Breastfeeding Support Group

ineedmilk, what did the PD said? yeah, i guess for premature bb, it's a different ball game altogether.
My niece was premature bb - born @28 wks weighing only 685 gms. soo tiny soo scary.

Hi furryfurry,

Whether to stand by FM or not really depends on the mummy. If you ask those people who are strictly for tbfg, they will tell you that standby FM is one of the main reasons why many mummies give up bfg 'cos it is always easier for one to open up a can, mix some and feed than to stimulate more milk by feeding bb every time he/she don't need to standby. Hence, it really depends on how much determination the mummy has to do tbfg. And I think it also depends on how much control you hv over your SWAT team....'cos after birth, you are likely to be v tired and your hormones will be causing havoc in your body. You may feel that you suddenly lost all your freedom, esp when you are in confinemt and a lot of things people say you cannot do and your baby needs to feed frequently. Your SWAT team when faced with a crying baby (and they can really cry loudly and pitifully) and a tired out/depressed mummy may suggest that you open the standby can and feed FM. They may even threaten you and feed bb with FM behind your back (when the can is readily available at home) in the name of giving mummy more rest and that bb is really hungry. Mummy may also be feeling some soreness physically 'cos of childbirth related wounds and sore nipples, engorgement, so determination on tbfg may have shaken with the thought that the can is somewhere in the cabinet and the slightest suggestion of feeding FM.
So nobody can really say if to standby FM or not. But then come to think of it, how difficult is it in Singapore to get FM when you really need it
The PD said my bb has breastmilk jaundice. Sometimes it lasts up till 2-3 months! He say the only way to get rid of jaundice is to stop breastfeeding. But since its normal, he said that i can continue with bf if i want to... so i am still continuing with bf..

wow, yr niece only 685 grams? i thought my bb was small enough already.. birth weight 2 kg, after 1st week, she became 1.8kg.. very tiny.
Thanks for the feedback! In that case, no standby then...but if I come back to this thread in tears in a few weeks time...u all must sayang me and encourage me hor! LOL
Hi breastfeeding mummies,

I'm now facing another problem. My baby's poo! You know how watery and often breastfed babies poo right? These couple of days, my baby pooed at me while I'm changing her diaper. Her bowel movement was so strong that her poo shot all the way to my bed. It was so messy, her cot, the floor, my bed and my clothes.. Now I have phobia changing her.

Anyone experienced before? Is it cos she has wind in her tummy?
Hi, raisintan,

Oh, dear! Guess it's a case of wrong timing, poor u.

My bb poos very strongly too. Don't think it's wind becoz he always poos strongly, hee. Usually I won't change him immediately becoz he may hv more to come out. I'll wait until he cries to be changed. I ever tried changing him immediately, end up use 3 diapers becoz he's not finished yet... poo came out in batches...
hi raisintan,
yah - like what sp says, the poo can come in spurrts. So what I do when I discover bb has pooped is to use tissue to wipe away the poop on her bottom first. After that, will raise the bottom part of the diaper as a shield and try to coax her to finish her business by saying "mm mm". Must wait awhile first to see if anymore come out.
Sharing some info I read:

<font size="+1">Warning: Fenugreek</font>

"Fenugreek has been recommended for centuries for a variety of problems. Some doctors do recommend fenugreek to increase milk supply, but the question with any treatment, whether a prescription pharmaceutical or an over-the-counter herbal remedy is whether it works and whether it is safe. The evidence is limited: When populations of women taking the herb were tested against women taking a sugar pill, no significant difference was found except in a few women who had remarkable increases in their milk supply for unknown reasons.

Like all medications, fenugreek has potential risks. In the women who showed a benefit, they needed such high quantities of the herb that their urine and their babies' urine smelled like maple syrup. This can confuse doctors looking for a potentially serious illness of newborn babies called "maple syrup urine disease." Also, unlike prescription drugs, whose purity has to be tested and approved, herbal medications are not regulated. Fenugreek sometimes contains coumadin (a blood thinner) and nicotinic acid (a medicine that lowers blood pressure and cholesterol), and these chemicals can pass through breast milk into the baby's system, potentially causing problems. Another disadvantage of herbal remedies is that because they are unregulated, there is no guarantee that you are getting what you've purchased. One study found that up to 45% of the bottles on store shelves contained none of the active product they claimed to contain, and up to 50% were contaminated with other chemical compounds.

