Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?

clogged duct 80% clear leh..still pain wor..

bitbit - ya lor 24/ can watch over market place..keke..u got msn or not..last nite we home alone mummies and sleeping hubbies too..haha..

westbb -
yesterday abish by bitbit cos of westbb kanna kok by shang heng lei lei liao..cannot go class tis sat..

i wan boi next leh..then u have we can pei them again..haha..

celine - ask your maid not to throw away anyting without your permission lah..esp EBM!! 3 mths..can continue to 6 mths leh! jia you hor post your boi's photo leh..long time no see..

jas - *envy* more clogged ducts..hope mine will be gone by today..oops me lazy take boiled water..
lame.gif msn at your home pc leh..

alittlemiracle - touchwood have 2nd one now will faint..maybe start playgroup after the bjg class? hehe..

only tot of bringing her see christmas deco..din tink of bringing her to see CNY ones..keke..but these few days so rainy leh..wanna go out oso scare..
keke.. Alden already look like sumo. so wat u think abt my hubby? haha...

Pink of health is thru giro.. cash.. but if u take up the healthshield thru medisave, pink of health will be cheaper. Pink of health changed plans liao.. now very exp.. my agent say still worth buying but monthly more shiong liao..

I carry him halfaday , my arms cannot tahan liao leh..
hopefully he can walk asap! :p
alittlemiracle, u mean to see CNY deco at "Cow car water" is it? last year I did bring baby despite very crowded, afterall it's the mood. We even watched the firework!

Still remember the lantern festival this year, we just bump there and happen the firework started "bombing", so lucky, we stand there at that spot can see very clealy and Ah boi not scare.

I can picture how angel own way of crawl-walk. On one hand she want to walk dun wan to crawl, on the other, scare fall down, so have to "walk" with buttock up hand down right?

The BJG anytime pop in also first classs free trail is it? If so i go and tell my hb, see how he think. I think if he can see ah boi enjoy, then maybe it will be another story.

crystalmum/westbb/alittemiracle/jas03, my hb says ah boi always climb up climb down already very active liao, no need to join the baby gym.

This morning I drop opp HomeTeamNS again, finally saw a small banner saying "I*** Baby Program", can;t see what was written there though..

jas03, i ask for stamp in exch for the $3 discount voucher mah. Better than asking for $. The buyer still gain discount of $2 plus after sending the stamps to me and I also post the voucher to buyer, end up I get 3 stamps only wat.. On one hand I want the stamp to post greeting cards or sent letter etc.. no need to go post office (very less chance to), usually I ask my hb to buy when pass by post office, but most of the time he "purposely go to buy". "Kao bie ren bu ru kao zhi ji".

Any1 interested in the discount voucher or not? (For buying 900g Similac 2 - New Look tin) Valid till 30 Aug 2006. If not I will post it at the marketplace.

jas03, i use the laundry board is to kok crystalmum's head becos she say my octopus boi is just "qing ren" to her crystal leh, so bad hor.

love, maybe Nat dun like brown rice cereal? You mean if you use BM to mix she dun eat but if use FM to mix brown rice cereal, she eat?

I bought "Si Sheng" brown rice powder, but my boi dun like it at all because it's so dry and tasteless. I am going to mix it into his porridge. Any1 using "Si Sheng"?

will come back later coz things coming in to do liao..
celine, congrats! so are you targetting to TBF for 6mths now?? hehe

jas, congrats too! always v shiok to rid of a block duct!! keke... i think the kind of shiokness only we expressing mummies can understand! haha

alittlemiracle, i dunno when is a good timing for the session leh? i think must be weekend rite... as for when, got to see mummies who are interested when is a good time lor... anyway it's something informal lah, not like going to school what.. it's like a mummies gathering cum bb playgroup cum MJ session haha

fun, when u mention sumo the image that comes to my mind immediately is the sumo in the nippon paint advert!! haha you hubby not like that rite?!

sp, where did u go for picnic? the place like so nice!! is it overseas??

alittlemiracle, i thinking of bringing my bb to see CNY deco too, but so packed dunno how to sqeeuze with stroller leh?! if carry think our arms will break!
mummies, i want to buy some storybooks to keep in the study room for my hubby to read to my boy everynite. very hard to find good storybooks in the lib leh, many books are torn or the stoopid librarian paste the bar code at the most strategic place! anyway i think good books can be read and enjoyed over and over again! also i want to get books on games to play with bbs so my maid can have more ideas to play with my boy, rather than everyday just do the same old stuff. i getting from a supplier i know, shd be able to get discounts if got more orders. Also, i NOT earning anything ok... keke

These are the books i'm ordering... if u got any good book to recommend can let me know i see the supplier got or not.

