Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?

shauna also will "puu" when she eat her porridge or when we make her drink water.. then alamak will poon the food/water everywhere! they very clever hor?
and nowadays she also standing up on her cot like westbb boy! but she cant do it herself.. still very shaky need us to hold.. on her knees ok,quite steady.

jokes aside.. really hope you can come lah.. even though crystal is my gal's competitor. u really undertable tell westbb dun let them too close on sat har... kekeke

hmm.. doc medicine is good and strong.. my cough no more liao.. but gotta finish the course of anti-biotics.. means EBM still continue throw.. urggh!

cos i wan to quickly get over this cough.. for almost 3 weeks liao. not very good to let cough drag too long, so ask doc prescribe anti-biotics lor.

she take FM lor.. me no stock in freezer one.. my EBM turnover very fast. cos not much lor!

getting drowsy with the med liao.. goodnite mummies.. me go koon liao..

Sigh... Justen is not very cooperative when he is awake, yesterday he is hungry and tired but refuse to latch on and cry... Don't know why, but after his Daddy massage his toes, he cool down and allow me to feed him. Funny right? When he is asleep he can ask for milk at 1, 3 and 5am for milk. So now I "kong kong" as not enough sleep.

Don't give up, the SS will come back, but in return need to pump more often. If Justen don't allow me to latch, I will pump about 5 times per day with 1 latch when he is asleep.

Hi Alittlemiracle
When do you start teaching Angel sign? Is cute when they ask for milk milk using sign right 8) But how to sign please?

Daryll head is very steady liao 8) My boi like to flip but after flip will start to complain. Don't know why.
oh forgot to tell u wanna faint when i went home last evening..was asking maid wat she cook for crystal..she say she put pork and veg..of cos the pork is to get the taste not eat mah..then i ask tat porridge got taste meh..then she told me she put sweet soy sauce in the porridge!!!! can faint or not! of cos quickly tell her cannot anyhow add things and PLEASE ASK ME if put extra things in the porridge..almost peng san..alamak..

jas/westbb - me oso try to let crystal stand when i see the pic..but she cannot..her sitting not tat stable oso..

jas - u very 'up'table lah..confuse westbb on the timing make her blur blur..later really go at 3.30pm...haha.. heartpain hor..throw away EBM..but guess no choice..

sheris - is jie jie teach wrong things? not gor gor? but i find tat your boi quite guai one leh..your gal more pan ni kind?

poko - wah your son really know how to xiang shou..massage then drink..hehe..
My son like mommy love massaging... Last time during ML I will do full body massage for him and he normally will guai guai let me do it. Now everytime he start to be crunky my ang will massage to calm him down.

Milk Expresso? For me or BB? I see the price I faint ley.

BTW you need to explain to your maid, BB taste bud is very sensitive a bit of sweetiness from the meat and vege will do. But I also don't know how to cook one, last time I cook for my frenz gal, she comment that my "liao" is more than the porriage.
ss went haywired during hives period cos mood no good mah with all the itch!

Does bb go thru growth spurt at 4-5MO? I thot growth spurt only applies to younger bb. Yesterday, haowen cries for milk every 3 hrs, including at night, like a newborn. He never done that for long time liao. Morning usually is 3-4 hrs and at night 6-7 hrs. Dunno if it's growth spurt? Have started him on twice-a-day cereal but only 1 teaspoon each time...
poko, Justen so guai let you all massage, my boi ah, touch only, snarl at us. He will give that kind of annoying scream and wanted to turn over. But if we "guuji" him on the side, he will laugh and laugh then, 3 sec, annoying scream again.

crystalmum, u buying the expresso thing is it? I saw that on advertisment, duno where i saw but ever saw. It's started the promo on 6 Jan right? Mb will go and see but i wun be buying for sure, bo rui.. (and the number didn;t come out..)

