Child Adoption

U r welcome vickysmommy
Indeed an article like this help things fall into perspective.

BTW here is another set of links for Daddies and Mummies who may find it helpful
Your Toddler Sleep Secrets Guide :
5 Ways to Help Your Child Sleep Through the Night :
Free Napping Guide

I have been following this site "" for a while mainly due to myself being a Work from Home Mum and also have to be taking care of her night feeds. It is also impt for me my girl get enough sleep as this is important for her growth both physically and mentally I think. Similary I need to ensure my sleep pattern are also being manged to ensure myself getting enough sleep and energy to take care of her
Above are the links to some of the free guides it provide.

As the name stated it is a guide thus if you want to apply any method it proposed please exercise with flexibility as every child is unique

Happy Reading
hey there, we're helping our little girl age 3+ to look for a friend, someone in similar situation, so they can eventually relate to each other as they grow up together, etc. (so they don't feel that they're alone).

Of course, my spouse and i are also keen to get to know more couples, surely we can all share and help each other along the way. We wanted to attend feiyue social meetings last many times but due to its early schedule, was unable to go.

Pls email us direct if keen to hang out someday, for the sake of our kids, haha!
Hello everyone, I'm new here and have just adopted a 6 month old baby girl for about one month. She is very sweet and seems to have adjusted well. However I notice that she tends to avoid eye contact when I'm carrying her. She's ok with eye contact if she's lying down. Have any of you adopted a similarly aged baby or experienced something similar? Am rather worried about it. Thanks in advance!
Dear All,
I am new here..I need your help & advises about adoption.
I & hubby decided to adopt a baby girl after 6 years ttc and twice failure in ivf.
Can anyone share how is the steps in adoption procedure? And how much?
Thank you so much in advance! God bless u
Hi SunshineDay (sunshineday08),

my girl is only 14mths+ and i have been looking around for a playmate for her too as she likes to play with other children. May I know where do u stay and r u a sahm?

Hi Pinkbottle (pinkbottle) ,

u may want to google on the net about the situation or bring ur baby to polyclinic to check with dr, if it is of serious condition, they may refer u to kkh for thorough checkup.

Hi Rita Lee (rlee),

If u r planning to adopt a foreign baby (which is faster), u will hv to complete home study report. U may download the forms from feiyue or touch community, after which u may start looking for an adoption agency to source a baby for u. From there, the agency will guide u thru wat to do next.
Hi Nicole,
Thanks for your reply . How about to adopt local baby? Where should go for register ? I couldnt find any link under mycs. Thanks
Hi Rita, we can understand how you guys feel cos we've been through that... It's great you guys want to adopt finally. Our only regret is that we didn't adopt much much earlier. To all out there, if after trying for 5 yrs, no harm just go ahead with adoption, cos you can still try for your own biological child even after you adopt one. In fact it'll take away the 'stress' and focus of trying for a baby when you already have one (adopted), haha, and who knows no stress will lead to possible pregnancy! Ha!

It's true that it takes a longer time to look for a local baby, so I agree with nicole, just go ahead and do home study report and adopt foreign baby.

Hi Nicole, we live in NE area of S'pore. What abt you?
Hi Rita Lee (rlee),

For local babies, like what SunshineDay says will take longer cos it's not easy to find. I waited 5 years b4 the agent called me with the news of my baby gal for adoption. She is born locally.

Unless u r prepared to wait for abt another 5 years otherwise, a foreign baby will be much faster.

For local babies, I source for an adoption agency and they will keep us informed once the is any news.

Hi SunshineDay (sunshineday08),

We live in the east side.
New insight, we recently mentioned to our 3 yo girl that she's from another person's tummy a couple of times, and one morning after we brought up the tummy birth thing, she suddenly exclaimed: I got 2 mommy? But we didn't quite answer and then went on to talk abt something.... We didn't answer much cos we feel that kids at this age can expose just abt. anything, eg. we recently bought a new house and told her abt it and to our surprise, she actually went to tell her child care teacher and classmates...

