Breastfeeding Support Group

hi priviledged,

Agree with mini, when my boy sucks on one, I find that pumping the other at the same time gives me more milk.

As for pumping the one my boy has finished, it's mainly just to increase the demand to 'trick' my body to produce more milk. It's not so much about storing the milk.

Hi Jastan,

Dunno leh, I find that even fresh ebm kept in fridge for 24 hours also got one taste (no smell though). Sometimes if I have enough, will just 'buang' the older ebm. As for freezer, I dun cook - only have 1 pizza pastry inside. But find that frozen ebm still got smell.

Anyway, taking it easy. It's now fresh ebm for my boy...if not enough supplement. Better powder than weird tasting ebm

Hi Priviledged,

I think your worry is very common. I also constantly worried whether my baby got enuf. It's so demoralising when after nursing for like 45 min, he can still down 60ml of formula. I was so discouraged last time that I gave in to supplementing with formula. Maybe that explains why my supply no good. Really got to persevere and nurse as much as you can. Got to nurse very often in the initial weeks.

Now when I start working, my baby is actually drinking more breast milk than when I was on maternity leave. Almost 100% on bm. Cos that time nurse until I so tired and gave in to formula. Now during work, he's fed bm from bottle you can actually see the qty he drinks and he can last longer.

Glad to know that you're doing better now. Keep it up and if you can, dun give in to fomula like me
when you start to work?

just curious, did any of you take picture of yourself nursing your bb?
Hi Jas,
My 2nd week in the office. Still adjusting. Very tiring cos got to shuttle between my house, MIL's house and office everyday.

I only have pics of me nursing in the hospital.
yeah, understand, it's very tiring to shuttle between different places everyday. it will takes quite a while before you settle down in the new routine.
hi priviledged,

It's still early. But agree with masshiro that you must have confidence in your twin assets. As long as bb doesn't fuss and output is there, she's getting enough!

Pumping after she's done will stimulate more supply. Keep on latching, your supply will eventually come.

Hi Masshiro, hope your 3 places aren't too far apart from each other. I also have to drop bb off at my mom's place and then go to work. But then it's all worth it when I can work in peace knowing bb is in good hands.

Hi Jastan,

I took one pic of myself nursing.....quite strange really to look at myself this way. Will take another to get a better shot - want my son to KNOW that he was ever breastfed :)

Hi mommies, I think there are some whose bb don't poo everyday. My boy used to be quite regular, minimum once a day...but for the past few days, he doesn't - sometimes once in 2 days. He's still on tbf, anyone heard anything about this? Any remedies? Not sure if my drinking prune juice will help :p
Hi Jas,
Think we are slowly adjusting already. It's a joy to go pick up baby everyday. I even tape my tummy when my baby was moving so "violently" inside..nice to show baby next time how active he was when he was inside.

The only put off when I see the pics or video is the stretchmarks..yucks!!

My home is quite far from my MIL, but her place is quite near to my office. My hubby is the siong one, cos he also send me to office before driving to his workplace. So we got to leave quite early everyday.

As for the poo poo, read from a few mothers' postings that it's normal if baby doesn't poo poo for a couple of days as long as the poo is still normal colour, cos baby absorbing all the nutrients. My boy also sometimes never poo for 2-3 days. Dun think you need to do anything about it.
Hi gals
Another week...gosh, I was on a course last week, went back to work and now got stuff to clear... really no joke.. so busy...

With your shuttling here and there, sure to lose weight....!
How is your boy? Is he ok now? Still wanna be carried? Very heartpain when we leave them in the mornings right?
Hmmm...I did not think of taking pic of me b/feeding my boy..