regarding ur boi cry till qi-cham type, i also have the same experience with my ah boi before. I can't even tame him and then my mum keep "hogging" onto him and he calm down, that time i almost post-natal blue coz my mum action makes me a very lousy mother. But now my boi grown up so he become better.

alittlemiracle, it's so cute to see our child learn to sign right? Wah u really good teacher to teach angel sign so many, my boi only know how to sign "bye bye, baibai (pray), clap & GongXiFaCai". For milk or food or simply for makan, he only say :"nen nen nen..". Eat also "nen", drink also "nen". We still trying to teach him flying kiss but think he don;t want to learn it leh. Got one time my friend daughter kiss him, he cry like hell and get very angry, snarl at her. maybe he dun like kiss and dun like being kissed.

pump in toilet, bring back still let b drink the EBM. I have to do it in toilet no choice coz there is no other place I can do so.

As for the Hives, i can understand why u dun apply the calamine lotion, ya, dun apply in case bb lick, mb u can try the white rice wine instead? I heard after apply, the inflammed area would be cooling. At least it's something consumable and JUST IN CASE she lick it, at least it's not the poisonous lotion? Doctor told me the hies will takes 2 weeks to a month to clear, the healing process is long. Some will come back again. Dun why after giving birth i have this problem. Last time I have very good skin, no allergies nothing! period also no cramp, but now when I have period I have cramp! I thought it should be the other way round...

sheris, u r organising a CNY gathering? When? Coz I didn;t see the posting, might be I miss it?? Sorry.. can uppdate it again?

I always disturb him when he stands and keep very still, I know he keh-sai pooing so I say "U putt putt is it?", duno he understand or not? How to toilet train har? He still continue to putt on diaper leh? My mum aso bo chup can't be bother to train. We working how to start training? Once he "putted", I should quickily bring the poo-bowl or how?

any1 trying to lose weight here? Me fatty, want to lose weight. Come back after trip gain too much weight like a fatso ball. Think my EBM cannot help me to lose weight anymore, after it's already 1 year plus leh.. I m thinking of buying the OTO Big Motor one or the OSIM Uzap, any idea is it good har? Any1 using it? Duno will it cause any side effect to our womb har? I C-sec during 1st delivery, but already 1 year, should heal liao, just afraid the side effect only.
Pheobe - yes miss you of course. we went thru all the lumps about the smae time, thiugh I not necc post them. Love your Daryl. He still so chubby ya. Want to pinch his cheeks leh.

Jas03, Westbb - wah your babies progress very well leh. Can stand already. Can they crawl? Mine is still flipping all the time and she wants to be held to s atsnding position, but still cannot stand on her own or even by holding on to other things.

crystalmum - why your maid like that one? Anyhow add sauce. So crystal is eating porridge already har. How many meals a day? What kind of porridge do u make and how do you cook them har? I only make plain porridge and add vege about 20 min before eating. No meat yet.
bitbit, so miss u & yr long postings!
wah, yr jedi octopus boy will "snarl" one ah? *scared*

maybe u can try to faster let him sit in potty when he putt putt?

I'm opp fr u, don't know how to be scared of fat. Still eat heavy dinner then straightaway go sleep. Think after cny will become super bui... *don't care - I live to eat*
gosh! i better go back and verify with maid that she doesnt put anything else other than wat i ask her to put into the porridge. they sometimes ke kiang one ..

u know that day i call hm, the ph ring very long never ans, i nearly wan to hang up liao, she pick up.. and she said she was bathing bb.. i say, oic.. sorry.. u carrying bb now? she say no, bb in bathtub.. GOSH!!! i wan to scream at her! but i ren, and tell her calmly i will talk to you when i get home, pls dun leave bb in bathtub alone, ever! bye bye! reach hm.. before i can say anything, she said sorry mam, she knows its a dangerous thing to do, she will not do it again... heng i never yell at her and spoil relationship.. but at least now she knows. scary boy!

i rem reading tat bb can hv many growth spurts in their first year one.. good that he is drinking more now.. jus more tiring for you huh?

at least he good boy, allow u to massage.. now my gal HATES to lie down.. duno how to massage her leh.. massage supposed to be good for bb appetite and sleeping right?

u really good, teach angel how to sign.. it takes consistent effort one.

i think oni sign shauna knows is when i put at her mouth and shake my finger, means "cannot put in your mouth!" ... then she will know.. but will still put in her mouth one.. but got the guilty look.. she knows but still do it!

