Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?

Justen Looking at all mommies again.
me not SAHM...still pursuading my hb leh... heeheee...but i am in between jobs so staying at home for a month...
you want to be SAHM ah?? me sometimes want to but other times dun want...can be very frustrating i think

justen is so cute hor... what is he lookin at ah?

how are all the mummies' preparations??

angel is getting better...her fever gone (fingers crossed) but pd say the cough will stay for another week or two but as long as fever and runny nose gone, is not so contagious anymore...hope dun spread to me... otherwise mama and angel keep ping pong getting sick are you doing? the kids all ok??

octopus boy really very active hor... angel also very active...she has since learnt to climb onto my sofa set without assistance... so which are the childcare that you are looking at? around your area or what?
alittlemiracle - good idea! will do tat..but how hah? but tat book different mah..20 years down the road..dont tink will remember wat happened least got book mah..


jas - xian hor..but westbb boi will take good care of my gal..keke..and she got good fren shauan mummy not ard oso ok..

i din tok abt the CD what...i did not remind you of the CD leh..where got tok about the CD..

sp - me hope can last longer bitbit and alittlemiracle..if not for them i would have stop leh..

fun - me send again liao..let me know if u din rec it..

dingdong - my gal dont like to kiss like tat leh..every time i kiss on her cheeks..she 'close' her eyes kind..and on her lips..she let our fustratated cry sad..

poko - how can u teach justen to peep again!!
Wah Poko.. i think if Justen want u to buy things for him hor.. den he give u this killer look.. u sure buy all he wants de! hahaa...
Hi Crystalmum

This time Justen is making sure that all mommies work hard for their BB...

Justen saying:- Crystal mom stay on to your 3 pump if not drop 20x (pumping) keekee
fun - paiseh paiseh..dont know y i send the walk..haha..i tink cos see sherilyn in charmed by her liao..

poko - haha..justen the police hah..heng i dont pump in front of the pc..wah 20x i pengsan
hi mummies,

remember i told you ladies pumping sure got problem if meeting whole day in lau me and my smelly mouth really kena for the past 2 days ok long meetings start from 9am to 7pm somemore must attend co. lunch and dinner! only got breaks of 15min to pump out milk make my brs engorge till very jiat lat!


your boy not overfed lah! I like his size ok i wish my joshua drink more milk so can be like your alden
Hi Fun and Celine and mommies who BB don't like milk

Today I let my boy change his teats to NUK #1 Large and he can cope well, he drink 160ml in less than 15mins. Initially he can't take the flow which is too fast for him. So my ang actually hold the bottle more horizontal so that the flow is slower. And he is ok with it. But again this one got some "yang sheng" in it... so don't know he didn't complain due to the "yang sheng" smell or due to the change of teats...

BTW Justen going for his 4th Jab tomorrow... Hope he will be fine after the jab.

We change him into 3mth+ avent teats not long ago... can drink and leak out still.. so shouldnt be teats too small prob..

Why Justen so late den jab?? should jab on 12 Jan rite?
Crystalmum & SP, thanks for ur well wishes! Sherilyn kena viral bronchiolities again! Gotto put her on neberaliser every 6 hrly. Looks like tomorrow i gotto take half day to neb her leow..

dingdong, Sherilyn eyes nt realli big lah.. Prob look big in tat pose?! Keke.. She got small big eyes ley, like daddy & mommy.. Yah i heard tt walker is no good cos bb tend to tiptoe when they walk.. I dun think its true cos my fren also nvr let bb use walker but her gal also tiptoed when she first learned to walk.. Anyway I love to see her move ard in the walker.. Kekeke..
Hi Fun

Do you try feeding him without carrying him? Justen don't like to be carry while feed, so we will put him in his cot or on our bed to feed him. Maybe they don't like our body heat. Or the milk temperature, for him he like not very hot milk but he don't like cold milk either. So sometime we try split into two bottles. But the most impt thing is don't force him, they will reject milk further if we force him to drink when they are not hungry.

He got his first Jab delay due to Jaudice, and we try to arrange the appointment on Friday, so we are slightly out of schedule.