My bm stock is all finished, I think today is the last time my mum fed my boy on ebm. Dun know if there is really correlation, after he takes less bm, he now gets some rashes, while previously he had no problem at all. Anyway my work is so tough now I dun know if I will have bm under such stressful conditions. Over the weekend I slept like a pig cos was so tired after the course, plus hb on reservice, so had to rope in my parents to help take care of my boy, fortunately hb managed to book out but then he was sick so I let him rest more. I had to do quite a fair bit of housework, thankfully managed to nap when my boy napped. This week also on my own, mum has volunteered to come over to help but I said I want her to rest. Mil still comes over evenings to help.
my boy also poo only once every 3-5days, sometimes 2 days, not regular type.

one of my friend's boy also got the same problem as Jesse. After she stop BM and gave FM, his boy got rashes.
Hi jas, it's a good idea to take pix of ourselves when nursing hor? I never thot of doing that leh. Thanks for the idea.

Hi stylobb, you going to stop bfg bb? How long have u been bfg?
hey BF mums, just wondering how often do u have to express at night? how many times do i have to wake up? must feed baby for how long? 6 months?

btw, diversion, nappies: better to use cloth or disposables?
hi stylobb,

You have done well already. Dun worry about producing bm. I'm sure you bb will get well fm his rashes soon.

Hope things get easier for you
I started to slow down after 5.5 effectively I have stopped now.

Thanx... actually me not so worried, but my mum is. How I wish I can produce lotsa bm then maybe I will continue, but now so busy at work, it's good to stop too...about 6.5 months. Got a colleague who can hand-express out bm! I'm amazed.

Yah lor, last time my hb can sneeze on him and he is ok... now dun know where he got the rashes, dun know if allergic to powder or what..

Last time I never express, when bb wakes up, I fed him direct.
Gd idea to take a pic of ourself nursing hor. Hmm..I nvr tot of it b4. Will get hubby to take a pic this wkend and show to my boy next time.

Its ok if bb dun poo poo every day after 1 mth. So no need to worry. My boy sometimes poo everyday, sometimes every 2-3 days.

Dun stress urself too much, since u are so busy at work. Anyway, u hv already crossed the 6 mths target, well done. I still hv one week to 6 mths.
hi stylobb,

My coll hand expressed out bm years ago. I was amazed. Tried it once, but end up br were red and pretty sore....super pain.

My bb super prone to rashes. Dunno why parts of his body erupted into hubby dun think it's cos I had some seafood. Hate it when his skin is so sensitive.

hi mommies,

Thanks....will still check with pd next week since I'm there.
Hiaz..I got a problem nursing in public recently. If the place I go to got no nursing rm, I used to find a corner and use the nursing bib to bf. But my boy has been struggling recently when I use the bib. In the end, I got to bf him in the changing rm, toilet or car. Anyone also hv this problem?
hi all mummies...
i can officially join u all at tis thread... hehe... hv given birth last mon 19 jul.

now on partial bf'g. i dun latch him on cos he has difficulty catching my areola due to my inverted and flat nipples. hv tired many times, in the hosp wif LC's help and oso at home but to avail.

i now do EBM every 5 hrs and get abt 70-80ml each time. i hv to admit dat i dun EBM often. very tiring... moreover, hvnt been getting enuf sleep cos keep bb is keeping us awk at nite... difficult to get him to fall asleep, so hubby mk me rest and nap whenever i can in the day. and, doing confinement is rather tough too...

and, for a one week old bb, he sleeps rather little, prob 13-15 hrs a day. is dat normal?
hi all, i'm new to this thread.
My boy is 4 months old already and on bf too. Just started to supplement with formula at nite.

congrats, soyabean. don't worry about EBM. I used to have the problem as well. My boy had to admit to hospital for 3 days due to jaundice. For the 3 days, I EBM every 4-5 hours. Each time about 60-90ml. I was worried that I don't have enough BM. Luckily my hubby was very supportive and I continued to EBM. By 2 months, my BM flow is more established. Now, I can get 200-240ml every 5 hours. It takes time.
Hi Stylobb, so you give bb formula now?

