid, it's fine. I think it could be a result of the digestive system adjusting to the solids.

You have the most considerate and selfless friend. I wished I knew earlier that it was possible to breastfeed, as then I would have taken the steops. Like Yuli, I will definitely breastfeed or pump for my second one, if possible.

I appreciate your honesty regarding your experiences when bb came. I am so excited to read that you are planning ur lil girl's transition to solids
. Sounds a little like me, when i was planning my boy's transition. It will be fun, seeing their expressions as they try differentfood.

Tomorrow, I will be visiting te baby hyperstore to get a pram & high-chair for bb.
Janella, I am glad you are feeling better and moving forward together with your hubby.
Not to worry, Wei Lei is really nice and sensitive to our feelings. She was our interviewer too.
She shares her story to us and inspire us.
Oh, iwantitvmuch is correct abt pre-loved bb clothes. I also hear that from some friends that they are soft and comfortable for the bb.
Tat's why I too am trying to get from some friends if they have.
Plus, I recall my mum also mentioned it is good for the bb well-being.
So if you are comfortable, get from Yuli.

Sweetcl, bb coming hm today ? How's everything ?

Congrats Yuli !!! This is a major milestone. So happy for you.
It must be incredible feeling to see you and hubby names with bb on the BC bind together!

Blesswbb, 18th dec is next Fri !!! you will be next with the BC!

Babylove, happy 2nd wedding anniversary together with ur bb

iwantitvmuch, you have a good friend to give you the breast milk. Will google to know about induce lactation.

Spoke to Alice yesterday and she said we have to wait as she still have 2 more cases (bb girls) to go.

Reading everyone stories give me a reality check.
I am not sure how I will feel when the baby comes but I pray I will bond with bb and able to cope.
For now, I wait. Dream, you pick the right word, it is an eternity...
Happy wedding anniversary!! It's great to celebrate in a different way when bb is here.
As for my baby poos 3x is when she has her milk. But after taking solid food she poos once or twice a day. In fact i can see her gaining some weight. And yes..her stools are more solid.
Did u try adding carrots or some spinach into the porridge? Is better not give yr son the chicken yet as he's still too young.
As for schedule, I gave my girl porridge in the afternoon around 12pm and 7pm. She will ask for milk at 4pm, 12am, 5am and 10am.

Regarding soy milk, i bgt once when she was 2mths old. My PD advised me not to give her if her lactose intolerance is not that serious. It is also advisable to let her stomach get use to lactose. So end up i have to throw away the whole can.

Maybe yr fated baby is still not here yet. Wait patiently ok...your baby will soon in your arms.
Yuli, Elle, SweetCL, thanks so much for your reassurances.

Yuli, thank you for being so frank! And congratulations! I feel so inspired already!And thank you for offering me baby clothes. I really don't mind but I'm not sure whether we are going to adopt a baby boy or girl and moreover, I'm quite superstitious about getting baby stuff right now! I don't know how long the process will take but if you can't wait maybe someone else here might be keen! Thanks once again for your generosity!

Elle, I know the wait can be agonizing but your bundle of joy will be in your arms soon!

Ivantitvmuch, how lucky you are to have such a thoughtful and generous friend!

Babylove, belated Happy anniversary! I hope you enjoyed your shopping!
Hi Everyone,
Hope u had a wonderful weekend. I did

Yes, I have started adding bits of veggies into his porridge. So far, he seems to be coping. I just only added a bit of chicken mince to flavour the porridge. I cooked it really well, and blended it. He enjoys the flavour, so far no probs. He only has it once a day.

Working mummies,
Just wondering if you have any tips on how you planned your baby schedule so that your carers can follow. Right now what I am struggling with is getting them to establish a routine with bb. Would appreciate some adv. thanks.
Hi Ladies,
Baby home yesterday, quite tiring... cos during the day she don't really wants to sleep. She got rashes on her buttock & "mei Mei", so poor thing...
we changed to diapers but when wet, she keep crying, no choice, need to change back to pampers then she able to sleep... Phew! Hard time... I salute to all the mummies here...

Babylove, Happy Anniversary!!
Hi ladies,
If her rashes still haven't recover, I need to bring her go see doctor.... and noticed that she sometimes breath not that smooth...any solution?

When we bring her go PD, normally did you tell PD that your bb being adopted?
You brought to the nearest baby clinic? or normal PD Doctor will do?
rashes on buttock is due to diaper rash...u don need to bring her to PD. Did u use the diaper rash cream? Alice should have provided you with 1 before you bring bb home. Apply it generously for a few days after every diaper change it will improve by the 3rd day. Also try washing that area more often.
I did mention it to the PD that my girl is adopted. Initially was the nearest baby clinic but after a few time i find that the PD Alice intro during bb checkup is better. So we stick to him instead.
janella, no prob. If itz a girl then lemme noe.

Ellebaby, if u planning on a girl n don't mind some of my dd's clothes, pls also lemme noe. I hv enuf for both of u ;)

Sweetclo,my dd also had diaper rash when she first came home. Alice gave some Desitin diaper cream n that cleared the rash after a while. Juz apply diligently.

