Breastfeeding Support Group

I also bought the cord powder, but not so expensive, think around $12-$15, actually we also dont know whether its necessary... As for bf, I think you should press on since you still on maternity leave, maybe like miu your ss will increase later on? For me becsuse I got no palce to express in ofc somemore alwyas very tight up with the work.
Is the cover and inserts you mentioned reusable? so expensive... Like dessert, I also let my girl wear disposable at night, I think more convenient and less disturbance to her sleep.

Hi Hwey,
I got similar case as you, my gal refuse to suckle at one week old and since then saw a decrease in supply. I think the drop is due to i didnt follow LC's advice to keep pumping at 3 hours interval to stimulate and built up the supply. Since your baby still latch on on rare occassion, I think you should keep trying before every feed, if cant latch, then pump, dont bother how much you get... Have you consulted any LC? they might be able to teach you some technique to latch your baby.

So poor thing...yeah I understand what you mean, sometime they cry until so chaam we feel like crying too...really dun know what's the problem. Really feel like a 'failure' when he keeps fussing. Today is so hot..he perspires until whole body is wet....after we brought him home, my hubby carried him and he slept, he dared not put him in rocker cos he will wake up sooner... he is also fussing, dun know if it's becos of the jab that he took that is affecting his appetite. We had to take turns to play with him and I had to iron clothes the terrible weather..
Sorry I missed you at the gathering...

YOu mean your bb will cry each time diaper is wet?

I will still be around lah....hehe...

Someone is using the Ameda pump? I looked at the link..looks interesting? Is it quiet?

My bb cries when he is peeing and pooing. I do not know why.

Mel and M-maro,
We also bought the cord powder but can't remember how much it cost. Anyways, we only used it twice and his cord dropped off. I do not think the powder is necessary.
You know, initially my bb does not make noise when his diaper wet or dirty... we used to think, wah, dirty bb! But now he is fussier and anyway his poo quite a lot.
hi mummies,

anyone with a bb gal abt 11-12 wks old?
Jus want to check how much your bb is drinking.
My gal is drinking less recently so it is kinda worrying for me. I been pumping so hard yet, she keeps making me throw away her unfinished bm (abt 20ml each time)

Congrats! Last time we were chatting abt wedding gown, now we hav bcome mummies and chat abt babies. Wat's your darling name?

you keen on getting Ameda pump. Me too. Cost abt $250 izzit?

dun stress. I read dat stress can cause ss to decrease. I agree with wat m maro had said. Jus keep on pumping/latching

Your ss very gd aredi. Last time, I can only pump abt 40-60ml and it took me (sometimes) as long as an hr to get dat amt!!

my fren said, PD usually gives panadol to stop the fever. Personally I dun like the idea of giving bb panadol.

Same here, I cannot tahan bb cries until got tears in their eyes. Look so pitiful. If all else fail, I let her suckle and she'll stop cryiing.
When I brought my gal for her jaundice check up
(when she was abt 5 days old). The PD drew some blood from her hand and she cried so loud and pitiful till big drops of tears fell from her eyes. I see aredi so heartpain dat I almost cried.
I cried buckets when my gal fail her jaundice level checkup and was required to return back to hospital for "sunning"
hi desert
yours can last the whole nite? Even I use disposible ones, also same leh. One night also mus at least change three times. I Using Pampers. Must change once the indicator change to blue right?

hi m_maro
the diaper cover and inserts are reuseable. Can check this website . I bought the Fuzzi Bunz. Bumwear also selling something similar but has more nice design. Is quite expensive, but the fleece covering feels surprisingly dry even after few wetting. Last night only change the inserts 3 times. Think quite worth for long term use cause bb feels comfortable and dun have to use so many disposible diapers.
Wah think that PD thought I am 'robert' wan to chop my 'head'. Luckily I din get from her!

not la she doesn't really cry everytime when the diaper is wet. Usually will fuss and make tearless crys to get our attention. Fussing is one thing another is the diaper cloth becomes really heavy and sometimes leak onto the matterss when I forgot to change for her. My matterss kana don't know how much of her urine liao. So I learn my lesson, try to change her diaper after every feed is the safest.
Hey I am using the ameda pump. It is quite quiet. Better than the medela's one. Very noisy.

the pump cost about $270-$299. Can check the price from the MIM and breastfeeding organization website.
Yah loh, nvr get to meet u. Hope to meet u next time. Anyway, I stay near TP, see maybe got opportunity to meet up.