Oh we tried giving him on his rocker.. sometimes he wants onli.. nv try on our bed.. laying too flat will get choked bo?? :p

Oh we tried giving him on his rocker.. sometimes he wants onli.. nv try on our bed.. laying too flat will get choked bo?? :p

My hubby just told me yesterday tat he need to work on sat and sun and tat leaves me and Alden home alone! i told him i am afriad tat i cant cope with Alden.. he seems so hard to handle and i'm afraid tat i dun have the strenght to carry him for long periods! I always dun like my hb working OT lor.. I hated it! But he say no choice lor have to work... it always turns out ugly whenever he need to work lor.. most of the suns he prefer to work cos for double pay.. onli half aday.. but i dun like..
I duno if my moods will turn into baby blues if i will to be alone with Alden and i couldnt pacify him..

ya its not easy to handle the baby alone.....but slowly u will be used to 1st when my hubby needs to work on sat....I also bad mood.....but nowsaday....I am ok wif it dun worry...

usuallly who looks after alden in the day in the weekday? i can be quite frightening at first but i believe you will get the hang of it... somehow, you wil naturally be able to cope. you can always come in here if you feel blue yah?!

yah yah.. me also tried all sorts of postitions to feed baby... found that lying on the bed wasone of angels' favoured postions to drink also scared at first too flat., but she was able to cope with it...someitmes, i will put a pillow or bolster under her neck to prop her up.

sherrich..aiyoh aiyoh... hopw sherillyn is ok... how are her eating and sleeping pattterns ah? affecteed by the stupid bug??

Thanks. Her condition has improved.. Veri sim tia to see her sick again.. Now must monitor very closely and give her medication on time lor. CNY coming, i also hope she can enjoy her first CNY than to bar her at home..

Didnt realli notice any change in her sleeping pattern lah.. But can tell tt she quite lethargic most of the time. Nt as cheery and active. Now she gets excited when she sees her daddy but nt me ley.. Very sad hor!
Morning mummies..

today fri but i not happy..cos gotta work whole day 2molo and miss my gal's bjg sad..

bitbit/alittlemiracle - the 9th mth assessment hor..u all got go?

fun - me oso very scare to be home alone with bb one now lor..
my gal hor..rashes ok got white patches gek sim and it those ring worms or hah..need to see doc?
my situation a bit like yours, except that it's over my hubby overseas trips. We always had ugly scenes when he need to travel overseas. I'm actually ok with overseas trips one but his trips are always v long ones - at least 2 months! He was away for 4 mths out of my 10 mths pregnancy and Last week, he told me once again that his co is sending him to HK and this time is for a record 5 months!!!! *pengsan* Luckily, he now misses ah boy a lot so not willing to go this time round. So may have to quit and look for another job. Think he quite stressed now, poor man.

U try to be more understanding towards your hb ok? Your hb wants to earn more $$ for u and Alden mah. I'm sure he also dun like to do OT and would rather spend the time w you and Alden, but being the breadwinner he will feel responsible to bring in more dough. Dun be angry with him need to spoil husband-wife relationship over this. If u feel lonely, we can meet up?
Hi Fun
Your mom is not with you? Or can ask your mom to stay with you for this weekend? I remember last time you latch on ley, why stop? I found that latching Justen on will make him to sleep. So sometime if he really cranky I will let him latch on for awhile and later pet him to sleep. If he don't get use to tummy down position can try side way. He ok with side way sleeping?

Just like what Alittlemiracle do, we also put a pillow or our bolster but on top of it we put a changing mat last a nappy. So that he will not be sleeping that straight while feed if puke only dirty the mat. I think West bb Boi also like that position.

If really no choice you have to be alone, just leave aside all the house work and accompany Alden. If you have no confidence to bath him can wait until your hubby back to help. Don't be too stress. Pamper yourself and BB with 24hr aircon 8) if he is less cranky with the cool temperature. Might able to sleep longer. Maybe to your surprise you can handle Alden just as well...

Can call up your PD to check first... Crystal really very poor thing ley, did she complain of it?

BTW just came back from Justen 4th month jab, my face really turn blue when the nurse weight him, she told me he just 7.1kg, how can it be! I just weight him at PD place he is 7.7kg ley. and the last jab he is 7.15kg. Really scared us... And nurse still say that need to use the same machine to weigh one... So we check again and this time is 7.8kg...

Going to shop today after finish my morning pump 8) and send Justen off to nanny...Need to get CNY clothes for myself and hubby and also BB. keekee, talk to you all tonite!
long time didnt come in, not feeling well plus my husband was away on biz trip so v tiring taking care of bb myself esp at nite! sometimes after a quick chat w mummies on msn oredy pengsan zzz liao.. i also hate it when hubby needs to go biztrip but luckily his trips are ususally short term ones...

got bbs sick again?? sayang sherilyn & angel, get well soon!!! always very heartpain when bbs are sick.

just realise nxt sat oredy CNY!!! aiyo we havent done any preparation yet! this weekend got to go squeeze crowd liao! oh, are we having a gathering uh?

fun i feed my boy while he lies on mattress or bumpermat w/o any pillow or blanket to prop his head leh..

bitbit, are u going to come n visit us tomorrow?
tmr our bbs are going to wear uniforms liao! but i dont have a bottom to coordinate with leh.. crystalmum we'll miss your hotness, think tmr the room is going to be v cold got to remind april to turn up the aircom temp! keke...

