Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?

Hi Crystal Mom
You know what I mean right, my boi now still hand short short ley, my ang try to cross his arm but he can only reach half way ley...Will show you the pict on what I mean. Tonite.

Hi Fun my son didn't poo for 4 days after the Jab so suspect might be due to the jab. As I know you also go for the jab recently.

my jj (coming 6 months) alreadi sitting front facing recently... coz find tt he quite hardy liao... but when he ard i drive slower n leave a further dist ..... n he protest less when i turn him front facing... he cries from entering the car till getting out of the car when put back facing leh.....

i like this pix leh the brighter ones not as cute as this one nvrmind i see what the person would advise against this pix for the ezylink cards.


i think u r right my cards will sure delay coz till now they still dun contact me thou i chase them yesterday


giving the cards as xmas gifts mah so need so many lor :p


how many mths yr bb y do you want to stop so fast??

whr u buy the bumbo huh I also one!!


your bb so cute can lift up the head liao i wish my son can do it soon too
Hi westbb & other mums,

I need some advice from u all some of u may have started giving cereal to your bb. I recently tried the organic brown rice cereal, Earth Best & Healthy Times mixed with EBM or water but find it strange to see black residue on my white bowl towards the end of the feeding. Returned the Earth Best to the shop & they tested with water but said there isn't any black residue. Did anyone have similar prob when u mix ur EBM with cereal. I tried with Gerber (mix with EBM) but no black residue found. I'm really lost & dunno if there's something wrong with those organic cereal or is it my breast milk. Anyone with the same problem too?
Alden very naughty nowadays leh... especially day time.. always make noise for no reason.. dun think its becos of colic lor.. he not like last time liao... onli drink and sleep.. :S
Hi Fun is your boi back to normal 1 day 1 poo liao? After the 5 days no poo?

Is like that one, we see him everyday didn't realise he grow so much. That day try to use my breastfeet pillow and found that he is too big for the pillow liao.
the last time my hubby checked on the car seat thing..the recommendation is for forward facing car seats, baby must be at least 12 months AND 9 kg.

give yang shen xu for what baby wun get fever issit... what is it anyway?? can get from medical hall?

jedi boi go for MMR yet?
this is where there is conflict lor... for jj's case he fit the bill of more than 9kg but def not 12months yet..... then some say above 7 month can liao... very confusing lor...... so me let jj decide lor... as long as i see tt he is well supported in the car seat then okie lor.....
alittlemiracle, jedi boi still not yet go MMR. Nurse says if never egg eat cannot give jab. He dun wan to eat egg how? My mum even steam those "cawan mushi" egg for him, soft as tofu, so nice, but he reject leh? Why he reject egg har?

car seat..
thik different car seat instruction manual hot different explanation. We bought the safety first one. So big and bulky. Last time my hb still driving the small small Nissan march, after putting in the car seat, behind can sit only 1 adult only.

As for the front/ rear facing, I tink it's up to individual baby. Got to see their weight because age alone cannot determine anything. As long as their head is strong & steady enough to hold up (age), then next determind by weight. The car-seat manufacturer just want to ensure the safety of baby. Some baby's top grown faster than bottom (meaning the weight concentrate on the upper body), then better use the Rear-facing method. In case where car had an emergency stop, the baby whole body will be thrown forward. If upper body is heavier, the pressure will be double forward, quite dangerous for baby. If baby is quite proportional by now, maybe it's quite ok. If baby is heavy on bottom, front facing should be a better choice lar, can see daddy and mummy mah. I also hope my boi can sit face front, but thinking of his safety coz his leg is shorter and still weak and his upper body is heavier, i decide to let him sit rear facing for a while.

wanna go back home liao, yippee....
bitbit, remember i was so 'kancheong' after i accidentally eaten chawan mushi? it's becoz some babies are allergic to those protein found in egg and the last jab that jedi boy supposed to take contains those protein. tats y the nurse can't give the jab without u testing. did you check with the nurse that you've been taking egg and your boi on BM? if all along you've been taking eggs and your boi has got not allergies, then it should be alright loh...
crystalmum, TQ for the summary, i join liao!!!! YEAH! got to let bb wear nice nice to go one rite? they dont provide anything is it? my boy hair quite ugly leh, think got to wear something over his head liao...

