Carpe Diem Childcare resort @ Punggol?

Hi mummies,

how's the weekend?
Well, not too good for Jeryn. She slipped and knocked herself badly on the glass door of McDonald's AMK Park. The corner of her left eye swelled immediately... I brought her to the GP and GP said no internal injury, but got bleeding.. She's better now, but is 'or bak kak' n still a bit swollen, poor thing... The small slope leading to the door is indeed slippery, even for adults and on dry weather, just imagine if it's wet... Please be extra careful if you go there next time. Anyway, I've feedback to the management via email on this issue.....

So how's yours?

Hi Mummies!

Oh dear, heart pain to hear this abt Jeryn. Glad she is better now. Tks for your info will take extra care when we happen to be there!

We went to the zoo and managed to get the boat ride. Woohoo... kelly was so excited for the ride and after that as usual we went to laguna for a swim. It was a full schedule for us tired but enjoyable. The new children playground will be ready on 1st Nov ... was pretty excited abt it man!

I am still looking white shoe for Kelly's graduation photography. Any idea where I can get?

boat ride at the zoo? care to show more details? and where's the new children playground?

Try to get from BATA? My bro passed me her gal's white shoes, it's bubblegummer's... dunno now still have or not leh..
Oh yes boat ride at the zoo. They have just started and there are 2 docks to catch the boat ride. Unfortunately, I do not have picture to show but below are the info:

Boat Dock 1 is located across from the white tiger habitat.

Boat Dock 2 is located next to upcoming attraction, Rainforest Kidzworld.

The ride will take approximately 20min. Tickets can be purchased at the dock.

Adult S$4.00
Child (3-12 years old) S$2.00

The new children playground which is called the Rainforest Kidzworld is situated next to dock 2. It will be open on 1st Nov and today is their soft opening. The area is very big viewing from the outside and we are looking forward for their opening.

Hmmm I think I saw bubblegummers's at bata and bugis kid's department store probably go check it out. Tks!

aiyo...poor jeryn. has she recovered yet? thanks for the advice. will be more careful if we happen to eat at that mac's.

the boat ride really sounds interesting. Megan has been pestering us to take her to the zoo. Think we'll make a trip during the dec hols.

I bought Megan's shoe sometime in June this year at Metro Sengkang. it's from the disney range. abt $20+. the maryjane type of shoes.

btw, blurqu33n, how many party bags did you prepare for jeryn's class when you celebrated her birthday at CD? It's Megan's turn on 30 Oct and she's very excited abt it.

have a great day!
bitrix, thanks for the info.. thinking of bringing them there too coz it's more than 1.5 years since Jeryn went to the zoo, and my son has not even stepped in there.. so sad.. haha..

awl, thanks, jeryn is on the road to recovery. She doesn't feel painful now, and it seems like she has green eyeshadow on her...
For the party bags, if you are celebrating her birthday in the morning, then it'll be 22, if after their nap, then only about 12 as the rest has gone home (halfday). But you may wan to call sun lao shi and double confirm the latest number... I'm sure Megan's looking forward to it, and she will surely enjoy it!
Hey awl10, have not hear from you for a while. Hope you are doing well. Tks for your info, I went to Bugis BHG today during lunch time manage to see the disney range that you mentioned, probably I will consider to buy from there.

Wow Megan's birthday coming soon, she must be pretty excitied for the celebration in school.

Hv a gd day, Mummies!

I think awl must be busy with the PSLE Marking.. I'm not down for these few days coz I'm a flexi-adjunct teacher... So today stayed at home and baked oreo cupcake and chocolate chip cookies.. yum yum.... heee..
Hey Mummies! Hope you have a great weekend!

No good for Kelly cos she has a fall in school last friday and had a small cut under her chin sob sob... I quickly send her to see GP right after back from work. Lucky not a deep cut else there will be scar not nice liao... need to apply solution and cream for the time being hope it will goes off nicely.

Wow that's would be nice to bake birthday cake for your ds...

I am planning for a change probably order the birthday cake from Pine Garden heard lots of gd comments cos all the while I have been a regular customer to ecreative. Perhaps should give a try on Pine Garden.

oh dear, first Jeryn, now Kelly.. I hope she's feeling not too cranky about it.. ya, lucky no stitches/scar.. It will go off soon.. Jeryn's blue black eye is still a bit greenish... sigh..

not baking birthday cake, but maybe a few cupcakes only. What a coincidence! I'm getting ds birthday cake from pine garden. Already got the quote, but will go down to firm up my order and to pass my cake toppers to them coz it's Mickey Mouse theme... The cake is not bad, but I'm not getting the liquor type, only getting mango/orange zest and triple choco layer (mixed flavours). I've the price list of the different flavours if you are keen....I got my wedding cakes from ecreative, nice too... but their birthday cakes nowadays are quite ex. U can actually see which one u wan from ecreative, and ask PG to re-create, it may turn out cheaper. My niece's cake was done that way.. haha

awl seems to be missing.... marking finish today liao, should be shiok shiok already!

