Breastfeeding Support Group

little prince,

My bb also dun sleep very well in the day and wants to be carried all the time so in the end we let her sleep in sarong (spring cot) so far okay as at nite we dun let sleep in sarong so in way she is adaptable to both. Sleep is important to babies so you have decide what is best for your baby. That time we also have to decide between sarong and pacificer and we chose the former.

I thought manual pump can be quite tiring to use?

Ladies, may i know if it is okay to let babies suck their fingers? Does all babies suck their fingers at some point in time?

My baby started drooling few weeks back and now started sucking fingers. she is 3 months old now.
r u a teacher.. if u are then when you are nearing the end of your one yr ( 2-3 mths time) can write in and have extension of your NPL. Most of my friends are able to get 1.5yrs leave. For me will write in to extend by 6mth so only go back to work next Nov.
it may be tiring but at least i can bring ard the hse, for electric pump got so many things n i can't carry with one hand when carrying bb ..
gsq, believe it or not Jerald starts drool some wks back, sucking what ever he can grabs...hands, toys...anything.... and last 2 days - found that he's erupting his first teeth!!! he's only 4mth old!!
been giving my boy heinz cereal. bot it becoz it is non-milk based n i can add ebm to it. also no sugar added. yar, heard tat friso has high sucrose content n thats y din buy.

seem like ur girl is still satisfied with just taking milk. up to u if want to give now or wait till longer. mayb can start give her when she is 5.5mths?

is ur boy still taking cereal now? u giving heinz multi-grain cereal? my boy seem no so eager to take cereal nowadays n thinking dunno is he too tired of the taste already. but only take 2mths+ of cereal.

also same as u, find it so hard to bf my boy nowadays. always so curious on the surrounding. must find a quiet room to bf him. if someone walk pass he will unlatch n look at wat the person is doing. the only easy time to nurse him is at night when he is abt to sleep n during night feed.

my boy din use pacifier. infact MIL prepare 1 to stand by but heard tat my boy reject.

yar, when my boy is ard 3mths he has the habit to suck fingers esp before bedtime. then after tat is on n off. even now sometimes he still suck n not to often.
Normally I will heat up first before bringing out in the warmer. If I do need to heat up, I will bring out a flask of hot water to heat up by placing the EBM (still in the avent bag) in the cup of hot water. Once heated up, I will transfer into bottle.

I use Heinz rice cereal coz it's plain so I can mix it with EBM or FM.

I am using medela dual mini electric pump. the avent manual pump cost $59 at promotion price. you can get from Kiddy palace or Other major shopping places when they have sales (e.g. JL, Robinsons, Taka)

I did try to give my boy pacifier initially but he don't want it.

I do give my boy sleep in sarong after his full month and it helps him to sleep better and easier.

my boy likes to suck his fingers since 2-3mths, now he's coming to 10mth and still like to put fingers inside his mouth. I think it's up to individual, some saying that sucking fingers is not good coz difficult to wean off as bb gets bigger compared to pacifier which is easier as you can just take away but fingers can't.

yeah I still give my boy cereal during weekends when I bring him back home. I didn't try heinz multi-grain cereal but I gave him Dumex apple cereal or brown rice cereal. He likes it. For his last feed at night, I still add some heniz rice cereal into EBM an feed him through bottle so that he can be fuller and last till morning.
thks .. i just ordered mine online at this price too, need them to deliver to me coz no time to buy .. hope it can help me to pump milk easier ..
read tt u r doing exclusive pumping, fm when did u stop latching bb? my bb doesn't really want to drink direct fm me, will i be able to increase ss by pumping very often?
Aelwen's "constipation" is better. These days she poo every 2-3days. As long as not more than 4/5 days, we are not that worry.
so do u add ebm into dumex cereal? or r they milk based? then during weekdays ur mum dun give cereal but give 2 feed of porridge?
Hi ruffy
Thank you for the info. You are in the same line as desert? Me too. At first I thox you are not working, so you actually took NPL. What is max that we can take? You took long? Now you want to extend?