1.Games to play with babies
2.Games to play with toddlers
3.Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see -
4.Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear -
5.Goodnight moon
6.Peek a moo
7.Where is baby's belly button
8.I love my mommy
9.I love my daddy
jas, last sat at BJG we sing the Kookaburra song remember? here're the lyrics!! crystalmum, you can start learning liao... dunno this sat they will repeat or not?

~~ Kookaburra ~~
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Merry, merry king of the bush is he
Laugh, Kookaburra! Laugh, Kookaburra!
Gay your life must be

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Eating all the gum drops he can see
Stop, Kookaburra! Stop, Kookaburra!
Leave some there for me
i interested in no. 2 and 7. but can i know roughly how much har.. too ex i dun think i will get.

telling me.. i think abt carry bb the whole time.. i abit scared.. unless we use sarong or carrier lor. alittlemiracle you using the ergo one right? really good? saw someone selling at mktplace.. was v tempted, but bo lui oredi..

re: kookaburra song
i think i missed the song on sat.. but i went thru tat in the trial. thanks! i will memorise tis song, and sing to bb tonite. wahh.. like studying like that.. very long never memorise things liao!

wat a great idea.. picnic! but hor, got ants or not? keke.. scared ants bite bb.. but picnic is such a lovely idea.. fresh air, and nice experience for bb.

i personally luf picnics.. but hb never ever bring me for picnic dates leh.. not like those shows, bachelor or bachelorette.. they go for romantic picnics.. *envy!
Halo Mommies
My Boi is 4months old today, but he's not feeling well this morning, drink only 80ml, nanny say he like want to vomit like that and body warm warm and keep on crying 8( Nose a bit watery ... Hopefully is just a false alarm. Still monitoring, feel like flying back home but my colleague sick so can't go off 8(

Celine, we always worry that BB got not enough intake, but BB got their ʮ one if they don't want we can't force him... Or do you try chilled milk? Maybe he like Justen also don't like frozen milk? Oh yah, last time Justen drinking about 70-80ml too, see PD also say he is ok nothing to worry. I think all of us need to go thru this stage.

I passby a cafe in Suntec, they have a small area whereby parents can makan while the little one play at the small area. Think is quite nice but Justen need awhile to join in the fun.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>BB name</TD><TD>Boy/Girl</TD><TD>DOB </TD></TR><TR><TD>BitBit</TD><TD>Rin Chen</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>2-Dec </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alittlemiracle</TD><TD>Angel</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2-Jan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Crystalmum</TD><TD>Crystal</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>16-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jas03</TD><TD>Shauna</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>16-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Westbb </TD><TD>Ben Wei</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>17-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dingdong</TD><TD>Rae</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>25-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sheris</TD><TD>Jia Hao</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jia Xin</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jia Jing</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>28-Jun </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tuffy</TD><TD>Jing Wei</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>18-Jul </TD></TR><TR><TD>Love</TD><TD>Natalynn</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>25-Jul </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sp</TD><TD>Hock Hin</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>30-Jul </TD></TR><TR><TD>IxWong</TD><TD>Hao Wen</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>18-Aug </TD></TR><TR><TD>Phoebe</TD><TD>Daryll</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>29-Aug </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fun</TD><TD>Alden</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>11-Sep </TD></TR><TR><TD>Poko </TD><TD>Justen</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>12-Sep </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sneaky</TD><TD>Samuel</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>30-Sep </TD></TR><TR><TD>Celine</TD><TD>Joshua</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>12-Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Oh yeah poko.. happy 4mths to Justen!!
Just realised yours and Celine boy exactly one mth apart.
westbb, thanks for the song, I know how to sing it as i still remember I sung it when I was in Primary 1.

sp, i bring bb for picnic too but we built a tent and stay inside. There was once we were inside the tent when a heavy downpour came and no chance to pack up and run. Ended up me, my mum and bb inside the tent while my hb was at a shelter. The tent was abit damp but everything still ok inside, at least we are not drench through and bb still sleeping inside.

