i believed from your post, u have forgiven him. Trust need to be built over time.
Try to communicate with him more and if possible tag along on some of his outing, this way u will not be aliented from his circle of friends.

Forgive is hard to say for me and forget is not easy.
I told him unless I die or disappear then I will forget abt it!
Should I be stricter in controlling his activities or leave it like dont care attitude?
don't be too strict with him, if not he will be like a prisoner. One of this day he will break out of the prison.

Show to him u care for him and also begining to trust him.

Yes...Thats what i thought.Men are like that...Treat them like a kite..sometimes pull them tight and sometimes let loose.

Give them the benefit of the doubt. when you agree to let them go out and meet up with the friends, state a time which they need to be home by. if they missed the timing then ''sorry, NO more next time....''
I do let him go out occasionally and tell him to be home by midnight is it too much?
But my mind will wander what he is doing outside?
my dear
always remember this: do not give them excuses to say it is our behaviour; drive them away, start affair again.

we may feel that we have every right to restrict their movements; they betrayed our trust first. they hurt us and they havent yet mended us.

but the men dont think in this way. if he is really going out with his male friends and doing nothing immoral or wrong, he will feel very indignant and he will say we are unreasonable.

it will backfire on us and that is no good.
I agree...we can never control their movement...if they want to stray, they will have their ways & means...they can take leave secretly and go to work as per normal...they can take MC but in actual fact, mtg up the OW...

We can only try to work on our thots...try to focus on other things...i know it's not easy as I am also having alot of doubt whenever my hb told me that he is mtg his frenz or work OT.
Hi Emma,

I usually let him tell me the time that he is comfortable..So long as its not too much, I will usually agree.. He usually leave home at about 10.30-11pm and he promised to be back by 3am.(thats 4 hours of partying)But usually he will be back by 2am...

I agree with you gals that if they wana do something behind our backs,they will have their ways and means.

Just to share:
My hubby will meet me at my place (before we got married) , have dinner with me and stay till about 11pm and he said he is going ''home''. He will use his cell phone and call me telling me that he is home but he cannot use his house phone to call coz his sis is using the internet. But he was not at all home, instead he will go meet the OW and they will stay till 3-4am before he is willing to go home....Sigh, I was then cheated for almost one year....
Of course I did.. We broke off for almost a few months before we got back together again. I think the best thing is not to trust men that have cheated. Cox I think that a leopard will never change its spots.

We got married about 4 years after we patched things back . For the 4 years that we dated, he touched me back and makes me trust and believe him again. But then again after we had our first child, There he goes again.......Sigh

I agree with you...leopard never change its spot...when I just date my hb...he is 2 timing me & another gal...when i discover abt it...i broke off with u, i trusted him & decide to give him another chance...

Who know?...history repeat itself & i m hurt once more...who to blame ? myself loh cos i chose him...

I hv alot of doubt...still question him on & it also kinda slow down the recovery of our marriage...i m scare...really very scare that he is still seeing her & still doing those things behind my back...I duno when can I ever trust him again...sigh..
dying heart, if u still love him and want to save your marriage, u have to learn to trust him again.

But if keep on going back to his old ways, then u have to prepare yourself. You don't want him to 'buy time' and one of those day u leave u.

If I dun love him...i would hv leave him liao...easy say than done...not that I dun want to trust him...but the fear I hv & it's not easy to forget everythgs...all these take times...

After this incident, i m definitely prepare that he might leave me one day...nthgs is definite & pple will change...I hv told him b4 tat I will not stop him from going to her if he wants pt keeping him if his heart never come back...
the world will not collapse if we have to raise our kids alone.just have tobe husband went astray last year.i was pretty amazed that i can handle it myself.i confronted both the woman and my husband.told the woman that she can hv my mind,i just want tobe with my 3 years old son.worst come to the worst i will go work and support ourselves.not that i dun love my husband,we had been married for more than 11 is more a family kinda of relationship rather than a boyboy girlgirl love relation.he admitted it was just a fling.he had since broken up with her but i make it very clear that if he is doing it again.that will be the last that he will see both his son and we are treating each other with respect.and if he still stray around then i am sorry he is not fit tobe my son's father.cos if he dun treasure us why should we.
hi dying heart,
trust won't be given so easily.infact now,i just live happily with my son using his money.cos if he stray again,that's it.but it is always easier say than done.sometimes it does hurt but i focus alot on my son.he is the pillar in my life.dun always ask him if he is still seeing that girl.cos one day he will lose his cool and go back to her or a new reasons like since you dun trust me bah bah bah......if you decided to give him a chance than try to give him some time to prove,but dun let down your guide.
Hi lazymummy,

I also trying to focus on my girl but I am still very affected by the things and his attitude towards me...

