Any one has a fat tummy?

Princess 81

Active Member
ANy one has good recommendation how to make tummy gets smaller? I have a fat tummy after giving birth though I am the slim kind. Hiaz

Dear Fern,

I have the same situation. We woman really poor thing. Sigh.. But luckily I manage to go down one size already. I can show you before and after
I took TRA. On my 5th week, I already have to change new clothes liao. Cos the arm pit holes are too big. My tummy, hip and butt shrunk. My old clothes became too baggy. And guess what? For the FIRST time, hubby didn't nag at me! Instead, he encouraged me to go for it !! Tell you, guys are just such visual creatures. tsk tsk ... But i think I can understand. No men want their wives to be fat and I don't think ladies are attracted to balding guys either :p

My tummy is not big, but its loose. How to firm/tighten it?

As I approach the big 4? Everything also drooping. Breasts also shrinking due to lack of elasticity and firmness.
TRA set comes with a firming and toning cream which also moisturises our skin. That's why all those who slim down on TRA all have very nice and tone figure. The program gets rif od the fat clusters in ou body gently and permanently, at the same time, incease metabolism rate so that we bun more calories and every day for 12 weeks, the creams tones and firms our body as we slim down day after day.

Breast lifting? Oh God..thought I'm the only concernd one :p !! I am also taking that leh !! *HI 5*

I show you real life testimonials. Want or not?
Hi Diana,

Yes. Am taking that. Haha.. I also feel more energetic and refreshed so it helps tons on energy level as previously my kid really drain all my energy.
Hi ladies,

My friend, a receptionist lost 8kg in 12 weeks. She is very happy and now flying with confidence. (Those keen can email me at [email protected]) I dun think she mind sharing to help more mummies out there.

If she can pay for the program,(she has 3 kids). it is definitely affordable. So no worries

Where to get it? Just email me for details.
Tatai, TRA stands for The Right Approach. Im happy o tell you more. My email: [email protected]

Good things must share and I really want to help. Seriously, we women must encourage and help each other. Only we women will understand the kind of pain and frustration we have to go through being a mum, wife, scafrifice our figure and hair etc for child birth. And must be in our best shape to satisfy our hubby
Is it safe for breastfeeding mum? I am just interested in toning up the tummy. My weight is lighter than pre-pregancny weight.

TRA is totally safe to take when breastfeeding. Coz I took it in 2011 when my gal was 6 months old and I was still total breastfeeding her.


u only hv tummy problem? It is very big? Why not your email me at [email protected] then I can advise u better.
Tai tai,

I used to think like you and I bought tons of cream. Been to slimming centres, bought slimming pills. Been throug it all. Till I have 10 over colleagues who lost 1 to 2 sizes and now 2 years later they still slim and slender, healthy that's why I finally took TRA. If only I knew about TRA earlier then I wouldn't walk 1 big circle.

Creams only target the first layer closest to our skin surface. Fats are so stubborn and hard. How much fats can cream eliminate? It is the visceral fats that wraps our organs and keep accumulating that makes us fat. These are the fats that is dangerous to remove even in liposuction. I take TRA to remove that which is the ROOT of the poblem, once and for all. And TRA boosts our metabolism rate so we can burn what we consume.

I am a user. I have experienced the program and have seen my friends transformed right from the start. That's why I want to this with others out there who have fat tummy, fat buttocks etc etc. Will be disastrous to hear about another individual who endanger their health because of a product that is not safe. What will happn to their kids and loved ones if something happen to us?
Juz to share my testimonial on TRA. I finish the program in sept 2011 and till now no rebound. The photo on the right is taken about a year after I finish the program.

It's good if u r sincere to recommend something useful to the mummies here but if u r earning a profit and your own biz. I think advertising is not alllowed here especially for MLM product when the comm is ard 50% profit?

Ur nick might get banned by the mods.

At the peak of my weight, I was 90kgs and with the right diet and exercise, I shredded almost 30+ kgs.

Though not bamboo thin, at 55kgs I wore size 25 jeans and my tummy is flat with abs, toned arms, thighs with firm butt.

Build muscles and lost fat. In that way, u won't gain even if u binge,

Exercise helps to increase metabolism, improve your blood circulation and complexion, immune system. The benefits r uncountable.

There's no shortcut to the perfect figure.
Doing cardio improve your stamina to catchup with the kids while yoga helps on the reflexibility that will enhance the sex life too.

