Breastfeeding Support Group

thanks for the info. is so near my house! I am staying in street 34, just beside tampines mart. can easily walk to the clinic. shall discuss with my hubby to see if he wants to go to him or go to the PD in pasir ris.

Hi desert n miu,
juz to get myself prepared cos my boy be taking his 1st 5-in-1 jab tmr. since your bbs juz took the jab, may i know if your bb fuss or have fever aft the jab? tks.
U consider Mothercare branded or not? I think got the solid colors u are looking for. I am going down to take a look later. If cheap, then I can buy some for my boy.
Branded clothes, I dun mind getting a few pieces if there are on offer, but I definitely wun buy at original price. My hubby RL fan mah, so he saw it selling cheap, he got his son a similar piece like the one he has. So far, most of my boy's clothes are pooh bear ones, bot on sale.
Mostly cartoony design, so dun think I can help u lah.

He fussed by crying more than usual, but no fever.

My hse at st 32, Blk 327. I used to go Yoong clinic when I am sick. But now, I am not staying there, coz going to sell my hse. Currently staying with my mum, near TP.
It's funny for my boy, we stop burping him, we just hold him upright and he will burp by himself.

MC quite branded and expensive right...might go down tomorrow. The thing is my boy cannot wear too thick material cos he perspires... like those shortalls, he can wear but I have to make sure the top is of thinner material. Today we brot him out and put him in the car seat, he was so interested looking out of the window, hehe,, after a while he fell asleep. Also put him in the bb seat in the trolley at Carrefour, he was enjoying himself.. hopefully he's bigger now and dun fuss so much.
Yah, their clothes quite ex, but dunno they considered branded or not. Anyway, I only got him a pair of soft shoes. The clothes I want to get either no size or no discount, so my financial ctl nvr approve, so dun get to buy. I wanted to get him the fabric storybk, also no discount, so put on hold 1st. Ended up, I went to cool kids @ United sq, and got him a bottom there.
My boy also afraid of the heat, he has those red rashes on his head sometimes. Its gd to bring them out hor, seems like they dun fuss so much outside. I also hope tt he will get less fussy when he grows older.
hi vanessa,
oops, I think your bb aredi had the jab. For my gal, I gave her the pinkish medicine (syrup looking medicine), given by my PD. He told me to give you 1ml after we reached home and later another 1ml after 6hrs. If she isnt feverish then no need to give.
yar took the jab already. we were told to give the pinkish panadol when we reach home, if aft 6hours still got fever then continue, if not dun need liao. my boy was ok yesterday, but tis morning fever starts liao.
oh dear, have the fever subsided? Monitor him well.

My gal was quite okie. I took her temp every few hrs interval. Wat is the temp then considered as fever?
was told above 37 deg cel is fever n 38 & above consider as high fever for babies. my boy's temp went up to 37.8 tis afternoon, my hubby so paranoid cos fever still there aft taking the medicine, made me so scared. juz now let him have a cool bath n let his mini-fan blow direct at him. thank God the fever juz subsided.
so funny, we communicate in 2 threads.

37 deg cel is considered fever!! My gal temp was 37.3 before the jab (taken by the clinic nurse before seeing the PD,) PD never said anything leh. Thru'out the day, her temp was ard dat too, 37.2-37.5. My bbsitter let her took another 1ml when her temp hits 37.5.
hi all,

i've been trying so so hard to increase my supply and finally it's up by a little and guess what???

while i was washing the pump, i cracked the funnel!! anyone knows where to get this part?? very desperate liao if not my supply would be gone. *sob*
Hope ur boy is ok. My doc says if using oral thermometer, then 37.5 considered fever, if using ear, then 38. I also got the pink syrup, like miu

