Breastfeeding Support Group

dun feel discouraged. can understand the type of pain u went thru. i also had breast infection - twice somemore. can imagine when my boy latch on tears flowing down my cheeks! my hubby also ask me to stop bf. since bf for few mths liao, perserve. once stop bf, no more liao. the pain shld go off within 2 days. the best is to let ur bb latch on, tho can be really painful but its the best way to draw milk out to avoid breast infection.

hi QHL...
oh... i'll be going kk next week... mayb will get fr the nurse. any nurse will do? or hv to go to their LC office?

I tried the green papaya soup and fish..but I can't stand the fishy smell. Drank twice only. But my supply don't seem to up. My boy used to latch on well when supply was established..but cos i had fever during confinement, couldn't bf for a few days..though I pump but supply dipped.

Think my boy is getting impatient to suckle.. but I will still perserve in bf.

Oh yes, I would like to have the kk bf booklet, also want to learn how to massage bb. Can trouble u to snail mail to me? I'll drop u an email. Thanks!
hi Joy_apr / QHL..

just curious on how much is yr milk supply.. ??
what is yr normal amount ?? i think during my confinement mth . i just drink normal fish soup also can get lots of milk .. sometimes upto 200ml but now even i eat fish everyday .. i won't get as much as last time...
hi Van,
At dat moment, I really wished dat I could stop the b/m producing. I had brs infection twice oso but never as bad as this time round. I jus couldnt figured out what went wrong cos' I was jus pumping and everything seems okie on Fri.

Anyway, I am still pumping. I hope I never have to suffer such an ordeal again.

Tell you something funny, I tried drinking the ebm which my gal cannot finished. I puked. Wat a taste!
I think I have clogged duct this morn too. Got bb to suckle but not successful, had to rush to work. Tried to express also not successful, only trickles came out. So stressed. Waiting to go home after work to get bb to suckle again. I dun know why this happens again..xian.

Yah, I skip the 12pm time slot.

Not easy right? Cos I find expressing troublesome but no choice.
miu / stylobb,
read tat if u get blocked ducts / breast infection, its very likely u'll get it again. but dunno the reason for it. now i very scared the infection will come back, so most of the time shld my breasts feel full, i'll do tandem pumping, cos usually my boy takes only 1 side. got to make sure my breast is empty.
ameda is a dual pump. both single pump n dual pump can get let-down but dual pump is more effective as can draw the milk out from both brs when there is let-down. since can only pump one side for single pump, cannot pump the other br when there is letdown. after tat may have to spend sometime to create letdown again. avent manual pump is good. been using it for the first 8wks. in the end bought dual pump coz manual pump too tiring on hands n time consuming.
Hi joy_apr,

actually, why not cook the green papaya with bak kut? Agree that fishy taste needs acquired taste. I didn enjoy it so much when my MIL put some kuning inside.

Great to see that you are persevering. I'm sure that your persistence will pay off! Just dun stress yourself too much cos stress reduces supply also.

It's not easy - there are times when I still burst into tears (esp when other pp waste my ebm - long story) cos it's just so tough. Also, my face skin must be damn thick cos so far no one has been expressing milk in my office.
hi stylobb,
My case is similar to yours, can feel dat the brs is full but when I pump only a few drops came out. Then immediately I know, jia-lek liao.

Before rushing down to TMC, I let my gal to suckle but after an hr, the lumps are still there. I feel even more desperate then.

Now I tried to express longer, jus to make sure my brs are totally soft after pumping.

Are you skipping one expressing session to slowly stop b/f?? Initially I thot of doing dat too but I scare if I miss expressing one session, my brs will get engorged.

I'll try that thanks...same here I don't wanna use the towel method... somemore my boy also knows how to lock lips.. so hard to prise open..if try any harder he'll scrunch his face.


ya I started to pick him also when he scrunches up his face...just b4 he got time to "ee ahh". He's a bit better today..I managed to get some e-mails done and post on the forum...keke


I too find difficult to express always nod off...even when feed Matt EBM I'm nodding away...

At night when matt wants to feed.. hubbby feeds him EBM n I'm expressing at same time..