Exercise can be fun. I went cycling, canoeing, swimming with my hb and roller blading with my gal.
Really.. The saying is true.. 好人难做! If dun share, like very heartless when you see people looking for solutions. But share already, people suspect that you have hidden agenda. Really. So sometimes better not talk so much.

Anyway, for those who just wish to know more and believe that there really are people out there who sincerely just want
to share and help, you may email me at [email protected]
My thinking very simple. Good things must share and if can make change and help another person, it's really 举手之劳.
Its a blessing to give than take. Agree?
To all mummies out there, we must 加油 to 漏油! Happy to share my experience with you. WE ALL CAN DO IT 
Honestly speaking, just touch the heart and if one is to genuinely to share, y bother about what others say?

In case if anyone is not sure about how MLM works. I will tell you, The published price you see on their brochure and website, members can get the products at a discount of 50% and even up to 70%.

There's noting wrong if you are upfront about it, but there's definitely something wrong to to take advantage under the disguise of "sharing" while earning a hefty profit of more than 50% from the hard earned $ of the mummies here.

For all u know, I could be accused of being a health product promoter or gym card membership sales by "sharing" my experiences here too. Only hard work pays off. Get your butt off the couch if u want to lose weight.

However my conscience is clear so I can't bother with what others say.
Lets be honest, without a healthy lifestyle and watching what we eat, u really want to rely on these so called cream and meal replacement forever?

Want to lose weight, get off the couch and start working out. No hard work, no gain.

i do apologise if my post is offensive to anyone because direct n straightforward to me is far better than being FAKE n HYPOCRITES.
Good to know that someone understands.

I agree that we have to put in some effort. The only obstacle is our lifestyle and determination.

Unforunately most of us either dun have the time nor determination to do it. And out of desperation, there have been too many cases whereby people died of suffer kidneu failure out there. So, when I saw this thread, out of goodwill, i share what ive seen as I have more than 10 colleagues who went on TRA 2 years ago. They all enjoyed the hour glade effect, no side effects and still look very good today. And as i am on the program, i can say for sure it is safe and the knowledge I gain from the program can be used for life. Example; 3333 diet, using our hand, palm size and fingers to determine how much we should eat for different good category such as oil, carbo, protein, fruits etc. When I spent a fortune previously in other products, cream and slimming centers, no one gave me these knowledge. In all, I spent 10k for years finding the solution. How I wish someone had shared with me this solution. Cos it's fantastic and effective. I still get to enjoy food. Just need to put in s little effort to avoid the bad stuff but at least I can still eat. Slimming center ask me to eat Yong tau Fu everyday. In the end, I realise that I slim down because I eat Yong tau fu everyday and I'm just paying their staff, their equipment and cream to tone me down and I paid a fortune for that. It could be 3 Europe trips if I accumulate all I paid. In the end, no results. Why? Cos I lost water and mainly temporary weight loss. Not fat loss. When weight go down, doesn't mean fat go down. It could
mean muscle percentage drop. When muscle drop, it means metabolism drop. And this when we gain weight if we we can't burn more than what we eat. The equation is that simple. Cos we all know that it is the matabolism rate that determines how much calories our body can burn in a day. I only become more aware of this because i was educated when taking the program. So another knowledge here. Not just that. My consultant wrote in my food diary the calorie calculation as a guide. But no one ever help me like this before. And because I've used tons of cream and cycling.
That was before I took up TRA. Results got stagnant after
2 months. Eventually, I decided to take ip the program. It is because I am very thankful to my friend who persisted in helping me that I am now enjoying a better figure, I am
safe and healthy thats why I want to share. Cos in my heart, I'm thinking there could be another me out here. And by telling my experience, her money and time can be properly invested and mist importantly, I could save someone from suffering due to a toxic product. I am considered very lucky cos I took about 4 pills in all previously and thank God I only suffered side effects. Thank God no harm done.
hi susanna,

i think not all mummies hv the time to exercise, i am one that dun hv such good life lor. Also nt all people who exercise can hv good result like u do. yes, TRA is mlm pdt. but if the pdt works who care it is mlm or nt right? rather than seeing people who spend few thousand n hv no result in slimming centre so sharing wif them on a effective program is actually helping them to save $$ too.

futhermore, u seem to hv misconception on mlm...who tell u can earn 50% profit? it is not true at all at least for nuskin that is nt the way...

Hi Anna Ang and Diana

Thanks for sharing.

It's not very nice to mention the brand name, all i can share is that a popular meal replacement that I get from my aunt was at a hefty 70% who's a senior member while a US MLM beauty brand was a solid 50% discount for all their members.