Dun know what medicine PD give, its in syrup form. Dun worry abt the decrease in milk intake, it happened to my boy ard the same time too, just let ur bb take whatever she wants. It's ok, PD says they will slow down their growth at this stage, coz they only need to gain another 3-4kg from now till one yr old. My boy also din take much, but wt gain still normal.

I've used Pampers, Pet Pet, Mamy Poko, all can last thro the nite. The diapers will feel very heavy in the morning. Ocassionally there will be leakage, but not often. I dun change when the indicator is blue, I find tt too wasteful, coz once bb urine, indicator will turn blue, but the pampers can hold much more than one urine.
hi mummies with low supply,

press on! mine is also very pathetic and im pumping every 2hourly to increase and it does. im also trying out the nursing tea found in MIM website. my galfriend have tried and found it effective. will let all of you know the results
My supply is okay, sufficient for my boy at the moment. Not a lot compared to other mummies. I got to massage the breast like mad to get the amount required, and each session took me about an hour.

my boy cry again when being him back home on Friday night... so sian now.. seems like it's becoming part of his routine. Must cry when bring back home...

I have tried the Ameda pump before, it's a bit bulky compared to Medela dual mini electric, but definately the motor is not as noisy. As for the effectiveness, I can't comment much as I didn't use it for the entire day pumping, just once to try out only. Not intention to get now coz I am happy with the medela pump.

Yeap, this is what I understand from one of the mummies when I posed this query.

EBM after heated if not finish, can kept warm for 2hrs, after that got to discard.

No, EBM once thaw or heated cannot be re-freeze/re-fridge

It depends on how long the ice-block last. The ice-block I have can last for 8 to 10hrs. Normally, I will not put in freezer such milk stored in ice-block. I will only put in freezer those newly expressed milk. I think you can get those cooler box from supermarket or those shop deals with camping stuff. Alternatively you can get cooler bag too.

For me, if I am outside, I will still pump according to schedule. Hence, I normally go out during the interval that it don't clashes with my schedule. For pumping outside, I will transport the EBM in the cooler box.

I believe bb can still take frozen EBM, they shouldn't have colic provide the milk is thaw and heated properly.

My boy still able to latch on inspite being on bottles most of the time before he's 3mth. Now he don't like to latch on.

Yeap, my boy's tongue is a bit whiteish due to the milk. It's okay as long as it didn't form into a thick layer.

I don't think bb will have breathing problem, maybe sometimes you might thought bb like having blocked nose. However, sometime it could be the dirt that's blocking. It's okay, and bb when sneeze will push out the dirt.

maybe you should continue to pump, I stop latching my boy on direct since he is one week old, what I given him is EBM till now. Initally my ss is low but I keep pumping every 3 hourly except at night, after 1mth, my ss has stablise and up keep till now still manage to have enough for my boy. I admit it is very tiring to pump though.

My boy is drinking 120ml around that age. At one stage he also like to have some leftover like 20ml unfinished, now he is better, but got to feed him two times before he finish all the milk.

me too, I use one piece of diaper for my boy through the night. I am using Sealer which is good and can contains as much urine as Pampers, and definately cost cheaper.
Not intending to buy now but it's a good alternative for future...cos I have to return this PIS set which is on loan. I dislike the other one: the mini electric, sounds so terrible and I feel like going deaf just listening to it, anyway I never used it.
FOr me, it's like no more milk after 20 mins..even if I keep pumping also no use.

You have to wake up and change her? Aiyoh, quite fussy leh. I use Fitti for my boy, I find them good. No leakage and it stays in shape.