As much as we would like to use the word 'adoption', we felt that she's at this age where she'll probably use it anyhow and mention to anyone, so in a way we just want to protect her feelings (afraid some older naughty kids at the centre may tease her, etc). We thought we'll use the word 'adoption' when she's 4-5 yo where she's more mature and able to talk sense and communicate and understand better and able to comprehend what's 'privacy', etc. Yes we definitely have no problem revealing the truth to her but as for now, we'll just use tummy fr another lady...
Hi all, I'm new here and it's gratifying to see all the discussions and experiences.

A bit of background. I'm a single woman exploring adoption, planning for the future. I've always wanted kids but fate has it that I'm single. I've always wanted kids, even in my early 20s (I'm reaching 30) and believe it's time to start the process.

It seems like most of the people here are couples - is there anyone who is single and looking to adopt or has already done so? I've made some queries and although the law says its doable it does seem like the odds are stacked against me. I'm dreading the HSR to be honest.

A bit of background. I have lived and worked in HK for the last 6 years and plan to be here for a year more. After that my plan is to come home.

I'm doing it mostly because I feel that should I adopt, especially as a single, I will need support from family and friends. Life and work are great here in HK, but not really a city to raise children.

Enough with the rambling
Pam, it's a bit tricky to adopt as a single cos surely your family and friends may not be as supportive... but I must commend you for your great loving heart to wanna adopt...

In fact there are a lot of couples out there who're in a very good position to adopt but yet still refuse to... Adopting our little girl is one of the best thing that has ever happened in our lives, hope more couples can do so, it can simply change a child's fate and destiny just by our only act of love through adoption....

You're a courages woman!
Pam - You are still so young! I do not think it's time you press the panic button yet. There is still possibility that you will meet your Mr Right, get married and have your own children. Unless you are saying you are totally infertile, then perhaps it makes sense for you to adopt. But it will still be an uphill task for you and the child especially single parenting. My concern here is really about the fate of your adopted child. Your future do posses uncertainties which might risk the welfare of the child. Do consider it carefully no matter how much you desire to be a mother. Nevertheless, I applaud you for the courage and love.
Thanks for the replies, great to hear from the both of you.

I'm quite lucky that I have very supportive family (especially my parents) and friends. Maybe it stems from our own personal experience. My family has always been pro-adoption, therefore I've got more than 10 cousins in my extended family that don't share my blood. That has never mattered for us and some of us are very close. More recently one of my younger uncles adopted a baby boy from the Philippines (now a cute 2 year old).

And I think they do see that I want to love and care for a child and provide a good home. My personality and outlook in life stems from my relationship with my parents, who are two of the most loving people I've ever met (to us and to each other).

I understand how tricky it is and am under no illusions that it'll be all dandy. Today my best friend and hubby came to visit and brought my God daughter along. And I saw how difficult it is to take care of a one-year old - even when its the two of them taking turns to feed and change. I stood on the side not sure of exactly what to do (while they worked like clockwork). But having said that, I'm sure I can learn how to do it, given a bit of guidance and help. (hopefully that's not misplaced optimism).

I'm definitely not ruling out the possibility of getting married and having kids but it hasn't seemed to work out so far. I do have another year (or maybe a bit more) to see if something does happen. But if it doesn't, so be it.

But I think at the end of the day, I am clear in my priorities. If I do adopt as a single and someone comes along, my child's welfare trumps everything. It can only be that way.

That's really why I'm hoping to see if there are any other singles looking to adopt, so I can get some advice. But looking from here it doesn't seem to be that way...
Dear Layla,
It is best if you contact a lawyer who will be able to advise you on documents required to obtain the Singapore court order. You may want to read the past thread as some lawyer contacts were given. I also recall reading an article on Vietnamese adoption in earlier thread.
For those of you who haven't made your disclosure plans, pls consider this other workshop:


Are you wondering about ...  The need to tell your child about his/her adoption story?  When to start telling your child that he/she is adopted?  How to talk with your child about adoption?  How to help your child cope with his/her feelings of loss or insecurity?
Come hear the sharing by an adult adoptee and the experiences of other adoptive parents.