Hi desert, same here. I never thot of it before too. I'll get hubby to take one this weekend also. I bf bb in the toilet if I can't find nursing room.
Hello! and Congrats!
13-15 hours sounds a lot to me..hehe... maybe becos my bb used to sleep very few hours... very chaam... dun wanna think about those days anymore.

Hmmm...I just wonder how to get so much milk by hand-expressing...??

Maybe the bib is too stuffy...hehe...
it all depends on you how long you want to BF bb, there is no standard guide. I seldom express in middle of night, coz I am so tired out, need the sleep.

I am using cloth nappy for my boy in the daytime and disposable diapers in the night.

I am not sure is the sleeping hours normal for your boy, but my boy sleep most of the time when he's 1wk old. maybe you would like to check with PD.

seems like it is getting more diffcult to nurse bb as they gets older. now my boy whenever feeding time, must change many position during feed in order to get him to finish the entire bottle of EBM.

I tried to hand-express once but the milk just shoot all over the place, so in the end give up.
hi jenjen,

FYI, I dun express at night cos too sleepy. However if I HAPPEN to wake up at 2am with hard hard br, have to do so or get leaking br later on which I hate.

I also use cloth during day and disposable at night. Used cloth during night at one point in time, cannot tahan having to change cos my bb dun like wet nappy.

hi desert, my bb hates it when we cover his face. probably same concept.

hi soyabean, congrats...and lucky you, I only managed to squeeze a pathetic 30-40ml each time then. Keep it up....and welcome to motherhood!

I think bb sleep when they want to - just let it be.

hi stylobb/Jastan, that time I used the big Avent bottle to catch the milk. It's very inefficient, but no choice then cos I was stone hard.
jastan, qhl, stylobb...

but if dun express regularly at night, BM supply will decrease right? and oso will have engorgement right? i oso rather sleep, esp after i go back to work, so wondering about how regular should i be expressing?

what brand of disposables is good and cheap? :p
initally you need to if your ss is very low. For me, initally my last express is around midnight, then early morning around 6am, so actually skip once between midnight to 6am. very tired from looking after bb the entire day and need the rest. after a month or so, the ss is stable and no need to express at night and no engorgement in the morning although the br will feel hard that's all. However, if you are direct latching your bb, you will need to feed on demand throughout the entire day.

I have used Pampers, Sealer, PetPet and Drypers before. Personally, I find Pampers and Sealer are good. PetPet is not too bad. I am using Pampers now coz got promotion. Normally I use Sealer. average cost is about 25cents per piece.
hi jen,
it's ok to express every 4-5 hourly after your milk flow is established. sometimes, I express after 7 hours when I'm busy at work. So far, no significant decrease in my BM supply.

For the diaper, you need to trial and error. Depends on your baby's size, etc. My friend recommend me pet pet, as she used drypers previously and it leak. But for me, drypers fit my baby better and pet pet leak instead.
Personally, I think pampers and fitti premium are good, but are expensive. so i use them only at nite.
i guess it depends on individual. mine is established from 2 months +. but a friend of mine start from week 5 onwards.
So you gals tried before? Gosh, I wonder how to do it, for me, like no milk comes out....cos my supply was so-so mah..

Yep, no more bm, all consumed by him...hehe. Now he takes fm... at nite I mix fm and white rice cereal. Also porridge in the day, can finish one bowl.
Me too late to take pic of b/feeding...
Sorry,I forgot, how old is your bb, gal or boy?

