Carpe Diem Childcare resort @ Punggol?

wow...$80 disc and free uniform.....I did not get any.
did not know there was such a lobang.

mummies, do u sometimes feel that the letters to parents sometimes come a bit late? was wondering if it's becos megan is in 1/2 day. as for the dumpling making day, that was the day megan was down with fever so she missed the hands-on experience. Besides these, I was wondering if they take the children out for learning journeys. My friend's children in cd tampines goes on exercusions like once in every term. Anyone knows?

As for shoes, i only got megan a simple pair of sandals that has velcro. easy to wear too. wanted to get her a crocs but i saw many crocs in the pigeon holes for the shoes. was also worried that there will be some mix-up. In the beginning weeks, there was always another pair of shoe in megan's shoe pigeon hole. had to inform the teacher a few times.

Personally, I think this current centre in charge is a bit clueless and 'blur' if i can use this word. Heard from a few frens about his 'blurness'...

Didn't pay much notice about the letters, shall observe the next time round.

I think with the jibbitz aka shoe charms, the kids will be able to recognise their shoes better, if they are wearing crocs.. Hee
Hey awl10, fyi I get the notice abt 2-3 days in advance. Perhaps you need to bring to teacher attention since your gal is in 1/2 days.

morning everyone. how many milk feedings do you prepare? is the milk served for breakfast standardise for everyone (ie. Nespray) or can you request for your own brand? per the handbook, seems like only the feeding before nap is specially prepared per your preference.
Hey good morning!

I prepared 2 milk feeding bringing my own milk powder. Kelly will gets to drink before her nap and then the next timing at 5pm before she goes back hm.

Yes the milk served for the b/fast are standardise for everyone. Sometimes, they will get to drink milo, herbal tea, soya milk etc...

yeh yeh...
For me, I only requested the tr to prepare milk for her before naptime unless my gal requests for it again at about 5pm... but so far, she doesn't.

oh, didn't realise they also serve milk at breakfast. Thot it's Milo everyday. hahaha.. now i know better. Thanks bitrix.
i asked before & was told that they serve nespray. worried my gal will be choosy ... she has not tasted milo yet, maybe i will start letting her try & teach her to drink from cup. do u know if they put any bibs for the children in case they dirty their clothes during meals?
juzunmi - infact kelly gets to drink her first milo in childcare. I have no chance to let her try at hm kekekekekeke...I have checked with Meng lao shi and kelly has been eating well probably follow her friends. So dun worries, your gal might like it.

So far, I never see any children with bibs. Most of them can feed by themselves if not teacher will help.

so now i know what megan drinks for breakfast. did not know they serve milk too. Megan loves the milo in school. whenever i ask her what she has for breakfast, she'll always say milo and bread. The children dun use bib...megan sometimes comes back with stains on ther uniform, esp in the beginning months.

btw, is there tea time for the full day children? also do they bathe again before they go back?
sometimes kelly came back with stains on her uniform too!

yes there is tea time right after they woke up from their nap. No, they only get to bath once.

Morning everyone! I just met Teacher Debbie last Sat. She told me that the children will change their clothes before they go home each day no matter if their uniforms are dirty or not … If that is the case, that means I need to rush to wash my gal’s uniforms each day + ironing since I’ve only gotten 2 sets. What if the uniforms don’t get dry in time during wet weather? Cherelle is starting school tomorrow & my hubby & I are so excited!
hi juzunmi,

i dun iron megan's uniform and it doesn't look crumpled. I also bought only 2 sets of uniform. so have to wash everyday. so far weather has been good. I believe the kids can wear home clothes to school although it is advisable to wear the uniform. So far, I've seen kids who seem to wear home clothes to school every day so i believe the cc is quite flexible.

Maybe I'll catch u in the cc tomorrow. I usually send Megaan to cd at 8.45pm and pick her up ard 12.30pm. Have fun tmr! good that your hubby is going with you. My hubby was away on business trip when Megan started childcare.

