Breastfeeding Support Group

hi mummies,
have been following the thread but hardly have time to drop a line or 2 here. My gal who is 3 months now has slow down a lot in taking milk, she only take total of 400-500 ml daily, is it normal? On monday, she didnt take milk from 1pm till next day 4am, anyone experience this also?

You want to stop completely? Thought you want to keep the morning and night feed? For me who have low supply (20-30ml per session) also suffer engorgement for 2 days and its very painful, I pump out a bit to relieve the pain I think you need medicine to stop it.

I am sure we can do better for next tiem....

Ya..I have quite alot of frozen ebm in the fridge until I "invade" into my MIL's territory. She always says " so many milk, waste alittle never mind lah"

I intend to let use the frozen ones when I stopped b/f. I heard abt the side-effect of taking pills too but bo-pian leh, I too scare of engorgement liaoz. Anyway will consult gynae for her opinion.

hihi maro,
My gal oso slowed down her milk intake when she abt 3MO. I asked the PD but he never say anything, he jus said her weight is ok. Jus monitor and ask the PD if you dun feel comfortable abt it.

Did you take medicine to stop the brs milk?? Can tell us more abt it? like got any side effect, brs get smaller? heehee..
hi miu
my PD told me to introduce solid to my gal if she still refuse to take milk. Or he said can dilute the milk cause maybe milk too thick, bb dosent like. Dont know true or not? anyone any comment?
About stopping, I didnt take medicine, I just stop pumping, guess because my supply quite low, i can tahan for about 16 hours at first, then I started to feel very guilty and thought since my brs is engorged meaning I still got supply why stop? So I pump out again and feel so relief.... Then 2nd time when I tried to stop again, due to even lower supply, I can bear longer until around 24 hours, then i tried to pump out a bit to relieve the pain. After that I just bear with the pain for one more day, and the pain is gone gradually, and by 3rd and 4th day, my brs start to soften. You are right that the brs suddenly become so small that I am not so use to it, sigh, only about 1 year of big breast surely is not good enough. But now it is still a bit bigger than pre-pregnancy maybe because I still have 6 kgs to lose. Very scared that later my brs is going to be smaller than before...sobsob.....I do heard people saying if you empty your brs at last pump, then your brs will get smaller, but I dont quite understand how. My SIL took pill to stop the supply, but doesnt seems that her brs get smaller leh....
Do you know whether if there will be any effect on bb if the EBM is given to bb after it has been thawed and warmed for 2 hrs?
moon, for bbs who drink just before bedtime, my dentist recommends tt it's best to offer water or brush the bb's teeth. another alternative is to give the milk abt 1-2 hours before. but so far, i din do it coz my boy needs to drink milk in order to fall asleep. if i start brushing his teeth, i'm worried tt it will disrupt his normal bedtime.

i may be dropping by for a while but not confirmed yet. hope to see you and your bb
This i'm not too sure, but the saying is that there might be bacteria for such milk. I think once a while give such milk to bb still okay but not every time lah. For me, I occassional feed my boy milk that's thaw and warm for 3hrs.

Salute you gals to able to wake up middle of night to pump, me no no... need my sleep. Anyway I only pump 4x a day.

my boy also slow down his milk intake since 3month onwards, and this explains why my ss still manage to meet his needs. He only take 120-130ml per feed every 3-4hrs. Now my boy is 5mth and surprisingly his weight gain is okay.

suddenly my ss drops these few days by itself and I don't know why also as I still stick to pumping 4x per day as normal. and it seems like my menses is coming back, has some discharge today.
jas, how many mths is your bb now? realised tt before my menses come, my supply drops. and when it comes, my bb doesnt really like to drink. read somewhere tt our milk has a funny taste when we have our menses.
I am not one of the hardworking mummies lah. Me oso need my beauty sleep ;p

I only wake up at 6.30am to pump. I think Im the laziest ard, I only pump 3x a day.