Hi desert/ruffy
Do you feel tired looking after your bbs all alone at home? What do you do with them at home? Anytime for yourself?

I brought Ryan for swimming lesson at Swimfast but don't recommend it as the management is bad. We tried aquaducks last week but the place is not that ideal SUntec..difficult to find parking etc.. so may try marsden.. or teach him myself.
My leave is till next apr.. but have to write in in Dec to extend. most of my friends manage to get 1.5yr easy so they say no problem . I will ask for another 1 yr if they only give 1/2yr is still okay. Coz max is 2 yrs per child.
Hi Mini & Pringles

Thanks for your advice. Looks like I'll also buy Heinz cereal coz wanna use EBM. Was wondering how to go abt using EBM coz Friso already has milk powder mixed with it.

Just made my japan trip earlier so maybe will start cereals only in Dec. Bb would have just reach 6 months. If I need to feed her cereals when we're on holiday then may need to get Friso coz dun intend to pump while on hols.
Hi Gals,

wow I missed so many postings. Haven't had time to log in these few days.

Hi Absolut, Giggler,
Me planning to introduce cereal to baby tomorrow. He's 5.5 mths. Still thinking whether to introduce through bottle or spoon. Looking forward to this next milestone

Hi Ruffy,
So both Swimfast and aquaducks not ideal. Did you try Total swimming? Haha..last weekend, I bot my boy a pair of swimming trunk and a float and put him in the bathtub. At fast he looked so blur..but think he enjoyed himself. Can't find a swimsuit that's suitable for him. So got a small little trunk so cute..a lot of whales on it. can take such long leave. your company is nice. I dun think I can be sahm. too tiring for me.

Hi Stylobb,
I injured my back recently. Two days ago it was so bad I couldn't walk and sit properly. Going to see orthopaedic on Mon. Carrying my baby and bf him using the feeding pillow puts a lot of strain on my lower back. So gals, do be careful when you all carry baby from bed, when you need to bend down.
haven't tried Total swimming. You signed on for your boy? If you did let me know how it is.

My company is not really that nice a company ( MOE).. for me in-laws don't stay in Sg and my mum is still working so no choice.. coz hubby doesn't want to put Ryan in any "outside" care.
SAHM is quite boring and tiring ..coz a lot of things you want to do also cannot coz of baby.
Hi Ruffy,

Nope..I haven't tried yet. Want to wait till he's 6 mths and finished his jabs. In fact, I just called Marsden and put my boy on waitlist. The sat classes are quite full. Maybe will give them a try first.
Hi Ruffy,

They have free trial also. They also require baby to finish all jabs first. So i'll wait another 2 weeks.

Yah..a lot of sacrifices for sahm. I feel more tired on weekends than weekdays cos weekend got to look after baby myself.
Hi absolut, my mom said that Vane loves the cereal. She's eating rice cereals from Dumex sample. I think you can just let Allison try abit to see her reaction lah. Anyway, I don't think you can supplement one feed for her so soon rite? Allison so guai leh, can sleep throughout. Vane still wake up once for her milk now.

Hi littleprince, I give Van pacifier cos she likes to suck her fingers and I'll prefer her to suck pacifier compared to fingers. I'm using Ameda dual pump now.

Hi QSG, most bb suck their fingers. My gal sometimes even such her whole fist.

Hi Jas, how long can you keep for the milk that you've heated?

Hi Masshiro, I think you shd use spoon so that your boi can learn how to eat from spoon. You feel better now?
Hi Giggler,
Got to take painkillers and stick those heat pads..but better than 2 days ago. Think need to take calcium tablets. Stopped since I gave birth. Shud take since bfg.

My boy likes to suck his fist also..guess all babies are like tat.

Has Van taken all her jabs already?
So sorry to hear you hurt your back, do take care ok? No wonder never hear from you. Could it be that your back has problem previously that's why it's like that?
Hey, I was like you, very exhausted over weekends, but dun worry, that will pass. I used to sleep in while hb looked after bb. But thankfully things are easier now, we all get up, and then I'll bathe and feed him, and after a while, we go gai gai. And I bot slow cooker recently, so easy when it comes to making porridge, no more hassle.

