Breastfeeding Support Group

frozen EBM when thaw must be consumed within 24hrs. DO NOT re-freeze thawed EBM. I only kept heated/warmed EBM for up to 2hrs (consumed within 2hrs). I kept it warmed during the period.

sounds like you quite siong, but good that you can still tahan. For me I cannot and I need my rest that's why I switch to pumping. It's not true that ss will decrease if only pumping. I have been pumping and my ss didn't decrease but increase and still maintain if not how would you think I can still BF my boy who is 10mths old now. One thing that kelly mentions is true, drink plenty of fluid, me drinking a lot of them.

You can do partial BF and not necessary TBF. Don't get stressed too much. I supplement one night feed for my boy so I can have better sleep. I see no point to add extra stress to myself on BF. If cannot do TBF, then do partial BF.

From the way methods you used to wake bb up sounds a bit hard to me... hee hee ...

I wear nursing bra and use nursing bibs to cover when pumping. You got nursing room to pump is even better, for me I can only pump in my office cubical.

I am not trying to be anti-BF or what, just to express my thoughts on BF. I don't think FM is that bad, it's just that BF is the best and if we have tried our best to give BF and at some point or another need to supplement with FM, don't feel so bad and it doesn't term you a bad mummy. I went through the same thing as you initially, unknowingly was giving myself so much pressure and stress on BF and was frequently in tears. It was only after I straighten out my thoughts on BF, I will just do my best to BF, if need be just supplement FM. Giving some BM is better than none at all. With this I remove unneccessary stress and pressure on myself, and really enjoy my time with bb, and my mood returns to normal.

my period returned ytr. so unexpected as i m been pumping n latching on regularly. no wonder my ss suddenly drop by more than 100ml since 3wks ago. my today ss seem the same as last wk. my boy will be 8mths old in a few days time. the "messy" days are back again....

wow..ur girl can really sleep! my boy is the other way round. spent alot of time latching him during the 2mths of maternity leave. each feed is at least 40min. most of the time is spent in the day is spent on bf n end up no chance to rest.

from what u have mentioned, i feel that becoz many times the breasts is not emptied, so end up v hard for more milk to come in, n hard to increase ss. i understand u afraid bb wants milk after u pumped. but if keep having this "waiting for bb to feed n afraid she dun have enough to drink" attitude n not emptying breasts often enough, ss will just decrease since body will get the signal tat dun need to produce so much milk anyway. only when brs keep emptying then body will get the signal that more milk need to be produce, hence ss increase. you got to believe that ss=dd n u can supply enough milk for bb. hmm, not sure if ur girl fuss when latch on is it due to not enough milk or becoz of some other reasons?

one suggestion: when u know u have full brs, do tandem pumping while ur girl drinks on the other brs. like tat can save time pumping later on. somemore since it is full brs, u know she will not empty the brs for u, so it is better to pump out one side of the milk when she drink the other side. in this way u have emptied ur brs n then new milk can come in.

ur girl sure has wake time right? try to offer the brs during those wakeful n alert time as she will suck better. my boy is a brs addict. during the first few mths he will sure open his mouth when i bring him close to my brs even though he just ate not long ago.

like wat Jas said, dun stress yourself too much abt TBF. i was also stress abt TBF. but i always believe that i can produce enough milk for my boy n this make me less stress. just try your best. must rest n eat well.
<font color="aa00aa">jas,</font>
ya, i really went "bersek" this morning and hit her real hard.. and she really cried very loudly that my mum hurry took over from me, saying i frightened her.

but i'm really short-tempered, so sometimes can't help myself..

i oso getting stressed, esp after "tahan" for 1 month alr. that's why i'm thinking of switching to TEBM.. but was advised to let bb still latch on to simulate ss... and to follow strict schedule, including midnights..

i was wondering izzit bcos ur ss was initially quite plentiful alr, that's why u can sustain.. i try expressing every 3~4 hrs on Sat.. each time it gets lesser!!!!!

