Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?


I am stayin in a brought Nat to own pool...Nat is comingt o 6 mths next week and yest is the 1st time she went swimming..she loves it so much...

me on half day today! going off now..going to select crystal's bb contest photo
..after tat shd i go fox or zara hah?

Called bjg and the youngest age group they have is 9 mths NAt will be the youngest one
thanks thanks.. i think the 2nd icon fits me right now! ask u hor, i save it as a gif file.. then i post it like a photo isit?

he crawl past crystal and shauna ok! towards april..

in the end i tink its abt 4plus she sleep.. not sure, we 2 sit on the bed in the dark, she talk by herself, me din see the time.

then how come at nanny hse no sleep? funny.. mayb he still loves his own home best! he ren di fang liao..

i take the board and kok yr head ar.. say i eng so loud! me usu first 2 weeks > free, last 2 weeks then bz like mad lah. yr fenugeek at my place i think grow mould liao. mayb joshua oredi outgrow the diaper sample poko give you liao.
jas03, u and celine known each other outside is it? Or colleagues? Neighbour?

btw, the way you describe for saving and posting "gif or jpg" is correct lah.

harr..... i so tired.
<font face="Calisto mt">Blur me, went to sign up e BJG trail class w/o checking if my ger ger old enuf or not.
HB said I siao liao, ger only 4 mths want her to go 4 class.
jas03, tat day u say can cut and paste a table from excel, i test test here cannot leh. it turns out no line leh, you see har:
Nickname DOB
aaa 123
bbb 456
i brot my gal to BJG when she was 4 mths too... but for trial oni lah. find that she was not very responsive. now better.. can see she pays attn when teacher flash cards. also easier tat she can sit on her own during lesson. just my own tots.

u put "\table" then open bracket {.. then you paste yr excel cell... then close bracket }. try again see?

i am very very tired, my eyes very heavy. later got meeting 4pm somemore. i scared will doze off..

celine and me neighbours cum old fren lah.
hello zombied this morning and was reading the inspiring jas posted instead of posting myself.... angel is not well...fever...and did not sleep til so peng san...still have to wake up to pump... then read those stories liao..more motivated.. thanks jas u not joining the class issit?? did you think octopus enjoyed the class but your hb dun let issit?

crystalmum... you are really shopping queen..take half day to go shopping ah??

westbb...this is family thread post xxx material ah... crystalmum you wear very low cut to bjg class issit?? heehee...

crystal realy looks alot smaller than shauna hor... so westbb boy and shauna or cyrstal closer in size ah??

bitbit..why are you so tired and mad ah???

i brought angel swimming 5 or 6 months...but it was not until recently that she show real enjoyment.
Hi Jenifur
I also plan to go BJG ley, but I think will only go when Justen is around 6months and above... You plan to go the one at west or east? If east maybe we can go together... Kee kee!!! So My boi can hold hand with your girl 8)
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Poko</font>,

Not sure yet leh. If they hv it @ Orchid Country Club then I'll go tt one. Tot let my ger go trial 1st but I keep 4getting my ger onli 4 mths
I am bring my Nat for a trial soon.......dun know if she is too young....bringing her to the PR one...
Nat still refuse to drink EBM mixed wif no choice got to throw away liao....

u wanna my EBM?? can email me to arrange...
me went to see the photos today for the cute bb contest..quite nice lor..but then my crystal is cute mah..any photo is xiao liao..cos spend $125 on the photos leh..haiii..but there is tis 'special' photo tat is really nice lor..but cost $ still bgt it..
tink my hubby come back going to murder me if u dont see me online 2molo..u know wat happened..

love - tot the youngest is from 5 mths onwards? or u come join the bt batok one? keke..

jas - shauna so cute..tok to herself one..crystal not 'toking' much yet leh..

jenifur - tink the crawlers class start from 4mths how? u sign up liao hah..they din ask you how big your gal meh?

alittlemiracle - is angel better now? she teething? y suddenly fever huh..

aiyo..i dont know 'bao' like wat liao..still can see meh? ya lor ya lor..westbb boi cand crystal really close in size more pei rite? keke..

poko - u finally strike liao hah..kai zong jenifur's gal hah..keke..

no lah no lah u super efficient not eat snake lah :p

hey y not you grow the fenugeek lah mayb by the time i collect got more than one bottle haha...

after talk to you hor i super bz liao really being a working mum is real tough especially still got to find time to express milk during working hours. I hope i wun be stuck in some meeting whole day den my brs engorge so hard how to tell my boss i need to go pump milk first huh... :p


my PD is at United square..hey talking abt him hor i suddenly remember I saw the actress Vivian Lai with her bb ger n hb go see PD too leh she quite pretty but not as slim as i think she is and she is short leh :p but she like super tau machiam scare we look at her faster rush into the PD room thou the PD walk out to toilet. chey she not Maggie Cheung or hollywood star wat I wun bother to stare at her for long aey lah :p
morning... today late liao... now still pumping away...

