Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?

I don't think bf bbs are immune to illness lah! look at mine - also kena flu bug. Maybe they may recover faster if mummies pass them antibodies? Mine is kok koking away but otherwise still quite cheerful. I haven't gotten the bug from my hb yet, hopefully I got antibodies to share with my gal loh.

As long as you still latch, should be ok lah. So he din reject your bm right?
maybe he likes to latch directly.

Hi mommies,

Sherilyn is in for the Cutest Baby Contest , I will need a GREAT favour from all of u to vote for her

Look for the cutest gal, SHERIYLN and click on her picture and an outlook express will pop out and just click send.. Really appreaciate if you could help to vote and ask more ppl to vote too.. Thanks in advance for your votes!!

Sherilyn giving a BIG HuGz & Kizz
to all of u!
tuffy, tis is what my friend went thru.. her boi last jab was delayed due to sickness and his PD told her that it can only be delay for 3 months. if really exceeded, might have to retake all the jab again loh...
tuffy - poor hear liao oso me kiss her k..

u oso long time no upload her photo leh..

phoebe - is Serrich..not sheris lah! haha..

sp - i oso TBF gal oso fall oso feel guilty..tot y my BM not good hah..haii..but guess our BM not holy water lah..hehe..

serrich - yap got intention to sign up..but hope they can waive the registration fees leh..later i call up to check when april's class..u leh? sign up for which class huh? forgot to bao bao sherilyn yesterday leh..btw..who is justen's mummy hah? i voted for sherilyn liao..hehe..with another email..
Hi Mommies

I am worry about his weight as he start big at 4,08kg. But now slow down on gaining liao. Like to puke some milk after feed 8(

Me fan again, as he didn't Poo Poo for two days liao. But heard is common for BF bb. Hope he is ok.

Tuffy hope your BB recover soon, I can't bear seeing BB cry due to sickness... 8(

Actually I tot he will lift his head up firmly before he know how to flip but he flip before lifting his head up. So I think is up to individual bb. But you will be very very happy when they successfully doing something new. Get prepare your view cam or camera, your boy will do it any time. Like Angel call her mom, I also feel so touch. I think I will sob if Justen called me Mommy 8) dont need the mary chia voucher..anyone want huh? can post to u..also hor..who want NUK latex teats for 0-6mths small hole one hah..can oso post..cos i sell at market one wants i give here..hehe..

poko - fun say her boi oso 5 days no poo poo..

me oso very happy to see crystal can sit for awhile without support finally leh..really is zi jie..hope she can bai bei..

ur bb sick???take god care of her ok??must be very heartpain for u...

How u take part in the contest one??
crystalmum, i blur blur already.. can't remember. u good leh, memory so super.. hehe

serrich, then u still awnt or not har? if not, i'll throw it away coz it's taking up space and gg to expired also..

poko, not to worry. monitor for another day then see how. last time my daryll also like tat but he finally poo poo on the 3rd day and 3 times somemore. sometimes it could be the fod that you eat are heaty and it pass to your BM.

my boi hor.. can lift up his head but dunno how to flip yet.. the opposite of yours leh.. hehe

my maid from philippines can't get from indo coz i dunno malay lah :p

so bodyshop consider branded in philippines or not huh??


your bb got cough huh? aiyo poor thing both of you take care hor. Can check with you wats the symptoms of cough? my bb cough sometimes i dunno its becoz he is choke with milk/his saliva (coz now blowing bubbles with his saliva) or real cough...


yah yah really will burst with tears if my bb start to call me mummy! :p


NUK small hole is for drink water one rite? I got extra too :p I need medium hole one for my bb
to drink milk you got any to give? heehee...


i vote liao for your ger! she so cute leh ask you huh how come all the pix so nice ones they take for you or you all go studio to take one??
dear mummies,

re: transport of ebm

pls advise what are the list of things i need to prepare for transport of ebm from office to home? going back to work in 2 weeks time need to prepare sian *sigh* got serious "jetlag" leh now cannot sleep at nites can only sleep in the day.

re: bb swimming

when can bring them to swimming? usually to public or private pools? what are the stuff to get for bb swimming?
phoebe - not i good memory lah..cos seldom pp bathe with BM one mah..but i saw sherilyn's skin really good leh..hehe..

celine - paiseh..only have the small hole leh..

you need the cooler bag and icebrick/ice pack..i bgt the coleman icebrick from carrefour..tink saw it at giant oso..coolerbag fren gave one..and of cos the cap to cap your milk bottle after you have finish pumping..u using wat pump huh? ur office got fridge to keep your EBM after your pump hor..oh ya remember to bring your bb photo oso..
crystalmum, i tried using milk to bathe my boi and ended up with enzema leh.. but dunno whether it's due to the milk or wat loh...
it seems that enzema could be due to wrong milk powder leh.. did your PD tell you this?
the PD ask me not to take any milk at all including soya milk in case it's due to milk allergy

yea my son since last monday poo liao, yesterday den poo again.. my mum just called and say he poo again just now.. think he like one week once leh... hahaha


I dun transfer into feeding bottles liao.. cos the bottles i used to store the EBM is already with teats and feeding bottles so tat its easy for my mum to heat up when she's home alone with Alden lor.. tats why i prefer feeding bottles to store than avent bags lor..
Hi Phoebe

I eat durian on last Saturday, I think that might be the cause...