Ok, one day will have chance to meet..hehe.
My boy is 7.7kg at 4.5 months. The nurse says his weight is above ave, I said I dun care so long as he is healthy and not obese. Your boy behaved himself at the gathering? I think usu. they are ok when they are out, cos a lot of things capture their attention.
Anyway my boy's appetite since the 2nd jab does not seem to be good, he went without milk for 4-5 hours which is abnormal for him, he also refused to drink when we tried to feed him. Fussing a bit last evening, again we tried everything but dun know what's the reason. In the end, I held him by my side and put the dummy in his mouth and he fell asleep! Then I fed him at around 10.40pm and he drank nearly all the milk! Thank God.

Yah, press on. I still manage 90-120ml or so but usu. after 20mins, like no more supply coming so I will stop. Tell us about the tea after trying.
Morning. Poor mummy...understand how you feel. Over weekend we brought him out, he's ok when outside, will fall asleep. Even so noisy outside he can fall asleep! and in the car too, I think they like the movement. Last nite my boy also cried, till his eyes all wet..managed to soothe him only after a while..then he got tired and took a nap.

So far when I am home I direct latch, unless the timing does not match, then I pump at the designated time. Bb still latching on well. Agree with Jas, can be tiring but mine is dual pump so I take about 20-30 mins.
hi Jas,
tks for replying on the bb feeding amt.
I cant get more amt wif Medela pump recently (I am using the mini single one). I so sian seeing the milk drip so slowly. I can save abt 20 mins using the Avent manual pump and I get more milk. Funny rite? or maybe my medela pump got problem.

I oso heard from a fren saying dat Sealer brand is good

yah...I cant stand the noise generated by the medela pump oso. I dun like fitti, somehow find it very plastic feel. hehe..

tks for replying. I feel better now hearding dat it is common among bb. Hubby was saying maybe the weather too hot so she got no appetite.

you are using Ameda pump, how you find it? Good?
You can use a mattress protector to protect your mattress. Alternatively, let you bb lying on the waterproof mat.

I jus throw away a packet of 125l of EBM cos' the storage bag got a tear and my frozen BM leaks while being thawed. So heart-pain...
You know, the first time I heard it, I got a shock! No way I am gonna use it. Hmm..about the manual pump, some of my friends like it but I am too lazy to pump manually and it did not work for me.
Fitti got plastic feel? leh..we like it, guess it's personal preference for each person lah.

My bb's appetite also haywire over weekend.. does not want to eat during meal time.. can stretch for 4 hours instead of 3 hours now.. I also dun know why. Did Ivan fuss over the weekend?

Her name is Elizabeth.... What's your girl's name?
Wow, so many bb all taking so much EBM.... My girl till now can only take at most 90-100 ml per feeding, not sure how much when she latches on though....
someone here mentioned bb reaching 3 mths will slow down in milk intake which I check with my PD, he said is true cause they dont need to gain that much since 3 mths onwards. But understand sometime quite frustrated, dont know how much to offer, to little scare bb get not enough, too much sometimes they cannot finish. But anyway, your supply can afford a little wastage.

Helena, Mel,
think we must always check before visiting PD, otherwise always end up buying unnecessary things from them....

pampers can tahan 4-5 hours, able to absorb 3-4 times urine, no need to change so often, you should get more sleep at night..agreed with dessert, pampers, pet pet and mamypoko can last long. havent try fitti and sealer so not sure.

boy can afford more weight lah, is your son tall? maybe he grow up to be tall and mascular! Anyway, thought bb when grow older, they dont need to be fed so often? My gal only 2 mths sometimes can strech for 4-5 hours, dont know whteher normal or not.

Anyone wash bb's tongue? how you normally do it?

What happen if the white tongue form in thick layer?
Yah now the feeding time all know, my boy's appetite from birth is so good, when I b/feed him, it was 1.5 hours, then on fm, he also get hungry like every 2 hours..guess he had to double his weight in about 3 months...for about two weeks now, his appetite slowed down. So we guess that's why: he is getting older and does not need to be fed so often but we all blur now leh, dun know when to feed him! He should be more than 62 cm now.
I use cotton pad and clean his tongue and the inside of his mouth.
Someone mentioned about thrush or something..
My mum told me if form thick layer, then the bb will be uncomfortable and sometime painful for them. They will not have appetite for milk coz they can't taste any difference. So must always clean them. Now I don't clean already ever since my boy is 3mth coz my mum said feeding bb water will also in a way clean the tongue.