sick angel..
she got some throat and nose infection lor... pd say dun wnat to give antibiotics, see whether it will clear up on its own first or not. these 2 days angel also so noti... if she wakes up from sleep at night...she die die also want to go out of the room... go out liao, she will start ot play last night i hen xin dun let her go out... she cry "mama mama mama mama" most pitifully... but i still dun let her go out.. then she will peng san after a few minutes... last night happen a few times like that lor... my sleep so poor...

hwah..the pictures cost a bome sia!!! they must be really nice pics for you to be willing to part so much money with.

later....angel is awake...
Morning mummies..this is crystal's contest photo..will let u know when it is up..cos the my gal's photo kanna mix up with another gal's on the web..

mummies ah..i tink my gal very noti leh..tis morning..i tried to snatch away tis coaster she playing with..she 'screamed' and was very angry and din let go leh..then her face red red somemore..aiyo..why she like tat one..does it mean next time she will be a selfish person? not willing to share her toys with others? me so to teach her to share hah?

alittlemiracle - then angel got take the flu med or not? poor angel..she must be tired oso..oops i mean poor tired..guess she is feeling uncomfortable to sleep lor..we adults kanna flu oso like tat..mummy gotta tahan a bit..

photo not nice i oso say my crystal mah..keke..
u very poor thing. Joshua will outgrow this phase one, so pls hang on &amp; keep up the pumping! Jia You!

wow, crystal very sunny &amp; cute, can't wait to vote for her!

yalor, that time I REALLY came to s'pore to meet up with brides-to-be. we makan korean food yum-yum. got chance want to meet again, I miss them very much.

eh, u come m'sia must look for me hor! We bring u go makan good food! we bo lui so will bring u to eat street food/ mamak/ coffee shop, hope u don't mind. what u like to eat ah, do u mind unhealthy food like hokkien mee, grilled sambal fish, char kueh teow... hmm, think yr diet sure gone if u let us feed u hahaha...

welcome, weoseek!

I also want to bring hh for a swim one of these days. what we need to buy ah, wet suit, swim diapers, float, anything else?

my hh also same like yr Nat, don't like to drink my ebm. my MIL waited till he sleepy &amp; blur then managed to feed him once yesterday. tried mixing on sunday for 2 feeds, 1 feed he finished 4oz, the 2nd feed only took 2oz.

have u tried mixing ebm with cereal/ puree to feed? or feed ebm when Nat sleepy? pls consider keeping yr ebm for another week or 2, then re-introduce to Nat, maybe by then she'll take it again? we do this when they reject solid also mah, pls try ok? ebm anytime better than fm for our bb...

serrich, so sorry I keep telling Love to keep trying. maybe she can pass u her "expired" or "going to expire" stock first?

hope yr angel gets well soon, she so poor thing cant sleep &amp; u also must take care ya.
I only let her wear wet suit only.....bought float but haven use.....wait till she can sit 1st......didnt buy swimming diapers too....hehehe....
crystalmum - i won't snatch things away from my son but will swop with him. he's learnt that he cannot have 2 things at 1 time (cannot be greedy) so he'll auto swop when he wants something else. like if there's anything he took that i want to take away, give him his toy or something i am comfortable with. unless of course he's playing with knife (just for e.g. la) then i have to sternly take it away. i'll leave him to scream, cry, roll on floor - i don't care. in that case, i won't give him anything to exchange but will tell him cannot play with that particular thing. no hug hug kiss kiss too to drive the message home.

now he has the habit of using his pacifier to exchange for his milk bottle, biscuits, or whatever he fancies :p


<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Crystalmum</font>,

I signed up for e trial, now waiting for them to contact me lor. Ur Crystal so Sweeeeettt.... can't wait to see her in person. Let me know when can vote for her.

e outfit was your own or provided? I like e bandana.

Hee, see ur crystal foto now I "xin yang yang", feel like bringing Janelle go take her portfolio. Think my HB will sure slaugther me</font>

How old is ur bb?? Which branch did u sign up....I sign up at PR branch and my ger is the youngest there....
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Love</font>,

Janelle will turn 4 mths tmr. e form online nv ask to indicate branch leh. Will prob choose west or orchid CC if hv</font>
Jas03, I test test:
<table border=1><tr><td>nickname</TD><TD>DOB </TD></TR><TR><TD>aaa</TD><TD>111 </TD></TR><TR><TD>bbb</TD><TD>222</td></tr></table>
Yipee... easy easy, jas03, thanks for sharing this wonderful trick!