I seen some slightly pinkish discharge these 2 days. Dunno whether it is a sign dat menses is returning...

dilute milk?? you mean b/m or formula milk?
You very heng dat you dun hav to suffer much to stop b/f. Actually I prefer my bust size before pregnancy, me very become very conscious when it bcomes bigger. hahaha...

your bb is 4MO? boy or gal?? My gal is oso 4MO+.
Her intake of milk is the same as yours.

I try not to let my gal drink b/m dat has been warmed for 2hrs. Not so good lah.
Hi mommies,

Does thawed frozen EBM smell? Fresh milk or those that is fridged for less than a day no smell, but the thawed EBM sometimes got smell. Sorry, dunno quite how to describe it.

Is it still drinkable?
how long has the frozen milk be kept? i have not come across any frozen EBM that has smell yet n cant tell if those have smell one is spoilt or not. do u try to taste it to see if has funny or sour taste?

its maro who mentioned abt the dilute milk thingy...
most prob u will stop breastfeed earlier than me since my boy only 3.5mths n ur girl 4+mths. next time do share with me how u stop the milk production. mayb can follow what u have done...heehee. i also prefer my bust size before pregnancy. hope can go back to the same size when stop bf. else have to spend on bras again.
oops! sorry ;p

I seldom smell the ebm. Mayb later when Im back home, I take a sniff. Update you again okie.
my boy is 5mth now. I didn't know that, thanks for telling me. So the ss will continue to drop till menses stop??

yours have such smell also? I realised mine too, those frozen has one kind of smell like plastic/metal. I still give to my boy coz I taste them and they are fine. Seems that the longer the frozen EBM, the stronger the smell. Not sure is it due to the storage bag or ???

let us know whether yours have such smell. the smell will be more when the EBM is warmed.
I forgot, when was joel born?
BM - I decide to be hard-hearted and dispose instead of causing any harm to my bb due to contamination.

I managed to skip the 12 and 5pm expressing slots without any brs a bit hard.... maybe I will wait till before I sleep then I express. Morning if brs are hard and bb wakes up, I'll latch him on...thank God it's Saturday, me so tired with work this week. Need a rest.
I had to wake up early today cos have to attend meeting at 8.30am...managed to wake up at 6.45am and pumped out 80ml and fed to bb when he got up. Actually I dislike the thawing of milk cos it takes a while and sometimes I dun know whether too hot or too cold...till now I never use the Avent warmer.
Btw now brs feel soft and empty after pumping, like not so nice anymore...

Me also love sleeping but I managed 4 times of pumping, now reduced to twice... dun know how to stop the morning one. Anyone has any idea??
HI moon n all mummies,

undersand some of ur bbies still dun sleepthru the night. My gal too, but i notice if i sleep with her, she'll wake more often to look for milk. do ur bbies do that?

she's 6mths already, yet still wake for milk, if her last feed is 8pm, at least 2x from the time she sleep till she wakes in the morning abt 7-8am (abt 12am n 5am)

some nights, she'll wake so many times!! if i m lucky, which is not often, she'll fall back to sleep without latch on, other times hv to latch on. i wonder y her pattern is still not so stable. i dun mind her waking 12am n 5am...but anything more, will kill me.

i also wonder when to start pumping less, coz my stock is piling up in freezer, since she started to drink lesser abt 1mth+ back. i worry if i pump 1x less at work, when she needs more, my ss cant catch up...sound paranoid right. i looking fwd to pumping less at work

but i really enjoy direct latch coz dun hv to wash anything
I took a sniff jus now, I realised there is a smell too whereas "freshly" pumped ones dun hav. Same as QHL, I oso dunno how to describe the smell. I supposed it is okie lah, I am very particular abt hygiene one. All my ebm are very tightly tied, I dun think there shd be any problem.

Although frozen ebm can be stored for 2 mths but recently I took out those Ive frozen for abt 1 mth ago to feed my gal.

