Carpe Diem Childcare resort @ Punggol?

hi mummies,

sorry i've been mia. my mum is away on holiday for 3 long weeks so I've been really busy taking care of my darlings these past week. so tiring!

we went for pts on sat. david spoke abt the new tr too. I'm glad they're getting this tr on a 2-yr contract basis. as least there's some assurance that there will be a permanent english tr. I think sun lao shi is doing a very good job with the n1. Megan's chinese has improved a lot too.

bri, u mean the school is closed on 1/12 and not 31/11 right? there's a change in the closing date from 24/11 to 1/12. I received the note in the comm book last week.

There are new kids in n1 and toddlers this week. Cannot help but feel that the place is getting too packed.

enjoy the remaining week!

Hey gd morning mummies!

Finally get to see awl10's respond. Can understand how busy and tiring especially mum are away.

Oh yes, sorry for the type error it should be 1/12.

I share the same tot as you , it seems the place are overpacked. I will highlight this to David on this Sat PTC .

Enjoy your day!

bitrix, Jeryn so far managed to come back with whatever clips and bands.. haha... maybe u should check with the tr, or check in the green folder, sometimes they put it there...

awl, I agree that the centre is overcrowded, and I asked about the tr-student ratio. According to him, it is still within the MCYS requirement. However, coz of the overcrowding, viruses passed fast. Jeryn kena stomach flu on thurs, vomited the whole day and on fri. Brought her to pd. pd said it's rife now in childcare centres. I checked with sun lao shi. N1 already a few, and she mentioned Megan got it the week b4 and kena again.. So we better be more careful lest it spreads to our lil' ones...*fingers crossed*

Let's see if we can meet each other this fri. What time will u ppl be reaching?
Hey blurqu33n, ya I have written on the communication book , tr said will help to find but in vain. Think probably given to other kids liao...sigh!

Last Sat PTC was good, glad that Kelly had good comment and development in school. U know tr said that she always together with Taiyi your god son. Both of them will play and talk non-stop. When we are done came out of the class, Taiyi waved and called Kelly name loud.Finally I get to see Taiyi a handsome boy kekekeke... and his parents.

Oh yes, I bring my ds to see doc and was advised to be careful cos now there is this virus which causes children to have stomach flu and will vomit. Oh dear never ending story. Hope Jeryn & Megan recover fast.

Probably I will be there 2:45pm 15min early to look see look see. How abt you ? Hope to see you and awl10 .

bitrix, haha, maybe kelly shares her nice clips with the other frens.. hee.. ya, my buddy sms-ed me and said Kelly was in front of TY for the PTC, and that when they saw each other on sat, they were shy.. haha. She also always tell me Kelly, ty and Yuheng always play together.

Finally, Jeryn recovered. But her runny nose is perpetually always there for a few weeks liao. come and go. sigh...

I think Jeryn has a great time during rehearsal yesterday. Her face still has those glitters on, and she was still excited when she came home, telling me a lot of things. I think she can't wait for all the mummies and daddies to watch all of them perform on this fri..

I should also be there at about 2.45 on fri...c ya
Aiyoh, we are surprised that Kelly so good term with TY & Yuheng kekekeke... TR said that three of them will be promoted to N1 early next yr same class again hahahaha..

yes, megan had stomach flu the week b4. i didn't think she got it from school. she vomitted again last fri in the school bus but i dun think it's due to the virus. I guess it's becuase she had milk 30min b4 she took the bus. I felt so bad cos she had not taken the bus since Monday and Friday was the first time she took the bus last week. She did not vomit again after that. Good to know that the Jeryn had recovered.

wow...kelly has 2 "boyfriends" huh ;)

Really hope to meet up this fri. I should be there ard 2.45pm too. See ya!
hi mummies,

my fren whose kids also in CD received a note from Tr Florence saying that if driving there, gotta go early as parking is limited. But I dunno go so early for what leh... So i shall see how, if no lots, then just park at those private houses lanes/roads..
Hi Mummies,

Oh yes, I rec'd a note from Tr Debbie that parking is limited over there have to be there early. Same here will just look for alternative if really no parking lots loh.

ok, now another issue...

