Breastfeeding Support Group

yeah provided the next feed is within 2hrs.

I have never go on holiday while breastfeeding but I do know of some mummies who does that due to business trip
1) they never mention got problem bb don't want the brst when they are back
2) they do pump out and try to stock up enough EBM for bb while they are away
3) they do pump, maybe not as often as in singapore, while overseas in order to maintain ss

For me, I will be going for holiday in two weeks time, but I will be stopping BF. Now gradually reducing the pumping to stop BF by then.

where is bugis playarea? I didn't know got such place.

1. will your baby reject ur breast when u come back ?
He never reject my brs cos my bb not fussy when it comes to food.
2. need pump before hand for him ?
May have to compromise to give fm if you dun have enuf bm in stock.
3. so must i pump while i am overseas ?
You should pump to keep up the supply. If you can store and bring back (not too faraway), will be good. Otherwise will have to dispose.
And if you dun pump, you may suffer from engorgement.

have been giving bb EBM more and more cos my breasts doesn't seem full & she suck & suck dun seem to get anything.

think i might be the next to fall back on FM soon...
if just let bb latch on with givng ebm, how is her urine output? think best wat to know if she has enough milk or not is looking at the number of wet nappy/diaper. sometimes bb just want to suck for comfort n does not mean not enough milk. someone mentioned tat milk production is like a tap n every time bb suck there will be milk flowing. last few days my boy appetite increases n have to resort to pumping just an hr before his feed to get enough milk for the next day. should supposed not much milk in brs already but he still suck n suck. just tat may need longer time to get the amt of milk he need. in the end he finally got enough n then sleep. believed if no milk he will sure scream n dun bother to suck. just let ur girl suck more as this is one way to tell ur body to produce more milk.
Hi Jas, Mon mon,

Thanks. Feeling better now. Just for physio tom. Got to do some exercises at home to strengthen back. I spent 3 hours in the hospital, only to see dr for less than 10 minutes. sigh. waste of time.

Hi giggler,
My baby started on cereal last weekend. Didn't put a lot of cereal so very watery. Created a mess, but it was fun overall. He's angry cos we couldn't feed him fast enuf and he was hungry.

Hi Stylobb,
where to get the swimming diapers. I can't find in cold storage and the NTUC outlet near my house leh.
am wondering is it my latching not correct so affects ss. when i latch her on, her upper lips not flipped out leh. how to make it "flipped out"? she doesn't really open her mouth big enuff.. even if open big, oso can't latch till her upper lip flip out!!

i see traces of milk on the cheek even when my breast not full. but, my breasts do get softer after latching, so i oso not sure is it incorrect latching..
mon mon
fenugreek is to be taken once a day? shld it be taken in the am, pm or nite? for the oats tt u all mentioned, is it the quaker oats tt require cooking?
swim diapers sell at takashimaya bb department.. Carefour also has it.. Cold storage ..only the big ones have it Eg: Holland V.. NTUC seldom sells it. the one at Toa payoh doesn't sell it
I normally buy it from cold storage - bukit timah. or as and when I see it.
Hi ladies,

I have been giving my bb EBM since he was 1 week old. Have tried to latch baby back on to stimulate more milk supply, but he's got funny reactions when he is on my breast:
he will jerk and jerk his whole body, struggle, and sometimes appear as if choke on the milk. He will then make the mouth a V shape, like want to vomit like that.

I dun think my milk is flowing too fast, coz when i pump, I only see like 2 jets of milk each breast.

So, he does not nurse for more than 5 min each breast, and after all the jerking and choking, he will be so breathless and tired, breathing so hard. See already so funny, but also sad cannot nurse lor..

Any suggestions on how to get him back on the breast?

He has just started sucking his thumb. Initially cannnot "aim" properly, so thumb kenna his nose, cheek and everywhere. These 2 days more "zun", can suck until got noise liao. How to stop his habit? Dun feel like putting mittens back on. He is coming to 3 months old.