I wld suggest you still continue to do the morning pump but extend your pumping time. Like 1st day pump at 8am, 2nd day try to pump at 10am etc. Ermm..I suggest only har, me not an expert.

my gal is 4MO+, sometimes she doesnt even wake up for her milk at wee hrs. Oh.. by the way, her last feed is 11pm++.
i m also paranoid. sometimes i hope to pump 1 session lesser but then afraid what if bb appetite increase n i cant meet his demand. so i still guai guai wake up once in the middle of the night to pump. still have some frozen EDM left after back from jap. dunno wat to do with them too since everyday can produce enough for bb. but dun want to waste frozen EBM too n what if next time my supply cant keep up with his demand. will have to ask my MIL feed bb 1 feed of frozen EBM each day to clear the stock. but then will freeze new ones..its like nvr ending!

my boy is 3.5mths.for the past wk his last feed was from 845-915pm. then he will fall asleep at 930pm. will wake up once at ard 4am for night feed.

i also use those ard 1mth old frozen EBM to feed my boy. will try to make sure my stock is not more than 5wks old.
he is born on 12th Jan. When was Jesse born? I can't remember but is earlier than Joel right?

my boy also can't really sleep through the night. I got to make sure his last feed is around 11pm - 12midnight so that he only wants milk around 6am. By the way, my boy fall asleep around the same time as well. He don't sleep early so sian...

me too, I will clear the frozen EBM first and then use the new ones to freeze. However, I don't think so bb appetite will increase as he grows older coz they will be having semi solid food like cereal and porriage which suppose to replace some of their milk feed.

I still sticking to my 4x pumping schedule per day and I think will reduce to 2x (12hrs) pumping in another one week time so that I can gradually stop BF.
Mine was 02 Jan, same as cherly's bb.
But he can sleep till 6am, that's good. Lately my boy's waking up time is really cranky, can be 5+ till
I manage to reduce the two slots already.
Anyway was so tired today,after church, rushed home, put bb to sleep and we both slept for three hours! The weather is driving me crazy.
I hv the same problem as u. My boy's nitewaking is still very unstable. Sometimes, he only wakes up 1-3 times. That I can take it. Sometimes, He wakes up so many times that I lost count. I am thinking of training him after he is 6 mths, when he is taking abt 3 solid meals in the day.

My boy fuss very badly again on fri and sat. He just cried on and off for abt 1.5 hrs. My P and hubby were all at hm, so all 4 of us were there trying all means to make him stop, but he just went on and on.
Just when I tot his fussiness is gone, it comes back again
hi miu/mini/jas,

Thanks for smelling your ebm! Very strange leh, I threw away some more thawed ebm yesterday cos it smelt & taste sourish. I stored my ebm in avent bags (with ikea clips) or pigeon bottles. They are definitely about 5 weeks old MAX...

I think I will cry if I had to throw away my entire stock....but dunno what to do if it smells funny. sometimes feel a bit lost cos I dunno what I'm doing wrong. Will ask my pd and update if got info.

Wish I could feed bb with only fresh ebm. but then dunno what to do with the frozen ones. So now am using old ebm, and then store fresh ebm - seems like never ending cycle.
agree recently the weather is so hot and humid. I was very tired and not feeling too good on Saturday too coz menses came and is pretty heavy... thought BF the menses would come... my boy also slept for 3hrs on Saturday afternoon and both my hubby and I have 3hrs sleep as well.

you gave your boy porriage or cereal? Have you replaced one of his milk feed with the above? Mine still mainly on milk feed. Intend to start him on porriage when he turns 6mths.

your boy used to fuss a lot? My boy also fuss on Friday night out of the blue... I was frustrated when he just kept crying non-stop for no reason at all, and I am in the mist of expressing.
Don't cry if throw away, think for the better of the well-being of the bb is more important. Sometimes got to hearten heart a bit, close your eyes and throw. I have been throwing thawed frozen EBM as the bag tear and milk leakingo out of the bag. Normally I will feed my boy with fresh EBM, and will freeze one per day EBM and take out the old frozen EBM to use. In this way, I try to move the stock of frozen EBM. Not sure whether you get I am trying to illustrate here.
i m also trying to do tat, to replace 1 feed per day by frozen EBM so as to clear my stock. far din taste frozen EBM yet, not sure if it is sourish? but no complaint from bb so far.

me also dunno what to do with the nvr ending cycle. on my hand i hope my boy can take all fresh EBM but on the other hand i m concern abt the frozen EBM as dun want to waste it. in the end intend to let him have 1 feed of frozen EBM to finish the old stock.
i also stored frozen EBM in avent bag with ikea clips. then will store the frozen EBM in air tight container/zip loc bags. my freezer is rather empty as nothing much to store, mainly for storing EBM.
Gosh!! I wonder wat happened to your ebm? Think I better have a taste of the thawed frozen ebm before giving to my gal.