Btw..I'm expressing every 4 hrs.. Does that mean my supply will go low eventually? Each expression I collect about that normal??
Hi Natalie
wow I think 200ml is a lot leh. I think some of hte mommies agree with me also right? I don't think is low.

Hi mommies
I have a colleague, she said her infection is caused by narrow milk ducts so in the end she needs to go for small operation to make a hole to let the milk flow out. So in the end she has to take MC and leave to stay at home but she is ok and still continue to bf. I personally feel that bfing is really not easy. Lucky all of you are here to support each other.

hi moon

I bought 2 cups from Kids Mall ... 1 is from Avent (with a spout) and the other one is from a brand called Munchkins (i think) which has a straw. If i'm dropping by Preggie's place on Sat, i'll bring and show you.

Yes, he still wakes up for night feeds. Dunno why he couldnt sleep well during the past few nights and woke up 3-4 times each night. I'm so tired coz he will insist on latching on no matter how hard i try to say no (heheee... obviously still not hard enough). i'm thinking of starting him on some formula milk when he turns 18 months next mth. but he has iron deficiency so i think i'll probably continue b/fg for a while more so tt the iron is more easily absorbed by him.

read that you're home? are you a SAHM?
Hi mummies,

Need some advice on storing of bm. I'm thinking of combining 2 sessions of bm and store them into an Avent bag for freezing. Can I do that? If yes, how can I do so? Worried that bm will be spoilt if i combine them. Or must I freeze the bm once it's expressed? (I'm freezing them for future use.)

aloe, joy_apr,

No need to worry abt more bm from one br than the other. I also hv tis problem... checked with my gynae... he said that it is perfectly normally. Just like some pp might hv a bigger br on one side, it is also normal for some women to produce more bm from one side of the breast.
sorry for the late reply. After thawing and warming up, I will throw it away after 2hrs if not finish. During the 2hrs period, I will keep the EBM warming by putting in a cup of warm water. You are right, our weather here is hot so cannot left up to 6hrs. I will only left for 4hrs for those freshly expressed at room temperature, and those thaw and warm type for 2hrs only. I do warm up slightly for those EBM at room temperature before giving my boy.

me also going to stop soon... my boy going to be 6mth but like you was thinking a bit pity to stop coz I still have milk but I do want to get back to my normal life to go facial and other stuff and esp to start my diet plan leh... Maybe I will reduce the pumping session to only morning and night.

indeed 200ml is a lot.
can't advise you much on this coz I normally combine two session of BM into one feed and store in the fridge and not freezer. For storing in freezer, I never combine EBM from 2 different sessions.

recently I got to discard quite a number of frozen EBM stored in avent dispoable storage bag coz the bag broke and the milk leak while thaw. I also don't know why the bag broke. today just bought pigeon breastmilk storage bag to try, it's more expensive than avent but stated it is specially for storing and freezing EBM. Will try and see whether will have the same problem. I hope not..

last few days that's news of a group of BF mommies gather together at Esplanda to protest of a lady doctor being chased out due to BF there. Any of you participate???
jas, i din coz i only read abt it after it happened. was thinking tt if i've known abt it earlier, i might go and 'support'
Hi gals
Had a most traumatic experience today...
Miu, was telling you all I think I have a clogged duct (again!), don't know why it happened..anyway I tried expressing at 10am, nothing, tried again around 12.30pm, also nothing, I thot to myself gone case! another terrible time! Can't even take urgent leave today cos boss is in and he was asking me to do all kinds of things, I could not even stop. So prayed, tahan till office hours over and I zipped home, already phoned my mum beforehand to tell her to reduce the milk so that I can latch but guess what, my boy was NOT hungry! He's so smart, refused to latch on and turn away, aiyoh, first time he rejects me ...haha (can still laugh now) but just now made me lagi more stressed. So I waited another hour, he still refused. No choice, went home and massaged my left side, latched him, he seemed to suckle but like nothing came out. So I stopped and massaged with warm towel, felt so stressed. Left him alone and I massaged third time. Finally he was hungry and I latched him, wow, within a minute, the whole area became soft and empty, no more lumps. You can imagine how relieved I felt (now the area feels so sore), so I told my boy he is a clever boy, only he can save mummy! That said, I hope I don't have to go thru another experience again! Becos those of you who know what I mean, it's terrible cos it makes your mood really lousy and you feel like bursting...sheesh...