any one any idea whether can we use EBM and mix with rice cereal to feed bb? I will be buying rice cereal for my boy to try, need to mix with milk so wonder can use EBM or not? If yes, the EBM must heat till very hot so that the rice cereal can dissolve?
hi jastan
where u got the 5 in 1 jab. So cheap. And can u tell me more about this sealer brand? Where can I get it? Never heard b4.

everynigh always don't get to sleep. Sometimes so tired in the middle of the night that i close my eyes half asleep to feed and change her diapers! Den when bb cry I will wonder if I feed her already or was dreaming just now
. Must tahan till my MIL wake up in the morning to take over then I can get my undisturbed sleep.

the pump is a good investment. Is a better choice than medela.
I wanted to buy those waterproof mat, but my MIL say bb will feel warm sleeping on it...

where u got your jabs too? Read fromt he other forum yours also quite cheap isit?
No lah, I don't wake my bb up everytime when wan change diaper. After feeding she doesn't sleep straight away. Even she falls asleep, I dun have to wake her up, she will wake up herself when she feels uncomfortable.

i tot the indicator only turns blue when it is full. HAhaa I am so blur.
Thanks all for your advice. I am now trying to pump whatever I can, at 3 hours interval. This was adviced by the LC at KKH. All I can is 60ml. My baby is now taking about 90ml each time so I have to mix the BM from two sessions to get the desired amount. Once 9pm, I feed the baby formula and continue to expressed for the next day's intake. As I sleep at about 1am, I try to pump one time before that. Sometimes I missed the 3am session and the 6am session. Very tiring.
Hi mommies

How are all of you? After started work, life has been so busy no time to come in so often and chit chat already.

Hi stylobb and JAs and desert

How are things going? So did you all attend last sat gathering? Was it fun? Ya when are you all starting feeding bb with rice cereals? I have the same qns as Jas too. But Jas I thox mix with water also can right?

Hi Maro

How is your first day of work?
Ok lah

mommies take care and jiayou!

hee.. I am the one that mentioned about thrush, bought my gal to see PD before, he said the white tongue due to milk not thrush, like what Jas said, my mom and I also suspect the white layer made her uncomfortable, but no matter how often we clean her, the white layer still there. So i thought we have used wrong method.
Understand how you got mix up about the feeding time. me too. but strange my gal only 2 mths, cant be stop growing right...
how cheap is your 5 in 1 jab?

Thanks for confirming that the white tongue made my gal uncomfortable, but just couldnt wash it away... tried giving her water but no use also....I have no experience in feeding cereal, but all the books that I read on introducing solid always say start by mixing cereal with bm or formular, so i guess its ok to mix with EBM, but no idea whether must heat till very hot cause no book has mentioned about that part. I also interested to know where you give your baby jab and how much?

You very poor thing, have to wake up so many times. I normally wake up once only and try to finish feeding and diaper changing in half an hour, but still feel very tired the next morning... cant imagine you have to wake up so many time, hopefully with your new diaper and insert, you will get more sleep!!

Keep it up, I think it makes you feel better to know that I sometimes have to mix BM from 3 sessions to get one feed for my gal. Jia You!
I too brought my bb to polyclinic for the jabs, cost $290 plus.

Even a robot needs to rest! You are doing well.. last time I used to feed direct even at the wee hours of the morning. Do rest as well.
Hi Moon,
My first day work not so busy, all bosses not around, so can lazy a bit...giggler said she only want 300 word card, so I think we have to share the rest, or is Agnes interested? Your mom taking care of your boy? is staying with you?
hi mommies...
if i have a 100ml EBM frozen...say bb drink only should i go abt without wastage...and how long can e rest of e EBM be kept n where?....

also how hot shld i make the EBM....
Hi! Nope, jas and I did not attend the gathering. Me also busy at work. Lost appetite and lost more weight for me. How is your boy? Is he finally taking from bottles?
My mum said she will try end of this month to feed cereal. My boy's feeding time has changed until we kena confused.. besides this, still feel tired at times cos looking after him every nite and weekends.

