Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?


Wow! Crystal looked so bright in the pic! $75 ah.. keke.. I bu she de leh :p

haha.. onli 200gm ah.. come come come Yishun.. carry Alden... den u will think yr ah gal is like feather! haha!


My PD also asking us when we starting solid.. We told her abt 6mths ba.. she just nod her head

She also say Alden is not overfed.. onli tat he is on the chubby side.. not to worry
Alden drinks abt 4 times a day.. abt 4-5hr interver abt 720ml total

vote for crystal liao. hope crystal win! crystal! crystal! *chanting leh..

u wan to borrow tis?

Yeah! *clap clap* you did it !! yr table successful!

how is angel now? been thru when bb is sick.. it is soooo stressful and i know.. sleep deprived rite? can loan you the zombie icon too. u share share with poko.

yeah tats the prob with exposing bb to playgroup, so everytime after BJG i will go my IL place and will bath her there. so hor, u see, my diaper bag on sat big big one.. carry all her toiletries plus bath tub over. kwa zhang rite?

i also duno how to discipline my gal. take away gently also cannot.. she will scream. and latest trick is she will scream and throw herself backwards! so scary, everytime gotta 'hop' her. she is really getting spoilt. these few days once she start doing tat, i will put her down and ignore her until she stop. but my heart very pain when i see her screaming away with tears, and later when all over... she stop crying liao, she still like snif snif.. snif snif.. cos cry too hard earlier. my heart really pain. sigh..
crystalmum, I voted for crystal yesterday too.

tuffy, maybe my hh also won't hit 7kg when he 6 mths as he's still not drinking much. Wonder when his appetite will pick up...
crystalmum, me also vote for crystal liao.

By the way, i also sent email to take part in the contest yesterday and they sent back an email saying that they give a time slot for me between 11 to 11.45am on 18 jan, mine, that is today, crazy one, how could that be possible har??? i just read the email this morning! not even given me a day time to reply!

crystalmum, they send me an email said that the reg fee is S$25 and baby Boom Cover Start is free, what do they mean? meaning it's free or must pay? If must pay then most probabl I wun be trying it again.
jas - thanks for your strong support so touched..

my gal always throw herself back oso..esp in the bumbo seat..haiii

bitbit - reg fee for the cutest kid bb contest is $ the baby boom cover is another one..means u enter 2 contest lor (dont know tat baby boom cover is contest or not)..but pay for one reg fee lah..

Thanks bitbit & sp for your support for crystal! never miss me har? (sob sob)

crystalmum, u know ah, my Rae put on 1 whole kg from 6 to 7 months leh. Now she weighs about 9kg already. Very scared she overfed.

You know ah, after you all talk so much about BJ, I also called Annie and she says got trial class this sat at 9:30am!!! Yippee!!!

Jas03, crystalmum,westbb - how do u all find the class? Do your babies enjoy it?

Anyone going?
u yest posted mah.. so we know u are ok. they never post at all few days.. so wonder abt them lor.. how is Rae? wats her latest tricks? dun worry lah.. Shauna is older abt 2 weeks? last time i weigh her was 3 weeks ago, and she was 9kg plus.. so abt the same lor.

i duno she enjoy the class or not. but give her exposure and let her interact with other babies lor. Update us abt how Rae enjoyed the class ok!

Bitbit, tell us if jedi boy is in the contest.. we wan to vote for him!

of cos i will support crystal.. cos she is like shauna's twin sister ok.. same day sister! hope they will grow up to become gd frens.
crystalmum / jas03,

I think the contest agent realised their mistake that they had overlook the date which is like last min basis, i dun even have the chance to respond. Anyway i didn't write back to confront them but I got an SMS from them saying that I have the option to choose another date.

crystalmum, if i juz want to enter the baby Boom need to pay or not?

tuffy & dingdong, post ur bb's recent's pix leh, both the pretty little princess leh..

how come nowaday dun see alittlemiracle around? R u around alittlemiracle? How's angel liao??? Did u bring her to the pd? Pleaseeeee update us leh?!!