Yah, I skipped 12pm timeslot, hopefully tomorrow everything will be fine. But I don't know how to handle the rest of the timeslot ie 7am, 5pm, 9+pm leh... 5pm usually ok cos brs not full.
My colleague successfully stopped just like that..but initially she extended the interval.

You still wanna buy bags, still need? Only a few more days left. Is it becos you tie the bag too tight?
Esplanade - we saw it on tv, really hilarious.. so cool.

You still tbf? How you do it? Yah, you should go and 'support'. I think they are just cool. Maybe I pretend a bit and go and b/f as well..hehe.

200ml is A LOT..hehe... keep it up.
Hi all,
Can I join this thread? My baby is about 2 weeks old and I have clog ducts from three times in a row. My baby's weight is also not gaining very well sigh...any advice as to what to do.
I read an article on breast compression and it is suppose to help mothers with babies who doesn;t like to latch on for long. Anyone heard of it. The site provides pretty good infor on breastfeeding esp links on breastfeeding in Singapore. Can post the link here if you guys are interested. The website seems to sell stuff at quite reasonable prices. Need to check with you guys whether is it really cheap coz confinement can't go out to check.
Is $9.50 for a pack of three Pigeon wipes cheap?
7.90 for disposable pigeon breast pads
and $55 for boppy pillow.
Thinking of ordering from them and they will send over to my place.
Hi Cherish, you are a very pretty young lady!!

Hi Jas, I also had same experience once with milk leaking from avent bag....and that's when I just poured in! I think it really has to be handled with care. Didn know got pigeon brand? Anyway, I hope to finish my store of frozen EBM so that I can give bb 'fresh' EBM. It's very difficult for my mom to thaw the frozen ones cos it seems to take forever.

Hi Natalie, 200ml is a lot! Congratulations! But how can you nod off when expressing? U using electric? Mine is manual, so have to work hard each time....

Hi Michelle, welcome! Dun worry about bb not gaining weight, as long as the poo & pee are there - your baby is doing fine. Try massaging your br and hot showers before expressing, or get bb to suck. Make sure you empty your br. I find that my bb dun suck 'clean' - I can still express milk after bb is 'done'.

I think some bb tend to gain weight easily, some just take a bit more time.

BTW, $9.50 for pigeon wipes quite cheap. Then again, when Robinson/JL has 15+5%, it's actually $8! Not sure about the rest.
hi all,

im back. sad to inform all of you that i've stop bf.
supply just can't go up and the supply is pathetic.

anyway, now also start to drop hair. any advice on what i should do?

btw, pigeon wipes are $6.50 at shop and save.

glad to know that your lump has cleared. i've had it before and it can be very painful and uncomfortable. Thank God your boy managed to help you clear it fast. There was once mine lasted a few days and the experience was terrible.

yes, me still tbf. tried to be very disciplined in sticking to my pumping schedule so still able to have enough for him. but he's taking porridge for lunch and dinner so supply has dipped quite a bit. these few weeks, he's getting more and more 'into' latching on. when i reach home, he'll want to latch on even after he has just finished a big bowl of porridge. now my worry is how to get him to stop when i intend to wean him off totally next time.

you planning to stop bfg totally soon? or will you be bfg your boy in the morning and night?
hi quench,

It's ok. You have done your best, now just enjoy your freedom and time with baby. I'm sure your bb will still continue to thrive!

If the hair loss not that bad, I dun think you should worry about it. During pregnancy, hair loss tends to slow down. So guess there's some making up to do after birth.
Hi stylobb..

after reading abt your clogged duct decided to come here and have a read.

Long time no read the postings here... so out of touch... just managed to read a bit...

I am glad you are better now. How do you know you have clogged duct? When no milk comes out is it?

For me, my son is now 8 mths and I have been tempted to stop bfg... like Jastan said, can resume normal lifestyle and liberate myself. But still can't bear to leh..... dunno what to do with myself. haha. Coz I feel if he is still happy to latch it's quite sad to deprive him. But he is not the sort who goes searching for my brs and demand to suckle lah... if dun give I think he is fine too. But to suckle always provides great comfort for him esp when he is upset and crying hard.