Today I prepared Megan for her coming bus trip to school by taking her down to watch little children like her boarding mini school buses. She seems quite excited. BTW, did any of you follow your gals in the school bus on their first bus trip?

have a great day!
hi hi,

good day.
I always let my gal wear uniform when she goes school, and after her shower, she'll wear home clothes. So I only need to wash her uniforms on Tues to ensure that she can at least wear it to school everyday. No iron also, though it's machine washed! Ha ha, lazy mummy...

i did not follow Jeryn coz Lynn (the then ic) advised me not to, and furthermore, the bus was full, so cannot take in extra passengers..
hi awl10, hope to catch you in person! We shd be in the cc at 8.30am tomorrow.

David suggests that we bring cherelle to the cc ourselves on the 1st day & to let her take the school bus home. If there are sufficient seats (I believe there should be coz cherelle’s on half day) I will tag along with her to explain to her the safety & monitor the bus driver & assistant.
hi juzunmi, how was cherelle's first day at cd?

hi britix and blurqu33n, did you sign your gals up for the chinese theatre enrichment classes? just wanna know what they teach and if you find it beneficial. thanks!

blurqu33n, it's water play day tmr for n1..remember to pack jeryn's swimsuit.
Gd morning everyone!

Hi awl10, I am not aware of the chinese theatre enrichment class perhaps not for Toddler class?

Toddler having water play every friday so it is different from N1.

Also, I did accompany kelly in the school bus for the first 3 days cos that time she was only 17 mths and Lynn advised it is better for me to be with her. So how's Megan taking the school bus on her own??

Hi juzunmi, how's cherelle in school? Do update us! I dun iron Kelly's uniform just wash and then put in dryer and it is not crumpled at all kekekeke..... Also, kelly wears hm clothes back hm most of the times.


i received it, plus the mystoryhouse thing. I checked the apple pie language website and saw that the chinese theatre is actually for n2-k2 leh. N1 they should take the seedling class. That's why i'm confused. I've required for more information from the centre. I will most likely sign her up for both if it's really for her level. And ya, I think it's for N1 and above only. Toddler can still enjoy the carefree days..

ya ya, because of the water play day, i've to get a new suit for her coz her swimwear are all 2 pieces! Ha ha...

ya, how's cherelle in school?
Hi awl10, didn’t get a chance to bump into you. Once we reach cd, we will hurry for breakfast so that cherelle has ample time for outdoor.

Cherelle’s 1st day is fine, she joined her friends for meals, outdoor, singing & playing. I saw Kelly, Kenix, Yu Heng, Yu Ting & Amelia. All the little ones are so cute! I’m suppose to take the school bus home with her but another N1 child who started school on the same day, had his mommy & granny took the same transport. They didn’t inform David in advance and just hopped into the school bus. As the bus was full, we drove Cherelle home instead.

Today is Cherelle’s 2nd day of school & she happily changed into her uniform. The school bus came but it was so full that I couldn’t accompany her. David told me that every child will get belt up but it doesn’t seems to be the case. The auntie just grabbed Cherelle & sit on her lap. She assured me that everything’s gonna be alright & closed the door. I don’t have time to react & the school bus drove off. We hurriedly followed the school bus & I knew for sure that Cherelle must be crying. Luckily our place is the last pick up stop & the bus drove straight to the school. I quickly dashed (I’m 8mths pregnant by the way) to the bus & Cherelle was sobbing & sniffing. She was scared out of her wits & traumatized by the whole experience. We had a hard time calming her down.

The rest of the morning was not plain sailing. Cherelle cried whenever she didn't see me. It was not her usual cries & i've never seen her in this state before.

Finally, it was time to go home. She started crying again when I boarded the school bus with her. She kept telling me she wanted to sit in Daddy's car. On the way home, she dozed off coz she must be very exhausted with all the crying the whole morning. I felt so guilty towards her & cannot imagine tomorrow.

Pls share with me how long does it take for your child to settle down.
hi juzunmi,

I think what your gal is going through now is quite common. my gal took about 3 weeks before she boards the bus without crying. Normally, they'll cry when boarding the bus, but once the bus is moving and we are out of sight, they'll stop crying.. A few tips. 1. You might want to let her bring along a thing that she loves at home, so that at least she knows she's not alone. 2. If she's very 'sticky' to you, try to let someone else to send her off, the separation will be handled better. 3. Give her a sweet/chocolate just when she's about to board the bus. Tip No 3 works best for Jeryn though.. haha.

