Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?


love already stopped ebm think end of Dec '05. she planned to feed her frozen ebm to Nat but now she gonna stop & switch to tfm. then her febm she wanna give away... my heart so pain to hear her say that...

We went to Fraser's Hill by car becoz we live in KL so only 2 hrs' car journey. It's a very small place but if u hv car, can consider driving there. We saw a few S'pore cars parked at Smokehouse, a quaint hotel cum restaurant famous for their steak. But quite ex to stay there, rates RM300+ onwards

I a bit against Genting one... ever since my hb & I went there to look for a picnic spot when I was preggie. Guess where we ended up? We "picnic" by sitting on a cold marble bench at the temple corridor...
No more Mother Nature left at Genting.
Hi Bitbit
Yesterday nanny called my hubby and say Justen body warm warm but no fever, cry a lot and don't take a lot of milk 80ml 3-4hrly. Think he got not enough sleep, as nanny say he sleep like 0.5hr per session.

That day heard Angel sleep for 2hr in the afternoon I stress. As I tot Justen should sleep more...

You know yesterday I got a dream, I told my nanny I need to look for new one as Justen is not getting enough sleep at her house.

Funny is Justen sleep a lot at home. Yesterday after we fetch him back at 4 plus he sleep until the next morning 7am. But in between he will make a bit of noise.
And worst thing is my ang colleague keep on saying thing to scare him, like maybe my boi joint is mislocated, or maybe got injury somewhere... Until my ang so worry 2 plus pack bag and rush home...
Morning ladies! MIA for 1 week cos out of office on leave and on course!

can mix FM with BM lah. I have been doing so for my boy, he's ok leh. Still bui bui at 8.5kg coming 5MO....

your supplier got Gina Ford's book or not? Looking for the book on weaning.

Since 1 jan, haowen's pattern changed again. for past 2 weeks, he demand for milk every 2-3 hr (in the day), 3-4 hr (at night). Previously he only drinks every 4 hr, at night 6-7 hrs. Dunno what happen leh? I thot he grow up liao so introduce rice cereal but no change leh. Any view on how to get him to sleep longer stretch at night? I'm worried that feeding milk on demand will let to bad sleeping habits in long run......
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Mummies</font>,

Thanks for all e welcome...

I did try to pump after Janelle latch but no milk leh. Then when I pump, I will try to use my hand to "squeeze" also but no use leh. Nowadays I only can get ard 50ml from my left side when I pump. See liao so sian..

How do u all wean off latching &amp; still maintain e milk supply? Now my ger is reducing her milk intake in e day &amp; my MIL blames me for it. She said it's bcuz I always latch nelle @ nite thus resulting her to reject e EBM in e day time. Now she wants me to totally stop latching but I worried how to maintain e supply w jus pumping.

<font color="0000ff">Crystalmum</font>,

Dun worry lah, I dun think WestBB will want my nelle lah. She so tomboi. Go out always got ppl ask if she's boi or ger

<font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

I didn't hv any block duct leh. It happens after I didn't get to express for more than 7hrs when I was in Spring Centre for course. Now I 1 day only can xpress bout 400ml

<font color="0000ff">Jas</font>,

Can add me to e list too

Janelle / Girl / 18-Sept-05</font>

tomolo i gg for the trail class for BJg but hor my boi will b in the different group, he will be in the walker group liao leh, so wun b able to see u all and crystal/westbbboi and shuana leh.

Alittlemiracle, is angel in the actual class already? I am gg for the trail at 9-10am for Sat one.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">WestBB</font>,

I keen to get e book "Games to play with Baby". How much izzit huh?</font>
mayb nanny's place noisy? where does justen sleep at nanny's place? on the cot? on mattress? or mayb hot.. so he cant sleep.. nanny got small children of her own? mayb they playing noisily. reach home sweet home.. then he sleeps well. got over dress him or not?

i also worry my gal. recently dun take afternoon naps liao.. wan to play and play, or wan maid to carry.. dun want to zz. at nite sleep from abt 10-11pm to morning 7-8am.. last time she will wake up in the morning 7-8am, drink milk, then sleep until noon.. now she dun wan even to take morning nap. is this normal?