Anyway my bb is taking formula too, esp at times when needed, when we are out or just to fill him up before I give him a last feed, to ensure he can last thru the nite.

My supply also dipping a lot. There were a few times I can't even get a let down from my medela pump, really strange, really panic. But these few days ok. Sigh. Like Lea said, baby now taking porridge for lunch and dinner, so dun drink so much milk already.

Another problem is my baby dun drink water. Can only spoon feed him a bit. Put in bottle he will not drink. So I thot bfg is good for him at least more fluid. If just give formula and he dun drink water no good rite?

Do your breast-fed bbs here drink water?

200ml is A LOT ah!

those were the good old days for me, some occasions I did get that amt, haha..... sighzzzz. Do continue to press on.
Would you gals know if I stop b/feeding and no more milk and if bb cries for comfort, can I still offer him the breast? w/o stimulating any more milk?

Clogged duct - I know I have it cos I feel packets of lumps beneath my skin and when I pump, only trickles come out. It is such a terrible experience, cos it affects my mood. Very stressful...aiyoh. I hope no more, and these few days started to decrease pumping for the day already. Still have some stock in the fridge for my boy. Somemore my work is busy and have to go out thu/fri for meeting, hopefully no more engorgement during the day. Praying for a smooth transition.

Would anyone know how to stop completely? Cos in the morning, brs can be still hard. I still direct latch.. how to stop that?? Dun latch?

I guess the one effective way is feed on demand which is possible only when we are on maternity leave. Once back at work, if we can express twice or thrice, it's already very good.
hi aloe,
when my breasts r full, i will get about 70ml (from both), else usu when I express will get about 30-40ml.. it's really little!

hi QHL,
I didn't dare ask my MIL to boil for me again cos' the last time, I drank twice and told her i can't stand the fishy taste...that's the last time i drank.

Going back to work tmr..will express during lunch..but can only get about 40ml..very little..also pai sei that I am pumping.. my supply max only at night..60-70ml the most.

Just now, I tried latch on my boy but aft a while, he will be pulling my nipple n wiggled alot..Oouch!! v painful.. in the end fed him with formula. I ve to express..think that's why my supply can't go up without him latching on.

hi natalie,
200ml is ALOT! Keep it up. Am happy for u.

hi maple,
now both my br r abt the same size..cos' supply dipped longer one br bigger than the other.

hi stylobb,
ya, it's sure not easy. i definitely prefer bb to latch on than expressing. trouble free.
that's was a pretty nervious experience, I can image how you are feeling then, stressed...
I have bought 1 new pack of avent bag and 2packs of pigeon bag to store EBM. I still have about 3 more weeks to go before stopping.

yeap the stuff you mention the price is indeed cheaper. Can I have the website as well?

I have both frozen and fresh fridge EBM. I only frozen EBM when I know my boy can't finish those stock of fresh fridge EBM within 48hrs.

don't feel sad, you have done your best in providing BM to your bb. I will be stopping BF soon as my boy is reaching 6mths.

my boy does drink water from bottles

Can understand fully. Whenever got problem with expressing it really dampens my mood and leaves me rather depressed. Like when I can't get let down when i try to pump in office.

There was one time my pump membrane was faulty, and both sides! I din even know until I tried to pump at office and it didn't work. I was so depressed. Coz I already didn't feed that morning, still gotta tahan until lunch time to buy the parts then go back to pump....

Think that incident really did a lot of damage to my ss. So sad u know.

I also curious abt whether can offer breast to bb for comfort when there is no more milk... but thinking bb also wun want it if there's no milk?

You can pump a little out just to relieve the feeling of fullness lor... then ss will gradually reduce after tt...

I also wonder how to completely stop bfg... now still can't bear to let go... even though not expressing much. sigh. Very lazy to pump and stock up also. Just pump for next day's feed... Now the breasts are "seasoned" also dun feel engorgement or much pain actually...

