Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?

alden is so chubby!
v cute.

does crystal like to hide under towels? mine like to have a hanky placed on her head. don't ask me why... Crystal looks so cute and less murderous in these pix.
I esp like the first pix! v sweet

westbb - no training leh. I tried to put her on her tummy more often but she really hated it. So will yell and scream within 10 secs. Then for some strange reason, she decided to flip to her tummy one fine day and she has enjoyed tummy time since. BTW, how to remove mucus from the nose hah? when I see she can't breathe v well, v kek sim.

hmm... do you think my gal and crystal have a bit of resemblence? think got same pattern of hair and head shape...

tuffy - must put up this kind of cute ones more often so u all can forget THE OTHER ONE..keke..

actually i do feel our bb look alike leh..esp i remember got one..they have the same cheeky smile..
tuffy, yr gal has grown more chubby!
crystalmum, crystal so cute!
fun, alden got huge thighs! he seems to be looking downwards... concentrating on tv subtitles? keke!
love, nat's studio pic very sweet, got basket, flowers. she can sit so well already?
sheris, does yr jj like his kammi? he's outgrowing his bouncer.

today want to on leave but boss never sign my leave form, then my work haven't finish dare not ask him... so guai2 come back to work.
not sure if she has grown more chubby leh. everywhere still skinny skinny. haiyah - why your boss never approve your leave? apply again for another day?
morning all mummies!

so many postings to read... gong gong liao...
yah hor...where is bitbit ah? issit she went off to taiwan liao?

babies all growing so well and so fast hor..

reporting reporting....i also cast vote liao!

westbb..poor thing you so busy at work... actuallyi alos very busy...coz me need to clear all the work befor the end of the year. i also want to cut down on pumping time sia...mow in the morining, i take about 45 mins at least to pump out my 400ml...and some more i want to increase this output to 450ml... every morning got to sit there for 1 hour liao... very jialat...what to do...slowly slowly lor...

you mean your boss purposely dun sign your leave form or wat?

you got watch project runway or not ah... angry that wendy still in the competition...she so lousy...

post one pic of angel here first
later then post more k
Hi Serrich
My new laptop don't allow me to do the vote 8( I will try again at home to nite ok 8)

Justen didn't poo yesterfday again don't know what happen to him.

Hi Mommies like to check my preggie friend complain that she got some spotting yesterday, ask me is it normal. she is now about 6 month pregnant and is in Genting. Could it due to the high pressure up there? Kind of worry for her.

Hi Celine
I didn't wash the funnel just put in the fridge after the 1st pump with the new bottle in a box. So when the time for next pump just take out and use again. But at home I will sterilise every pump.

Shall I give Justen cereal after his 4th months? What brand shall I buy? How to prepare?
alittlemiracle - me ss oso drop to below 800ml liao..izit cos i finish within 20mins? tink better guai guai express longer hor..if not miss the 2nd let any..

ya got see liao oso pek chek..i rather have the 'tok only' rob go into the next round..huo gai pei hua..

angel so sweet..i wanna bao bao so sad..tat time she turn away when i wanna bao i din persist..

jas - WAKE UP! i too loud?

bitbit - u dessert us liao hah?

sheris - not in today oso..went for another interview? got good news must tell us leh..
But she now at Genting also can't see her gynae immediately. Hope she is fine.

The BJG seem fun hor... Got any outlet not so west or not?

Yah Sheris how is your interview, hope you got it as a Christmas gift 8)

So I need to check with PD before I start solid? I didn't know tot can start after he turn 4 months....

your ger really got characteristic leh! haha...cute lah! :p

how come u got 3 days thot only 2 day child care leave per year?

i make 6 ezylink cards and 4 cashcards hope they will deliver this week but till now they still have not finalize the layout for me! their service damn slow and poor!


your method so convenient no need washing good leh...i can consider since my co. got fridge put in freezer or normal fridge?


your ger not skinny lah just rite dun worry so much ok

i used this for my ezylink and cashcards...
Hi mummies, wah so many baby on the board already.

