BEDOK mommies club

Hi hi, woah.. back from my backpacking vacation.. Super duper tired, but it was fun!

Mummies, check with u all hor, apart from feeding the kids threadfin, cod fish and salmon, what other fishes can i feed them? My friend told me i should explore cheaper options rather than keep feeding them so expensive fish now that they are so old liao...

Eunice / Catherine / Klara mummy, i used to bring my baby out in an ergo carrier and pram (when the baby is in a good mood, he will sit in it.. When he starts fussing, u can ergo him/her and put all ur shopping stuffs or bags in the pram)... my pram also not a very light one but easy to open and close.. As for bag, i only bring 1 extra set of clothes, 1 nappy, 2 diapers, 1 travel pack wet wipes and 1 milk bottle. As for hot and room temperature water, ask from macdonalds, starbucks, coffee shop etc.. for mummies who are still breast-feeding, can drop the milk bottle and bring a shawl along so u can cover up while ur baby feeds when u are in public.... As for bringing the baby out, i prefer to avoid taking the bus as will need to open and close the pram, carry it etc.. I walk to the MRT station which is bout 20 mins from my home...

Hello Bedok Mommies...I am new here..
moved to bedok north few months ago..have a 4yr old daughter...
Hope to discuss and get useful info from this thread..
P1 Grammar Book

Mommies, have you bought? I made 3 trips to bookshop & still out of stock

Can provide me the publisher name, year of edition & full title of the book? Will try popular bookshop instead. Thanks!!

Did you manage to get the Art book? also not avail.
3 colour files, b4 zipper file all not available.
Hi Klara's mommy,
Nursing Wear : Moms in Mind has 15% discount for this christmas

Hi yawn yawn,
P1 Grammer Bk
- The publisher name and the title of the book is provided in the book list.
For my PRIMARY TWO (P2) ds this year, we are no longer using My Pals are here! 2A/2B, we uses Active Grammer 2 from Learners Publishing.

Not to worry for items that are not avaliable, you can also buy them when school reopens. Call the bookshop on status before going.

My dd would be going to Bethesda Bedok Tampines Kindergarten for nursery next year. Another Popular kindergarten in this area is the PCF at Blk 135 Bedok Nth.

SAHM with 2 boys (age 9, 7) and a girl (4yrs)
residing at Bedok Nth.
your 4yo K1 next year? same as my younger girl

that grammar book not in booklist. We were told to buy that book during orientation, only mentioned verbally
Carrie: haven't decided where to go but husband shld be working coz in F&B got to find programs for myself. But bb still very small (coming 3mths) so may have to stay at hm...

JuLz: Welcome!
i m also pretty new here...haha

cdajun: thnks...i'll take a look. badly need some nice nursing wear.

SNG's mummy:
haha..i also tried walking to the mrt station once with my husband. Very warm but we didn't want to take the bus as well...
klara's mummy

dun worry... u can haf a great xmas at home too... wif ur little baby....

3 yrs back... my xmas also spent at home wif my little baby... hee
carrie: hehe..ya, contented to be with my bb.

mommies: need ur advice...i have been tbf my bb for almost 3mths but ss seems to be very low. When i pump (engorged at nite), i get oni abt 60ml each side and that's 4-5hrs w/o latching coz bb sleeping. I latch bb on all the time and she is always hungry, asking for milk every 1hr - 1.5 hrs. Brought her to the pd last wk and he said her weight gain is in the 25th-50th percentile...must monitor...
I dono if i have ss prob or let-down prob. For each feed, i have 2-3 letdowns for each breast and bb suckles well too. Called LC from Gleneagles and she advised me to bf for half hr on each breast and compress breast during nursing and ss will go up. Tried but doesn't seem to be working coz bb still hungry every 1 hr +...
BB has abt 5-8 wet diapers everyday and 2 times poo.
Wat shld i do?
Is there a prob?
Pls share ur views.Thnks
Klara mum, SS low need to pump more often. What i used to do is b4 bb wakes up for milk, i pump out at least half of what i have first then latch bb. Nights if bb doesn't wakes up for milk, u need to wake up more often and pump like once in ever 2-3 hourly.. U need to completely drain each breast every time so that "signal" will be sent to the brain that there bb needs more milk.. Also, try taking food that can help to produce milk like fish, papaya, milo etc.. BTW, a good breast pump also makes a diff de..
SNG's mummy:
i can't pump duriing the day coz her feeding time is every hr + she latches on for abt an she's practically on my breasts all the time

At nite, she wakes up 3hrly and usually drinks oni from one breast then she falls asleep so i'll pump out the other breast + contd pumping the breast that she drank.

