Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?

oh i see.. my frd's boy onli one week older than Alden now drinks every 6 hrly.. and can sleep thru the nite liao.. but her boy drinks 180ml every 6 hrs.. too little rite?? and recently doesnt want milk.. onli want water.. she was quite worried lor..

keke.. i have to apply aching cream.. shiong hor?? :p

btw anyone's bb using mamipoko's pants? I find tat it gets heavy easily, my mil bought Alden M size pack.. so scared he will overgrow before he finishes... must faster use..
dun understand why she buy this type.. moreover he still havent started crawling.. :p

Alden:'Wana see me angry??'
fun - 180ml 6 hrly seems quite little..

so early wear those pull up pants? quite ex rite? tot is better for those crawling bb? maybe cos is easier to wear..keke..dont have to tape..maybe i shd consider it gal dont know y..ALWAYS wringle out of the pampers when we trying to tape her..argh..

yeah lor.. i was shocked to see my hubby bringing it back from my mil place.. i asked him.. so fast learn how to crawl liao ah? :p
crystalmum - my gal sometimes get rashes near her mouth too. Noticed that started after she took solids. But it doesn't happen all the time too. so not sure what's the cause.. hai.. so I just apply bit of cream loh. do you still have lots of PP left? I still haven't finished my first box yet. jia lat.
Hi Tuffy
I just bought one for Justen, very bad hor so late then buy for him... I bought endownment plan, the policy will mature at his 22nd BD, it also insured for the payer. I plan to buy the Pink of Health from AIA too but haven't contact the agent yet.

Fun my boi 160-170ml can last for 5hrs, he drink very little I worried too. But don't dare to force as if not he will puke.

BTW after the big clogged duct my ss drop and no matter how I squeeze the supply didn't went up...

West BB boi like working very hard on picking up the balls he looks hardworking on the pict...

Alittlemiracle, where do you bring Angel for her hair cut? I also want to give Justen a new look for CNY.

Crystalmom, ok ok we play scrabble, can let Justen pick up the bricks like westbb boi did and learn A B C... 8)
tuffy - i bgt saving plan & H&S plan for my gal..

me still have 4 boxes left..hehe..but is a bliss no need to chase after cheap pampers leh!

fun - u buy pink of health using CPF? can hah?
Fun the pink of Health change liao right? Last time we just pay a fix premium but hear now premium increase by age? Can pay using CPF? I tot only Health Shield can use CPF ley... Need to contact my agent to check.
crystalmum, u dun worry... carla did her job.. see she put ziwei in between shauna and westbb boy.. but both of them "xin you ling xi".. crawl away at the same time.. kekeke.

one and only pic taken tat day.
sorry westbb pic abit blur.. oni managed to take one pic.. then shauna fell down and start to wail.

hey thanks for reminding me abt pull up pants mummies! changing diapers for my gal is such a nitemare nowadays, cos she protests so much abt being made to lie down. mayb shld try those pull up ones.

i quite worried shauna become spoilt liao.. do you all hv a problem, esp when yr bb is quite tired/sleepy.. that she will scream when she dun get her way? like when she wants you to carry and you dun, she will scream.. or when you take away something from her.. i get this type of behaviour when she is in her cranky mood. duno how to train her leh.. i do not believe in smacking her yet i feel she quite naughty now. how? dun wan her to grow up to be a spoilt brat.

today got this massive block ducted.. whole lower half of left br! also duno why.. been trying to clear it whole day, until now still hvnt clear.. grrr
fun, ur hubby looks like korean/japanese ah? must be v handsome lor?? keke

tuffy, my maid is fr philippines so no day off for her today, but when xmas and new year's day we gave her day off.

insurance - pink of health is good? seems so popular among mummies ah?

jas, keke the pic ziwei looks very 'abandoned' by her new friends haha... my boy looks very small size when put beside shuana leh!! i also brought camera that day but i left my bag in the car and my camera inside! so didnt take any photos that day.. this sat must take more! btw u did not get the free tee too rite?
re: rashes near mouth
when my gal started solids, that happened too. then we made sure use cooled boiled water and cotten wool and clean her face and neck after every feed. then it got better..