Jas03, create a picnic date lah if your hb dun initiate. Usually men will not initiate thing like this unless they really the romancho kind. If i wouldn't ask for an event, my hb would presume I wasn't interested in anything except being a "huang lian po", man are like that one lar.

jas03, i agree with you regarding having to carry our bb whole time. Imagine we are carrying a bag of 10kg rice here and there while shopping. Rice still can put down, but our bb cannot, muz carry him/her throughout.

have any mummies here read today URBAN page? So grossy regarding eating our own placenta..
bitbit, la-kopi?
actually where is yr workplace har.. cant be go end of jurong la-kopi with you. are you at RP?

what is the news abt eating placenta.. sounds gross..
Fun, noe that Alden is on the heavy weight side, but aiyo y u so "gan jeong" wan Alden faster can walk har? He is only 4 mos old leh.

It's better they start to crawl first, it's important to know that the co-ordination of hand and leg can simulate the mind. Dun hurry them to learn how to walk so soon lah. Let nature take its own course.

Is daddy of "heavy duty" also har? Mb Alden follow papa size? If not then maybe he will "slim" down in time to come. It will be around the time when baby is 6 mos onward.
jas03, kia, we go la-- now. So tired. tell u i almost drop my head in front of the screen... jialat. Lucky my boss in the tele-conference meeting..

What is RP? Republic Plaza? I am next to Haw Par Villa.

U noe the Channel 8-actress Casandra See? She eat her own placanta. She freeze it in the freezer for 2 months, then bake it till it crisp, then pound into powder and eat it. It's said to have effect on beautiful skin and good health, something like that, so gross.. I have never seen my placenta as I am on C-sec, but my colleague who delivered in sitting position told that it looks like liver..any mummies here seen their own placenta before? if I eat my placanta, it's like eating my own flesh like that, so "carnivorious" yuck...

U r making me jumping up and down!

Wat i mean is they are "exactly" months apart becos on the same "date" (diff month) lar..
bitbit, i saw my placenta...gynae took it out and lifted it up to show really looks like a big piece of liver...hee hee...
yeah lor! they really same day different mth leh!!

wat?? haw par villa?? so far how to la-kopi??

i guessed muz be yr boss not ard, tats y u can post in thread.. sure enuf.. at meeting. kekeke! when the cat is away, the mouse come out and play!
sneaky, i think I will faint...

jas03, my boss around I aso dun care. Meaning this big mouse is Stuart Little, very clever one, know how to make use of time, hehehe.. Boss? Maybe he is Garfiled.
hi mummies, very sianx today... I plannd something for my staff to do (to add to their portfolio) and then turn around my 2nd boss wants me to do it on my own. Wonder why bosses don't communicate. Haiz.

Poko, how is Justen now? I can understand how gan cheong you are feeling. Can u explain to your boss about the emergency and leave a bit earlier?

Wah, I see so many babies in the bj thing leh. Jas, westbb - fun or not? If I join, will westbb fall for my Rae instead?
. Now that I am not expressing anymore, I sort of feel very "lack of something" leh. Kinda miss those days. Now looking back, I wonder how did I tong one har?

Celine, press on. I am sure u can bf well through 6 months.

Love, so our babies only 2 months apart. So nice.

Bitbit, Jedi looks so cute!!! love his first baby photo. And his looks hasn't really change hor. Still so handsome.
<font face="Calisto mt">Hi Hi,

I'm from OCT'05 MTB thread, wld luv to join tis thread "officially" for more tips.
<font face="Calisto mt"> Here's e most recent pic of my ger ger. She's turning 4 mths this coming 18th. She's a big BB, weighing 6.4kg @ 3mths.</font>

eww... eating placenta is gross. I din see my placenta but the pix in the TMC childbirth book is enough to make me sick. yah.. it does look like liver.

sp - your hh looked so happy during the picnic! it has been raining cats and dogs here in singapore so no chance for outdoor activities. In fact, I realised that many outfits I bought for my gal is so "skimpy", cannot wear at all for these few days. grr..

playing games
me v bad and unimaginative. always do the same things. hope my gal doesn't end up boring and and gong gong..

sorry to raise this again but what's the pink of health insurance about? seems v popular. is it a medical insurance? does the premium increase with age? I vaguely recall that you can add on coverage for the kid for incomeshield. does anyone do that?

