Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

Hello mummies

It's Friday !

Most of the things buy from NTUC

lina yh - for groceries, i think sheng siong at the old woodlands centre is a good place. as for meat, i heard that marsiling wet market is cheaper than admiralty market (the one next to admiralty mrt), just that now coz of renovation, u have to go to the old si ling primary for the temporary wet market.

wendy - nice meeting u n alicia yest. thanks for the stuff.
<font color="ff0000">lina
for grocery only certain things can buy at Shing Shiong..a bit cheaper than other place..

Yes, Admiralty wet market is ex...especially theone who sells meat/chic...price getting higher and higher..For chic i bought at Prime Supermarket $5.90..</font>
Morning mummies.
IT'S TGIF!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!

Hi Juzyounme
It was nice meeting you. My daughter's name is spelt as Alysa..keke....never mind lah. Regarding the ear thermometer, I am not too sure where i bought it from. Have to check with my husband. The brand is 'Care - Digital Ear Thermometer'. I remembered clearly that the price is at $40+.

As for shopping for grocery, my helper bought majority of the stuff from Prime Supermarket at Admiralty. She said that the fish from Admiralty wet market are not fresh. Agreed with her becos i used to shop the grocery myself. She will take care of the marketing becos she is the one who does the cooking as I don't know how to cook leh...But, i am the one who did the shopping for household stuff. Bought from NTUC online. Easier and save petrol and parking fee. Of course not to mention no need to 'lak' all the things back!
TQ for your input mommies i used to go to SS at old wooldands...but very troublesome with all the groceries back....
Hi mimosa

My boy's orientation is on 22nd Nov, so far still have not rec'd any letter fr sch nor info on books list &amp; uniform

Ur boy went for orientation already ?

My colleague's boy going wellington Pri, last night he rec'd a letter fr sch saying change of orientation date and there will be a test on English &amp; Math (1 hr each). My colleague cant attend as clash with his son have graduation ceremony.

Tis morning he rush down to Wellington angrily... ask the admin staff why sudden change of date, was only told that they have something on during tat day and gave him another date for his son to take the test

Dunno whether all sch giving test during orientation or only certain..
hi cclyn

I've rec'd ltr from sch reminding us of the orientation and to bring our bank bk on that day. Purchase of books, uniform can be done on that day or another day. Transportation company will also be there. But have not received Book List yet.
My son's orientation also on 22 November.

Class has been allocated. No diagnostic test.

Yr boy going to Endeavour Pri rite?

tat fast, even classes also allocated

Oh, so not all sch have diagnostic test. Me still waiting, believe will rec'd letter soon

Ya, my boy going Endeavour Pri
<font color="ff6000">Hi Mommies,</font>
Just came back fm the Halloween celebration at Woodgrove. My DDs enjoy themselves SO MUCH!!! A few pics to share with u all... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Boooooo........ =P

My younger DD with A BIG CAT!!!

3 Girls dressed as BABIES!!!

The Halloween Celebration Crowd!!!
Hi all mummies.. Good evening..

Just received an email that oreo biscuits were found to have maggots in them.. And guess where its made from ??? Its made in china.. Gross...
Is all food from china being banned in singapore?
Good morning all mummies!! arhhh..keke. they should ban their products straight away..its getting more and more unsafe, have to think twice now even in singapore. so sad..
..somehow has become a unsafe country liao.
VQ (vinegarqueen), the pictures looked so happening. I know there is some kind of Halloween celebration there but din really go cos I thot only for ang moh. Now I regret!! So how did you gal get to participate? Care to share more of the pics I would like to see how Halloween celebration is like.

YUCKS Yucks yucks!, JL (julie_c) thanks for sharing with us. Sometimes I wonder how come after the malanie incident all the bad things follow suit. China is really in for bad luck!!
any mummies know how many NTUC Fairprice Arzberg Dinnerware Redemption Bonus needed for the Dinnerware Redemption?? I always forget to check the in-store poster on this. keke..

Its near my house(HDB). i didn't know there is such kind of celebration happening there. You stay there??
<font color="ff6000">Clovy/ Bee/ Juzyounme/ Mira,</font>
No need to sign up anything. No need to be resident here. Anyway, if u dress up like ghost!!! Who would know whether u r ang-moh or not? hahah.a.....

All you hv to do is:

DRESS UP &amp; HAVE FUN!!! Follow the crowd, going door-to-door and say TRICK-OR-TREAT!!! Hehehee.... It's FUN!!!

1 of the hse, along the road. Allow u into their "Haunted" hse! Go in if u dare! I dont dare cos i heard screaming here &amp; there!! I heard some who went in said a "clown" inside the hse looks terribly SCARY!!! Hahahaa....

I met a few friends who had shifted out of Woodlands, came back just for this celebration!!!

Celebration had been on for many years liao! I stay in HDB too!
<font color="aa00aa">MORNING MUMMIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

here's my baking conquests...hehehe...


brownie for my boy's playdate last week.


blueberry n raisin muffins for my hubby's bfast today.</font>
WOW!! drooling mannn.....deserve mani kisses frm them, u r such a sweet mummy and wifee..
Ur boy has a 'man' look...
Good morning mummies!

I watched the 2nd half of the show..As usual very touching. BTW how come it doesn't seem like last episode cos preview shows another case for next Monday leh. Anybody knows?

Hi VQ (vinegarqueen), Seems like I truly missed the whole fun. You should have chio us early to prepare us for this excusion trip, man! Hehehehee. Never mind still got next year to participate. So what did you gal dress up as?

Hi lynzi (lynzi1606), So cute your cutie handsome boy...Eyes so big too! Your blueberry n raisin muffins for my hubby's bfast today. Your hubby can eat so many at one go for breakfast? Thot he is a PT so gotta watch his diet else will go out of shape!
<font color="aa00aa">bee, lina, clovy,

what 'man' look?
dont leh...dont want him to grow up so fast.
last sunday he's 11 months already.

the one with PT hubby is not mine lah.
mine is a PO.
famela's or db's hubby is the PT.
hehehe...</font> it? I got all confused. What is PO? I think also uniform group one right - police officer? Also must not go too fat. Like in army too fat must go RT leh, kekekeeee...No offence yar! MOST imptly is we can help eat the muffins too. Just nice for our breakfast...Too bad can only see and salivate.
<font color="aa00aa">bee,
my boy shuai ge is it?
if u talking about cakes/ cupcakes with icing n decor then i dont do cos i'm not good at doing icing decor yet.

yup u guessed it rite!
yah he must maintain weight.
no lah...he didnt eat all.
i only set aside 4 pieces for him.
the rest i distribute to my mil, my mum, my sil and 2 frens whom i will be meeting later.
if u want can, but how to pass to u hor?
next time i bake somemore, i set aside for u.</font>
Good morning, mommies...

Lynzi, feel so hungry after saw brownie &amp; muffins...Haven't take my breadfast yet......Next time pls also reserve for me....Hahaha.....

Faiq really handsome boy... My boy already 15 month still very skinny :) Especially fall sick recently, really loose the weight...
<font color="aa00aa">jane,
yah kids when sick always tend to lose weight.
that one time faiq was sick also like that.
furthermore he got diarrhoea...luckily we have taken the rota.
my doc said if not sure worse.
u want some?
ok next time reserve for u too.

hehe..where got baking class?
me not shifu lah.
i'm also still learning.</font>

Good Morning! Everyone.

Lynzi, You bake it this morning??? It look nice. Can i have the receipt??? I like baking but so far no time. Wait I got Maid...I must try to baking it.