BTW I think is good they know how to lift his head up before flip as if he got trap in any soft material like pillow when they flip, they are able to lift up their head.
Hi Fun
Last time my nephew also 1 week poo once but that is due to his low intake of milk. I think my boi few days never poo might due to his mother food in take is heaty... See how today. If he don't poo today might need to start getting worry liao 8(
hi mummies,
thank you for your well wishes for my bb.
I do hope she recovers soon too - so poor thing. She looked so miserable last night. This afternoon she is in much better mood. Laughing and all. hope that's a good sign.

celine - I am also going back to work in a few weeks' time.
sian right? anyway - have you figured out how to clean your pump while you are at work?

fun - how many bottles you buy? wah.. heavy investment huh? for me, I normally have about 4 feeding bottles on standby and just pour in the milk from the fridge to heat up. Find that it is ok lah - just need to dump the bb in the cot/playpen and then prepare the milk loh. That way, I can also adjust the amount of feed according to how my bb is drank earlier.
hi mummies,
thank you for your well wishes for my bb.
I do hope she recovers soon too - so poor thing. She looked so miserable last night. This afternoon she is in much better mood. Laughing and all. hope that's a good sign.

celine - I am also going back to work in a few weeks' time.
sian right? anyway - have you figured out how to clean your pump while you are at work?

fun - how many bottles you buy? wah.. heavy investment huh? for me, I normally have about 4 feeding bottles on standby and just pour in the milk from the fridge to heat up. Find that it is ok lah - just need to dump the bb in the cot/playpen and then prepare the milk loh. That way, I can also adjust the amount of feed according to how my bb drank earlier.
alamak! double posting.
Jas - noticed you placed a tentative order for a playmat!
me getting the same one too but thicker.
poko, durian! yummy yummy... been craving for it but dare not take scared too heaty..

if your boi still dun poo today hor.. u can try giving him china barley. it's not those normal type or barley that you can get from the supermarket, you have buy it from chinese medicine hall. it will help to reduce heatiness..
usually i'll give it to my boi one day before he take his injection & the last time i gave him that, he poo poo 3 times in a day.. hehe
celine - if the bb coughs infrequently, then it's probably just choking on saliva. When my bb coughs, quite persistent eg 4 to 5 coughs consecutively.
phoebe - really hah..the pd din tell me leh..huh..but i tink i happens before i intro the FM to her leh..

jas - jz wondering why u din get the silver series one huh?

westbb - u so busy huh..dont hide my FSIL away from me leh..his FMIL miss him ne..

bitbit - have you gone away liao? long time no see you leh..
<font color="ff0000">AVENT MILK BAGS!!</font>
Mommies who are waiting for the milk bags please note that the stocks have arrived!!! The customer service gal called me to inform that the stocks are in and they are charging the same price $16.80/box. Each person can buy a max of 3 boxes at their main ofc. This will be the last shipment for their milk bags! If u want to buy, just go get it before it runs out of stock!

<font color="0077aa">Cutest Baby Contest:</font>
Phoebe, SP &amp; Celine thanks for ur vote!! Realli appreciate ur support! :)

U can call up the coy to inform them tt u would like to get ur baby to join the contest and get them to arrange a slot for the photoshoot.

Yes, I need the milk!! Please dun throw away those precious milk. I will check wf hubby whether he can collect in the east this few days, k!! So sorry for the delay..
serrich - i oso supported with another email leh..neber thank me..kekeke..joking lah..your gal is soooo sweet in the contest leh..