THnaks for any suggestions/advice!!
Wow, waited so long...
I got mine from Carrefour... they have different sizes, we got the smallest.

I think bb should 'grab' the whole area and not just the nipple. Sorry, forgot how to spell 'aeora'...
You have to hold the area first, then put it into her mouth. Get what I mean??

For me, I won't stop him from sucking his thumb lor..he's learning a new thing mah. My boy used to suck, but after a while, he stopped.
think u can keep trying to offer breasts to ur bb. mayb after a few more tries he will adjust to brs again. if still cant, should pump out the milk often n at regular interval to increase ss. say pump every 3hrs.

as for sucking fingers, can try to give him sth to distract him. or try to get his attention so tat he wun focus on sucking. my son also like tat but nowadays he suck lesser. heard my mum say last time i also suck fingers n she cant prevent me from sucking. ultimately this habit will be kicked off.
<font color="aa00aa">stylobb,</font>
ya, she did cover the whole aerola, but after breasts become soft, she'll "slip" until nipple. but then she can still "suck" it back to cover aerola leh.
Hi little prince,
Think anytime of the day is OK as long as you take it at the same time everyday.

I take Quarker Oats everyday. As I've no time to cook, I bought the instant type...just pour hot water and let it "cook" for few minutes. The problem with the instant type is that it tends to form lumps so doesn't taste so good. I add the 3-in-1 milo to mix in the dry oats before I pour in the hot water so you don't get the lumps. Since I take it everyday I try variations like adding raisins, fruits, etc to make it more interesting.
me too, same as stylobb, didn't stop my boy from sucking his thumb. now he has stopped but occassionally still likes to put his hands into his mouth.
mummies, do you add milk powder/ebm to your bb's brown rice?? can feed using bottle?? currently i'm giving dumex rice cereal to my 4mth old boy thru bottle

i've gotten brown rice - mixed with sisen, yangsheng..and some chinese herbs. DO I GIVE IT PLAIN or must add milk?
Hi all,
I always have this problem here, I've jus given birth two weeks ago and giving my girl mix feed..try to give her BM in the day then formula in the mid night. I have this worries that my girl is not taking enuf from my BM, how do i know whether she is having enuf? and she doesn;t like to take the left breast, why is it so?she will be agitated if i force her to.........i think i'm having post natal blues over all this quest.
hi Cindy,
to know whether ur girl has taken enough or not u have to take note of the no. of wet nappies/diapers in the day time. think need to have at least 6-8. hmm... will b better if u latch ur girl in the middle of the night as this help to increase ss since demand=ss. wont your breasts feel engorged n leaked milk if u din feed her at night? hmm..mayb she dun like the position when taking the left brs? think some bbs have some preference for a particular br. mayb u can offer her the left br first when u latch her since she will be hungry n higher chance of taking from it. mayb u can try different feeding position when feed her the left br.

feel free to pour out your qns n the mommies here will try our best to help u! must eat well n rest well to get more ss.
How about you express out from the left br, feed her with it and then direct latch on the right br after that? So if she's full, at least no wastage from the right side...
All mummies feel down to some degree, you ain't alone... everyone will help you the best we can.
If you read the "What to Expect" book, it says that it's ok to let bb such their thumb, should not be a cause for concern. I mean, imagine how frustrated bb feels if everytime they wanna try/do something new, they kena stop. Last time my boy also put all fingers into his mouth, we just let him lor, then wipe them with damp towel. Hb/I feel it's ok lah, dun restrict him in so many things cos he is exploring mah, and learning new things.
My left breast milk supply seem quite low than the right side and i always pump to the bottle. And i think my girl know abt low milk supply on the left that why she dun like to take the left side. I didn't feed her BM in night becos she will get hungry easily and i have to wake up many times,i will be very tired as i'm the only one to look after her. I'm feeling quite tired and have the urge to stop BF.....haiz...........haiz......
Hi angelia, I never try fenugreek so not sure if theres any side effect.

Hi littleprince, the food warmer is useful to my mom too. She uses every time she warms my EBM for my gal.

