Carpe Diem Childcare resort @ Punggol?


i can understand the dread in going back to work after a long break. Trs face this every semester! Haha... I had a 2 month break, but still wished that I can 'break' forever...

I did not sign Jeryn up for the swimming lesson coz her daddy says he can teach her himself. save money. Maybe will let her enrol when she gets bigger and if the daddy is still not teaching her.

Where will kelly be having her ballet lesson? Have u got her leotard n tutu all ready already? Hee.. I wan to see pictures also, can link me to anywhere? facebook? hee...

Hey blurqu33n,

Wow 2 mths break so shiok man!

Kelly has her ballet lesson at Dreamz which is located at UE square. Oh yes, last sat we brought her to the dance studio to try on and bought the leotard and tutu. I think the little one look adorable cute with leotard and tutu on kekeke....

Sad to say, I always wanted to have my own facebook but never get the chance to create cos I really have no time for that. Pai Sei, I will probably send her pictures once I have taken ..

Zzzzz so sleepy got to get back work. Talk to you again!

wow, u travel to UE square for her ballet? That's quite far. But I think it's worth it if she enjoys it right?

ok, let me know when ur facebook is up so that I can add u if u dun mind..

Hey blurqu33n,

Oh yes travel all the way there but it's fine cos my hubby's ofc over there so parking is free paid by company heeheehee....

Ok will let you know.

It seems only the 2 of us are active in this thread hahahaha... Keep going!


ya lor, always only the 2-3 of us talking.. haha.. no one else interested in this thread..nvm, like that easier to follow the thread also..
weekend wasn't too fantastic. I strained my lower back muscles, poor ds had a fall that has his mouth bleeding. He also had diarrhoea and runny nose. Jeryn has a cough and runny nose too! Sigh... hopefully all will be ready by CNY.

Hope all of you are in good health too!
oh dear sorry to hear that! So are you getting better? Hope both your kids get well fast.

Me too was sick contacted some virus that caused me vomit,diarrhoea, fever, headahche and I am on medication leave for 3 days. Doc said that I need plenty of rest at hm. Althought now is my third day I can still feel mild pain on my stomach.Doc said that it might be contagious so I have to ensure to keep myself clean before contacting the kids.

I also hope to get well soon as it was so terrible to be sick!

oh dear.... seems like u far worse than me. The doc ask me to rest well and make sure the back recovers. The funny part is she only gave me 1 day mc, how to rest well?

ya, all get well soon.. pray pray..
Hey blurqu33n,

Hmm am back to ofc today no mood to work but I have tonnes of emails ....

How come your doc give only 1 day, ya agreed that it is defintely not enough to rest. Can request to take another day to rest? Don't play play especially on the back , you have to make sure fully recover else will be a big problem when grow older.

Hope everyone in gd health!


hope u are feeling much beta now..
that doc tat i wemt to is not my usual gp. my usual gp was not in that morning. sigh...
till now, the pain still comes and goes. I've to rely on the muscle relaxant. I dun think I can fully recover coz teaching=standing for long periods of time....
Now i very careful in carrying ds. but can't carry for long coz can feel the pain...

ds has been horrid these few days. refused milk and porridge. all other things he's ok... so i dunno how.. any advice?
Hey blurqu33n, tks I am getting much better today. Phew finally ...

Oh dear, you better get plenty of rest during the weekends if possible see doc if neccessary cos it is really no joke for back problem.

Hmm, is he bore of the milk/porridge cos he has tried something nice or different? Perhaps you can try giving him rice with soup instead since he doesn't wan porridge at the moment? As for milk, you can replace with the porridge " water" dun know what term/word to use also can filled up the stomach.

hi mummies,

hope the weekend had been good for u..

well, i'm on mc again today. going to see my usual gp later and see what she suggest. the pain is so bad that i can't walk properly, and can't even bend down to do things. i cross my fingers and hope that it's nothing too serious..

my ds is so unfathomable...he was ok during the weekends, taking porridge and milk once again.. sigh, dunno how long it can last..
Oh dear! blurqu33n sounds bad hope you get well soon as next week will be CNY. Get plenty of rest by this week if possible.

