Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?

fun - me hubby works late almost every nite..10 or 11pm then come back..i oso not bored..but heng got mummies to msn at nite and this forum..then i tink at the end of the day..he is working for the family mah..not go hua tian jiu now i ok liao lor..if u too bored..bring alden to visit crystal lah..

westbb - u go every year to squeeze crowd and hubby always like to go back to chinatown every year..cos tat is where we first met..keke..

remember to take photo for me 2molo hor..i not ard to take..found a pants for her to wear..but her tee is really oversize..

bitbit - i guess u are feeling like wat i felt when my mum told me not to bring them lost rite..

me feeling ok..after wat u said..tink positive..i can going shopping at suntec!! go fox..keke..anyone there shopping 2molo can sms me cos i whole day there..hehe..

dingdong - ya lor..gotta look forward to the CNY holidays..cos i took 2 days leave after tat..keke..

westbb - me hope co. will give one day off..usually got tis kind of function got off..jz tat is half day or one day..
fun so good go shopping spree! how your bb got drink milk lying on the bed or not?

alittlemiracle, bitbit... in the end i didnt go for the d&d liao.. really cannot find anything suitable to wear m my hubby said not appropriate to bring bb to d&d.. hmmm i also never seen people bring bbs to d&d before... maybe also 'lucky' i didnt go cos just now my boy vomitted after his milk feed! arrghhh! quickly call my maid to come and help and she only busy cleaning up the floor and rinsing bb's dirty clothes even though i told her 3 times those can wait, let's clean up bb first! aiyo made me scolded her (1st time!!) then she go and get towel etc while i was cleaning up my boy! aiyo dunno what was she thinking!

bitbit, i think it's v important if you can try to take a half day leave to visit the centres lah, for the sake of octopus boy's "xin fu" ok?? he's going to be there for many hours leh, must choose a good centre right! call up those centres that you are interested first to ask some basic questions (eg do they take in young bbs, $$, etc) before you go down so that you save time and not visit those that doesnt even fit your basic criteria. if you want i can visit with you

phoebe, soli soli, maybe i overlooked ur msg, yah i want your breastpads, how to collect from you? how much uh? so good you all dun need those ugly breastpads liao, why my brs still leak uh?!!!

crystalmum wah chinatown so many people you two can still meet uh, really "you yuan fen" leh kekeke normally we go JB to buy cny stuff lah, also to shop shop but think this year dunno got chance or not, cos very rush liao...

ok tmr i take photo, you still want the crepe paper or not? i pass to your hubby? Jas you want? since i am cutting might as cut some for you too??

cny gathering at my plc on sat daytime plz settle which sat preferred....n timing as well n food wise u guys wan pot luck or order delivery? me onli going to be online tml nite so reply n indicate ah.....

ding dong
juz send me ur contacts i add u to the list

any more mummies wan to be added in or nv receive email on contact list????

sorry this yr cny cant visit ppl plc.. pantang ah..

eh.. yr hair havent start to drop ah? Rebonding now like 50% waste of $$ leh.. keke...

westbb & poko

I've tried letting he drink on the bed for 4 times like... he seems to like it!! but hor.. the milk like tends to leak out more leh.. :p give him 180ml think got 10-20ml on the hanky :p But he not fussy drinking milk in this way liao leh.. keke.. must let my mum know this new position works!!!
Thanks to Poko for advising me this!!

btw Poko, actually we choose name Justin for Alden de... den last min change to Alden.. if not hor..Justen & Justin maciam bros lor! hehe...

wah lau i one person cant bring Alden out leh..u think i seven hands 8 legs ah?? keke..
My mum say she wish to brig alden downstairs stroll walk.. but my plc dun have everystorey got lift.. veri difficult de...