sheris, join lah, what's there to think?? hehe

porridge - i didnt physically cook it but i give detailed instructions for my maid to cook, she doesnt know how to cook bb food at all cos she said her two children all eat jar food until 1 year old one!!! wah i told her you so rich!! so i must tell her exactly what to do then she just follow only. every week i must plan out the 'menu' for next week, think hard hard what can eat and for variety and balanced meals.. and then every nite i must review the menu see need to change or not... very tiring leh, my husband think i just wave magic wand and his son will get fed, but actually got so much work.

sp, i cook the rice in water for 30mins then add in veg (except leafy ones) then boil another 30mins, then transfer to slow cooker to cook for another 2 hrs. 20-30mins before done i will add in leafy vegs. i learn from Jas this method one cos last time i use slow cooker only always cannot get it right!! Jas, TQ leh hehe

tuffy, i also never succeed with the nasal thing before, not v user-friendly leh, my bb always move here and there, sometimes i try when he sleeps but he will still move once he feels something tickling his nose!

poko, that must be my boy's twin!!! haha no lah, did not go taka last week leh...

LSM, hmmm i dont really see black residue... is it alot that you see? sometimes i do see a little black specks in the cereal i tot it's just part of the grain..

it's not alot of black residue but more like some black stain left on the white bowl.. i'm concerned if there's something wrong with my ebm...

also, do u find earth best & healthy times brown rice cereal taste a bit sandy ... like not as smooth as gerber rice cereal?

any of ur bb, after taking cereal, has poo that is dark green in colour? my bb seems to have more green poo... hmmm, wonder y
westbb - out of desperation, I used the nasal thing. Finally managed to suck out something. My gal was crying v v badly cos suddenly there is a lot of mucus and her nose is all choked up. I used the thingee and a trial of mucus came out (sorry gals for being gross). Didn't provide immediate relief though but at least I know I help her get rid of some of the stuff... But she cried like there is no tomorrow after using the thingee, damn jia lat.

The Yang Shen Yu is for cooling purpose is a chinese herb. Heard from lot of pple need to give BB drink before going for injection. So I put a bit in his EBM to let him take the night before...

Good News
My Boi Poo Poo Poo, 3 time today 8) Both of us so reliefs. After 5 days of long wait.

Oh I get the wrong person 8P luckily didn't approve the mommy and ask whether are you west BB, she might think that I am xiao.

I heard my friend that she is using their mouth to do it. Feel eee... But if we see our love one suffer so much also no choice. But that the last alternative.

Nasal is it the one with a long tube? Not effective? I bought one ley. Or the one like a pump?
me am one of the mummies who use the mouth to suck the mucus out... i tell you it is more efficient than any nasal sucker in the world...but baby will protest like crazy lor... i dun care, just hold angel down and then force my mouth over nose and give a good suck... instant relief for her...

car seat...
now angel 8.8 i waiting for her to hit 9 kg before i put her in her forward facing car seat...

trial class
the person in charge called me back liao... she ask me to let angel go for trial class...put her in the crawlers class first then see maybe after a month or so then put into walker class.. their crawler class is for babies up to 14 months.
they trying to schedule a trial for me on 7 jan
thanks for the info on the herb, very blur one when it comes to all these chinese herbs... never give anything to my angel...some people give pearl powder...any mummies give their babies pearl already good for what ah???
alittlemiracle- me also wondering wat is pearl powder for got ppl tell me tt good for eczema....

me use tissue twist it then insert into bb nostril then turn usually a trail will follow lah... n would not hurt bb but sometimes they will protest
mummies ah..think my gal learning to crawl leh..i see her pi gu qiao qiao then wanna move forward..but everytime move backwards cute..but once in a while she will do a big 'swing' and move forward..really a joy to watch them grow day by day..