My boy also going thru growth spurts leh! He wakes up twice these three nites! and more cranky in the day leh.. yesterday didnt wan milk from 3am till 5pm ah!!! ut after 5pm.. he took at 8pm, 10.30pm, 1plus den 6 plus... i got so worried tat i took half day from work.. go back see him...
crystalmum u didnt give a 'menu' to your maid on what to cook everyday for crystal? i will tell my maid everyday what to give and how to cook one.

what's the advantage of the milk expresso machine? so expensive leh...

bitbit i also thinking now each time my boy got the keh-sai look i will quickly bring him to potty to "nggg nggg nggg" him... dunno if it will work?? but first i need to go and buy a potty then can try keke...

maid -
my maid today also one kind leh, we always pour out cereal into another plastic container for her to bring to my inlaw house to feed my boy mah, today i saw the container only a little bit of cereal left and she didnt even go and top up and want to bring over liao. i ask her, the cereal so little enough for bb meh? then she say not enough mdm, i say then why u dont go top up? then she said ok i'll go top up... wah liao, like this also need me to say???
Bitbit, I do like totoro. It is cute.

Wow, this thread is very active and like one happy family......

Btw, do you guys wake up at night to pump milk? Currently, I have been waking every night to pump milk to prevent engorgment......

Is it possible for us to sterilize milk bottles and pump ( Avent ) using microwave ?
Hi Ng
I think there is a steriliser for microwave.

Growth Spurts
My boi only demand for milk more often when he is asleep, wander is growth spurt or my ss not enough...
very tired and sleep deprived. So much so that dun quite look forward to this weekend of spending time w my boy (terrible me,hoh?). His pattern went all haywired that I dun know if it's due to teething, growth spurts, having learnt to flip, or a combi of the above. *sign*
ixwong, hang on...
each time when you're too tired, just think of his smile and you'll feel much better..
sometimes i missed my old life so much and wish that i could turn back the time.. but when i recall those moments with my baby, those negative tots will all vanish..
my boi also very cranky these few nights and dun sleep much.. dead tired esp during office hour and not to mention the hassle of expressing but it's all worth while when i see him after i reach home..
hi all, i'm from the Oct 05 thread and would like to join in this discussion..

a bit about myself...currently, my baby (3 mths) is on 80% EBM and i let him latch at least once a baby had just learnt how to latch directly without help of nipple shield (i have short nipples). i'm so happy.

ng, like you, i have to wake up to pump cos my supply increased a little recently due to the latching. i was lazy to wake up on 2 ocassions and i was very engorged when i pumped 10 & 12 hours after my last pump. after that, i suffered blocked ducts and more's a terrible experience...i've learnt my lesson and better not be lazy. last night, it was my first time latching bb during the night least this way, i need not rush to pump in the morning...
jas got pic of shauna with her face in front one or not.. the one u post side face and toy cover face one leh... my boy cannot see properly lah... ok nmind tomorrow can see clearly liao... haha.. very excited hor, tomorrow our bbs going for class, it's going to be his first class! i hope it's good!

where got 12 posts, still got 15 after this one!

ixwong, jia you ok... his pattern will settle down soon dont worry i guess he also frustrated with so many new development of himself. just let another person take care of him for a while while u take a break? u dun need to be there with him every second mah... *pat pat*
Hi Ixwong

I agree with Phoebe, my boi also dunno why yesterday cry before i latch him on, cry when I change side when feeding him, and start crying during latching him. And wake me up to feed 3 time yesterday nite. But morning when he wake up with enough sleep and milk he give me a really big smile. All my tireness gone 8)

But hor I looking forward for tomorrow ley, as going to take half day leave from my ang, and go MJ... Very bad mother hor.
Thanks mummies for the encouraging words. Agree that our bb smiles will cure all fatigue. Here's a recent pix of my gong-gong boy.


