Calling ALL Thomas TRain FANS!

Only pity is that the Thomas take along trains do not fit the wooden tracks. Now am thinking on what to do with his take along trains and big trains.. and whether or not to buy the wooden series. But this Imaginarium set comes with trains...

Also, worry that once I start to buy the wooden Thomas series, he may start to ask for the whole collection...

hi everyone ... been so busy w boys n other stuff ... howz everybody's holidays ??

Catz, ur boy's op postpone to this fri ... u take care n *hugz* to ur boy ...

wah.. co11ectionz, u got new loots for ur boy again ...
teng, yah tomorrow is D-day... just hope that I can be strong when I hold his hand as he goes under sedation. Scared my maternal instincts make me cry like a crazy woman like when he went on the jaundice bed :p

co11ectionz, wah sounds ultra shiok but sigh, i doubt my hubby would ever allow it.. the house is already like madhouse :p
Catz - Good luck to you and yr boy! Since he's on sedative, he wont be able to feel much pain, but it's the after effect.
BTW, how old is yr boy? My cousin is 7yr old, also needed it, but dr did advise him to do it so soon.

Collectionz- Wah $300+ really ex. My house also like warzone, plus so ex.. think my hb will never agree to it too.

good luck to you and yr son. Stay cool cos yr son nids yr strength too
Catz... can understand how you feel. I am also quite useless when it comes to such things. My tears will just flow like nobody's business.
On the day of my boy's school concert, I can cry even on the way to the concert. So emotional.
But sometimes, its also good to let go. Will feel better and stronger after that too.

Dont worry, I will pray for you and your family. I'm sure your boy will be a brave boy too!!!
Poormummy, $300++ comes with everything lei. Really dont need to buy anything else to add on. and the table even comes with big drawers. Quite a good deal.
co11ectionz - Me too leh!! Cried in concert and whatever. Flow like nobody biz and my hb says my tears are worthless.
I agree with u, feel better and stronger after that!

Catz - When my boy was sedated coz he needed for his injury I also cried like one mad woman....Feel helpless cant relieve his pain.. but after when he ask why I cry, i suddenly regain my strenght again. hahaha

My boy is asking for those little tykes car in TRU for xmas present leh. $199.. heartache to buy
Hihi all, alamak, so terrible.. really regret not doing infant circumcision.
The worst was when we transported him back from hospital.. he was very teary, got home and found that the wound started to ooze blood from the moving around. 'Cos really need to lie flat and still for the wound not to ooze. Then this morning, I thought his T-shirt was covering his bird, so I lifted it up, not realising that the blood had fused to the shirt.. wah lau, he cried like hell for 15 mins. Same as yesterday when we had to shower him. So miserable lor.. think the whole week gone case, cannot go out. Now he's going around without anything on his bottom, just a short T-shirt, v obscene but no choice. SO POOR THING! But he netted a lot in toys: 1 x Takealong Cranky the Crane, 1 x Breakdown Train & Flatbed, 1 x RC helicopter( my parents) and $50 from the other set of grandparents..haha..
catz... Hang in there! will be over soon! Did they give yr boy a bravery cert?

How do u know at infant stage whether or not need to circumcise? Dr will advise is it?
Hullo everyone!

I only found this thread recently. My boy, 18 mths, is a fan of Thomas. And now I am also beginning to like the show :p


Oh dear, I hope yr boy gets well soon. Hope the toys will take his mind off the pain at times.


For me, Igot my son circumcised when he was only 1 mth old. Very easy to take care. He only cried quite a bit on the first day. After that, really a breeze, so glad.

Anyway it's OK, when you have yr next boy, can consider that
Hi Catz,

Hope your boy is feeling better now.

I was reading your posts on your boy circumcision, cos my boy has exactly the same problem and was admitted to NUH for IV drip due to infection.

The insertion of the IV drip was already so difficult during that time as my boy was cubby and they couldn't find a "nice" vein. The doctors had to try for at least 45 minutes to get the IV tube in...

Sigh, i really cannot imagine how it's going to be like next year when it's time for his op.

Can I check in which hospital was the circumcision done? Mine will be done in NUH by doctor Dale Loh.
hi ladies, thanks again for the well wishes. Timo is still in quite a bit of discomfort. Thought we'd bring him for sushi to cheer him up but he was in agony as the pants kind of rubbed off his 'crust' so his penis head is v raw and bleeding. Sigh.

Babythad, my son never got an infection but since his foreskin had not retracted by age 3, it's a foregone conclusion that it would never retract on its own and would eventually lead to infection. My son did his privately under Dr Sim Chiang Khi at Mt A.. he also operates at Mt E if you so wish.

smalldreams, regret not doing it at infancy.
But anyway he's got so many new toys, macham already Christmas. Haha.
Hi Catz,

Thanks for your reply.

After my son's infection, which caused his penis and balls to all swollen up, till no folds can be seen on the balls, and the whole area was hot (when touched) and the redness actually went up till his waist area, I got a shock!! Immediately sent him to NUH A&E, and thus he was with NUH for this issue since.

When I saw how badly the swell was, there was no reason not to go for the op. But now that he's so "OK", and the thot of the suffering he might go thru, I really have 2nd thots to it. At the end of the day, think just have to do it cos dun want to risk another round of the scary infection.