So, buyer beware: If you choose to take an herbal remedy, go to a reputable herbalist rather than the grocery store and be sure you understand all potential risks of the compound. Treat it as you would any other medication. Just because something is "natural" does not mean it is safe. Aspirin is just the purified bark of the willow tree and the powerful heart medicine digoxin is simply a foxglove plant; eat too much of either plant and you can die. Be sure you have cleared any medicine you take with your physician, since even herbs can interact with other drugs you take."

Above extract from Sept/Oct 2005 Twinsmagazine. Written by Dr Rachel Franklin (
Please note article to be in American context.
Hi Jen, yeah i researched on web b4 buying my bottle of fenugreek, i read somethng like this b4.
ANyway, end up i only consumed less than 5 pills coz i find that i am super engorged 24 hours of consuming one single pill so I stopped using it.

But hey thanks for letting all of u know
<font face="calisto mt"> Talking bout BB's poo - izzit normal for newborn to poo bout 6-8 times a day? My girl poo an average of 6-8 times a day &amp; her poo are usually yellowish &amp; abit watery. I always thought it's due to her Jaundice toxic. However my MIL thinks otherwise. She said this is due to my BM has not enuf nutrient for BB tt's why she poos so many times. Now my MIL is insisting I switch over to FM
tell yr MIL its normal poo for breast fed babies to be yellowish and watery....... and its normal for them to poo 6-8 times a day. This means yr baby is drinking enough breast milk! The more yr bb poo, the faster the jaundice will go away. Of cos, make sure its not diarrohea.
Wow, 1 pill and you got super engorged?! I wish that happened to me! Me ate 1 pill for a week but like no effect. So i stopped.. especially since my lactation consultant told me that there was a case of premature bb got internal bleeding cos of fenugreek.
I posted this on another thread ( My child is 6 weeks old and I need some info/advice here. Questions:

1) I'm starting to store EBM for my return to work next month. I'm really envious of those who can pump constant amounts of EBM. For a whole day, I can only get about 3 oz (if I'm lucky and diligent). I get a good flow only when there is a let-down. Unfortunately I usually experience let-downs when I feed from breasts and not when expressing. Do you guys have that problem?

2) What are the tips on getting let-downs? I have tried massaging, thinking of baby, thinking of husband erotically etc.

3) Any breastfeeding mothers out there who pumped low quantity of milk during first 2 months and then miraculously the milk supply increases afterwards? Or is my condition going to be permanent?

4) My child is on total breastfeed now. So when is the best time to pump? After each feed?

5) I use a handpump. How would you usually sterilise your apparatus when you return to work in office?

I know I still have milk since she is eating and growing well (almost 5kg at 6weeks, birth weight was 3.27kg). I'm just starting to feel frustrated about expressing milk.

Thanks for any info.

<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">I need milk</font>,

Thanks.. At least wat I tot is correct. Then I will persevere to BF my girl then.. Dun understand Y my MIL is so unsupportive of BF.</font>
Hi ladies,

Thanks.. guess it was really poor timing for me, thought she has finished her business liao.. I cant imagine if she pooed on me when we're outside..

Now that we're on the topic of poo, I noticed that my baby's (5+ weeks) poo are sometimes yellowish and sometimes greenish. Is it normal?

think most MILs and mothers are unsupportive of BF cos they can't see how much the bb is drinking... so they tend to worry whether the baby is having enough etc. Plus, sometimes when they see us struggling to BF (wake up many times in the nights etc), they would rather we feed FM cos not so siong on us. Guess we just have to keep educating them on the benefits of breastfeeding and the fact that we mummies think its worthwhile to make that effort to bf!
Hi, passing guest! Welcome!

I face the same problems as u, so I'll just share with u what I did.

1. I do tandem pumping i.e. baby latch on one side, I pump the other side.

2. Think the keyword is RELAX becoz when I'm tensed, in a rush or worried abt how little I'm pumping out etc. it becomes impossible to get let-downs.