Hope u win more at MJ to buy CNY goodies for your boy ok?
Get back this old posting as I think is good to update... to Date of Birth instead...

1) alittlemiracle/angel/girl/2 Jan 2005
2) Tuffy/Jing Wei/girl/
3) Poko/Justen/Boy/12 Sep 2005
4) sheris/jiahao,jiaxin,jiajing/boy,gal,boy/
5) Phoebe/Daryll/boy/
6) crystalmum/crystal/girl/
7) dingdong/Rae/girl/
8) relaxfun/Alden/boy/11 Sep 2005
9) ixwong/Haowen/boy/
11)celine/joshua/boy/12 Oct 2005
13) westbb/No.1 Lao Gong/boy/
14) bitbit/octopus boi/boy/
15) sp/hock hin/boy/

Hope I indicate Angel, Alden and Joshua Birthday correctly...

Hi Ng, Whitefloral, Sneaky and etc... welcome! add in your information to 8)
dun be shocked huh. My boy only 4.5MO.....8kg+ liao.

MJ stands for mahjong. Right, poko?

Have updated.
1) alittlemiracle/angel/girl/2 Jan 2005
2) Tuffy/Jing Wei/girl/
3) Poko/Justen/Boy/12 Sep 2005
4) sheris/jiahao,jiaxin,jiajing/boy,gal,boy/
5) Phoebe/Daryll/boy/
6) crystalmum/crystal/girl/
7) dingdong/Rae/girl/
8) relaxfun/Alden/boy/11 Sep 2005
9) ixwong/Haowen/boy/ 18 Aug 2005
11)celine/joshua/boy/12 Oct 2005
13) westbb/No.1 Lao Gong/boy/
14) bitbit/octopus boi/boy/
15) sp/hock hin/boy/
hehe.. me dunno how to play, dat why dunno wat is MJ loh.. paiseh

ix, your BM really super leh.. 4.5MO already reached 8kg.
Have updated.
1) alittlemiracle/angel/girl/2 Jan 2005
2) Tuffy/Jing Wei/girl/
3) Poko/Justen/Boy/12 Sep 2005
4) sheris/jiahao,jiaxin,jiajing/boy,gal,boy/
5) Phoebe/Daryll/boy/ 29 Aug 2005
6) crystalmum/crystal/girl/
7) dingdong/Rae/girl/
8) relaxfun/Alden/boy/11 Sep 2005
9) ixwong/Haowen/boy/ 18 Aug 2005
11)celine/joshua/boy/12 Oct 2005
13) westbb/No.1 Lao Gong/boy/
14) bitbit/octopus boi/boy/
15) sp/hock hin/boy/
1) alittlemiracle/angel/girl/2 Jan 2005
2) Tuffy/Jing Wei/girl/
3) Poko/Justen/Boy/12 Sep 2005
4) sheris/jiahao,jiaxin,jiajing/boy,gal,boy/
5) Phoebe/Daryll/boy/ 29 Aug 2005
6) crystalmum/crystal/girl/
7) dingdong/Rae/girl/
8) relaxfun/Alden/boy/11 Sep 2005
9) ixwong/Haowen/boy/ 18 Aug 2005
11)celine/joshua/boy/12 Oct 2005
13) westbb/No.1 Lao Gong/boy/
14) bitbit/octopus boi/boy/
15) sp/hock hin/boy/
16) sneaky/Samuel/boy/30 Sep 2005
Updated list:-
1) alittlemiracle/angel/girl/2 Jan 2005
2) Tuffy/Jing Wei/girl/
3) Poko/Justen/Boy/12 Sep 2005
4) sheris/jiahao,jiaxin,jiajing/boy,gal,boy/
5) Phoebe/Daryll/boy/ 29 Aug 2005
6) crystalmum/crystal/girl/16 May 2005
7) dingdong/Rae/girl/
8) relaxfun/Alden/boy/11 Sep 2005
9) ixwong/Haowen/boy/ 18 Aug 2005
11)celine/joshua/boy/12 Oct 2005
12)jas03/shauna/girl/16 May 2005
13) westbb/No.1 Lao Gong/boy/17 May 2005
14) bitbit/octopus boi/boy/
15) sp/hock hin/boy/
Opps so gotta buy 4-d again..keke