Can try to feed from spoon. But dun force if bb not interested. Try again at another mealtime. Remember to give water cos I find cereal can be quite lumpy... I have one can of Friso but did not use due to the sucrose content. He does not take much cereal, cos I only mix the white rice cereal at nite for my boy. Other times, besides milk, he takes porridge with all the yummy ingredients.

oh i see, yest let rhyan try out the pacifier n he didn't refuse, somemore he know how to use his hand to hold it so tt it will not drop out of his mouth .. me felt so sad when i saw him sucking it coz it wasn't my intention to give it to him .. me started crying when i put him to bed with the pacifier n hubby came home n was shocked tt he took the pacifier out of rhyan's mouth n told him not to suck .. i didn't even eat my dinner last nite, too sad to eat .. guess i m still pretty emotional though its been 5 wks since i gave birth ..

anyway, woke up fresh tdy n told myself tdy is going to be better than yest n its weekend tmrw .. yeah!
Hi Stylobb,
Yah..cud be becos all along I also have back problem. Going to check with orthopaedic next mon. Want to ask why epidural didn't work on 1 side of my body, maybe got blocked somewhere.

I find it's easier to pass time when we bring him gai gai. He doesn't fuss as much and will fall sleep. Guess he's at a curious stage so likes to look around, esp at moving cars. where do you normally bring Jesse? I wanted to bring him to zoo but hubby said too early.

I think I got slow cooker sitting somewhere in my house. gotto go check it out. Shud be useful next time.

Hi little prince,
5 weeks is not a long time. Give yourself sometime to get used to the new life. The initial few weeks are pretty tough but it'll get better. It's normal to cry to destress.
<font color="aa00aa">mummies,</font>
me doing confinement and my mum insists i drink the chicken cook in Martell. the 1st time she put whole 1 cup and cook the drumstick in slow cooker. subsequently, i get her to cook half a cup martell with half a cup of water in slow cooker for 12 hours. can i safely assume all alchohol content would have evapourated? i'm TBF so am worried that bb will get affected but dun really wanna reject my mum's good gesture
my mum also cooked tat for me during confinement. think abt once a wk. so far bb no problem. just make sure u bf at least 2hrs after consuming. if bb does show signs tat she is affected, then quickly as ur mum to stop brewing.
Hi Masshiro, Vane going to take her jab this Sat. Your boi finish his jabs already rite?

Hi littleprince, it's normal for you to get so emotional now. Guess I'd prefer my gal to suck pacifier to her fingers cos I find that it'll be easier to wean off from pacifier. I also cry when my hubby didn't allow me to on the aircon during my confinement. Thinking back now, i find myself very silly to cry over such a trivial matter.

Hi angelia, it's ok to consume alcohol if they've cooked.
Hi Giggler,
Nope he has one more jab to go. Can take anytime now but think I'll wait till he's 6 mths so can do the developmental assessment then.

Oh..been wanting to tell you that Van looked so cute in the pics..the ones she took at studio. I also very keen but after spending on the footprints, think better hold on for a while.

U keen on swimming lessons for Van?
Hi Masshiro, hmm... maybe I'll wait till Vane is 6mths for the jab then. Didn't think of the developmental assessment. Those pics are ex but at least she looks cute in them lah. I intend to bring Vane for a swim during this weekend. Thot of seeing her reaction to water. I find the swimming lessons quite ex leh. So may not be enrolling her for it.
Hi Giggler,

yah quite ex considering only 30 min each session, but my son loves to kick so much so thot he'll enjoy playing wif water. There's free trial, maybe you can try out. Dun have to sign if you dun want.
<font color="aa00aa">mini,</font>
my mum has been cooking it for 1 whole wk. so far alr finished 1 bottle of 1 ltr martell (with "kao li") and she is starting 2nd bottle (w/out "kao li") today!!

how to tell if bb is affected? i usu takes ard 10:30pm or 11:00pm. sometimes bb wants to feed at ard 11:30pm~midnight, sometimes 3am or 5am....

but hor, i dun find any alchohol smell or taste when i'm taking, but i juz wanna make sure lor. BF leh, better dun pray pray!!!!!