Somehow, by not been close to me physically, i feel tat he seems to hv some "holding back" or mental barrier...sigh...
Sorry to intrude.

I think not all men are the same.

There's good men and the lousy men. And very often, we have a choice to choose the good men or the lousy men. I had a lousy ex-bf who cheated on me and yet had the cheek to deny it. After an awful breakup, he went off with that gal. I met my hb and got married. The difference I realised is appalling. What I thought was the norm (like needing personal space, want to meet his own friends without me, needing different hobbies etc) wasn't true at all. My hb is giving, will rather not go on overseas company trip if I can't go, and do not make excuses like needing personal space. My ex wanted me not to call him everyday and there's no need to meet up everyday.

Thank God we broke up and I met my hb.

I'm sorry that some of you have ended up these bastard guys, I hope you realise that it's not your fault. Not all men are like that, so don't let them use needing sex etc as an excuse. My hb and I hardly have sex coz it caused me a lot of pain, but he never used that as an excuse to fool ard with other women.

If your man isn't willing to change for the family, dump him. It will not get better but will only make you more miserable. Being loyal and committed to the family is a basic requirement of a hb. I know it's hard esp if you've kids. But cordial, separated parents are better for the kids than cheating, quarrelsome parents who stay together.
mashy brainz .. your tale is similar to mine. my husband is like 'god-send' when compared to my ex .. and yes, thank goodness we broke up .. only then was i able to tell how a woman should be loved/treated by a man ..
an excuse is an excuse. no matter how convincing these men can try to make it seem.

a family man will not desire for personal time to hav drinks in e pub every other wk. he will only desire to spend every minute of his personal time to bond w his child.

a marriage is only a legal binding btw 2 persons. if he's outright irresponsible to the family, he's definitely not a man of good character. don't waste time w such a man. there are so many better men out there.

take care.
hello ladies

i totally agree with mashy brainz and cuclainne as I myself have really learnt to let go of my ex and really moved on this time round. I no longer feel anything for my ex and i am alot happier now...i met someone sensitive and caring and loves my son as much as i do and he actually misses my son when we are not together....but i told him we both need time to see how things work out cos he too was betrayed by his ex-wife in his previous marriage..his ex-wife got bored and ended up pregnant with her business partner and he was devasted when he found out abt his heart is also kinda locked up till now... with him.... i only started to realise and feel again how a woman should be treated right and pampered and cared for by a man....we are both enjoying the courtship period now...if it works out then fine..if least i once again felt after so many it feels like to be loved and treated right...

its nice to feel happy again...

as for my ex...he still doesnt know what he wants..still thinks he can come back when he feels like it...but its too matter how hard he tries to show concern for me, tell me how much he misses his sweet family.misses me and son and ask me if he can come home...i no longer feel a thing for him anymore...instead i feel dreadful dat he wana come back cos i dun want him to.....cos its oredi too late...why issit that when i was hoping and praying for him to come back home dat time...he simply act blurr and gave me replies such as
sad.gif its too late oredi....

Happy to hear that you have met a new guy in your life....esp someone who been thru the heart pain process like you...

All the best to you...forget about the past...
hi dying heart

..we are still in our courtship process and very much enjoying it for now... it might work might not..but just enjoy the happiness we bring each other in terms of support and everything else for now... cos eversince my marriage failed..i no longer believe in forever...

many times we look too far away to the future...we dun even realise it when e present is slowly slipping away from us.....

Good luck to all the mummies who are still trying their best to save their marriages and to those who are trying hard to get out of it....big hugs...
dear all,
men will always be men.. no matter how nice they are...
My hubby n I are in a good relationshipn we trusted each other. After reading so many postings abt men's flings, i asked him what is wrong with these men..