Alden chest hor got patches of red and small small dots leh... isit hives huh???
hi mummies,
hope you dun mind me asking some questions on bf here.

i am a new mummy less than a week old. haven problems bf my baby. he's very impatient in sucking and din suck properly so now my milk ducts are clog. i m thinking of just expressing for him so at least he gets some breastmilk. but i m concerned this will cause my milk supply to go down as it is not really established yet.

also, when i try to pump, nothing comes out. i have to use my hand to squeeze the milk out. i m using avent isis. can anyone advice?

thanks.... feel quite desparate and close to giving up but hope can perserve.
congrats, sy! welcome!

keep letting yr bb latch, bb takes time to learn to suck well. and it's normal that our brs need time to respond to our pump, it's different from latching, so keep trying!

u can try letting bb suck one side & u pump the other side, bb will help u achieve letdown & u'll be able to pump milk out. next feed change sides.

if u only pump & don't latch, then u must pump round the clock every 2-3 hrs to establish yr ss. some of the mummies here managed to maintain/ increase their ss with only pumping.

sy, rest well, eat well, enjoy yr bb! got time come here to update us... jia you...
I think you are having blocked ducts (hard lumpy areas). Try to make a hot cup of Ovaltine/Milo for yourself. Sip slowly. Put the pump at the breast. Use the thumb to massage the lumpy areas and push outwards. Relax.

Hope it works.
sy, welcome. try to use hot-compress & massage.. when it gets blocked, you will need more time to clear it. dun give up ya!
just relax and dun stress coz it will affect your supply..

sheris, how about the sat after CNY 4 feb?

westbb, i also dunno how to pass 2 u leh.. i'm working at alexandra and staying at bedok reservoir.. which is convenient to you huh? i'm not selling it to you lah, i'm giving it to you.. :p
me long time no leakage loh unless i waited for more that 8hrs den pump loh...

from a previous post, I see one mommy using the shield to feed as BB got problem latching too, and one day the shield accidently drop and the BB can cope without it. Maybe at the meantime you try using it first?

BTW my milk supply also come late, I think I only manage to cope with his demand on 4th week. Direct latching is tiring, you will realise that you are latching him almost every hr. If pump and feed he will get hungry every 2 to 3hrs hour. Both of you can rest more. Drink more hot fluid and hot soup to increase the milk supply. Get a hot pack to put on the clogged area... and then massage. Need to watch out on the bra you are wearing too. Take care and welcome. BF is not easy but should be achieveable. We are here to support you 8)

Good to know that Alden like the sleep position while feed... That time I also kana ban to latch due to Justen reject bottle, they all say is due to direct feed and BB become fussy. But after I stop he still moody while milking, worst is he reject latching too. So I slowing tune him back to latching when I am around when he start to improve in bottle feed.

Hi Janet long time no see 8)

Sheris, CNY got 15days so still got 4th,5th 11th and 12th... Most impt is which day you are available. And then see which day are the most mommies available day 8)
hi mummies,
thanks for the response.

i think my positioning of bb is not very good and he keeps struggling, esp when milk flow is slow. i have seen lataction consultant to correct the positioning but still struggle when i m at home. now hb tries to help but he is going back home next week.

i try to pump abt 3 hours and let him suckle for as long as he can tahan. usually not more than 5 min. hope it is better than nothing and milk supply won't drop.

i have been using hot towel and i think it really helps. been massaging also and think it finally offer some relief. so far, can manage to get abt 15 ml from both breast. at least some progress.

yah i try to relax abt it if not may affect supply. if really cannot latch, will just use pumping. at least bb gets breast milk

shd i still supplement with FM in this case? also do i need to feed water since he is on mostly FM? he takes abt 60ml FM each time.

maybe i will try the shield. will check with my lataction consultant. how does the shield help?

dun think can latch bb every hr. he will be crying non stop... so now trying to express. but using hand to express as pump doesn't seem effective.
Yeah, long time no hear. Been running around, so only have time to sit down and read some posts.

Take it easy ok. I'm glad to know you managed to get 30ml. Remember to maintain the 3 hours expressing even if bb is sleeping. Use the thumb to clear the ducts each time.
SY, i've never manage to get my boy to latch on for his full feeding.. the most he will only take it for 5 mins for the initial heavy flow and reject once he needs to use more strenght to suck.. i've tried to latch for a while and follow by bottle feed and then lastly still have to pump out those excess milk... phew, it's super tiring and it affect my supply also.
i've long given up and now he's on total ebm.
just pump every 3 hour to build your supply.. dun worry too much f not having enuf milk, it will come in later.
if your baby is having enuf from you, then would advise you not to supplement with formula.
if you really have trouble getting rid of your block ducts, den better go and consult a lactation consultant...
Mother Nature is amazing. The bm is produced just enough for your bb each time. As your bb grows, the bm also increases. If you are faced with blocked ducts, consult a LC fast. Otherwise you may get fever. With CNY round the corner, try to get the ducts cleared. You'll be amazed how much milk is clogged inside.
Hi mummies,
long time no post.
are you all busy preparing for the new year? this is going to be the first new year for our little ones.. quite excited. The weekends are all packed for me - can't join you all for the gathering. u all have fun yah?