Date: 21 July 2011, Thurs
Time: 730 pm - 930 pm
Venue: Blk 162 Bt Merah Central, Level 4, room 5
Cost: per couple S$60, per pax S$40

Call 63179988 to register or email [email protected]

Hey! For those of you considering adoption, there's a workshop TOMORROW! I don't know if all seats are taken but you can give them a ring:

Are you considering adopting a child?  Is adoption for you?  How do you get prepared and started?
Come, join our talk and gain some insights on
 Understanding what adoption entails  Examining your readiness to adopt  Understanding the whats and hows of adoption  Getting prepared and started for adoption

Feedback from the participants at previous workshops:
“The workshop was extremely useful – educational and informative” “Excellent speaker, very passionate and knowledgeable”
“Great work, comprehensive and great way to start the process from”

To register, please send cheque made payable to TOUCH Family Services Limited and mail to: TOUCH Adoption Services,
Block 162, Bukit Merah Central, #05-3545, S150162.
(Please indicate your full name, workshop date & contact number/email address at the back of the cheque.)
Email: [email protected], Website:

Date: 14 July 2011 (Thursday) Time: 7pm – 9pm Venue: Blk 162, Bukit Merah Central, 5th Floor, Conference Room Fee: $40/person or $60/couple (Inclusive of 7% GST) Registration deadline: 6 July 2011*

* Please note that once the class is full, registration will close and cheques received after registration closure will not be accepted.
Sensitive Questions, Honest Answers
A Forum & Workshop for Adoptive Parents

• Are you worried about what your child will ask when he/she gets older and understands more about adoption?
• Do you feel uncertain when your child is seeking more answers than you can give? Hear from a panel of adoptive parents as they share their experience
on ongoing disclosure.
Share your thoughts and insights on handling unexpected questions from children.
Turn their ‘heart-tugging’ questions into special moments of affirmation for your child!

Registration Closing Date: 18 August 2011
To register, please send cheque made payable to TOUCH Family Services Limited and mail to: TOUCH Adoption Services, Blk 162 Bt Merah Central, #05-3545, S(150162)

(Please indicate your full name, workshop date, contact number and email address at the back of the cheque.)
Thanks Andrea for the info, this workshop is probably what we need cos our girl is 3+ now...

JKS and Layla, sorry no answer for you, but great job for planning to do adoption! Welcome to parenthood soon!
Here's another by Fei Yue, the MCYS accredited agency:

Disclosing Adoption to Your Child

Not sure when – or how to bring up the topic of adoption?
This talk is for all adoptive parents.

~ Our Speaker : Jeanette Quek ~

Jeanette is a Senior Social Worker and has more than eight years of counsellilng experience with children, youths, couples and families. She has also conducted various workshops, group work and programmes for children and families. Being an accredited Home Study Assessor, she is also actively working with adoptive families.You will gain knowledge about parenting at different stages of a child’s development and how to communicate openly and honestly with your child. As an adopted child herself, she will also be sharing her own experience.

You will learn about:
• The disclosure impact on your family’s adjustment
• Professional view and rationale of early disclosure
• Learn a framework of how to disclose progressively to suit the different cognitive level of your child from childhood to adolescence
• Aware of the tools you can tap on to start your disclosing
• Hear from an adoptive parent her real life experience on early disclosure

Date: 25 August 2011, Thursday
Time: 7.30pm to 9.00pm
Medium: English
Location: Fei Yue Neighbourhood Link
Blk 183 #01-101
Bukit Batok West Ave 8
Singapore 650183

Fee: $40 per individual, $60 per couple

Cheque payable to the following address:

"Fei Yue Community Services"
Blk 185 Bukit Batok West Ave 6
#01-187 Singapore 650185
Attn: Ms Teo Yu Xian

Email to [email protected] , indicating your full name, NRIC no. and contact no. for registration.