<font color="aa00aa">kelly,</font>
u latch every 2 hrs, then pump every 3 hrs meaning 1 hr after u latched bb, u pump?? then 1 hour later, u latch bb? the ss will come in so fast meh?
since ur bb is only 1mth, ss may not establised yet. ss will establised ard 4-6wks. mayb these 2 wks try to get bb to suck more or to pump more as to tell body to produce more milk. must try to empty brs as frequent as possible. if bb really wake up just after u pumped, offer the breasts first. if still not enough then give her ebm. hope this can help to increase ur ss.
Kelly/angelia, I completely agree with Jas, actually, even for myself, I'm still learing how to let go with the BF issue, cause I also encountered many bf related problems, and when I made the decision to supplement with FM initially, you wouldnt believe how guilt-ridden and torn up I felt about it. luckily I have a very supportive hubby who kept reminding me not to be too carried away with just this issue and to concentrate on the bigger picture- well-being of myself- which will directly affect well-being of my baby.
Esp now, my baby is suffering from constipation (ever since I intro FM) and my supply is dipping quite fast, I get really stressed at times about feeding, lotsa questions to myself- 'did I really do my best?', 'should I never have supplemented with FM?', 'why cant I give baby the best?' and so on. And I think its quite a damaging thing to be so harsh on myself. So I make sure I remind myself everyday that I am only human- I cannot give the best in the world, but I can give MY best, and that is good enough. Apart from BM, there are many other things I can give baby (like love, hugs, kisses, my time, and many others), and for now I'll do my best to focus on those.
dun worry ss dun come in fast enough. i read somewhere before that it just take 1hr for body to produce to produce 50% of the milk bb just drank. also i think brs is like a tap, as long as bb suck there is always milk flow. i also latch bb on 1hr after pump. i also have the mentality tat no much milk for bb. but i will tell myself brs is a tap so milk will keep flowing, just tat fast flow or slow flow. then i will not be worried. my boy will just suck n suck w/o complainting no milk. so i think there is milk as long as he suck else he will sure cry for no milk.
jas, berry,
thks for the consolation. initially the feeling is really very shitty. on some days, i'm so tired of latching on and pumping until i kept giving him FM at every feed. now i alternate each feed wif FM and EBM. i usually latch him on in the middle of the nite or early morn when my breasts are very full (since my last pump was abt 11pm+ the nite b4).

yup, something like that...that's y i said when i pumped, i only got abt 20-30ml and when i latched my son on, he drank for <5mins for both sides and in less than 1hr, he gets hungry again. that's y i know for sure my ss is not enough for him.
the nursing bib I got is very o-bian type, looks like a giant bib but very cheap at only $6. There are nicer once and slightly different design around which I saw it at John Little Orchard(of course cost slight more). I believe Kiddy Palace should also have it.

bb are innocent, don't beat them lah now they are so so young. I understand the frustration you experience esp during BF. Try to relax and don't put unneccesary pressure and stress on yourself. You stress, bb also stress and everyone also kena stress by you...

Remember don't go on a guilt trip just because you cannot TBF your bb. Just remember motherhood isn't just about BF, there are so so much more other things involved.

By the way, me will be stopping BF in another 2 weeks time. But I will still pop by this thread, hope I am still welcome...
happy.gif you EBM totally or still latch yr bb for BM, when u say yr ss increase even wif pumping? i am no longer latching my son but pumping, and the ss maintain, not increasing...i blame it on the pump :p and i wollied the ss might decrease one day....
Hi mummies,

My baby is coming to 4 months and he is currently on TBF...i guess i should start him on rice cereals when he reaches 4 mths as solely on BM cannot satisfy his hunger (correct me if i'm wrong)...but i need some advise on how to go about preparing the rice cereal in terms of what proportions, preparations,how much BM to be added to rice cereals etc? Can anyone advise me on this?
<font color="aa00aa">mini,</font>
the problem is, she cries and doesn't want the breasts (esp left breast) after a 5~10 mins. but i pump, still can get 30ml leh. to little for her to suckle?

now my breasts behaviour very funny. left breast very small, right breast pretty big. left breast dun feel got let down, right breast when let down i can feel so clearly. right breast gets engorged faster than left breast and is really very engorged.

anyone can tell me what's happening???

<font color="aa00aa">jas,</font>
i know, but juz can't control then. till now i still feel so guilty for whacking her
now when i look at her while latching her on, i feel she so "ke lian" &amp; i really feel like crying.

