Carpe Diem Childcare resort @ Punggol?

Hi blurqu33n,

Hey, ds are much better lesser spot and back to appetite. I am relieve. Kelly as normal can eat, jump and play around. I am keeping her this week at hm as this thur need to go back for doc review.

It is advisable you keep Jeryn at hm since she will be celebrating her birthday.


Jeryn is still being kept at home... a bit troublesome on my side coz can hardly find alternative arrangements to take care of her.....

anyway, am unhappy with the bus service. i learnt on Monday that there's a change of driver again! And the best joke was that David also only knew it when he saw the new driver when he went to work. I told him parents' concerns about the changes of the multiple drivers and urged him to feedback to that lady boss. We are paying more now so we expect some level of continuity and service by the tpt co. right? I still couldn't get over it till today... sigh..

megan suspected hfmd since yesterday but doc cannot be sure either cos symptoms not consistent with those of hfmd...maybe mild chicken pox. my younger bb gal also down w fever since yesterday. it's been a nightmare these 2 days.

Hi Mummies!

blurqu33n- I really do not understand what's the problem to keep changing bus driver? Also, really doubt of this David's capability, does he know what he is doing??For me, I will sure blow to the top kekekekeke.....

awl10- oh dear,I can understand how you feel. Let's hope this is a false alarm for you.

Do keep each other update!

I sent her back to school yesterday and I hope everything will be fine..


I guess it's a false alarm if there are no sores on her hands. dun worry.. Jeryn ever kena the false and real ones...

bitrix, that's how I feel.. but now the problem of the bus driver thing lies on the bus co's side. I'm now trying to get the email of the big boss, francis, so that I can email him these things that had happened, but still unable to get it. I'm truly annoyed actually... I've been calling the school, and I bet that the staff there dun like me. It's taboo, coz I'm a teacher myself and I hate it when parents keep calling, but now I'm committing it myself. Simply hate it, but what to do????
Hi Mummies,

Just brought both my kids back from doctor. Am glad that they are now cleared of HFMD.But I am still keeping kelly at hm till tmr to play safe.

hi mummies,

doc confirmed yesterday theat megan has a mild case of hfmd. sigh....again...her godma calls her the hfmd princess. lol.. i think my number 2 also has it...showing similar symptoms. will take to see doc to confirm tonight.

bitrix, happy to hear that your children are clear. i just spoke to tr mala and she said that those returning from hfmd will be isolated from the others for 3 days from the last day of the mc. was kelly's hfmd a mild one?

blurqu33n, i can understand your concen abt the driver. eh...which bus is that? megan takes the white bus. think the some trs were out for rehearsal today so that could be the reason why your call was not answered... i also called many times b4 tr mala picked up the phone just now around 5.30pm

so u are also a tr... me too. my p was kind enuf to allow me time off the last period this week to rush back to look after my no.2. cannot afford to take leave cos my class taking psle soon! stressed marking piling up too!! it's really not easy being a mum and a tr!
bitrix, congrats! am happy coz it's an ordeal survived! Makes us tougher ya..

oh dear, awl, really awful to go thru another round, but thankfully it's a mild case like what u mentioned. must take good care ya...
Anyway, ya, it's the white bus - punggol route. The driver is now an old one. Not sure if it's permanent or relief, I think I wouldn't be too surprised if there's a change again.. I mean, what's new right? haha...

rehearsal? They postponed the concert rehearsal leh. but dunno to which date..

such a coincidence! U r a teacher! Mind to share which school? and P6, ya, i think the stress is building up, but soon it'll be over, hang in there! It sure is not easy being a mum and teacher. actually as long as it's a FTWM, it's never easy.
I resigned as full time tr when Jeryn was a few months old as I realised that I shortchanged my own gal. I simply could not spend quality time with her after the whole exhausting day. I came back as Flexi Adjunct since last year, and things r much much much better...heehee
i tot the rehearsal was posponed too but i was told only the k1 and k2 had rehearsal.

so that dennis bus driver has quit? Megan takes that white bus too at 7.45am. aiyo...this is bad. is this the 3rd time they changed drivers?

u're right abt shortchanging my gals...i felt that since last year. i also taught p6 last year and was practically spending 10 hours in school each day. my mum even commented that i see my pupils more that i see my own daughter (Megan) so after i devlivered my number 2, i went on no-pay till aug this yr cos my friend was going on maternity leave. is flexi adjunct a better deal? i'm taking another yr of no-pay next yr and my p just asked if i'll consider a half-load arrangement with no cca. still thinking abt it. will pm u abt school name....not too nice to share online.