alittlemiracle/ bitbit.. how much does angel/jedi boy sleep?

u always go picnic one uh.. is that where u catch all your worms?

sometimes i also feel that IL more kan chiong their granddaughter than me. when we go over, they oni hv eyes for her. at times i tink if one sat i din turn up, they wun miss me at all.. except when bb hv to change diapers or feed. but i dun bother.. jus do my duty to bring their granddaughter to them every sat, tats all. they always tell me wat to do for shauna - must do tis do that, i also dun bother, cos i am looking after her, not them. they oni see her once a wk, so i shld know better how to take care of my own gal. grrr.. think abt it, get a little mad.. cos sometimes its like they are questioning me.. did you do this? did you do that?? grr.. boil liao.. dun talk abt it liao..

hope your SIL is ok.. and your bb niece is fine.

same lor.. when i try hand express, the milk spray all over, or drip all over.. funnel cant catch all. messy biz... but i know hand expressing is good for emptying br, jus tat me not good at it. last time alittlemiracle posted a link on hand expressing info. i still hv that bookmarked at home.. i go home tonight post it here for you. i forget u remind me hor..
Jenifur, updated liao.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>BB name</TD><TD>Boy/Girl</TD><TD>DOB </TD></TR><TR><TD>BitBit</TD><TD>Rin Chen</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>2-Dec </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alittlemiracle</TD><TD>Angel</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2-Jan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Crystalmum</TD><TD>Crystal</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>16-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jas03</TD><TD>Shauna</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>16-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Westbb </TD><TD>Ben Wei</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>17-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dingdong</TD><TD>Rae</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>25-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sheris</TD><TD>Jia Hao</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jia Xin</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jia Jing</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>28-Jun </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>Sherilyn</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>30-Jun </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tuffy</TD><TD>Jing Wei</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>18-Jul </TD></TR><TR><TD>Love</TD><TD>Natalynn</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>25-Jul </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sp</TD><TD>Hock Hin</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>30-Jul </TD></TR><TR><TD>IxWong</TD><TD>Hao Wen</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>18-Aug </TD></TR><TR><TD>Phoebe</TD><TD>Daryll</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>29-Aug </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fun</TD><TD>Alden</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>11-Sep </TD></TR><TR><TD>Poko </TD><TD>Justen</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>12-Sep </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jenifur</TD><TD>Janelle</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>18-Sep </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sneaky</TD><TD>Samuel</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>30-Sep </TD></TR><TR><TD>Celine</TD><TD>Joshua</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>12-Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
jenifur, block ducts happened right after that night when i didn't pump for more than 10hrs (too lazy to wake up). my right breast usually collects more than the left. but after that incident, whenever i pump my right breast, i seem to get lesser. then i realised my breast was still hard and was lumpy...this is definitely blocked ducts...after that, the supply on my right breast was affected till now and blocked ducts happen very often...400ml a day is good liao loh...i'm getting slightly more but i don't latch at night leh...

i wanna ask....must i heat up the chilled EBM in milk bags and then transfer to bottle or can i slot the Avent milk bags containing warm EBM into Pigeon wide-necked bottles?

westbb, i'm also keen in the same book as jenifur... "Games to Play with Baby"...can bulk purchase?

jas03, thanks hor...really appreciate that...
i also heart pain...thats y till now still didnt throw them away......but if I wanna my ger to gain point forcing her to drink something she dun like.....I am in dilema ler actually....I still have abt 50 packs of 200ml of EBM in my freezer...
hi mummies.. been too busy to log in
but can't resist to share share the good news.. (esp to crystalmum).. kekeke
ZARA having sales.. super nice clothes for babies.. :0)
sp - so your hubby will welcome my ger ger?

sneaky/jenifur - see bitbit live demo hand expressing better..keke..we beg her so long she haven agree leh..

bitbit - how old your sil bb? wat did the gynae say? they must be so worried!