Dun worry, it's a passing phase. Cherelle will soon get accustomed to the routine, and will board the bus happily. I can understand the guilt and pain when they started crying and screaming, but must remember not to cave in and get soft-hearted, else they'll know that crying is the method to get their way out.

Hope it helps.
Hi juzunmi, I agree with blurqu33n it's a passing phase. Dun get soft-hearted else you will have difficult time later on. Kelly took abt 2 weeks to get over it and as usual will cry when hand her over to the school bus but after that will be fine when reaches school. I let her bring her favourite piglet to school for a week and after that she desert the piglet liao... but recently she wanted to bring her Barney to school so you might get to see she is holding barney around these days... kekekeke...

Dun worries, I am sure Cherelle will get over it soon. Cheer!

Btw, which bus driver did Cherelle take? You better let David be awared of the safety belt issue. It is utmost important and a must to buckle their seat belt!

Have a gd day!
Hi awl10, finally got to meet u on Thu, thanks for coming by to say hello.

Thanks blurqu33n for your tips. I’ve packed Cherelle’s pacifier in her bag & feedback from her teachers is that it helps to ‘pacify’ her at times. My poor mom is the one each morning to send her off, and she feels so heartbroken whenever Cherelle cries & cling on to her.

Thanks bitrix for sharing Kelly’s experience. Yea, I saw her Barney, I hope my gal will not snatch it from Kelly coz Barney’s her favourite. Cherelle is taking Mr Ong’s bus when going to school & Mr Chong’s when home. I’ve feedback to David on the safety belt issue & he reassures me that his drivers are very experienced & he will always constantly reminding them that the little one’s lives lie in their hands. I spoke to the drivers too but LTA has only implemented the compulsory safety belt rule on new buses only. As the return trip school bus is not as packed as in the morning, I saw that Cherelle has a proper seat with a lap belt.

May I know what difference do you see in your child before and after attending child care? Are they happy as before or happier and what have they learnt?
my gal lost her water bottle (strawberry shortcake) on friday ... i called CD and the bus drivers but all claimed not with them ... arrrgh!!!
bus driver changed again...sigh... dun really like the fact that they never inform us b4hand, like maybe 2-3 days earlier.. We found out ourselves when the new bus driver comes, and only when Jeryn comes home that day, the notice was pasted in the communication book.
Gd morning!

Hi juzunmi,oh it seems Barney is very popular. Kelly always sings the "I love U " song every nite before she sleeps. We are ordering a 3D Barney cake for her birthday party this month.

Kelly is taking Mr Ong's bus and I always get to see the seat belt was buckle before she goes off.

Kelly becomes independent, sing more songs likes to colour/draw after attending child care. Also, she is sensible whenever we told her to or not to. We are glad to send her childcare early as her development is fast.

Sorry to learnt that Cherelle have lost her water bottle. Perhaps you can call Meng lao shi again to check cos I dun believe it can't be found in school unless mistaken brought back hm by someone.

Oh yes, I saw the change of bus driver notice in the communication book too. Does it always happen? I hope no change in the the auntie assistant as my gal already gotten used to her.

I ordered a 2-tier Barney cake for Cherelle's 2nd birthdy too in May from Cake Avenue! Recently, we brought her to the Barney show in Suntec but rather disappointed as the show wasn't as nice as those held overseas where we watched from the CDs.

Cherelle seems to have settled better in the child care, except she still needs to be coaxed each time she changes into her school uniform & cries whenever she takes the school bus. But I hope this passing phase quickly passed!
hi everyone,

Megan started full-day on Tuesday and so far she's adapting well to the change. My mum followed her in the white carpe diem bus for 2 days. This morning she boarded the bus on her own and even waved to grandma. It's a relief to see that she's happy at school.

juzunmi, it was great meeting you too. how's cherelle doing now? It will take some time for her to get used to whole school-going thing. Megan took almost 3 months. There were times when I had to "pull" her out of the car when we arrived at CD. It was terrible....she would be screaming away at times. I think it helped when she found herself attached to a teacher.

I too find that Megan is more independent now...sometimes too independent. The first thing we noticed were the chinese songs. She would be singing away in the car. Of cos there would be some bad habits which she picked up from her peers but that is quite natural.

