BEDOK mommies club

Hi Jerejoy

Really? Kinderland in MP is good? I was at Motherhood exhibition and left my contact with them. The principal at MP called me up 2 days later. There's a school bus that plies from Bedok to MP. Costs $300 for 10 weeks, if I'm not wrong.

What are the good reviews about it BTW?

Any mummies know of any good, reasonably priced Chinese restaurants in Bedok area? Preferably aircon type and good food.

There is a Chinese restaurant very near Fengshan CC / Fengshan Market and opposite the Bedok Police Station but I do not know the exact address. It's Teochew /hokkien food. The fishmaw soup and 'hei zhou' (prawn roll) is good and aircon.

I agree with you on the chinese restaurant. The food there is very food. We often eat there as we are staying pretty near. Only walking distance. But I don't know what is the name of the restaurant.


I will try to find out the name of this restaurant.

wow! the bus transport is nt cheap. I was thinking of transferring my boy to Kinderland MP when he turns 4. How much is the school fees? But he's only 2 now. hehe! gg to pre nx yr at Bethesda Katong. If he progresses well, maybe I will stay put. I heard from the another forum that the academic is good. My frd's son is in that school too. V smart boy. But of cos effort goes to his mum mostly. His mum is very hardworking and consistent in her teaching.
Hi Jun and Jerejoy

Do you mean Chin Lee Restaurant at Blk 115 Bedok North Rd? I was googling and someone mentioned this in her blog.

Yah the reviews there were good. For some reason I thought it wasnt aircon so didnt consider that. Will definitely check them out some time!

I saw a Nakhon Restaurant at Blk 136. Anyone been there? I've been staying in Bedok for 2.5 yrs but havent been very adventurous in exploring the area. Never even been to the famous Bedok Bak Chor Mee! So pathetic yah?

I think the fees for MP Kinderland is $920/mth. Bethesda Katong seems further than MP isnt it?

Yes, it's called Chin Lee. Outside is not air con but inside is. It is normally fully booked for the aircon area during weekends. So it's better to make reservation.

Wow! So ex for one month? Hmm, I think I will stick to Bethesda Katong. It's actually nearer than Bedok. It's near to Siglap.
Is there a famous Bedok bak cho mee? Didn't even know that. Where is it? There is a famous one near Tanah Merah mrt (opposite shop n safe).
Hi mummies with kids attending Bethesda Bedok-Tampines kindergarten

These are Chinese & English readers required by the kindergarten

SCROLL Chinese Readers (第一集) for N2

Mint condtion 9.8 /10
Flash cards intact

$29 for a set of 10 books

4) 我的老师

SCROLL Chinese Readers (第二集) for K1

Mint condtion 9.8 /10
Flash cards intact

$29 for a set of 10 books

4) 小画家

Ginn Lighthouse English readers for K1

Mint condtion 9.8 /10

$29 for a set of 8 books

1) Cecil the Caterpillar
2) Charlie's PE Kit
3) What do you want that for?
4) In Ravi's Den
5) Jenny in Bed
6) Stuck in the Mud
7) Kenji's Haircut
8) You Can't Catch Me

Please PM me if interested

The famous bak cho mee is at Blk 85 hawker center. It is nice but I find it a bit oily. I like the one at blk 123 coffeeshop. Only open from morning till afternoon. There's another stall selling goreng pesang. Very nice also.
Hi Mommies

How is everyone?
My 3 mth holidays are almost coming to an end as I will be going back to work soon.
It seems that I m more busy during the holidays than at work.
And the Pri One registration is finally here, hopefully I won't lose sleep over it.

And did anyone catch on the world cup fever?

Jun, how's your Perth holidays?

Jun / Carrie, are you still bfeeding? Recently I m stress over certain issues and also due to lack of rest, my milk level drop
but hopefully my supply will still be sufficient for my baby till at least when she's around 9 - 10 months.
Hi there,

Any bedok mummies sent their kids to YWCA? Any feedback of this centre? Am thinking of sending my 18 month boy there.
Hi mummies

Just to add

With the above readers, I'm giving away Bethesda kindergarten girl's uniforms & unisex tee shirts - reserve for you & can collect from 19 November onwards

Please PM me if interested
Dear All

I need advice on childcare centres again. Preferably around Bedok North and Bedok South areas. Except for YWCA which I had blacklisted, any recommended ones?
We had called Sparkletots, My First Skool, Aspiration all full already for 3 yr olds.

Btw, did anyone mention on Stepping Stones before?
Hi, glad that everything went well. How's baby? I'm still bfeeding direct and also express. Supply has dwindled since he was 10 mth. Now he's is on 3/4 breastmilk mix with formula. I would have prefer he drink more formula milk but he doesn't really like formula, that's why I can't stop bf totally. Besides, when I'm home, he refuse to take the bottle. Now I hope he can quickly drink from straw / cup so that I can intro milk to him in cup form. Any idea how to "entice" him to drink more milk? Doc say he's underweight for his height - 10.2kg at 13 months. I know some toddlers drink a lot of milk but he is just addicted to drinking milk via direct latch. so a bit of dillema for me. For now, gotta continue bfeed.