Weekend as usual,we brought Kelly for her ballet lesson but she is unwilling to let go me wanted me to accompany her probably because she saw one of her classmate cried so badly and end up her mummy has to accompany her. I really hope she can be on her own for the ballet lesson have to try again next week.

Do you have this problem with Jeryn?

Oh yes, the kids are celebrating CNY this friday got to bring some CNY cookies for Kelly to bring to school and also wear her cheongsum the same as last year hahahaha recycle.

well, my gp gave me a check and said that I probably have mild prolapse disc. not as serious as slipped disc, so dun need surgery at this stage. she mentioned that the lower back muscles are very very tensed. gave me 3 days mc. If I do not get better, then she'll refer me for physiotherapy.. I feel beta today than yest, hopefully i'll get well real soon so that i can sit on the floor to gamble during CNY! haha.... also told me not to carry my ds, but he is super sticky n clingy to me, keep crying when i dun carry him.. sigh...

ya, jeryn was also like that during her 2nd lesson. I coaxed her into it and she was ok for the subsequent lessons. However, last weekend, she cried coz she saw one of the gals from the class crying. I talked to her and she went in in the end...

aiyoh, i've no traditional costume for jeryn. maybe just let her wear a red dress... haha..
oh dear sounds bad. Hope you recover fast so that you be ready to celebrate CNY!

So you rest at hm for the whole of this week?

oh dear sounds bad! Hope you recover fast so as be ready to celebrate CNY!

So you have been resting for the whole of this week?

hi bitrix,

ya, saw GP yest again. She Performed simple acupuncture on me to relieve the pain and tensed muscles. I feel better. She told me to go for either physio or acupuncture/tuina regularly to see results. Gave me another 2 days mc, so I did not go to school for the whole week. But neither did I go gallivanting coz not in good condition. she advised me to stop work coz my back will never recover from the prolonged standing in teaching. I've informed my p about it and see if she is willing to release me..

I went to the swimming pool as advised by GP coz she said the buoyancy in water will help.

really hope by CNY i can sit down and gamble all i want! haha
Hi blurqun33, oh dear so sorry to hear this from you.

Today really no mood to work man.....

Gong Xi Fa Cai !!

no problem. thanks. i take it as an official excuse to rest some more...

yaya, gong xi gong xi! May the year of the ox bring all mummies n your families great health and great wealth!!
hi ladies,

i've been really tied down with work lately so hadn't had the time to post anything.

blurqu33n, do rest your back well. it's an occupational hazard of ours. hope your P is willing to release you soon.

bri, I've no mood to work on Friday too. no half day for us. I left at 2pm. First time since school started. went to run last minute errends. finally had time to thread my eye brow.

Well, may the yr of the ox bring us good health and wealth and the keep the kids healthy and free from diseases!
hi mummies,

how's the CNY celebration? There are 10 more days to go, make sure u celebrate some more!!

awl, i can imagine how busy it has been for u. My P has finally released me. That means I am 'school-less' at least for Term 1. I'll start my acupuncture treatment next week. So hopefully everything will be well by Term 2 so that I can start going back to work and earn $$... Now only giving tuition.

Btw, heard from Aunty Jessie from CD that there will be lion dance at CD this coming Monday at 9am. But I'm thinking does that mean that those taking the school bus will miss it? so am planning to send Jeryn there earlier myself coz she's looking forward to see lion dance this CNY but have yet to catch one!
Gong Xi Fai Cai Mummies!

Wish the yr of OX brings good luck and health to everyone!

CNY always a good celebration for family/friend's gathering and kids are the one who really enjoy as they have hongbaos to collect!

Wow lion dance today! Oh dear Kelly is catching the 9am bus hope she gets to see it!