I am still wondering whether to buy red outfit for my gal. worried she will end up looking like a giant angpao. some more she looks like a boy - maybe red doesn't suit her...

milk intake
my gal's intake has been quite good lately. always finished her 5 oz and sometimes 5.5oz. not sure why leh. But recently she has been taking more solids. maybe her stomach expanded? speaking of solids - has anyone puree-ed brocolli? how to do hah? more importantly, does it taste terrible?
Hi mummies

last call...anyone wants EBM?? date is Nov 06-Dec 06....let me know if u r interested....if not I will throw away liao....
jas, i still dont have the prices but my guess after discount book 2 shd be about $28 and book 7 less than $10. i'll pm you once i get the price.

picnics, i like picnics too! but hor singapore weather so hot, not very conducive for picnics leh... i once picnic in melbourne, weather so cool wah shiok! and that's is the ONLY time my hubby bring me picnic!

poko, how's ur boy now?
the place u mention, can bbs play there? cos usually the playarea got a lot of kids jumping around bb cannot even sit there "safely" right...

bitbit, u heard it while in pri 1 ??? It was my first time hearing the song at the BJG class! haha!

dingdong, we only attended one session, i think it quite ok lah, but my boy was sleepy that day so he didnt really want to do alot of the activities. you want to join? oh oh then there would be "rectangle love fight" liao kekeke

hi jenifur! welcome! is your bb on TEBM now?

placenta, i didnt get to see my placenta leh! hmmm or did i??? aiyo i cannot remember!?!

tuffy u can try pink or orange outfits for your gal for cny? or gold also very cny-ish!

i cook the brocc in porridge for my boy, think first time he doesnt like, but after that seems quite ok... u try mix brocc with cereal and let her try first, if she ok then increase more brocc...
hi love,
thot i read somewhere before that u can mix formula wt ebm. tho can't seem to find where i read it before. anyone else heard of such a thing before?
hi westbb - do you just cook the flower bit? I am thinking of steaming that and putting it through a strainer.
Hi all
Justen is ok, body temp abit warm but don't have fever. So relief 8) But he drink very little today 80ml at 10am and 70ml at 1pm...4.30pm drink 130ml with Yang Sheng added. Funny boi like chinese herb. But cannot add that for every feed right?

Welcome Jenifur
Your girl 6.4kg at 3month not very big lah, my boi 7.15kg at 3mth... but he start at 4kg.
sp - your boi is so cute!

bitbit - wat is so bad abt qing ren hah..i kanna kok till blur blur liao..

si sheng jz brown rice rite? is this brand good? i oso wanna give my gal brown rice abt normal brown rice? not good hah?

westbb - i know the song! last time got sing before..must sing song at the class hah..eeee..i cant sing well leh..april wont ask us sing one by one hor...

dingdong - dont u enjoy your freedom again? wonder if i will miss it if i stop..hehe..

wei u hah..dont try to snatch away our westbb boi leh..keke..not got quatricular love affair liao like tat..

jenifur - welcome! cute gal oso..careful of westbb hor..keke..
seems like my pri sch v lousy leh never teach me that Kookaburra song so now i got to spend $ go class to learn! keke

honeybee, what i heard is that ebm shd not mix with fm cos will be more difficult to absorb.

tuffy yah i just use the flowers, steam then push thru strainer ok

crystalmum i oredy did not ask jenifur gal to be my boy's wifey on 'first meeting' liao u still go and ruin my reputation har...
Hi mommies,
I'm back.. Sorri for MIAing for quite sometime.. Busy wf some personal stuff..

U have extra EBM?? Can collect from u?? Sherilyn is a cleopatra baby neh.. Keke.. PM me ur contact can??

Thanks for informing me abt Love's excess EBM huh!!

Pls add me in the list too. TIA.
Nick: Serrich
BB Name: Sherilyn
Gender: Girl
DOB: 30 June 2005

me take up income shield for my kids lor....i pay from cpf n pay in cash also to cover the deductiable n coinsurance
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Westbb</font>,

Janelle is on EBM when I @ work. I'll latch her when I'm home.

<font color="0000ff">Poko</font>,

e problem is my gal started with 2.81kg only

<font color="0000ff">Crystalmum</font>,

Y mus b careful of Westbb leh?? Did her boi boi hv certain reputation tt I shld know

<font color="0000ff">Mummies</font>,

I can't seemed to empty my left breast even after I let Janelle latch. In e end I only can get v little BM from left side. Any solution?</font>
morning mummies!
welcome jenifur!

i dun give this on it's own.. usually will mix with something else like sweet potato or rice cereal...i will steam and then blast everything in teh blender.. will give the stalk too afater skinning it.

jenifur... my angel started at 2.49kg only...