The truth is.. men are INDEED LIKE THIS..
If a woman who is pretty throws naked on them, it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to resist it. At that moment, he will not be able to think abt the family, the children who will be affected. In fact he said this is a animal instinct which men cannot stop.
The only way to avoid it is to avoid being in such a situation...
Then, i asked wat abt the children n wife and everything else.. his future maybe affected becoz of his extra marital affairs..
Hubby said.. the only thing that will bring men back to reality is the money, their future, their prospects that they will stand to lose. They will never be able to think so rationally like women.
Then i asked, money can be earned. But a happy family, once gone, can be very hard to come back together.
Hubby admitted and said, "but that's men."

So for hubby and his friends, they have to constantly remind themselves not to fall into a situation like this. It becomes like some kind of self restraint they need to practice.
Almost like ex-drug addicts. Men needs to avoid being in situations where they will be in such a situation, they need to constantly remind themselves that it is not worth the affair...
And one moment of weakness... they fall for it.

Just cherish this least, u are happy now...there was a documentary show at channel U yestersday on a lady who also been thru pain & finally found her guardian's inspiring...


Thanks for the sharing...
hi 090301....thanks...=)..hugs...not only me..everyone deserve someone who will care & dote on them...everyone deserves to be happy and not treated badly....;)

hi dying heart...yups...i cherish every moment i share with this guy... true..its been ages and really ages since i felt this happy and cared for and cherished....

I have this new colleague who too just went thru a very bad heartbreak...she found out about her boyfriend's affair and worst...he hit her till she broke her collarbond... very young gal...gosh.. some men are so !@#$%^&.... now is my turn to motivate her that she deserves to be happy and not keep blaming herself that she wasnt good enough for him...sigh... but when she saw me always smiling whenever i am on the phone or receive smses or emails from my this guy...she says..she looks to me as example that she too can be so happy and let go....;)
i know i have been missing for a long time.. but i found something to share..

Hang on Little Tomato by Pink Martini.

The sun has left and forgotten me
It?s dark, I cannot see
Why does this rain pour down
I?m gonna drown
In a sea
Of deep confusion

Somebody told me, I don?t know who
Whenever you are sad and blue
And you?re feelin? all alone and left behind
Just take a look inside and you will find

You gotta hold on, hold on through the night
Hang on, things will be all right
Even when it?s dark
And not a bit of sparkling
Sing-song sunshine from above
Spreading rays of sunny love

Just hang on, hang on to the vine
Stay on, soon you?ll be divine
If you start to cry, look up to the sky
Something?s coming up ahead
To turn your tears to dew instead

And so I hold on to his advice
When change is hard and not so nice
You listen to your heart the whole night through
Your sunny someday will come one day soon to you

click on the link to listen to this beautiful song:
Hi fairies,

Great to hear that...I am so happy for you !

My relationship with my hb is also improving...hopefully, i can be like you planning for bb when we are more stable...he is now a family man...come home earlier from work & spend the wkend with us...more laughter & care btw us...

I hope that for those who have to go thru this heartache...please be strong and we will be able to see the rainbow one day...
hi ladies,
Can anyone tell mi how you gals cope with hubby who has an affair while you gals are pregnant?? And how will you know if you have forgiven him??
Hi baobeixuan

My hb has affair when my DD is ard 15 mths old...I cry everyday when he is with the OW...I talk to my frenz, I come here to blah out my unhappiness...on top of tat, I even went for a support grp call Rainbow (it's like a counselling session)...

The hatred towards him is lesser, u dun think of the affair so much, feeling happier (dun cry that much) are the sign that you have slowly forgive him...however, I will never forgive the OW...She is forever my no.1 enemies...I hate her...

Frankly speaking, I still have the emotion roller coaster at times but I am better in controlling it...
I just start gg for a counselling session at family center. When I went there its like open up my wounds again. The wounds hurt so much. Bt I shld b thankful that our r/s is much beta. He just keep quiet abt wat he wanna nw. Cos starting he said he wanna a D bt nw no news. I just dun know wat he wanna. And I dun know hw to ask him abt tis.
Hi dying heart, my hb affair start when I was 8 month plus preggy. I found out when my bb is 1 mth plus. Ard april or may I ask him what is he gg to do w mi & the OW? He said dun know. Even ask mi for suggestion. I said dun know I dun wanna later he blame mi for tis & tat blah blah blah. Then ard june he ask mi help him date her out. As the OW avoid him only ask him for $$$. From then till nw there is a big change in him. If my gal is sick or being rush to hospital, he will rush there or ask 4 update. He tend to come & see my gal more. We will still go out for dinner or movies if I am nt wking. Bt I still nd to know wat is in his heart. Starting out I find it hard to cope bt nw I am more able to cope w it. Bt my emotion is still a roller coaster.
Hi baobeixuan,