Fm the beginning, we bought the avent starter kit lor.. three 125ml and 2 260ml de.. den my collg gave me 2 more 125ml, i bought a 150ml prince bottle to try out.. den yesterday bought 3 in one box of 260ml de lor.. plus i have two medela bottles to bring to work every day

aiyeah my alden will tear the house down when he wants milk de leh... cannot wait wan... my mum have to carry him when heating up his milk all at the same time ah... now we will heat up the milk 15mins ahead of his timing lor.. once he's hungry den straight away got milk mah :D


the contest can be for bbs at 3 mths old bo huh? i wana bring my ALden there too leh :D which company isit huh? photoshoot FOC bo??
fun - me oso interested leh..but tink gotta pay $25 to take part..wanna go together? tink gotta ask my hubby though..

serrich - no photo package can pay $25 to take part?

me using medela pump single. ok so i need to get the ice pack coz i have the coolerbag liao.

aey i should b the one paisey lah ask for free NUK teats :p sorry hor paisey


wow then u need alot of bottles lor since u dun transfer from a large storing bottle to the feeding one?! I got abt 15 bottles also not enuf leh u muz have more than 20! *gasp*


sian ar...coz i used to rotting at home liao :p but cannot stay at home forever lah else i go crazy ar thou i wish to spend more time with my boy but i dun like to be SAHM.

I think i will need to pump twice in office hours so i got the sterilize tablets so can wash n sterilize using water. Anyway my office got kettle and thermal flask. We got a fridge too and the good news is that fridge is usually under usage especially the freezer so i can have the freezer space all to myself heeheee... now i need to find an empty room to pump milk lah.

my boy sometimes can cough 3~4 times consecutively but not often lah like mayb once a day? but usually if i catch him coughing its 1~2 times


buy the milk bags from where huh? got contact no??

no lah we will be proud of you if sheilyn win!


hey tough competition leh 3 of you enter the contest i dunno support who ar....:p can have 3 winners or not? haha..
dear mummies,

re: bumbo chair

how many mths den can the bb use this? my boi now 2 mths plus but love the sitting up position alot dun like the cuddle position so was thinking whether can put him in there so he can sit all he want :p
the bumbo is recommended for 3 months up bb but the neck must be fairly firm first hoh. hmm.. I don't think your boi has cough if he only coughs 1 to 2 times a day. BTW, how does the sterilising tablets work hah? need hot water?
celine - u must oso remember to bring the cap for the milk bottle after pump leh..or u may need extra bottles if you got lots of a few times i forgot to bring the cap then gotta empty the mineral water bottle for storing..hehe..

we enter next month so wont compete with sherilyn mah..hehe..
Hi Celine and Tuffy

One of the mommy here told me that put the pump accessories in the fridge after the 1st pump. So I bought a box to keep them in it before putting them into the fridge. Justen is ok with it so I am using this method when I am in the office. Save more time. Try put in the freezer but too cold for me.

My SIL wash it and put it in hot water as a form of sterilising.

Another way is using the tablets but see from forum a lot of pple don't like the smell after sterilising. You might want to try before investing. I can pass you a tablets it you want. As going to Penang so also stress don't know whether to bring the whole steriliser over or not.
oh crystalmum, thanks so much for ur support!! Yes, $25 is the entry fee for the contest and u are entitled to a 4R photo but they will give u cd of the photo instead of developing the photo for u should u decided not to develop the other photos they have taken. They will take abt 8-10 shots then get u to choose the photo for the contest. Crystal also joinin the contest??? Do keep us inform so tt we can cast our vote for her!

Will have to pay $25 as entry fee. Do checkout the website i posted for more details, k?!

U can get the milk bags from Cannon Avent Singapore. Here is their addy:
152 Beach Road
Gateway East
Singapore 189721

so the clothings are provided by them??/wats the total charges u pay?? $25 only?? no hidden cost??
Oh yah I also heard abt this mtd... Keep the pumps in the fridge for the next session.. Too bad I dun have a fridge in my ofc so its quite embarrassing to borrow fridge from other dept..
I am nt sure whether there is a min age for this bb contest.. U can call to check it out.. Have to wear own clothes.. They do nt provide clothes hor.. U can bring own toys n hats if u want thou they do have a few lah..

Yes, I paid $25 as entry fee for the contest.. Ended up I develop the free 4R on my own cos they onli willing to give me a CD copy of the photo for contest since I do not want to take their package for extra prints!

Natalynn is so lovely!! Is she sitting in a teak chair or some basket???

thats what jas03 told me too must make sure my boi nect to be firm...well i am interested anyway buy first then use later loh me so kiasu! hahha...:p

just put the sterlising tablets into normal temp water can liao n wash the pump accessories.


i dun understand wat u mean leh...put them into the fridge can sterilize meh?? no need washing at all ar??

actually i oso prefer hot water sterilizing method somehow find it safer than chemical sterilizer


ok you two enter month by month so no need to compete against each other so we easier to support. :p


thnx for the info, they are very very near my office


nice pix of nat, where did you go for this studio shot?? so cute in a basket.
i'm back again after MIA for 3 days heehee haaii recently very stressed, until no mood to do anything... usually this time of the year very holiday mood one but now i so sian until xmas coming also no mood!!!! urgh!