<font color="aa00aa">giggler,</font>
i oso dunno considered "cooked" or not, but in slow cooker for 12 hrs or more. she started ard 8~9am in the morning cos 1st time she started think quite late, then end up we cooked over fire to let it boil again. kekeke...

now cooks longer, and i oso see that it's slightly "boiling" in the slow cooker, so i feel "safer" to drink and BF bb.
should be safe to drink esp cook for so long! all the alcohol would have evaporated. somemore u dun feel any alcohol smell n also wont feel giddy after that right? last time got once after i drank the i felt giddy n face red. for that time i think alcohol still ard. luckily i was ok by the time bf bb.

hmm...dunno how to tell if bb is affected. mayb bb react unusal compared to normal? or bb feel sleepy more? but i think no harm taking since cook so long n no more alcohol content. its impt to take enough pu during confinement. btw how r u coping with newborn n bf?

my mum insists i drink DOM during my confinement too. She cook chicken with liquor for me to drink as well. I expect all those confinement with liquor b4 giving birth so i checked with my gynae last time and he said as long as i bf my bb 2 hrs after my meal, that's ok.

I pumped out my milk b4 my meal and bf 2-3 hrs later after my food.

Hope its help
does anyone here use a bottle warmer or food warmer? my rhyan takes a long time in finishing his milk tt it turns cold at times, thinking of buying one so tt also can warm up ebm .. saw tollyjoy brand selling at $30+, dunno good or not?
littleprince...saw a few warmers on yahoo auction you can go c. but personaly (my 2cents tot) i bought a tall/big enough (for avent bottles) warmer frm tiger sales at taka ard $10+ only. can keep his milk warm!! think better not waste $$ on too much items...when he dun need already...the item lose it's value and take up space in kitchen/store.
<font color="aa00aa">mini,</font>
hahha.. now dun need to drink alchohol oso feels "giddy" cos not enuff sleep lah.. hahhaa.. anyway, alr stopped taking since last nite.

on TBF, so far so good but my supply is not meeting my gal's needs, i guess, unless she's drinking every 4~5 hrs then my breasts will be more full for her to suckle.

nowadays, she'll wanna nurse at 30~60 mins interval and gets frustrated. dunno if it's bcos she can't seems to get anything from the breasts!! wonder what i can do.

<font color="aa00aa">cherly,</font>
hmm.. quite diff leh, cos bb nurse adhoc.. so won't know what time she wants to feed and i'm trying to avoid giving EBM cos worried she doesn't want the breasts later. furthermore, i've got short nipples and ss not fast enuff for her (esp if she nursing at hourly or 2 hourly interval) and might reject the breasts if she's used to the flow of the bottle.

<font color="aa00aa">giggler,</font>
hahaha.. i not sure mah. scared will hv adverse effect on bb mah.

btw, dunno izzit bcos of the liquor or izzit bcos last nite bb was taken care of by hubby at nite.

previously, my mum's taking care of her at nite, (those days i took the liquor chicken at 10+pm) and i nurse bb at ard 11+pm. then she'll sleep thru the nite till 3~5am then wake up.

last nite, my hubby's taking care of her (din take liquor chicken last nite) and nurse bb at 10+pm, then she woke up at 1+am, 2+am, 3+am to feed.. but of cos, it might be bcos at 2+ &amp; 3+, she din hv much milk to take cos my breasts not full at all.
but also wondering can it be due to the liquor as well??