<font color="aa00aa">kelly,</font>
wah, ur routine very diff for me to follow. cos my gal sleeps and naps a lot.. but i'll try to keep to pumping every 3 hrs.. tried a few times, she frustrated at the breasts after i pump, so gave her EBM.

if this continues, will end up giving her total EBM leh!!!
Hi kelly, how old is your bb? I think if your bb is still newborn, then it's norm that he'll want milk in less than 1 hr leh.

Hi Jas, what makes you decide to stop bfg after all this while?

Hi twinkle baby, I think WHO has changed their recommendations to 6mths before you shd intro solids to your bb leh. They encourage us to bfg till bb is 6mths lah. However, if you still want to give rice cereals to bb, you can buy those ready-made one which you only need to add water or your bm to it. For a start, you can feed only 1tsp for the first, then 2tsp for the 2nd day and incr gradually till 1tablespoon.

Hi angelia, I think some mummies are like that leh. They have more milk on one side of the breasts. Guess your bb is impatient that's why she cries when she suckle? What is the interval that your bb drink milk, every 3hrly?
u have done a great job in bf. last time u mentioned to bf for 6mths, now already 10mths+ right? read from the other thread u r going HK end of this mth. hence will totally stop bf before u go? u better come in often to give us advice n encouragement. hee...

twinkle baby,
for a start just give say 1-2 tsps of then add a little ebm/water to it. if u buy heinz rice cereal it has instructions to guide how much to make for the start.

think ur girl just have the preference for right br n end up the left br under stimulated so proudce much lesser milk. think she just dun let being position at the left br n not becoz there is no milk. is it possible to tandem pump the left br when she is drinking on the right br? when she is in good mood, offer her the left br. this will help to increase the ss in left br.

will u still continue to bf when van is 6mths old? last time u mentioned to bf till 6mths but she is coming to 6mths soon right? i will still continue for anr 2mths then see how again. but intend to introduce fm to my boy soon. mayb 1 feed a day to let him get use to it. then i dun have to be so stress not able to meet his daily dd.
I EBM exclusively, never latch. Considering from bb's birth till now, my ss does increase gradually over the months, except now it decreases as I am gradually decreasing the pumping to eventually stop BF. Not those type of drastic increase, when I track back past records it does increase bit by bit. Of course up to a point where it maintain. Don't worry too much about the ss, if you keep to the pumping schedule I'm sure the ss will be maintain but as for increasing I am not too sure about your case. For me, seems like there is a max amount of ss that it produce, once reach it will stay there, no matter how I tried it's the same, so I take it easy and just take whatever it has.

what's done is done. I believe it is not your purpose intention to whack her right. Never mind, don't feel guilty okay. Next time, if you know you are flaring up, maybe get your mother to carry the bb away for a while, it might helps as you cool down.

Actually I have met my target of BF for 6mth, and I am going to HK for tour end of month, so take this opportunity to stop BF. In addition, need to stop to start my dieting... as I seriously need it very much... you know what I mean right as you saw how I look....
Thanks. Not only me done a great job, every mummy here who BF be it 1, 2, 4, 6 months or longer does a great job as well, every effort they put in is worth the applause. All mummies let give ourselves a pat for the job well-done...

Yeah, will totally stop BF before leaving for HK end of this month.
Hi angelia, you can try tandem pumping as mini suggested. It works for me leh.

Hi mini, Van going to be 6mths end of this mth. So thinking if I shd stop bfg gradually now. How long have u been bfg?

Hi Jas, so you going HK without your boi? You still haven got chance to make use of your slimming package rite?
yeah, the trip to HK only with ILs and hubby. As for trip with my boy most likely will be next year to Australia. Still haven't got the chance to use the slimming package yet. Maybe will start in Dec and hopefully by next year CNY will have some results.
yeah, the trip to HK only with ILs and hubby. As for trip with my boy most likely will be next year to Australia. Still haven't got the chance to use the slimming package yet. Maybe will start in Dec and hopefully by next year CNY will have some results.
been bfg for 8mths. must say it is a challenge for me during the past 2mths as i see how my boy drinking habit changes. first 6mths is smooth sailing n i tot can easily bf for 1yr but now is just depends on daily situation. when he is 6mths old he sort of reject bm think he is sick of it already n have to force him to drink milk. but at 7.5mths he started to like bm again n likes to latch on. who knows how his habit will change in this 1mth?
since u still have ss n dun find bf troublesome can still bf Van for anr few mths. can always stop bf totally just before want to go tour.
no harm giving EBM right? my GF who popped 5days earlier than me, has been giving EBM to her son 1wk after delivery as her son has problems latching on. she pumps every 2-3hrs and is able to pump abt 30oz (900ml) every day. i asked her how she did it. she said she drinks lotsa fluids.