I am still here in Singapore, not yet go for tour. Alittlemiracle, my taiwan trip is cancelled. Since then the agent didn't inform us till last week, is already too late for us to source out other agent as all taiwan tour from other agents also all fully booked.

Last week we run down the whole chinatown from People park centre to PP complex, every agent turns us away as all taiwan and china tour all fully booked. I think i am quite lucky to have source out one agent a day before, in case we are turn away by all others, still have 1 last resort. No where else, we are going to Thailand and meet my Thai friend there..

I am quite surprise that my hb told me that he had not been to Bangkok before. In my impression, I thought he went there once. Yup but after some recall, I think we went Phuket not bangkok. heheh..

yest we had finally put up the window grilles. So headache after making, so many things to wash and tidy up and whole hourse so dusty and messy.

mummies, have you all start to stock up diapers again? There was baby fair at NTUC since Saturday? We went to buy NTUC "L" size on Sat, bought 2 packs. Yesterday decided to go back and stock another 2 more but NTUC No more stock liao, so fast... heard that 1 piece of Mami-Poko can last througout the night, is it true? Coz it's quite expensive per pice as compare to other brand. L size got 38 piece in a pack, cost $16.50 at NTUC Baby Fair.

sheris, ur jj really chubby! How heavy is he now? Can see you really well-fed him leh!!Do the rest of the kids same as him during their baby time? Or is it really that jj has the "chubby" genes? His legs really "strong" leh!

fun, how come Alden all pix same one? maybe u should take one when he turn over so we see how he turn in slow motion haha.. The one which he watching TV very cute. Another TV buster.. (my boi is a TV buster, he is easily attracted to TV program, cartoon, songs etc..)

Love, Natalynn took studio photo is it? Or you all took it yourselves? Very well done leh!

crystalmum, hahahah.. crystal sweetie ever so sweet pie leh! What is she doing to Sherilyn at the BJG pix? The light pink one is crystal right?

tuffy, ur little gal looks demure leh. Another sweetie pie to compete with crystal liao! haha

alittlemiracle, angel want to touch your camera is it? She still 2 teeth below? What about the upper one? She can stand already right? Can she take a few steps walk liao??

celine, your boy want to be David Beckham II is it?

Regarding the ezlink card, my friend also doing ezlink card for some x'mas gift, i just heard she said that their machine breakdown due to overwhelmed respond during the festive season. Do you get the vendor to do for you which I provided the link to their web at the earlier achive?

heehee...i also dunno why his hair stand leh...think must use gel to comb down liao :p

i engage the one crystalmum used so isit the same one? the vendor promised me she can deliver by this week if she can't i sure very angry!!
angel smiling so cute, can see her 2 white teeth!

alittlemiracle, I not sure whether my boss purposely or not, anyway my work not finish I also no mood to on leave.

u r back! we all miss u so much. How u feeling, better already?

Re: ss
My mum said latch direct better no need to pump. Since I lazy I tried lor. Aiyoh, my lunch pump last week can get 5oz, yesterday only 4oz today 3.5oz.
harlow mummies...

i've finally ordered angel's birthday cake! cost me a whopping $180 bucks including delivery! hope it will turn out nice

Also settled catering liao... and also settled some of the decorations like birthday streamer and party hats...

angel has a grand total of 4 very visible teeth and 2 not so visible ones... last week she appetite... very chiam to feed her...

sherilyn's legs really looks "bah"...just like angel's.. hee hubby always laugh at angel one....

calling mama
you know...i also thought i will burst into tears when angel called me mama...but when she first leran to say mama...she was using it indiscriminately...not calling me like nothing like that mah... when she finally loook at me and call me was a touching moment...but not as "hong tong" lor.

so when you going to thailand?
another you give your son yoghurt? angel lurvesss yoghurt!
saw you posted in marketplace thread to see the scrapbook it any good...are you into scrapbooking? last month, i went for a beginners' class with my mum...quite fun lah... me gonna scrapbook for angel... hope i will keep it up (better make sure i do since i had already bought the tools to start on!)
you signing up for the class ah? me tried to all the BB branch but no one pick up leh. but anyway, angel will have to join the walker class instead of the crawler class hor if she joins... anyway, i called the pasir ris branch to get the in charge of bb to ring me back. will see if got trial class soon or not...

which other mummies joining this bjg ah?

wah veri gao nan tou leh yr suggestion! keke... pixs all look the same ah? hmm... its becos he has the same head?? hahahaa.....