Quick! Seats are limited and confirmed only upon receipt of payment.
Layla, perhaps you might want to approach Touch Adoption Services. If they can't process it for you, they will refer you to the right parties.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen. This is a really good forum and I see that many have you have several questions and certain answers provided may take you for a circle ride . I am an expert in baby adoption , I am not selling or buying anything here, just sincerely extending my help to the ones who needs me the most. I will be able to guide you along , no charges are involved. Just ask me your questions and I will guide you swiftly. Bye bye , god bless all the divine babies .
Hi All!
Been reading up the archives, thank you everyone for all the valuable info provided! Hubby and I are currently waiting for our little precious, the waiting period is really tough (that explains why i am up at this hour). So far no news from the agent. Anyone here waiting as well?
Andrea Yee : thank you for the warm welcome

SunshineDay : I am an adoption Expert as I have adopted 3 Children in the past 10 years. so I know in and out of adoption. Maybe I should Start an Adoption Consultancy. Thanks for the Bright Idea , Sunshine.

Derrol : Dear Derrol , There may be issues if your agent is not updating you as yet. The waiting time is usually one to two days time. unless the baby is not born yet. you may want to get more information from your current agent.

you do not have to be exclusive to one agent , the best is to call several agencies and get into their waiting list. this will help you to move on faster. Singapore is Safe so don worry, you will have good service.
Hey bond, thanks for offering help here, ha!

Derrol, welcome to parenthood soon! I understand how you feel, anxious right, it's normal lah, haha! Anyway it's gonna be such an amazing experience!!!
Hi ladies

its been a loong time, since I spoke to u all

Life is great..esp after my lil dude's arrival

MCYS has informed us about their home visit. Any adv on what to do & what not to? what would the officer normally expect from us? will their be any need for us to go thro' the HSR doc again???Will the officer interview us based on it?

thanks for the help...
Mrs ha

Don't worry it's jus a final routine check n Mcys is jus doing it's job they will jus ask the same old q again (roll eyes) congrats ! Aft that u can apply for bc citizenship bb bonus 
Hi Sunshineday! Yeah indeed we are anxious but at the same time nervous!

To all the experience/'senior' mummies: Did you get a nanny/babysitter when baby first arrived? We are first time parents with no experience or parents/in laws to help, so wondering what kind of help we should engage. Any suggestions anyone?
Hey derrol, tried to send you a private msg (pm) but your a/c not receiving it. We've a listings of items that one needs to get for a new born, etc. and can email you if you want?

You may pm me once you've set up your mail system here.

Good luck! The baby is coming soon! Ha!
mrs ha, mcys probably just wants to see how baby is doing and have a chat with you and ur hubby .. pretty straightforward at this stage. many questions pretty similar to the hsr phase.

derrol, i suggest to get the basic and essential stuff first (eg. diapers, baby bathtub etc) and build on from there. no need to buy everything at one go. for my wife and myself, in terms of infant care, we read up (books, web) and asked our friends and relatives for tips. the agency we worked with also provided us with a lot of help and guided us in the first few weeks when we had our little one. don't be too worried cos you'd be surprised how quickly you and your hubby will pick up the necessary parenting and infant care skills with enough info and some hands-on. I'm sure you guys will do great
as for whether to get a babysitter or nanny, it really is personal preference and comfort level. i also recall that some parents had mentioned before that they attended infant care classes to prepare for the arrival of their little ones .. you can consider such classes too .. prob kk or tmc should have them
@die, @invictus
thanks for the adv

We are also 1st time parents & we dint have anyone to help us in the first few weeks, when my lil dude came home...
I agree with invictus, reg the infant care class( aka antenatal classes). I attended at Mt.Alvernia Hospital. They were so kind enough to charge me only for 1 class (paid arnd $40+ only 1 session) that is relevant to us(as adoptive parents). I even enquired with tmc (quote given was around $200+) for 2 sessions.

Also, I learned from youtube, on how to bathe baby, how to hold baby, how to change diaper & so on...

U can visit robinsons's kids area...they have a list of items required for the newborn baby. Its quite comprehensive & based on ur budget, u can buy it from shops/brands of ur choice...

i dint have any babysitter/ nanny for those weeks. my hubby had taken his vacation & we enjoyed our time with him together.

U can pm me for more....
Hi guys, thank you all for your kind input, really really appreciate. I think i have my pm activated, not too sure if it is done that way.