4mths baby if ok with mattress den i will askmy mum to try later
cos Alden always seems to move ard during his feed.. so duno if he will like not having us hugging him bo :p

My mum off on wkends $$ give her for OT hahaa... I've tried giving him bolster and put him side way... he cannot balance himself leh :p maybe too round liao! haha

I dun do housework de :p keke... My hubby and mum do :p

I feel like telling him.. if he wana go OT.. the $$ earn must give me.. den i wont be so upset lor! hahaaa

feel blue also no time to come in liao lor! busy pacifying Alden liao! hahaa.. cry together with him!
poko, Justen so cute looking at you, i remember the other time u post 1 pix of him looking at you also. mb he simply adores mama lor!

Hooray for angel recovery!!! How about the rest? Sheris your jh how? Serrich, sherilyn leh?

Fun, now ur Alden dun take much milk is it? See that u r quite troubled. My colleague also face the same problem leh, she said her baby reject milk since 5 months and she was really troubled also!

Alittlemiracle, yes we are sourcing childcare for Ah boi liao. Poor boi still duno that his po po dun wan to take care of him liao. Actually i quite sad also, gotta adjust our schedule soon. By then will be 24/7 everyday see Ah boi and no longer have to go my mum's place everyday! Will hv lesser time for myself also, hmm.. but bo bian cannot be so selfish, my mum is going to take care my bro's baby mah...

i will be sourcing around my area (Bt panjang). alittlemiracle, where is your "Kindermusi"?? (Sorry forget how to spell). I need to source near my house so that we can bring him there and then I hv to go and take bus to my office. I hv to leave my house at 7am everyday, I think after ah boi start childcare, I hv to wake up even more early and to leave house at 6.30am liao... so scare to think of it. 100x panda eyes liao. More "pitera" also cannot cure my "panda" eyes liao...

(Sorry phoebe, I used your nickname.. heheeh..)

lunch.. will talk to you all later.
Sherrich, sorry to hear that that Sherilyn is down with bronchitis. She must be feeling lousy. Not so active right? AUntie kiss kiss her ya? Pray that she will recover in time to wear her nice nice CNY clothes and collect her first ang pows!

Angel too!!! Now can stand to collect angpow already!!! Yippee!!!!

Bitbit, I also sadden by your plight leh. Not easy to source for child care right? If only u stay at my block, cos down stairs next block only is the Touch Communnity Childcare centre. Then u no need to leave home at 6:30 liao. Come lah, Its Clementi Blk 334.
Not po po don't want him lah, but she got new assignment mah.

Crystalmum, cheer up ok? CNY you have long long weekend to bond with crystal ya? Then tomolo, see how if can cha but early home to be with ger ger lah! I going to the bj class tomolo leh...but cannot see u and Shauna and westbb boi cos me going for the class at 9:30am.

Fun, I fully undertand how u feel. Sometimes my hb also need tow ork on Sun and I always hate but what to do? If I whine about it, it will only make him feel lagi worse. But thank God,I have maid to help with baby lah. Tomolo, if baby cranky, why don't you just bring him downstairs for a walk or to the nearby supermarket. Babies by now are easily distracted by the outside environmrnt one and they love to see people!!
bitbit, have you visited any childcare centres yet? which one have you selected? there's one opposite ten mile junction call learning ladder, seems good, you can try? the MMI inside ten miles junction looks good too... think these two will be very near your house liao
dun cry dun cry... be positive ok! when i stress and blue with taking care of bb, i will tell myself now its precious time with bb.. they grow up so fast, so even if its cleaning her poo, or rocking her to sleep.. muz cherish. then i feel better... take the opp to bond with alden, since its just the 2 of you.

u got the contact list? anytime u feel blue u sms any of us mummies lah! or come in here post how u feel. when blue, need listening ear one.. then feel better. tats wat we are all here for.

when hb work on sats, i also will BCC - bin chao chao.. but nothing i can do abt it.