Dingdong, u also contacted Annie ah? I guess she muz have think how come recently so many mummies call her for trail class leh! She juz called me to ask whether I am enrolling my boi officially. Hmm.. but we wun be joining.

We r now in a fix as my bro's baby is coming out soon, now we might need to seriously plan how to handle ah boi since my mum 1 person wun be able to take care of a big mischievous baby and a tinee weene newborn lah.. We probably might have to put ah boi to childcare liao... if so then we wouldn't need the BJG coz it would add extra $ to our already sored pocket...

last night i took some pix of ah boi mischievous new trick, but not yet hv the time to download. i hope I could do t one of these days...

Sheris, w r u? R u ok already? How about the kids and baby? Wat about your work? Did the old hag (ur boss) try to make things difficult for you again?

poko, i thok u really strike and I wanna congrat u liao!!

Fun, is ur hb on the "chubby" side too? Can see that Alden's size is so nice to cuddle though he is on the "heavy duty" range, hehe.. Now he had shaved his hair, even more chubby to hug hug leh!
juz for curiousity, why on the "last Poster" column, only crystalmum & my nickname is repeated inside and outside brackets har?? Why the rest only appear one time without brackets?
ok lah. Can accept your explanation. Am looking forward to the rtial but not sure if hubby will ok for enrollment cos quite ex leh. Each session only 1 hour right?

I think hor all the babies in the same age grp behave somewhat similar. She also very man zang one if try to remove things fomr her hands or when I refuse to give her something. Grimace her face, tuck in her neck and grunt till face purple one. Quite scary leh.
And hor, she also like to swing backward forcefully out of a sudden when sitted upright. Like you, I have to always "hop" her body lor. Worse when she does this om the bed and I am just next to her. Somtimes she just crash into my face. Myself painful already still must sayang her first.

These days, she is learning to crawl but the commendo type when the belly is on the ground. And I am her obstacle course (mountain). She will half climb/half crawl over me from right to left and reversal. Then her hand anyhow pull and grab. My nip, nose, mouth, arm (wherever u name lah) Quite painful leh.

But when see her laugh...forget the pain already. Silly right?
Hi mommies,
I have a big problem here.. Am trying to intro FM to Sherilyn but she's rejecting it. I have tried giving her Mamil for 4 nites but she onli took 3oz at most.. Then yest I tried Similac yesterday she onli take 2oz. She managed to finsh up ebm which i made for her later. Any of u got the same pbm?? Its such a waste to open the FM then she dun want.. I think the last FM i gg to try is enfapro..

My ss also running low cos I onli pump 2-3sessions now.. Dunno y she so fussy abt the FM taste ley. Sigh!!

Anyway I beginning to lose faith abt how good BM is leow. Sherilyn is sick again! Now down wf cough and a bit if runny nose.. She has been on ebm for more than 6 mths ley but sick almost every 2-3 months once.. I tot breastfed babies should be much healthier and have stronger immune system ley. Looks like my ebm nt tt nutritional afterall?? Haiz

Rae so bui bui ley!! Sherilyn onli 7kg at 6 mths old ley!! I think Sherilyn quite malnutrition. Both me & hubby big size so she shouldnt be on the petite side rite?
Sherilyn also joined the BJG class @ CDANS. She is very attentive when it comes to flashcards. And somehow Sherilyn now more interested to flip, creep & crawl leow.. She used to be so lazy. Dont even attempt to flip wf me helping her.. April tried to get the babies to crawl towards some toys during class and it realli helped!

Same here.. Sherilyn also loves to pull my hair & specs, grab and scratch my face and nose! How painful hor!!

Which childcare have u shortlisted??
my la-kopi partner.. i very sad u are so far away. if oni we can really mit to la-kopi!

yeah post Rae latest pics leh! i wan to see her.
SO Sherilyn also in the BJG class har? So many of you! Are u all in the Sat 4pm class together? I want to join leh, but the timing is no good leh.