Updated list:-
1) alittlemiracle/angel/girl/2 Jan 2005
2) Tuffy/Jing Wei/girl/
3) Poko/Justen/Boy/12 Sep 2005
4) sheris/jiahao,jiaxin,jiajing/boy,gal,boy/
5) Phoebe/Daryll/boy/ 29 Aug 2005
6) crystalmum/crystal/girl/16 May 2005
7) dingdong/Rae/girl/
8) relaxfun/Alden/boy/11 Sep 2005
9) ixwong/Haowen/boy/ 18 Aug 2005
11)celine/joshua/boy/12 Oct 2005
12)jas03/shauna/girl/16 May 2005
13) westbb/No.1 Lao Gong/boy/17 May 2005
14) bitbit/octopus boi/boy/
15) sp/hock hin/boy/
16) sneaky/Samuel/boy/30 Sep 2005
me blur oredi... 500-484=12 ?? where is my brain?? ya, so happy can see westbb boy liao!! hope crystal comes.. and we take pic of the threesome okie?

wahh.. take half day play MJ.. u MJ queen uh.. sounds like my mum! keke.. great idea to update our data..

1) alittlemiracle/angel/girl/2 Jan 2005
2) Tuffy/Jing Wei/girl/
3) Poko/Justen/Boy/12 Sep 2005
4) sheris/jiahao,jiaxin,jiajing/boy,gal,boy/
5) Phoebe/Daryll/boy/ 29 Aug 2005
6) crystalmum/crystal/girl/16 May 2005
7) dingdong/Rae/girl/
8) relaxfun/Alden/boy/11 Sep 2005
9) ixwong/Haowen/boy/ 18 Aug 2005
11)celine/joshua/boy/12 Oct 2005
12)jas03/shauna/girl/16 May 2005
13) westbb/No.1 Lao Gong/boy/17 May 2005
14) bitbit/octopus boi/boy/
15) sp/hock hin/boy/

updated for my FSIL and pretty crystal liao!
opps.. sorry sneaky..

1) alittlemiracle/angel/girl/2 Jan 2005
2) Tuffy/Jing Wei/girl/
3) Poko/Justen/Boy/12 Sep 2005
4) sheris/jiahao,jiaxin,jiajing/boy,gal,boy/
5) Phoebe/Daryll/boy/ 29 Aug 2005
6) crystalmum/crystal/girl/16 May 2005
7) dingdong/Rae/girl/
8) relaxfun/Alden/boy/11 Sep 2005
9) ixwong/Haowen/boy/ 18 Aug 2005
11)celine/joshua/boy/12 Oct 2005
12)jas03/shauna/girl/16 May 2005
13) westbb/No.1 Lao Gong/boy/17 May 2005
14) bitbit/octopus boi/boy/
15) sp/hock hin/boy/
16) sneaky/Samuel/boy/30 Sep 2005

Welcome Sneaky!
congrats.. achieving latching without the shields.. me also hv the same prob, but did not succeed.. so been expressing all along.
Jas03, thank you...hey, my son actually got a hang of it accidentally. my shield dropped and i pushed him my nipples. he managed to grab it and he made it in the next few attempts. i kept continuing so that he will not forget....why not try pushing him your nipples after he's suckled a while with a shield? your nipples would have been elongated by then...