CD providing tpt at 1.40pm and 2.20pm... that means most of the ppl would have reached quite early. If we reach only at 2.45pm, we might only sit right at the view of this, I might go there earlier leh, about 2pm.. heeeee
Gd morning Mummies! You are right blurqu33n, I have forgotten abt the free seating. Better be there early ok I try to be there at 2pm .. see ya!

haha... ya lor.... kiasu-ism in me.. hee..

last reminder: bring the tickets! I dreamt that I had forgotten to bring, goodness!
hi mummies,

nice to see both of you... I'm so jia-lat, have to wait for the 2 of u to come n 'call' me.. haha. Thanks for identifying yourself!

I enjoyed myself, and I think all the children put up an amazing show. They r really good.
Hi blurqu33n, no worries! Seems that you have lots of friends sending their children to carpe diem... It's a pity did not get to meet awl10.

Oh yes, I was impressed by their performance especially the K2 , these kids really speak well so different from our times hahahaha...

bitrix, haha... ya lor, 4 of my ex-colleagues (all trs), plus my buddy n a neighbour all send our kiddos to CD. So we know insider news quite fast! and we not happy, it's always 1 whole group feedback together! scary hor? heheheeee

Ya, the emcees were fantastic. How can they memorise such a long long speech when I think I can't even read that well reading from a script!

Jeryn is kinda sad that she's no longer practising the dance in school. She said she wanna go big school again to dance. I told her next year, and she's already looking forward to it! Gosh!

Anyway, I've uploaded the pictures n video in my blog, so feel free to browse it!

It's going to be a hectic weekend this week coz I'm celebrating my ds 1st year old! hee....
bitrix, remember to let me know if you need the mickey mouse figurines for the cake. I have 10 now! haha.. so can lend u after my ds birthday if u wan..

Happy Advance birthday to your DS!

Oh yes tks for your offer. My hubby still prefer the cake from ecreative cos he likes the 3D! Most probably, we will take the winnie the pooh 3D cake cos they do not have the license for the Disney Mickey wat a waste!

hi ladies,

been mia for some time cos we took a short trip to hong kong from 2/12 to 6/12. it was a last minute decision. Megan was simply thrilled to see mickey mouse at disneyland. we had lots of fun too. my baby even went along.

happy belated birthday to jeryn's little brother.

Megan's little sister is celebrating her 1st birthday this sat too. gonna be another busy weekend.

Megan misses the concert too. she was singing and dancing while we were in hong kong too.

I was very impressed with the k2 kids when they received their scrolls. wow....and the emcees were simply terrific!

it's a pity i did not get to meet britix too.

hey blur, in future I'll relay my complaints to you....since you can give group feedback.
hey awl! I'm sure Megan really enjoyed herself in HK disneyland!

Thanks for the birthday wishes. My ds was indeed very happy. I was very pleased with the cake that I ordered from PG too. simply awesome.. heehee...

ya, feedback to me, more ppl more power! hahaaaa
hi blurqu33n, are u aware that the bus driver for the white bus has been changed again? I happened to notice this morning when i took Megan down to catch the bus.

Just ordered a cake from cake ave for my princess no2 1st bithday. hope it turns out well. also ordered a pooh agar agar for all the kids, esp Megan. Dun wan her to feel left out.

btw, I've decided to work full-time next yr due to the coming ecnomny. will be teachign P6 again.
Oh yes, awl, it was changed on 2nd Dec. A notice was pasted in the comms book. But this uncle is definitely the blurrest of all the drivers so far.