Rae now more boy alreadi leh. Let me show you all har.

my multipurpose chair, for eating, drinking, playing

Auntie, see i can sit!!
boo hoo hoo...
angel is so sick... the poor thing...she looked to me like she was getting worse so i brought her back to pd but pd said abou the same... angel cough is really bad...and she has mastered the art of throwing up her medicine...really terrrible...cannto get medicine in and she is not improving... sigh.... she fell asleep on the way back from pd and is sleeping already... dunno what time she will wake...looks like it will be a long night for me sia....

does that mean you are scouting around for a childcare now?? you must be so 'fan"

rae is such a sweetie pie!!

i just signed up for a trial class for kindermusik...going next tues...hope angel is better by then....

my ss is really going downhill... very shang xin... but no choice lor...
dingdong, Rae is sooo sweet... sure looks more like you hor.. hehe

alittemiracle.. poor angel, help me giver her a hug ya.. hope she'll recover soon.

tot kindermusik is for 2yrs and above?

me still at the office leh... sianz
hey gals..

need to chk..

Alden today feeding at:
6.30am 180ml
12pm 170ml
5pm 170ml
6plus took abit of water

onli 3 times feeding so far... isit too little huh? Somemore my mum have to make him drink wan leh... not auto de lor.. could it be teething? He just pooed today since last sun.
jas n bitbit
me so touch tt u two miss me... sobz other mummies dun miss me

i on leave for 3 days liao... jh got fever since fri till now so busy take care of him sat morning brought him to gp then sat nite to mt a coz fever nv go down 39.7 n vomit two time... then doc say is ear n throat infection but if fever still persist by tue might hv to admit to hospital so i wait till tue then jh still fever brought him to kk then doc say infection mostly clear so monitor at hm two more days for fever to go down....

my boss actually personally call me to warn me ab taking anymore leave n implied rather obivously tt i should quit but heck care i still take 3 daysleave to take care of jh....
Hi Fun
See my boi milk intake:-
Yesterday 8pm - 140ml, 1.3am 150ml, 5.30-6.30am latch on, 11am - 160ml, 4pm - 170ml, 8.20 - 9pm latch on, not happy give him another 80ml... sleeping now.

Nanny feedback that although he drink not much with 5hr interval but he sleep alot. Compare to last week don't sleep don't eat I am much more happy liao.

More heart pain is the amt of milk I am throwing away each day 8( But no choice...Like Celine thinking why pump so many time when my boi is not taking that much. But everyday I am hoping that he can take more so still maintain my pump schedule.

My boi still poo poo everyday, but my SIL say some breastfeed bb don't poo everyday one so don't be too worry...

BTW can I check with you, is Alden ok after the jab? Remember the last jab both our boi didn't poo for 5 days, how about this time?

Hi Bitbit
I think I gonna die if I really strike, one already so stress liao...

Hi Sheris, Serrich and Alittlemiracle
Hope your BB will get well soon...

Hi Jas
Thanks for sharing the zombie Icon, I really need it... Remember seeing an article about a mommy with triples she say she sleep 5hr each day... Me too ley and I only got one BB, if like what Bitbit say I really strike I think can only sleep 3hrs daily liao. Touch Touch Touch wood...
alden teething? activities normal or more tired?if normal maybe teething or throwing temper lor.... jj now also not makaning as much but i suspect he teething can see white white thg at the back of his gums....

maybe alden nt makan much so poo poo not much...calm urself n monitor... dun be too kan chong spider......
dingdong - rae is so bb overfed ok mah..better than underfed like mine rite? my gal seem to enjoy the class tat is y i sign up..but dont know y first lesson she a bit cranky..haiii..

jas - aiyo..i wish they are twins..haha..cos shauna so pretty..keke..i oso wish they will be good frens..hehe cos their mummies has so much in common hor..