Take Care!


sent Jeryn to school today. There's a confirmed case of HFMD in her class (N2). There are also a few 'suspects' sitting outside this morning. I hope it stops there. keeping my fingers crossed as Jeryn had a low grade fever 2 days ago. Subsided last night and a check with the teacher just now still shows that she's fever-less and spotless. Pls dun let it spread again.......
Oh dear! Not again!

Kelly was at hm today cos she has slight fever & cough when back hm yesterday. Brought her and ds to see doc this morning cos ds has running nose and cough sigh!

I am monitoring Kelly's fever probably will let her rest one more day at hm tmr. Really have to keep finger cross man!
Jeryn's at home today coz last evening fever again... keep checking her.. no spots n ulcers yet...

hope both your kids are beta now.
hey last nite Kelly fever up again so she is staying at hm today. I have called up the center and confirmed one case HFMD in N2.

Hope Jeryn recovers fast. How's your back now, getting better?
hi mummies,

it's back again to haunt us!!!! sigh...megan's mei mei had fever last friday and she's still nursing a bad cough. I'm also down with flu and cough. Megan is also having a cough. Pls pls pls dun let them catch the hfmd virus again.

hope all your little darlings get well soon and let the hfmd steer clear!
well, jeryn's fever is on/off. bringing her to the doc tomolo morning. still spotless n ulcer-less, so i hope it's just another case of viral fever. I'll let her stay at home again tomolo.

my back's beta. thanks! went for my tuina session on tuesday and she did 'ba guan' for me. said a lot of wind in my body apart from the muscle strain. advised me to do a really 'obedient' confinement for my 3rd child and things will be beta.. in the meantime, I've to go back for another 2-3 sessions and it should be fine.

awl, hope all 3 of u recover real real soon. and yes, may the nasty viruses retreat!
Sigh! Same here, kelly's fever on/off and I have let her stay at hm for the rest of the week liao. I will have to bring her see doc again probably tmr or sat.

Hey awl10, how's your little one now? Getting better?

Hey blurqu33n,you really have to take care yourself. Wow you are planning for nbr 3?

Hope all the viruses vanish stay away from our little ones!
hi bitrix, anders in N1 has got chicken pox. Look out for Kelly and monitor her too..
luckily the hfm has not spread since that 1 isolated case. N2 children poor thing, quarantined for 1 whole week...

mummies, heard of the compulsory wear of school attire even after shower? I've not received the letter coz jeryn was absent but all my mummy-frens are not happy about it. They are writing a group feedback to either david/francis..I'm joining in.. hee

no. 3? haha.. wait till my back fully recovers and I shall see how... dunno how to juggle coz we still not planning to engage a maid even with we have a no. 3! haha.. so i need more time to decide..
Hi blurqu33n, bad news Kelly got pneumonia confirmed last sat. She needs to stay at hm for the time being.Tmr need to bring her for doc review. Have to take antiboitics for 10 days.. ds was sick also running nose, cough and last nite fever have to montior him in case he got it from Kelly sigh! Last hubby also sick running nose except me need to " tong" man !

Oh yes, I rec'd the notice abt the compulsory to wear school uniform after shower and also need to bring along toothbrush as the kids will get to brush their teeth after the meal.

Having a maid can be a big headache man but think of the positve side it could help to lighten your hse work. Very contradicting!
oh dear, i hope kelly get well soon. I'm sure with treatment she'll be fine pretty soon. one of my fren's kid also had it last year. i think parents, esp mummies will be worried sick. seemed like the virus is in the air. u gotta take more vitamin c...

i still have not received the notice 'officially'. so i will let it remain status quo until tr gets to me about it...

we only think of all the bad things about having a maid. only good thing is lighten our burden of doing hosuework.. so the minus surpass the plus...sigh
Tks blurqu33n, it's really not easy being a mum man! Kelly is slightly better today but still have to stay away from crowded places. She was so bored at hm can't do much so just bring her downstair playground and to my mum's place. DS was confirmed the same pneumonia today can't be help since both the siblings are together. Sigh! Hope they recover fast cos it is really heart pain to see them coughing and vomitting when taking medicine.