BTW, CD closing on 24th Nov, claiming post concert day, but concert on 28th Nov leh..???
hi ladies,

I'm back! had a bad flu a day before the marking so was on ml on 1st day of marking. my centre finished abt 1pm today. came home to rest. flu is better now..but still coughing. Think my no.2 got my cough. heard her coughing a few times this morning.

We had a very very busy weekend. a wedding dinner on saturday and a friend's house-warming on sunday. tiring but Megan had plenty of fun.

I'm glad to know jeryn is better now. I'm sure Kelly will be better too. good thing it's not a serious cut.'re like the cake expert. I've note even ordered Megan's cake. She wants a pooh bear cake. will have to order from bengawan solo.
I'm also celebrating my bb gal's 1st bday in Dec. no idea what cake too. Pine garden's cake is really yummy, esp the black forest cake. what other cake from pine garden is nice?
Hey Mummies! Nice to see awl10 back!

Hey blurqu33n, don't mind can you email me the price list. My email address is [email protected] .Tks! Are you able to advise which are their popular flavour? Oh so concidence I am also tot of the Mickey Mouse theme for my ds. Where did you get the topper from?

Usually, I will ask one of the mummies in this forum to help me order the cake from ecreative cos she has corporate rate.

awl, glad u are well n back liao.. your centre ended 1pm? That's early liao leh. Which centre? So many of my colleagues ended around 2..

so paiseh, i really not expert lah, but recently getting into baking, so spend money buying n buying those necessary tools/ingredients..

weddings! sigh.. October alone I have 3 weddings, 2 birthday bashes and 1 bb shower.. really going broke.. but Jeryn sure had fun, she lurvessss the yam-seng part, and always join in toasting. haha

bitrix, no problem. will email u. I can't really advise which are nice n yummy from pg, but the more popular ones are the lychee martini (contains liquor), triple choc, blackforest. Look at the price list, they actually indicated the more popular flavours... tell u, most difficult to get mickey mouse theme toppers! I joined an overseas disney spree to get the figurines of the 6 characters in the clubhouse after searching for so long. Have yet to get the actual thing. I really hope it's good n nice for the cake. Meanwhile in sg, I've been trying and still trying to look for mickey mouse figurines/toys that are small enough to be put on cakes. If what I ordered is ok, I can actually lend u when my ds is done with his.. I celebrating on 7th dec..

heard from my fren/neighbour whose son's in half day todd.. on wed, the afternoon bus driver sent him back, but my fren's mil not down yet, and the bus driver just left him there with an aunty and drove off, without calling or informing! good gracious. of course my fren called n railed at David.....

awl, I'm not sure if Megan seemed extremely tired yest. I must apologise on behalf of Jeryn. According to tr, Jeryn did not sleep during naptime and when tr stepped out of the class, my dd went to wake everyone up to play! so embarrassing... gave her a talking to.. sorry sorry.. hee
hi blur, can pm me the price list too? I've not thought of any theme for my girl yet. hers in on 12dec--bonus day!

Megan seemed noraml yesterday. according to tr, megan sleeps like a log...very difficult to wake her up. likes to lai(4) zhuang(2), like the mother! I really hate weekends cos the children will always wake up early around 7.30am and that's the time we adults can sleep in a little bit more.

aiyo...that's very terrible of the bus driver. can't he even wait for a while?

well, ladies, it's a long weekend!!! have fun!
Hey hey Mummies!

Hi blurqu33n, one of the mummies advise me to check at Taka toys department where they do sell mickey mouse character. Another mummies suggested to use mega blocks.. Probably, I will go and check it out.Tks for your offer ya...

Oh dear , this is dangerous and irresponsible for the bus driver to do such things! How can this happened? Which driver is that? I better ask my MIL to be at the waiting point early in case ...

Till then Mummies have a super looooonnng weekend!

Mummies, morning!
Had a good long weekend? Well, mine's like awl, my 2 precious wakes up at 7am every morning, not counting the countless times my ds wakes up every night! anyway, i'm tuned to him liao...

bitrix, I also wan to go Taka and check out the figurines. Can let me know if you manage to find? I'm looking for some extra coz think the 6 I ordered is simply not enough...
i dunno who's the driver leh. He's the one driving the Punggol Route afternoon shift.. I really think that's so dangerous and irresponsible!

awl, sorry leh, I dunno how to attach attachment in pm.. maybe u email me at [email protected] if it's not convenient to post your addy here, then I attach the file in the return email?