We use Fitti premium..cos it does not go out of shape and never leak. My mum bought this Fitti pack from neighbourhood shop which says comes with Aloe Vera (I dun know where the A-V is!!) but looking at the package, it is made in Thailand. It's M sized but slighly bigger than the usual Fitti that we buy, good too. We quite like Sealer. I would like to try Petpet cos apparently it's from same manufacturer as Fitti but cheaper. Some of the other mums like Nepia brand but this brand is not sold widely.
hi <font color="119911">desert</font>

heee ya me too!! got "scolding" fr Dr tan when i asked for fish oil when preg. n when i was hving signs of preterm labour, she was so fierce to me when she found out i took fish oil on my own.

me too guilty of eating junk food... i eat ALOT of seafood...

is it ur boy want to look around n bursing bib dun allow him to do it?

hi <font color="ff0000">priviledge</font>

r u the one who ask how much will get fr express after bb latch on? i used to do it in the first couple mths to bring in more supply n i think it really helps so that i can TBF my gal till now. i think i can get abt 60ml, cant really rem. dun be discourage, u can make it!!
Welcome soyabean. Glad you could join us here. Congrats! Keep bf'ing your bb. It should get better with time and practice.

Gals, I'll be offline for 2-3 weeks from today. Making a BIG move from USA (where I've been based for the past 11 months) back home to SG tomorrow. Will get back online as soon as I can get my home computer working and an internet connection set up. See ya!
Hi mommies
Can I check with you all whether after 6 months, breast milk is not enough for them? If the bb is taking solid food but not a lot. And not taking formula. Is it true that they will not get enough nutrients?

Thank you
Hi blessed
How come cannot take fish oil when preg? I thought fish oil like neurogain is good for bb. So bfing can take?

Hi! all. Thanks for the info. My boy used to be ok with the nursing bib, sometimes will struggle, but once he's latch on, he's fine. But recently, he kept on using his hands and legs to remove the bib. No choice, guess I cannot use bib now.

I am using fitti, recommended by stylobb, quite gd, last thro the nite with no leaking. Other brands I've tried are pampers premium, mamy poko, pet pet and pampers dry. All last thro the nite too.

My gynae (also blessed's gynae) feels tt if we are taking fish, there is no need to take fish oil. She says why bother to consume a tablet when u can take it fresh. She says she only give multivitamins and calcium coz these hv been used for a long time and no known side effects. Aiya..actually diff gynae got diff oppinion on this.
BM is still better than formula after 6mths. This is because the composition of bm change as the bb grows. In fact, I think I read somewhere that US recommends bf up to one yr.

U took fish oil on ur own, I nvr take, just tried to take more fish. Ended up eating lots of fish and chips instead, unhealthy again. Me too, I love to eat seafd.

Congrats. Can't help much, coz I dun do expressing. Do press on though, coz the more u pump, the more ur body will produce.
Oooh, didn't know you were in US...

If you can still b/feed, do continue.. I think should not be problem as what Desert mentioned, the composition will change, I think it becomes more fatty or something to fill up bb's stomach, I remember I read about it before. Now that I have stopped, I think it's really good if mummies can continue to b/feed, at least for the first six months...

Dun talk about your bbs with the bibs, even my boy will grab the handkerchief and toss it while the milk is trickling down his mouth...noti.. noti.. but quite cute looking... haha..
Desert, is Ivan beta? Fussing less?
Actually fish is not my fave food... I took more for the sake of bm but like not much difference..
Hi everyone!
Just came across this thread yesterday and am really glad that there are so many of u breastfeeding mothers... then I don't feel so lonely in my struggle against formula! (which my in-laws advocate)

I delivered about 7 weeks ago, premature by one month, so baby is kinda smalll.... so I guess my body produces less milk accordingly? I am using the Ameda pump.... pump abt twice or thrice a day after baby has fed... time is always not enough, wish I could pump out the 'leftovers' more often. I get about 1 oz usually, but sometimes it gets to the 90ml mark and I start wondering if the little fella actually drank anything! I don't always get letdown with pumping too, guess babies are better "pumps".

I am using Pampers BabyDry alternating with Premium and Fitti Premium. My baby poos at least twice, if not thrice a day... we use nappies in the day. But likely to change to disposables totally when i go back to work and the older generation looks after him.
Soyabean, good to see u here! Was wondering what happened to your breastfeeding. Maybe u should pump more often than what you r doing now. It will increase production mah.
hi moon,

I heard that the French bf their bb up to 7 years of age!! Figure that bm is always best for babies, just that nowadays it's getting really difficult with work etc etc.