<font color="0000ff">BM expressing</font>
what's ur routine of expressing? how many times a day? when is the timing? how long u pump each time for each breast?

my supply is getting miserable. i can get 3~4 oz if my breasts are engorged, but if i pump after feeding bb on both breast (which is last nite), can get only 1oz or less.

i would like to try to pump ever 3~4 hrly, but is diff to do so cos bb seems wanting to feed at hourly interval nowadays. and she already seems like she's not able to suck enough milk (or was it the flow too slow cos when i try using my hand, still got a bit of milk come out leh) and getting very frustrated at the breasts that she will cry while sucking and will keep latching &amp; unlatching &amp; latching &amp; unlatching..... really wonder what's wrong with it.

furthermore, when i'm nursing her, i dun seem to feel the so-call "let down" reflex.

currently, i only pump 1x a day, which is most likely in the early morning or midnite or when she's asleep for more than 4 hrs in the late afternoon and breasts are engorged. as usual, i get abt 1.5x~2x more from my right breast than my left!!! *so sad* wonder how can i fix my left breast so much smaller than right breast problem if this carries on and most importantly of all, how can i INCREASE my milk supply?? if i can't pump at regular interval??
I stop latching on my boy since he is one week old. Yeap you have to pump frequently (about every 3hrs) initally to simulate increase in ss althought it might not be as good as direct latching.

I don't add EBM into dumex cereal as they are milk-based, just add hot water will do. I only add EBM into heniz rice cereal as they are not milk-based. Yeap, my mum will feed my boy porriage for both lunch and dinner on weekdays. On weekends I don't cook porriage so replace with cereal instead.

oh that's terrible. Hope you recover soon.

Heated EBM I only kept for 2hrs max.

normally I will drink just after BF, so it should be about 2hrs for the next BF.

I am on exclusive pumping so my comments made below is all related to such, and not latching + pumping. At that time, I express every 3 hourly but skip the night schedule (about 2x) coz was tired and need my sleep. So effectively I express about 5 - 6 times per day. Everytime I pump is about 30 - 45mins. It is normal to pump out only little milk after nursing. Drink plenty of water and have good rest to helps increase in ss.

I didn't use electric warmer to heat up EBM, I have been using hot/warm water, but it's a bit troublesome coz you need to keep changing the water, but I have been surviving for so long already...
how long did it take (pumpg every 3hrs) b4 u started seeing results? i m thinkg of trying yr method coz my ML ends on next Mon ..

ya .. i hv been using hot water all these while n ended up i need to keep boiling water .. quite ley chey lor ..
Hi Littleprince,
I bought the warmer from Philips but not so good. Take quite long before milk is warm enough for bb. I didn't try other brands cos didn't want to waste the money spent on Philips warmer so stick to it.

Poor thing. You take care.

Hi Angelia
Your posting remind me of my case. The first time when my MIL prepare the chicken and Martel, think she didn't cook it long enough and I got so drunk after taking it
Luckily, bb was on fm at night so not affected by bfg. After that she dare not prepare again..hahaha.
I got those electric vaccum flask with the water boiling function built-in as well, no need to keep boiling water.

I not sure about results leh coz I start exclusive pumping right from the beginning. I think my ss does increase gradually but not much, but can't remember how long I took. It's just that I know it is enough to meet my boy's need and some extra to stock up before I start work.
Just read your posting. I was out for a seminar for 2 days and an overnight camp from Friday to Saturday. I did not have time to reply you. I am in the same profession as you...
You thinking of second one too? Me too but my menses not here yet and I have bf for about 8 months. I intend to wean him off and have started to mix breast milk with formula. I also feel very sad about weaning him off. Feels kind of insecure to have him on formula but my husband says for the sake of his siblings, I have to let go. I will be going to Australia for 2 weeks during the school hols. Maybe that will help him wean off totally.

Hi all,
I would like to recommend you guys a book titled 'Life After Birth'. It tells you things that you don't read from the typical pregnancy or babies books. It focuses on mothers and the changes that you expect to feel and see. It is interesting. You can get it from the library.
hi hi all the mums...

i realise my six week old boy has a growth spurt...his feeding habits used to be one breast but every 2 hrs...but now he is not full on one breast....and he tend to move here and there after 10 mins of suckling it that i have not enough milk for him ? if that the case, how should i increase my supply ?

another you all go travel without your baby while you are breastfeeding ?
if yes,
1. will your baby reject ur breast when u come back ?
2. need pump before hand for him ?
3. so must i pump while i am overseas ?

my hubby and I are thinking to go on a weekend trip in november ...but i am worried
somemore on one hand i look forward to take a break but on the other hand, i cant bear to let go of him for a few days...
Littleprince, I got Philips food warmer from Robinson cost abt $49. My mom loves it cos its a lot easier to warm up my EBM using it. Moreover, the milk can be kept warm using it if my gal didnt finish it in one go.

