Hi sunday88,
Can u pls share ur aba Therapist details with me, my son is 4 attending spl school with ot and st, want to start aba too.
Hope to be able to provide more in depth explanation about the different therapy services available for children with Autism.
When our children is first being diagnosed or suspected of Autism by a government hospital, OT and ST are usually recommended. The hospitals also usually recommend half day EPIC and half day mainstream. When i get to interact with the parents, many are not sure why are such recommendations given and simply follow according to what the professionals have recommended them to. Let me try to explain it to give you guys a better understanding.
Occupational Therapy (OT)
Usually for children with sensory and motor planning issues.
Speech Therapy (ST)
For children with speech and articulation issues. Do note that speech and language are not the same. Speech is the ability to produce a sound but language is more of knowing the vocab, sentence structure, verbs etc. A Chinese usually have good speech and language for Mandarin but good speech but poor language for Tamil.
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
A form of behavioral therapy that i strongly believe in. It is the most researched on methodology and proven to give the best result for children with Autism. However in Singapore, it is not one of the recommended form of therapy by government hospitals as there are no formal certifications for ABA (other than BCBA which is something more recent). It deals mainly with behavioral issues like compliance, eye contact, imitation, attention, obsessions etc. Though i have been practicing ABA for more than 10 years, i have to admit that ABA is not everything. It really voice down to the needs of your child.
What i see very often is that we know that clearly, there are some issues with speech but for most of the time, i still recommend ABA initially. The reason is that though ST tackles the speech issues, the child is unable to learn or benefit anything out of the therapy session if the child lacks attention, compliance, imitation skills etc. It is like putting a child into a school with the best lesson plan but the child is reluctant to sit and listen to the teacher. As the strength of a speech therapist is to help with the speech, they may not have the expertise to handle the behaviours. With better self control, attention, ability to sit and listen, the child will benefit much more from the session.
Hope that i was able to provide a better understanding for you guys the different form of therapy so that you guys can choose the most appropriate form of intervention for your child. =)
Programme Manager AutismSTEP