BEDOK mommies club


i am also a SAHM with a 8 mths old bb gal. i live in siglap and have been looking for thread in this forum to chat and share experience. can i also join in?
looks like we haf more n more mummies here to chat wif us.... welcome eunice72!!!
i m a workin mummy wif a 3 yrs old gal
Hi carrie

Ya my girl likes Dora .. bought a few VCDs and books for her with Dora

They have a professional photographer to take the picture which is FOC and you can use your own camera to take the pics as well

My girl used to like Sesame Street when she's younger btw 9 mth - 2 years. Cos there's only the only VCDs my hubby bought for her then.

Gradually when we expose her to Hi 5, Dora, Strawberry Shortcake, Disney characters, etc. then she seems to have no interest in her Elmo anymore. Now her Elmo is being discarded somewhere in the part of the house together with all other sesame street characters ...

Guess I will have to miss the sesame show because this weekend don't have time to bring her down.
Welome Catherine and Eunice .

I'm a FTWM with a 6 and 3 year old gal . No. 3 coming on the way . I stay at Simei but gal going to a Bedok sch so join this thread long ago to share experenice and chit chat .
Welcome all the new mummies!

The Siglap CC is at Bedok South Road (opposite Bedok Court). The same teacher also teach at Kembangan CC and Changkat Simei on weekends. I was comtemplating let my gal join ballet but in the end decided not to cos timing v difficult to control. Instead, psycho my kids to go for Gym instead. Same timing easier for me to fetch.
hi, i hvnt been into the thread for awhile and much being discussed!

i sent my girl to crestar but stopped after 3 mths. everywk they do the same things. same songs, same movements. my girl enjoyed it at first but got bored after like 4-5 lessons.

where is go-go bambini?

hi yawn yawn, wat kind of enrichments u sent yr kids too? u must be super busy fetching them around.
New mommies


dd1 only taking 1 academic enrichment English. The others are swimming, gym and Arts.

dd2 taking 3 academic enrichments Chinese, English, Abacus. 2 enrichments same as dd1 gym and Arts.
She's also starting music and ballet soon so enrichment classes almost everyday
lee tai
luckily ur gal doesnt like elmo so much nowadays liao.. if not its gona b a pity to miss the sesame street show! keke....

ohh.. siglap cc also haf ballet class ah? cos its not listed on their website... it will b great if they does offer ballet class also... cos i m jus stayin nearby.. guess i got to go to the CC itself n check it out liao! thanks....
u bringin ur kids to gym? wher? kids gym yah? they like it?

so are u sendin ur gal to other classes since she stopped learnin at crestar? ur gal gg to b in bedok lutheran church yah? nursery or K1 next yr huh? i forgotten.. keke.... my gal gg nursery ther next yr... the 1115am class...
Klara, Catherine

Best time to enjoy your baby. Can carry from morning till night, so shiok, before they grow too heavy

any mummies who can share experience how do you managed to bring yr baby out alone? i always envy mummies who can do it but lack the confidence to do so though pp have been telling me my gal is an easy baby. also i do not drive so quite a hassle to carry baby and bag.

I plan my route, only go places accessible by baby stroller from point to point.

Just before leaving the house, feed the baby. Make one bottle of hot milk & keep in warmer. Buy double warmer so has space for drinking water. Bring 2 diapers and 1 packet of travel wipes, keep in stroller's storage area. Pacifier in my handbag. ok, ready to go!

While outside, I will feed my baby that bottle of ready made milk. Mine used to drink every 2+ to 3 hour. So including travelling time, I can leave the house around 6 hours with minimum load

Hubby always finds it amazing I can travel so light
hi yawn_yawn,
envy leh.. u can travel so light and alone. like eunice i havent travelled alone before too... so what happen if halfway your bb dont want to sit the stroller so have to carry and push ? easy ? how old is your bb ?

She's is quite happy sleeping or lying in stroller leh. She knows I only carry her at home when no stroller. I started bringing her shopping from a few months old. I experimented with 2 MRT stops away first, then slowly venture further to Orchard Road.

Now very big already lah, she's going K1 next year!
u mean next yr ur gal also in nursery ah? i haf forgotten which class liao leh... keke... its stated in the letter that u haf received together with the name badge huh?

eunice n catherine
i used to bring my gal out shoppin also whn shes like 4mths old... usualli put her in the sarong n carry loh.. dun bring stroller... cos if u alone, n if the baby dun wana sit the stroller sometimes... how to carry the baby n push the pram at the same time leh... n usualli can onli go out for short period of time lah if alone... like mayb 4-5 hours loh...

welcome the new mummies... (klara's mummy, catherine n eunice)... which part of bedok u gals stayin?
I also dono how to bring my bb out alone...must ask mum or husband along..hehe to carry the heavy bag and very kiasu...always bring a lot of barang barang...
brought my girl out with husband 2 days ago to Tamp Mall for a gathering with his brothers...she cried and cried...then when she came hm, she pass green stools for 4times the next day along with wind! my mum says she kenna frightened...

Yawn yawn:
i can't handle the stroller alone with bb lei... regret buying a heavy stroller...haiz..somemore bb facing front ..can't see her.

I am staying at bedok Sth..