Hi mon, I think my mom will start to warm the milk before my gal shows any sign of hunger. And she prefers using the food warmer compared to the traditional way.

HI masshiro, I tried feeding Vane with rice cereal myself on Mon too. She quite like it leh and it seems like she wants more cos I only feed her with one tsp of cereal. Also, Vane had her first dip in the pool last Sat. Shes not afraid of water but cant really tell if she enjoys it.
hi hi mummies...

i feel so distressed...these few days my boy getting more and more impatient....usually he is satisfied with one side...but these few days, after 5 mins of suckling, he will move here and there and cry...tot the milk is slow dat why he getting i move to the other breast...same thing happen...with a few mins..he start to move here and there, i
have no choice but to supplements with formula....these few days he seem to be satisfied by 2 breast instead of one.....

what happen ? is it that milk supply is low ?
wanna check if it means tt so long as we are breastfeeding, we can only wear nursing bras and not our normal bras? realised most nursing bras come with bra straps, any without bra straps? otherwise, how to wear sleeveless shirts?
Hi Cindy,
It's OK to feel down at this time. Just make sure you don't keep everything to yourself....share with someone....well, share with us.

Hi Giggler,
We still use the warmer since bought already, if not feel like wasted. So we wait a little longer lor.

Hi mommies,
I tried feeding my girl cereal on the weekend. Seems like it will take a long time before she can finish what I have in the bowl. How do you keep the cereal warm?
can try massaging ur breasts wif free hand to squirt bm into bb's mouth while suckling. Press HARD from top of breasts DOWN towards your nipples. My bb was very impatient initially cos she embraced the faster bottle. This is taught by my LC. After some time, u dun need to do this anymore

Some bbs feed 1 side, sometimes both sides, depending on appetite. Mine started with both breasts, then 1 breast, now 2 breasts again, haiz. Just follow bb's cue
Make sure bb moving cos bb wants the other breast and not because positioning is uncomfortable for bb (eg. is bb body held in comfortable position for bb?)
BTW I seriously doubt it's low bm ss, just that bb probably have to latch and suckle longer... if u have the patience for that, then shouldn't be problem. I supplement with FM (once at midnight) not because low bm ss but because I want to zzz longer :p (FM slower to digest).
hi hi mtmtmt...

but previously he is ok ..only til these few days then he started to behave like me feel baby boy is now 7 weeks old...
adeline, when my baby behaved like that, it was due to oral thrush that hurts her tounge when she nurses. Could this be the case for your baby? BTW, u can identify by checking her tounge- there'll be whitish substance on her tounge that cannot be removed by just wiping with cotton pad.
little prince,
can wear normal bras even when bf. just tat nursing bra is more comfortable n easier when nurse bb. so if wanna wear strapless top just wear normal bra. but the thing is i believe when bf the brs is bigger than pre-pregnacy. so most likely not able to fit into pre-pregnancy bras. then seem waste $$ to buy new bras just for temporary use.
little prince, since I'm not latching direct anymore, when I go out, I wear the bras I wore during pregnancy, including strapless bras.
Hi mon, how much did you feed? I tried feeding Vane with rice cereal too. She can finish it less than 5min but I only gave her 1-2tsp.
Hi Adeline,
My baby also does that all the time and I'm pretty sure u dun have a low milk supply. For my bb she also cries after a few mins and I figured out its most usually indigestion and I pick her up and burp her. Sometimes she's just very fussy and I swaddle her tightly and calm her and then nurse her again.
Hi Giggler,
Not much....just for fun and let her try feeding with spoon...also about 1-2 tsp. Didn't let her finish cos it turned cold.
Hi mon, me too... only want to let Vane try feeding with spoon first. Thot of feeding her prune juice diluting with water next few days if she doesn't poo again.
BF many does your baby remove bowel a day? for mine seem to be 6 or 7 times day, is that normal? I worry that she might have stomach upset
it's normal for BF baby to move bowel several times a day. My boy initially move his bowel several times a day normally feed, but as he gets older, things becomes better.
realised tt if i pump my milk an hr or two after letting bb latch on, the amt i pump is miserably little .. shld i cont'd pumping though there is no milk? thot can increase ss like this ..
how to thaw the frozen BM?Put in hot water?I have never left the BM in the freezen before,it my first time.Thanks

How long can breastmilk stay in the freezer? If I leave BM in the lower compartment for 1 day, can it still be transferred to the freezer?
Most of the mummies use either Medela dual mini electric pump or Medela PIS or Ameda electric dual pump.