I also get more milk on 1 side... a lot more actually.... so it's normal huh?
hi stylobb,
glad dat you are ok, I can relate to your pain and anxiety. Very horrible experience. Hope no one has to suffer dat kind of pain and discomfort.

I experience one leaked Avent bag too, very heartpain to throw the whole pack away. However for my case, I suspect the bag has a tear bcos' I dropped the frozen bag from the freezer to the floor so I think the tear could be caused by dat.

You hav 3 more weeks. I have abt 8 more weeks. I had the same sentiment as you, its such a pity to stop b/f as we still have milk but I need some normal, pre-pregnancy lifestyle. Sometimes, I feel so frustated dat I need to rush back to express. Cant meet my frens for lunch/dinner. I may seems to complain alot but when the time is due for express, I still guai-guai take my Avent pump and express. So contradicting!

Hi Michelle,
Welcome to the breastfeeding club

Must rem the motto of this club : Perseverance, Perseverance & Perseverance . Hehee...
stylobb, i think offering your breasts will definitely stimulate milk supply and the milk supply will not stop totally once you stop bfg. my fren stopped bfg for 3 mths already but till now, she still has some milk leh.

yah it's electric..using hospital strength medels latina select. Hubby rented it when Matt was down w Jaundice. Will be considering getting the medela double pump.

Serene, Stylo and joy..

That's only when 4 hours..Sometx Matt keeps me occupied w his cranky moments for 2 hrs...

Anyway I'm using the double pump... sometx.. I even massage the brs as it pumps. Squeze until got little's so funny.

However these's gone to like yours Joy 70ml in 2 bottles.

the nodding off... cos for the amt 200..I need at least 30-40mins.

Matt drinks about 100ml each time.. how to keep up?
so stress ...

today my supply is getting lesser and lesser.
manage to express 100ml in the morning and my supply go lower and lower and my last express in office for both side is only 40 ml ..

will the supply drop due to lack of sleep ???
Definitely. If not enuf rest or stress, ss will drop. You just give whatever you can.

The girls here recommend the Ameda pump, supposed to be better than Medele.

Yeah, so terrible. more.. Today my brs did not swell, only a bit hard so I stretched and pumped just now, around 6pm, (cos meeting my hb for dinner) had about 90ml. My friend said can pump out a bit, then put cabbage to stop the ss..will not be immediate though. She said stretching the interval will surely help.
Yah I think cannot allow bb to suckle, cos if suckle, it's sending message to brain that milk is needed.

I also feel torn between b/f and not doing it, but will have to stop, cos very stressful at work, and when b/f, always thinking of time to express and have to rush home. So I think it's time to get back to 'normal' lifestyle in that sense.
O yeah, I read that if latched on properly, there shud not be problem. I only (phew!) experienced it twice, recent was in May and then yesterday. Thank goodness otherwise I'll have phobia b/feeding man.
Forgot to welcome you too. Keep up the good work of b/feeding, I would love to have your supply, the best I ever managed was 150 ml, never hit 200 saaad... but never mind, I tell myself I have tried my best for six months already while some of my friends said they gave up after 1 month or so. I only wish LCs or nurses will help new moms more on the practical aspect of it, the LC kept telling me I must maintain 100% when I could not, and did not take into account the difficulties I had....hmm... not very encouraging, esp for working mums, once we start work, it is really not easy...imagine if you have urgent work to do, cannot just disappear while boss is waiting right... sigh.
Hi Lea and mommies who had bf bb till they teething
Can I check whether when they start teething, do they need to brush teeth before going to bed? What if they still wake up for milk at night? I read that it is no good as the milk is sweet so is best that even in the day time, they won't fall asleep after drinking milk.

Hi lea
I am no a SAHM. I am on holidays these few weeks but going back to work already. Are you going for the gathering this sat?
I can imagine the pain fr the massage, coz I went thro it too. Had blocked duct thrice.