my son is 1mth old 2mrw. he usually feeds every 2hrs but when i latch him on, he wants milk very soon. that's y i suspect my BM ss is not there.
i haven been latching my girl on for nearly 3 or 4 days and i find that the milk flow wasn't good,my breast dun feel full....why is it so?will the milk flow just stop when i dun latch my girl on.......i will express out into bottle when i feel the breast is full, nowdays i dun feel so, why?
i just returned to work tdy and intend to pump 4 times a day, once in the early morning, twice at work and once before i go to bed .. hope tt with stable pumping sessions, milk ss can increase ..

need to chk, must we empty our breasts totally in order to increase ss? i thought our breasts can never be emptied totally coz will always hv milk? if i keep pumping till no milk, do i wait for a few minutes later to have a few drops again then cont'd pumping or just pump even if no milk is coming out?

how do we increase ss during pumping? as in, do we monitor the amt we can pump at each session and make sure everyday we increase the amt at the same session?

hi mini and others mummies ,

wow u have been bfg for 8 mths. me bfg for almost 7 mths. i am having some
problem maybe u or anyone can help me ..

We give him bottle since day one, and i will latch him on whenever i am at home with him (ie, every morning, night, all the wkends and when i am on leave)

For the first 3 months, he got no problem using bottle to drink EBM. but from the 4 mths onwards, he start to refuse to use bottle, my mil can only feed him when he almost fall a sleep. And whenever he see me, he will sure refuse to drink
from bottle.

now i want to introduce FM to him as my ss is dropping, i have to express twice in office and once at home in order to fulfill his daily consumption. Now expressing bm in office become difficult ... as most of my colleagues start to make fun of me after they know that i am bfg my boy for so many mths,kind of sad lor ...

so now i want to feed him FM for his nite feed, but every time he see the bottle and he will start to push the bottle away and if we insist to feed him, he will start crying nonstop. At first i thought is the FM taste, but when i feed him
cereal with FM, he can happily eating it, Then I thought is the bottle problem, so i bought him at least 4 different type of bottles to try.. but none of these work ..he will only stop crying when i latch him on...

any suggestion on how can i make him enjoy drinking from bottle ?????
Hi Jas, so your mom taking care of your boi for you? Seems like quite a few mummies bringing bb to Aussie hor?

Hi mini, a lot of people told me to continue bfg since I have milk. Most prob, I'll do that cos I also she bu de to give up now leh. Let's see how Van behaves after this mth lah. Who knows she may start to reject bm next mth?

Hi kelly, when my gal was abt 6weeks old, she wanted to feed very hr too. I think your bb is going thru the growth spurt period lah.

Hi Cindy, actually you can try to pump every 3hrs even when you don't feel full. How come you didn't manage to latch bb on these few days?

Hi littleprince, so fast you go back to work liao? I think emptying of breasts means you don't feel full and engorged anymore. For me, I usu pump till there's no more milk. But my col said that she'll continue to pump for 1hr even if there's no milk coming out.
cos recently have been feeling tired and stress. If pump out when not full i can only get abt it a waste. how am i going to know whther my girl is full anot????? cos she also half asleep when sucking and she will jus move away and contiune her sleep then she will wake soon after the feed.(after half hour or so).
yar bb will have funny habits coming up here n there, not suprising if they will reject bm for some time. 3wks ago my ss dip n i tot must be becoz my boy din really empty my brs as tat period he sort of reject bm. last sun i have menses n the decrease in ss should be due to ovulation. read tat ur menses back too. is ur ss affected? i also bu de de to give up bf but if ss gets little or bb reject brs then will stop.