it does take a while to adjust to bfing. one week is quite short. I had trouble latching on at the beginning too. I think only when my gal was about 3 to 4 months that I can latch on comfortably. so don't be discouraged yah? what I used to do is to latch on for as long as I can tahan but do not latch on for more than 15 mins on each side. If the bb is drinking properly, should be able to empty the breast within 15 mins. Any longer time may give you sore nipples. If bb is still hungry after that, I just supp with FM. It took me about 1 month or so to catch up with my bb's demand. As for not being able to pump out the milk - could be a pump problem, could also be that the breasts are empty oredy. For me, even now, I have problems expressing after a feed. Takes forever to get the let down. So I just hand express as much as I can when that happens. hope this helps!
think i din stick to the 3 hour routine strictly enough. each time i express, i got to use so much strength to massage and time that i end up being tired and din stick to schedule. will try harder so that things will be easier.

my bb drinks abt 60ml now. i already saw a LC and not enough milk yet so got to supplement. wanted to cut down but he kept crying non stop and that's no good for him.

so initally u also supplement but over time u managed to produce enough milk? in fact, my bb takes more FM than BM now. he has huge appetite so no choice. so in the end u just express and din let your boy latch on? pple tell me boys more demanding..wonder whether it's ture...

thanks. glad to know that actually hand expressing is quite common, i thought i must look funny with the pump at my side and using my hand to express all the time. just tot that hand express doesn't waste so much milk. i think my bb is quite fidgety so he doesn't like latching. and flow is slow so he gets impatient.

i m planning to let him latch on as long as he can and express out whatever left so that he can still drink breastmilk. until my ss increase, i dun think he can latch on for long.
Hi Sheris
I am available on 11th Jan... As for 4th Jan still await for my sec friend to confirm whether our yearly gathering still on or not. If most of you prefer 4th Jan will still try to drop by and see all the BBs and mommies 8)

Do you get a breastfeed pillow, I got one after seeing the LC, you can try the football hold which is more comfortable for both you and BB... Personally I think the pillow is helpful and friendly to our back.

BTW 30ml is a lot liao, I remember the 1st pump at home after 4 day stay in TMC I only got 3 teaspoon. So Justen is given FM, and slowly I got 20ml in total and then 30ml, only on the 3rd week I have about 70ml for each session, that only enough for his 80% feed but slowly you will realise that your SS is more than his demand. and then your freezer will be full of FEBM kee kee 8) Just try to relax don't stress ok...

Hi Fun
tot Alden and Justen can meet 8( But is ok lah there's always another chance. You deliver at which hospital? Me at TMC... So how is today milking session?

Hi Mommies
I bring Justen to my relative place for a hair cut. And she show us pass video of her BB when he is 4mth plus... He know how to hold bottle liao ley and the most amazing thing is he know how to stand with the support of a wall. Plan to let Justen hold his bottle tomorrow but will put water in it as milk too sticky...
SY, it's bitbit. We are from the Dr Han's thread last time, remembered? U finally delivered ah!! Congratulation!!! Welcome welcome, Dr Han delivered for you right?? How is it? U natural?

So you are on the BF track now? If you have block ducts, it would be more difficult for latching on, so try not to let the breast engorged. If you are going on the Expressing Breastmilk (EBM) track, then u have to initially do it 2 to 3 hourly, this will then get the milk to come in and gradually increase. If you pump regularly, u will see your milk coming in and it's quite amazing. Hand expressing can clear up the ducts, but would be quite tiring for the hand. How about latching first, then pump out the remaining and then finally use hand to squeeze out all that pump cannot extract?

Towards the first/second week, u will see your milk getting establised and more yellowish & thick than before.

i am still EBM although my baby already 13 mos liao, now my BM is white and quite diluted.

Some nb are quite impatient, my boi is one of them, tatz y he had never learn "the art of latching on". However he get bottled BM, no FM.

