Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?


keke.. going for jab on Wed.. will let u know :D Aiyo.. his new look look so 'pai!'...

When he crys even more Pai ah!


U wana compare wat? thighs ah? hahaha... cannot fight with Alden la.. yrs gal somemore! stand aside man! hahahaha........

crystalmum & jas03 - thanks. yohei's a monster & drinks a lot but i could never get enough for him so he's been on formula for a long time. i stopped expressing for a few months already but there's still milk when i checked. am thinking maybe i can try to express again. mommies here any advise?
whoa, regina... after stop for months still have milk? good leh... den y not you express as much as you can and give to yohei as supplement loh..
how many months you've stop huh??

poko, justen really know how to 'siang sou' leh.. have to massage leg and sing songs den only willing to drink his milk...

celine, you got call your gynea to check on the discharge thingy huh?
Hi morning!!

So nice of you all to post your babies' photos. So cute.

Fun - your Alden very big leh. Your bm very powerful leh. hahaha... can see him muching down his drumstick, is he salivating a lot already?

Crystalmum, crystal is quite strong hor. Can sit already. My Rae still not very good with sitting leh. She needs some suppoer still, like holding her hands to sit. Else she will be a humpty dumpty after 5 sec or so. I like the ones you took of her in her car seat. So cute!!! Love her smile and dimple.

Jas03, quick quick post more Shauna's photos leh!!

Regina, yohei really nig leh. and he got so much hair. so nice. did you ever appear one one of the YP or motherhood artiacle before on something like bf? Look familiar leh.

I see the table - then realise that only my Rae's birhtdate is missing so now quickly fill up.

Nick BB name Boy/Girl DOB
BitBit Rin Chen Boy 2-Dec
Alittlemiracle Angel Girl 2-Jan
Crystalmum Crystal Girl 16-May
Jas03 Shauna Girl 16-May
Westbb Ben Wei Boy 17-May
Sheris Jia Hao Boy -
Jia Xin Girl -
Jia Jing Boy 28-Jun
Tuffy Jing Wei Girl 18-Jul
Love Natalynn Girl 25-Jul
Sp Hock Hin Boy 30-Jul
IxWong Hao Wen Boy 18-Aug
Phoebe Daryll Boy 29-Aug
Fun Alden Boy 11-Sep
Poko Justen Boy 12-Sep
Sneaky Samuel Boy 30-Sep
Celine Joshua Boy 12-Oct
Dingdong Rae Girl 25 May 05

Wishing all of you a happy holiday tomorrow ya...happy bonding!!!!
Hi Dingdong

My friend told me, old people believe that once BB can hold and play with their toes, they are ready for a didi or meimei liao...

haha... so u waiting for Justen to hold his toes bo? kekeke...


he onli drool when holding him upright position leh.. laying down wont drool leh... means alot bo huh? LOL wah.. seems like alot of us bought the same fisher price's rocker..haha
Rae is such a pretty gal! she has really got girly features.. one look know she is girl girl. my gal now ppls still question girl or boy.

ok update Rae's DOB liao.. promote her up with May bbs.. but you cannot fight with us for westbb boy har!

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>BB name</TD><TD>Boy/Girl</TD><TD>DOB </TD></TR><TR><TD>BitBit</TD><TD>Rin Chen</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>2-Dec </TD></TR><TR><TD>Alittlemiracle</TD><TD>Angel</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2-Jan </TD></TR><TR><TD>Crystalmum</TD><TD>Crystal</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>16-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jas03</TD><TD>Shauna</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>16-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Westbb </TD><TD>Ben Wei</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>17-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dingdong</TD><TD>Rae</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>25-May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sheris</TD><TD>Jia Hao</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jia Xin</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jia Jing</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>28-Jun </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tuffy</TD><TD>Jing Wei</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>18-Jul </TD></TR><TR><TD>Love</TD><TD>Natalynn</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>25-Jul </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sp</TD><TD>Hock Hin</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>30-Jul </TD></TR><TR><TD>IxWong</TD><TD>Hao Wen</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>18-Aug </TD></TR><TR><TD>Phoebe</TD><TD>Daryll</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>29-Aug </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fun</TD><TD>Alden</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>11-Sep </TD></TR><TR><TD>Poko </TD><TD>Justen</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>12-Sep </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sneaky</TD><TD>Samuel</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>30-Sep </TD></TR><TR><TD>Celine</TD><TD>Joshua</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>12-Oct </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Aiyoh, octopus boi muz "gan bai xia feng" liao... ur Alden really chubby leh &amp; look at his "drumstick"! ya crystalmum, your crystal gotta stand aside liao... Alden is double size of crystal... fun, I like it when he is shaved, so cute!