Today is our co establishment day so this PM going to visit some brewery as a kind of co. celebration. jas03, so later dun need to page me to la-kopi liao.. kinda miss u all leh..

alittlemiracle, is angel ok already? what happen to her out of a sudden? She looks fine last weekends leh?

most probably not goign to the bjg class liao. Not sure whether octopus boi enjoy or not, think he enjoy more of the toys than the flashcard?

crystalmum, i think crystal's attitude is the same as my boi. he also like that if you snatch a thing he holding on to, he will give a scream and scream and scream, like very selfish type. As like what i told earlier, if I snatch from, he might think that "snatching is alrgith" so i also blurr duno how to teach him. He is also very bad temper and noti. Do you understand "man per" (meaning the skin very thick, beat or cane also bo scare one.) i told the bjg teacher (April) about his attitude, she said baby at this age are like that very egoistic one. Duno other mummies your babies like that one or not?

Regina got the solution!!!

crystalmum, ur crystal super SWEET leh, the phot is really very very pretty!!! But the cost of taking the pix also very ex$$$...

sp, if i go malaysia, ok i sure go find you. Business trip mah, coz u r my worm supplier.

poko, u strike liao?

jenifur, thanks for the SUN, so shinny, I also muz wear sunglass liao..

Love, serrich wants your EBM, dun throw yet.

see u all tommorrow..
crystalmum, y the picture doesn't look like crystal? dare not vote yet... think they still have not rectify the mix-up leh...
crystal pic got mixed-up with cloie ong right??
erhhh...i cannot find crystal's picture leh...but can see crystal's name... me also have nto voted yet... what is happening ah??

Angel looks better now (i think) her cough cough still bad... pd ask me if i brought her to playgroup...i say no leh... then i step out of clinic then i realise yah hor...saturday bjg class considered playgroup wat... the blur me strike again... next time come back from class must make sure i clean clean her hands, legs, face etc... other mummies who send their kids to playgroup also take note! dun want your little precious to fall sick right??

i also try not to snatch things from angel... i will say please (sign) then sometimes she will give me... of course sometimes she wun lah... but most times i will exchange with her something more interesting. Nowadays, she will also sign please when she wants me to give her something... how to say no when she say please right..sigh....
phoebe/alittlemiracle - u din see tis pic? Choie Ong is choie ong leh..not hubby oso tot why i let my gal put on 2 outfits..haha..they look alike hor..keke..
Jenifur,I think of bringing Justen to BJG when he is around 6mths old. So they have a branch at YCK?

Bring Justen to his PD yesterday, get some medicated cream for his rash (ok liao but keep for precaution). He didn't increase a lot after 4 weeks, now his weight is 7.7kg and 66cm. Only increase 500g ley... But PD say is ok as long as he is drinking about 700 to 800 per day. She also advise me to give him BM until 6 mths if possible. Try not to start him with solid.

Today try to stretch my "moo moo" time from 630am to 10am. Seem ok, Decided to pump twice daily in the office and latch on at home. Don't know whether by doing that my SS will drop or not...

Crystalmom say I strike because of Jenifur BB lah... Tot can go hold hand at BJG.

I love the װin M'sia... And their hawker food are super ley...

Jas I think I need to borrow your "Panda" liao Wake up to feed at 2 and 5 8(

How is angel hope she is ok now...

Crystal really adorable, Auntie voted liao.
crystal has my vote too!
how long did the photo session take? I wonder if I ever will have such a nice pix of my gal....

went pd today. gal only 6.9kg and 65 cm. v sad. Thought she would hit big 7 when she is 6 months but she din...
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Poko</font>,

Think they hv 1 inside Orchid CC leh. Hope hv lah cuz I stay in Sembawang so Orchid CC is much nearer than Bt Gombak</font>
Hi crystalmum,
Crystal looks so vibrant and sweet!! A nice pose too!! Is that sunflower a prop from the studio? When Sherilyn took her pic the photographer didnt give her anything else. Luckily i let her wear wrist rattles.. otherwise will look so boring!

Thanks for helping me to inform Love abt the ebm..
mummies..thanks for your support for Crysal very kan dong..Crystal oso wanna say "Thank you Aunties!"...

oh..means i actually wrong in snatching things away from her hah..

regina - hehe..ur boi so his pacifier for other things..keke..

jenifur - the outfit i bgt one..from bumwear at united square..

bitbit - i tink since went down to take photo liao..jz buy lor..dont tink i will take her to studio shoot again..

guan jiao xiao hai zi really difficult no clue one..haiii

tuffy - the photo shoot very short leh..tink 5mins gal in happy mood mah..

my gal 8mths yesterday..brgt her to weigh..she only 7.3kg!!!! wanna faint..means pass one mth she put on 100g!!??

serrich - the sunflower is the prop from the studio..she jz took and say is suitable to take with my gal's outfit..

alamak! our gals got the teeny weeny genes! sigh... I thought my gal put on quite a bit too since I get tired so easily carrying her. end up only 200g. chey...