I'm sure the cake will turn out nice. I had wanted to order a Mickey Mouse agar agar too but the delivery timing was so off and they dun provide alternative, so I decided to give it a miss lor...Dun worry, dun think Megan will feel left out coz there will be lots of fun on that day right? Jeryn enjoyed it coz she got to play anything and eat anything without restrictions! It's birthday for DS, but indulgence DAYS for DD! Haha

Wow, u really not sick of P6? I'm looking for schools in punggol/sk area that requires Flexi. Any lobangs? Decided not to travel to go back to my current one...
Hi Mummies!

Glad to see awl10 active again hahahaha..
Happy Advance birthday to your darling/princess nbr 2. I am sure you will have a great birthday celebration.

Soon, it will be my ds turn next mth...

Wow a short trip to Hongkong indeed was a gd and enjoyable one for your family.

aiyo...i didn't get the notice again. muz pester sun lao shi for it.hehe.

Oh yes....indulgence day for Megan tomorrow. I told her that mei mei will blow her own candle and she told me that mei mei is too small to do that. this morning she told my mum that she can only blow the candle if mei mei cannot do so. so sensible all of the sudden.

actually i prefer p6 than p5 cos it's more exam-focussed and we end earlier. i have flexi lobangs for my school in yishun....u want???

hi britix, have u ordered your cake? I did everything at the last min. just packed my party bags today. ordered most of the stuff from oriental trading. now looking forward to tomorrow. actually, it's my bb's birthday today (12/12) but i couldn't book the function room for today so end up having the party tomorrow but we'll still cut a mini cake today.'s been a fast! this time, last year, I was still on the hospital bed after being induced.

have a great weekend everyone!
Hi awl10,

We are going to confirm the order from ecreative cos my hubby wanted a 3D plane for ds cos ds will always look out of the window whenever we told him there is areoplane flying....kekeke.

As usual will order the catering from Neo garden have been our regular liao kekekekeke...

By the way, where's the oriental trading you mention? Dun mind your advise.

Oh..happy birthday to your bb! Nice birthday nbr 12/12....can buy 4D kekekeke.

Oh yes agreed with you can't imagine yr before was still laying in bed waiting for bb to come out right? Sometimes, I will tell myself how fast I am a mother of 2 liao....

Hey you guys have a great birthday celebration tmr! Have a super gd weekend ahead!

wow wow... celebrations all over!
1212.. haha, I can't buy in this date for 4D this weekend! Taiyi's mum, aka my buddy, delivered her gal via c-section this afternoon, at 37+ week. Weighed 4.02kg!! Still lighter than ty's birthweight though.. haha..

I received a notice saying Jeryn is promoted to N2Rose wef from 18th Dec. mummies u received? Jeryn's a bit worried when I told her her tr in N2 is Teacher Valerie (according to the notice). She asked me to go to school with her coz she said tr valerie is very fierce! I have to give her pep talk liao... what class is Megan going? and Kelly going N1 (any class?)

I did away with party packs this time round for my ds birthday as i've no time n too lazy to pack. So just put all the kids' food on a separate table, so they take what they want.. haha.. the easy way out for me.
hi mummies,

I had a very tiring weekend. bb had her 1st birthday and we had a family gathering at my uncle's place last night till 11pm. gals were so tried that they slept till 10am this morning....thus, megan skipped school today.

wow blur, your friend's bb must be very "fleshy" and huggable. yep...1212 is a very diff number to buy. did you roll??? 2112 came out first prize for sat's draw. alas, my hubby n i are not 4d ppl. only buy when we remember or happen to pass by the shop.

I did not receive any notice about megan going to n2. hmmm...wonder why. who is this teacher valerie? the new n1 english tr? tot sun lao shi is following them up to n2, according to david when we met him for the ptc.

hi bri, the cake i ordered from cake ave turned out well and yummy. ordered their mango sensation. the pooh agar agar ended up being the centre of attraction, even with the adults! it was reallt delicious. let me know if you want the contact and the designs.

oriental trading company is the otc spree that many mummies do in the spree section of this forum. it's a us-based website. i ordered their sticker scenes, some mini marracus and stamps. here's the website address

have a good week ahead!
awl, so megan pon-ten today lor. Haha. How envious I am coz my 2 rascals will never ever sleep till 10am, no matter how tired or how late they slept.