wah, dingdong finally come in to update har, disappear for so long! rae so sweet looking!

jas03, thanks for updating the info into a wonderful table, but let dingdong "dismantle" it liao. heheheh... Guess most of us here poor at computing leh, if I copy and paste guess i also will "dismantle it... How come no birth year one? How to change the name in the box as octopus boi's name is Rinchen (join together as in one word). I dare not touch the table you make leh...

westbb, u finally put up "No.1 lao gong' to "Ben", yipee, now all the name of bbs here are reviewed!!! westbb, "Rinchen" is a Tibetan-Sherpa name which means "Precious Great". There is no particular reason for that, but both me and hb like Tibetan culture, so we choose him a Tibetan name to put it on his BC.

crystalmum, thanks for the info on BJg, good pat on your back, u r always so wonderful to fill us with unknown infos and reminding us on watching TV programme!!
i am glad at least I didn;t miss out on the info.

Regina, welcome on board! Now your boi is the eldest here! You were saying Yohei's godma is a japanese? How about the both of u? Guess you muz love Japanese culture then? The 2nd pix is very small, cannot see clearly you and hb leh. Is that your house? So beautiful..

i am working in a Jap firm and our Finance manager is also Yohei. Same as what u expalin the kanji is "Peace + ocean". By the way the Kanji you post here cannot been seen, could it have been non-supporting on the system here? Maybe you could make a "gif" or "jpg" to post it as a pix for us?

re. pix of octopus boi..
alttilemiracle, see, I know you would share the same thought as me! It does resemble. Can you post angel pix again?

Alttilemiracle, with one pump u still get 350ml, you still super lah, dun feel sad!! I am getting 120ml at most in 1 pump. i am still at 2 pump and getting 200 to 240ml at most a day, last few day, it's almost diping to 80ml per pump, so if you were me, how would you feel right? So don;t "kek sim" lar, you should feel contented already whatever you get as angel is really very "xin fu" liao!!!

tommorrow is PH!!! I am going to bring octopus boi back tonight..Yipee! Nowaday he love to "stick" to me. He is ok just that he always want people to carry!!!
jas - js wondering..ur gal older or mine hah? if your gal shd shift up..keke..then crystal's name can be next to westbb boi leh! hehe..
bitbit - so u joining our class or not hah? wanna meet octopus boi leh..the bjg at bt batok no. is sat at 4 to 5pm.
ya little crawlers are for up to 14mths. come join lah join lah.. i hv updated jedi boy name Rinchen to join together liao.

any other mummies wan to give me their info b4 i post the table up again? Regina? Whitefloral? Serrich? but its up to you... info is purely voluntary.. dun wan to share also can.

oh yah, whitefloral... how are you feeling now? is yr duct cleared liao? worried abt you leh..

today i also kena mega blocked duct, also duno why kena cos i never skip any session wat.. so pain! very long never kena liao.. but its clearing right now.. yippee! i luf the feeling of the unblocking duct.. shoots out in jets! shiok! siao one me!

whey whey crystalmum... dun care who older uh.. shauna name is going to be together with westbb name hor.. kekeke! how is crystal feeling? ok liao?
she is a sweetie pie, i cant wait to see her.

crystal got bf in the other thread one leh.. she not very faithful one.. u mus seriously think abt it.
Poko are u saying that she has been crying for a didi or mei mei nowadays? (haha...)