How do we know if milk is completely drained from the breasts? My breasts feel soft and light during the day even with milk so i can't tell the diff if it has been fully drained...
cdajun, i am also considering enrolling my boy in Bethesda Bedok Tampines Kindergarten. He is 21mths now. when did u register your dd? any idea when is the registration and what's the youngest age they take in?

My boy does nothing at home, thot let him attend some classes to learn smth.

Mummies, any suggestions of good playgroup school around Bedok North can takes in children as young as 2yo?

Hi Klara's mummy,

Think this is a sign for the mum to step up to next level! As bb grows older she will demands more milk and we have to drink lots of fluid to get build up the volume. So this is the important stage to just continue and likes what SNG's mummmy says pump as well.

Stay positive and the milk flow will starts growing. I BF my 3 kids up to 6 months.... my bb now is 10 months and still have PACKS of Breast milk in the freeze, think I got to discard them soon.

My DS celebrates his birthday early yesterday, made this BEN10 for him.

Registration is usually in end march. Watch out for banners outside the church. I would try to post here if i have news.

Playgroup is for 3yrs (based on year, if you are born in 2006, you can register for playgroup next year 2009),
Nursery is 4 years (child born in 2005) etc..

The 2hrs RC playgroup at Blk 124 Bedok North take kids 2 years old and above. My girl just "graduate" from there this year.
Hi cdajun, thanks very muchie for your info on BBTC.
dun mind if you could share some info on the Blk 124 RC playgroup (eg the teachers, duration of person, what the children do in playgroup, fees)?
Does the RC playgroup registration based on year?
My ds is now 21mths (born in 2007), can i register him alr?

thanks very muchie.
me very blur.

your cake is very nice and yummy!
my gal attended a playgroup (1.5hrs, 5days/wk) at new upper changi rd... blk 58 i think.. WINSHIRE... the teacher ther is pretty good...fees is reasonable. u can consider if its not too far for u...

wow... ur BEN 10 cake is real nice leh... i bet ur DS mus be real happy leh.... rite? happy bday to ur darling yah...
Thnks for the encouragement.
ya, i'll persevere. Hope to bf till she's at least 6mths old too.
Happy birthday to ur boy! Very nice cake! Loos so yummi too. kids nowadays are very lucky.
hi carrie, spagoh and klara'mummy,

thanks on behalf of my DS. now children want wind got wind want rain got rain! very tired after the trip, but die die must squeeze time to make for him de!

Toy r us FILLED w pp at Tampines Mall yesterday! Like no need money leh! Kids happiness during Christmas!

klara's mummy,
my bb girl is turning 11 months soon. i really missed the time when i BF her. bb really grow FAST! cherish every moment k...
hello all new bedok comer.

u really a good baker can even bake cartoon cake
i cracking my head off where to order my girl cake in end dec. just order one for the younger girl from prima but not nice leh
klara's mummy,
dont worry too much. I also latch my girl, she is 4mths now. And when i express i max only get 80ml both sides. Very discouraging. But my PD say just continue latch on. Even if by demand cos it will help build your supply. Her weight is at 50 percentile and the PD said it's good. She was also latching on every 1.5 hrs then slowly it is now 2hrs to 2.5hrs. And when I do supplement her with fm, she takes only 90ml every 2.5-3 hrs. So i think she is a small drinker. My PD told me dont worry just latch on whenever possible cos latching on actually produces more than pumping.

you can try taking fenugreek, i feel that it helps with the supply.

wow your cake very pro

there's also another branch Winshire at Blk 123 Bedok North
I didn't send my girl because I didn't like the staircase. Classroom upstairs.
The programme looks quite interesting though with small class size

Bedok CC has a playgroup too
klara's mummy,

u wan fenugreek? i got a open bottle. Ate few pieces only. i also went through the same stage and v worried so try take some supplement.

prima not nice har! how come? what flavour u had? prima sponge is the soft chiffon type izit?
hi mommies

what christmas presents are you getting for your kids?