ur boy just want to be latched on as he misses u. is it possible to give him FM for other feeds n then latch him on at night? if i introduce FM i will ask MIL to feed him in the day n i latch him on at night as i know he enjoys the nursing session. i hate to feed my boy bottle as most of the time he will reject it. but if MIL or others feed not much problem. most of the time i will hide myself when MIL/my mum give him bottle as sometimes he will refuse to drink when see me.

cant really help on how to make him enjoy drinking from bottle. more than 1mth ago my boy also like tat. fusses when taking from bottle. good tat since 2wks ago he can take bottle better again. i bot anr type of bottle n yet he cry even harder. think the problem is not the bottle. he knows there is always u ard so he can "afford" not to drink from bottle n wait for ur milk. think he may be willing to drink from bottle again if he knows u dun have much milk n still feel hungry after latching on.

my colleagues will make comment saying bf for so long already it is time to stop. one of my aunt even talked to me harshly. she said still din give fm yet, wait bb will reject fm. everytime she see me she will say give fm to bb. dunno y she so against bfg. i just dun bother abt their comments. hee..
<font color="aa00aa">giggler,</font>
her feeding times are inconsistent. sometimes 1 hr, sometimes 2 hrs, sometimes she slept for 4~5 hrs then wake up to feed... that's why i oso dunno how to pump. wash pump, setup, start pumping will take abt 40~50mins. and if she wants to feed and the breasts are still soft, she'll cry and dun want to suckle. if breasts are full, she'll take. tried &amp; tested!

and, my gal dun take a lot. 20~30 ml each time when we feed from bottle. dunno izzit habitual cos used to suckle at breast for 5~10 mins &amp; fall asleep..

do we pump IMMEDIATELY after bb nurse? i mean, i offer left breast, bb suckle for 2~5 mins, breast soft so she doesn't want anymore. offer right breast she suckle for 10~15 mins, breast soft, she doesn't want alr. then i go wash pump, setup pump (15 mins gone). by the time start pumping alr abt 30mins gone.

pump for 15 mins each breast (abt 25 min each if + massage &amp; breaks), only can get abt 20~30ml each side. that's normal?

<font color="aa00aa">mini,</font>
tandem pump, how to hold bb wif 1 hand, try to make her suckle with the other and still can pump? me using Avent pump...

<font color="0000ff">now i wonder how to latch &amp; still able to pump. think my milk will come in at least 3~4 hrs after last latch/pump. if interval bb wants to nurse, breasts soft &amp; she won't want to feed.

now am trying to pump according to 3 hourly schedule but very difficult. lazy + bb erractic feeding. so i pump 3+hrs or 4+hrs interval

I read that some of you already got your menses though breastfeeding. Can i check if any of you experience brownish red discharge during those normal days when you are not due for your menses yet for that month? Is that normal? I dun have this problem before giving birth.
i used to tandem pump using avent manual. find it easiest n most quiet. after u assemble the pump put it on the table. then position bb to 1 br. after bb has position n start to suck just use 1 hand to hold her n then use the other hand to take the pump n start to pump. not easy since only has 1 hand to hold bb. even now my boy is 8mths old i also tandem pump on every sun to try get milk for mon. but i m using ameda electric pump. also just hold bb using 1 hand.

so lay chey have to do so many things before start pumping. is it possible to sterilise n assemble before hand? then just rinse with hot water before u pump? this is what i did. infact i dun sterilise after every pump. i will wash n then put in cooled boiled water. then just rinse with hot water before use. though not so good lah, but so far bb has no problem :p

nope, i did not experience brownish red discharge. not sure if it is normal or not. is it v frequent u have it?

I had menses 1 week after lochia stops and worse thing menses stopped already after 1 week came again so for sept, i actually had menses twice.Did see gynae and she gave me antibiotics in case it is infection of lining of womb. In october i had these discharge for 1 day then menses came 1 week got the discharge again when my menses is due only 2 weeks later. I had a c-section dunno if related.
Hi Cindy, I think bb's tummy still small so they'll only take small meals but at lots of intervals.