We started partial BF (BM & FM) somewhere when he was 2.5 mos old as that time I need to freeze and store up my EBM, I got to return to work. As he gets older, he is given cereal, then that time he took less of FM and I can say mostly on my EBM. There was a period he was back to total EBM again as my supply is more than his demand. But my ss is dimishing now as I had since reduced EBM to 2x a day, so he is mostly on FM and only 2x on EBM.

I hope you can persist BF for as long as you could, dun give up yet, I m sure Dr Han also encourage you to give BM, right? JIA YOU!

Tuffy, my ah boi this year enjoy 2nd time CNY. Last year he was a gong-gong fat baby. This year he will be a mischievous monkey, really can see BIG different. I can't imagine what will he turn to next year!

I am still not sure whether I can make it or not, 4 Feb is definately out coz we are attending a CNY party at my best friend house already!

poko, hahaha... so u think it's gonna be easier when Justen turn 1 yeas old is it? If I were you, I want to reverse back the clock, hope my ah boi still at the lying and kicking stage. At least I (or the adults) dun hv to glue eyes to him 24/7! At age of 1, i believe Justen fingers will starts to get "itchy", touch this touch that, open this close tat, walking around holding to furniture and even pointing out to things to tell u he wants.

Anyway poko, I rather hope ur ang boss will not force him to go for that long biz trip. Although is 2 mths, but 2 mths is not short esp, 2 mths, ur baby would have grown up liao. Baby grow very fast one leh.

celine is the NUK teats the brown latex type of silicone? I ever buy the latex one for my ah boi. It seems like the hole is very tiny and got a smell. My baby cannot drink from that, it took him almost an hour and the milk only finish half bottle. Ur baby ok or not? I think if he can finish his milk at normal speed, tat teats should suits him.

Fun, u r funny... hahaha...

westbb, still haven't go and check the "ladder yet. BTW r u SAHM? If next time I free free pop over your place can or not? Hehehe.. see how handsome is my ah boi's rival since both aiming for crystal!!
Hi predicted (last week i predicted my P will be here in a week)... and it has happened!!!!!!!! this is all thanks to me pumping only once a day!!!!!
lucky still got one week to get it over and done with before CNY!!
aiyah...mummies whose P has returned... does the first P postpartum last longer than usual and is the flow heavier than usual or issit depends on teh individual... sigh.... me so sad... wondering also if it will affect milk ss...already so low ss , if still affects, really very jialat....

last night, first last in a week, angel slept without waking up because of her nose/cough/fever... yipee!!!! hope this means she is really totally better and i can look forward to sleepful nights again.

hello SY, welcome and congrats
BF is very challenging in the beginning....actually EBMing is also very keep going at either and see suits you better. I never managed to latch my baby although i consulted 3 LCs...she was super impatient and i was super in pain from all teh wrond postionings etc... so in the end expressed for her. i kept religiously to the clock... even if go out kaikai also must go gome to express (otherwise the breats very uncomforatble anyway) baby was on TEBM until almost a year. just take one day a day at a time. You can always coem in here to get tips from mummies yah!
me one day no log miss me?

westbb - we were both selling CNY goodies at chinatown then..keke..quite fun..

me still wan the crepe papers leh..u din pass to my hubby huh? so how was the class? did u and jas take any photo? must give me hubby took a few at home..but all so blur week CNY eve got class or not hah? anyone ask?

sheris - me oso prefer 11 feb but 11 feb we got lessons rite westbb/jas? wat time is the gathering? lunch hour kind? our lesson is 4 to 5pm

fun - why tis year cannot visit pp during CNY?

sy - welcome! initial not so much one..i pump till so long only 20ml must jia you..cannot give up leh..regular pumping will sure up your ss..btw wat pump u using?

bitbit - me slept at 1am oso..but bk home 12.30am, pump and pengsan liao..hehe..last nite is the first time so long hours no pump..15hrs..break my own record..but still only got 370ml..

your boi oso aim at crystal? really? so happy crystal so well liked..keke..

alittlemiracle - yours came oso!?? mine so leh! but hor is like staining staining kind leh..dont know izit or not..mummies who the flow very heavy one???

so happy to hear tat angel is well again!

serrich - how is your darling..ok liao?
i din get a bf pillow. i tried football hold as well. boi was fine at LC there but once come home he doesn't like this position.

