Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?

phoebe - u really wanna do tat hah..not pain for him meh?

bitbit - octopus boi so chubby..saw only his recent photos and din realise he is so so chubby chubby cute cute..he really lost a lot of weight hor..hahahaha..u so funny! 'reject' your boi..haha..u tink he is commodity hah..keke..

u bao fu hah..anyhow say i big up my head big big liao..


aiyo! yr boy sry until like tat u still snap his pic! hahaa.... so bad...

Alden now taking 180ml x2-3times each nite.. i opened 900gm tin last 10 Jan.. now left 1/4 of tin liao! think by this mth end finish liao gotta stand by one more tin liao :D
octopus boy 4 mths so chubby! and he has the cheeky smile even at 4 mths! hey u post the crying pic of him again... but i enjoy seeing it again. so poor thing like tat.. keke.

u so funny, X him got use meh? after he kena X he stopped disturbing you?

crystalmum/westbb - teacher april wan to give to u all the flashcards on sat, but too late, u all went off liao. class getting quite big hor? plus carla will be 6 babies.

phoebe, why u wan to do that? isit for hygiene? will it be painful for him?

welcome! do come in here when you feel you need some encouragement or a listening ear. it helps as BF is a struggle at the beginning, and you need all the support you can to persist on. but it can only get better.. once you set your routine and get the hang of it.. it will be easy as a bee.. keke.
fun - alden drink FM at nite only huh? me oso gave her FM for her last feed at 9pm.

jas - u so early today? hehe..din sleep last nite hah..

who is the new bb? heard from my hubby is chole? who is the mummy? from the hubby say she ask if crystal is crystal..keke..means she know her?

u got take any photos or not at the class? all wear uniform liao rite?
wah, octopus boy so fat so chubby last time! he really slimmed down a lot, but he still got the cheeky look keke...

Alden laugh so happily, really brightened up my day! no more Monday blues...

re: hold bottle
my hh will hold bottle when he's awake & want to drink, but he anyhow hold, so we still need to support the bottle. if he sleepy, his arms will fall by the side and he won't hold. when I latch him he'll hold my breast, hehe. then when no milk comes out he'll squeeze pinch punch scatch... ouch...
morning mummies!

octopus boy really vry chubby when he was a baby hor... looks so still cute lah... you think he look like daddy or mummy ah?
i also post one on angel's younger days....
bitbit/alittlemiracle - wah..y your bb all so chubby gal was never chubby before still so small..i cant imagine when she is one year old leh..means u all cant see her hah??!
dozed off last nite did not pump,last pump was 3.30pm sunday.. so can u imagine.. at 7am wah br like wan to explode liao. dripping away.. eeks! today actually on leave.. but wake up early to pump lor. oni got 240ml! sianz.. but jus now shauna wake up i feed her freshly squeezed one, see she drink it all up every drop, it really is heartwarming.

duno who is the mummy, din hv chance to talk to her cos shauna cranky. but both mama and bb very pretty and chio leh. missed ziwei on sat.

wah!! angel was sooo chubby too! how old was she in the pic? how come she sleep sitting down.. is it a car seat? soo cute!

today on leave is to pack and clean the hse. very messy.. need to throw alot of things. but now very sleepy.. just rocked shauna to sleep.. while she takes her nap, i think i better koon awhile too. a while later than start work.keke!
Angel and Rinchen really look chubby in their younger day. Especially Rinchen he can fight with our Champion Alden ley... Justen is not very chubby now so mean he will be thinner next time. (Justen Mommy stress again)

I think my son master the art of crying, last time still can play by himself for awhile now he just cry once we leave him along... Cry until "yi ba bi ti yi ba yang lie". But after the mood swing, he sleep at 1pm and wake up at 5pm and go back to sleep at 8pm until today morning 7am... (Don't know whether to put a "x" on his hand or not, or just put aside TBA)