Invictus,sunshineday,mrs ha: we have bought quite a few baby stuff since last year and during this gss! Couldn't help it..keke. Will check out Mt Alvernia's course, at least they are flexible. The rest of the courses i saw are really expensive!

Will try to pm sunshineday and mrs ha..
Hi mummies/ daddies,

Does anyone have a to buy list for baby? Just reckon i should get all the necessary while i still have the time to..keke

Thanks in advance!
Hi Ladies or daddies,
I need real help here.....does anyone have older children like 7 and daughter is starting to ask more about her birthmum and wanting to get on facebook to look for her, and i really need help with her questions. Please help
Hi Elizabeth, my elder girl is turning 6. Although She's in k2, I'm sure we'll get to where u r now soon enough.

Did u ask her what is she expecting to find? Could it be mostly curiosity? If I were u, I'd ask her along the way to size up so u know how to support her.

It's really not easy nor comfortable but I guess they wd all want to know in order to form their identity or... simply satisfy their curiosity.

Keep us posted!
Hi Andrea,
Well i'm not sure if it is curiosity...but the other day i brought her out to the park and she was singing and she kept saying her birth mother sang her this song when she was a baby, but she has been with us since she was 1 month old. I also asked if she found her would she say with her she said no she would ask her mum to come stay with us. I'm just not sure how deep should i ask or chat with her as she is only 7.....i have always let her lead when it comes to her wanting to know her birth mother or anything in her pass and only anwser questins when she ask.....
Its have been really quiet recently. as i'm always the one reading and not posting. Well i submitted my HSR last week to TOUCH. But heard from them that this month alot of people submitting for HSR reason is because that from 1st September 2011 onwards the charges for HSR will increase to $1,300 instate of $900... Guess that the waiting time will be even longer....

Haizzz.... finger cross.... dont feel lucky cause me and my husband is self-employed worry about the stable income -.-||
Wow.. it's been a while since I last log on... I notice lots of activities!

Derrol - don't worry, you'll do fine. We didn't have a chance to read up or get anything ready. It was very sudden for us. My little girl is 10 months now and the journey has been unreal. Hope you get there soon.

Elizabeth - I'm still a while from disclosure but I do think about it unconsciously. Not an easy topic to broach I reckon.
hey wendy, all the very best!! my girl's 11 months now and i hang on to her every smile .. i especially treasure the simple moments when i just cuddle with her and my wifey
i read from somewhere that our child's guardian angel first seeks us out and then entrusts to us our precious one .. it is said that this meeting on the spiritual level is significant as it is from here that springs the well of a mother's and a father's love (actually the author only mentioned mother but I added in the father part .. hehe) .. this is such a sweet way to see things right
so i'm sure that there's one guardian angel out there now seeking you and your hubby out for that special child

percy, good to hear that things are wonderful over your end
Well.... Only thing that worry me is that out income is not monthly fix... Wonder will they look into that issue.....start to be a little crazy that I start to bring baby clothing which thing haven even cfm.... On top of that I have a dog at home..... =.=
Hi, I'm new to the forum. I'm in a bit of a dilemma and wonder if those who have experience in adopting a child can help.

We've been trying to conceive but were unsuccessful. Completed our HSR early this year and miraculously, we are now blessed with a child of our own who will arrive in a few months time.

We recently receive news from an agency that there is a child up for adoption and we are really very keen to go ahead with the adoption but wonder if this is the rational thing to do as I'm not sure if we can cope with looking after two young children.

Any advice is much appreciated.
Congrats steadfast, it's a blessing to be able to conceive, since it's so hard to come by, I advise you treasure it and just take it easy and focus on resting your body mind and soul well so that you can have a smooth delivery, as such you may consider postponing your adoption.

It's really not easy being a first time mum, so may want to think very carefully, afraid it'll be too tough for you to handle 2 kids at one goal. If you give birth to twins then no choice...

Sunshine, thanks so much for the advice. Yes, I'm kinda of worried that it will be difficult for me to adjust to our newborn and look after our adopted child too. We've given some thoughts to it and decided to postpone the adoption.