Ya, see, it came out top prize. N the thing is my buddy n i did not strike coz she didn not box it! sad sad sad.....

hahahahaaa.... mummies, it's a genuine misunderstanding wrt the class promotion. Sun lao shi gave Jeryn a new comm book coz hers used up liao, and sun did not know that there are papers pasted inside (pasted last year). And those papers pasted inside, my frens, are all not valid one lor! Heehee.. I went to CD just now and clarified it with her. And she confirmed that she will follow them up next year. And so, I apologise for the wrong info too....

but the sock, and x'mas pressie notice is updated. So do remember to have them bring the pressie by fri ya!
haha! what a misunderstanding. good to know that sun lao shi is taking them next yr. jeryn must be very relieved to hear that. i think she tot teacher valarie was teacher florence, the tall and big-sized tr. but she's very nice actually. heard from sun lao shi that tr florence made the costumes for the concert, e.g. the bumble bee, dog etc.
Hi Mummies!

Hope all of you have a gd weekend!

Hi blur- I did not receive anything about Kelly gg N1. But I receive about the Christmas celebration on the eve. Need to bring a clean used sock today cos tr mentioned something to do with their party. Also, as usual the $5 gift exchange and the optional of cookies to school. I will let Kelly bring the gingerbread man on the eve for her celebration.

Wow congrats to Taiyi's mummy!! Baby comes out to celebrate Christmas?

Hi awl10, tks for your info. Oh yes, dun mind can you advise the contact and for the design wise,are we suppose to select from theirs?

Have a gd day!

Hi mummies,

Jeryn did tell me that Tr Florence is the fiercest in the school and she always has a whistle. Actually, one of my frens whose gal is in Tr F's class had had a bad experience with her. My buddy n I had witnessed it before on how fierce she scolds the kids. I think if too young, they'll definitely be traumatised by lor...

I'm also glad that sun lao shi is following them up coz I think she's doing a great job! Btw, Tr Alina will be returning in Jan, and I heard she's taking the todds.

Ty's sis did not have a choice when to come out. It's the mummy who wants to get her out asap as she's simply tiring her mum out, and getting too big. Luckily she's out at 37weeks. I can't imagine what her weight will be if she comes out as a full term bb.

I bought the xmas gift for the exchange and had Jeryn bring her sock to school liao.. But did not indicate what I'm buying for the party coz was thinking of baking cupcakes for the kids if have time. Shall see how....
Good Morning Mummies!

What a nice weather today! Dun feel like gg to work so lazy.

Wow it will be nice for Jeryn to bring the cupcakes to school especially her mummy baked. She can proudly tell her friends kekekeke....

I have yet buy the xmas gift for the exchange, will probably get it today.

bitrix, I nua too long at home liao.. but still difficult to get myself up to go for my tuition class.. sigh.. i agree, weather too nice to just laze around...

haha, i'm not sure if i've the time to bake at all coz baking for quite a number of parties... anyway, just to confirm that CD has no half day on xmas eve right?

n just to remind all of you that CD will be closed on 26th dec (as in notice pasted on the comms book)...
Hi blurqu33n, oh really ah? kekekekeke.....
Oh yes if I am not wrong there is no half day on the x'mas eve. Oh tks for your info cos I have yet receive notice on this.

hey blur, thanks for the 26/12 closure reminder. cos even planning to go shopping or meet up with friends. looks like will have to shelf that idea.

megan's daddy on night shift till christmas so we took her and mei mei for mac breakfast today. arrived at CD at 11.15am today....the latest so far!