Your freezer compartment got other stuff? like meat or fish?

I have many packs of ebm, maybe abt 40++. I would oso cry if they are spoilt.

My MIL & hubby dont like I used frozen ebm to feed my gal but I got no choice cos' my gal cannot finished all the ebm I pumped.
Poor thing..your boy fussed again ah? Is it becos he does not feel comfortable? So difficult hor when they cannot tell us why.

Yah I was so tired...went into deep sleep.
So far, my boy is ok, dun fuss so frequent anymore. Anyway we put him in a box cos he wanna sit, then he toppled sideways and landed on the carpet, can still smile at us. But second time, he landed face down and cried quite badly, thankfully nothing serious happened, managed to soothe him and he slept. Told hb we can forget about the box cos he cannot sit still and we have to keep any eye on him.
Oh, I fed him rice cereal over weekend, he was quite good cos hungry, kept opening his mouth to eat. He finished one small bowl and then still take milk after that! Anyway I read from sunny's notes about not adding water soaked with scallop cos the nutrients are not in the water. to tell my mum. Can mash fish instead.
Me very busy with work nowadays...terrible.

Anyone's bb taking Similac Excellence and bb's stool is watery (diarrhoea type)? I feel like changing back to Advance.

I still pumping, how to get rid of the last pumping??? Maybe I pump and put cabbage and hopefully it'll stop. (Scatching my head...)
Hi jas/miu/mini,

I try to give SOME fresh ebm, and 1 pack of frozen ebm each day. So not too bad lor. My mum's fridge (where i stored quite a lot of ebm) is the one with fish & meat. Mine only have a leftover pizza crust (one of the non-cooking wife). It's now the 'official' ebm fridge. I bring over what is needed each day.

I will get over the sadness. After the first few hundred ebm (over time...not at one time) thrown away, I think I kinda resigned to it. As you all put it, bb's health is most important - that's the only reason why we go through all the trouble to pump right?

Hi stylobb,
Get a swimming ring and put your bb in the middle. That way, no matter which direction he falls, he will never hit the floor. I saw this on tv. You know, the type like life buoy??
My hubby is pretty fine with feeding my boy with frozen EBM. Initally my mum also don't quite like frozen EBM, but after a while she's quite okay with as my boy has taken a few and he is fine.

my frozen EBM is in the freezer together with other food stuff. I store some of them at my place and some at my mum's place.

mummies with frozen EBM
ever wonder what to do should the power supply is interrupted and the fridge is not operational? What's going to happen to the frozen EBM? I got this thought recently when there's a power trip at my mum's place - short while only. My first worry is 'oh no, hope the power restored fast so that my frozen EBM won't be affected'.

you mean you threw away few hundred ebm???

when my boy is sitting on the pram, I put pillow around him to support him and prevent him from swaying left, right, front and back...

my boy still taking Enfalac A+, not too sure whether to change his powder to those suitable for 6mth and above. Feel like changing the milk only after he is 1 yr old.
throw away so many packets of ebm!!! if have chance i should go taste my frozen ebm too. but v hard as my mil is always the one preparing n i m not ard. i have ard 10packets of frozen ebm at my mil's fridge. better ask her to finish fast since her fridge also has meat n fish. but did seal the milk in air tight container, so hope quality of milk not affected. my boy drank a wk of frozen ebm when i was in japan n he is still as healthy. infact my pil n parents were worried will baby have any problem or not.
dun be too affected as long as we have been producing enough bm for bb.
I thot cold cabbage is to relieve pain?? The last time I had blocked ducts, mrs Wong used cold cabbage on me cos Im in too much pain.

hundred of ebm???