Jas I don't know how to do the table ley...
Can I summarise the data of the attendant and sent to you to do the table?
i went online to check how to do hand express. initially was like squeezing my nipple but now more careful already.

i may want to get another pump. cos always get letdown when pumping. think it's such a waste....

u got so many packs of EBM in fridge?? no wonder u guys say next time the fridge will be packed...

your bb so cute....

i din want to supplement but after listening to bb crying non stop (until he no voice) i gave in. so now trying to build my ss so i can do away with FM by one month. setting myself new target everyday

how old is your boy now? the pic of him is very cute. u trying for number 2 soon?

thanks. glad that i found this thread. it makes it easier for me to know that things can only get better and what i m experiencing is normal.
crystalmum, crystal small small, we can't see her nevermind, as long as my ah boi can see her, she is my ah boi "qing ren" mah, as u said. hehee..

BTW, big up there no good ah?? ASSETS leh.

poko, justen like to sleep alot har? Sleep at 8pm and wait up at 7pm, how i wish ah boi can be like that too, then I "qing song" lor..BTW meaning Justen dun wake up for milk ah?

i think Justen not used to being alone due to "security" issue. Octopus boi also like tat, but when u leave him alone with his favoutite toy or familiar place, he will be alright.

I put a BIG X on his arm becos I am so angry with him, cannot tahan liao and duno how to "Fa Xie" so I held his hand, took the black pen, draw the BIG "X". he also bo chup, continue to take my thing. When my hb and mum saw it, they will ask me WHY. Then i can really "Fa Xie" and tell them, he is REJECTED!!!

alittlemiracle, angel really chubby leh! can u post a pix of her when she is awake? Wanna see her smiling face leh!

hmmm miss the chance to meet Rae leh! next time must spy her from outside.

jas03, really, I posted again his crying pix? tat was in Dec when he kenna scold by me! Hb not at home, i so frustrated, so itchy hands.

fun, next time u snap Alden pix when he cry cry, hehehe... so far see u Alden pix which he smiles or angry, not yet see him cry leh!

what brand of milk u using for Alden?

sheris, u really "xing" leh. But got ppl tell me if strike liao hv to stop BFg because it will draw away nutrients for the fetous? So strike liao must stop or continue?

phoebe, u Muslim or Chinese, sorry for asking this... coz I noe muslim will usually do that when baby is younger. Daryl at this age will feel the pain one leh. If u had decided earlier when the "bird bird" is still not sensitive yet, it will be better timing. So u better consider it again...

sp, octopus boi slim down after 6 months when the BM content is not as "fatty" as few months ago. Around 2nd mth, my BM was yellowish in colour like those Dutch lady "Banana flavoured milk" leh. Now all white white and diluted.

mummies, my EBMg will come to a "milestone" liao. I will continue to EBM as much as i can but i noe mother nature asked me to stop. I get 80ml at most at each pump from both side and is depleting each days, sometimes get 75ml only..
alttilemiracle, forget to answer your question. But i duno he looks like who? u think leh? Coz he took away the best of both bah.
SY, instead of getting 2 pumps, why not use a breastshell to collect the milk while pumping the other one? Put in inside the bra.

my boi is 13 mos liao, coming 14 mos. So fast hor? tat time when talking to u over the other thread, u still 5 mos preggy right? har, why u ask me I TTC or not? So if i get preggy, it's my turn to meet Dr Han and ur turn to headache about ur ah boi is it? (Coz tat time was the other way round, hahaha..)

my mum dun hv the time to help me to take care liao, moreover my bro's baby is coming in this May, if strike, headache and stress lar!

Share leh, where is ur boi boi pix?

What's his name? When was he delivered?
tell u all a little secret, last time when I angry with my hb, I also took a pen and draw a BIG "X" on his hand. Sometimes he forget to clean off the next day went to school, students saw and laugh at him.
Mummies - Any tips on how do breastfeed while lying down ?