bjg trial,
crystalmum, i told u lor my boy 10am always his nap time, zai zai that day he cannot make it one lah, in the end i went for the 3pm one but then the other children were quite old already, 2+ liao, so the activity during the trial not very suuitable for my boy lor. what did they do during the baby class??

alittlemiracle, my boy last time only poo once a week! super rite... but now he takes solid, poos every 1-2 days liao... crystalmum now my boy's poo is more of "circle" or "banana" shape liao... and v smelly one, i remember the first few times i was caught off guard, i almost faint leh! now prepared liao, but my hubby still cannot take it, he always make excuses to let the maid or me clean up!! HUH!!

fun, i think Alden really looks like you leh!!!! i also giddy looking at so many Aldens haha

sheris, this photo of kammi is more "peace" not like crystal one... hahaha i still remember THE LOOK v clearly!!! :D

my ai xin porridge,
today felt so encouraged!!!! FINALLY my boy is taking my ai xin porridge!!! aiyo i tried so many times liao, today finally succeeded making him wanting more, finish 1 whole bowl liao still want leh!! i feel so proud of myself hehehe!! BTW the porridge of the day was TOFU &amp; CARROTS
i even specially walk to the ntuc just to buy the tofu cos my fil forgot to buy in the morning, lucky never waste my leg effort hehe

alittlemiracle, i am getting lazier and lazier liao.. now everytime i pump i cant wait to finish pumping, so everytime i cut down the length of pumping... now i 20-25mins already want to pack up liao... so bad of me rite... i think v hard to cut to 1 pump leh, maybe cut short the time instead??

tuffy ur girl so fast can flip leh, what special training did u give her?

xmas gift for maid - i bought a 2pcs towel set for her, from watsons one... errr... cheapo or not?? but we bringing her for holidays at malacca too leh :p

celine, i bring my boy to pte pools. he just wear swim diaper, naked on top (hopefully attract more bb girls) ;) i just bring big towels, some warm water to rinse him after that and a nice warm bottle of milk for him

tuffy, hope ur gal recover soon... bb sick always v heartpain one cos they dunno how to make themselves feel better or express their discomfort...

Cutest Baby Contest - i also want to join!!!! every month also have one har??

celine, u want 2nd hand bumbo? i selling mine leh cos my boy dun need liao. u want?? but i live v far from u...

Love, ur girl v happy sitting in the basket leh. the photo look very 70s, very special!

huh? Alden looks like me meh?... i cant realli tell leh.. keke..

Last nite tried to make Alden sit of the sofa by him self.. looks not very steady yet.. keke... think will go photoshoot when he can more or less sit first

here a pic of him watching tv..


Hey gals! post more pics of yr bbs leh! Come on!

y u no mood?

how much r u selling yr bumbo? wat colour? and whr u stay huh? can meet central area??


alden very cute leh i like his double chin! haha...
dear mummies,

re:parental 2 day leave

may i know since i gave birth in oct this year so am i entitled the 2 day leave this year??
Just cast my vote for ger Natalynn is sitting in a basket...quite cute as she can sit yet...haha....

The pic is taken by Peter Pan....a package that I sign up on the day when Natalynn is born.....paid extra to take our family pic too.......
I am interested to go for the it difficult to book the slot....maybe ask my niece n Natalynn go niece n my ger like twin like that...their age is diff by 2 mths only....those of u who is in Oct thread might know her...

serrich - me still thinking the wait at photo shoot long? if not my hubby will grumble grumble one..

love - your gal got so much hair! *envy* she really look those gentle gentle kind leh..even her expression..

westbb - poor u..busy with work hah? tot u dont wan crystal as your FDIL so cut and paste from my posting which you did not read below..keke..

'they taught the flash cards in the sing song and flash and also got flash individually with english words, chinese words and maths cards..they oso have action songs with props tat make sounds bb get to listen and do the actions..then the gym part..they get the bb to do balancing actions..tis one was quite short though and my gal was crying..wat i like abt it is when the trainer go thru the flash cards..she actually concentrate on the bb's reaction..if the bb is not looking..she will do it again for the bb..and she really make sure she catch the bb attention..take a bit of time..tats y the class cannot have more than 7 bb..' need go trial liao lah..sign up with crystal..i was tinking of the 4 to 5pm sunday slot..u interested?

u have seen fun's hubby? i tink Alden look like dad 101% leh..hehe..

westbb/love - wanna go together to the contest? huh..but so many babies so different to coordinate timing hor..

fun - Alden is super cute!!!! ya..tat day saw him watching concentrated one..

Celine - i oso took the full 3 days childcare leave entitled for a year..but dont know if your co. have different policy?

where is angel and mummy??