I put some in my SIL'S fridge. As for your qn on power trip, I did think abt it. If it really happen, I will pack the bags and bring it over to some other relatives' plc. Those ebm are too precious to me liao.

I packed the ebm in a ziploc bag and place in the freezer compartment. Hopefully, it helps to eliminate contamination (if any).

My gal is oso taking Enfalac A+, I thot we shd change the powder when the bb is 6mos cos the nutritional needs change?
hi mummies,
oh no.. just mentioned abt smell in frozen ebm n my hubby told me my mil did comment to him some frozen ebm have smell when i was in japan. but no one taste the ebm n baby still as healthy after drinking. wondering is it normal to have smell or not? n what causes the smell. aiyo.. make me scared abt those almost 1mth old ebm. heh..suddenly we all get so conscious abt it. has any mummies check with experts or PD if it is normal to have smell?
I checked with a GP and he mention actually no need to change until bb is one yr coz Enfalac A+ is suitable for bb up to 1yr.

so your relatives stay close to you? I can't coz during travel the frozen EBM will thaw and it is not advisable to re-freeze such EBM.

I have not checked with experts or PD about the smell coz I did not bring my boy to PD but to GP instead.
Hi mommies,
regarding the smell of frozen EBM, hope tis site helps:

till now i still dun have the courage to taste my own BM, only smell it. yar frozen ones got those plastic / metalic smell. dun think its due to milk bags cos even i put in feeding bottles also got same smell. so far *touchwood* my boy still willing to take from both breast n bottle - frozen EBM, didnt reject any n no problem so far.
Yah, now gotta really watch out for him.

Cabbage - that was what my friend also not sure. But I pump, I still have bm leh, how to stop? Scared of hardening.

Me same as you, also no courage to taste my own bm hehe..
Hi stylobb
How are you? ya you were saying something about the porridge and what water scallop, I don't understand. you can explain again. So have your ss drop?

Hi lea
nice to meet you that day. Thank you for bringing the bottle to show me. your children are very guai. Your girl so sweet. You are really a young mother. Hope got chance to meet you again to talk more.

Hi Blesses and AppleG
Nice to meet you . Didn't have much chance to talk to you 2 esp AppleG. Hope to see you gals next time.
I got blocked duct again yesterday, so stressed, coz my boy did not manage to clear yesterday. He managed to clear last nite, I hope it wun come back again today.

I remembered u said ur boy fusses every fri. Is he still like tt? My boy used to fuss a lot, but recently he stopped. But these few days, he seems cranky again.

hee..I intend to let my boy play in the box too when he can sit unsupported. My mum says she used to do that with us. I dunno exactly why he cried. We suspect he could be teething coz he kept biting things recently. It could also be because he just cannot seem to fall asleep easily these few days, so he is fustrated.

The scallop only makes the porridge taste better, no nutritional value, so no need to add.
I am fine but busy at stressed. Yah, Desert explained it correctly about the scallop and nutrional value. Strangely now I hope my ss will dwindle, still get about 80-90ml at nite and in the morning. I think I will try to skip the nite one and see how, will only try on Friday nite cos dun wanna get clogged duct on a working day.

Maybe give him things to chew and distract him.
You mentioned about feeding other stuff to your boy in the other thread, do you do it in between feeds? So far I only tried the brown rice and rice cereal. For the fruits, you mash them?
hi miu/mini,

First time I had to throw away had to really harden my heart. After that, just dun think about it. Estimate I have thrown away 500mL so far - how not to heartbreak a bit. No choice, bb's health more impt - worse if he kena stomach infection or something. I just pray that the others would be ok.

When storing at my mom's place, I use miu's mtd to put the avent bag in a ziploc bag. Figure this should be the best way. BTW, I find that Ikea clip like not so good leh. Once a bag with newly expressed ebm slipped, some milk dripped out.