How's Jeryn, back to school already?
hi bitrix, hang in there. who says have 2 kids is double the job.. I think we'll all agree that it's 10x the job mann! mummies are one tough creature!

Jeryn's back to school. thankfully she's ok now except for the occasional cough n her phlegm...

the school is now offering 1-for-1 uniform till 20th feb. Thot u might wan to know since kelly has not been to school. u can call and let the tr know u wan to buy coz promotion till next fri only....
Hi blurqu33n, oh really 1 for 1 uniform quite a gd deal right? I was thinking of purchasing another set of PE attire since now the school does not allow home clothes after shower. Tks for your update!

Have a gd weekend! Cheer!
ya bitrix,

i think this offer came about coz of too many 'complaints' from parents, esp those with 2 kids there.. I bot 1set uniform and 1 set pe attire for jeryn. so foc 1 bigger size can wear next time mah.. haha...
Hi Mummies! Happy Belated Valetine!

Yesterday brought both kids to doc review. Although Kelly is recovering but her immunse system still weak to avoid getting sick again to be confined at hm for this week. DS on recovering stage finally I can see both of them have the appetite to eat!

Oh yes, need to call up the tr to purchase the uniform since kelly will not be in school this week. Tks for reminding I should also get a bigger size for her as well!

Hi Mummies!

Finally can bring Kelly for her ballet lesson tmr after 2 weeks being confined at hm. We decided to bring her and ds for a swim after her ballet lesson.

Have a good weekend ahead!

Hi Mummies!

How's weekend!
Kelly not co-operative to go ballet class on her own and have been standing near the door till the lesson ends. Sigh! Hope next week she will be ok.

We went to the zoo on Sunday. It was great and tiring.

Finally , Kelly back to school on Monday.

hi mummies,

bitrix, nice to know that Kelly is well and back in action! I believe she'll need some time to get adjusted back to the ballet class. However, I think she must have had a really good time at the zoo!

Our last weekend was spent going to 2 birthday parties and 1 bb shower. U can say that Jeryn enjoyed herself too coz it was a lot of junk food to eat! I think she enjoyed taiyi's party at the bowling alley the most. It was so funny to see kids like them rolling the ball and it seemed like an eternity when the ball reached the pins! They were exhausted even before 1 game is up! haha...

continue to take care and enjoy the rest of the week!
Hi Mummies!

blurqu33n, tks! It is indeed relief for me. Wow seems you have a packed weekend that's gd!

Have a gd weekend ahead! Cheer!
Hello mummies,

Jus to find out is CD good? i am looking for a non aircon centre as i have bad experience in an aircon one.

I am choosing bet CD and Judes. Can anyone give me any advises bet these two?
hi wee,

I've not much complaints against CD except that they can get quite disorganised at times. But I'm certainly in favour of the big open field that they have... Apologies but I can't provide you any advice on Judes.
Hope it helps.
Hi Mummies!

Long time never hear from you? It seems this thread have inactive for a while. Wonder if Wee have put her kid in carpe diem punggol ? Cheer!
Hi mummies,

I'm going to send my 21 month-old son to the toddler class in May. Just wanted to find out if any of your kids are in the same class and whether or not there are issues with having a class size so big cos' I was told that right now there are 17 kids in the toddler class.

Hi mattsmumy,

Welcome to this thread!

My daug has promoted to N1 beginning of the year. However, my understanding is the class will be split into 2 if the class are big , perhaps you need to check with the center abt this.

We will be putting our son in Toddler class in Aug.

mattsmummy, welcome to the thread.

bitrix, so early put your son? anyway, the place secured liao?
my neighbour's son is going to todds end may...

Hey blurqu33n,

not early he is gg to be 19mths by Aug. We enrolled Kelly when she was 17mths. We have yet registered him probably wait till jun period then enrolled.