Crystalmum - A tin of FM must be consume within 1 month after opening.

Bitbit - Is your hb a teacher ? Mine is.
ng, yes yes he is a teacher.

sp, u dun laugh ah, someX angry is like that one. But dun go into violence, draw an "X" on his arm to "Fa xie fa xie" better than take bamboo poles to fight in the house right?

poko u wanna me to help u if jas03 not available?
bitbit, me chinese lah but tot of doing it for hygiene purpose loh.

crystalmum/ jas, i also scared it will be very painful for daryll leh.. and furthermore also scared later the doctor 'chuo suo' cut his bird bird and there goes his manhood. later next time i got no grandchildren den jialat loh...

think i better leave it as it is hor or maybe wait till he's over 10 years old den do it.. haih

sy, great... just dun give up. we are all here to give you support..

ng, just lie down with bb facing each other with your arm behind (head resting on it).. dunno how to describe clearly leh... u get wat i mean? hehe
bitbit, u also very funny leh... can put X on his hand for rejection..
so if you wanna reject your hubby for the night.. will u put an 'X' on his bird bird ar?? hahaha

ALden on Similac Infant FM lor.
haha.. wana see him cry ah?!! wana xin zai le huo isit??!! keke.. ok.. but have to wait till weekend hor.. keke

SY & sp

hehe.. thanks ah... Alden say thank you!


Alden takes FM after 8pm lor.. all the way till 7am if he wakes up for milk
yipeee!!! so happy today coz angel's appetite is back to normal... and hor i have also devised a new feeding strategy... me will present her with her meal, she gets to dictate how much she wants to eat. If she dun want to eat, i will not bribe her with biscuits.... past few months, i always use biscuits to get her to mum mum... until yesterday hor, she saw her dinner of porridge, she sign for biscuits leh...alamak..i want to faint. So i told her no biscuits.
Also i have change of mindset...she wun starve herself so i dn have to worry about her intake too much. Aiyah...feeding a toddler is really hard work sia... is feeding octopus like ah??? Angel really loves to eat from my plate...anything that i am eating she will also want to eat... chiffon cake, yu cha kuey, love letters, fried egg...everthing also want... so sometimes i oblige and give her a bit here and there... you leh... you got give octoups yoru food or not ah??

maybe later i will go down chinatown to look see look see....
phoebe, if at night i want to reject then ask him sleep next room can liao. Hehhehe...

regarding cir Daryl, aiyo.. Go for cir really hygiene meh? I duno how to say also coz no experience on such, muz go and ask Malay friend. Better dun do it lah, cannot pee pee and sure very pain for days, poor boy, very heartache leh.

crystalmum i vote for crystal again although I never get error message.

fun, u pls dun deliberately pinch Alden to make him cry har, else auntie bitbit heartache..
alittlemiracle, it's the same lah they have come to this age. Octopus boi aso prefer our food to his own. He will keep pointing finger, if never give he will fuss and make noise until you give. Ya, we give him wat we eat, no choice. Even my kopi also want, but I strongly refuse kopi for him lar. U noe he wants my hei mee (prawn noodle) but mine with alot of chilli, I told him "La La cannot", he still want, so give him to "experience" what is chilli and la la about. tat moment his face turn and cry loudly and ask for the water bottle. He drink from straw and suck almost the whole bottle. Next time we say "la la" he wun dare to fuss but sit there and see us eat.

hv u been there already or today first time? We went there last Thurs. As it was raining, the crowd wasn't much, but still got crowd. We bought "Gua Zi", those clourful one, then was standing there to try, as expect, Ah boi point and ask for it because we are biteing away. As we took a handful of it to walk around, we thok we will put it on his pram since there is a bottle holder. It came to my surprised that ah boi actually dig it and put it into his mouth (with the shell still intact).

We pass by a store selling japanese mushroom. Ah boi also ate a piece of mushroom because the promotor actually gave it to him.