yah your pri sch lousy leh...never teach you kookabara song... this song somemore can sing in rounds, very fun when we were kids kind....

me have not checked out th ebooks you are purchasing... issit cheaper than getting from places like kino with 20% discount during thier sales? issit can only get thoe titles that you are buying or can get other titles too? your supplier supplies all publishers ah??? sorry ah, so many questions....

your clogged ducts totally clear liao ah??

you cannot just walk into the bjg class la...must call them to request for trial class... quick call them, see if you can slot into sat morning class for trial leh...come come this saturday!!!

me never see my own placenta... i see the baby come out so blue and purple i already get shocked liao...but i hear placenta really very 'bu'....

yah...go cow car water to see the decor and soak in atmosphere...but these days really so wet... must pick one day to go lah...anyone gonna decorate thier own home for cny?? me dun usually la, but thought quite fun for angel to see new things at home...
westbb - can i say tat of my crystal's FMIL..kekke..sorry sorry..

serrich - long time no see leh..u shift house a bigger one so we can go for CNY? keke..

jenifur - ya lor..westbb boi reputation is very handsome lor..haha..tell u beware so i one less competitor for my my ying mo lah..

u got pump after latching on for the left side or not?

alittlemiracle - clogged duct like not clear leh..xianzzz...

y angel come out blue black? u normal delivery hah..

me only got a few cny thingy to paste on the favorite mashimaro bai nian..

bitbit, yr ah boi most welcome to join in the picnic! but my hb said if gal gal join in even better, heh heh heh.

westbb, we picnic at Fraser's Hill, cool weather, warm sunshine &amp; fresh air! Keke!

jas, got ants, got a lot of tiny bees also at the bushes nearby sucking honey from little flowers...

poko, glad yr Justen ok.

dingdong, got any more pics of yr Rae? Want to see her sweet smile...

welcome, jenifur! yr girl smile so happily...

tuffy, the picnic was on 29/12/05, nowadays a lot of rain can't picnic.
love, I felt so sad to read yr posting. So u gonna stop giving ebm to Nat? Why not wait a few more days, see if she will change?

Or maybe feed Nat more often since she taking less when she drinks ebm? All yr effort &amp; sacrifice to pump all the ebm for her...
welcome back! miss u lah.. ok add you in liao.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>BB name</TD><TD>Boy/Girl</TD><TD>DOB </TD></TR><TR><TD>BitBit</TD><TD>Rin Chen</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>2-Dec </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alittlemiracle</TD><TD>Angel</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2-Jan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Crystalmum</TD><TD>Crystal</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>16-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jas03</TD><TD>Shauna</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>16-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Westbb </TD><TD>Ben Wei</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>17-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dingdong</TD><TD>Rae</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>25-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sheris</TD><TD>Jia Hao</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jia Xin</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jia Jing</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>28-Jun </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>Sherilyn</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>30-Jun </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tuffy</TD><TD>Jing Wei</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>18-Jul </TD></TR><TR><TD>Love</TD><TD>Natalynn</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>25-Jul </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sp</TD><TD>Hock Hin</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>30-Jul </TD></TR><TR><TD>IxWong</TD><TD>Hao Wen</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>18-Aug </TD></TR><TR><TD>Phoebe</TD><TD>Daryll</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>29-Aug </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fun</TD><TD>Alden</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>11-Sep </TD></TR><TR><TD>Poko </TD><TD>Justen</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>12-Sep </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sneaky</TD><TD>Samuel</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>30-Sep </TD></TR><TR><TD>Celine</TD><TD>Joshua</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>12-Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

welcome to our big family!! Janelle is so adorable, thanks for sharing with us her pic.

but u gotta stay clear of westbb boy ok.. he is shauna's liao.

some mummies here hand express after each pumping sessions to empty their breast. mayb u can try.. for me, i hvnt master the technique well yet.

yah quick call them and arrange for trial.. cant wait to see jedi boy!

dingdong.. do come and join us! they do singing, card flashing, some dancing, gym.. also give yr bb chance to interact with other bbs.

ants and bees got go near hh or not? got kena bitten? i muz do a picnic for my gal when the weather gets better. botanical gardens wld be nice hor? esp now she can sit on her own on picnic mat liao.. will be fun.

no.2 is ex.. i think i will give it a miss. cos i got a similiar one that my BIL gave me, from Gymboree or something.. but i do not mind buying no.7, if its ok to add my order.