3 big cheers to the 3 FTWM here!
Hi Mummies,

Wow it is nice to hear both of you are teacher. Well it is always not easy being a FTWM. We have to salute to each other hahahaha....

Kelly's HFMD considered as mild cos she only has 2 ulcers inside her throat ... but her little brother was not that lucky he has lots of uclers in his throat as well as both hands and foot see already so heart pain.Finally it was over however doc advised that they could get it again if there will be another outbreak. Sad to hear this but really hope that there will be 0 case for the next outbreak man!

I have called Meng lao shi, they will quarantine the child for 3 days before they could joined the class. For Kelly , she can joined the class next Monday since she will be at hm for today and the following weekend.


Have a great weekend , Mummies!
awl, u r right. Dennis not the driver already. This is the 4th driver in 6 months...In terms of money, Flexi-adjunct is of coz not better. I traded the bonuses and others for my sanity lor. Only entitled to CPF. sick also eat yourself one.. But it's so much more flexible and the best thing is I go off SHARP at 1.30pm when the gals are dismissed. No other nonsense. U get what I mean? I often hear half load is half pay, but your load is not exactly half load, it's about 3/4 load. So ensure u negotiate in details with your p on the arrangement to avoid future unhappiness...

bitrix, thank goodness both of your precious are ok liao. They will be immune to this strain in future, but HFMD comes in many various strains, so I guess we can only try to be vigilant. I really hope this silly virus will be gone, permanently.

I've had a great weekend coz we celebrated Jeryn's birthday on Sat. She had a fantastic time and a wonderful cake. Should be up on my blog soon.... Her celebration in school will be this Wed - another day she is looking forward to!

But I'm bushed and tired.. haha... Oral exams in my school today and tomorrow...
Wow....happy birthday Jeryn! I am sure she is looking forward her birthday celebration in school.

Kelly is in school today w/o diaper. I hope she will inform teacher when wants to pee.... if not big headache for teacher hahahha...

happy 3rd birthday Jeryn!

Megan returned to school yesterday but was isolated from the rest in the computer room. Initially i was worried she will not take it well but there were 2 other children with her so it was alright. She seemed to have enjoyed herself. She'll be isolated for another day, so wont be there for jeryn's birthday party. so blurqu33n, dun think you'll get to see Megan today. Thanks for all the info abt flexi-adj. will ensure i neogotiate a good deal for my half load next year.

Bitrix, I was also worried like u when Megan started going diaper-less in school. but it turned out fine eventually. the teachers are used to them peeing in their pants.

2 weeks to psle = end of my endless marking!!!!
bitrix, how's kelly so far? any 'accidents', haha? fret not, I think they are really smart in telling the tr if they need to visit the toilet...

oh awl, no problem, I'll still have the tr pass a goodie bag to her. Hope it brightens up her day further! hee...
Hey mummies!

So far so good but I will check with teacher again. Wow can really save alot for diaper leh....

ya boy, u can be sure of that.... haha

saw the kids yesterday at CD when I went. awl, megan has already joined the class. only quarantined for 1 day. she was seated next to Jeryn at the small party.. wait till pictures are up..
oh yes, i was surprised that she joined the class yesterday. was told she will be quarantined for 3 days from last day of mc. oh well, guess that's better and she got to celebrate Jeryn's birthday. What was Jeryn's reaction to celebrating her b'day in school? Megan told me Jeryn had a piglet Bday cake. It will be Megan's turn on 30 October.

bitrix, you're right about saving diapers, esp the pull-up pants. however, I've not tried taking Megan out shopping without the diaper. worried she'll tell me at the last minute and I cannot find a toilet for her. but will have to do so soon.
wow can't wait to see the pictures...
Oh Jeryn also likes piglet?? That's one of kelly's favourite.