My mum fed Ivan si shen brown rice mixed with formula yesterday. I let her try the Avent variable flow teat and he actually did not reject. He also nvr fuss as much, maybe he likes the bee gor. Will try again this evening and see how.
quench, it's happened to me before.
you can call Sally at 62685966 and she will let you know the price of the funnel. she will also provide you with the address so that you can mail her the cheque. once it's received, the part will be sent to you.

b/fg mummies, can i check with you ... when your period is back, is the cycle the same as before? i'm still b/fg and realised that my cycle seems to be getting longer and longer. it was 28 days previously, then 35 days and now >35 days. i wonder if b/fg affects the menses cycle. anyone can advise? thks.
quietbird, yes, when i'm at work, he has porridge twice and milk twice. once i'm home, he will drink twice before bedtime and once just before i leave for work. on the night feedings ... i think it's a phase your bb is gg thru coz my boy used to wake up and cry very frequently too. these 2 mths, he seems to be better and doesnt wake up as often. hang in there and it will pass soon ...

stylobb, my boy is 16 mths now. he started teething at around 6-7 mths (i think ...
) but before the first tooth is out, their gums will be very uncomfortable so they will be cranky.

Which pump are you using? If medela, can get the spare parts from Mums and Babes.... I bought extra sets there so I don't have to sterilize while at work

Good to hear your suppoly is up
quietbird, yes, when i'm at work, he has porridge twice and milk twice. once i'm home, he will drink twice before bedtime and once just before i leave for work. on the night feedings ... i think it's a phase your bb is gg thru coz my boy used to wake up and cry very frequently too. these 2 mths, he seems to be better and doesnt wake up as often. hang in there and it will pass soon ...

stylobb, my boy is 16 mths now. he started teething at around 6-7 mths (i think ...
) but before the first tooth is out, their gums will be very uncomfortable so they will be cranky.
I went to Mothercare marina centre, didn't buy any stuff for my boy, but got avent disposable bags instead. very cheap only $5 per box.

So far my menses not back yet. Initally during my confinement months (1st and 2nd), I do experienced some discharge which I thought is menses but the flow is very little which last few days. So I don't these is consider as menses.
For 1st jab, the nurse said considered fever if about 37.5C. For 2nd jab, it was considered fever if about 37.9C..I use the ear thermometer.
Just be aware bb's appetite might be affected for a day or two.

Mine just came, I will have to monitor first.. but flow is rather heavy even tho I am still b/feeding. Do you express? Wow, you still b/feeding your boy...

Ivan took the teat well ah, that's good. Make sure you dun use the nbr III marking cos the flow may spurt out too fast and shock him!! Hehe.
I went to KP and bought some plain tops for Jesse, simple and nice.. anyway I started to pack all the bb clothes that he does not wear/cannot wear anymore. Hb and I realise that he does not need much outdoor clothes, only enuf for the weekends..since weekdays he wears cottony types and shorts.

That's cheap.. I am not sure if I still need, cos over weekend, I dun even pump, direct latch him all the way.
hi mummies,
Haven't been latching on my gal for quite sometime, abt 3 weeks. Trying to latch her on last weekend but she seems dunno how to suckle/dun wan to suckle. Oops.. Anyone face this problem?

Will latch her on tonite, hopefully she will suckle. Was telling my hubby, she forget how to suckle aredi?

you started weaning so soon? I read in the book dat bb's stomach are not fully develop yet (something like dat) so start weaning from 4-6th mth onwards.

hope you have gotten your replacement funnel.