bitbit - i dont know abt the baby boom contest leh..paiseh..

serrich - my gal oso got problem finishing the FM when i started to give oso kan cheong..scare she dont ss decreasing..then hor i cheat a bit..put same amt of water with 3 scoops instead of 4 scoops (similac)..and slowly increase to 4 scoops..she finish leh..but i know is not good..but tot only a few days shd be ok lor..if she dont take FM totally is worse rite..

my gal oso leh..dont know see doc how many times oso wonder if my BM quality good or not..

alittlemiracle - poor angel! *sayang*

fun - maybe alden in one of his moods today..

sheris - glad to hear jh infection mostly clear..u can fang xin liao..really hard on u these few weeks..u take care too leh..

i dont miss u leh..keke..i 'see' u almost every nite mah..hehe..
jas/westbb - me cannot go class tis sat again..haizz..but my hubby taking crystal to class lor..i need to work whole day cos got office will miss crystal so much..means i only have 1 full day to spend with her on sun..huh..maybe take leave next week..
Poko, Sheris & crystalmun

Thanks for yr advises!

yea Alden also sleeps alot still.. will take naps but not long de leh.. mum say 10 mins or less each time..
I dun think its the jab ba.. cos his pooing schedule always abt 3-5 days once de.. I onli afraid tat its due to not poo tats why not eating.. stomach too much rubbish cannot let out liao hehe..

teething starts from the back de meh?? i tt from the two lower front teeth first?
morning mummies... thanks for all the well wishes for angel... really sucks to have a sick baby... she is asleep now, after waking up at 6am...wanted to drink water and kept asking for more water...then i cannot see in the the water spill all over her pj... then have to change which time, she was awake brough her out to watch me pump then hb brought her in again and she fell asleep.

phoebe, kindermusik is from 0 months leh!

fun, if baby is putting on weight, i think then should be's when they dun put on weight then you worry lor.. his milk intake does seem abit on the low side but maybe he is self regulating... at one time angel also like that... but the phase will pass lah...

the pd say that angel's current milk intake of about 550ml is borderline shoudl give her calcium rich foods like tofu, yoghurt or cheese... i have not tried giving her cheese...hope she will like it...
bitbit, you got give octopus cheese boh ah?? if have, what cheese you give him ah??

saturday got function must work whole day ah?? poor thing you... must make it up to crystal on sunday... sunday is CRYSTAL TIME!!

your boss really jia lat leh... how has your job hunting been ah?? help me to box him hor!

you mention you giving shauna cod liver oil issit.. how you administer ah?? she like the taste? you give her plain or flavoured? me let angel try try but she like not so keen leh...and then that oily taste is so horrible (for me)...wonder if she will take to it.

yesterday at the pd, there was this kiosk outside with the songs with babies' names. you bought liao right? think you mentioned it some time ago.. me while waiting for angel's turn to see pd, also go and buy one... very jia lat hor...wait for doc also go shopping.... hee heee... but i listen to the whole cd liao, only like the first track with the wake up song...very ex hor the cd...
Harlow, mummies, today wake up feel very sianz, sent sms to my colleagues ask them help me tell boss I on MC. Bo chup!

dingdong, the way u describe Rae seems to ring the same on me too. My octopus boi aso like that, climb over and reserve again, seems like he did it on purpose. If he is not happy while sitting, he will fuss and then body body jerk & lie to the back thinking that you will "hop" him. If we never notice sure fall on the head one lah, then he cry even louder! U says that Rae looks like boy, I dun think so lah. Her eyes so bright and her little mouth so sweet, she is really a pretty little princess liao!