Another updade..jz now she actually finished 250ml of FM leh! neber before and i did not dilute it...really glad she taking the FM well..but some how bu she de stop pumping knowing how the BM will benefit her..but hor..i was tinking..izit time she takes 2 solids a day huh? cos she oso finish 230ml of BM after 3 hrs of her porridge..

poko - me joking one lah..hehe..but i wanna see justen's foto..u long time no upload liao hor..

my sil oso use her mouth to suck out the mucus for her son last time..really wei dont know if i will do tat or not leh..

westbb - to wear nice nice now headache wat to let my gal wear..any suggestion? let me know when u going maybe they can meet there? me so long liao still cannot meet..dont tell me gotta wait til they are 21 years old??!!!

so u joining the BJG? ask your lao gong liao?

tuffy - poor gal haven get well yet see u say she cry like tat oso heartpain for u..cos is like my gal crying..cos they very alike..

wonder where is jas these few days...try to wake her up so many times oso no use..hehe..
I don't know whether the pearl powder is good or not but heard got mercury so try to avoid. Sea pdt normally consist of mercury. But also heard is good for skin.
poko - hehe..we xin you ling xi hah..i jz mention long time to see his photo..u post them liao..keke..but hor his 3 photos like 3 different bb leh..hehe..he got 4 mths plus liao hah? another handsome boi leh..
alittlemiracle - you bu kui is my superstar/idol leh..really wei da!

dont go trial lah..jz join the class? hehe..wat timing u looking at huh?
thanks for sharing the methods of removing mucus. not sure if I can be so wei da as to use my mouth leh.. shudder at the thought. But I think if the next time the mucus thingee/tissue method doesn't work and she is crying like mad, may just have to do it.. let's hope it doesn't happen...

poko - mine is not the long tube one. just a suction bulb. How does the long tube one work hah? can't imagine the bb letting anyone stick that up..

crystalmum - yah roar. she is generally ok except for her blocked nose and occasional cough. Today she actually cried when my maid was carrying her and I went to kitchen to wash my hands. Started smiling when I re-emerged from the kitchen. Wah! can't believe it!! maybe it's just one off but I am still v happy that she did that!! So cute that crystal is now learning how to crawl! i try to tempt my gal to crawl by putting her toys just slightly out of her reach. All she does now is to keep whacking the playmat to protest!
crystalmum i also pm you liao... but v late liao too heehee

LSM, i never try gerber cereal so i dunno the difference leh

alittlemiracle, so when u use mouth to suck all the mucus will go into your mouth ah?? ma ma really wei da hor....

poko the nasal suck got different design one, the one i use is a thin short tube attached to a rubber "pump", anyway useless to me, so i use tissue method like sheris too!

poko, i also think justen look different in teh photos! i tot u got 3 bb boys leh... Justen is "qian mian suai ge" (thousand face handsome boy) ah.. keke

crystalmum, my boy also start to take more recently, but his highest record 220 is stil less than crystal. i think u can try two solids for her since she already taking 1 full solid v well. u giving her at 3hrs interval now? i just started to stretch my boy from 3 hrs to 3.5hrs.

hmmmm my boy got no very nice clothes to wear leh... i see if can get any nice ones from malacca or not! sure will let u know if they contact me!!

BJG i still havent discuss with him but i think i will join for one term to try out
you confirm timing already??
I think the tube one is the same idea of using the mouth just that is at a distance... got one part to insert to their nose and the tube for suction using our mouth. Can get it from Pigeon or Piyo Piyo. But don't know whether is it effective or not.
tuffy - me jz opposite i carry my gal..she keep giving me those 'frustrated' cries...then hor..when the maid carry her..she was smiling away..playing with her toys..then the maid left for a while..i play with her..she started 'giving it' to me again..the maid comes..she smile again...argh...hope next week i on leave..she will stick to me!
westbb - she still on 4 hrs interval for her milk..tink going to increase to 240ml since she can finish every feed liao..but how long u give milk after solid hah? 3 hrs hah?

me most likely taking the late afternoon sat u wanna sign up liao? hehe..

poor jas03 sick ar, her precious shauna also sick poor thing.
mayb that's why she cannot wake up :p
aioyoh...poor jas is sick ah...are you better liao?