Angelia, its normal that your bb wants milk every 30-60mins cos she may be going thru growth spurt at this moment. Again, its normal that you only get abt 1 oz after you feed bb. I do tandem pumping and itll help to incr your supply. That means I pump every time bb feeds. Cheer upK dont be sad cos what youre gping through is norm.

Jastan, that means the heated EBM can only keep for the next feed ?

Mon, I find the Philips food warmer quite good leh. I think it only need 4 mins to warm up milk mah. Very long meh?
<font color="aa00aa">giggler,</font>
cannot do tandem pump lah. now i try to feed bb on 2 breasts, after that then i pump.... think she's more okie after putting her on 2 breasts.

i oso latch her on for longer period (15 + 15 mins) instead of 15 mins and juz unlatch her when she dozes off. and seems like it's better

after, then i try to empty my breasts.. hopefully can help increase ss..

actually i wrote to Mrs Wong (TMC LC) and she said i might be too tired thus the low supply and suggest FM as the last resort

maybe i'll try fenugreek 1st. any mum used that b4? any side effects?
i got tt kind of flask also but i mean i hv to keep topping up water which i forget at times ..

will chk out the food warmer .. actually agree with lyn_tan tt it may be a waste of $ to get all these and take up space but i think it may be necessary for my bb coz he always drink milk until so cold and i really hv to keep getting hot water to warm it ..

thought of trying it also leh but how high the chance it will work?
Hi Giggler,
Maybe me or my girl too impatient
She really cannot wait when she's hungry so I kept checking the warmer and it seems to take forever....hahaha. We tried warming it before she show signs of hunger and ended up she only finish half....wasted. I bought it at the Philips warehouse SIL also bought one and she also has the same comment....takes very long.

I used to take fenugreek and stopped when my ss increased. I'm not sure if its due to fenugreek cos I very kiasu one...also taking oats meal every morning, plus fish soup every alternate days. hence, I also don't know which one is the working factor
You may want to read up these sites on fenugreek:
Huh, I din know can apply for so long, coz on the NPL form, it states max is a yr for childcare leave. Wow, so many of ur friends apply for long leave. My case opp from u, none of my friends and colleagues apply for such a long childcare leave. They normally take only a few mths. But I got a problem, coz I request for the extension one mth b4 my leave ends, instead of 3 mths b4, so dunno whether they will entertain my request. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Where do u stay? Maybe can bring my boy to play with urs next time.

For my case, I bring him to my P's shop a few times on wkdays, so at least dun hv to handle him alone for so long. Now, I've been bringing him out to bugis to play in the play area, he enjoys playing there, and gets excited at seeing other bb/kids. Quite tiring, coz when my boy is awake, hv to keep an eye on him coz he's really active and always up to mischief.

Same here, my boy only bf for a longer time if he wants to sleep. If not, a few mins, and he's done. Or he will latch on/off to look ard, so now only feed him when he wants to sleep

Same here lor, my menses not here yet. For my case, he's still rejecting the bottle, so got to wait for him to drink from the cup properly 1st. I dun think I will wean him off so fast, so 2nd one might hv to wait. I really enjoy bf him, coz of the quiet moment with him. My boy's really hyperactive, so bf is a gd time to get him to lie down with me. Now, still waiting to see whether my leave extension can be approved.
Angelia/Little Prince
My boy is 9 mths, I am still taking funugreek, dun think it work for me. But I still continue to take, just to make myself feel safe. No side effects for me. I also take fish/papaya soup and oats occasionally.

Hi dessert,
I stay in Tampines? How about you? My boy will be turning 8mths this week.
Most childcare take in at 18mth.. so nxt year have to look around.