Hello Mummies!

This morning, we brought kelly to school tot can see she takes graduation photo but then she was so sticky with me that we have decided to go off first in case she cried throughout no mood to take picture. Called up teacher to check in the noon and she cried until vomitted so heart pain aiyoh made wrong decision to bring her to school today. Lucky after that she was okay back to her usual self to play with her friends and smiled so happily when picture taken. Phew! What a day!

Hey blurqun33, tks for your file I have rec'd the list. I will let you know if I manage to find something in Taka.

Same here my 2 precious also wake up early as 7am and ds sometimes 2am, 3am or 4am... super tiring man!

Oh yes, we brought the kids to the zoo last sunday and u know what the rainforest kidsworld have open. Wow!! The design of the pool similar to the one in SK have those slide and with one big bucket filled with water which then poured out and drenched those kids below.There are also few playgrounds design for certain age group kids.

Both my kids really enjoy themselves and we plan to go again in 2 weeks time kekekeke.

bitrix, u friends of the zoo? I'm thinking if should sign up then can always go there... I like going to the zoo, dunno why... but haven't been there like mentioned.. The pool must pay money or included in the admission to the zoo? Sounds very interesting leh, must bug my hubby to go there....

I think many parents forgot about the phototaking coz according to Jeryn, there were a few in her class who did not wear uniform/socks/shoes.. The centre could have reminded the parents again actually...... Thankfully, Kelly mei-mei again during the photo-taking.....
Hi blurqun33, oh yes we are the friends of the zoo. Have renewed the membership twice liao kekekeke... Got to pay $150 for the membership if you are ikea member will have further 10% discount it is indeed a gd deal!

No need to pay for the pool as it is free. But for those pony rides and carousel got to pay. Kelly loves the carousel and the ride is $4 per person.

Oh yes, I saw some children wearing tee-shirt attire. Ya you are right the center shld sent a reminder. So curious and looking forward to see the pictures.

awl, if I remember correctly, it's megan's birthday today? Happy Birthday! Haha, I told Jeryn about it and she asked me "Got cake? So I receive party pack? I want to sing Happy Birthday to Megan" ... haha...

bitrix, I was telling dh about the frens of the zoo, I think I'll likely sign up for it. Was telling dh if I got nothing to do, I can go there! Haha... Just to check, is the card transferable?

Now i can't wait to go there and take a look!
Happy Birthday to Megan! Hope she enjoys herself today in center.

Hi blurqun33, unfortunately it is not transferable cos the card will have your family picture. Oh yes a family photo to be taken.


Thanks.... now must persuade ah lao to sign up. He said not very worth coz it's for 2A3C, but we only 2A2C and furthermore my ds is less than 3, not even counted.... sigh.....
thanks for the birthday wishes! Megan enjoyed herself completely. The children were really adorable. Megan had fun distributing cakes and party bags. My husband and I had fun too.

wow...must really make an attempt to take the gals to the zoo. Megan loves going to the zoo. my ah lao also not keen on getting the card. we usually try to get discounted tickets or get his aunt to queue for the zoo coporate card.

we're celebrating Megan's birthday with the family and friends tomorrow. looking forward to the gathering. Have a great weekend, fellow mummies!
Hey Mummies! Hope you have a gd weekend!

I'm sure Megan had her great birthday celebration.
I was on leave for 3 days this week training my new maid and also can rest abit at hm. Wow long time never stay at hm idle liao..........

Have a gd day!

awl, I'm also sure Megan had an awesome time!

bitrix, so shiok, can rest at home.. haha.. but it's well deserved though..

my weekend was quite enjoyable except for an incident that happened at Y* K*n toast at The Central. I've put up the story on my blog... now think of it still made me very angry lor... ok, shall learn to let go...
Hi blurqu33n, oh well have not been resting for a while liao so can make full of the time and also spend quality time with ds since Kelly in school kekekeke....

Oh yes I read abt your story can understand how mad you are. My ofc was near central and I ever ta bao coffee and have to wait more than 10min jus because there are more orders for the " tei " . That uncle can sense I am a little bit impatient quickly anyhow do my coffee cos it was w/o sugar and tasteless! Wow piang spoil my coffee break man end up I drink my ofc 3in1 nescafe ...sigh!

Cheer up, I'm sure there are lots of complain abt their service since they have franchised every where and their standards " kena sai" hahahaha...
ya... franchise std sure got problem.. anyway, mgmt called me n said they investigated n given that woman a warning letter. I shall let the case rest, but I will be sure to stop patronising that outlet too... N i agree with you, nescafe 3in1 is still a good choice! I drink that too!
Oh really? hmmm at least they do something then can let the matter rest. Wow finally friday!!! Have a great weekend ahead , fellow mummies!