No choice cos it's the cheapest in market(?). I can't afford to buy so many Avent boh pian.
yeah, my boy so far stop fusses for the previous two weeks but he start again last friday. Out of the blue while playing with him, he just cry for about 1/2hr before falling asleep.

understand from the other thread that jesse is teething with tooth shown??? How he's coping with it? Did he fuss? Did you apply any teething gel on his gums?

I not sure my boy is teething or not, but recently he like to fold his lips inwards.

I use rubber bands to tie the bag instead. didn't get any clips. Anyway, now I use Pigeon bag to store EBM for freezing purpose, for normal fresh milk, I use avent bags.
i m also using ikea clips n sometimes find it not so tight too. if that clip not tight i will change anr one to see how. not sure if the avent clip is tight or not but it look like ikea clips. oic..500ml still not too bad. tot u throw away more than 100packs of ebm. the other time when i was in japan i also throw in the plane n drank the rest.

heard that cold cabbage should be able to help to reduce/stop milk flow. think u r v good already as br dun get engore after so many hours. so u have decided to totally stop bf?

share with u some photos of my boy taken 2days ago. he is 3.5mths old.
my mum mention taking american ginseng can help stop BF too, not sure how true.

your boy so cute, got big eyes.. So did you shave his hair when he's a month old?
moon, nice meeting you and your baby too! he's so round and cute. you starting work this week right? miss your boy in the day or not?

mini, heee... your boy looks so cute in the first pic. he has a very curious look ... like 'hey, why are you taking my photo?!'
Hi Moon

yes nice meeting u. You did have a brief chat w my hubby rite? hee. that's nice.

Hope we have more chance to talk in next gathering.

So u also still bfg? wow
has not shave my boy hair yet. intend to do so when he is 4mths. quite reluctant to shave him but he has been dropping alot of hair so think better to shave. did u shave ur boy hair? dunno where to bring him to shave hair leh. both my hubby n me have big eyes. still dunno my boy's eyes look like who, but got a few frens say look like mine.

haha..i also find the first pic cute. used it as the background for my desktop in ofc.
morning mummies...

Yah..I almost forgot abt the ginseng thingy till Jas mentioned. I oso heard dat taking ginseng will reduce bm. Mayb you can try dat. I'll give it a try when my gal is 6MO.

I stay in P21. I have relatives staying in P21, Hougang & SK. heehee..

you got blocked ducts again!! After dat terrible experience, nowadays I will pump till my brs is really soft.

QHL,'s health is more impt. If I were you, I wont want to risk my gal's health too.

Same as some of the mummies here, I stopped using Avent/lkea clips, find them not tight enuff. I used rubber bands to tie, put them in upright position in the freezer. When they are frozen, I put them in a ziploc bag.

Oh...btw, anyone know whether Mothercare's sales ended? I thot of getting more Avent storage bags there cos during sales, one box is only $5.
Hi Ladies,

I've been rather bz lately and manged to express 2x a day. Supply about 80ml. Morning and night.

Shortfall from the 100ml each side when I did 4hrs break.

Will the suply increase if I express more frequently??
SO can I assume Debbie is your gal?? Since the rest are boys ..hehe...
Ginseng also hor... maybe can try.

Eek...clogged duct is more for me!

Teething - yah, two little teeth but no leh, he never fuss. I also never put any gel on him, but notice he likes to put the toy inside to chew. I find I am still impatient when relating to him. Really need more patience..sigh...

Thanx for sharing the pics, he looks alert. Cabbage - yah, I bought it, haven't tried yet. But when I am left with the last pumping session, what should I do? So blur...if dun pump, brs may feel hard, if pump, then milk ss will still be there. Maybe I should get pills from GP instead.

Not sure about the ss increasing but at least you will get more in terms of more supplies when you pump more often.
hi mummies,

Have been able to come to the thread since I started work last week..Busy and miss my son.

Funny, my supply increased when I'm back at wk. Can express enough to have 2 feeds. Maybe because I have a fix schedule to express. Thanks to the sharing from Yvonne.

My boy is now drinking 120ml at 8 weeks.