re: feeding bb
i never tried feeding bb with her lying down herself. usu we carry one.. but last nite, i fed her with her lying on bed, and head on my lap. she likes it! and drank up all her milk very fast! cant wait to try tat again tonite!

hope sherilyn recovers soon! dun let her sleep aircon these few days... shauna coughing, i stop on-ing aircon, she got better. also i open window big big, let all the fresh air in.

so rae in same class as angel lor.

aiyo eh.. justen sooo cute! spying on us as we express again! keke. i wan to pinch his cheeks..

another alternative is find a child care near yr office. on the way to work, can drop him there.
By the way, do u all have the contact already? I also want to join in leh? Then can sms each other liao. How to include har?
crystalmum, u dun b sad, u see, today will past, tomolo also will past! very soon each day past, so if you treasure whatever you do, even if you dun like the situation (work), you also try to like it as a day, dun waste the day lah! In short, you try to see the positive of work (ur mindset, ie. postive thinking) then you wun feel bad not able to see crystal. How about thinking that: "At least daddy gets to experience the class this time round." Give him the chance, then you feel better. How? R u more OK liao?

dingdong, thanks for your kind words, i felt better. Duno whether ah boi will be used to staying at his own house from then on or not because he is so used to staying at my mum place during weekedays leh.. he even got his own "territory" there. Whenever he go over to my mum place, he so happy that he will hop to his "territory" there, grab his favoutite blanklet and play or lie there...

U stay Clementi ah? I stay Bt pangjang leh. if go Clementi i have to take bus from there to my work place ler, scare no time. got bus 183 or not? Hmm.. where is blk 334 har? Ave what? good or not? ex$$$?

westbb, actually my hb and I decided to check out the "laddar" also cos it's quite near my place. However i will hv to walk there and then walk back to take my bus leh.. We will to check it out this weekends.

As for the MMI inside Ten mile J, they r really $$$ and only can accept from 18 mths. By Apr, ah boi still not yet 18 mths leh, he is only 17 mths! We did check this MMI before during their OPEN house and went inside to "see" what they doing, the enviroment is nice and VERY big, but too bad it's really $$$ and criteria cannot meet.

hi jas03, Ya i didn;t think of it har. we here got one childcare, is for the tenants here, gotta go and check out the $$ also humm. jas03, why didn;t I think of it.. But hor bringing him and travel on the bus journey very le che duno can cope or not as I dun drive a car leh.

dingdong, if so then rae can meet angel liao! The Sat got alot of gers, there is only 1 boy if I didn;t remember wrongly, i think he is the eldest there bah, haha, that bb boi must be very happy coz he got surround by so many princess since my octopus boi will withdraw fm the class!
crystalmum, your company will give you day off if you work whole day on sat or not??

tonight my hubby company d&d leh, he ask me to go but i got nothing to wear

bitbit, i think it's better to visit the childcare centres during their weekday opening hours and especially mornings. that's usually when the centres are the busiest and with most children. then you can see their activities, routines and how they cope/handle during their peak hours. you can also see the teachers yourself. cos weekends hor, some centres got very few or even no children and not all the teachers are there. the one near your office you try to pop in during the morning when you work lor, as for those near your house, it will be good if you can take a half day leave and visit all those you are interested one shot. bring octopus boy too! see which one he is interested in as well and also see how the teachers/supervisor interact with him..
hi gals!

Just went for a shopping spree.. hehe bought a top and a skirt :p think tats all i'm going to get.. since this yr cant go visiting.. Hb's granny passed away not long ago..

ok.. i'll try the lie on bed feeding method tonite haha.. wish me luck! :D Tonite my mum going back home liao.. Hb sms me say he told boss he cannot work tis wkend.. Boss BCC.. but hb say boss BCC better than i BCC..hahaa

I stopped latching is becos my mum dun want him to get use to latching.. scally i not ard hor.. he look for nipple how? :p

Alden seems to be ok with milk now.. but taking less leh.. abt 120-150ml each time.. but can less for 5-6hrs.. but now before his bedtime we will try to feel him again even if he didnt ask for milk... so tat he wont wake up so early for feed lor
happy.gif, your hb give you lotsa face must be so happy...

dingdong..i think angel not the same class as rae leh... rae should be in crawler class...angel is in walker class (altho she cannot walk and the rest can). her class is at 9am. but will still get to meet you la..and this time i wun be so blur k.. say she is nto angel (right, bitbit?)

westbb, you nothing to wear means you not going ah?? chin chai find something la... or bring your handsome boy along, put him in a carrier then who cares what you wear!!!

