Hi Vanessa
Thanks a lot for yr info.. I have just placed order for my son's 1st bday cake with Pine Garden too.. can i check which flavour did U order? We are taking the triple layered chocolate cake.. hope it wont be too sweet for our guests... haha..
wow... so nice!!! you customised it or it's one of their standard design?
any specific person to check with on customised cake?
the flowers are cream one or sugar (hard) one? very cute!!!
Hi Katherine
We did not manage to buy the triple layered chocolate cake slice but tried the blackforest cake which my hb loves it a lot.. saying that their cake texture is soft and not too sweet..
So hopefully we did not make the right choice with triple layered chocolate cake.
BTW, Happy Birthday to your boy.. My son's party is on 09 Dec..
the cake is 2.5kgs and cost $90 cos i change the filling to chocolate mousse. i agreed the cake does not taste nice and my cake is not soft too. a bit hard to cut that day, maybe not thorough refroze yet ???
anyway guess this is my last time order from them.
but they do have nicer designs than other bakeries lah
Yr barney cake n mine is the same leh. U ordered from ecreative? Yeah the barney is a piece of crepe and difficult to cut. I messed up the crepe while cutting it.
I ordered from Pine Garden for my boy bd. I took the triple layer choc cake. It is not too sweet though is choco. The cake was 3kg but we finished everything
We bought black forest, raspberry, triple layer choco to try out b4 ordering n we didnt go for the black forest as we dun find it special though is their signature cake. Tat is our personal preference
U can try out at the shop b4 decide which flavour to order.
hi sunshinekid
we just celebrated our boy's 1st bday last Sat.. and we ordered their triple layered chocolate cake.. It is not very sweet, just nice.. and the cake is very soft in texture.. we finished the 3kg by the next morning..
We ever tried their black forest cake slice b4.. but we did not ordered for his party cos it contains rum.. guess not suitable if U have kids over for the party..