3. My case is, the lesser I latch, the lower my ss. Doesn't matter how often I pump, so I got to keep latching to up the ss...

4. Bravo to u! My bb is on partial bf now due to my low ss, sob. Think u can try tandem, becoz if u pump after bb feeds, don't think can get much.

5. I don't, becoz I can only pump once in office during lunch hr. Maybe others can help u with this...

Good luck with yr expressing &amp; try not to stress ya!
Hi, raisintan,
I read from somewhere that, if bb is getting not enough hindmilk, the poo may be greenish. Anyway, the article said occasional greenish poo is not a problem as long as bb is well.

Chinese got a saying: bb got fright so poo becomes greenish. Err, this one up to u to believe or dispute, haha.
hi all

my breastmilk is very little, managed to pump about 50ml every 3-4hr.

i am trying to latch my boy, but is very worried about how much he is getting. currently am feeding him BM and FM. should i still pump after bf him?
Hi mommies,
My ss dip greatly as Sherilyn was hospitalised for 4 days and rite after tat i was down wf gastric flu for 3 days. As such, i have nt been pumping at regular intervals. I onli managed to get 220ml per session at 8-10 hrs interval!! How huh?? How to get my ss back?! My ss was already quite established before Sherilyn was admitted... Now all my efforts gone down the drain.

This morning i was latching her on (previous feed at 8hrs interval) and she seems to suckle forever.. I think cos she didnt get enuf tats y she kept sucking. This is nt her usual self as she will unlatch when she is full. Then i tried to pump out after the feed.. Shocked that i onli managed to pump out 30ml in 15mins. Do i realli have to start supplementing her with FM liao since i cant pump out enuf and latching on doesnt seem to satisfy her fill??

Thanks for informing on the risks of taking Fenugeek. I tot of taking e tea but i am still experiencing diarrhoea so haven get myself a cup yet. After reading that article, i think i also dun dare to drink liao..
no need to thank... jus sharing mah...

also, always remember to let doctors know that u are BFg... if any medication/injection/supplements they advise u to take, must ask whether BFg can take or not...
yeah, should pump after u bf if yr breasts are still full or still got milk. This will tell yr brain to produce more milk......... but pumping after each bf is very tiring (gotta wash pump, sterilise etc etc but at the same time also scared bb suddenly wake up for milk) u may want to pump alternate feeds.
passing guest,

1) since u are also direct feeding bb... of cos when u pump wun get so much milk lah... my advice is dun be so fixed on freezing ur milk now... maybe just freeze 150~200ml per day will be enuff (for the occassional day when u need an extra 1 feed)... cos when u return to work, u will still be expressing + freezing mah... if u freeze too much now, u will end up throwing away a lot of "old" milk hor...

2) it is not necessary to experience let-downs... let-downs does not equal more milk... try not to look at the bottle/pump when expressing... read a book/watch tv... if u keep looking down at the bottle, ur brain will subconsciously make u tense "why so little... aww..." then of cos less milk lah...

3) quantity also depends on how often u express to empty brs... are u diligently expressing every 3~4hrly or adhoc? try to get ur brs used to a fixed schedule (pref one which u can stick to aft u return to work)... then ur brs will adjust to know "when" to produce the milk...

4) There's no best time to pump... milk production is most between 1am~5am cos u are resting (sleeping)... but the milk produced are "thinner" and not as "thick" as those in the afternoon... see What is Hindmilk/Foremilk and Letdown

You can try:
1. tandem pumping (which might irritate ur bb)...
2. pump after each feed if brs still feel got milk...
3. pump before each feed then let bb suck brs as empty as possible... cos a breast pump does not empty brs as well as bb suckle... BUT u may risk bb got not enuff to drink and scream lah...
(always remember: emptied brs will encourage milk production)

5) you can use sterilising tablets or if u dun like the idea, just use hot water to soak after wash (which is what I do since bb was 2.5mths)... dun worry, as long as u wash and rinse clean, bb wun need 100% sterilised stuff...
Forgot to bring my pump to office today, so can't pump at all. So worried abt my ms, now already very little, 100+ml after 7 hours interval. Will I lose it... sob
I realised if I pump immediately after experiencing a let-down, I am able to get more. If not, sometime, I get less than half ounce. Really pathetic. Am I the only "weirdo" here...