$290 for all. The other day when I was there, it was ok, all over in 45 mins..cos the queue for bbs is not long. Besides this, we have a separate child doctor whom we bring our bb to see, at private clinic.
Hey mummies, can I check with u what teat u all use to feed ur baby. I use to use Avent, but my boy is still rejecting. Now, he is using the nipple teat fr the pigeon training cup, he still rejects sometimes, but not as bad as avent one.

m_maro same as u, nvr try other brands b4, so no comments on other brands.

He was quite quiet during the gathering, but he wanted to eat and sleep after a while. So, I left when he fell asleep, coz still need to bath him and later rush for another gathering. But that nite, he's so funny, kept on talking and smiling away and only slept at 10. He normally sleeps at 8.
Ur boy fuss after the jab. Aiyoh, really very scared when I bring my boy for injection too. After his 3rd mth jab, he also fuss more than usual. My boy still fusses when drinking his milk and he still does not finish it, only my mum got the patience to feed him every evening. If she's not ard, I just bf him, no patience.

I went for the gathering, but left early, coz got something on. Hope to see u next time.

My PD told me he will teach me how to introduce solids after the 4th mth injection, so I guess I will start then. Initially, I wanted to introduce bee gor + milk in bottle 1st, but quite difficult to feed my boy with the bottle, so I hv not started yet
No, I mean my bb took the jab at polyclinic.
But separately we brought him for his assessment to a child doctor near my place, the charges are about $40.

Yah lor, my boy is wearing me down sometimes!! He got so much energy, I should be glad huh.. he can kick until his body goes into an arch.. yah I think it's becos of the jab that's why he fusses, yesterday at my mum's place too. But just now my mum called and said he was ok, back to drinking his milk and also slept.

You mention about your bb fussing on Friday nites, aiyoh, me lagi worse, nearly every nite, we anticipate his fussing pattern..trying to understand what he is fussing
You want to give me your weight, I dun want leh!!
Work getting more and stressful man, major meeting coming, everyone's on their toes...
Hi Helena
Not for the 5-in-1 jab. You going polyclinic?

I popped by NTUC but cannot find the Frisocreme rice cereal..thot of getting that for my mum to make.

I remember minnie saying that if we mix bm with the cereal, it may be a bit tasteless...not sure.

You were the one who mentioned about thrush ah? Sorry, my memory's failing ...oohhh....
My gal's name is debbie

My gal now revert back to 100ml per feed. Like I mentioned before, she takes 150ml when she is on FM. Going to ask PD abt this funny phenomenon tomolo. My gal has been drinking 100ml since she was 1 mths till now. Funny dat she didnt increase her intake much.

m maro,
It's more assuring to hear dat. Hopefully, she gain weight healthly. My hubby said she look kinda small-sized as compared to other same mth bbs. He wanted her hands and legs to be like "pig trotters". hahaha....

thanks for your info. Kinda regret dat I didnt buy ameda in the beginning. I oso everynite not enuff sleep (im the one who wake up to feed my gal). Sometimes, I even dozed off while pumping. I sleep at abt 11pm plus, wake up at 3 or 4am for her feed then got to wake up again at 6am to pump milk. However, I seldom change my gal diaper in the middle of the nite. I change her diaper at abt 9pm till the next morning 7.30am then change her in a new diaper. I use Pampers Premium at nite.

I was using dat kinda of pumping schedule while I was at confinement. Wake up every 3-4 hrs to pump. Sometimes, too tired jus sleep thru the nite and wake up at abt 6am to pump. Dun put yourself too much stress and dun overtire yourself. Take care.

If my bb cannot finished her milk, I will put the remaining milk in hot warm and feed her again in not more than 1hr time. If she still doesnt want, then I throw away. I know some mummies, will keep the milk for not than 2 hrs.
I got the 5-in-1 jab from the GP at Tampines. My mum like this GP, coz both my nephews also go to this clinic. The doctor very soft-spoken and gentle type. When I first visited his clinic, I found that quite a lot of people bring their kids to him. My mum told me he prescrible medicine is not those very strong type which is suitable for children and his charges are cheap if not reasonable. I paid $78 x 3 = $234 for 5-in-1.