I'm no baker and also dun have the interest. will most likely buy some marshmellow and cookies. I'm sure jeryn will be very proud of your cupcakes.

hi bri, will email you the designs for the agar agar.

bitrix, the notice was the one pasted on the front page of the comms book. I think centre will remind parents nearing that date about the closure..

ha, awl.. I already arranged with frens to chiong post xmas sale on 26th Dec. I think i'll just bring jeryn along to chiong the sales with me! Haha...

Jeryn can suddenly tell me she wants to eat cupcakes, and so I've to make to satisfy her craving.. but that's about the only thing i can do.. hohoho

btw, I'm going to a school in SK next yr for flexi... finally not jobless!
Hey Mummies!

Tks blurqu33n, we have just changed a new comm book that's why I have missed that out. Tks for your info. Great, congrats that you got a school in SK. That will make you more convenience and nearer to hm.

Tks awl10, I have rec'd the design of the agar agar.

So tired today cos ds fever for almost 2 days liao. He can't sleep well and I have to wake up almost every 2-3 hrs to check on him. Mummies, watch out for the little one cos according to doc , babies or small children tends to fall sick easily especially by the end of the year due to the " cold wind ".

hi mummies,

I'm in school today for P6 posting.

blurqu33n, good to know that u're posted to sk school. I've friends in sk pri. which school are you going to? think I'll go chiong post xmas sales with my gals and mum on 26/12 too.

bri, take care of yourself too. Megan also gets sick during this time too. My no2 was also having a fever last night.

let's hope all our little ones stay healthy this festive season!
Hi Mummies!

I have rec'd notice that CD are closed half day on X'mas eve. Our children will be back hm at 2pm and also be closed on 26/12/08 for the cirrculum planning.

Hey tks awl10 for your concern!

Yup, weather is really turning cold. I made Jeryn put on her jacket every morning, but, sigh.. she just caught a cold.. tr called me yest n told me she had non-stop runny nose.. ran to pharmacy to self-medicate again. shall observe n see how tomolo...

awl, i'm not going to sk primary leh...thanks anyway...

jeryn is so excited coz i'm bringing her to her 1st ballet class tomolo! Hee.. She started posing the minute I let her try on the ballet bodysuit. vainpot...

have a great weekend..
Hello Mummies!

Tmr will be X'mas eve...hohoho. I have rec'd from the bus driver that Kelly will be hm at 12pm.

Hi blurqu33n, how's Jeryn ballet class? We also decided to enrol Kelly for ballet next yr once she turns 3 yrs old.

Have a gd Christmas everyone!

hi ladies,

just finished wrapping my xmas pressies. can only do this when the gals are sleeping. I'm having my usual christmas gathering at my place this evening. another round of get-together and festive feasting. Just had dinner at sakura last night. it was great! I really loved the fruit salad and the oh-nee. slurp slurp.

hi blurqu33n, do update us abt jeryn's first ballet. muz have taken many photos. I'm planning to sign megan up too. where does jeryn have her ballet lessons? I was introduced to crestar by my husband's friend.

hi bri, where are you enrolling kelly for ballet?

have a great christmas!!!
Hello Mummies!

What a nice weather today!

Oh yes, awl10 same here I have to wrap up the xmas present when the kids are sleeping. That's the only time where no disturbance from them kekeke.

According to my hubby, there is a ballet school in UE sq.I will have to check before deciding, anyway it's still a long way before Kelly turns 3 kekekeke..

To share , my ds finally learn to walk on his own. We are so happy and glad that he can walk before his 1st birthday.

We are having x'mas party at our friend's hse tonite and tmr will be another round at our place. I just can't wait for the celebration!

Merry Christmas , everyone hohohoho!


seemed so long since i last logged in and surf net! I was busy baking, like so many things to do.. xmas eve I had gathering with hubby's side at my place. mahjong till wee hours. haha.. xmas went my bro's place for a day of fun. basically, these 2 days the happiest are the kids. They can really have full load of fun and junk food!