Hi mini, my ss dips these few days so it could be due to menses? I only managed to pump out 4oz the whole morning, this is only half of what I usu pump leh. Aren't u afraid that your boi will have a hard time to kick off the habit of sucking? I got an aunt also like that leh. Kept blaming on me for not giving fm to Van yet. Very funny hor?

Hi angelia, I think it's normal that you won't get a lot if you pump after you nurse leh. I don't sterilise after every pumping session too. I only rinse the pump with water.

Hi QSG, I had brown spotting on normal days on certain mths too. Not sure if it's due to our hormones.
Giggler, u had c-section 2 right? Dunno if related. How many months already since you gave birth? Has your menses started?
the discharge is quite unusual but if it is only 1day n not much think should not be big problem. ur menses come so fast after lochia stop n 1 mth came twice. hmm..unusual. did u go back to see gynae again? what did he/she say?

my ss still the same as last few wks after the dip 3wks ago. heard many ppl said that ss decreases when having menses. not sure if it a permanent decrease? yar i m quite afraid but recently he get so excited abt wanting to be latched on. cant bear to see him cry n fuss if dun offer him. like deprived him of comfort. sometimes just hope he will reject br one day then i dun have to worry so much. haha. yar lor older generation ppl have this kind of funny thinking. dunno y they keep thinking tat bm is inferior.
hi QSG,

for my case, my menses came 2 mth after my c-section. and i only have it once a mth. I think u shd see yr gynae or a GP to check on why menses come twice within a mth.

Seen gynae after menses came twice. Given antibiotics....last month once only so din go back to see her anymore.

i only hv 2mths ML, not 12 wks ..

i usually try to cont'd pumping when there is no more milk or switch breasts but after a while, got to keep switching in abt 2min to hv milk or else pumping nothing .. tts why i am wondering if i shld cont'd pumping or really no milk liao?

me now trying to record down all the qty i pump and see if ss is increasing ..
hi mini,

thanks for yr reply, will try to ask my mil to feed him FM but i think she complained before when she fed FM, by boy drink only 120ml ...

Same here my MIL keep saying i shd not TBF for so long and i shd give FM earlier .. but i will just ignore her lor ...

just curious to know how much u can express out each time ..... ??
120ml not too bad already. since my boy 6-7mths it is a battle feeding him. end up MIL only give him 60ml ebm each time. he drinks 20ml n fuss. have to coax him a few times. even have to spoon feed. even FIL have to help entertain my boy. was a really tough period. glad tat since 2wks ago my boy willingly take from bottle again, but he wont take alot a one go max 150ml. that period din take solid well too n end up got thinner. glad he eat n drink well since 2wks ago n have put on some wt
but my ss decreases mayb due to menses so now only got abt 30ml/hr. can get abt 300ml from 730am-530pm, each session will depend on how long the interval. how much can u express out?

had a small tin of similac excellence follow-on sample for stand by.
mini ,

how often u express? me only @ 1 &amp; 6pm .. if i am not stress and enought sleep. i think i will get abt 350 ml. and when i express at home, i think i will get max 150ml. He is drinking abt 200 ml each time ... that's why me headache if my ss drop ..

is yr boy still waking up for milk ? i think my bb has a bad habit that he likes to wake up at 2am. last time me blur blur will feed him, now i wil give him pacifier and wait till abt 5am he make noise than i will latch him on.

i got lots of FM at home as i thought he do not like taste, so i buy many different brands for him to try ... waste my $$$ ...
Hi QSG, this is the 5th mth already since my c-section and I got my menses liao. And I bf exclusively leh. I had brown discharge one week after the lochia stopped too.

Hi mini, you got me worried leh. Hope that ss won't decr perm after menses come back cos I haven intro Van with any fm yet leh. I don't know why they think that our bm is so inferior.

Hi littleprince, how come you not entitled with 2 mths of ML? My col said that she'll just continue pumping even if there's no milk cos she finds that it's a way to stimulate for more milk.