Can imagine the stress fr the blocked duct. I had it thrice too. The last one was a blockage in the nipple, so the milk could not come out even with bb sucking. Made me so stressed up, trying to massage and manual express. Just hoping it wun happen again.
I also dun want to give up bf, coz I find it comforting for my boy. So, will see how things goes first.
BTW, I just fed spinach to my boys and he seems to like it better than carrots.
My boy also dun drink much water if taken fr bottle, hv to spoon feed. But then, spoon feed, takes a long time to drink very little. I'm trying out the sprout fr Pigeon later to see whether he will take.
me same experience as you... after work got to rush home to express, can't work OT to clear some of the outstanding work which is piling up, quite frustrating.
hi all

my baby is now 16 weeks. she has been drinking EBM since the 1st week she was born..
i have been pumping my milk ever since she was born. cos i wanted to monitor the amt she drinks as she was born on the small side at 2.65kg.
i have returned to work for abt 3 weeks oredi.. still pumping my milk in office.. i have a fixed schedule to pump my milk. pumping time is fixed at 4am, 8am, 12noon, 4pm, 8pm and 12 midnight.
normally i will miss my 12 midnight schedule if baby does not wake me up..
so far, my ss had been ok..can pump at least 5oz (150ml) at each schedule (wevery 4 hrly). if i miss the 12 midnight schedule, i can get abt 300ml at the 4am schedule..
i think the main thing is to keep a fixed schedule, ur ss wun drop then..
i really do feel tired at times, but i force myself to pump.. i use the medela double electric pump at home (cos its faster) and use the medela mini electric at work cos it is msaller in size and more portable.
hope this will help working mothers..
just have a fixed schedule for pumping..then ss will not drop drastically..
Yvonne, are really one hardworking mum. Waking up at 4am to pump!! How you manage to do dat and you are working!!!

Me pump 3x a day but my ss is abt the same as yours. heehee...
i also wake up at ard 4am to pump as milk will start to leak if i dun pump for 5-6hrs. bb only latch on once in night as staying with MIL and have to pump out at the rest of the time. ss increased just before i went to jap. able to get at least 950ml of milk then. but ss dip abit after back from jap. mainly becoz pump at long hrs interval. trying to get back my ss again n seem like it is coming back. may stop the 4am timing when bb is 4-5mths to see if i still get as much milk or not.

since u r still getting so much milk, how do u intend to stop bf? my hubby is saying v hard for me to stop bf since can produce so much milk. then my bb wants to be latched on whenever he sees me.

is yr baby feed every 4hr or 3hr ?
how much is she drinking now ?

i just started to feed him EBM in full time 1 weeks before i went back to work. Now i trying to fix my schedule at 545am,830am,12noon,4pm,9+pm,12 midnight.

i only return to work this week and i just start this schedule.. maybe my boby need sometimes to get used to... and provide me with a stable milk supply.
You oso wake up at wee hrs in the morning to pump!!! Seems dat quite alot of mummies do dat. I salute to all of you who do dat!! I used to do dat when Im in confinement. Now cannot, too shag!

Probably I hav take pills to stop the milk if need to. I dun tink I can stop b/f naturally (ie. thru fewer pumping sessions) cos' me scare of engorgement!

950ml!!! dat's alot. My best is only 930ml. The funny thing is I used to get abt 600ml a day thru 4 hrs pump. When I return to work and change the pumping schedule to 3x a day, I get more!! Weird rite?
hee..indeed weird. mayb your body just prefer the new pumping timings ;P gotten used to waking up at night. at first have difficulty going back to sleep after pump but after tat just got use to it. was hardworkingly waking up at night coz tat time wanted to store milk for my boy for my jap trip. now back from japan n still have 15+ packs of frozen EBM left.

guess u must have freeze quite alot of EBM. any idea what to do with it since everyday u will freeze some n hardly consume those already frozen right?

afraid pills will have side effect. some ppl say pills may make breasts smaller than pre-pregnancy. dunno how true or is it dependent on individual?

hi Yvonne,

wow! You are one disciplined mother.... I can only manage to pump like 6am, 12pm, 6pm, 9pm/10pm. During the night, I just latch bb on - so usually kena leak.

I get really zonked out during the night - sometimes can even forget if I latched bb on during the night (just seem like a bad dream).

Yesterday I tried pumping at 1am. No leakage until latch on at 4am! I do hate it when my pj is wet. Perhaps I should set myself to pump at 12/1am...but wonder how I can keep up?