Blurqu33n, I asked Megan who slept with her during naptime and she mentioned Jeryn. I was quite surprised that the bus driver changed again. When my mum followed the bus on tuesday, she told me that the auntie had to tell the driver where to go to pick up the kids. I thought it was a relief driver but turned out it was a new driver.

Today, I had a taste of David's blurness...sigh...really...Lynn was so much better. Let's hope he'll do a better job.
hi mummies,

it's FRIDAY! haha...

Oh ya, the songs they learn in school! Jeryn came home yesterday with the mandarin version of 'Do-re-mi' and said it was her class teacher sun laoshi who taught them that.. we couldn't stop luffing when we hear her. so funny!
So what time is megan taking and bus to school and leaving?

Ya, I dun like them keep changing driver. Somehow, I dun feel safe, dunno why..

Guess when it comes to managing this type of biz, somehow a lady will be more meticulous... let's see if there will be a change of ic to a lady soon...
Hi mummies,

so quiet nowadays... everyone ok? busy?

Just received a circular about the bus fare that will be up by $12.. Thot they mentioned price guarantee, but still have to pay more.. no choice since fuel really up a lot, and if dun wan pay, no one send my gal to school.. haha...
Hi blurqu33n, y'day went to CD celebrating Kelly's birthday. This was the first celebration in school, it was so fun.Kelly was so excited and happy to distribute cake and goodies pack to her friends...

oh dear, already paid $100 and are increasing some more. I have yet receive the memo for that.

hi mummies,

beem mia this week cos megan has been ill since monday - fever on and off, bad cough, flu and sore throat. now her baby sister is also having a fever, dunno wat virus is in the air now.

i kind of expected the rise in transport. $12 seem quite alot. wonder if it will go down when price of fuel decreases. but i think fat chance.

okie...hope your children are all well. have a good weekend!
hello mummies,

cherelle also fell ill since last week. She had slight bronchitis & had been abesnt from school for the past week. She's still on anti-biotics & I don't think she's fit to attend school yet.

Happy Belated Birthday to Kelly! A pity Cherelle missed her birthday party.
Hi Mummies,

Same here, Kelly had cough & flu since last week and had passed to her little brother who is now having bronchitis. Wen to see paed last week still not recovering have to bring him to see paed tmr again...

Tks juzunmi for the birthday wish. Kelly really enjoyed herself that day.

Oh yes, I agree increase of $12 really alot but seems no choice.

Hope all of you have a gd week ahead!

seems like virus is in the air..

Jeryn also down with cough and flu 2 weeks ago, recovered, passed to the little bro... the last fri she started to have runny nose again.. sigh, when will it end..

Happy Belated Birthday to Kelly.

Btw, heard my buddy whose son is in toddler that the class size is now 16?
happy belated birthday to kelly!!!!

Megan's bb sis is still sick...flu and very bad cough. Took both of them to chinese baby massage over the weekend. Megan recovered soon after but bb sis is having running nose. poor bb...have not been sleeping well ever since she caught the flu bug. Megan finally went back to school today. Was worried that she would resist school after a week's break but she was so happy to board the bus this morning.

let's hope all our little ones recover real soon!
Hey blurqu33n & awl10 tks for the birthday wishes!

Heard from Meng lao shi the toddler class is now 18 with 5 on 1/2 day. They plan to separate into 2 classes due to the increase but I have yet being informed of when they will do that.

Hi blurqu33n, what is your buddy son's name? I heard from Meng lao shi that there is this boy name Yuheng always likes to follow and be with Kelly. I have met him that day celebrating kelly's birthday and he kept calling me "mummy, mummy" and follow kelly sat on my lap ... make kelly so jealous hahahaha....

Oh yes, hope all the little ones recover fast cos it is really heartpain to see them suffering while we can't do much.

ya ya, the virus is too virulent liao... ought to stop.. never ending...

my buddy's son aka my godson is Taiyi. Apparently he was bitten many times by Yuheng, so gotta be careful.. hee.... my buddy ain't too happy about the big class, but I asked her about the teacher ratio and she said 1 teacher and 2/3 teacher assistants, so I told her if the ratio is kept, then not too worrying... but space is a constraint..

my ds woke up at 1am and slept only at 3.45am. I woke up at 5.45 to get ready for work... It's tiring... better let him get well soon..
Hey hey, y'day brought my ds to see paed again seems lots of phlegm and have been coughing. In the end,we have to bring back the machine to neurblise him sob sob..... friday needs to go back for review. Sigh!
oh dear, but i think the nebuliser will really speed up things.. who's the pd u brought him to?

