Birthday Cake pics to share

Thanks doremon, will order such cupcakes for DD to bring to kindergarden to celebrate bday, hope not too expensive , limited budget or else i have to learn how to bake...

Mummies out there, do kids usually bring fanciful cakes to Kindergarden. As my child is first to celebrate bday, I don't know the "standard", as i need to bring in the cake myself, right? School said school bus auntie can bring the cake but what happens if the cake got smash???
Hi everyone, my gal juz celebrated her 7th birthday last sat & juz wana share her birthday cake's pic with u all.

Hi mummies,

I need some feedback. Planning to buy birthday cake either from Polar or Smiling Orchid. Any mummy tried their cakes before?

I also want to buy from Strawberry shortcake bakery after reading carol's email but she charged $10 per figure to be placed on the cake. I am tight on budget. Anybody knows where i can get those pooh or seasame street characters figures to put on the cake myself. Any feedback on the cakes? Taste nice?

thank you
Hi jaci,
I got it frm my SIL's fren. She make the cake herself at hm loh. I paid $50 for it. My gal is crazy over princess. She requested for the 6 princesses faces to be on the cake mah.
Hi QooSan
Sorry for my late reply on yr qn..

I paid $105 (3 kgs x $35/kg for triple layered chocolate) + $15 artistic charge...
This is the cupcakes which I ordered for my son 3rd birthday party last friday. The kids in the childcare simply love them.

I've got a cupcakes cake to share. its for my hubby though. liked the taste as its not too sweet and the icing has a light minty taste. from Carnival and Co!

Hi Katherine,
Delivery is $20 if i remembered correctly. Mine was collected at Delfi Orchard. Paid $30 (including customisation). So I get to choose fav colours and initials on the cupcakes
Hi mummies, for ecreative cakes, u may wish to try vanilla sponge with mixed fruits filling... yummy!! I've tried mango too but mixed fruits is better
Hi mummies,

Attach with pics of my DIY Bday cake last wk for my boy....

Hope will be helpful to those mummy want to diy their cakes too....

Hi All,
Like to share with all...
This is my Triplet babies 1st Birthday Cake on 27 Jan 2007 that I ordered from Pine Gardens after hearing all the positive verdict.
The cakes are really soft and fresh.
I have three flavor-Triple Layer Chocolate, Fresh Strawberry Cream & Tiramisu.
I would say I quite happy with the design that it turn out and is 90% of what I expected.
those of you who ordered from pine gardens, can i check with you...
do you tell them the designs you want them to do? i am at their website ... dun see many designs for children.
For me, I know wat i want so i gave them the pic n they will do for me. In the store itself they have album which have more children cake design
hi all mummies,
im oso planning 1st bday for my gal, still deciding whether to order fm Ecreative or Polar or others...kindly advise.

seem like alot of mummies using ecreative, can tell me their cakes nice anot...which flavour etc? thks!
Hi Cindy
When i ordered from eCreative, I din have high expectations on the taste. Surprisingly, the cake turn out quite ok. Sponge were very soft and not too sweet. The chocolate sponge with blueberry filling is the more popular flavour. Plus point - good service & excellent designs.
hi summer,
thks for your info!
had emailed to eCreative, still waiting for their reply cos im looking for Elmo designs...
My daughter will b celebrating her bday in school nxt week. She is also a Princess-lover. Attached is a pic of how her bday cake will look like - $38 per kg for 20 kids.
this is my boy's first birthday cake. His birthday fall on CNY, which most bakery who customise are not open. i have to order a chocolate banana cake with secret recipe and decorate the cake ourselves, let my boy choose the cars for his cake, and printed the "banners" ourselves.... first time for us! haha

Hi Pauline,

Is this cake customised from ecreative? Cannot find this design in their web site. How much you pay for the cake? Does it also come with the mini sesame street figurines on the cake or you purchase yourself?

this cake is from e-creative. Not in their website. I called and told them I would like to have an elmo cake. So they e-mail another catalog with other cartoon character. I guess maybe is copyright prob. The one with number one with big bird, I bought from Birthday direct. the rest are given. If you want, I can email you the catalog. If not, you can get from ecreative.
alot of the cakes from ecreative they don't have on their website. you must email them and ask them to send you pics of cakes you are interested in. i just ordered a 3D elmo cake for my dd's b'day this sat. they emailed me a few different designs, then i choose from there lor.
Thanks Pauline & Lani, I have gotten my catalogue from ecreative, they have really nice designs..i will get my girl's bday cake from them.
Pauline, Summer & Lani, how do you find the cakes from ecreative? Is it nice?

Pauline, you ordered the cupcakes from a seller in yahoo auction right? Is t nice also?
hi hazel
yap the car is agar agar... cos my elder son like McQueen..
actually i also got a big bird agar agar too.. here is the picture.... i ordered from this lady called Mrs Chan.. she does make delivery..

she charge about $30 plus for one... which includes delivery. I think one can cut about 20 plus servings or more..... she has much more designs.. can email her for it. but i have to go back and check her email address.

i find the agar agar not bad.. not too sweet..
thanks wendy,
i just called n they had sent me pics already! ya lor many more designs to choose..but still cannot decide which one to choose!! headache sial

oh ok.... you manage to get the contact no liao?? if no hurry, can slowly look.. but i think the cartoon characters are not bad..