Hey awl10,so is Megan still wearing diaper when sleep? I have yet start this with Kelly.

hey hey, yup, Jeryn's cake was a piglet one.. Was glad that Megan can join in the fun too. Jeryn was very happy giving everyone the party pack and serving everyone the cake, and according to sun lao shi, she kept telling everyone that day that it was her birthday and her mummy is bringing the piglet cake later.. very excited..

Jeryn is also off diapers unless when sleeping. Sometimes during afternoon nap, the diaper remains dry, but then the night one will be 'full' load the next morning.. dunno when can wean her off, but I'm actually not too worried about that. When she just got diaper-less, she refuse to pass motion. She'll only pass motion in her diaper. It was only like 4 months ago that we managed to coax her to sit on the toilet bowl to do it. A problem though. In school, she also go and pass motion herself in school n never tell teacher! So she never wipes herself coz she said she can't reach her butt, and teacher not in the toilet! To luff or cry??? Pass urine she'll have no problem cleaning herself though.. So I told her now to inform the teacher if she knows it's 'big' biz so that tr can clean for her.. highlighted to sun lao shi also..... sigh.....

mummies, I think our gals are all very fantastic to be off diapers now liao leh.. Thumbs up! The question now is... when will the 2nd one go diaper-less?? Haha!

Have a great weekend!! I'll be home alone with 2 again coz hubby going bintan....
Hey you are right. It is still a long way for the nbr 2 to go diaperless ...

Same here , have a great weekend mummies!


angry again today. Change of drivers again!!!! I managed to get hold of Francis' email account, and have sent him how unsatisfied i am... also told him about the overcrowding problems. Do you all know there are over 20 kids in todds group and 22 in N1? still only 1 classroom for each group..... how not to spread HFMD fast.... really hope something can be done about it...
really? but my understanding is they have split into 2 classes for todds according to Meng lao shi. Kelly was group to the so call bigger age group? I am gg to call up center tmr to check it up.

blurqu33n,I can understand how frustrating it is to keep changing driver? But I really cannot understand why it is so difficult to control the transport company?

Relax ok, dun let this spoil your mood.

Francis replied and said that he had corresponded with David to ensure that timely information to be passed to parents. But the ironic part is that till last night, there was still no written notification about the change in driver, and the driver's contact. sigh....

F also told me that the classes are sometimes combined if there are teachers on sick leave or leave and if they can't find good relief teachers....

ok, shall take a deep breath.....thanks....
i also asked David about the change of drivers on Monday. He told me that Dennis was terminated by the transport company and that Mr Leng was the temp driver until the company hired this present driver, Mr Ang. I was told the letter to parents will be out yesterday but obviously they are slow at it again. Do u know i only received the letter abt the increase in subsidy for FTWM yesterday after i called to "complain" abt it.

Frankly, my hubby and i are really disappointed with the way the cc is run. not too sure if problem lies with the management or the teachers. I'm thinking of withdrawing Megan next year, but am worried she will not take well to the change. She seems really happy at CD. Any good recommendations for CC in Seng Kang, punggol or Hougang?

btw, is there a concert rehearsal coming up? I didn't receive any letter leh.
Hi Mummies,

I have rec'd notice on 17 Sep that there will be a concert rehearsal on 30 Sep, didn't you gals receive or could it be a different date for todd class?

Let's hope the bus driver issue can be settled soon.

Hi, I also did not receive the notice about the concert rehearsal though my buddy did tell me my god son got it...

awl, did u receive a letter about swimming lessons? I did not till a fren told me over the weekend, and I called n asked tr. tr didn't realise that she did not give Jeryn, and the lesson starts today! the letter was dated 26 Aug.