So far I have already bought watch and storybooks for my girl but none for my boy cos he don't seem interested in toys. He's turning 17mths soon and I have no idea what he likes
Hi Catherine & Klara's mummy, i'm a SAHM wif a 6mths boi. I'm staying at Jln Tenaga(opp Kaki Bt). Mayb we can meet up nearby to chat . I'm driving. U ladies can sms me @90073277.
my girl love barney, only prima have. the barney is not those cream printed. it sort of those sugar mould taste yucky.
and the cream too rich. we order the black foret filling

hi winne
ya lor busy wif work and the kids all sick and cough for some time.
ecreative dun have barney series, last year we order from them, heard the barney licence ting so they remove.
anyway their cake increase price alot
They take in toddlers from 2 year old onwards (must be 24mths). Can enrol anytime of the years. Per session - children capped at 20, 2 teachers. If students are more naughty, they get another part time assistant to help. Teacher Doreen has been teaching here since my ds2 go playgroup in 2004.

They play toys, sing song, tell stories, do worksheet or art craft and snack. The teacher would ask everyone to come out to sing a song everyday. When she teach a word, she would ask every child to repeat it, one at a time. Teaches english and chinese. My girl comes back can sing, say rhymes in both languages.

Duration : 2hr, material :$60/half year, school fee :$125 per mth. The school holidays is 1 week in march, last 2 week in june, 1 week in sept and last 2 week in dec.

Timing should be 9am -11am or 11am to 1pm. May change if not enough children.

This year we only got one group and our timing is 10am to 12noon.
Wendypooh, i recently went back to see Dr tay.. Surprisingly, he was there on a Friday night where that lady doc was supposed to be on duty..

Lee Tai, i haven't done x'mas shopping, but will pop by toysrus cos need to collect my voucher also..
My #1 loves power ranger, #2 likes thomas and #3 likes Dora..
There are sale of used books at the downtown east (I suppose that is the E-hub). Saw old issues discovery box, storybox, adventure box selling $3.90 .
hi mummies..i stay along upper east coast i suppose i can join this thread? =P
Anyway, anyone has comments on Smartz Playhouse at Lucky Heights? Am thinking of putting my 2yo DD there next year for half day session.

17 months old no need X'mas presents

I stingy lah, only give my kids presents when they are of the age they know what is X'mas & expect X'mas presents
hi lilian
smartz playhouse i ever visited the playhouse bfor not long ago, was also considering putting my gal ther... i find the environment is pretty good, they haf different rooms for different activities... n they haf got garden... rabbits...different looks like a good learnin place. but the onli bad thing is tat ther are many stairs around as u go around the sch... so i also scared my gal fell dwn often.. as she quite clumsy..haha.. so in the end, i din choose ther bcos i registered my gal in a 3hr nursery instead.
hi all
Long time no see. Welcome new mummies who join the thread too.

I took long leave last since last week, thinking to rest at home. Then maid went home for 2 weeks so I was busy with the 2 kids. Plus now preggie do a bit of housework, I will pant and feel giddy. Cham... I think age is catching up. Din remember feeling so weak when I had my ds. Doc say I dun have enough blood even though I ate a lot leh. What if eat too much, put on too much weight then difficult to lose back! And to think of waking up every 2 hours at night to BF is a chore. But bo bian, this is the "last" chance to enjoy BF so must persevere!

I brought the kids to Tampines Mall. Like Hammy said, it's hardly recession time leh. Toysrus is crazy! Manage to watch Hello Kitty and Winx Club last week.
About Xmas gift. When do you think we should "stop" giving toys to kids for Xmas? I crack my head every year. Dd going P1 next year - I wonder should she still receive toys? Experienced mummies - do you still give toys to kids in Pri school?
Hi Iwg26

Instead of deciding on the gifts yourself, why don't u let your kids decide instead?

Christmas is the time of giving so as long as I can afford, I will continue to give presents to my kds

Actually I didn't get any toys for my 4 yr old girl. I got books for her instead.

My girl has preference over books than toys. Whenever we are at the toy department, we will let her stay there for around 15 mins. She will go around touching and playing the sample toys. When time is up, she will just walk away from the toys without pestering us to buy any.

Instead it is me who want to buy for her.

