Carpe Diem Childcare resort @ Punggol?

Hey mummies, hope all of you have a gd start of the week.

Oh yes, we are missing Juz's updates? Wonder how's she doing? Do keep us update ok!


hi ladies, good morning.

Will definitely let Megan participate in the graduation musical. She's been talking abt it lately. Told me that Jeryn and her are princesses and that they wear some white dress and do a dance. It's quite amusing when she showed us her dance and what some of the other kids practised for the musical. My hubby n i are really looking forward to the grad ceremony.

how about the rest of you? will u be attending too? will be great to finally meet all of you.

have a nice day.

i also am letting jeryn participating.. i only know that she has been singing the 'do-re-mi' song with 'Let's start from the very beginning..' dunno if it has got anything to do with this...
hello mummies, sorry has not been logging on. i've just delivered my 2nd baby on the 23 Jul.

after much consideration, my hubby & i decided to temporary pull cherelle out from CD. it's been a tough decision & we decided to heed our PD's advice.

the graduation musical sounds fun! hope to catch up with all of you someday!

Hey Juzunmi! Congratulation! Great news indeed! No worries, we will get to see each other some day and hope Cherelle will be back to CD soon.

Hey blurqu33n & awl10, oh yes definetly I am letting Kelly participate but I am not sure which role she is playing at...

Both hubby and myself are excited and looking forward to see her performance.

Also, looking forward to meet both of you.

hey juz, congrats!!!!!! you must be very busy now. do give us an update on the baby and cherelle when you have the time. have a good confinement.

hey blur and britix, Megan recently had a very bad insect bite from CD. It swelled to the size of a pingpong ball and felt hot when i touched it. had to take her to see a doc for it. thank goodness it's better now.

have a great weekend!
hi all mummies...

It's FRIDAY! haha..

juzunmi, congrats! Is no.2 a boy or a gal? cherelle must be happy to have a younger sibling..

bitrix and awl... I'm also wondering what the gals will be performing. we can really meet on that day in Nanyang Girls.. hee..

awl, jeryn's bite from CD are always horrible. will swell up and also feel hot to the touch, and hard.. then take about 1 week to recover, but the scar will be there for quite some time.. try using the hansaplast anti-itching gel. It cools down that area and provides relief. I always apply that on Jeryn when she gets bitten, and she likes it, doesn't give a stinging sensation...

As a prevention, we always apply this Johnson's anti-mosquito lotion on Jeryn every morning before she goes to school too..

hope it helps...
I'm going to have a smashing weekend coz hubby away and I'm ALONE with the 2 of them! soooo exCiting!
Hi awl & blurqu33n,

Oh dear, I didn't know that the bite are so horrible! Touchwood so far I did not get to see Kelly got the bite. What kind of insect could that be? Perhaps can call the school to look into it?

So blurqu33n, how's weekend? I ever experienced that before,feel like tearing myself into 2 parts to take care of them.. a good challenge indeed kekekeke....


sat was fine...sun was not... jeryn was esp cranky, i think she beginning to miss daddy, and my son is almost always glued to me.. it was horrible for me. Even though my family members were at my house, they couldn't help me coz I'm the only one both wan.. tsk tsk...but i survived. Jeryn got whacked a few times though, and i felt so guilty thereafter.. but I couldn't control myself.... Must let hubby try one of these days... he'll faint and sos everyone.
Hey blurqu33n, oh yes indeed not easy usually man cannot take it kekekeke......

I have sleepless nite cos kelly wake up in the middle of nite for milk cos she saw her little brother drinking milk and then she will vomit out the milk making the whole room stink and have to do the clean up. By the time, I am going back to sleep , ds wakes up liao.. sigh!
oh dear, why did she vomit out the milk? coz she was too full? I can understand the vomiting part.. Jeryn always vomits out the milk at the last feed when she coughs. And the whole bed, and herself will be superbly smelly, and we have to do the cleaning up.. so now we know, if she's coughing, we dun give her the last feed...
Hey same here kelly will vomit out the milk when she coughs. We try not to give her milk but then she will cry non-stop. Partly also because she was too full for milk and asking for milk was just because to follow her brother. Sigh!

DC is closed on Monday 11 Aug and we are planning outing for Kelly since she can't stay at hm for the whole day.

hi ladies,

Megan also vomits quite a bit...esp when she cries after drinking milk. sigh...always makes my bed and room so smelly.

hi blur, I know how it feels being with the kids without any help. there are times when I'm alone with my gals when my husbands goes for his weekly squash sessions. somehow, unexpected things will happen and upset my mood and day.

britix, we're also planning to take megan out on 11aug.

have a great day!
seems like we are all in the same boat with regards to their vomits.. haha...

awl: husbands?? haha... how many huh? Just joking!

ya, we also taking jeryn out without our son.. hee, he will be at the bbsitter's. my hubby n I will be hers exclusively that day..

heard sk swimming complex is opened and it's not bad. may bring her there for a quick dip..
haha....typo error la....of cos only 1 husband!