wah Alden really look very fierce in the pic. but the earlier pic you posted made me smile and smile.. he like soooo happy and satisfied!

nice to see the pics of jedi boy from NB to now! he changed quite a bit, but main features still there. he still got the cheeky look. his face slimmed down liao hor..

yah not much difference after the haircut. i like her in her dress.. so sweet! angel has got rosy cheeks isit?

how you put all the pics together to one har? i love to see all the different pose and expression of one particular time one.. wld luf to put together something like tis for shauna.. can teach me?
oh ya i remember shuana fell down cos she was crawling to the side of the gym mat. poor girl! first day kenna accident liao! i think v normal for bb to protest if they want something but was not given rite? i mean the only way they can verbalise their wants now is to scream or cry mah... just that some protest louder than others lor. u can tell her that you dont like her behaviour and give her a straight face. then distract her. that's what i do, but of course my boy will still test my limit one and i got to just go on and distract him, and when he was willing to go into another activity i will give him happy face again keke

you long time didnt pump? why blocked leh?? ur brs also celebrate hari raya go on holiday is it... today my ss hit all time low... whole day not even 400ml, usu abt 500ml one.. i think i can try to stop liao.

crystalmum, no problem i'll cut some crepe paper and pass to u this sat, but u got to roll them into balls yourself hor hehe, btw the container is not included! keke

my hubby was saying our bbs all quite close in age in this thread, we can conduct playgroup sessions for our bb leh, mummies can take turns to plan each session's programme, i think it will be very fun for our bbs hor?
keke... 501 then 'promoted' hehe!

jas i use photoshop and copy and paste the different photos into one big file. u know how to use photoshop?

going to koon liao... tmr working again...
congrats westbb!! Promote to Member liao!

actually she din knock her head.. i "hop" her in time, but she still wail. sigh.

yah can organise playgroups.. but cannot let Poko organise, cos she will teach them play MJ.. ahahah.. kidding hor!
one last post b4 i go pee and koon ... actually hor research say MJ is a very brain stimulating game, those old folks who play MJ got less percentage of turing senile leh... kekeke
hi mummies very long nv login liao me busi like siao whole family all sick...... then my boss somemore call to say feng leng hua..... irritatied think she hinting for me to find another job... i will gladly do tt but muz find job first......

my kids got 3 insurance each, education, income shield and life insurance but is the type u pay for a limited no of years but the plan cover for life.....

pp me open 2 boxes liao so onli 3 boxes left....
think from tml when opic hours me cant really login liao boss watching very close... sianz.....
playgroup sounds good leh...but angel abit older the rest...dunno still ok or not ah??
you want to organise issit??? hee hee

hee hee...ya...angel has rosy cheeks...

me brought her to junior league at paragon... ok only lah...not to die for service... maybe you can try junior league at united square or at forum (dunno the name)

me never give day off but i took her for my FIL bierthday dinner...give her eat lobster mian sian leh..... i think better than day off... dunno if she feels the same way

shuana looks bigger than westbb boy hor..issit ah?
my fren admitted this morning for exciting..can go and hold small bb again..i really missed those days crystal cant 'move' at all..hehe..

ask u all u sometimes have 'dreams' or watever and feel that something is in your tummy 'moving'? me sometimes feel this last time bb inside like scary..

westbb - see shauna bigger size than your boi leh..keke..ya tis week must take more photo..cos got crystal remember to bring your camera..must take your boi and crystal hold hands ok?

thanks for the crepe paper keke..too lazy to go liao so big..oso dont know wat to do with it..actually yesterday i tried with toilet paper..white color she oso so excited over it..hehe..

playgroup sounds good but hor..i not 'teacher' leh..

jas - shauna is so sweet..always love to see her pic more leh..u purposely blur westbb boi izit..hehe

my gal oso have the same problem leh..cry and scream to get her way..and those scream is whole block can hear oso scare that she will be a spoilt brat..

so your clogged duct clear liao?

must use cool boiled water hah? tap water cannot?

sheris - how are they liao? recovered? can imagine how busy you were!

huh? tot u got 10boxes? why open 2 box left 3 box?

alittlemiracle - so u joining the bjg?

bitbit - u joining our class or not?
today woke up super late.... at angel no choice kenna have to drink formula... now pumping away....

jas....hwah...your blocked duct so big ah... clear already or not ah?

if the timing is right, i will join the class lor... bitbit, u join the same class as me lah... hope they have class in the morning! how many max in the class ah?/ are your kids??

crystalmum!!! you you le ah??? go and check leh... a woman's intuitionn is very strong one leh...