He is like that one lah, like a rubbish bin, everything also want, everything also eat.

Anyone heard of "So Good" Soymilk? Made in Australia. I like the Vanilla taste one very much. It doesn;t taste like Soy but IS Soymilk, ah boi also like it but can't give him much yet coz it might be sweet for him.
that's a good idea. maybe i will get a breast shell so dun waste. must ask hb go buy..haha

yah man, when u have your 2nd kid, it's like a reversal of roles. u will go back to dr han? he's really a busy man though. but nice and friendly lah. always joking. he hurt his leg during the weekend before i gave birth and he was limping when he delivered me. he quite funny. he kept telling me that lucky i din give birth on sat cos he cannot even stand properly. he even came in a wheelchair (according to the nurses).

i want to share my boy's pix but i trying to resize. his name is Lee Jing4 Heng2. delivered on 17th Jan at 0234 hours. nearly come out 4D....

me and hb also discuss topic of cir. want to do it for my boy but scared he pain pain. but supposed to be more hygenic lor...
hi ladies
could i check with you, if i express the milk out, could i pour it into another bottle which already have cold breast milk (after i store it cold)? ('cos i don't have enough bottle to store it)

if at night feeding express milk, how do you gauge the time of start thawing the milk before bb yells for it? and how long do we need to thaw it in the warm water?
<font face="Calisto mt">

<font color="0000ff">alittlemiracle</font>,

Angel so cute. Got recent pix to see or not? U attended sign language course huh? Where huh cuz I also want to sign up.

<font color="0000ff">Bitbit</font>,

Aiyo, how can u reject ur own boi
Ur boi oso v cute leh but can see he really slim down alot. Got wat "mi jue", teach me leh. I oso wan slim down

Today feel so depressed... only managed to pump out 150ml so far. Like tt how to cont. giving EBM till Janelle turns 1 yr old.

Anyone can advise if I used EBM to bathe my girl, do i dilute e EBM with water? Or bathe w EBM liao then rinse off w lotion?</font>
angel sleeping so cute, she also chubby cute-cute! angel really clever, know how to sign for things!

yr boy's hair so much &amp; so neat!!! he very cute leh, I also want to carry! Miss carrying new born bb... they grow up so fast...

Dun mind me saying, Yr boyboy looks alittle yellowish hor? when is his first PD visit? get yr heart ready for the jundice test.
sy dun mind i agreed w fun jh looks a bit yellow....

sy where u give birth ah? last time my jj got jaundice me smart liao go mt a instead of tmc save a lot n jj discharge ard 2-3 days.....

my advice is dun mix the fresh ones w the chilled milk... not so good..... as u can onli keep chilled milk up to max 24-48hrs
ask serrich abt bathing w ebm she expert at tt
<font face="Calisto mt"> My Janelle was also admitted for "suntaning" so poor thing. I cried on every visit, duno if she still rem drinking breastmilk w my tears or not
fun, jenifur

me heart ache 3x all 3 kids went suntanning but the irst is the worst coz me cry n cry n jh 's jaundice lvl the highest 22 i think way too high.... he there for abt 5 days
hi sheris
i think i need to buy disposable milk storage bag already...

hi ladies
my gal also had jaundice and admitted for 3 days... i cried on the 1st day she admitted. so heart pain to see her suffering from all those blood test and the therapy...
how long does it take for jaundice to subside totally?
sheris, daeyll was admitted for a total of 5 days and his highest level at 21.. poor boy

sunny, bf babies are mre prone to jaundice.. mine took about 2+ months to totally go off..