My baby is coming to 4months. I used to think I would bf until 6 that time passes so fast, wondering if I should stick with it till 1 year...and then see how.

Today is the 4th day....still no output. Dunno why my boy still harbouring his 'gold'?? Hoping he will have a big one today.
hi jul,

Dun worry about bb not drinking enough. They will know to get enough from their mommies. I sometimes get about the same output after feeding baby early in the morning. Probably body producing more bm since bb suckling.

But since you are going to work, it's good to let your body start accustomising to your future schedule. I started pumping only at certain timings and indeed my br harden now at those particular times. Of course, Sat/Sun I not so strict.
hi wy...
trying to increase the frequency... cos last few days reali tired out by his nite antics... so reali mentally and physically strained, let alone say hv any mootivation to pump... these couple of days we trying to see if we can "control" his sleeping b4 midnite... so dat we can hv a good nite's sleep...
Hi Jastan, where can we get Sealer? Never seen this brand at supermarket leh.

Hi jen, I think my bm established at abt 4weeks. I guess it depends on individual.

Hi stylobb, my gal is 2mths old now. Can your boy take fm since he only take bm before that?

Hi blessed,why can't take fish oil supplement?

Hi soyabean, do you latch bb on when he wake up in the middle of the nite?
Hi all,
interesting to read abt all the diapers. I've only used pampers premium, pampers dry and drypers. But the prob wif dryers is after 4 hrs it seemed really heavy. Maybe my son pees alot.

QHL, ur son store the gold only after he starts his solids? My son is coming 4 mths but still poos 2 - 3 times daily. Wonder when will he stabilze? Coz i wash him under the tap, very tiring.

Soyabean, dun worry about the output now. It will stabilise in time to come. My son was admitted for jaundice. So when i was pumping at the hospital, the output was so miserable, hardly fill half the bottle the nurse gave me. There was this ang mo mother, she filled 3-4 bottles at one go! I was FLOORED!

I realized i dun get let down at all when i pump, so i juz latch my son on. only prob, he refused bottles now. Hai, maybe i should go teat hunting liaoz. Find one suitable for him.
Like you, I dun think I have let down, hence I was wondering what it was... so pathetic hor... but thankfully that time still managed to pump for my bb to drink. Maybe second kid...haha!!! Wah, the angmo lady had so much,, envious man... is it becos of our diet????
We dun like drypers cos it loses its shape and cannot hold the urine.
Dun like Pampers Babydry cos of the material.

I forgot ... I wanted to send you email... but I forgot to take down your email addy... maybe you click on my nick and drop me a message and we will take it from there?? Thanx.

Fm and bm - for this I am really thankful that my boy is a eater, I mean, he is not fussy whether bm or fm, got food he eats, not fussy with breasts or bottles! Hardly reject food leh. Very good hor. Now he also chomps down his porridge and apples happily, in fact was telling my mum that for all his fussiness every now and then, I cannot fault him when it comes to makan time!!
(Jas, you should go and be a Sealer promoter!!!)

You still expressing? I miss it a bit, not the trouble but the giving of the best to my boy. Think of the benefits. Do you know even when hb sneezed at him he was ok? So sturdy and tough.

I think my boy poos like every two days... after pooing, can feel his stomach like kinda strunk..
ya lor, i was so envious of the angmo lady. And there i was so upset becoz i was told the jaundice could be caused by insufficient breast milk and this lady walking out behind the screen with 3 bottles and me holding on to that pathetic half bottle.

maybe i should try other diapers too. But drypers veri affordable leh.

My pd ask me to give my son a little apple juice. He refused to drink. Give in bottle he don't want, give from spoon don't want. Dunno what to do.
yeah, tried once only lah. maybe I don't know the technique coz I ended up in a mess.