Did you try fragranuk capsules to increase supply? I'll pop 2 capsules when milk supply fall.
Lee tai,
yes, thank my appeal when thru.

me gog to register at Temasek too.
hope our kids can get in.

i blacklist YWCA too. i visit them year back and dun like
Let pray hard. Tis yr vacancy is 210 only. My son is @ honey tree @ bedok located @ blk 64 new upper changi rd. Mayb u can take alok there..
Hi Taurus
Are there any reasons why u choose Honey Tree over other centres? As compared to other void deck centres, Honey Tree is more exp.

Hi dink
One of the reasons is e main teacher for 18 mths old not a caring teacher lei. And I remembered e principal telling her not to bring e kids to e playground first as there were a no of new students then but she never listen. At e playground my son was almost knocked down by other kids while playing slide she also never see. There were other incidents too so all in all I don't feel comfortable.
You want to take a look at Honey Tree instead as recommended by Taurus? Probably I will pop by these few days
Hi June
My baby is growing fine
She is 99% on EBM and 1% on direct feed during nite time to make her sleep.
Probably due to lack of rest and some other issues hence my milk supply drop quite a bit these 2 weeks. I have never tried fenugreek before, need any doctor referral to consume it? Btw which brand are u taking?

Your baby son is tall is it? If not at 10.2 kg he shouldn't be underweight lei. I ever heard from someone that if baby weight at 1 yr old is 3 times the birth weight then the baby is growing fine. What about getting someone else to bottle feed him instead of you? Because babies can smell mommy's milk when we carry them :p

My baby girl is a impatient baby since birth hence she prefer bottle feed as flow is faster ;p
However I do not why my baby girl is always unsettled btw 10 to 11 plus at nite. She can cry non stop for no reasons during this period.
I didn't consult doctor. Read from the forum that many BF mums take fenugreek v effective so I bought 1 bottle to try. Now still taking on and off since still have some leftover. I bought the GNC brand. I started taking when the baby was about 8 mth cos supply dip. When my son sees me or know that I'm home, he doesn't want to drink from the bottle liao. Usually it's my helper who will feed him milk. We give up trying cos he will put up a fight and eventually throw up the milk. Stubborn fella. Ya, he's tall at 90th percentile in height but only 50th percentile in weight. So consider underweight. The PD ask us to give him multi-vitamins.

re: crying non-stop
It's quite common. I remember my #1 also like that last time at around 5-6 months. I think their eye sight is sharper now and start to recognize places/faces. It's probably a passing phase. You may wish to try baby massage with those soothing bb lotion/oil. I use the california baby lotion to gently massage my baby's legs and sing to him till he calms down. S'times I use the Ru Yi oil on his tummy too.
Tat the onli sch near my hse n covenient for my mum to send n fetch. At tat time was nt under honey tree they took over ard sept last yr bt they still maintain the old price which I paid to the previous mgt. Anyway if u wan to visit the ctr pls don bring ur kids there cos till nw there is 10 HFMD cases which I feel Quite alot. One tings I don like Is the eng teacher turnover for my son class quite high. playgrp till Nursery still don hv any turnover yet
Hi Lee Tai, wendy
tks for yr advise and sharing yr experience. Will visit both YWCA and taurus. Reasons why I shortlist YWCA is bcos the centre is near my mum block and easy for her to walk my boy over. But I have not personally visited the centre. And YWCA fees isnt exactly very cheap to start with.

How about Startots at Blk 37? Any experience on this centre?
Hi Taurus
Since there are 10 cases of HFMD, is your son still able to go to e centre?
Does e centre needs to close down for few days till e coast is clear? Will u get refund when centre is close?
Hi dink
Same here why I chose YWCA last time was because near to my mum's place too.
Oh I didn't know there is one centre at Blk 37.
Where do u stay?
We had visited one at Bedok Reservoir and I quite like it. Later I will be going over to Honey Tree for comparison.
Hi dink
Btw are u aware that Cherie Hearts is opening one centre opp Blk 27 soon? i.e next to the upcoming Bedok Point.
Hmm I didn't consider it as the fees are a bit exp for me :p
Lee tai, the sch had clean up last sat to do spring cleaner. My son is in K2 so no HFMD cases @ the moment yet. Mostly happen in the lower classes. Aft u go share with me yr feedbk
Hi Lee Tai,
My parents stay jus opp temasek JC and my boy is being taken care by them when I am at work. So gotta choose a playgroup nearby. I called up Startots in Blk 37 and they have a PG class only starting on 12 July. So may be taking half day to visit YWCA and Startots. Yeap, am aware of the Cherie Hearts opening, but have not called to enquire. Let me know yr feedback on Taurus.
Dink u staying opp the T.JC do u visit my 1st class rm? If I m nt wrong the sch is somewhere near the old houses
Omg.. Seriously quite difficult to enter Into temasek.. Worst come to. worst If the ballot failed will hv to enrol into bedok green under 2c supp lor..
Lee tai
I no longer BF le since my bb 2 mths old.
kudos to JUn tat she's still BF nw!
So whn u gg bk to wk? I gt a unopened of fenugreek leh... U interested to buy over? The brand is nature's way... Interested can PM or FB me...