Because I feel childhood without toys is miserable. But the toys I got for her not expensive kind lah. Range from few dollars to 30 plus.
Welcome Mag and Lilian! Am staying in siglap but ALWAYS loiter in bedok reservoir.

the book vendor there everyday or? i love books! haa haa. i still have not email you... me busy baking. will do it later.

i let my kids select their gifts from certain range. my boy likes gundam, its those fixing up of robots! My girl is v simple, she is happy w paper n pens, so i normally bring her choose art materials.

my bb? only like carry carry.. haa haa.. this is free!
sng mummy
oh u still see him? i give up alry since tat incident, still feeling sore. recently my girl got gastric flu the regular doc not open manage to found one 24hr one near the new batch fo hdb flat near the interchnage not bad charges resonable.

long time din see u alry. everythign well? leave the hse work to yur hubby lah keke

my girl is in My First Classroom alogn Senette lane behind the Chai Chee sch.
we visited the Smartz playhouse too and like carrie we dont liek the stair cos very steep, high risk of falling down.
Hi Hammy,

I think the book vendor would there till Christmas.

Hi mommies,

I think i am the odd one out. I never get christmas gift for my own kids. I only buy for other children cos their parent would give my kids christmas present. Even during chinese new year, i only give my kids $2 angpow each. All the money they recieved would be save in the kids account. I also do not give my kids birthday present. Everyone would get a cake for their birthday.

I would do my shopping for my kids for clothes, toys or books during any time of the year.

For P1 children, you can either give books, thinking toys like IQ games, otello, monopoly junior, chinese checker, bags, art/craft work, something science like the volcano or shooting rocker - where they need to put soda and vinegar to see some reaction.

I don't buy toys. I prefer board games. Last year X'mas bought shapes puzzles & soduku for them

This year I'm considering earrings for dd2 & either stationery or hair accessories for dd1

hehe, I usually buy something that I intend to buy for them anyway, then give as presents lor


I keep my kids ang bao money. Told them it's mine anyway, since I have to distribute ang bao so it's merely an exchange
Ya my hubby does some housework. But do you find that man's standard of cleanliness / tidiness is poor? Cos after he clean, I feel that it's not good enough. End up I must tidy up what he has tidied. Like blanket and pillows. I like to stack up and fold nicely. Hubby would leave it lying around on the floor and everywhere. I see already buay tahan. If I ask him to do, faster I do it myself.

This yr, I bot little pony for my dd1 and hot wheels for my ds. Last year, I din buy much but I feel this is probably last few years they will enjoy toys. When in P1, probably won't have much time to play.
haha yes i share the same view. last time in punggol i do everyting even wif the big tummy till i deliver.
only recently after shifted to bedok and i drop my "standard" and close 2 eye, let my hubby help. last time he alway say i dun trust his "standard" alway reclean so he refuse to help. Now everyday so tired, tink age catchign up and i try to get him help.
yest he on leave i make his clean the fan then last nite he told me din know tat cleaning the fan can be so tired hahaha....
Ya lor. I still remember my no. 1, the day before I deliver, I spent whole day scrub the kitchen and toilet. I dunno why I do it also but I just feel that the place is dirty and I have the urge to clean it. Haha. That day, my hubby on leave if not he sure scold me cos I even climb up the stool to reach all corners of the kitchen cabinets. I read it somewhere it's call it nesting instinct? Before delivery, the mummy will want everything to be clean. Nowadays I close one eye as long I dun see any cockroach!
hi hi mummies,

sorry mia for a few days. m staying siglap side so not so near to mrt. need to take a bus. v tempted to try out bring my gal out alone. thanks for all the advice. my gal has started solid food. do you all bring homemade porridge or those bottled food? really envy those mum who can travel so light. my stroller is also heavy. w/o baby already 7kg.
also, what do most SAHM do at home? I find myself v lazy after staying at home for so long. after taking care of my gal's basic needs, i do not find much energy to do activities such as flash cards with my gal. on comparison, those friends who are working seem to be doing more with their kids. perhaps that's what pp meant by quality time?

your baby 8 months old can start using flash cards but I very lazy lah, didn't do much activities with my dd2 when she was that age

Her attention span quite short unlike her elder sister so can't do much lor, play some CDs to her & mostly carry her from morning till night throughout her waking moments
Thanks cdjun, yawn and carrier mummies!
probably consider Blk 123 and 124 cos Blk 58 probably too far from my place. :D

Eunice, me too, very lazy, also never do any flashcard when my ds at that age. he doesn't seem interested. so everyday he just crawl here and there and carry...hee...

The fact that you spend your time with your child is most precious to her. Why dun you paste the flash card on the wall or buy wall hanger pockets so that you can point to your bb instead of flashing. That's my lazy way lah. Then when she's older, she can take it out herself.