kindermusik is at tanglin mall. but they tie up with several childcares/ playgroups etc to conduct classes too. it is a music based programme.
but very jia lat...canoot everything also let angel join lah...will go bankrupt so must go and trial trial and see which ones benefit/appeal to her the most then will eventually go for 1 or 2 if at all lor.
mummies do you all know of any other worthy programmes? so we have BJG, GUG, The little Gym, gymboree, kindermusik, any others ah??
one more thing wana chk with u mummies,

have u put yr s*x life back on track?? i still havent leh
very 'dry' leh.. anyone like me?
<font face="Calisto mt">

So tired &amp; busy today.. Slept @ 3am yesterday cuz Janelle was fuzzing now feel like

<font color="0000ff">Sherrich</font>,

Sorry to hear bout Sherilyn, I'm sure she will be well b4 e CNY.

<font color="0000ff">Fun</font>,

Dun b scare lah, I'm sure Alden will sayang mummy one.

<font color="0000ff">Mummies</font>,

Wat do u use to store EBM? I'm currently using glass bottles from hospital but only can store up to 125ml max. Plytex milk bag only store up to 118ml leh then Medela bottle v ex
I hate workaholic boss!

westbb, this month jan already hv alot of "off" day liao, plus yest MC leh, lots of work pile up, cannot take leave these few days until next month lar. Hb also cannot go during day time coz he need to be in school leh.

I suggest you go to your hb's d&amp;d and bring westbb boi along too. I think the colleagues would love to see your boi lah! Tat time I also say "nothing to wear", end up also L L like tat go and dig some old clothes to wear. moreover this is your hb's d&amp;d not yours, then bo chup lor, just wear those tat could wear to wedding dinner type, put on some make up and blow your hair nice nice can liao.

U say u r the skinny type, then you easy get clothes mah! I m the bah bah type, lagi worst when hving to buy clothes coz everytime need to get the XL or even the 2XL type leh.

I am dishearten becos my body quite difficult to slim down. No matter how much quantity of food I cut down , no matter all the fried things I avoid, still no used. Moreover i still go for those post natal massage and walk up stairs everyday hor! I am still over weight. Yest my therapistic said that I seems to bloat, I also think so, I wonder should I go to scan my tummy because I had fibriod inside last time, I scare it had grown leh...

That time my colleague had a cyst also like that, she is the slim type but no matter how much she never eat also looks like 5 months pregnant, later go and check then found out that she had a 10cm diameter cyst inside. Immediately after the operation, she is back to her original size leh!!!

Do you all ever heard of fibroad?
serrich, help me to give sherilyn a hug... poor girl. pray she will recover before cny..

westbb, u didn't receive my msg huh? i got half box of breast pad.. u want?
phoebe, where u go??

jenifur, I used to store my EBM in glass bottles took from hospital. I used a tupper ware to keep all the glass of frozen EBM so that it will not be all over the freezer.
hi poko &amp; the rest of the mummies,

me now using NUK (0-6mth) medium flow teat for my boi who is 3mths old, so is this too small or big? I tried using Avent teat but he dun seems to like it...


take care n hope yr bb ger faster get well soon!!

Hi Fun good to hear that your ang give you face to stay at home 8)

Talk about oversea trip, my ang will be going for a biz trip in Q4 this year... He try to nego with boss to go for long trip so that I can go with him (long trip spouse got air ticket and allowance but need to be more than 3mths). But he only allow him to go 2mths which is biz trip. If like that I have to stay in SGP 8(. I think I am able to cope during weekday but might be "seven legs eight hand" during weekend. Still a long way to go, Justen might be more easy to handle when he is 1yr old. Alittlemiracle and Bitbit what do you think?

Hi Celine my boi start using medium flow teat around 2 to 3 mths plus too... I find that is good lor can reduce colic.

Remember I tell you all I try changing to large size teats and he cope well yesterfay but today he puke ley so we change back to medium again. One more method to try but need two person. One person carry him and feed the other message his toes.

Both foto is taken by my ang not me... He is looking at his daddy's new toy --- Nokia N70.

Sleep side way
Fun you might want to put a pillow or what to support him to sleep at that position. Once he use to it he will know how to balance liao. But if he haven't tackle but can sleep at that position you need to constant check on him.

Back from town, got a new look just rebond my hair 8) but can't get any cloth for myself 8( too fat to get anything nice 8(

Bring Justen for a haircut tomorrow, think after new year will shave off his hair, if not trim every month too siong liao 8(