Ur hb is like mine...when I found out abt the affair...he simply dun wan to make up his mind on who he want to be lasted for a while...but I keep telling him tat I cannot remain in this situation forever...becos I will go if he still want to be with the OW...

So both of u are not staying tog now ? I think u should try to have a talk with him & find out what is he thinking now ? Is he still with the OW or want to come back to the family ? If the OW is always in the picture...the recovery stage is tough...if she is gone, definitely easier to patch back...
Hi dying heart, the OW is already out of the pic. After I call her, she straight away went into hiding. The problem is I dun know hw to ask him. Cos whenever I bring tis matter up we will feel very uncomfortable. I can just msn him anytime bt...
Hi baobeixuan,

If u dun talk it out...this prob will always be there and hurdle your marriage to to iron out...writing is good if u can't talk face to face...
I also wonder sometimes how to trust my hubby. I try to regain the trust but it is so difficult.
I discovered those smses in his hp again and he denied it. He even swears he did not do it but how do I believe it? he even says I am not sound in my mental state.
Should I stay on or walk away?
Is divorce the way out to end my misery?
hi dying heart, i have a talk w hb le. He ask me give him sometimes to try n change. And we did have intercourse as well. He thot I m preggy again and said he dun wanna the child. The feeling he give me is tat my baby are not suppose to be seen by ppl. In a fit of anger I told him no worries I know wat to do. And I will opt to tied or cut. He said temp tied. I told him I cut it cos my bb baby are not suppose to be seen by ppl. I really hate it so much. I feel like cutting it. At least dun have to go through abortion. Anyone knows how much does it cost to have it cut & wat is the side effects?
Hi baobeixuan (jyeo48),
I'll suggest DO NOT CUT/TIE,
both are not reversible...

My mum told me not to cut/tie,
cause she says she don't enjoy sexual intercourse as much after the cut,
she cut her's after giving birth to me.

Also... you may be real young now,
what if... what if... this marriage is not successful,
and you have... a 2nd marriage? (this is very common nowadys)
It won't be fair to the hubby @ 2nd marriage if you are not able to have baby anymore....

Tell him, if he don't want baby,
he can go for ligation too...

i agree with tan leng leng
don't cut/tie
cannot change back one

since he is the one who dun want bb
then he should go cut himself la
why must u suffer for him somemore
What are the signs that a husband has gone stray or having affairs? Sometimes by coming upfront, they still deny having affairs. Some husbands also very smart. Delete sms, have affair during work, etc. So, the only thing is our powerful female sixth sense? Reliable?
most of the time very reliable.

Liyin, do u suspect your husband having affair, why don't u name some of the signs u see.
Let me add mine... :p
- he sleeps with his handphone
- he is smsing most of the time.. and when you ask, he'll just say " its my fren"
- he comes home late and don't want to answer your calls
- He don't have frequent sex with you anymore. always saying tired etc etc
- He don't care if you are sick at all. Best.. even if you have to go hospital.. you have to do it yourself.

- BEST PART... He tell you he loves the other woman!! PERIOD!!!!! argh... I friggin hate my life.

anyway you can read my blog

I can't do anything you know....
I have given up .. seriously. Cos he thinks that I am a problem to him. No matter how nice I was to him. He knew he'sin the wrong but he told me he don't feel like salvaging the marriage.

I know my husband... this is one of the time where his eyes are STUCKED with a BLOODY stamp. He can't see clearly. I have stopped checking on him cos it consumes so much of my energy. I'm just letting it be. Sooner or later he will know what to do. And the stupid B, she's not gonna gain anything. he got to use her... when afterall he still comes home to me and not her. TOO BAD LOR!!! One fine day when he leaves her.. she will be the one in trauma.. and not me.
So to hell with both of them.. May God Show them the light!!

THATS the only consolation I have for myself right now.

Sorry.. very angry with tat B.