He is under Dr EK Ong. When he had his 1st UTI at 4 months old, Dr Ong told us the possibility of having his on circumcision. But since the UTI didn't recur, he said to leave it.

Really hope your boy will get well soon! No matter how "minor" the op may sound by the Dr, we are still heartache when see our little ones in pain.
Thanks co11ectionz..

I din't know there's a thread on Thomas train fans.. cos was looking for info on circumcision and chance upon this thread. :)

My son is also a fan of Thomas.. and train toys.. But we only have 2 sets of thomas at home, so far.

And, to encourage his interest in reading, I've been buying many books on Thomas & friends for reading. He loves when i read the stories to him cos he is 'familiar' with the characters. Hope that will encourage him to love reading. :p
yes this cannot become a circumcision thread.. teehee..

I don't really like the shows lah but I like the trains cos I have the 'collector' bug.. haha.

Babythad, yes my son is also under EK Ong. Honestly the suffering he has to go through if he kena UTI again is even worse, would rather do the circumcision to spare him UTI. My hubby had recurrent UTI and it's terrible.. spread to his kidneys. Not to scare you but that's how serious it can get... so eventually, better do the op if it ever recurs or before that la.
CAtz/ Babythad - Read abt yr cases, really an unforgetable experience, I hope yr boy recovers fast and soon and UTI never finds them again.

During infancy, my dr did ask me to pull down his foreskin gently to clean off the white white part with cool boiled water. I got a shock when he did checks on him and pull his foreskin down to find lots of white stuff crowding his 'opening'.Was worried abt infections and stuff at that time too. So I can understand the feeling when ur boys actually had it.

Catz - The pants part really sounds very painful to yr boy. *ouch*
PM, yah it's v v painful... luckily my son has never encountered UTI even though the paediatric urologist said his foreskin is really too tight and confirm need circumcision. I try to clean as best as possible but 'cos cannot retract, got a lot of white stuff underneath and the penis is all lumpy.
hi, collecionz,
have u manage to get the Thomas bedsheet??
i saw ur thread on Guess bag, what does it comes with?? looking for it as a gift for a fussy ppl, so, need to know more details, also, i m in very tight budget lor...
co11ection - I know CADI brand thermometer can measure temp by forehead or ear. Kiddy Palace sells them...quality wise i am not so sure..
So... haven gotten then bedsheet

Guess bag is brand new, I bought it as Xmas pressies but now, changed my gift to another item. Its quite a big straw bag, comes with short handle and long sling handle too.

Check out my BN Gap tops! Cheap and nice
Fussy pple wont complain! ha ha ha

How about Percy Lego? ;)
CADI sucks. Don't buy that. Mine broke down in a yr. They offered to let me buy a second one at half price but no thanks. Now i have the terumo ear thermometer. Works well.
Mashy - What sort of problems u encounter?
Mine was the temperature was very erratic. I did call since it's under warranty, but I'm too lazy to bring it down.

Im using Omron ear thermometer now.. quite Ok.
I heard that CADI sucks too.. think it's a local brand right? :p I wouldn't really trust the Osim either. Omrom and Terumo are hospital brands, should be better.

Ladies I had a dramamama incident. I collapsed while taking care of the kids.. luckily I managed to call my hubby before I collapsed so he rushed down from Jurong.. admitted to Mt A for 1.5 days for observation.. check heart, head etc.. luckily just an ear infection. Wah lau.. my biggest fear!!
Oh my! Catz! Hope you're better now!

I always tell my friends.. as a SAHM, no leave, no MC... as compared to FTWM.

Must take care alrite?!?!
co11ectionz, yah man.. so drama.. sigh.. luckily I could call my hubby else I dunno how lor.. 'co I can hear the kids screaming and shouting but I cannot respond to them. Think all SAHM are v frightened of this kind of fainting spell happening to them.. so dangerous, luckily the slow cooker was on, and nothing on the stove!
co11ectionz, yes definitely better.. can go Orchard Rd but cannot tahan the crowds man... :p

Christmas time in town is chaos! Luckily I've shopped in advance although I must admit that there are a lot of good buys now.
catz, gd to hear that u're better .. dun eat too much goodies thou they r so tempting yah .. take care ....

here's wishing all mummies n their family, merry xmas, happy new year, good health & wealth .. :cool:
co11ectionz, yep yep will keep an eye out. I did see Duck *once*... seems like he's quite rare right?

Teng and collectionz, happy hols!

Wow, that's so scary! I always have that fear that it will happen to me and there's no help and my poor boy sitting alone at home without food and couldn't wake mummy up.

Glad you're fine now.

Mine also erratic readings then after a while it just conked out.
Merry X'mas and a Happy New Year to all mummies..
May we be prettier and healthier..
Kids are good and healthy..
Hubby earns a lot...ha...
Hehe, I like So's wishes... 'cos my biggest fear is to be old and ugly
oh.. and poor! Hehehehe... so cute!

Merry Merry Christmas to all mummies and their families... HAPPY HOLS!

had a rough week ... my boy had very bad throat infection, fever went up n down for 2 days ... 1st time he was so sick that he kept crying and said he dun wan to be sick anymore coz is pain pain ... dun wan milk and meals .. sigh .. somemore hb not in town ... 8-(

Here's wishing our kiddos and all mummies be healthy and happy always in 2009 ... cheers ...