It's our gals' first national day celebrations tomorrow. My husband bought Megan a national day red and white outfit. btw, do you think the circulars from CD are coming in quite last min? I only received the national day celebrations circular on wednesday leh.

blur, do you see a change in jeryn's behaviour when she joined CD? better or worse? Megan has been showing a lot of bad habits since she started full-day. eg. beating ppl, esp her bb sis, replacing the words of songs with the word backside, screaming loudly when i tell her no, etc. It's been quite a headache discipling her lately. do share with me how u all discipline your gals.

have a good weekend ya! happy national day!
awl, was joking.. hope u dun mind.. hee...

ya, i agree the notices are quite late. I only heard it from a fren on wed when I met her, and that night the notice came. Wonder why it can't be given out earlier. I should get that fren to feedback coz she like very close network with everybody there.... I bot Jeryn a red top too. Had wanted to ignore it, but was afraid Jeryn might feel left out.....

actually i realised she learned both good and bad things... i realised that she like to throw tantrums by flinging her arms at her side, at the slightest matter.. I always punish her... I think she's better now. Sun lao shi told me she's quite a good girl in school, coz whenever she's naughty or tries to be, sun lao shi will tell her she'll tell mummy, then immediately she dun dare.. guess i'm scary...

my hubby n I are quite strict with her in terms of discipline... of coz at home she's also a terror at times, then we'll send her to the time-out corner. she'll cry and wail, n we'll just wait for her to stop herself, which she usually does after a while... Not sure if it helps...

have a great long weekend!
Hey ladies,

Oh yes late notice and worst of all, I only get to read last nite cos I have totally forgotten to check on the previous nite too busy with my ds. Feel so guilty but manage to get the red/white colour combintation outfit for her.

Oh yes, that time Kelly started to scream/shout and always say NO and will beat whoever comes towards her. We try to talk to her nicely most of the times it works if not my hubby will grab her tightly that she will surrender hahahaha..

However, she has now stop those nonsense. I keep finger cross.

Have a super long weekend!

Hope u had a nice weekend.
We brought Jeryn to the Anchorvale sports complex, planning to let her swim at the new complex. She was all hyped up, only to realise (when we reached there) that It's closed on Mondays! She was very disappointed, so hubby and I decided to bring her to the one at Tampines Stadium.. She actually sulked all the way there. Only when she went in and saw the slides and pool did she lit up and get happy again!

Jeryn gets rude and cross the line sometimes, and when that happens, the dad is the one she's most scared of, coz dad can really get very fierce and harsh with her.. but I think sometimes we have to be extra strict with her coz I see a rebellious streak in her (inherited from hubby's side), so must control from young...

Oh yes, bitrix.. heard from my buddy, my godson aka Taiyi who is in Toddler was bitten by Kelly on Thursday... haha, dunno if it's true... When I saw him on Friday night, the mark was still there on the area near his wrist... Children, action speaks louder than words. Haha....
Hey blurqu33n, oh dear so sorry to hear that Taiyi kena bitten. I have checked with Meng Lao Shi and she told me it was not Kelly but Heili who bit Taiyi. Your buddy got the wrong name.

oh hahaha... blur buddy's hubby... sorry sorry... apologies... I must tell her, then the hubby will get scolding again.. haha...
nothing changed. I called up the teacher and tr also said everything is normal in school...
She is ok until she sees the bus coming.. i'm really at a loss. when i ask her, she simply said she doesn't want to go school, and she wants to stay at home. when the tr asks her, she said she likes school...

i think i will ask her about the bus aunty tonight... prob coz someone scolded her and she got scared.. she's very timid one..
oh dear! sometimes it could be she just wants/needs attention from you. Probably ask your hubby to check with her cos she might give different reply.

she will give different reasons... somehow i think the tr and I found the reason, or suspect.... They have just started practising for the concert from last week. And we think that she is 'stress' in a sense though she enjoys the dance. stress coz they must follow steps, cannot anyhow dance, and many things to remember...not sure if this is the real cause. went to CD to peep at her at their rehearsal, she really was enjoying... maybe deep down she's really scared and nervous..
oic, it is not easy for their age to follow and remember the steps.