I signed Jeryn up at Crestar Tampines Safra. Both my nieces are with Crestar though different branches. She enjoyed herself last week coz I was in the class. Today, she walked in on her own, and realising that I'm not going to be inside, she wailed! I talked to her, and so she went in and we stood at the glass door. Soon, she began to enjoy the dancing too. She promised me she will be brave n not cry next week. I shall see.. haha...

wow! bitrix, ur ds is real fast. Mine started walking only after he turned one. now walk around the whole house like nobody's biz...

talking about wrapping xmas gifts. I also did it when all are sleeping. I spent 2.5 hours wrapping countless gifts! back breaking. Then also went to my buddy's house and wrapped the presents for her coz she confinement, too tired to wrap...

I'm having the last xmas party for the yr tonight. I'm really a bit burnt out. last night baked and decorated cupcakes for 4 hours! That will be the last batch of baking for the yr. want to rest liao... a bit sian that school's starting next fri....
Hey mummies! Wow everyone had enjoyed and exhausted from the X'mas celebration!

Hey blurqu33n, great that Jeryn enjoyed her ballet. How much do you pay for her lesson? Oh yes, we are so happy that ds can finally walk on his own. We are bringing the kids to Japan next Mar and ds just in time for the trip hahahaha....


end of 2008 drawing near. Let me wish all of u a great 2009 ahead and may everyone be blessed with good health and wealth!

The ballet lesson costs about $160 for 11 sessions for safra members. else I think it's about $180 for public. On top of this amount, have to pay $21.40 for 1-time registration and $100 deposit. I think all the lil girls look very cute cute in the leotard and the tutu, so adorable!

wow! Japan! I think you brought Kelly there once right? How envious! Which part of Japan? F&E? Jeryn keeps saying want to take aeroplanes, but I keep telling her we've no money! Haha.. Let me strike more 4D first..

alright! 'See' you next year!
Hey blurqu33n, oh yes we brought her this year Mar and yes we are bringing her again this time together with our ds. For sure, we are gg Disneyland again cos it is ds first trip and Kelly wanted to go there again to see Mickey/Minnie Mouse... probably will go to another place but have yet decide.

Happy New Year Mummies!

Wish everyone stays healthy and happy always!


School has started. After a few changes, I'm finally given a P6EM3 class! Sigh.. Taking Science for the 1st time too. It's a challenge for me here. Wonder if I can hang on till the end of the year, or to 'jump ship' halfway thru!

How's everyone feeling? It's going to be CNY and yet I've not done any cleaning yet... wonder what i did during my hols..

We brought the kids to PR Park last weekend and Jeryn had had her 1st pony ride. I was pretty surprised that she dared to ride on it without crying. haha.. so she sat on it and was walked one round by a horse trainer, and she enjoyed it thoroughly. Then we went cycling, and brought them to the playground. She enjoyed it so much that she keeps telling me she wans to go Pasir Ris Park again and again and again...

Happy New Year Mummies!

Wow I always admire teacher cos teaching is really very stress to me. Salute you mummies!

Finally I am back ofc today.I was on leave ever since Christmas till y'day. Hmmm too long holidays that I have to pull myself to work today kekekeke.

Kelly has promoted to N1 together with Taiyi and Yuheng oh no the 3 musketeers according to the teacher hahahaha..... I have enrolled her swimming lesson as they will be conducting at their inhse swimming pool on 15 Jan with certificate provided after completed the course. The fee is $180. Did you mummy sign for your gals?

Coming Sat will be her first ballet lesson. I am pretty excited for her wonder how she react kekekeke..

Oh yes, CNY approaching and seems 3 weeks away so fast .... lucky I have maid to spring cleaning for me kekeke but I do need to clear unwanted stuff seems too many things at hm.

Wow that's nice to bring the kids to PR park. I am sure Jeryn really enjoyed herself.