i have the tube nasal sucking device...find it useless....maybe i not so good at it

sorry...last night left so suddenly...angel started to wail and woke up pat herh to sleep until i also fell asleep...
you on leave for how many days next week? must megabond with crystal!
celine - oh jas is sick..shauna oso..poor mummy and bb..k k..i forgive her for ignoring us..hehe..hope they better now..

alittlemiracle - is ok..poko and westbb came in after u left gal oso woke up suddenly after i log off and din wanna sleep! tahan till 1am..past to the maid and sleep liao..very bad mummy hor..then she cried at 2am plus again..and this morning at 6am cried also when changing her diapers..dont know wats wrong with her today..oso find tat she cries when changing diapers nowadays..wonder wats wrong..any mummies got the same problem?
poko, Justen so handsome, he looks so nice to bao-bao!

jas & shauna, hope u both get well fast in time to enjoy Christmas!

tuffy, yr gal better today? she so poor thing cried so badly yesterday. nice feeling hor yr gal prefers u to the maid.

crystalmum, how's crystal now? she teething? hope she ok. next week on leave any plans?

alittlemiracle, u really wei da, I use tissue or cotton buds or both, hee.
maybe crystal still not used to nt seeing u... my cousin's gal went to childcare recently.. she behave somethg like crystal
crystalmum, wan to msn with u but my office server seems to work behind firewall and doesn't seem to get connected. I can't get into my yahoo a/c also, only can access my own office email. Sianz leh..

phoebe,thanks for sharing. The nurse says must give him egg (not I eat egg) leh? Think maybe he ok if this is the case since I eat alot of egg even during I give EBM.

sheris, what do you mean by "jj try to snatch himself"? Wat happen?

crystalmum, crystal will soon learn who is the mummy. i think her current reaction temporary. Now she only recognise and want tat person who take care of her most of the time. When she come to the age of 1, she wil start to recognise the mummy and daddy and I believe she will soon come crawling towards you when you all say bye bye or leaving for work. You dun worry too much now.

what happen to Jas? She and shauna is sick? Jas, hope you get well soon..

sp, you see, I train this worm to sent greeting also, train till he can change colour also, haha!!

alittlemiracle, I so paisay when i read you pat angel to sleep. I am always the one who is sleeping while my hb is the one attending to him (when he wail, ask for milk, wet diaper etc..) during the night. Sometimes i wonder why I am like this. How come I am the one sleeping instead of my hb... I always think he never take care of baby in the day, so I decided to make him take care the "night shift", am I going too far..

will go la kopi now, see u all later. (Jas is the one who always la kopi at this timing also right? But she is not here, so go la by myself liao.. lonely.. sob sob..)
bitbit, u very funny leh, yr postings always brightens up my day!

other ways of giving egg to yr boy counted or not? or must be egg only? bread dipped in egg then fried in wok, cakes rich in eggs eg. layer cake...
crystalmum, u using avent manual? is it quiet? any noise when u r using it? will hands get tired?

my medela manual piston is wearing out, lately it'll squeak, become very tight or else become loose. lucky still got some suction. wonder if I shld go buy avent manual? or wait & see whether my ss or the medela pump dies first? keke...
sheris - not tat i know of leh..unless it happen when i not home??!!!

sp - dont know she teething or not leh..maybe plans for next week..stay at home lor..cos hubby cant take leave

ya me use avent manual and medela single electric..avent definitely quieter than the medela electric..but use long liao got squeaky sound oso..hands very tired but now use to it liao intital 2 wrist jek..kanna twisted like ok..u going pump for long? if not maybe u wanna wait for it to die?

bitbit - me waiting leh..wait for her to crawl to me and call me mama..hehe..she jz vomitted..wonder wats wrong..hope is jz one time..
crystalmum, i heard that avent manual can help to empty the brs more than electric pump. planning to get a manual pump also coz my company having shutdown next week and i still have to come back to work. nursing room will be lock, will have to use the restroom to express. is it very 'tong ku' using manual pump?

phoebe- not very tong ku but hands tired n may take a bit longer.... me also use avent maunal till jj born me went buy the medula dual electric... coz got to drive hm... limited time....

then maunal think does empty breast a bit better leh or so it seems for me lah...