SP...i dunno exactly where but why dun you try the major spa and ask lor...

sheris...for some reason, i thought SP was you, maybe cause her nick says 3 going to i thought you got another one in the pod!
wah! gong xi ni !!

when i think abt last time just deliver,also bring back nice memories.

whole family sick? now better or not? how are your 3 little ones? you leh.. is it the flu bug? weather very bad recently hor. drink more water ok. u cant post during off hours liao? we wait patiently for your postings in the evenings.. ;o)

yeah! hope alittlemiracle and bitbit can join our class.. come lah come lah.. bitbit, you manage to persuade your hb?

yeah i tot so.. she got nice rosy cheeks. wahh your maid get ot eat lobster. u got tell her its good stuff or not.. mayb she doesnt even know.

re: my mega duct
not yet clear uh! oni clear abt 1/3 of it.. still big big lump.. left my lecithin in office, later will take some, hopefully can help clear by today. carry bb so pain leh.
alittlemiracle - alamak i not preggie lah..will pengsan with 2 kids now..1 already cannot tahan..

max i tink is 6 or 7 babies in one class..

jas - i kept trying to recall if i see u at the MAH leh..keke..but dont tink i see shauna leh..i got see westbb boi leh..u got go breastfeeding class too? the one me and westbb kanna called to go back to the ward cos our gynae doing the rounds?

u on leave hah?
i did not attend any class except for the bb bathing one at the nursery. dun rem seeing you either. u dun look familiar to me at all when i met you the last time.. but westbb look familiar.. actually hor, my hb say westbb hb look familiar to him. most prob is antenatal class lor.

lecithin is a soya based supplement, mainly pple take to control colestrol etc.. but some say it helps to clear recurring block ducts. me go find the link for you... ahh.. here it is: tat day just posted for whitefloral. lecithin is found in capsule form at GNC.
fun, alden so chubby & cute even if he give angry look, keke!

bitbit, so nice to see yr boy "grow up" thru the pics! he looks more cheeky as he grows up hor.

alittlemiracle, angel looks rosy & girly in dress! she still looks the same with her new haircut, I can't spot the difference, oops.
me still sick then kids better but jj got rashes everywhere n cough n flu..... plua me try to express a bit during lunch todae found out tt ss dip till very bad... think muz be coz the poast few days me hardly pump then breast always full so ss reduce... think my milking days may be over soon... n i cutting doen to 2 pumps a day n the nite direct latch on... hope it works n i can bf till jj 1yr old
oh the pp thg rite when i say box means inside one box got two bags i used up 4 bags liao then how many left dun know... heehee
On lah, I'll conduct a class for all gals to play MJ and all boi to play PS2 8) So next time if I got not enough leg I can ask one of them to join 8) kee kee...
sheris, u take care ya! my ss also dipping, took me 50 mins to get 4.5oz zzz...

jas u so poor thing! hope yr mega duct is cleared soon & u get mega fountain, keke.

crystalmum, I almost congrats u also, keke. crystal so warm & cosy in car seat, I love her dimples - so charming! :D
Sheris take care, JJ poor boy, he see PD liao? I think your SS drop as you are sick it will come back once you recover... Don't worry. We all tong as long as we got milk ok.

How much do they charge on Angel hair? Not cheap right?
jas03, thanks a million!!! will go get 1 bottle to standby...cos i realize that once i get block ducts, it will always sad
crystalmum, jas03, westbb abd alitlemiracle, octopus boi wun be joining the class... hb say no need, cannot meet the babies liao leh, can I juz walk in and kpo without joining or not?

diaper & pants..
fun, i am using mamipoko diaper, not the pant. The pants are quite expensive, ur mum already used it on Alden ah? For us is quite "zhong ben". For us we use mamipoko at night when he sleep so that he wun wake up wetting the bed due to diaper explosion. In the day, we use NTUC diaper or petpet and change it 4 hourly. If we go out, we will use pamper dry and change it 6 hourly. For mamipoko, at night he wear from 12 plus to 8 am. It's good as so far mamipoko seldomly leak/explode. If we use NTUC/petpet/pamperdry at night, next day wake up his diaper sure explode.