Dingdong, u aso think that BJG is quite ex- ah? Ya 1 hour only.

alittlemiracle, yes I am stress sourcing out childcare center for ah boi now, no choice already. Last night my bro sent me sms saying "hope u adjust your time for my situation." Meaning he wan my mum to go over to help my SIL in the confinement, then ah boi sure kenna rejected what? At least for the 3 months ML, how my mum going to take care of a big baby and a young baby? Who else can take care of him, really sad leh, my mum seems like shifting her attention liao after so many months taking care of my boi. I noe he is very noti, but then how?

How's angel? Poor ger, I can noe how bitter to force her to take medicine! It sure come all out since she will try to wriggle away and dun even want to open her mouth right? I came by the same path lah! Hope she is getting better!

sheris, we all missed u coz u seems to disappear out of a sudden leh! Like to say thank you to you for your great effort to compile the contact list in admist of having to take care of the children, esp now that jh is not feeling well! How is he now? Really hope he wun need to admit to kk, so scary leh the infection just came like tat? How it actually happen, did you give heaty food or what? The good thing is at least jh is getting better, can fang xin liao.

Sheris, I really hate your boss! Old hag! Ask her if she like to quit so much, then quit herself lar, expect ppl to follow wat she want juz becos she hates ppl taking leave. If it's not serious, ppl take 3 days leave for wat, siao one!

poko, u not strike ah? Chey.. take back my clap clap!!

Jas03, u r a good IT teacher, thanks for teaching me to do the table!!!

The zombie icon nice
to use right, my eyes is tickling like tat too, so tired and I declare myself a Zombie panda today! Tatz y I on mc, super sianzzzzzz liao...

me now at home not much icon to use..

crystalmum, so u yourself not bringing crystal tis week ah? If so then I not going to hang around and pop in BJG liao. Coz besides seeing crystal, I also want to see u and ur ( )( ) as describe by westbb. See how "hot" you are!!(jumping or not, hehehhee???) As long as I dun bring ah boi, u wun be able to recognise me, so u can't hit me with washing board, hahahha...
Aunties, see I can stand leh! Cross legs somemore!

This is a smaller block, i also can stand on it, hahaha

New hair cut for CNY, handsome bo?
(Ah-gong cut hair for him)
angel is snoozing away leh...dunno want to wake her up or not leh... do you wake up your sleeping babies in the mornings or youlet them sleep to whatever time they like... i usuallly will wake angel up if she does not wake by 8am... but today she sick mah... so thinking maybe let her sleep

aiyoh she awak eliao
I will carry my Nat when I leave the house at abt 625am...but usually she will wakes up on her own......I also heartpain that she cant sleep a bit more....
Sherilyn is attending the 12.15pm class.

Thanks for your well-wishes! Sherilyn's cough got better but seems that she still got a lot of phlegm ley. I could hear her breathing wf difficulty yest nite. If she doesnt get better today, i will bring her to KK later in case she kena bronchiolities again and got to be admitted.. Better be safe than sorry! I also hope tat she can get well soon so tt she can play wf other children during CNY ley.

Took some pics of her in her walker yest nite.. She seems to enjoy "walking" ard the house now.. Kekeke..

forgot to update u gal went to my mum place whole day today..cos initally going to her house for dinner tonight..but very rush for me as i gotta go home to fetch them to my mum's my mum say jz bring over in the morning so evening i go direct to her house lor..hehe..tot is a good beginning..

ask u all hor..the FM long can keep hah..i jz open the 900g tin..tat time my 400g tin i took 1 mth to finish leh..i now give her when my BM running low..abt 1 to 3 times a week..she still on one BM now is dropping only 600+ml a day liao but she drinking 700+ml a day..

alittlemiracle - i like the way u put it..crystal time..keke..ya lor..the cd i oso like the wake up song only..where ur pd? may wanna go down to get something else..i was tinking of the personalise storybook oso din scan marketplace so often liao..keke..

bitbit - ya hubby going down with crystal only..aiyooo..u dont listen to westbb so kua zhang lah..i see octopus boi look alike will hit! hehe..your ah boi really steady on the small box leh..steady pong pi pi..

serrich - sherilyn so so sweet leh..hope she is getting better..

oh.. is Angel teething when she undergo such stage? I heard from frd tat Alden might be teething since he dun want milk :B Yesterday i carry him hor.. like lighter leh hmm..