so u joining 2molo morning..same class as angel lor..huh..they are a pair liao..keke..

jenifur - my gal oso tomboi look leh..everyone see her without hairband or hat ask if she is boi or not..argh..

jas - how much per day shauna drinking now hah? my gal drink abt 700+ml a day with one solid only..shauna 2 solids liao hah..

westbb - the games to play with babies one..the babies is until how old har? later i come..become toddler liao? me oso interested in the gina ford weaning book..always forget to look out for it..

sneaky - i always pour the chilled EBM to the bottle then heat scare the milk bags after heating dont know got wat chemical reaction with the milk or not..
phoebe - i hate u! i am trying to stop buying day tell me fox got day say zara got..argh...

btw..where got zara huh?
haha u and phoebe so funny.. she bz still log in inform you leh. zara at taka.. hope its still there, i very long never step into taka liao. hey, din know zara got bb clothes!

my gal take abt 800-1000ml a day, its actually 200ml per feed x 5 lah. but sometimes dun drink finish then we dun force her lor. yes she got 2 solids - porridge at lunch and cereal at dinner, but its small bowl oni. not sure if its normal also..

westbb, how abt my SIL har? cos my IL say my gal no more chubby face. grr.. crystal still got chubby face leh.. i luf her chubby face, esp when she do her SMILE.. melt my heart.

Many mummies here managed to maintain/ increase their ss with just pumping, so don't worry. But r u sure u really want to stop latching? I find it most convenient esp at nite.

It's sad to learn that ppl tend to blame latching or bf for whatever problems they face with our babies. When my hh started rejecting bottles, latching was blamed. ebm was also blamed becoz the bottles he rejected happened to contain ebm. Now he's rejecting bottles of fm, but no one blames the fm AT ALL.
ZARA babies clothes are very nice
jas, if you go.. sure will spent lots of $$$ coz got lots of nice dresses for gal gal

crystalmum, tink u better dun go.. later can resist buying, blame it on me.. :p
Hi ladies..

Find your thread interesting..can I join in? From Nov MTB. Baby Darion arrived on Nov 2, now 9 weeks+.

I am feeding him now a combination of EBM and direct latch, and the occasional feed of FM.

chin bitbit can do live demo ah?? when can she make it ah???

crystalmum, i noticed the fat layer of the chilled EBM stays on the walls of the bag if not heated when it's being transfered. anyway, i usually heat the bags of EBM with medium heat (avent food warmer No. 2) and high heat for bottles...

phoebe, i also didn't know ZARA sells babies' clothings...may drop by if i pass by...
just called my mum to check on my boi and she said my boi dun drink alot of milk today...what happened??!! Then my colleague said maybe he dun like to drink or drink until sian liao so why not switch to FM. Alamak, I pump until so jiat lat and now got to switch to FM! I feel real depressed...any mummies encountering this? I need to check with my PD tomoro too...
<font face="Calisto mt"> Really!! Bitbit can do live demo.. I want to see, chop a place 1st..

Didn't know tt Zara sell BB's clothings. Mayb tt's where e whole family will get our CNY clothings.

<font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

U mean u will wake up in e nite to pump too?? I can nv wake up to do it, I'm jus too lazy.. I'll only pump bout 12am b4 I sleep then all e way till 8am then pump again...

<font color="0000ff">SP</font>,

Ya lor I also dun want to stop latching leh but getting really v fustrated.. Anything slightly wrong w Janelle only then MIL will blame on latching &amp; BM... Somemore said I latch her cuz I want e easy way out, dun wan to wash/bring bottles out. She jus dun understand how tiring izzit to bf. I always feel so tired/cold after latching.