How abt u all?

last time sarong like not popular, only those stiff baby carrier available.
Sarong is good leh, baby can hear mommy's heartbeat. But have to hand carry baby stuff

I fell down once when I stepped on a piece of flyer at MRT station while carrying my girl. Bruises on my knee for a long long time. Fortunately I didn't drop her. So very scared lor, always put her in stroller. Luckily she very 'nua' like me, quite happy sitting in her stroller
hi carrie,

ya, class is stated in the letter. u go check lah, see if they are in the same class.

any mummies here joining the bedok reservoir mummies for the farm tour this tue?

who is a sahm here? i m one too. wat do u gals normally do during weekdays?
hi klara's mummy
i m stayin at bedok south rd leh! So we might b neighbours? keke.... urs is baby boy or gal? elderly also says cant bring too small baby out for long n not too late at nite... scared the baby got shock... but thn nowadays i see many newborns ard in the shoppin centres loh... see how the young mummies carry... abit scary loh.. keke....

yah loh...the baby will feel cozy n warm in the sarong loh... i think mus put baby in stroller since young to train them to sit in ther guai guai de loh

so u are active in the bedok reservoir mummies thread also ah? wow.. they haf got farm tour ah... so nice... whn is gona be our turn to haf a tour in this thread? hee.... will go home n check the letter n let u noe....
hi carrie,

not so active lah but i do follow. just happen to see them post on farm tour. remember we also talk abt meeting up for karaoke? maybe we should think abt it and organise one. or we can do an outing with the kids too. anyone has any suggestions?

2009 schedule. Weekdays morning will sit with dd1 to do school homework when dd2 in kindy. Afternoon bring dd2 for enrichment when dd1 in school. While waiting for her, I go exercise lor. If no class that afternoon, will sit with dd2 to complete enrichment homework.

In between all these, have to squeeze in time to cook 2 meals daily, do laundry thrice a week and some simple cleaning. Very busy!

What about you?
i still cannot manage the sarong. I have 2 pupsik but one like too big, one too small.. then she like dont seem comfy and less than 5mins will cry. The carrier is better, can wear for quite many hrs, but the carrier abit diff for me to sit down, eat and worse.. go toilet. haha.

I live in kembangan.

Ya I'm a SAHM. my stroller very heavy too

if no one go out with me then stay home play with bb lo.
yah loh... our ktv sessions also dunnoe go wher liao... can bring our kids along also mah... maybe we can go k lunch... thn follow by the kids activities at the xplorer kids? dunnoe whether go ppl interested anot leh... anyone interested in ktv? if not... mayb a day tour to sentosa? or mayb jus pasir ris playground? spore is a boring place hor....
my ds1 and ds2 were so bored at home since sch holidays and played DS games most of the time. i think they were getting addicted so i decided to bring them out every other day.

so far, been to east coast for cycling and zoo. nx wk wl join some mummies to 1 day farm tour and plan to go walk around bedok reservoir.

agree with carrie tat spore is a boring place.

any other mummies interested in bringing the kids out tog to the places carrie suggested?
hi mummies!

am back! carried my bb from morning to night till backache. dont know if this trip is to relax or to torture myself.

so tiring...

hi new bedok mummies,
am sahm but working fm home w 9rs, 6yrs and 10 months, staying in siglap. everday is running around like mad auntie to serve my prince and princess.
forget to tell u..mine is bb girl.

i always tell my husband that i wonder how to cope if i have a second onli 1 bb already so tiring for me. Sometimes don't even have time to comb my hair. haha.really salute mommies like u who can take care of the h/h, kids and still work.
can i join? stay bedok reservoir view with 1 bb boy 3 wks old. SAHM.

klara's mummy,
me too. v tiring with 1 bb only. how to ve 2nd bb? hahaaa
any last minute action item or to-do list before end of this year?

I seem to have so many things outstanding. Haven't finished purchasing P1 books for my girl, haven't bought shoes or label stationery
also need to overhaul my garden and complete X'mas shopping + gift wrapping
our gals gona be in the same class next year!
shes in N love also...
u gg to accompany ur gal on the first day of sch? if so, i shall able to meet u ther huh....

wher u went for holidays? MIA for so long.... keke...

welcome jolin...

dun get too gan cheong... slowly slowly... i m sure u can finish doin all the things n haf a great xmas!!!
hi mummies

i am a sahm staying at bedok reservoir, can i join

i got a boy 4 yrs and a gal 22 mths... looking for a kindergarten for boy at bedok. any recommendations?
things to do before end of the yr:
i think i need to do some shopping for clothes for myself. Need nursing tops esp...haiz very troublesome...have to ditch all my old clothes coz though can fit in, can't wear since i am breastfeeding. Nursing tops are expensive and designs are limited.

Hi Catherine, Jolin, Lee Tai and everyone else!

u all going anywhere this xmas?
klara's mummy
xmas... i m workin loh... so.. gg no wher.. sighz.. wher u plan to go?

welcome catherine
ur boy gg K1 or nursery next yr?
Brought my kids to watch BOLT today. I find the movie very nice leh, better than Madagascar 2

Catched 2 mall shows so far. Seasme street (Marina Sq) and Mr Men (Compass point). Not bad. My kids prefer Mr Men show.
BOLT is nice ah? great! I m gona bring my gal for the show tomolo thn. hope she ll enjoy the show too! i also watched the sesame street, mr men, precious moments, meet the pooh bear... i personally will like the sesame street leh... n my gal like the sunshine gal! gg to catch the hello kitty show at tampines mall tml too.. anyone went le? nice?
hi carrie
my son is going k1 next yr but till now still having a hard time deciding on e sch..

i am bringing my kids for Mr Men show tml also.. hope they will enjoy it..