Now I have this problem: my gal seems not so interested in taking milk, she is drinking very little now which is about 120ml but sometimes she could not even finish it, yesterday I tried to feed her porridge, she refused to eat.....sign me so worry about her, seems like she has lost weight, wonder shld I bring her to see PD.When your son is teething that time, does he lost the appetite to milk o anything?
I am so tempted to stop BF for my boy already. these few days so tired and the ss seems to be decreasing... and my work so busy, still got so much outstanding stuff.. want to work OT also cannot coz got to rush to my mum's place to pump...
Poor thing...must be so tired and stressful. Does Joel take fm before? I think it's ok to introduce fm to him. Yah, I understand, if work load is usual, still not so bad, but if have to OT and pump, quite difficult. Try your best. My ss is also so-so... I still latch on, and express during those timings.
hi all,

phew!! i managed to get the funnel at j&e. guess what? while i was there, i also rented the symphony pump to assist in increasing my supply. anyone used this before? aiyo im damned desperate to increase coz 1 more week and im going back to work already.

funny thing is my gal is beginning to latch on but for only abt 5 mins.
KP having 20% off rite? Was in a hurry on sun, so din get to check it out. Want to get some cheap colored tees for my boy. I got him 2 jumpers fr Bugis @$9.90, so want to get him tees to wear inside. Jesse wearing shorts on wkday? I just let Ivan wear singlet and cloth diapers on wkdays. money, no need to buy bottom for wkdays.
I am using II for the bee gor. My mum fed him again yesterday, and he din fuss as much. Hmm seems like he likes the taste of the bee gor.

Yup, solids suppose to start fr 4-6 mths and suppose to feed fr spoon. My case not exactly weaning. My mum wanted to introduce the taste of bee gor to my boy by mixing some with his milk, so I agreed since only one wk more to 4 mths. But I will only let her feed for abt 2 wks using bottle, coz will go PD for 4th mth injection tt time, after which will introduce solids using spoon.

My menses not here yet, but then my boy is only coming to 4 mths. So, maybe its still early
Morning. I think he wears cloth diapers too. But my mum bought some shorts for him as well. The weather's so hot, singlet is great too. Yah, KP having 20%. We just bought some benetton t-shirts for him, cos on 50%.
Hi mummies,
Its my 2nd week back to work, has been quite busy and anticipate more load to come... really admire those who are working and manage to continue bfg up to 6 mths, you guys are really great mother...

You mean bb can survive solely on BM even after 4 months, no need to supplemant with solid?

let me know how's the performance of this symphony pump, where do you rent it?
hi m_maro,

yes bb can take solely BM till 6mths. My PD advise if I can TBF her (meaning she takes only BM, no FM at all), best to feed for 6mths without introducing semi solids. so my gal is now 5mths n 1 week, still drinks only BM.
stylobb, yes me still b/fg and so far have not started him on formula. will latch him on and feed directly when i'm home. dun have the heart to stop since he still prefers the breast to bottle. will see wtr he'll self-wean so tt i dun have to make the decision on when to stop

quietbird, seems like your gal is gg thru the same phase as wat my boy went thru a few mths back. his appetite suddenly dipped and he refused to drink or eat much. i think it should be ok coz your gal may be teething so her gums are very uncomfortable. my boy's eating habits picked up after a while ... you may wan to monitor for a while and see how.
That's just so cool. If I have so much milk, I will go on but as it is, the supply is not there.. quite pathetic so I supplement.

Not easy hor? Every lunchtime gotta pump, and end of the day too.. sometimes I wonder how I survived so long but keep telling myself when the chance passes, then no more liao so as long as I can, I will still do it. Me busy nowadays, supply also stressful at work. Anyway another 5 more weeks to countdown.

the performance not bad. suction is stronger than the mini. i rented it from j&e which operates mums and babes.

do u want the contact details? give me your email details
hi mummies,

my supply dropped by half and im feeling a tinge of pain at the side of both breasts especially when i lift up my arms.

any idea why?
Your bb very lucky to be able to enjoy full BM, and of course must thanks to the committed mom... What about bb that are supplement with FM, can start solid only at 6 months?

wow, your bb 16 mths already you still bfg and havent started him on formula yet, how do you survive from work?