yest sing tat kookabura song to shauna, she look at me.. no expression at all. mayb i din sing it very well.. haha.
jenifur, me too...can't seem to empty my right breast. this happened after my blocked ducts. i feel that block ducts happen very often after i got it for the first ah?

jas03, i've tried expressing with my hands...still cannot empty mah...gotta spend a lot of time and waste quite a lot of milk cos it shoots quite far away...can't capture those in the bottle..
emptying breasts
my experience is that hand express best empties my breasts lor... sometimes, if the need to clear the cloged duct (very stubborn ones) is greater than the milk collection, then i will stand in the shower cubicle and hand express (usually after pumping)...find that standng upright clears my ducts faster.

mine is normal delivery...dunno leh..when baby come out not pink pink but purple...after they take in oxygen then they pink up...
emptying breasts
my experience is that hand express best empties my breasts lor... sometimes, if the need to clear the cloged duct (very stubborn ones) is greater than the milk collection, then i will stand in the shower cubicle and hand express (usually after pumping)...find that standng upright clears my ducts faster.

mine is normal delivery...dunno leh..when baby come out not pink pink but purple...after they take in oxygen then they pink up...

if pink of health more siong den i need to reconsider maybe i check ard 1st. thnx


if got i got enuf milk n bb willing to drink i will try to TBF 6mths bb drinking not alot i scare he dun like my milk...
but he nvr try other flavor before mah why he dun like mine


I stored my milk in 2 places one to the normal fridge for my boi daily consumption (which is the chilled milk) the rest i stored in freezer (the frozen milk) usually i mix the chilled milk with some frozen milk inorder to rotate the frozen milk coz i dun want to store the milk in freezer too long usually store less than a month.

huh! if he really dun want frozen milk i faint ok coz my whole freezer full of frozen milk leh really can bath in them ok.

I hope justen is alright dun worry too much ok.

re: placenta

yucks! so gross to eat placenta dun even mentioned that they are our own ones! double yucks! i rather eat bird nests for nice skin ar! :p

welcome jenifur!! Janelle is so cute!


thnx all mummies for your strong encoragement once again! *muack*

ah... i had written so long and my posting gone, I duno when did I close the page..

dingdong, jedi boi doesn't change much on his face but his character and temper changed alot, so mischievous now. Last time every1 says he looks like papa, I felt abit disappointed and sad coz i feel that i am the one carrying him for 9 mos, undergoing the operation, taking the fear and pain and EBM-ing on every alternate hours, how come every1 came say he looks like papa? Even if really not resemble mama, also muz "keh keh" say and make mama happy mah, duno am I post-natal blue that time...

Esp those time those hb's relative and sis, usually dun even bother to talk to me can suddenly change to another character after I delivered my boi. Come our house keep saying he looks like father, this and that... Looks like father meh? I mother leh, dun look like meh? KPO! I undergo the operation also can't be bother to ask about me.

Now every1 says ah boi resemble mama liao. mb because I spend all of my time with him in the weekend bah? i always mega-love, kiss and hug him leh. my hb leh, everyday go back his mum house aso bo chup us. His relative and sis leh, disgusting, now like disappear into air liao.

Do you all face digusting relatives or SIL problem har?

dingdong, post pix of Rae when she was a baby leh.

sp, i was saying that can u tell me how u go to Fraser Hill? By coach or car? If coach, which agent you book with? Is it good? How many days you go? I was thinking of going somewhere coo in malaysia during the mar holiday but definately not Genting again... Can you share with me? If it's a long story, can you PM to me?

alittlemiracle / crystalmum/westbb and jas03, i am not sure whether i am going for thr trail class tommorrow or next week.. I will try calling them later.

westbb, u which pri school har, never teach u sing that kookarburo song ah? last night I asked my hb, he said he know that song aso leh. But I somewhat forget lyrics, thanks for providing it.

love, luckily serrich need your EBM, i felt so terrible that you are going to throw them away. Love can you Tahan EBM till Nat is 1 year old. I felt sad u r stopping EBM leh. Alttilrmiracle &amp; me is doing it still leh, we had EBM for more than 1 year liao, so i believe U can do it too!!!

tuffy, I also agree wif westbb that u can get pink or orange cny dress for ur ger because red is quite common nowaday.

my brother's wife had juz scanned, she is carrying a ger and due in May. Now i am very worry about the baby as last week report was that the spine wasn't very visible... First was chicken pox, now the spine, so terrible feeling for the parents.. today another scan hope thing are fine..

new member.. jennifur, welcome onbaord.