Wah.. all walking and standing liao.. Haiz.. Alden faster learn how to flip & walk leh... Grandma tired carrying u liao.. hahahaa
anyone interested in second hand play pen, walker & bb gym? if not..going to put up for a fren at market place liao..let me k..
Btw does any of yr mums drink coffee everyday?

Read from Mag..

Caffeine can get into breast milk and potentially harm or irriate your baby and make bb jumpy of sleepless.
It also affects calcium absorption adversely, so please limit how much u drink. If you have your morning cuppa, switch to decaf. If your baby is sensitive to something you eat or drink, she'll show her discomfort by being fussy after feedings, crying inconsolably, or seleeping very little. An allergic infant may exhibit a reaction on her skin (rash or hives), in her breathing(wheezing or congestion), or in her stools (green or mucousy).

Hmm... the above sounds very related to some of our bb probs hor?
fun at that time, angel was not teething but she wanted to lengthen her feeding time... you just have to trial and error and figure what your baby wants since there is no way of them telling you...

hope your mum xin ruan and crystal can go abck to her place! you quick teach crystal how to love people... angel does that by placing her head on the shoulder of the person carrying her when i say "how to love so and so?"... never fails to amuse the grandparents and of course her parents too lah!! your mum sure xin ruan ruan after that one!!
my pd is at forum. i also saw the books but din take a good look at them, was sidetracked by teh cd.... but i think books buy real good books better right??

angel looks better today... the fever subsided quite a bit liao... hopefully the bug is dying off!!!!! shoo bug shoo!!!
my gal after few times reject the cod liver oil leh. i bot strawberry flavour one from vitakids and put it into her cereal. it still smells!! she took it few days, then reject her cereal totally.. so now i stop liao. thinking of how to get her to take it. my colleague says feed her straight from spoon. before she realised, she wld hv swallowed liao.. but the smell is so strong. hv not tried tat out.

not sure if i asked u before.. are you a SAHM?

glad to hear angel is better.. give her a kiss for me on her forehead. say from auntie jas.

u keng MC uh! opps.. shhh wait yr boss hear hor. u at home also la-kopi? jedi boy doing tricks uh.. stand on brick, stand on smaller brick. ahaha! clever boy.

tis week my hb gotta work too. so i bringing gal myself to class.

mayb yr mum miss crystal lah.. ask crystal to melt her heart..

angel so sweet to "love pple"! shauna oni does tat when she real tired or wan to sleep. i was tempted by the cd too.. (crystalmum lor!) why u bring up again.. now i xin yang yang again..

me no take kopi and tea.. heng uh. milo and nestum i drink.. kekeke! thanks for sharing with us the info.

glad to hear jh is better too! no wonder u never post for few days.. muz be so tired and worried! why yr boss like tat one?? hv u ever considered resigning and stay hm with yr children?
Love and Alittlemiracle

My boi also will wake up when my ang sent him off to nanny place at 7am... He can sleep longer if he is at home during weekend. I think is good to let them sleep more, if he wants to sleep I will just let him do so.

10min a bit short ley, you let him sleep tummy facing up or down. My boi will easily wake up if we put him to sleep back facing down.

Fun Latest update
After the 80ml at 9pm tot he will wake up for milk at 12 or 1am but he sleep all the way and didn't request for milk until I carry him to feed him at 3.28am ... 6.5hr no milk. Don't you feel Justen take lesser than Alden? But I think should be ok one. Just like what Alittlemiracle say they just want to lengthen their drinking session.