I got the Sealer brand diaper from John Little Orchard. So far this is the only place I know has this brand. It has cotton cover and feel soft and comfortable just like pampers premium. For a pack of 20pcs M size it cost $6.30. Normally I will stock up whenever JL is having 15% + 5% sales. I have been using it coz I find is good, very good absorption. The packaging has a ang mo baby sleeping picture. This brand seldom do advertising so it's normal not to know of this brand. I also only know about it few months ago during the JL sales.

I didn't attend the last gathering coz got to work. Yeap, cereal can mix with water also, but think with milk taste better mah..

You can store as 80ml and 20ml separately after you expressed. For me, for such amount, I use glass bottles to keep, so can keep 20ml in fridge for next feed. Alernatively, if you keep 100ml as a pack in the fridge, when need, just pour out 80ml and keep the remaining 20ml back into the fridge.

Normally I just warm the EBM and feel based on hands. Never take the temperature of how hot it is.

I am still using Avent teat for my boy and he's okay with it.

I was also thinking to get Frisocreme rice cereal but it's quite a big tin. If my boy don't like, then wasted. Was thinking to try Gerber rice cereal instead coz much smaller pack.
Thanks for the information, I have a feeling that you have a very experienced and helpful mom that knows everything, so lucky!! I gave my gal 6 in 1 jab, so is your 5 in 1 without hep B?

I read somewhere that introducing solid using bottles is not good, may cause obesity in later stage and I think also some other negative effect which I cant remember, so you may want to check it out again.

My gal also smaller than others, those bb that we met in clinic always bigger size than her but age younger, so I told my hubby, good also next time dont have to watse money on slimming course...haha...

Can give me the name n address of the clinic in Tampines? I am staying in Tampines n think it should be convenient to go there. So far i brought my baby to the PD minnie recommended. his clinic at Pasir Ris.

hi all,
think my trip to japan is postpone until mid jun as told my boss i want to wait until my boy is 3mths old then go. waiting for him to confirm. meanwhile will try to stock up more milk these few wks. but seem rather hard since baby only latch on 1 feed a day. so far only pump out enough to last baby each day. will try to stock up milk on wkend when baby is around.

started work for almost a wk n find myself producing lesser milk than during maternity leave. no choice since cannot pump frequently n diet wise also affected.
saw from the yesterday Streats papers dat National Healthcare Group Pharmancy is selling Fitti diapers (NB/S) for $9.90 each. Buy 2 can get 1 free.

Is your bb still wearing S??

Drapolene cream is selling $7.20 for 2 boxes. (This is real cheap). So far the cheapest I found was $3.90 per tube.
Dun know if my bb is considered big cos the other Jan bbs are bigger, he got chubby thighs, I like to squeeze... and people who see him think he is 6-7 months altho he is only 4.5 months. He is a tough little fella with chubby cheeks. But usu after each jab, he looks like he has shrunk a bit, then a few days later, he will resume his normal size/look.

So you are going to japan only in mid jun? How nice.
I dun have enuf bm for my boy but I still direct feed when I'm home and pump out in the office. My mum says she will get the rice cereal for him this or next week since he is coming to 5 months old.

I use the Avent variable flow teat for my boy, now at nbr II. My friend told me sometimes bb could be fussy and reject the Avent teat, and will have to change. Just bought the other type of teat, like a spout... maybe will let him try when he is six months.
You on leave till end of the year? Maybe after July or so, can meet you in TPY. I need to take some leave after my major meeting.

Has joel taken his second jab?

My girl oso has fat thighs, so she also needs M... but the waist tends to be loose.... Have you encountered the same prob?

Wondering if my girl is putting on weight too fast... now 6kg at 10 wks, was born 3.42kg...