weird leh... whole day didn't see crystalmum
shopping queen, where are u har? went out shopping again huh? hehehe
i think my boy hit the highest score again.. keke... his highest was 27! Having 3 lights over him and 1 light underneath!!! I didnt give him BM during his stay.. he took FM.. and due to the lights he was quite dehydrated lor.. and take up to 90ml of FM each time!! can u imagine 1 wk old bb drinking 90ml!! must be darn thirsty!! :"(
I cried when i carry him on the second day og stay.. my tears keep falling.. trying so hard to fight back the tears.. keep thinking all these is for his own good...not to worry at all!
i realise he a bit dark. in that photo i also blocking light or he won't open eyes!

u r right, his jaundice level going up. we bringing him to polyclinic to monitor. tmr is the third visit. doc say it's normal leh...we try to sun him a bit also...

his hair very cute one. no need do anything also look very neat. so that's why pple tot he look like girl cos of his hair...

yah, hopefully his test result tmr won't need him to go hosp...keeping fingers crossed...

what can i do to bring down his level?
ng - thanks for answering my qn..all the mummies all bochap me bad hor..keke..but then is a good sign lah..means they all giving BM so dont know FM can tahan how long hehe..

phoebe - eeee..y u so x-rated one..haha..pp toking abt small bird..u tok at big bird..haha..oops..din i say anything?

me no go shopping lah..i got come in post the link of my crystal's voting again mah..hehe..but i on leave 2molo leh..huh..can go shopping!

fun - your alden so guai one..sleep thru huh..crystal still wake up..'' in the middle of the night leh..haii..

alittlemiracle - good to hear that angel has recovered..angel ok mummy happy hor..hehe..

bitbit - thanks again for your support leh..u wont put x on crystal hor? cos she oso very noti..hehe..

sy - boi so much hair! so crystal so little hair..everyone tot she is boi leh..

sunny - always tot the temp shd be the same if u wanna mix the milk..but hor..sometimes i too lazy oso mix different temp. one leh..heng my gal so far ok..

thawing means from frozen hah? i not too sure abt frozen one cos my gal dont drink tat..if chilled one hor..i always agar agar..use hand to test if it is warm enuff..then after tat..jz feel the bottle lazy pour here pour there.

my gal got slight jaundice too..almost cant discharged with her..heng hers was only sun for one day before discharge..i see her under 1 or 2 lights already so heartpain leh..and hor..i went to see the nurse take her blood to test..saw her cry till so qi cham..ran bk to my home..see her still yellow yellow..go sun her under sunlight till she a bit chao ta..

but the hosp. can rent the lights for u to bring home to sun right? my fren did and bb ok within 3 days leh..
bitbit, i like ur idea of "X-ing" your hubby and octopus boy when you cannot tahan them anymore! next time i will also Triple-X them when i can't stand it! keke... no problem you can come and visit me when you free, i want to see octopus boy's lu shang zhen mian mu!

phoebe, my hubby works in alexandra area leh! can i get him to collect from you? you ok, will not be paiseh rite? :p

jaundice, my boy also jaundice and need to go 'suntanning' leh, and he also kenna dehydration and pass pink urine! imagine the shock me and my hubby had when we changing the diaper and saw pink stuff in it!! i thought he was passing blood!!! my goodness! i also cry buckets when i know he got jaundice and dehydration and need to stay under the light...
sy sun him but onli morning sun cant be too hot.... then make sure he got drink lots of bm or water so got lots of urine to pass out the yellow pigment
crystalmum, yah me and jas doing something behind yourself you dunno meh? kekeke... dont fume until you jump up and down hor, wait got "hot mama earthquake"

SY your bb so much hair!!!! i very envious!!!

bitbit i also got a photo of my boy crying v hard... hehe looks like we both like to take photos of our boys crying so jek-arh

no la.. Alden where got so guai keke.. i meant if he wakes up during the nite.. he will have FM lor..usually sure wake up once de..

I actually have a pic of Alden crying when he was it is..keke

hahaha so many crying bb photos!!! very "refreshing" from the usual cutesy happy mood ones hehe

fun, Alden like crying very si-wen hor? hehe... crystalmum, crystal cried until the pacifier dropped out ah? so funny!