i get abt 20ml in total now. sometimes a bit less. trying to pump regularly.

of cos i remember u. mine was a natural birth. had so much problems pushing. lucky dr han helped me to push bb out or else i wd have needed assisted delivery.

my boi has been so impatient with latching that now i just pump and hand express. but my breasts feel so sore from all the massage and hand express. how do u do hand express?

i think i will still let him latch on for say 5 min if possible. better than nothing.

i was initally quite disappointed that i can't do direct bf. but after seeing LC and still not getting the latching right, i kind of switch my thinking to EBM. at least he gets something. only concern is MS will drop. but seems like most mummies say regular pumping will still increase ss....

i m using avent isis. did u use that as well?
sy - bitbit is the right person to ask abt hand express..haha..u ask her to demo to you lah..keke (i will kanna abish with her again)..

me oso using the avent manual but i oso got the medela single i pump together..use 'dual' pump faster mah..but manual avent really tiring hor..i oso got sore nipple initally..but now..tink they are so 'season' pain any more..

regular pumping really increase ss..bitbit and alittlemiracle both over 1 years pumping leh..still got u really must keep trying
<font face="Calisto mt"> Mummies,

Anyone wants Frozen EBM? Duno why my ger jus dun seem to like e thawed EBM leh. Izzit tt e thawed one taste different from the chilled EBM?

Haiz, I still got a few bottles left so check if anyone here wants b4 I check w e breastfeeding org.</font>
Hey Jenifur
Thanks for offering, I also got about 50pks in my freezer 8( and Justen also don't like the smell. So I pass it to my sis, she say can let his son try... Just pass it to her yesterday, don't know after drinking my nephew will like my smell or not. keekee

Crystalmom I got miss u ley, can't sleep without chatting with you yesterday nite... heehee

I really hope that he don't need to go, heard from hubby his senior just transfer to another group and he will become the so call senior in the team, don't know due to that got any changes or not.

BTW don't know why today Justen is very very noti, keep on crying and crying, just pet him to sleep after latching. We need to do housework can't carrying him always 8( Hope he just mood swing today.

I heard from colleague their menses after stopping BF is a lot one like water fall, don't know everyone is like that or not...

Good to heard that your supply increases 8) Don't be too stress. I think most of us go thru this stage once is over you will stress about the over supply 8) Cheer!

Today I let my boi hold his bottle, of course with my help, he get some water from it and push the bottle away. I think this skill only apply to bb who like to drink water and milk.

FM if dun want to drink must quickly store in the fridge.. in this way den u can reuse it.. if not, dun think can leave in room temperate for long..

Hb's granny passed away last week niah.. cannot go visiting liao lo

The bed feeding very saved my arms alot! haha
Alden always try to hold my fingers and the bottle.. but always failed to hold bottle firmly.. more of disturbing me actually hehe...
crystalmum...min eis not staining i think... should be the real thing... it feels like menses lor... like got the achy achy feeling... but today the flow is not alot leh... although... mine will usually peak on the second day (before preg)... hmmmm....but really so "chun" leh... if only strike 4d also i can predict with such accuracy! oh course, this one i got clues, 4d got no clues..heehee... abotu disappointment... me also very disappointed that i cannot get baby to latch... me went antenatal class...they give me the doll to latch..i thought "piece of cake"...who knows the real baby so hard to latch one.. make me so nervous and upset in the first month..
anywya, i was using avent isis in the first 2 months but it was very very tiring to pump 7 to 8 times a day with manual pump so i bought the medela was one of my best buys! more oo hua than my baby cot... instead of slaving away at the pump fo rhalf hour, i can finish in 15mins...makes a big difference.

you dun scare me leh... waterfall ah.... i hear already want to peng san... anyway, in the next few days i will be able to share more....sigh....
tell you all hor... just now angel fell asleep in the car seat... then i pick her up and she continued sleeping on my shoulder... then put her down on the bed to sleep... can't help but to feel like she is such a big gal liao... last time, she sure wake up if i pick her up from car seat...