i was devastated at first cos he would cry everytime i pushed him my sad and i felt useless...i thought to myself i must the saying goes...WHEN THERE'S A WILL, THERE'S A WAY...
yeah i shld hv not given up.. but at that point of time it seemed too stressful.. kudos to you!

haha for the fun of it yest, i gave my gal my br (she oredi 7mths plus!).. and she took a lick at it and then used her finger to touch touch... then after a while, sianz oredi, turn away. sigh.. so much for latching.. muz try harder for my 2nd one.
Hi Ixwong
thanks! this is my 1st MJ session after giving birth to Justen... Hope can win win a bit 8) But my main tot is to have a small chit chat gathering with my MJ khaki. Miss them all. Miss MJ too 8) I am "Du Gui" hee hee

Sneaky I know how you feel, happy that you have succeed. Jia You!!

MIA for so bz wif work....I have successfully stop my pumping can only come in once a while cos too bz if work now....hope u all dun forget me....n Natalynn
i smile and smile when i read your qn to love. so funny... but i also wan to know lah.. i want to know also hor, when we finally stop, the last few bit of milk go where... we din express out.. it jus disappear?

love.. we will not forget you one lah. pls come in whenever you can okie?
crystalmum i saw u shopping again... for old navy! wah you all hands and legs very fast leh, i just saw the posting only and so fast closed liao, the spree only lasted for 2hrs+ !!! i want to order too ley....

jas, hmmm maybe tonite i also try to latch my boy see how he reacts...haha hope he wont bite me!
love, shd be u dont forget us hor... keke

so now ur milk is totally no more or still will leak some drops har? how long did it take for you to stop? i mean from cutting down to completely stop?
Mummies ah!!! my crystal can move forward liao!!! dont know if it is crawling or not so happy!!

but got bad news oso..i dont tink we going to class up bjg..ask me to rest a week first..oso good need to think can or cannot so sad
waited so long for 2molo..but for the good of all other babies lah..jz in case..

poko - with my one pc one pc malay..dont know how to explain to the maid leh..gotta wait till sunday go my inlaws place ask my sil to translate..

bitbit - me no buy curious how the expresso works leh..ask my hubby liao..he dirty eat dirty big need so hygiene wor.. wanna gain weight leh..u give some to me? me skin and bones now..

dingdong - my gal taking porridge now..once a day only..tink will increase to 2 times when she 8mths..i give porridge with carrot or potato or sweet potato or pumpkin..will add on veg sometimes (i put 1 hr before eating)..these few days jz add pork..but pork to cook together for the taste..not for her to eat maid jz cut the carrot, potato etc and put in together with rice into the slow cooker..usually take abt 3 before she eats..smash the potato, carrots etc and maid cook morning 8plus or gal eat at abt 12noon..wat else can i add hah?

jas - tat is so dangerous..the maid sometimes do so scary things hor..haii..

aiyo..shauna so sweet!!!! i love her!..finally upload foto wait long long leh..
westbb - i got lor..ask her 'u put potato & pork'..end up she go put pork and veg and of cos tat sweet soya sauce! cos she tot too many days of xian..wanna change..arghh..i know bad mummy..dont know wat to cook for my gal..

the milk expresso can make milk at the correct temp. & amt & proportion u want with no mess i tink..

wat shopping? u see wrong nick izit? kekeke..k time got i sms u k..if i see lah..i tink i got time jz surf the ON spree jz cut and paste..hehe..

ng/bitbit - gu gu ka..ka ka gu..u all got watch the totoro movie? i bgt the comics..keke

sneaky - welcome! u sneaking here hah? hehe..u so oso short nip and use shield..but in the end i oso give up leh! me so lousy hor..

jas - me oso update mine, westbb and yours before your posting leh..hehe..
westbb - me so gek sim! jz missed out the old navy spree! the cut off is the person before me! i really sway leh! haii..maybe good $..