<font color="0000ff">Jas</font>,


<font color="0000ff">Celine</font>,

Dun worry, PD did mention tt BB will go thru e stage when they dun want to drink milk or stretch longer interval. Janelle is doing tt rite now. 100ml can last her 4~5hrs now. It's ok but PD did said try to give BB more water then. BUT my girl dun like water
actually hor, i dun take kopi or tea. milo or horlick have?

my fren daughter was like tat too.. she is a mar bb, also boycott milk.. but tat was when she was 4 mths.. so in the end my fren intro solids to her, and she accepted solids very willingly.

also mayb teats.. he may prefer another type of teats now.. i rem crystalmum say crystal try many types of teats, finally found one that she is happy with.

some mummies also say its got to do with temp of the EBM.

hope it helps.
That time Justen reject milk I also kan chong spider... Go to see PD, and PD just talk to us for 15min and ask us to go home... She say BB no problem. After a few day, I called her again, cry on the phone say BB reject bottle she also ask me calm down say BB no problem...

Is your boi Kpo like mine? A bit of noise cannot, he will stop drinking and see what happen...
Sometime need to bring him to the balcony to see the view before drinking.
Put him down on the bed and feed him without carrying him as he might feel warm.
Just trial and error.

But in order to make you wcan get to meet PD, we feel better after seeing her. Although Justen still don't really drink that much. But at least we confirm that he is alright.
bitbit you are wanted to do live demo of hand expressing!!! you very 'dao' eh... beg you so long liao still havent show us! kekeke

u very farnee leh, always type long story then all gone one! next time got to remember to save your story regularly hor....

you dont live with your inlaws rite... then still not too bad lah cos u dont get to see them everyday very good oredy.

my pri school is corporation pri sch, heard before?? keke very neighbourhood school lah, not those famous school.

how's ur sis-in-law's scan today? hope all's right for her...

aiyer, cannot see octopus boy liao... you remember to get ur hubby to go too!

sp, i was thinking of going Genting leh... long time never go liao.. dunno got 10yrs or not?!

books - ok jas noted.
i dont think my supplier got the gina ford books cos she usually carry those "educational" children books, seldom parenting books lor. but i'll also ask her just in case.

jenifur/crystalmum - games to play w babies shd be about $28 after discount (actual price not out yet). crystalmum i think u can get toddler book liao, the bb one up to 12mths only.

mummies, do you still leak bm uh? i dun have a lot of milk what but until now bb going 8mths liao still leaking bm!! sianz leh... while typing this can feel bm trickling out onto my breastpad again....
bb rejecting milk - there was a time about 3-4 mths my boy start to fuss when drinking milk, we realise he doesnt want to be cradled to drink milk, must put him on the mattress then he drinks... until now i also feed him on the mattress or playmat one. so wierd rite!
Nanny stay at the back of Punggol Plaza, I think there is some contraction going on. I think I'm stress, yesterday ask hubby shall I resign to be a SAHM 8) See how if he still don't get enough sleep at her house might have the intention to change... But she really good to Justen and not calculative.
thnx mummies for all the advise.

now back at home bb drinking abit more liao but still not enuf in my opinion lah.

my boi drink water and seems to prefer water more than milk.... *sigh* something wrong with my milk isit?

hope its just a passing stage and he will drink more later...
jas - wat is shauan timing like? drink 5 times with 2 only 3 times wonder she so thin..haii..

who your SIL huh??!! is mine leh...haha..but since u say crystal smile melt your heart..will let u say once..

phoebe - if i go see anyting i buy..charge to u..kekeke..

chin - welcome! so good..u oso can latch on one..your bb so small..tink is the youngest here u coping well?

sneaky - ya the 'fats' tats y i always shake my bottle to 'melt' it into the lugi rite..

haha..u say till bitbit really will do it..tink she will abish me liao..keke..

celine - dont worry gal oso sometimes dont drink pd say they wont starve themselves one..her 2nd to 4th mth intake esp low..slowly she drink more..of cos i oso change a lot of teats..hehe..

westbb - i tink i no milk to leak leh..the breastpad like always 'new new' like tat..

u mean now your boi still drink on mattress or mat hah..
Crystalmum - am waiting for next feed, so still up at this weird boy wakes up twice at night. coping ok, tired, but ok..just hope that he can start sleeping through the night soon. Yes - he can latch on quite well..actually he prefers to latch than the bottle..but I want to train him to do both. Cos on some days, he rejects the bottle, and then I start to worry whether he will starve when I go back to work.