oh yah.... met rae and dingdong at bjg class yesterday... rae looks even prettier in person hor.. and her mummy also very pretty leh.... how did you find the class ah??
sy, i've never supplement my boi with formula except for a day when he was hospitalised for 1 extra day when i discharge.. milk have not come in yet so boh pian. it's sure tiring to be on tbm but once you've get used to it den should be alright...
you can always use bitbit and alittlemiracle as your role model as both has been feeding their litte precious one for more than a year..

jia you!!
crystalmum, sure miss you loh.. you're always 24/7 active and suddenly not seeing you for one whole day also a bit not 'xi guan' hehehe

jenifur, you can always give your frozen milk to Sherris. nonit to check with e breastfeeding org coz i called them and they said they can't accept due to some rules set by the gov.

alittlemiracle, it's really a blessing seeing our little precious darling growing up hor.. sometimes it also surprise me seeing daryll's development..

fun, alden is so chubby hor..sure will be very muscular carrying from carrying him.. hehe
oh oso forgot to update u all my shopping at suntec..keke..actually not much time to shop..but to compensate my gal for not spending time with her..i squeeze some time to go fox to buy clothes for her..keke..aiyoooo..their clothes all so sweet one! i see liao go

poko - aiya..ur mouth so sweet..know u joking..but see liao oso happy..kekeke..

fun/alittlemiracle - paiseh..i meant the tin of FM open liao can tahan how long hah? cos 400g my gal took 1 mth to finish..the 900g dont know how long leh..but of cos ss is dropping so my gal shd be drinking more FM liao..

alittlemiracle - hai? no class xian..means i gotta miss my crystal's laogong and shauna for another week liao..haiii..

so u met dingdong and gal u ren ta or she ren ni? not like bitbit like tat say your gal not angel? in the end did u actually tok to bitbit or not hah?
phoebe how come frozen milk give me?

sy welcome ... guess me the only lucky mummy here to be able to latch on for all my kids...

poko- dun scared me leh me no p since my first boy 2001 leh water fall ah think i die of excessive bleeding liao so muz continue bf like tt p would nt come.....

so happy angel okie liao... cny can makan the goodies
aiyoh.. paiseh. i was referring to serrich leh
dunno y i alway mix up the names.. hehe
remember last time i also ask u when u want to collect the milk form me hor...
any mummies here who circumcise their baby boy huh? me thinking of doing it but dunno whether i should wait till daryll is older
hahaha.. phoebe u buzzled on the wrong person lah, it's serrich who need EBM to bath her ger sherilyn, not sheris. Sheris's 3rd baby is jj rite? All the "S" name make u confuse har!

Sheris, u mean u no P from first boy? Meaning u still BF but strike is it? Tat means chance of having baby while BF still high lor? Then after u discover you strike liao, do u still con't to BF or stop?

crystalmum, u po huai my image to SY is it? u wanna me to kok u with washing board again is it? U heng I now at home and I keep that washing board icon in the office, else sure kok u today!

SY, dun listen to crystalmum. Tell u she very hot mum leh! Got mummies saw her in person told us she "Big Big" in front!! I yet to find out but will spy on her one of the Sat!!

Fun, wah Alden so cute leh! Makes me think of my ah boi when he was of Alden's current age! Bo gey bo gey yet smile so cutie!!

alittlemiracle, mine (P) returned last Jul or Aug. After delivered, I now experience stomach aching, no longer strong as before liao. Some times will b very very heavy, sometimes very light. Strangly, I got those staining type 2 weeks ago, that was just 2 wks after the Last P. Duno y it becomes haywire liao.

Today octopus duno why keep crying and crying non-stop after waking up from afternoon nap. Duno is he hungry or what, I gave him porridge he reject. Later I just carrying him around to look at the window, he ok. Put him down, start the same cry again.

After my husband returned home, wah he start to be ok, stand and hold his walker and pushing it around this room to next, maciam selling "Siew mai" leh! Then came my place here touch my computer table and pull my mouse. Stand on my CD rom box and touch my keyboard so kpo. i had been bringing him back to the room where my hb was but he keep crawling back to this room. Like a pest leh. I so T L tat I use my black pen to draw a BIG "X" on his itchy hand, meaning "REJECT"!

Gotta go pump and gg to my mum place liao. See u all tomolo.

bitbit ya lor both jx n jj me kana when jh n jx both ard 8 months den i continue to bf till ard 11 months b4 i stop... coz preg n bf very siong...