all the best for the P1 registration! Good luck!
Next yr will b my turn to worry liao... Keke
Carrie tks for ur wishing.. don worry Nxt yr u can try temasek too if cannt bedok green will hv phase 2c supp mah

yur address is within 1km right. mine is bet 1-2km so also very risky.

same my back up will be Bedok Green. Good abt Bedok Green is next year they operate on full morning.
Wendy, I am staying blk 57, I call up temasek they say my hse is still within 1km I tink tat my hse is more than 1km leh.. Anyway I will jus try loh
I understand that u used to use a excersaucer for ur little boy yah? Wats e advantage of tat over e walker huh? Ur boy like to b in it?
Or anyone has experience wif it? Care to share? Thinkin of gettin either walker or e exersaucer for my boy..but dunnoe which is better...
Carrie, Someone told me tat walker is bad for bb as it will delay their walking stage. Bt pricing wise exsaucer is ex than walker
Hi Taurus / Dink
I would prefer Honey Tree layout to YWCA and it also have a small door at each class to prevent e kids from running all over.
When I visited YWCA last yr e 18mth class is next to e toilet and my boy was always running to e sink to play water. Not too sure is it because I were there so e teachers never care at all. I don't feel e teacher can control e class well and e children don't have much space to move about.
After visiting Honey Tree, I decided to choose w one near my place instead as both centres are comparable hence choose e one near my place. However I am 1 day too late. The teacher had accepted one child w/o e principal knowledge so now on waiting list
Going back to work next week liao

Anyway did u do any volunteer work at any school to prepare for your girl's registration next yr?
Forget to add that when my baby gal turns 6 mth old I will put her in walker which I brought 6 yrs ago for my eldest. Most pple said exersaucer is better.
But as I already have walker don't think I will invest in exersaucer. :p
Lee tai
ohh tats fast huh... Next wk Gona start wk le... U din clear all ur 16wks huh? Sure u will miss ur Elsa soon yah? She's so cute...
No lah... I din do any volunteery wk...they were sayin mus do it ard 2 yrs before registration yr leh... I too lazy n dun haf e time too... Keke....
I also gt an old walker Which I hand dwn to my frend n she haven hand bk to me, tats why I thinkin of lookin for preloved exersaucer... Haha

tats wat I heard too, as in can't put bb in walker for too long or too earli... Will affect e development of e legs or watsoever..keke... But many ppl r still using.. I guess shld b ok mayb nt too earli loh. Yah loh. E price for e excersaucer is so exp loh. Ard $100-$300! I can't afford manz! Hope I can find an cheap n gd preloved one... Haha...

Anyone who has a good condition preloved excersaucer to sell at a good price... Let me Noe k? Thank u! My budget ard $30-$40....
Exersaucer is v good but you should get it when he's 4 mth old. I managed to find a cheap preloved one. My boy is still using it but less now as he recently started walking. My 2 kids both used walker last time. So far they have no prob w walking so I think it's ok lah.

Good luck to all on your school enrolment.
And oh ya, Carrie, I saw your daughter few days ago while waiting for my kids to finish school. I think she is tall for her age n probably same height as my daughter
thanks for ur advice... My boy comin 6mths leh... I haben gt bk e walker n haben gt him a excersaucer... Haha... So fast, ur boy boy can walk walk le... Tats e time u ll b v busy also rite?got to follow him here n ther.... Or he's v stable Liao?

Lee tai
oh realli u can recognize my gal ah? gal is pretty tall.. But thers another 2-3 gals taller thn her in K1... Nowadays the kids all v tall loh... Mayb follow my hubby lah.. He's tall

usualli who ur kids bk frm sch? Their granny? Cos I once saw 2 kids v familiar but not sure if they r ur baobeis... Keke

ladies... Enjoy ur weekends!!!
He is turning 14 mth, consider late for walking bah. But it's good that he walk late. He crawled for 4 months b4 slowly progress to walking. So he's quite stable now. We don't really need to follow him. Just see from far to make sure he doesn't touch the fan or wander into the toilet. If not then ask the 2 older kids to jaga.

Maybe U see if can borrow or buy a prelove walker/exersaucer. That day in free item thread, I saw someone selling exersaucer cheap at $40. I also bought the FP booster chair which is v useful. He sits there for his meals, snack and watch TV. We can put the chair on adult chair so that he sits next to us.