I stocked up plenty of PP liao.. not going to visit pampers dept for awhile ba... wana vomit seeing pampers liao kekeke


this pix looks too dark to me... choose something brighter will be better wor..


hehe... maybe Alden trying to see under the skirt of the actress! hahaha..
poko, saying about eyelid, my boi one single one double. How about Justen?

celine, yes it's the "smartcard" link. My friend just call this morning, she also order some to be printed on cashcard and she wanted them to be ready this week, but alias, they told her they cannot delivered because their machine is down and they are still rectifying the problem. They say they will send their courier to deliver to door-step once ready. My friend quite furious also.

sp, I miss u and your "worm too", hahaha, anymore. Xiao qing and Xiao hong still with me, not yet turn to butterfly, I'll call them out to meet you, k.

"Xiao Qing, Xiao Hong, You Ke Dao))))))"


"Who shout so loud har?"
"Yalor i still sleeping leh!"

alittlemiracle, wah u really spend a bomb for angel's birthday party leh. We had a simple one only.. Take more more pictures let us see ok?

Yes I give octopus boi those Ski yorgurt for kids. He got take but each spoon give that type of "yucky" face to me. Duno is it he dun like the smell or what? He dun like those chessy/ egg yolk / yourgurt / cold stuffs. i think he like the sweetness but cannot tahan those chessy smell, duno why leh...

I am leaving for thailand on 24 dec.

Will come in later, coz things coming in gotta clear it. I will not be in office after 24 dec and will be back on 3 Jan 2006, hope I can check back this forum at home. (Very slow PC...)
bitbit - first time anyone has said my gal looks demure! hurray!!
made my day! U enjoy your thailand trip yah?

my gal is starting to lose her michelin thighs. hai.. I wish I could lose mine and she keeps hers!
poko - not so west..east? they got pasir ris and orchid country club at can visit to check out the details..

think sometimes depend on bb's development to start solid leh..cos my pd ask me to start at 4mths cos my gal does not like to drink milk..

u jz mention single eyelid..celine buay tahan..quickly post her boi's double eyelid big big let you see..

celine - your bois eyes really nice leh..another handsome boi..

bitbit - ya..the light pink is crystal..dont know wat she doing..i only know after i put her down on the mat..she kept so still..after a while then funny..

so u going away on 24 dec..will miss u leh..must come in after u return leh..

celine - ya is the same as the one bitbit provide one..heng i got it earlier..but tat time i did, after i confirm artwork..i got the cards the next day..maybe tat time not so many people do hor..

alittlemiracle - wah..spend so much on the cake..must take photo and show us leh..

actually sherilyn bigger than crystal leh..tink crystal too small size liao..

me jz kpo on the scrapbook only..hehe..anyway..she did not email the pic oso..good lah..i dont need to spend $ lor..tot the scrapbook can jz put photo? must do art and craft one hah? i dont know leh..kekeke..

i shd be signing up..aiya..y your angel so big..if not can go together leh..wah..u going pasir ris? u sure or not? OCC not nearer? the bb branch not really 'open' yet so no one station there one..but heng heng some one will pick up..if not u email them? i today..heng got thru..but got to know the trainer not doing the sun class tat i want to attend leh..haii..

westbb - so u joining the bjg? i most likely signing up the sat class..cos prefer to go to the trainer tat i went for trial one..tink she is good..

fun - u say u wanna vomit see pampers? u imagine sheris with 10 boxes and 20 bottles of softlan..haha..
no lah, me only call the pasir ris one to see if they can give me more info...