Just wondering when I return to office, how can I run to pump whenever I experience let-down *sigh*
sp, dun worry, one day wun affect much... just stick diligently to ur schedule and ss will retain...

passing guest, try to "train" ur brs by starting a fixed schedule... over time, ur brs will let down when it's time for u to express...
Jen, thanks for yr reassurance! Yesterday was horrible, by the time I got home my brs were so hard &amp; painful. Got my hb to massage the blocked ducts. Ouch! Not sure whether he managed to clear all though. Still feel sore/ slight pain...
Hi mummies,

Need some advice.

I'll be going back to work in a month's time and dun think will be able to pump during office hours. Currently, I pump 4 times a day - 7am (240ml), 12pm (120ml), 5pm (120ml) and 10pm (120ml).

I intend to pump twice a day after going back to work - before &amp; after work. Can anyone advise how can I prepare my body for such a schedule? Would the milk ss decrease till nil if I do that?
qdee, i did the same regretful thing too... i gave my bb fm due to advice fr pd coz she's jaundiced. abt to give up bf at 1 mth... now still working to increase my ss though my bb is 8mths! dun lose heart! not sure if this is helpful... my colleague is also working to increase her ss. what she'll do is to manual express a bit in the nursing rm while on her way back fr toilet so tt she can express as many times a day. mayb u can try something similar like bringing a pouch with milk bottle to manual express in toilet?

sp, i'll sterilise my pump in office by soaking the parts in boiling water in metal container.
sp, still engorged? u can try hand express while taking a hot shower...

ixwong, dropping from 4x to 2x is quite drastic leh... ss will most likely decrease cos ur brs can only "contain" a certain amt mah... i'm also working and i'm pumping 4x a day...
Thanks, big_bird &amp; Jen!
I think maybe still got a few lumps left, but no more engorged becoz ss dropped. Takes me much longer to pump out less. Must NEVER forget my pump again...

ixwong, yr ss is very good in the morning!
I always struggle to reach 100ml in the morning. R u able to pump during lunch hr? Then u can still pump 4x a day: b4 work, lunch, after work and b4 u sleep.

If can only pump twice a day, yr ss may decrease but won't be nil, so don't worry. To prepare yr body, maybe 2 weeks before u go back to work u gradually start to practise yr new timing. Try delaying 1 hr every day or every 2 days to stretch yr pumping interval. So from 4x per day to 3x then to 2x.
Thanks for the advice.

I was contempting with 2x pump cos I realise my milk storage is about 120ml per-4 hr (that's why morning can pump 240ml). Thot my breasts can do the same for evening (ie pump 240ml after 8 hour of work
). I'll be happy if I can continue to pump 500 ml a day for my boy.
hi ladies,
I have been trying hard to increase my milk supply over the last few weeks. Have been taking quaker oats and drinking more hot drinks. Was also more diligent in expressing the milk and massaging the breasts. It seems to help.... for me, I think the turning point came when my supply was at its lowest. I told myself it is ok if I can't do tbf as long as i do my best. Somehow, once the stress is gone, the milk supply just kicks right back in.... now I am more zen about things.
thanks sp!
it's a little harder once you get back to work but I think you just have to do your best and don't get too stressed out about it. Afterall, no point being unhappy from trying to breastfeed yah?
it's more important to enjoy motherhood.
Hi all,
need some advise from all of u. I'm delivering in Dec. Wanted to TBF when I deliver. but afraid I will nt have enough milk for my bb on the first few days. Hubby wants to feed bb FM if bb wants more milk on the first few days, but I'm against the idea. I read that bb do not really need to be fed on the initially days, am I right? But Hubby afraid that bb cries is because nt enough BM for him.

another worry is parents n in-laws might nt understand that n worry that grandchild cries cos of hungry.
Hi, tuffy!
u r right! I hv sort of accepted that my bb will be taking mostly fm. I'll just give whatever little bm I hv lor, hopefully better than no bm at all...

i think babies do not need to intake so much for the first few days of their lives. And your milk flow wont come that fast also. In the first few days, it will be colustrum and thats very important to feed the baby. Whenever bb cries in the first few days and u really want to do TBF, latch him on and let him suck. His sucking reflex will be very strong and will take in the colustrum. This will help to keep him full. And this will also stimulate your breast to produce milk faster to meet the baby's demands.