You also want justen to eat his toes is it? Don't worry it will be soon. Rae started "yearning" for her didi/meimei since she was four months.
crystalmum, u still "bu si xin", even the arrangement of westbb &amp; shauna name together also "bu fang guo" ah?

as for the bjg class, i have to ask lao gong first coz he would be the one paying and driving him there mah! nevertheless I take down the number and all the infor of the CDANs (or what Hometown club) first. This morning I drop at the bus-stop opp again, but keep searching the banner but didn't see any enrolment of the BJg class leh?

pio, my hive almost clear up too. At least it's not as itchy as the previous few days except for some red marking which is still visible. I stop applying the calamine lotion because on weekends we bring ah boi home and he keep sticking onto me to carry or just simply grab my legs and make noise want to mega-bond bond.

mummies just curious, any of your baby try to pull the open of your shirt or blouse and look into your balls or not har?
Fun you must be kidding...
I know it when I told my friend I am stretching Justen's toes to his mouth as he will laugh when I do it. Once I heard that I immediate stop the action... One is enough. Let Bitbit and Alittlemiracle have the attempt 1st...

My friend also say Justen like an angel but once he is hungry he become a monster...
hahaha... bitbit, your question very funny leh... tink your boi just curious or could be 'ham sap' also leh....
jas03 ah no wonder you volunteer to make the table, so you purposely put shauna &amp; westbb boi's name together lah!

haha crystalmum, jas03 say crystal got bf in another thread leh, really ah? Hor.. cham liao, westbb gonna consider crystal as no.2 liao..

poko, this kind of thing cannot hurry one.. how? BTW mummies, please do announce when you all succeed for the 2nd attempt ok!
phoebe, I asked my colleague the same question and they told that their baby also doing the same thing leh? it's because they are curious.

jas03, i have never latch him so I dun think he want a milk from direct bah?

So any muumies here experience the same incident?

Better dun go and teach them "this is your mummy's balls".

There was once we went to a colleague's house for house-warming and when we saw a big pikachu, we actually said" wah the pikachu so big", then one of my colleague son suddenly said: " Ya, so big, as big as my mummy's breasts.", wah she so paisay and we whole colleagues laugh till siow...
mayb he see you pumping.. so very curious abt them. how come milk comes out from them?? tat day shauna also stare at 'them' when i pump next to her. but a while oni. she more interested in wanting to 'eat' my pump.

i oni sterilise them once a day.

very sleepy... wan to koon... so happy tom holiday, hope it will be sunny! then can bring my gal for a swim.
bitbit, dunno y young babies are interested in boobs.. last time my sister also kena from my younger sis.. she just grab both breasts and said 'boh boh'.. hahaha
harlow harlow...

and the competition of ben wei's affections continue! this saturday issit got show down at BJG?? if so, after i sleep angel, i must rush down to watch the match sia!!

sunny, i sterilise once a day too

bitbit...i thought only daddies got balls.... mummies' also called balls meh???

second one...
me certainly in no hurry... one angel is already zapping enough of my time and energy not to mention my money too!!!

aiyah...why u all dun go for morning class????
my angel one person alone want to go for morning class.... join morning class leh.... how how...

the table is great girl! how you do ah? if too complicated then dun bother...

crystal and rae are both so xian nu xia fan.....girls are so adorable.... gek sim ah... you also poor thing...must be more gek sim than me ah... but my ss really fast diminishing... this morning only get 320ml..... looks like the end is really approaching...

any other mummies got thier menses? i get this strange feeling mine will come in 2 weeks time...

bitbit..i vaguely remember the pic...will go and try to locate it... if tonight got time, will post some pics from the zoo outing! this happening ah?

its super simple.. just do watever you want on excel.. then copy the cells you want from excel.. and then post <table border=1><tr><td>paste</td></tr></table> , paste your cells in the brackets. simple as abc rite?

sigh... bitbit.. wan to la-kopi? very sleepy ar me..
the command i typed out actually created a table...

type "the slash symbol \" "Table" " open bracket.. paste your excel cells... close bracket" .. can liao. hope u understand.. if not can go under Help and see instructions.
jas03, seems that quite simple! You so computer genie leh!

me just told my colleagues I so tired wan to koon liao, and u just tell me want to go la-kopi, should call me!!

aliitlemiracles, wah i read u write, i laugh till siow... hahaha. for mummies, balls = boobs lar..