Personally, I think the teachers there are all good, except for a tr whom I think is very intimidating (not teaching todd n N1). The problem I think lies with the mgmt, and the fact that they are taking in too many children and not having enough qualified teachers. U know what I mean?
Actually, hubby and I also thot of changing centres, but Jeryn, like Megan, enjoys it there, and I wan to try to avoid letting her adjust to a new environment again.. can be quite stressful...
i remember receiving a letter for the swimming lesson back in august. we wanted sign megan up for it so i asked teacher debbie about measures taken to ensure children's safety. then she told me that swimming is only for n2 to k2, not for n1.

think i know which tr u're referring to. I've seen her "powers" before but actually she's quite nice. I too feel that the teachers there really care for the children. I'm actually quite settled on pulling Megan out next year, either to a kindergarten or a half day program at another CC. so any good recommendations?

bri, we didn't receive the rehearsal letter. asked teacher nancy yesterday and she confirmed that the rehearsal is for all. wonder how the rehearsal will be like. too bad, i'm not free that day to go take a peek.
oh dear! I do agreed is the mgt problem.It seems lots of issues occurring ever since this David takes over! Sigh! I learnt from Meng lao shi that Kelly will be promoted to N1 beginning of new year but I am hestating right now after hearing both your comments.

However, I do hope to see improvement from their side cos I really like the environment over there.

Oh ya,this round the rehearsal will be at Nanyang girl high school from 10am to 1pm. Me too quite curious of how the rehearsal will be like. Quite excited and looking forward to see their performance.

hi, i found out from sun lao shi that the rehearsal on tuesday is from 12.30 to 4.30pm. I may just be able to pop by and see the rehearsal is like.

have a good weekend!
Hi Mummies

Glad to stumble upon this thread!

Quite coincidentally, I have just paid a deposit with CD Punggol this morning. We were looking for a CC for my dotter who is about 32 mths now. Looked afew like Learning Vision at both Blk 204 and 128 PUnggol, but both hb and I didnt like the layout of the school. Then we drove to Punggol end and stumbled upon CD.

Instantly, hb likes the large open space, the pool, the environment, so we placed a deposit morning.

Any comments on this CC so far? Positive and negative feedback? Hope to hear from you mummies.
hi sunshinekid,

welcome to this thread!
We've had positive n negative comments (only recently), u might wan to scroll n find out more! So when will your gal join? and I guess she'll be in N1?

Hi Mummies,

CD is celebrating Children Day today. I have dressed up Kelly and prepared the tuna/egg mayo sandwiches for her to bring school. Wonder how's the celebration, must be enjoyable.

Hi awl10, did you manage to see their rehearsal?

Hi sunshinekid, welcome!

hi bitrix,

ya, I'm sure the kids enjoyed themselves. My gal told me she ate just 1 of everything like what I instructed her to, hahahaha.....

Their rehearsal is today in the afternoon. I dun think I'm going to see it. But I'm a bit worried though, haha, dunno how the ride n the rehearsal is going to be. I hope everything is fine.

Btw, my fren rode on the white bus last fri, following her gals back. She said the driver was driving like a racer! If they were not belted up, they would 'fly'.. that's according to her. But we did observed that this new driver seems to always be in a hurry....
hi sunshinekid, welcome to this thread. Do share you frank opinion with us.

Made some jelly for Megan to take to school yesterday. She came back with presents and was happily showing them off to her dad and her mei mei. Megan just went in a simple pink dress. Lazy mummy here.

I'm also wondering how the rehearsal will be, esp the bus ride. My blur husband forgot to take Megan's shoes to my mum's place this morning so she's in slippers today...wonder how she's going to dance with slippers.

Aiyo...if the white bus driver really drives like a racer, we must feedback to David. Our little ones' safety is in their hands.