ya, so stress at work still got to find time to pump, and somemore supply so low, sometimes feel not worth the effort, if can pump out more at least feel more rewarding. But you are very near there already!! Try not to countdown, you may find time pass faster. As for myself, I may stop soon if no improvement on supply, anyway now like supplementing BM to FM liao. Does your boy still cry at night? My girl so naughty, I think now she start to realise and abuse the power of crying, sometimes when she want to be carried but we put her down, she can cry non-stop until we pick her up again and we know that those are not real cry...
could be blocked ducts? I read something like this in the forum before.

didnt ans you cos' blessed has answered your qn

Jus press on, like wat you said to stylobb, dun count the days and time will pass faster. Jus pump out irregardless supply high or low.
Yup, weather quite hot nowadays, but seems better these 2 days. Can I check with u how is ur boy's sleeping time in the afternoon now. My boy dun know why now change to 1/2 hr everytime, even if I put him stomach down. He used to be able to sleep 1-2.5 hrs.

If u read my previous postings, I gave my boy one bottle of formula for nite feed in the 2nd wk, coz my milk ss does not seem to satisfy him and I want him to sleep longer. Then, there was a stage at ard 2 mths, when he was fussy in the evening and refuse to suckle, so I change the formula to evening time. After which he rejected the bottle, so I tbf. But if my mum is ard in the evening, she still insist on feeding him the bottle, coz she dun want him to keep on rejecting it. If she's not ard, then I bf him. And I dun express anymore, coz tt time I expressed, got pathetic amt.
Yah, could it be blocked ducts? Painful? Try to get your bb to suckle, best remedy.

I think his crying is less compared to last month. We try to figure out why..sometimes wants to be carried... sometimes sleepy. He is responding now to people talking to him.

I think he sleeps from 1.5-2 hrs at my mum's place, apparently he can fall asleep on his own over there. At nite my brs do feel full at all.. sigh.. tho I still suckle him.
Hi bf mummies,
I am quite pek chek . On sat, I have to attend a stupid company event from morning till about 5 pm. I can only express once as there is no proper place for pumping and sterilisation except the toilet. My colleague who has the same problem as me suggested pumping and throwing it away. I feel that it is a waste and precious breast milk is lost. Is there anyone here with a solution for me??
Joel takes formula once for night feed, so he's not foreign to formula.

I have begin to mix one scoop of rice cereal into the BM for two of my boy's feed per day, so far he's okay. also at the same time, my mum occassionally feed him small amount of thicken rice cereal paste using spoon, trying to get him used to spoon.

I also got to attend a company talk on Sat for half day, but that place no place for pumping as well. So I think I will go off half-way the event during breaktime...
For your case, either like what your colleage say pump and throw, or use the cold water sterilisation method.

can sterilise the pump at home first. after pumping store the milk in the cooler bag with ice bricks. try to express in the middle of the day since can only express once.
Please enlighthen me on the cold water sterilisation method. Thanks.

Thanks for the advice.

cold water sterilization uses low concentration of bleach to sterilize the equipment....

tablets are available at mothercare...
just need to leave the equipment immersed in the solution and rinse b4 use
hi Helen,
My colleague told me if she finds the milk not so gd for her bb (as in the she is on medication or in bad mood), after pumping, she wld drink her bm herself. She is very particular on the quality of the bm given to bb. She said 1 hr b4 expressing, cannot get angry, scold ppl or get stress.
Otherwise, bm quality not good, not gd for bb.

mayb you shd try expressing out to bottle feed him 1-2 times a day so dat he can get used to feeding from teat?
Hah? Really..then chaam cos I quite stressed lately..haha.. and this morning angry too (work issues lah).. but I try to relax when pumping.

Yah, can pump just once and dispose? Then quickly go home and express.

You very busy? Never hear from also busy. So after taking the rice cereal, is his feeding interval longer?

What I mean was my brs dun feel full at nite..last nite after feeding direct, and he stopped, I made 60ml and he also finished. And he was quite happy somemore..

yah...she very strict with her quality of output hor. Ever since I hear dat from her, I try to keep myself happy, happy before pumping.