I am taking the neurogain fish oil but will stop when current supply runs out as I am stopping BF too.

you can get Sealer from Carrefour, John Little, Sheng Siong. But different place different price. Understand that Sheng Siong is cheaper. But normally I get mine from JL Centrepoint whenever there's 15% + 5% discount, then it's really cheap.

Yeah still expressing 3X per day, but will be reducing to 2X per day in another week's time, coz got to stop somehow. My boy also like yours, FM or BM not problem, when he's hungry, anything can. However, my ss seems to start decreasing liao.. I don't think I want to BF bb till 1yr, I need to have time and do things for my own like slimming hee hee... morever will be reporting to new boss and possibly new working environment next week and it will be more difficult for me to pump. Anyway, I think we should ourselves a pat on our back for able to perserve and BF till bb is 6mth. Good work, not easy task...

don't compare amount of BM, coz will affect your mood. just do your best, if have, give. don't have, give FM. Parenthood is not only about giving bb BM, that's so much more. I think the upbring of the child is so much more important than just BM or FM.
hi <font color="ff0000">for those who ask y cant take fish oil</font>,

I also DUN know!! heee. aiya think my gynae dont like us to take "extras". think she prefer bal diet. tt's y got scolding loh.

hi <font color="0000ff">desert</font>,

ya loh, i took neurogain when preg, my friend bought for me from her gynae. so i took since i heard so many mummies taking. also coz i 'll throw up if i see fish, so i tot fish oil will help to supplement since i cant take fish.

hi <font color="0077aa">moon</font>,

for my gal, she drinks much lesser now. always so KPO about surrounding, so suck few mins dun want liao. tt's y i'll always hv enough for her. i read that bb older than 6mths hv to supplement their diet with semi solids coz after 6mths, they need more iron (n other minerals i think) than BM/FM can provide. lack of iron is serious, it'll retard physical n mental growth.

my gal also dun eat alot of porridge. i juz let her b, coz cant force her leh. she ALWAYS pretend to get choked/cough if i feed her more than she wants
Hi stylobb, good for you that your bb is not fussy with food. I was wondering if I still need to feed bb with milk once I start solid. So it means that if I only intend to bf for 6 mths then I got to intro fm after that.

Hi Jas, only I'll go to JL to get one pack and try out. I've tried Drypers and Mamypoko but my bb's skin is too sensitive. She ended up with nappy rash. Now I'm using Pampers Dry on her.

Hi blessed, actually my gynae was like that too. He doesn't believe in having too many supplements.
Hi All,
how are you? havent been here for a while, just came back from business trip and still busy with work in the office.

your gal so cute, pretend to get choked so to avoid food. My gal just cried out loud to indicate she doesnt want food. May I know how much milk is your gal taking now and how old is she?
hi Jastan,

Totally agree. Milk only forms a part of our bb's life....his development, our bonding with him will extend far more than the milk part.

hi all,

My boy still hasn't poo yet. Nurse at pd told me to try massage his anus and make ngh ngh sound. It's actually to use some Desitin and like try to open a wee wee bit his anus opening. Will be feeding him some gerber prune apple soon....

BTW, my boy not on solids yet. We plan to start him only 6months. He's very pro-br, anti-bottle. Likes to play around when bottle feeding, but will suckle happily if given br. Can easily take an hour to feed him....I amazed at my mom's patience.
did you try to apply some nappy rash cream on your bb skin?

how many days your boy haven't poo. my boy highest record is not pooing for 5days. I also feed my boy gerber prune apple juice dulited with water back then, and after a while he finally poo.

any of you tried nuby teats? I bought one which is the new type - variable flow and anti-colic. haven't tried on my boy yet. according to the sales, the flow will depends on the bb's suction, so nothing to adjust externally. and the teats got little bubble around it which says massaging bb's gum. I bought the wide neck type so that it can fit into the avent milk bottles.

maybe you would like to get the nuby teats and see whether your boy like it.