You can thaw frozen BM by putting it submerge in a bowl of tap water (for ice to melt), once everything melted, then transfer to warm/hot water to heat it up. Normally what I do is I will let frozen thaw by taking it out from the freezer compartment to the fridge compartment the night before, it would have thaw by the time I want to use it the next morning.

some books mention frozen EBM can be kept for up to 2 months, but for me I will only have it less than 1 month, normally about 3 weeks.

EBM should be frozen as soon as it is expressed. I never transfer it to freezer after it is in the fridge for 1 day.
<font color="aa00aa">jas,</font>
nope, din switch to exclusive expressing yet cos a few told me gotta stick to very strict expressing schedule and oso need to pump even at midnight to keep ss.. and some told me ss will decrease if only pump &amp; no latch.

gave girl EBM on Fri midnite feeds cos she woke up after i juz express (which she always does) so not much milk for her, but end up still very tired cos tried feeding her 100ml (after she suckled for abt 5 mins at the breast) from 2am - 5am and she only took 20ml. threw away 80ml, i so heartpain!!

tried not latching my girl on Sat (cos full month so very "troublesome" to latch), pumped at ard 3~4 hrs interval and the quantity is miserable leh, only abt 40~50ml...

latched her on at 9pm, feed her till ard 10pm cos she's super sleepyheaded!! dun think she drank much anyway, cos she's in "sleep mode" so suckle 2x, sleep... etc.. however, she din wake up till 8am (prob too tired in the day cos din sleep much).

midnight, my brs engorged, right breast suddenly got blocked duct (big lumps) and so painful, and i can't get rid of it with the pump. so when my gal woke up in the morning, i put her to brs and she helped remove the lump!!!

then i was back to latching and she seems to get better when sucking, though she still falls asleep after 5~10 mins or almost immed after put to breast. finally managed to get her to take 2 breasts at 1 feed on Sunday, was so happy.

however, in the afternoon, she's back to 1 breast &amp; sleep mode thru out feeding. i got so frustrated that she's always in sleep mode, i slapped her hard on her thigh, she still sleep

last nite she woke up for feed at 1am, put her to br, sleep again but still suckle for 10 min. after that tried to wake her up, spent 20~30min, still can't get her to wake up. pinch her cheeks real hard, shake her, exercise her, slapped her hard on the thighs, still dun wake up. got fed up, ask my mum to give EBM if she wakes up later and dun look for me (cos i expect her to wake up 1~1.5hrs later, according to her midnight nursing "schedule").

this AM, checked wif my mum, she said she gave her 30ml EBM ard 4am though she in sleep mode cos she looks as if she's waking up and she took the 30ml, with eyes closed of cos.....

6:30am, tried to latch her cos brs engorged and i din pump at midnight. put her on 1 br, suckle for 10 mins in sleep mode, tried to put her to the other breast, but she slept like a log.. only managed to suckle for 5min. no matter how i pinch, shake, slap, exercise her oso no use. i got really frustrated i slapped her real HARD on the thigh and she started crying, HARD!! still frustrated, i threw her to my mum and went to express. hopefully she doesn't wake up until 3~4 hrs later, else will hv to give her EBM cos my brs dun get filled so fast. need abt at least 3hrs.

think my letdown is slow and not frequent, that's why took more time for brs to fill up. anyone has the same problem? dunno how to increase the frequency of letdown... i feel my letdown frequency more during late afternoon.. but that's the time my gal sleeps..

however, my main problem is my gal's sleeping and feeding pattern. she's not taking "full" feed at each feeding so she's waking up a lot to take short but frequent feeds. that's the conclusion i get from the LC when i went for consultation last Friday.