This is from my own personal experience

As a working mum with kid, I woke up at 5am to go for morning jogging or a quick swim after work and like what I've say, healthy diet plays a part too. I have to go home and cook for my family, coach my gal's work and spend time with my hb like everyone else.

As like what i say, exercise and diet is not only for own vanity but a healthy lifestyle for the whole family.

I believe that u mummies want the whole family to stay healthy and fit too.

Get the whole family involved, make it a long term family goal. Go for a run/swim together.

That is the goal for my family and the $$ saved could be put into good use for kids education too. After all what's the point of working so hard and juz spend it away like that? These few hundreds could come in handy for the family.

We might as well stay home and spend time with our family,

IMO, it all boils down to discipline, determination and preservance. This is what my hb and I have been teaching our child.

Daddy say its important for parents to set a good example by keeping a healthy lifestyle rather than spending $ on short term solution.

He don't want our gal to have the mentality that it's ok to indulge on junk and idleness thinking that spending $ will help her to keep slim.
Daddy always taught her "u want something, work hard for it and not pay for it", no hard work = no gain and no short cut.

This is part of our education for her too. No excuses and there will always be no time if we don't make time for it.

She used to call me bui bui mummy, but she seen how mummy surf youtube and learn yoga at home, how mummy endure the pain to do squats and sit up. She even holds my legs for me.

When she's learning to swim, mummy change and jump into the water with her. When she learn roller blade, mummy blade along.

I also bring her along to my gym classes hoping to spark her interest in yoga, dance and combat.

Not only that, I read up on nutrition and cook daily for my family too, at least five varieties of steamed veggie, with mixed grain rice, fruits etc.

I've substitute red meat with salmon, chicken breast, blended oatmeal with organic sugarless soya milk for bfast etc.

N choy, she never take supplement but also never get sick often.

Diana, its not that I have a good life or good in sports but I always believe in pushing myself for the things that I want, putting in 10x effort for the things that I want.

There's the values that I want to impart to my child too. Hard work, honesty, integrity, preservance, discipline,determination and preservance

thumb up for u....but really ur determination is nt wat all mum can do....

yes, healthy diet tat i agreed too...coz i prefer steam then fried esp deep fried.

btw the good life i mean is tat i hv no helper nt even parents so hard to leave my kids wif hb esp tat time my gal is only a 6 mth old bb n my boy is only 3 yrs old...

btw, can u pm me the brand for my knowledge? thks

Do you recall using post natal massage? And the lady wrap you with a very tight binder with 3-layers of velcro?

Use that everyday for 8 hours if not 6 hours, you'll see results cos I've seen mine without visiting any centres or taking oral.

But I must warn you that it's very uncomfortable to wear under your clothes especially for mummies back to work.

I have just delivered my 2nd boy end December 2012 and now 2 months after I'm able to fit in some of my pre-pregnancy clothes, depending on the cutting. I was between M size and L size now I can safely wear M size.
Hi, i do not go for special diet,slimmimg pills nor exercise but i still manage to lose my weight and fats. Weigh myself yesterday at polyclinic and weight has lost with BMI in normal healthy range for the first time. Breathing is easier, fats around waistline and arms also wonder my pants and sleeves shirt is looser when i wear it nowadays.

The surprising good results are achieved since i bought and sleep everyday on this -ve ion with far infra red mattress , since jan this year. I am off from high blood pressure medicine and bad cholesterol medicine too.

Based on long term monetary calculations, it is safe healthy and beneficial to buy a -ve ion farinfrared mattress as you will surely sleep on it everyday. No medication needed at all. You gain healthy benefits.

Please pm me if you want me to bring you to the shop to find out more on this product.
Used to bother me. Went for slimming but didn't work. They said very hard to remove the stubborn tummy with just 10 sessions. Dont ask me to exercise like do sit ups. Didn't want to see a bulging part so I wear 1 size smaller panties or those that are tight, not too stretchable. I am not keen to take any slimming products because some need continuous popping and some have side effects.
The correct manner to wear right undergarment is not a size will after a period force the cellulite upwards and hurt your muscles. I wear a girdle that is not tight yet has massage ability to soothe its excess cellulites..i am seeing its gradual results, without popping any pills and worry of its side effects.

Saw ur blog is ur binder Velcro type? I used a lot of binders before, they will snap... I'm now 3 mths after birth but tummy is like 6 months pregnant can't get rid of it