I've been trying to get hold of the CD teachers and David today to confirm if the rehearsal is really in the afternoon but no one is picking up the phone. Will try to snap some shots of their rehearsal.

have a good hari raya holiday tomorrow!
Hi Mummies blurqu33n & awl10, it seems the bus issue never end and is getting very worry. Kelly is taking the grey bus driven by Mr Ong. Sometimes, her seat belt was not buckle and I have made complaint/feedback to David twice and really hope he can look into this matter seriously. I have to monitor the bus driver again.

Hv a great holiday tmr!

I managed to get hold of Sun lao shi yesterday and she confirmed that the rehearsal is today, 12.30-4.30..

I think it helps if all feedback to Francis directly. This David really have room for improvement... bitrix, I think you are quite lucky in the sense that the driver doesn't keep changing. But yes, do monitor the belt issue...

Happy Children's Day n Selamat Hari Raya!
hi mummies,

just got back from the concert rehearsal. It was fun watching the little ones perform on stage. Unlike we adults, they dun seem at all afraid or have any stage fright. I arrived just in time to watch the N1s perform. I hid at behind a pillar cos I was worried Megan would lose concentration if she saw me. She saw me the moment the curtains were drawn and she danced and waved to me. so cute!

Blurqu33n, I watched Jeryn dance too. She's really good at it.

Well, here are some photos as promised. may not be too clear though.






Look how professional the kids from CD jurong kechil are. They even have props.

Looking forward to the actual concert!
wahaha, awl, thanks for the pictures! To think I was worried if Jeryn will be ok... She did tell me she went to 'big big school' and take 'big big bus' and danced "My Favourite Things and tai yang tai yang on big stage"! So funny... N I think even with slippers, Megan enjoyed herself! Did they perform 2 dances? Now I'm also looking forward to the actual performance!

These brightened my day after I received news that the bus driver changed again! yes, new one again wef 2nd Oct. Wonder how many days before the next change. driver again? ok..well, the good thing is that "racer" driver is no longer driving our kids around. hopefully, this new driver is more careful.

I only managed to catch the tai yang dance. I walked out of the auditorium to move my car thereafter. When I came back they were already at the last item and the CD punggol kids were ready to go.
ya, new driver again.. shall see how long this driver can last...
The other dance "My fav. things", according to Jeryn, they just need to hold their dresses (curtsy style) and sway left n right... dunno true or not... hee

thanks once again for the pictures!
Hey Mummies! Wow tks for sharing the pictures! It was so amazing that they have no stage fright with such young age! Nowsadays kids are more daring compared to our times hahahaha.....

Oh dear, it was quite tired kept receiving changing of bus driver again. But I do hope that this will be the last for you gals to stop worrying again.

hi bitrix,

u r right, we were so 'mountain tortoise' then.. see big stage, get big fright! haha...

Have a great weekend!
Gd morning Mummies!

Y'day have rec'd the notice from center informed abt the graduation photography. Wow how times fly our little one graduating soon kekekeke....

oh yeah... but hubby n i thinking of buying or not.. then again, i think everyone must buy one...

the concert costumes and tpt is like, to me, quite expensive. Why $20 for tpt? sigh.. then now paying again... haha.. economy not good leh.. must eat bread liao..... and combine 3 meals into 1! wahaha...
I did not receive the letter abt grad photos leh. when was it given? sigh....everything increasing now. my hushand says we must really eat "grass" now.
awl, u r back! PSLE over, yeah!!! bet u should be at least a bit freer now lor...?

It was given to Jeryn on tues if i remember correctly. phototaking session on 28th oct, and they have to be in school by 915am, in white socks and shoes. U may wan to ask sun lao shi for that letter.... now then i realise jeryn has no white socks n shoes.. haha, must borrow from my niece liao...

ya, everything up up up, but salary stay stay stay, sigh.... my hubby says 'got porridge eat porridge, got rice eat rice lor'....

Gd morning Mummies!

The notice was given on Tue (7 Oct).We also realised that Kelly does not have white shoe probably will have to buy. Oh yes, have been paying center for quite a while and can you imagine they are not even in Primary School, sigh!

I was hoping to be a SAHM look like I can only day dream liao kekekeke...

Have a gd weekend ahead!