Hi aloe, my gal also still wake up for milk in the middle of the nite and I just feed her leh. How old is your bb now? Abt 4mths rite?
ur ss still good. before my ss dip 3wks ago i can get abt 360ml at the same interval. last time i can get abt 400ml. usual i express 3 times in office at 1020am, 110pm n 530pm. sometimes 2 times at 1pm n 530pm. feel tat after 6mths of bf, there is no gurantee ss will always be strong. infact may decrease anytime due to many factors. so tell myself 8mths consider v good, if supplement 1 feed of fm still not too bad.

my boy still wakes up once for night feed btw 230-530am. dunno when he can sleep thru the night.

wow many tins of fm ah. think bm will sure be nicer than fm. have not tasted fm before. tasted bm n find it quite nice. quite afraid he will reject fm as nvr take fm before. hope he wont else make a tough time for everyone again.
i think think dun think ur ss will dip by so much. mayb not all milk ducts cleared? dun think menses will cause ss to dip by half. usually i heard menses caused ss to dip by 100-200ml but not sure if it is permanent? dun worry or stress ok, else will affect ss. i also afraid suddenly ss decreases so much n bb have to b forced to take fm. think i better start to give abit first. afraid when wait till ss really cannot make it n yet he reject fm will be worse. no matter wat have to give fm since cant bf forever.

i heard some ppl say tat after 9mths the nutrients in bm not so good as compared to fm. not sure if this is true or not. looking at my current situation really a miracle if can tbf for anr 1mth. no matter wat will give fm by 9mths.

still remember we chatting abt menses coming back not long ago. who knows we got it so soon. is ur flow same as pre-pregnacy? mine quite heavy flow leh, even now 3rd day still heavy. last time 3rd day the flow not so heavy already.
since ur boy almost 7mths already how much solid is he taking a day? by right he should be drinking lesser milk already since solid may replaced milk feed. how much he drinks per day?

when my boy is 6-7mths old he reject porridge n reject bm. end up drink say 650-700ml of bm n 1 feed rice cereal n v little porridge. everyday MIL will faithfully give him porridge n he started to eat abit more daily. only since 7.5mths his appetite get good, can take 1 feed cereal n 2 feed porridge. still can take 700+ ml bm.
hi giggler / mini .
by boy is 6.5 mths old now ... he came out 3 wks earlier than EDD..

i read yesterday's Life, there is an article on Baby massage &amp; said it will help baby sleep better. I dunno how ture it is .. but i try this morning @445am, i manage to massage him and he went back to sleep after the massage. But he woke up 30 mins later as i think he really hungry ... HAHA

wow u still express 3 times in office ! last time me also 3 times but now too lazy la. got to wash &amp; stream the bottles after every session.

I believe you already start solid for yr boy right .. my MIL feed him once a day on cereal mix with FM .. want to start him on porridge, i think not at least not so 'heaty' ...

FM have a metal taste ... that's why i thought he dun like the FM taste ... but when my mil feed him cereal with FM he can eat so well ....
my co. follow the "legislation law" tt only bbs born after 1st Oct then got 12 wks leave .. i gave birth on 24sept so not entitled .. even though govt is willing to reimburse my pay to my co. but they still dun wan to make an exception for me ..
My BM is gettting lesser and lesser.....please help,.....what can i do to regain back the milk supply?????what is it due to?
Hi there,

I need some advise on BF as I'm a first time mum and kinda inexperience..when is it that most of you started your babies on solid food?Will the baby be full if solely on BM before he reaches 6 mths?Cos my baby currenlty 3 mths but afraid that if solely on BM, he will not be full enough....btw,is it necessary to take any additional supplements on top of just eating healthy meals everyday?

Thanks to giggler &amp; mini for your earlier advise...
hi cindy,

i'm a first time mum so when my aunts knew that i'm giving TBF, they would always ask me to eat more fish, drink more fish soup and also ask me to cook total green papaya with fish or spare ribs,saying that this will increase BM ss...also i read from books that try to get your baby to BF as frequent as possible as the more the dd of BM, the more the ss of BM...hopefully this may help a little....

Hi ladies,

I've been giving my bot EBM from birth. Recently heard from my gynae that I should not be using the hot water from the air pot to heat up the milk from the fridge. Is that true?

Die... have been doing that for thje past 3 motnhs!! That means my baby has been deprived of nutrients all these while? The Avent warmer when turn to "3" also becomes as hot as water from the air pot what. Comments???