Weekends over, again....
Yest my whole troop of family members went to Ya Kun Toastwich at HarbourFront 3rd level.. Found it a bit different as they do sell sandwiches, but prices for the others remained unchanged. and the best part is that the service is SUPER good! So I guessed it must have belonged to the main office and not a franchisee. i asked them and I was right! I can see the different type of standard in service mann.. But too bad, eggs sold out... If only I can taste that! Haha....

I'm looking forward to the concert!
Hi Gd Morning!

Weekend was great for us. We went to hubby's company children day at Sentosa on Sat. Wow didn't know there are lots of changes in Sentosa.We have a great fun and time over there.

Oh yes ,looking forward to the concert. I received a notice to inform that we can take free transport from Newton MRT station to Nanyang Girl. I was wondering if we could drive there since Newton not a very convenience meeting points for us. I will check with the teacher later in the afternoon.

Have a gd day!

hi mummies,

Glad to know you all had fun during the weekend.

We're looking forward to the concert too. I'm sure it's going to be very exciting. I suppose we can drive there. are any of you buying the cd? $25 is quite ex hor?

My hubby is working 3pm to 12 midnite shift lately so it has been very tiring looking after the gals on my own at night. It's a good thing Megan has been very co-operative lately.

Hey blurqu33n, Jeryn waited to say good bye to me on friday when i picked megan up. She said,"Hello, Megan mummy!". I said hello and happened to answer a phone call. Your sweet little gal actually told sun lao sho she wanted to say good bye to me so she waited by the bus and I managed to say a big good bye to her! She's really adorable!

Have a great week ahead!
hi awl, u r back!
I agree the cd is ex, that's y we are not getting.. hee.. after the concert, sure selling another disc.. everything is $$$...
It is really draining to look after 2. I don't even have time to eat dinner whenever my hubby works late coz my ds wan my attention, and jeryn will also wan me to feed her at times... But we always survived! Hee...

oh really.. She did not mention to me about seeing you.. hee, am glad that she's receptive.. Sometimes she sees some of my frens whose children are also at CD, and she will cry! Haha.. But i realised she's generally better with strangers now liao.. ok, I shall commend her tonight on this!
Hi awl, glad to see your reply!

Oh yes, we can drive there. I have confirmed this with David liao..... and agree that the CD is ex man I did not purchase as well.

bitrix, thanks!

I received a call from sun lao shi that there's a MTP session this sat. Not sure if todd class also have this session or not..
Gd Morning blurqu33n! Hey no worries!

Sorry what is MTP session ah? I didn't receive any notice perhaps not for toddler class?

Sorry, maybe it's beta known as PTC - Parents Teacher Conference. I heard from my buddy todds will have PTC on 22nd Nov. She just received the notification yesterday. The teacher will call to arrange a timing with you.. Very cute, they have report books too! Hee..
Oh so I think is the same as the one I attended during the mid yr where we get to evaluate on the report book as well.I will check the communication book today if have it or not.

Tks for the updates!

Have a gd weekend ahead!

Hey gd morning Mummies!

Oh yes, I have rec'd the notice that the PTC is on 22 Nov Sat for Toddler class. I am waiting for teacher to call to confirm the timing.

How time flies, next week will be their annual concernt , can't wait to be there! Kekekeke.

Ya, bitrix, that's the one.. hee.. I met Jeryn's teacher last sat, no major problem.... *phew*
David was also there, addressing the problem on the staff deployment thing coz the centre has shortage of tr for quite a while. Just imagine, he is taking over N1 for the past few weeks leh...

concert.. yes.. I've to get a pair of nice white shoes for Jeryn according to the tr... I also can't wait! hee
Huh? I was surprised to hear that David is taking over the N1?? So when there will be full force? Ok, I shall see if he will be there for this Sat PTC.

Oh really ah need to get shoe for Jeryn for her concert?

ya, he has been with the class for a few weeks, till end nov, which according to him, the new tr will come....

ya lor, sun lao shi says to get a pair of white shoes coz jeryn is wearing a white frock....
steady ah.....? dunno whether he teaches anything or not.. coz Jeryn is still not showing any improvement in English but her chinese is improving by leaps n bounds....
Hi blurqu33n, I just called the center and checked that the school are open on 24/11/08 but closed on 31/11/08. On Monday, the kids will be on their costume for the final rehearsal!


Hi blurqu33n,

Kelly has lost her hair clip twice already and cannot be found. Do you have this problem with Jeryn?