Like to ask a question
When can I start letting BB sit on walker? Is it ok to let Justen sit on it with some pillow to support him at 4mths? Wanted to buy the bumbo but Justen tight is too big for it.
so hard to come here when internet connection siao-siao

hope angel, Sherilyn & jh get well soon!

sheris, I also hate yr boss!

fun, I milo everyday like Jas, hehe.

so envy yr fm can last so long. for me, 400g lasts 3 days only. once my ss totally gone, 400g will only last 2 days. imagine how much $$$ u hv saved over the months.

bitbit, u rest well today ya...

serrich, I wish my hh prefers ebm. I'd rather waste fm than pour away my ebm, sob.

dingdong, Rae so sweet, so girlish her features, no boy look at all lah :D
SP & Jas

Milo heaty leh :p i scared i cannot poopoo :D

abt 4am drink 120ml just now Alden took abt 100 plus in the morning den 120ml at 1pm.. my mum dun dare to heat up 180ml of BM liao.. she say he wont drink lor.. 120ml just nice... by the time he finishs, he doze off liao....

Yea hor Justen drinks less hor.. yesterday if count in FM he drunk after 10pm.. he total took abt 700ml whole day.. think still not so bad hor..

But main thing is almost everytime feed hor.. must persue de leh... he doesnt drink by himself de lor.

most funny thing is he prefer pacifier or his finger over milk!!

Btw u still letting Justen latch down ah? are u SAHM?

hmm.. as for sleeping position.. he nv tried sleeping with tummy down leh.. i scared if he dozed off liao we put him tummy downwards.. he wake up and cry leh :p tummy downwards.. the fleshy cheeks will be unbalanced buay huh?? kekeke
Really meh - not boy meh? Maybe should have posted the really boi photo. haha

Serrich, Sherilyn is so sweet! You let her sit in walker har? But thought its not recommended cos its very accident prone and the abby does not learn how to walk? I love her eyes!!! So big...mi si ren le!!! So Shrilyn in the 12:15 class har? Annie say that class is already full leh. Then again like I say, its quite ex so lets see whether Rae will enjoy this sat trial class first lah. SO anyone else interested in the trial class?

Bitbit, love jedi boy standing on the brick. Look so cheeky!! my gal also very active leh. People always comment that to me whenever they see her. And there are many who say that she will be a noti gal leh. How to win the hearts of her grandparents then? I am still hoping my mum will help keep an eye on her and the maid leh. Till now, she is still saying no. sama sama as you leh, crystalmum.

I hope your mum will be xin ruan soon!!! Make crystal kiss kiss po po lah!

Fun, poko- don't worry too much about your baby's intake ok? By this age they will not starve themselves one lah. Many mummies here have also gone theu this phase. Can understand your heartpain...especially when u have to throw away ebm. That's precious gold leh. My Rae likes ebm, but no more for her leh....and u still throw sob sob.

alittlemiracle, how is angel today? Kiss kiss her for me ok? Wish her speddy recovery.
I am working, last time express out tot that he will not have nipple confusion... so only latch him once middle of the nite. (tot he blur blur at nite won't know the dif of direct and bottle) but he still refuse bottle feed (since 1.5month) and he start to refuse latching later too. We can bottle feed him for more than an hour for just 100-120ml sometime lesser... Very xian one but after sometime get immue liao. So just let him decide how much he want and when he want lor. Sometime if he drink more we will like strike toto like that and shake his hand for his cooperation 8) Sometime if he drink lesser we will just console each other that maybe he is not hungry...I latch him when I am back home now, tiring but think he can drink more by doing it.

My Boi also prefer his finger and looking for "nipple" on his bolster... didn't introduce pacifier.

Justen only sleep with tummy down during afternoon nap as we find that he is easily awake with tummy face up. But need to take extra care with this sleeping position. Don't put any soft pillow around and need to constantly check on him, will sleep tummy facing up at nite. As he already being train that once light off need to sleep liao.

Dingdong & Poko

Ok I see... i think as long as he still smile when we playing and 'ang gu' with him... he is totally fine ba! haha will try to take it easy.. thanks...

update me more on Justen k? :D