Anyway gotta go home liao. Tonight mega-bonding with octopus boi, hahaha..
crystal and shauna dont fight ok... just put my boy's name in between lor, then both will be close, really zhuo yong you bao leh kekeke

hi Regina! your boy so cheeky also! and you look like a hot mama leh!

pio, i never kenna blueblack from my Ameda leh, did u turn up the suction too strong??

woah i love dimples! my boy dont have! crystal looks so warm and cosy in her car seat, crystalmum ur car very cold is it, she got so many layers and blankets kekeke

jas, i dunno leh, the cards are homework?? i didnt use the cards, cos i'm flashing my own cards so didnt use bjg ones. after i left the class then i remember April supposed to tell us how to see baby's reaction on recognising the cards right? then we all forgot after the gym... this sat must ask her leh!

btw if u want to let shauna wear long pants to class, must remember to wear something that she can easily crawl in, cos some pants too long bb will step on it when crawling then not so good. so wear something shorter like bermudas or shorts may be better

u find me familiar ah... actually i find ur hubby familiar leh! oopps, why uh? keke yah i think we might have met during antenatal class at MAH!

bitbit, i also confused when i read you say mummy's balls leh... i tot only daddy got balls keke... so far my boy not interested in my (.)(.) lah, but he always grab my chest to want me to carry or trying to stand, then he will accidentally grab my nip and pull at it, wah leow damn pain!

join us for the class leh! then we can see how octopus boy peek at your balls hahaha!

alittlemiracle, the morning class is already full liao, so only our class got vacancy. so u got to join us too! heehee

gathering, whose house biggest? ;) i know crystalmum's house cannot cos too much shopping stuff n we have to stand and sit at the corridor one
hi everyone
finally got a chance to log in. hectic day at work...

crystalmum - I now pump between 4 to 5 times a day. my gal seems to be drinking more lately. jia lat. cannot catch up oredy. Started letting her try some FM today. She was not pleased.. wow - crystal's dimple is v prominent!

fun - alden is really chubby! must be quite difficult to carry now?

bumps on the calf
I discovered that my gal has a big patch on her calf which has bumps on it. Wondering if it is allergic reaction to food. Anyone has similar experience?

mouldy tubing for medela
also just noticed that the tubing has black stuff in it! eww... cannot clean leh. does anyone know how to clean it?
fun, pei fu pei fu your chubby Alden!

walau westbb, u realy make me LOL.. so funny about the balls thing and you even draw it out! My kpo hb juz happen to be around looking at what I am laughing (at the screen) and he also laugh, KPO I chuu him off already..

crystalmum, I think crystal should match my ah boi u noe, coz both got dimples mah!

I juz flip thru my old folder where I came upon my ah boi old pix and decided to post it here.

Aunties, guess who ---------->

Look! I'm 7 mos old --------->

AND NOW! I'm 1 year old ----->
jas - no need to poke lah..shauna with her big beautiful round eyes can liao..crystal eyes not so gotta 'win' by dimples lor

crystal fully recovered last week cant wait to see shauna too! i must go this week!

wah..u come here da xiao bao gao use got approve by westbb one..she say can have many many bf but one and only westbb boi laogong nia..keke..

westbb - crystal got another dimple on the other side oso leh..but cannot see in the u and your boi tis sat..keke..rainy day car cold cold..cannot let her catch cold leh..later tis sat cannot go again..i pengsan liao..

jas's hubby not the 'bad' hubby you toking about hor? hahaha..

my corridor quite big leh..hahaha

poko - how can u teach justen play mj one..

fun - ya gal..if 1 year old liao oso cannot fight alden..hehe..

regina - u try pump leh..skarly still got milk to feed yohei leh! let us know k..

dingdong - my gal oso humpty dumpty at the better liao..shauna &amp; westbb boi long time can sit up liao leh..rae so sweet gal..

bitbit - quick go sign up lah..the class so need banner for kan bu shun yan..shauna &amp; westbb boi name together leh..haha..

octopus boi baby photo so cute leh! oso got he can be crystal bf no.2..

sunny - i sterilise my pump after every pump..

alittlemiracle - ya..come watch 1st show down this sat..keke..quick post angel's new haircut leh..

fun - alden super cute!

tuffy - good drink more than chubby chubby..tink my gal drank too little liao..u got ask doc abt the bumps or not huh?
mummies..another rainy day..suppose will be stuck at home again..haiii..nebermind can shop online..kekeke..

jas/westbb - the bjg tee is blue huh..can pei with wat color hah? red or pink? keke..
Hi Crystalmum

I also don't like Justen to learn MJ, I prefer him to watch my Hubby play game and next time play with Daddy, but I don't allow him to watch TV now... How? Guess the one day leave per month can only apply to me 8) But my ang also poor thing never touch PS2 ever since Justen birth. Maybe next time will suggest to play monopoly with my khaki when we meet. More Healthy right...