I bringing my son to the pd later, also cough n flu, very chesty.. i think most likely pd will put him on neb again coz he ever mentioned my boy may need prolonged use of neb as he has sensitive airway...

hope your son get well soon.. btw, how old is he huh?
cherelle didn't recover after 5 days from the medication given by her usual PD. she coughed especially bad at night. (so heartache!) so i brought her to another PD who prescribed her anti-biotics & i can see her cough subsided within 2 days.

the PD advised me to be prepared that the my coming little one will be prone to such viruses as cherelle is attending child care. he suggested to wait till the the little one turns 6mths where all the jabs would have been taken before admitting cherelle into child care. i'm in such dilemma!!!

i pray all our little ones quickly recover!
i agree.. I think Jeryn also brings back germs and viruses from school, but coz she older, her immunity is beta. Then come back pass to the young one..

I brought my son to pd yest. Said it was a secondary infection from the last round 2 weeks ago. Was given antibiotics, again... He's 7 months, but it's already the 3rd time he's taking antibiotics mann....
same here....megan brings back all the viruses to her mei mei. what's more, she loves to kiss her bb sis even when we explain to her why she cannot do that. my bb is still having cough and phlegm. I'm not keen on taking her to doc again cos he will surely prescribe antibiotics so I took bb to see chinese physician for baby massage. she seems better after 3 sessions.

juz, so far my bb has been ill 3 times since meg entered childcare when bb was 3 months. she's 7months now. for bb, i let her take all the extra vaccinations-- rotavirus and pnuemococcal. very ex but no choice.

Megan has been crying in school lately, esp when she sees other mummies picking up their kids. I'm trying to pick her up later abt 5.30pm so that she will get used to that timing when i go back to work next mth. yesterday for the first time she didn't want to take the school bus and the auntie had to grab her and go. cried and kicked!!! poor gal...poor auntie. good thing the auntie is quite plump. haha. Today, she didn't cry when she boarded the bus but had to coax her to go to school.

let all out little ones recover soon!!!! and the big ones be free from the viruses!!
Hey hey ,oh yes nebuliser indeed work fast can see the immediate effect. Both kelly and my ds are seeing the same paed Dr Veronica Toh at Raffle Hospital. My ds is 6mths. Looks like our nbr 2 age are quite similar kekeke....

me kaisu have been giving Kelly vitamin C and cod liver oil daily since she is in school and really hope she will not get the virus back home if not poor ds will suffer.

Kid does have temper. I also dun know why lately Kelly does not want to wear uniform and cling onto me don't want to go school. I have to coax her and left her to my MIL and maid to handle and quickly sneak out of the house.

Let's hope the little one recover fast and free from virus!

Oh ya, didn't know or rather can't remember that our 2nd ones all so close. My son born on 6th dec, how about your no 2, awl and bitrix?

I started Jeryn on cod liver oil when she was 1.5yrs coz her health also not very good and she can't take fish. yes, allergic to it. So her meals in cc always specially and separately prepared.. as for vit c, she started on it only when she started cc. not sure if it did help her in her health, but i gave it the benefit of doubt...

many of my colleagues' children are also down, with the same flu/cough bug... let's all get our children well soon..

hope our weekend will be great.. (meaning kids recovering)
wow...very close indeed.. my number 2 was born on 12dec. Only started Meg on multivit. she rejected cod liver oil. took one sip of it and spat it out. sigh...i bought the original one for her. dunno if I should get her the orange flavoured one.

Mummies, I had a horrible and ugly experience with the white carpe diem bus auntie this morning. She asked me very loudly the moment the door opened if I was megan's mummy and demanded why I complained abt her to the school. I was like...what???? I only spoke to the teacher and wondered why Megan has been refusing to take the school bus. As the bus driver seem to be in such a rush each morning it was diff for me to have a lengthy talk with the aunty so the teacher said she'll check with the aunty. It saddens me that there seem to be rumour mongers in the school as the aunty mentioned that the whole school now knows abt this case. She was so loud, other residents waiting for their school buses were staring at us. I could only apologise to her although I was boiling mad inside. We are like at the mercy of these ppl cos we depend on them to fetch our kids safely to school each day. and now...have to pay more for, pls never ever talk to the teachers abt the bus drivers and the aunties.....just go straight to the aunties if you have any issues....I learnt it the hard way.

here's to a great weekend!!!!
hi mummies,

how's the weekend been? little ones better? My bb gal is coughing less now.