westbb, regarding octopus boi frawning, i also duno why he do that. tat baby pix was taken after he shaven for a week already bah, so long time ago, cannot remember liao.

crystalmum, how come octopus boi can only be crystal's qing ren har?

angel so sweet, she looks so jovial in all shots and alittlemiracle, angel can walk liao is it? Or she can only stand but cannot walk yet? Win liao lor, my boi can crawl, climb, stand and being cheeky, making faces (kns) but cannot walk or run with no support.

fun, why Alden looks so angry har?

fun/crystalmum, i think every babies the same coz ah boi also wriggle away and want to turn over when i try to tape the diaper. Sometimes the whole diaper "y y" and if my hb change, even worst, sometimes he even whack his thigh until he cry so "qi cham" leh.., he really "orr sim" one lar.. (tatz y my baby stick to me better than my hb) Anyway, maybe u can get something to distract him/her so that they can guai guai lie there to let you tape.

crystalmum, ppl keep congratulating u leh, u TTC ah?

poko, wah u MJ queen! Eh u cantonese? Coz i know cantonese like MJ (although not all).

sp (my worm supplier), there is a duplicate of u out there, her name is "SP", jialat, how to identify... I almost confuse u with SP also if alittlemiracle had not somehow confuse sheris and u, aiyo so confusing...

I have 1 pc of $3 similac (for baby 6-12 months) discount voucher to ask for 4 pcs of Singapore local addressee postal stamps, any mummy want to deal?
Hi mummies....
My Nat dun like to drink my BM liao....cos I think not as sweet as FM.....she cannot finish drinking even 80ml of EBM but she can finish up 140ml of FM in one I will have to stop forcing her to drink BM since she dun really gain much weight.......I have 50 over packs of frozen wasted to throw....who wants??? I can give away.....if not very wasted to throw them away...still have expire yet...

if anyone interested....can let me know...

I using mamipoko pants for Alden in the day now.. alt changing with fitti.. in the night will give PP lor.. yea.. i have to use it liao.. cos Alden will outgrow very quickly de..

Alden doesnt look angry meh? keke.. He like maciam "gin" me leh.. keke think i take too much pics of him liao :p turn to have clogged duct!! when saw u all have..i was thinking quietly..heng dont have..sway sway kanna!

sheris - jia you jia you! we support u leh..

sp - aiyo..tat alittlemiracle lor..say till pp tot i preggie leh..i oso love my gal's from the daddy..hehe..

fun - my crystal really gan bai xia feng leh..

bitbit - cannot go for class..come visit us lor..

*ouch*..pain leh..crystal must be faithful to no.1 laogong mah..

actually my maid is the one who distract her with toys lor..i did not tink of tat leh..keke.. i not TTC..if i am i will be

love - serrich may want? i know she bath her sherilyn with BM one..
crystalmum u log in 24/7 one ah? How's ur ducts?

Now raining outside so cool feeling, like the moment so much. My hb slept liao left me alone sitting here listening to 972 and using computer. Hardly had such relaxing moment already.

i will visit HomeTeamNS if have time, I will ask hb to pass by if no where to go, I certainly don't want to miss the triangular war between crystal, westbb boi and shauna. (Notice I put westbb boi in the middle to avoid further dispute, ok, hehe..)

love, how come Nat become like that? Actually BM is also sweet lar, is it becos of the freezed smell? My boi still take my BM despite he is more on FM leh? Maybe you can use your BM to make cereal, at least it wun gone to waste. So sad to hear you are going to "buang" it...