yah lor...this first birthday is gonna cost me a bomb... but thought 1st, 21st, 60th, 70, 80, 90 adn 100 are birthdays to celebrate!
ok... finally sometime to write a mega essay again... heeehee

fun, i never see ur hubby b4 leh so i think Alden looks like you... seems like Alden is photocopy of your hubby? quick post ur hubby's photo so i can compare compare heehee.. wah i like Alden's "three layer meat' on his thights!!

celine, i no mood cos v sssttrreesssseeedd!!!
oops my bumbo sold liao cos another mummy sms me so tmr i passing it to her on the way to work... paiseh leh, anyway my hse v far from u lah, me at bt panjang!!

crystalmum, my DIL so pretty under the blanket!!!! ok if tmr i got chance i also do one for my boy then we put the two photos together and compare ok??? hiak hiak hiak

what kind of balancing actions they get bb to do at the trial uh? sat or sun class is fine for me, actually i havent got my hubby's approval to go aahhhh... need to check with him first!! so u sign up alrady?? what time is it for the sat class?

i want to go for the contest!! but havent got time to read up how to go, u free to summarise for me?? how how how?? heehee

tuffy, can try using those nasal suck tools? or use your mouth to suck... err, dont ask me how, i also read got other mummies doing that.. i havent try b4 leh..

wah celine u also do so many ezylink cards!

alittlemiracle, wah 400ml alot leh... now my per pump only abt 200ml, so now u pump once only??? will feel full or not? how long did u take to reduce fr two to one pump?

Angel's bday cake so solid ah... $180!!! i also want to eat.... yes yes must take lots of photo and show us ok!!!

bitbit holiday so long so shiok ah!!!! dont forget us hor... show us lots of photos too!!!

ur window grills how much huh? the whole house? got pattern one or not? i also thinking of putting up grills later, else always kenna nagged...

poko, why u give cereal so fast leh? cna still wait a bit lah.. 5mths? i started giving my boy organic brown rice cereal, i got fr Brown Rice Paradise at Tanglin Mall. Just add ur bm to the consistency that u want, no need to cook one, v easy!

photo of crystal & sherilyn at BJG - looks like two girls checking each other out... so cute

today my boy slurps up my ai xin porridge again! so happy~~~~~ today i cook french beans, carrots and wolfberries.... actually running out of ideas what to cook.. havent start meat for him yet... thinking of putting the little white fish...

haha.. wana meet my hubby ah? i scared he angwee i put his pic on the net leh :p hahaha...

wah.. so gd.. can go hoilday! Duno when i will be getting out of Singapore with Alden ard now :p
morning ladies...

my pumping session will come to an end only pumping once a day and can pump only 100 ml each happy....think will be able to stop in a week time....

u sold ur bumbo chair??y?? I just bought 1 for Natalynn ler...she seemm to enjoy it....but at her age now I try not to let her sit too long....wat color is urs??how much did u sell it away??
westbb - ya..quick take photo and we put them together..hehe..jas not everything now! kekeke..

the sat class is can? serrich was tinking of changing it to 2.30pm..but my gal will be sleeping leh..balancing as in they 'swing' the bb at the monkey bars..and do another one which is holding & swinging the bb and pass to the mum..tink trial so very short leh..

u on leave hah? can cook porridge for your good cook huh..i wish i am like you..

love - u stopping liao huh..wat FM u giving nat? wat color bumbo u bgt..i bgt the lilac it..hehe..
wah, angel's cake cost $180! pls take more pics to show us ya...

haha, u very cute with the worms. enjoy yr holiday in Thailand!

maybe yr gal going to start crawling? they say babies will lose some fats b4 they become mobile.

yr porridge sounds delicious, yum! how to cook ah?
bought the aqua liliac too but only left 1 bumbo seat.....cost me abt $60 after discount...

ya my plan is to stop before Jan...but will cont to feed till my stocks finishes....
sp - u think so? hmm.. she does seem like she want to move but cannot. Hai. Will try to feed her more frequently before I go back to work. Hopefully can fatten her up a bit.

westbb - I tried the nasal thingee. Doesn't work leh. Either that or I dunno how to use it properly. BB always yell and scream, make my hands shake until cannot do properly..

crystalmum - when did crystal start facing forward in her car seat? hai.. have to think of buying another car seat soon. sian. must try to max out the current car seat for as long as I can.

here's a recent pix of her to share!

