Calling ALL Thomas TRain FANS!

Hiya mommies,
my boy is also a huge fan of Thomas and his friends.. He can make me turn on the dvds over and over again the whole day, and during bedtime also makes me / hubby read him thomas books over n over again until all of us can memorize already hahaah..

He collects the die cast take alongs also.. we started him with the wind-ups and he was hooked on them for like 3-4 months then we decided we can get him started on the die cast.. Now he has like 30 die casts engines + cars.. 1 storage box not enough! strange tho he doesnt like running them on tracks.. hahaha.. so we bought the 1st track set and now put them away for a while.. maybe he's too young to understand track concept? he's 23 months now..
oh ya, where to get the thomas tent cheapest? I know kiddy palace and IMM kids mall sell at ard $59-60..
hi nining,

the other time one mommy organised a BP and i bought it ard $40 odd..i saw toysrus have it and sometimes they have it on sale. it is quite fun, and my boy likes it but be prepared to get invited for the "train ride" too
THanks Chocco!! With my son's attitude nowadays as he is entering his terrible 2 stage, its an order not an invitation hahaahah..
hi mummies,

can i ask you whether the take away series will work on the thomas road and rail system that kiddy palace sells? sorry very new to this

my toddler seemed to have fallen in love with thomas - he will go "omas omas" :p
Hiya Rosnyus,
unfortunately no. Take Along (not take away heheh) series are not run by battery, and havedifferent type of wheels and size too.. The blue rail system that kiddy palace sells won't work with take alongs. IMHO I prefer take alongs, no batteries, kids will be more involved in the playing, not just watching..
Hi co11ectionz,

scan thru this thread, notice that you are the expert of thomas hor...

my nephew is a great fan of Thomas... so wanna get something thomas for him on his 4th birthday... what do you suggest? err... budget constraints too, less than 50bucks.. errrr able to get a discent one eh?... n me unsure what does he have on hand leh?

how aobut this? how much will it cost? where to find it? OR anyone WANNA SELL??
Shy shy..... me not expert
Just like to share info with all mummies.

Leereiner, they do have some Thomas sets going at $49, $59 or $79. However, you need to know what your nephew is into. Eg: the blue track series or the wooden series or the take along series. From there you will be able to zoom into the budget.

Hope this helps, for a start.
hmmmm... da xue wen leh... ya ya gotta "ransack" my bro hse to find out what type of thomas my nephew owns...

where can me find the most of thomas toy eh? toy r us? which outlet? or buy online?
Hiya Reiner,
I buy most of my boy's thomas from ToysRUs and from ebay, from seller named alamchop (singapore based). Ebay ones is generally cheaper by circa $5-10 depending on items..
Reiner, I have a suggestion for your gift. Maybe you can purchase the THomas lego set. This is pretty new in the market and they can be found in Toy R Us.
Hi co11ectionz,
hahaha.. I try to find via ebay first for all thomas items before resorting to paying full price!

do you know who is the distributor of thomas stuffs in SIN? I wanna get either one of the following for my son's bday:

new arrival in UK for 17 july:


existing item in toys r us US:


I know that there's a shop at kaki bukit that sells this item below , but too expensive S$599!!

Hi Reiner,

So far, I have seen the lego sets at Toys R Us @ Suntec & United Square. The rest, I din really noticed. Maybe you can call them to check before going down.
i odered tHomas cookies for my boy birthday.. as they were hand made.. so some train face not very clear.. but dun think the 3 yr olds will notice hahah.. my boy can tell the whos who even if the pic is blue.. hahah
ep, u ordered from homemaker? I made thomas cookies for my boy's bday last year too. Was quite a challenge getting the faces to show up.
I am interested but how to collect? I work and live way in ulu place jurong hehehe..
in that case OK.. pls order 2 packs for me
I actually order from thr seller bento boxes, but the patch has discount so can order via u..
Hi, just found this link..recently did a cake for my child's's very nice and he loved it! PM me if you would like to see the pic as I dunno how to post..
Hi,finally figured out how to post the photos! Below are the pics...basically the cake is on a thomas actually moves around the cake..the kids were so crazy over it..hehe..ordered fr a pm me if anyone is int in the contact..

Hi Lena,

Thanks for sharing the pics! Appreciate it!

Quite a good idea of setting up the tracks around the cake!

I am also starting to source for thomas cakes for my boy's bday.

Can you PM me the contact and how much u paid for it? thanks!
Hi all,
Just dropping in to say hello to all the Thomas fans' mummies
My boy just celebrated his 1st birthday, and yes he is a huge Thomas fan too, nothing could distract him from the tv once the Thomas song starts! Had wanted to get him a cake with Thomas trains & tracks, but finally decided not to cos i thought he would be too young to appreciate. His papa then bought him a $8+ little Thomas train... and gosh, i've never seen his eyes open that wide before! He was practically beaming from ear to ear, as if its a dream come true... can't stand him, hahha!

Anyway good to see this thread, pls keep it going, i'll be here next yr to get some ideas for his 2nd birthday
Dear mommies,
I'm looking for Thomas bedsheets or Mickey Mouse bedsheets. Anyone knows where I can find them? Pls PM me. Thanks.
hi nining,

yup, i'm very pleased with the cake. Was a surprise to see the tracks actually...was actually only expecting to see the usual toppers but it was a pleasant surprise..haha..

Just wanna share that there's a baby fair at taka this weekend..there's quite alot of thomas and friends toys you gals might wanna go chk it out...

Anyone here attended or held a bday party at Explorer Kidz before? HOw's the food and the the experience? Care to share?

Thanks in advance!