Most recommends that if you really need to supplement, feed the baby with spoon to avoid nipple confusion.
It's really good that u r determined to tbf from the start!

I read that new born bb will need to feed 8-12 times in 24 hrs but may not need much food, so whatever little colostrum or milk we produce will do. Just remember to latch yr bb on asap after labour &amp; to keep latching bb on demand. If bb sleeps a lot, shld try to wake bb up every 2-3 hrs to latch on.

As for giving fm, it's up to u. If u r not too tired &amp; don't mind bf bb round the clock, then u probably don't need to give it at all. Just my 2 cents... Good luck &amp; hope u hv a wonderful labour experience!
poohy, sp
thanks for ur prompt reply.

My sis-in-law just given birth, she tried to breastfeed but after a while her bb will cry loudly. They gave in to her crying n give her FM. I want to avoid that. so came in here to ask for help.
Don't know if I'm lucky or what, as long as I latch my bb he won't cry.

But he'll latch for very very long (eg. >1hr) &amp; rarely let go. He'll fall asleep in my arms, and once I put him down, aha, that's where the trouble starts.

He'll sleep maybe 5-15 mins, then wake up &amp; cry. Becoz I didn't give him fm, I ended up latching him on almost all the time throughout the day until he finally fell into deep sleep around late evening. I gave in to fm twice becoz too tired &amp; frustrated, almost gave up bf becoz seems like I just don't hv enough to feed my bb.

I think my experience is rare, most other ppl will be able to bf their bb &amp; enjoy at least an hr of peace &amp; quiet between feedings. I only started to hv that 1 hour break in my bb's second month when he's more settled down but only in the mornings &amp; early afternoons. Late afternoons &amp; evenings still continue non-stop latching for hours until he falls asleep. Hope u won't face this situation.

Despite this, my bb did manage to gain 900g per mth for his 1st mth &amp; 2nd mth... not a lot but his PD said it's ok...
Hi sp,
My baby also like that. She'll latch on then fall asleep and once i put her down, she's start screaming her lungs out. So pitiful so latch her again then fall asleep again and this will continue throughout the whole day. Same like your boy, she'll sleep around 15-20 mins then wake up and latch again.

I also envy those who are able to bf their baby then baby can sleep for 2 hours or so. As for me, just imagine out of the 24 hour, baby is with me on my breast for 20 hrs!!!

Same like you, baby also gained weight steadily and PD said she's getting enough milk. Maybe she just wants the breast for comfort. But very very very tiring. Only now AFTER 3 MONTHS, then only she can sleep for 2 hours before she wakes up for the breast again!
Hi, Samval,

Goodness! I thought I was the only one out there with this situation! U more poor thing than me, 20 hrs? Gosh! How did u "survive"?
U still direct bf now?

Does yr gal sleep thru the nite yet? Wonder when mine will. He wakes up around 2-3 times to feed every nite...
Hi, My daughter "bite-teeth (yao ya chi)" when she sleeps. anyone knows what is the cause &amp; cure. thank you.
hi sp,
no're not the only odd one lah...yes i still direct bf but now i learn a new trick. i'll express then give her about 120mls as her last feed. so far it works. manage to sleep through the night. only ocassionallly she'll wake up but rare. nearly gave up bf cos tired but i persisted cos my elderst girl was not bf due to lack of info.

hmmmm....i've started to give one fm a day cos going back to work. can't express in office sayang. how long you intend to bf? u still direct bf?
Hi, Samval,

So envy u, yr gal sleeps thru the nite &amp; u can get good sleep too! I've tried giving 120ml ebm before, but didn't work leh, he fell asleep quickly but still woke up every 2-3 hrs...

I've gone back to work, so I direct bf when I'm home only. My bb is on mostly fm on working days. Not sure how long I can bf, my ms seems to be decreasing. I'll bf until I dry up, hehe.