Have not heard awl10 for awhile? Hope she is doing well.

hi ladies,

been mia cos i just started work last tues, after 9 months of long leave. so very tired and just dun have the energy to log in at nights. glad to know this thread is still very active.

oh yes....the concert. tr told me that megan is enjoying all the prep. she can even remember the dance for the older kids. i told tr that it's her kpo character at work again. but i must say megan really loves to sing and dance. her tr even asked me to send her for singing lessons.

tr finally started to toilet train megan this week. so far ok in school but not at home. the other day she wee wee on the carpet. sigh....but we're glad she's finally ready....think cos her friends in school somewhat laughed at her. she told me one night b4 going to bed that she wants to be toilet-trained. peer pressure works!!!

have a great weekend!
hubby said Jeryn only wept a bit while boarding bus instead of screaming her lungs off.. I asked her if she enjoys dancing in school, coz if she really doesn't, then i'll consider withdrawing her. She said she like, n keep dancing for us to see, including her aunties and uncles.. so i told her no crying to school if she likes dancing, else I'll tell tr to stop her.. hee... prob the idea of us going HK this weekend also helps! keep telling her no HK for her if she cries to school.. shall see if she remembers tomolo... maybe tomolo wail again!
Hey awl10, can understand how tired you are since have not be working for a long while.

Hey blurqu33n, wow what a nice holiday for Jeryn.I'm sure she will likes it ..

cool.. she did not cry this morning... ya, told her going holiday, yesterday runny nose... boy middle of the night fever...
hopefully they get well asap...

awl, i'm sure u will have withdrawal symptoms, haha.....

btw, 16 weeks maternity now, anyone tempted soon? haha
Hey blurqu33n - gd to hear that. You also bringing your ds along?

oh yes 16 weeks maternity sound really gd but then I stop at 2 liao... very xiong to juggle them on my own cos hubby travel most of the times.

How abt you and Awl10?? kekekeke....

Thanks... hee...

just touched down 12mn. Jeryn slept at 1am, and back to centre this morning. Poor gal.. i woke up at 5.50am for work... super tiring....
Hey, I just got call from Meng lao shi suspect kelly having mouth, hand & foot disease as one of her class mate confirmed . I am rushing off to bring her see doc now. Be careful to check on Jeryn. Will keep you update.
the holiday was great.. updated my site liao..

ya, heard about the HFMD thing. My godson was sent back coz got 2 mouth ulcers, but the doctor said not HFMD, given 2 days mc and observe again.. I've already told N1's teachers to observe Jeryn closely as she was out with my godson the whole day yesterday!

So how's Kelly now?
Hey, brought kelly to see doc y'day confirmed not HFMD same given 2 days mc to be at hm.I will call center to check the situation before deciding whether to send her to school on friday. Son having high fever up and down lucky this morning subsided damm tiring man... never get to sleep well then to be back work.
hihi mummies,

heard abt the hfmd thingy from sun lao shi yesterday when i picked Megan up. I'm keeping Megan at home for this week. just to play safe. dun wan her to get it again. it's feels like deja vu all again. heard that the centre is cancelling the concert rehearsal next week too, which is good! heard that there are new confirmed cases today and 2 suspected cases in N1 class. Let's hope all our little ones will be fine this time round.
Hi Mummies!

Sob sob, bad news. This morning brought both kids for doc review and confirmed HFMD. Kelly has 2 ulcers in her throat and my ds worst has alots and even on his leg and hand. I am very worried abt him cos he is only 8 mths... Have to bring him for review this sat and Kelly on next wed again.

So now N1 will have an added new case today fm Kelly.
oh bitrix, kelly in N1 liao? I must have missed out the info somewhere....

oh dear, I'm really worried about my gal now too.. think tomolo i dun send her there also then.....
bitrix, i can understand your worries about your ds as my son was only 5mths when he kena also... keep giving them fluids of all sorts to keep them hydrated, they will be fine.. Jia You!

Let's hope this round will be finished soon too.
oh dear me so blur... no lah Kelly still in toddler class. Sorry!

Oh yes better dun send Jeryn to school to be on safe side. I see him kept crying so heart pain man.. have been giving him fluid. Really hope both of them recover fast.

hi bitrix,

sorry to hear abt kelly and ur baby boy. I know this must be a trying time. hang in there.

blurqu33n, it will be good to keep jeryn at home if u can. wonder how many kids are not in school this week. how's your godson? he's very handsome le....the other week, my car stalled at carpe diem and i had to wait for the mechanic to come so I waited in the assembly area with the kids. they all came to me. some even called me funny...megan was so jealous. she quickly sat on my lap and told her friends that I'm her mummy. tai yi was one of those who "checked" me out.
Hey awl10 & blurqu33n, tks for your concern. It is really not easy being a mum when the kids are unwell.

I really hope this will get over soon.

Hey Mummies,

I have called Meng Lao Shi to check and there are now total 6 toddlers and 3 from N2 cfm HFMD.

Keep finger-cross no more additional.

hi all,

bitrix, i hope things r a little better now.

I kept Jeryn away on Fri and likely tomolo (mon) also till I check out the situation.. I dun wanna her be down as she will be celebrating her birthday next weekend... keeping my fingers crossed...