LC asks me to wake her up to feed and try to wake her up if she sleeps at brs. well, she's very co-operative when we're at the LC, but back home.. sleeps like a pig. 3 person using 30~45 mins trying to wake her up and all gave up!! tried everything, wipe her face, squeeze her cheeks, unwrap her, etc... still no use.


<font color="0000ff">storing of BM</font>
i oso had some qns on this.
- if thaw frozen BM in fridge, how long can it keep after thaw? 2 days?
- can re-freeze BM 1 day after it is thawed using above method?
- how long can warmed EBM be kept? after it's used to feed bb
- after EBM warmed, bb din finish feed, i shld keep it warm at all times or leave it to cool and only warm when bb wants to feed again?

<font color="ff6000">almost all TBF mum ask me to perservere cos i've already tahan for 1 mth, if go on FM very wasted. but if this carries on, it's really diff for me to carry on cos insufficient rest (if i keep needing to wake up every 1.5hrs to nurse at night) will also cause a dip in ss........</font>

dunno when can i tahan until....
hi angelia,
i can only answer ur last 2 questions...
- warmed EBM can only be kept for 1hr after it's used to feed bb. that's wat the LC at MAH advised me.
- after EBM is warmed, u can keep it warm using lukewarm water for 1hr. after 1hr, u have to throw it away

i must applaud u for perservering on TBF. i gave up bcos my son had jaundice and need lotsa fluids then. my BM wasnt enough so resorted to FM 1wk after delivery. now i'm trying to stop giving him FM so 1 day last wk, i latched him on and pumped at the same time. it wasnt successful cos he gets hungry very quickly after I latched him on (maybe he didnt get much BM then). in between latching on, i pumped but only get 20-30ml each time.

according to my GF who has been expressing her BM since her bb was born, as long as u express at regular intervals, the ss will always b there. her bb is now 5mths+ and she still can pump abt 200ml every 3-4hrs. she advised me that the key to get more BM is u must drink lotsa fluids. if u yourself dun even consume enuff fluids for urself, how to produce more BM?
<font color="aa00aa">kelly,</font>
u latch bb on at what interval? u mean after u pump and bb still wanna latch?

i dunno wat's wrong wif bb sometimes.. she seems hungry, latch on, suckle.. after a while she cries as if no more milk...

switch side, continue to suckle, after a while, oso cries as if no more milk.. but if there's a letdown &amp; i put her back, she'll suckle. so i GUESS it's bcos the ss not much alr and milk flow not fast enuff if there's no let down, so she is frustrated.
mummies who pump bm at work

i m returng to work tmrw n intend to pump bm during wkg hrs .. realised tt i can be quite messy when i pump bm at home since only me n bb so i can pump with my bra off .. but in office, do u pump like this as well? there is a nursing rm available ..
i latched bb on every 2hrs and pump every 3hrs, which is y sometimes when i pumped, i only get 20-30ml.

i faced the same problem as u. my son'll suckle for <5mins and cries, switch sides, suckle for <5mins then cries. even if he dun cry and falls asleep while suckling, he'll wake up 10mins later hungry SO i had no choice but to resort to FM cos i heart ache to see him crying (for fear of him getting colicky).

Hi Little Prince

Started off pumping with nursing bra when I was first back at work. Now resort to normal bras coz need the padding when I'm wearing stretch tees. When I use normal bras, just unhook and adjust pump to place. Is yours a dual pump? Then shouldn't be too difficult. If it's a single pump, maybe should stick to nursing bra in case the other side leaks during letdown.

- Thawed BM can only be kept in fridge for 24 hours from the time you thawed it. Sometimes I cheat and keep it slightly longer but not recommended.
- Once BM is thawed, you cannot re-freeze it. so better to freeze BM in small amounts and thaw when you need it.