Ps : how 2 make pix smaller hah?
Yah lor after I point out the Qn, I see Joshua Big Big eyes
My son double eyelip hide inside so don't know he double or single. So I am thinking most of the BB when young will have single and maybe after sometime the double eyelip will appear one day. I must be dreaming.

Love where do you get the bumbo, S$60 is cheap ley.

I want him to start soild as he don't like Milk so thinking cereal might be another alternative. Will seek for PD for advise.

WestBB, I think I saw your boi look alike at Taka last Sunday ley, he is drinking milk milk at the nursing area. Is it you?

I like Crystal this foto shot... Although she is small size but I think she got long hand and leg ley...
and thanks for your info on the BJG...

Justen didn't poo for 4 days liao... My ang ask me is it because of the jab?

Hi Fun you boi didn't poo is it after the Jab?
westbb - entry fee is S$25. send email to register at [email protected] for a pre-selected audition time slot. You need to submit Parent's Name, Contact nos, Occupation, Child's Name. join our bb together join sweet right?

i was given the 28 dec 3 to 3.45pm time slot..but want to change to 4 or 5pm..anyone join liao?

tuffy - your gal's eyes look like my crystal oso hor..but your gal more chubby leh..not like mine..thin thin..

i use tat carseat in tat i bgt leh..cant remember when i bgt..but a few mths liao lah..
poko - u let my gal sound like king kong..long hands and legs..haha..

tuffy - oh ya..u can go to resize at the image size under photoshop or watever prog u usinsg..shd have image resize right..
hi mummies me mia for few days...

total 2 job interview but still no news.....

photo contest:
me also thinking of joining for my 3 notis.... still thinking....

jj now 10kg.... then all the 3 looks like tt when they small... but jj the most cubby.... will slim down when they grow up... think jj teething also can see 2 white spot on the gums but teeth not explode out yet....
crystalmum - hee hee - both our gals got the cheeky look.
I tried resizing to small small but when I view it at 100%, it looks v blur leh.. what size you pick hah? re car seat - I thought bb supposed to be rear facing until forgot when? but crystal has no problem with it?

sheris - good luck for your job hunting. hopefully you find a job you like soon.
wah - so many bbs joining competition. Mine v camera shy one. sure end up wasting money.
sheris, wow jj really the "heavy weight" leh if like this. I remember he is only few months old now right? How heavy was he when born? So u got backache carrying him or not? sheris poor u, muz tell jj next time muz give mummy a good back massage when he grown up!

tuffy, wow little sweetie pie again. So luxury got so beautiful floor mat! What is she doing there? Can crawl around already?

crystalmum, it's advisible that baby under 18 months should put the car seat rear-facing better because now their upper body is more heavier than their lower. In case of emergency, the rear-facing seat can protect their head from falling forward which could be life-threatening. You gotta read the instruction book again. Please read it again for darling crystal, please!!!
I tot by 5 mth can put the car seat facing the front liao??I was thinking of doing so as I will be driving Natalynn on my own wif her alone...
bitbit - thanks for your compliments! she just hanging around on the playmat.
Cannot crawl yet. Can just turn on her tummy and sometimes flip from tummy to back. She can flip from back to tummy quite easily now. I am quite glad I bought the mat cos we can leave her on the floor to "exercise" and watch from a distance and not be afraid she might roll off and hit her head.
re car seat - must be rear facing until 18 months.. wah - quite long hah? not sure if my car seat can tahan so long. It can take up to 13 kg and a certain height (forgot what it is now).
bitbit - really? 18 mths very long leh..i see a lot of bb 12mths face front liao leh..i tink i better chk it out..thanks for reminding..

tuffy - crystal face front she ok leh..

cant rememeber wat size i choose to resize..usually is abt 30% of the original size..

crystalmum - yah - better check it out. like what bitbit says, it has to do with how bb responds to impact (choy! touch wood!).