Not sure if you all experience this - my boy always prefers the breast milk to FM. We always struggle a bit at the beginning of a FM feed. Is it ok to mix BM and FM ??
angel takes 2 naps a day...morning (range: 0.5 to 1 hour) and afternoon (range: 1.25 to 2 hours). She will sleep around 9pm and wake up anytime between 7 and 8 next morning.

taka zara dun have baby collection...must go to the one at liat towers

milk intake
angel also at one time around 3/4 months dun really want to drink milk...i also very sianz...coz many times have to throw away EBM...then will have to try all sorts of ways to find out her how to make her drink....maybe change position...maybe wait a while...maybe let her watch tv...maybe let her hold a toy... but so far from what i hear from other mummmies...most of the babies all go thru this phase one leh

me dun leak BM since around 8 months... can be free of teh breast pad is shiok man... now i have boxes adn boxes of breasts pads left over!!! funny hor, you should still leak...issit you change your pumping schedule??
Morning mummies! today is the day! my crystal going to meet her laogong for the first time..hehe..and of cos we going to meet shauna too! so sweet rite..2 friends born on the same day..

Anyone going to buy the Gina ford book for weaning one over this weekend can get for me too? me no time to buy this weekend..let me know hor..thanks!

chin - so good can latch one..tat time i call the FM co...cant remember which one..they told me can mix FM &amp; BM..but i usually dont mix..let her drink all FM in one feeding..she oso dont drink i put in 3 scoops instead of 4 scoops..not very good but need to let her get use to it leh..if not hor if i no BM liao very jialat..everytime i feed her FM me so scare she reject cos i down decreasing no. of pumps afraid she got nothing to she taking FM quite well..but then my BM can tahan her feeds cos she dont drink much so i sort of stop FM again..
Hi mummies

Hows everyone???very long neber come in bz wif Nat sleeping faster come in n post....Nat started her puree and she like it so much....she knows how to swallow mum started to give her porridge few days ago and she really like it...think she is bored wif milk.....

anyone knows whether I can mix Fm wif EBM n rice cereal??? Think n think n feel that its very wasted to throw my EBM away....
love - wat puree u gave nat huh?

sp - yuan lai u are far away from cannot come to our gathering (if have) one hah..bitbit cant worms from u in person..keke..
ur crystal like water instead of BM....same as Nat also....I think they dun like BM sad...

I made my mum far given her pumpkin...carrots n potatoes....
bored in office so come here to kpo

cyrstalmum, I ever purposely come to S'pore to join gathering one leh! So never say never, who knows I'll turn up, wuahaha...

love, yah yah yah, don't waste yr ebm, ok to mix with fm for feed, ok to mix with fm in cereal. My mum ever mix my ebm with fm to feed my hh, he ok leh, no LS.
bored in office so come here to kpo

cyrstalmum, I ever purposely come to S'pore to join gathering one leh! So never say never, who knows I'll turn up, wuahaha...

love, yah yah yah, don't waste yr ebm, ok to mix with fm for feed, ok to mix with fm in cereal. My mum ever mix my ebm with fm to feed my hh, he ok leh, no LS.
bored in office so come here to kpo

cyrstalmum, I ever purposely come to S'pore to join gathering one leh! So never say never, who knows I'll turn up, wuahaha...

love, yah yah yah, don't waste yr ebm, ok to mix with fm for feed, ok to mix with fm in cereal. My mum ever mix my ebm with fm to feed my hh, he ok leh, no LS.
me back from the class and have met bitbit and so blur... bitbit ask if it's angel..i say no leh...coz angel is her pet name mah...then i saw rinchen...then i realised's octopus boy and yah is angel la.... you find the class ah? not so convenient to ask you just now...acatualy i paln to ask you alot of questions one...but see you liao all forgotten... heehee... how's your brother's baby ah??

rinchen very cute hor...when he laugh it really chuckes so loudly...can tell he is a very happy baby lor!