Fun, I believe most of the mummies here take alot of pix of their baby, dun think Alden "gin" at you. R u changing him when you take the pix? Mb he thok u took his "X-censored" pix thatz y he angry is it? hehhe.. I see him gong-gong watch TV (one of your pix) very cute leh. He so chubby like a "pang wa-wa", so huggable!

westbb, ur boi counting balls ah? What is the colourful ball-ball things? Is it paper, glass or made of wat material? Where to buy? Will he spill the ball all over the place har? Wonder if my boi still need to train that? I didn;t train my octopus that leh... I m such a lousy mum everything also never train. Never flash-card, never tell a story, never sing song to him... he everyday at my mum place, I am feeling like losing my bonding with him leh...
alittlemiracle, we take turns to organise the playgroup sessions lah! if not i'm going to charge fee liao haha! angel got octopus boy as company mah, not too old lah! age doesnt matter, most impt our bbs have fun!
then after that mummies can play MJ taught by poko! haha

crystalmum no need to be teacher to play with bbs what! *kok*

bitbit why our hubby say no need for octopus boy to go?? yah come visit us then... bring ur hubby leh, maybe he'll change his mind after seeing us have fun keke

crystalmum, hard to say leh, maybe u really strike liao??!! if gal hor then westbb can have crystal's little sister as wife too? keke

fun, no one can fight Alden liao!

so many mummies got blocked ducts.... hope u clear them soonest! i long time didnt kenna liao *oops* touch wood!! :p
bitbit, ur boi oldest here, so who else but you're next to TTC!!!

the 'balls' are rolled from crepe paper. octopus boy no need to train liao lah, he shd be using his index finger and thumb very well already!

my boi drink less ar...abt 125ml within 3/4 hours.
me really really worried thou he oso sleep alot lah.

n my stupid maid recently throw away more than 1 litre of my milk coz she said milk spoil...later found out that frozen milk do have distinct smell not spoil ok...alamak if next time i not enuf milk i sure ask her to pump back 1 litre to return me! :p


this Pink of health deduct medisave isit? I bought one AXA endowment insurance for my boi when he was one mth old and so far that's the only insurance i bot for him.

ask yr boss to go fly kite lah so mean she also woman leh she got no family meh or she is an old spinster? :p


going to finish 1st box really glad too like crystalmum no need to keep checking on good lobangs aey if PP still got such good price let me know hor i can stock up L size next time


me TBF for 3 mths liao so happy all thnx to you ladies here especially my dear beloved fren jas03 too! without all you mummies encouragment i tink i would have give up long ago.
celine- she marrried liao then got 2 gals we see liao immediately dun really like them maybe it's their mum's upbring

ask u all ah... ur hb got request or nt... den i feel gulity when i use u nt scared of no 4 meh.....
oh yah.. happy 3 mths joshua! big boy liao!
congrats u TBF 3 mths liao. it is an achievement, u shld be proud of yourself! i din even TBF my gal even 1 mth..

re: mega duct
finally cleared! suddenly *bish out while expressing.. wah! very happy.. unfortunately no mega fountain followed like wat sp say..
actually hor, i tink its more like a few blocked ducts.. cant be one duct so big right? and i know how i get it liao.. i ke kiang hand express, my technique muz be wrong.. but i do get sprays of milk when i hand express.. but next morning mega duct appeared. sigh.

hope your duct clears soon! shoo shoo! go away! i help you "gan ta zhou"!

PD ask me to use cooled boiled water one.. i also duno why.. i follow his instructions lor. last time antenatal class also tell us used cooled boiled water for newborn bb right?

ahaha bitbit use laundry board to kok yr head.. so cute the icon.

sp.. until now bitbit still regard u as her worm supplier. ahaha!

sheris, dun despair.. cos you sick tats why ss low.. will be better one. hang in there!

i curious, why you ask for stamps? wld love to see jedi boy and you if you can pop over on sat..
angel's haircut
cost 15 bucks.. my hubby kau li kua jiao.... the pic of her in the floral dress have not cut the hair...only the one in the baby chair is cut already

aiyah...thought you preggie efficeint! should next in line for number 2 mah!

yah lor...bitbit why you ask for stamps ah?? you want to post new year cards ah?

your blocked duct clear away or not ah??

jas, when yu hand express, you never empty br issit??

angel cannot walk on her own yet... she must have someone hold her hand, otherwise she will sit down... and she cannot crawl... she has her own pattern of moving around which is like a half crawl and half shuffle the backside... my mum always laugh at her one...

aiyah... you just go for a trial class first..anyway free wat...then aftr that then you decide lor... it is good bonding time with baby too...