My bb is using NUK latex teats.... She doesn't like avent too, only manage to use it if she's v hungry, then got no choice
For the waist, we try not to grip it too tight otherwise not comfortable. I think/read that bbs eat more during the three months cos they are doubling their size, so I think should be ok.. seems that once they take the jab, may affect their appetite. Your gal just started to reject Avent?
before get pregnant so hope boss will send me to japan again to work but nvr as biz is bad over there. now biz picking up n have chance to go there for a few mths. but got baby how to go.
is your boy satisfied after you direct feed him? do u need to supplement with abit of formula after direct feed?

ur baby is big compared to mine! my boy is 9+wks but dun think he weighs so much. dunno how much he weigh though. he is wearing S-size pampers. do u supplement ur girl with FM?
hi desert / girl ,

i am using NUK teat for my baby, i am not sure if this is good but the shop owner recommend this for me. (0-3 mth M-size hole)

however the confinement lady keep complaining that the hole is too small and my boy take vy long time to suck. Still wondering if i sure enlarge the whole for him ?!?!?!
Yeap, you are right. I've got an experience mum in looking after bb, coz my mum had taken care of my cousin, and was taking care of my two nephew since birth till my boy is born. Yes, the 5-in-1 is without Hep B. Actually the 6-in-1 is the same as the 5-in-1 except for the last dose with addition of Hep B last booster, so that no need to bring bb at their 6th or 7th for 3rd Hep B.

I left the doctor's name card at home, will check tonight and will let you know the details tomorrow.

Where is National HealthCare Group pharmacy?

Is the avent variable teat good? I didn't buy coz I find it look difficult to use.

Yeap, Joel taken his 2nd 5-in-1 jab last thursday.

Oic... Guess bb puts on fast the first few months...
The strange thing is that my girl doesn't take very much each feed... at most 90ml, don't know where she gets the nutrition to put on....

I only introduced avent to her recently, but think she's not used to it....


My girl same age as your boy.... 9 going on 10 this wk... She's on TBF, not supplemented with FM b4

Medium hole should be quite fast liao.... My bb started off with Small size... Better not have too fast flow, or else may swallow air
Hi Lea

Do you mean than u feed him milk on 9am and 3pm onli and the rest of the time is on porridge, izznit? My daughter had onli 2 bottom teeth, 2 on the upper is coming, so slow rite....I wonder if there is any ways that we can help in the growing of teeth...
How long are you expected to be in Japan? I have never been there before. An expensive place.
Me done with biz travel, last time used to travel now no more so it is good I managed to see a bit of the world before getting preggie ..but I sometimes miss the travelling.
About supplementing - no need, he is usually satisfied.. morning, I think I got quite a lot of bm cos brs are hard. Nite-time quite ok, cos the next feed is usually about 1.5 hours later.

The variable teat is good in my opinion...but my mum blur lah, dun know how to use...hehe...she dun know where to point the marking.. cos the marking is not clear.
Anyway seems my boy back to normal behaviour after fussing yesterday...I only wish he won't cry so easily at home...he wants to be entertained nearly all the time..
So the bee gor must get which brand?

You on TBF, very good! My milk supply is not enuf for my boy.

Your bbs are more than a year old right? Around which age do the teeth come out?
this time will go Japan for 7days. previously i worked in Japan for 14mths as company sent us there for training cum working. my boss asked me when can i go japan to work for a few mths n told him mayb when my boy is 6mths old. shall see how then. my milk supply sure affected after this trip. hope can re-build supply after i come back. What brand of FM u giving your boy?
wow...your gal so heavy!!! dunno wat my gal's weight now. Shd know by tomolo cos' going to PD.
Dun think she will hit 6kg leh....mine still wearing S sized Pampers and Pet Pet.

So gd dat your bb is on TBF. My MIL wan me to introduce at least one feed of FM cos she scared later when I dun have enuff BM, bb dun wan to drink FM cos never drink b4. So she has been on at least 1 FM per day.

Can check the location of National HealthCare Group pharmacy at

hm...i notice that most mummies using avent teats. Anyone tried Pigeon's?
I am expriencing shooting sharp pain in my breast everynight especially when I sleep side way for too long. Anyone exprience this before?

hi m_maro
lucky I am not working, or else really no need to sleep. Heard that bb will wake up less frequent at night when older. Maybe because mine only 1 month plus, so she still wakes up every 3 hrs for her feed lor. Your gal 2 months old isit? She only wake up once at night for feed ah?

hi miu
just bought the mama poko to try out. think finsih this pack will try the pamper premuim!