Yah lor another rainy day, so xian cannot go shopping today.

I also want to see Angel new look!!! angel very jia lat last night...roll out of bed at 1 am adn did not sleep til 5am!!!! so angry..had to control and not yell at her sia...mama was so tired...somemore had to wake up to pump milk for her!!!!!!

rainy day..mummies never go out kaikai ah? me thinking of going to junction 8...have not been there in ages...hear got alot of things to see.true or not ah?


polar bear 3 m tall...looks like, i have a long way to go.....

this is me after my haircut...but cannot really tell the difference right?


aunties, do you want my bottle of water??
aiyo Alden so kawaiiiiiiiii!!! i loev his double-chin!! very well fed by mama's milk hehe

tuffy, not sure if that is allergy... did u introduce new food to your gal?

bitbit, what did you do to octopus boy, why he frowning like that! u just shaved him in that pic is it... he grows more and more cheeky look hor?

crystalmum, although i say crystal can have many bfs but also any handsome boy also take mah... crystal is a girl leh, must have some 'jing chi' ok kekeke

jas,crytalmum, how many naps are your gals taking now? last two days my boy can skip his morning nap and wait until after lunch then sleep! aiyo that means i got less "free time" liao! hmmm need to continue to monitor and see...

alittlemiracle, angel is really cute, she looks quite boyish in pants but when wear skirt is so girly!! very 'versatile' keke

realise my ss also dropping after my menses finish leh... these few days drop about 15-20% liao! looks like my pumping days are going to end soon too!! we can shake hand liao...

me also want to share pic hehe..
poko - i oso dont like my gal to watch tv..but i wanna watch we watch together leh..keke..

haha..monopoly oso $ game leh..hahaha..

westbb - crystal only one bf at the moment lah..then octopus boi will be qing ren..haha..

my gal usually take 2 naps..morning and afternoon..tis morning oso dont know why dont wanna sleep and kept crying..afternoon then sleep leh..i was also wondering if it is cos they dont need so much sleep now hah?

wat u let him play..seems like quite small leh..he wont eat it?
i letting him play with crumbled crepe paper lah... let him practice picking them up using his thumb and forefinger mah heehee.. of course he will try to eat it sometimes so i must be there to monitor him when he plays these lor. he can play for quite long one, sit there and trying to pick up those little balls...

Yea.. abt 8kg plus i think. tomolo going for jab in the morning.. hopefully not raining :p He now likes to be carried upright position hor.. my right arm aching ah! I cant imagine my mum carrying him for five days a week! :p

kawaii ah? keke.. like his dad lor.. the first time i saw his dad.. i thought he is a korean or Japanese! kekeke....

Mummies need to chk with u
Does yr bb still get up in the nite for milk during 3-4mths? My Alden still gets up for feeds leh.. i tt should be able to sleep thru for 10hrs or more liao :p
hello ladies,
did any of you give your indo maid a day off today? just dawned on us ... a bit late but it's good to know what everyone else does...

fun - wow. my gal not even 7 kg yet and I find it difficult to carry her.

crystalmum and westbb - never see pd leh. seemed to have gone away. introduced her to bananas recently - but the bumps only appeared on the third day of bananas leh. hmm.. v confusing. today, gave her freshly pureed pumpkin.
she loved it. so happy. westbb - your boi is really cute. no wonder he is no. 1 lao gong.

westbb - good extra ones to spare? me oso wan her to play..the same ones as your boi..keke..

tuffy - me oso confused gal's rashes was oso 3rd day after i intro fish hor..she got rashes around her mouth hah? any advice from mummies here? dont tell me she allegic to fish..but today she bite alot of i tot could be cause of the dust/dirt oso..haii..

fun - mine still wake up till now leh..jz tat now we dont give milk but water lor..but some babies can sleep jas' good hor..