Juz, how's cherelle? have not heard from you for a while.

just to update a little on the bus aunty case. On Friday I had a chat with Meg's teacher when I picked her up. Teacher told me that she spoke to the aunty in a nice tone when she enquired abt Megan on the bus. Aunty apparently defended herself very loudly and become a little angry. So my guess is that some other ppl overheard their conversation and "talked" abt. Teacher assured me that she did not mention the case to anyone else, not even David. Sigh....guess this aunty just like to blow things out of proportion! For the past 2 days, I can still hear her accusations ringing in my ear....can see her bulging eyes looking at me even as I think abt it. *shudder* never encountered someone so fierce and unreasonable. sorry if I'm still harping on this subject.

enjoy the rest of the Sunday!
awl, it's so unfortunate for this incident to happen. Never thot that that aunty can be so fierce...

ya, my lil ones are beta though not fully recuperate, but it certainly got better for them, and me, haha....

were anyone of your darlings affected when the school bus broke down on friday evening? My gal couldn't be sent home, and I've to get someone's help to bring her back. What happened was she was supposed to reach home by 6.10pm, but did not. My bbsitter called me at 6.25pm. I had to call up the driver and the driver said the school is supposed to inform me... school only called me at 6.35 and asked me to arrange someone to pick her up.. it's so last minute. I mean they should have known that the bus had broken down b4 6pm, why the late call...? sigh... It's a bit disorganised, is it because of the centre ic? Or maybe he's not there at all?

anyway, on the bright side, thankfully the kids were not on the bus when it broke down, else worsen the problem.. hee..

Have a great start for the week!
Hey hey, was pretty busy for the past few days couldn't log in.

My ds was born in 4 Jan .He was born in weeks 36 much earlier than we expected probably wanted to come out to take hongbaos hahahaha...
He is getting better now need not neburlise but require inhaler for abt 3 weeks will then be completely recovered.

awl10, so sorry to hear abt the bus driver issue. Kelly was taking the grey colour bus so it should be a different auntie. However, I do encounter bad experience with the bus driver concerning the safety belt issue. It happened much earlier before the little boy accident. I couldn't get the chance to see Kelly being buckle on the seat belt and the uncle just drove off immediately the auntie took Kelly over from me. I was so mad so have called up Lynn to feedback this to her. Indeed, both uncle and auntie not very happy with me when they see me but I managed to explain to them how worried I am as a parent to put our child's safety in their hand. They are fine after few days.

Oh dear blurqu33n, your gal was affected on the bus broke down must be worried man....I think you should bring up this issue to David since he is in charge.He should be answerable for such incident.

hi hi, I was also busy with my bb gal. She had been having a lot of phlegm so took her back for a review. Doc says there's phlegm in her airways and that her lungs are weak so gave her Zaniten - a lung tonic. She has to take it for 3 months before the next review. So far, she seems better. I dun hear so much phlegm now.

blurqu33n, so sorry to hear abt jeryn's bus incident. have u spoken to david abt it? agree that they should have a better system at informing the parents in such an event.

britix, I've seen the grey bus uncle looking very very angry one of the mornings when I sent Megan to school some months back. He was shouting at one of the teachers then. Well, my issue with the bus auntie is over now too.

Juz, have not heard from for some time. everything ok?

Mummies, have a great weekend ya!!!!


I've yet to speak to David about it as have been quite caught up with work and the 2 darlings too.. I hope such an event will not occur again..

My darlings have more or less recovered, though not fully... It has also been easier for me, does not have to 'play' tug of war with them at night, especially on nights where I'm alone with them.. that's a great challenge!

awl, i think your gal prob same as my boy. he has got sensitive airway, so also frequently have phlegm in lungs, so i get esp worried when he starts his cough and runny nose....

Enjoy the weekend ahead!