My bb also had the same prob but it was only at his bum, we made sure that we washed the area, change pampas and apply drapolene every 3 hrs

but since ur bb has got rashes on her private area, i can imagine that it would burn. Maybe for now, might be better to use nappy, that way, you can just wash and wear. This way you can also air the area. I think pampas might aggravate the rash. Also don't use the wipes on her. Use water to wash area.

Hope that nasty rash clears up. Otherwise, keep cuddling her. Breathing wise, I think it's normal for nb to breathe that way. But if you are concerned, better see PD.

Congrats once again!
Thanks Ladies!!

I got agitated with one of my friend. I've told her about my adoption, she keeps on giving me negative things cos she don't want to conceive and don't like kids. She don't understand what I've gone through... Sigh! I just ignore her, hope that I won't encounter a few more of these...
tried to post last night but message did not go thru!

Congrats to your little bundle of joy! Start of parenthood comes with lots of worries about kid's well being. I think your first few nights would be sleepless nights if she makes lots of noise at night. I hope you are not working and try to sleep when she sleeps.

About bb rashes, sorry can't help much but try to air as much as possible. I usually put potato starch as it is very absorbent. Powder may not be good for bb lungs. About breathing, my boy had quite a lot of phlegm/breathing difficulty. We brought him to pd and finally he had allergy. So it is better to see specialist as it can be many things.

About your friend comment, I guess just ignore her. Some people can be very tactless or too self centered. Most important is that adoption is right for you and your hubby. Don't be affected and just enjoy the first few days of motherhood.

happy belated 2nd anniversary. I guess you had a memorable one.

About bb poo, mine only poos once a day!

Yesterday night my boy also started to reject meal! Woke up so many times at night to feed him as he was crying but just refused to take his milk. Now I can understand your heartache. Really feel worried that he does not have enough milk.

last week, he made lots of progress. Started to flip and grasp things and push his bottles with his hand! So now can't put him on the side to sleep although his head is so flat
just getting him to do more tummy time. Exciting to see his progress. I guess 3-4 mths is the time when they become more active.
Hi Ladies,
Have been very tired today as i have been out the whole day again
Just managed to put my girl to sleep.

How is your little one? Is her rashes better now? It will be a tiring week for you as take care of baby is new to you ya.....but try to be patience ok

how is your boy? Does he still reject his milk? Hope he will not be like my girl. If he does you will want him to grow faster so that u can feed him solid food. Just imagine i have been stressed with her food for the last 4mths.

I have decided to let her try swimming this weekend if the weather permit. Really excited abt it....if she's fine with this weekend swimming i will consider buying the neck float. Oh ya...i'm still waiting for you to send me those link to purchase babies products.
Hi Blesswbaby,

baby rashes still have not recover and her body there's also rashes, yest we brought her go see Dr and dr said it's normal. Gave us cream to apply... Hope she'll recover soon.

Still manageable but abit tired cos I still need to go back to work. Yest middle of nite, found some ants at her mattress there... ah yoi, we have to clean the area, changed the bedsheet, search where ants came from... today i'm like zoombie...
what cream did dr prescribe? Was it heat rash on her body? Hope that will do the trick.

Ants are really very smart. I guess they must have smelt the milk. Sometimes I also found them in the milk container. Have to throw milk as well! Such a waste! Are you planning to take any adoption leave or your own leave? It is really tiring to take care of bb when she is so young. How often does she wake up?

also went out yesterday to do some Xmas shopping but only with my elder girl. You are really very independent! About swimming, where do you plan to bring her? I saw those shops with big baby bath tub (plaza Singapore). Have you tried those? Yesterday night, my boy appetite was back but then I am exhausted as he is back to his 3-hr gap. Not really sure how long this will last. His feeds are so unpredictable. When I think he will drink more and increase the amount, he will drink less! So, decided to stick to 3 ounces for the time being.

Babylove and yuli,
how are you?

Getting ready for the interview?
Yesterday i was not girl is so active in the car that she drop backwards and hit her head on the car handle. I feel very bad as i was not concentrating on her. Lucky she didnt cry much just nagging and scolding me for being careless.

I can understand how u feel when his appetite comes u just feel like giving him more. There was once my girl actually drank 10oz within 2hrs which is a shock to us. Then came the worries as it never happen to her. But too bad it only lasted a day and was back to herself again the next day.
I will be bring her to the swimming pool just downstair. If u have the time can bring your daughter to my place for a swim since we stay so near.

ya is very normal for bb at her age to have lots of rashes. If you can remember my girl face was full of rashes at your girl age. Those are heat rash...if u don mind giving her water to drink pls do it will help.
That was scary. Don't feel bad. Most important is that she is ok now.

Thanks for invite. No swimming pool at my place
My girl loves water but don't know how to swim yet. Haven't managed to get her to learn how to swim. She does not want to join group as she said she is too shy to make new friends. Can't imagine that she is already so self conscious.

Don't know why my boy still have rashes. May be our place is too hot! Today his rashes are better since weather is not too hot. Wondering what could do the trick.

My 2 rascals are sleeping now! the house seems suddenly so quiet.

I try getting the physiogel I recommended to u from the pharmacy & realized that u might have got the wrong one. Cos I search thru most of the pharmacy they r selling the normal cream. Wherelse the one I'm looking for is not selling in those pharmacy but can be found in those hospital pharmacy. Think will try going down to NUH next week to get it. Wonder u still interested to get 1 if I do pass by next week?
