Any MTB in Punggol?

Don't cry Mei... He will be alrite... isvery common for kids to get bronchitis. My friend son's also got it. Like yr case, fever updw, coughing. ok aridi. then start again. Did nt see doc till 3 mths later . Given antibotics and nebuliser too.

Since then I hv nt heard he having bronchitis. SO don't worry ok?

nope, only 1 asset :p upgrading fr 4 to 5 room.

our PD oso din insist but we thot since he can recover faster, we opted for that.

but like what the rest of the mummies said.. dun get overly worried. jayan wld be fine
as for josh, he's still a bit sianz. called up my mum to check on him just now.

he will sit on the floor, play for a while then lie down on the floor (yes.. on the cold tiled floor). if there's a mattress nearby, he'll just lie there and dun move
pm_lynn, Res much better after taking the Chinese Med. So I from a non-believer, became a belever.

PM188, Was reading up, JOsh also nt well? How he?

Talk abt :propolis, I gave him. added in his milk. he saw the the yellow thing in his milk, and the taste, he don't want to drink.

He tried drinking 2 times, later complain stomach pain pain. Since then bought till now hv nt start giving him again...

MTDT, how to improve the taste to let Rez drink ah??

Singular or fumucil are to reduce phlemg. According to doc, they have some thing inside that help to bulid the immunity..
Dear all mummies

Thanks for the advise.
I super "kan cheong" & helpless when come to Jayan.
That's y one of the reasons not having #2.

pm: Josh still "behaves" well. Maybe no mood?
petite, mei,
look @ josh.. he seems ok. he can occassionally play and still smile and laugh. other times, he'll look sianz and tired.

gota monitor him.

i also added the propolis into matt's milk. actually, there's really a taste coz the smell of the milk oso changed. but luckily greedy matt still drink his milk.

but the propolis will stick the bottle at times and very hard to remove.

lynn, mtdt,
hw do u both wash ur bottles? i used 2 difft types of bottle brushes oso hard to remove the propolis stains.
talking abt milk .. jboy rejected his nite feed last nite and this morn. Any of you experienced this before .. no matter how i try, hard/soft way, he oso dun want drink .. hiaz. He not hungry one meh???
Lynn : it's me and Evelyn asking abt the library thing.

Mei : so sorry. Can't give you more advise cos I also dun koe wat medi PM/ Petite / Lynn all talking abt. kekeke... me super backwards.

But Jayan will be fine soon
CoolD : kekeke... reject 1 feed doesn't matter la. mine rejected so many times then stop tat's the worst. He used to have at least 1 wee hour feed and suddenly all stop :p
Singular I'm not very sure. But Zaditen is more of a supplement according to my doc. It ha to be taken on a long term basis and till your lungs are strengthen, then you stop. Singular is something like Zaditen but it is a newer drug. So for me I prefer Zaditen as it has been in the market for a long long time and gone thru all stages of clinical trials unlike Singular.
Pm: My gal skips the bottle... she has been drinking her feed fm her planet hollywd mug & straw :p

I used ma ma lemon to wash the stain ... np
Dora.. pasar malam :
Cool D: Opps, was at sk library juz now... so anyhw make a s guess of the person :p

Evelyn: Sori, 4get yr nick only know sum1 express interest beside Eunice...

Eunice: U are making a pass on e library thing, right?
Just to check again.
Antibiotics makes the kid lethargic or "sianz"?
I called home.
Since 11am Jayan took antibiotics, he din have any food, felt tired but refused to sleep until 1pm.
He only had 3 oz milk since this morning! OMG!
Mei - Zav had 5-6 rounds of bronchilites liao. me "regular"! hahah his 1st round was when he was only 8mths old.

and consectively for another 2-3times. until PD says wan to introduce "inhaler" to him.... then i panic and intro TCM medi. really much better and useful esp in controlling his cough/phlegm. (but if wheezing, still better to use western medi)
the gals r right - main thing is "NO PROLONG COUGHING". check out on his breathing - is he wheezing or not etc.

According to PD, young kids prone to such as lungs not strong, sentitive airways. will outgrow (think zav outgrow liao...) so i suggest no softtoy, no aircon.. keep free of dust etc. (i even went to clean his mattress with rainbow service)

And since it might be becos of sentitive airways, i give him zytec - anti histamine. It seems to help.

Zav was on singulair for like 6-9mths. Suppose to be a "lung strengthen" medi. v ex... 1 day a packet n it's $3 per pack (a pack of chix rice) haha

Now tat J is down - no choice, stick to his medi. Neub - does help to "dissolve" his phelgm faster.

After he recover - (v layman terms only ok)
1) Western bu lungs medi - Singulair (DOC prescribe)
2) TCM bu medi
3) U can try to add "dong cong cao" into his meals like porriage or soups
4) slight cough/flu only - pls quickly curb it at it's nip (beg stage, TCM medi is best... fast fast stop it) and i also will give zytec in his milk too.

But generally - no worries... the kid will outgrow it!
yah, wat sort of items u looking @? robinson has alot of dora items.

jayan only saw doc once? on last sat? i sugg u bring him back to see doc again, if a few days have passed and he doesn't seem to recover much.
btw, hv u all received your tax assessment fr IRAS? i've nt received it.. usu wld hv received by nw and paid income tax. but tis yr seems quite late.
oh for charmaine... u mean a dora toy? i've nt seen it @ robinson then. had seen those bowls, fork etc.. and some other stationery items @ robinsons.
2 feeds liao mah .. last nite n tis morn. Nite i not so concern, coz anyway he drink dan sleep. But morn milk, dat usually last him all e way till lunch at cc mah .. hiaz ..
i worried he got sick of milk liao .. ..
Mei -

Which PD u go to? My PD hv "hospital grade" neub in her clinic. using 100% oxygen... supposely v effective.

Wheezing - also means less oxygen gets into his lungs thereafter his brain etc etc. so guess one reason to make him legathic.

When zav was wheezing - I was required to bring him back to review every day if not every other day.. just to check his wheezing "improve" or not. did ur PD request tat?
issit? but at least shld receive the tax assessment letter mah.. coz i received nothing.

yes, when matt was wheezing, i had to bring him back every other day to check on his progress.
pm: reali like expert liao.

Jayan used to TCM I started him on tcm cough when I saw signs but too late Sat kena fever.
Then until today heard bronchitis no choice to put him on antibiotics le.

BTW can western & tcm take together or interval 2 hrs like dey always say?

pm: Jayan saw GP on Sat, today we went pe-ad.
I rec'd my income tax much earlier & paid le but my hubby not yet.
I told him his must be too difficult to calculate tat's y delay...hmmm urs also not easy lor.

eunice: U mean Dora soft toy?

cool_d: Jayan ever rejects milk but will still take at least 2 feed a day if mood good 4 feeds but today till now 1 3oz feed only so sad.
mtdt/pm: My PD-Dr Allyson Tan at Kids Clinic.
She never say need further assessment unless cough gets worse or fever never subsides after 72 hrs.
Should I check?
Mei : yup soft toy :p btw y u need to pay tax? kekeke... we (FTWM) have a lot of "cash" to claim leh. can't finish so fast rite? Yr salary very very high?
somehow when kids dun eat, parents very gek sim hor. Hb says maybe he juz happen to be no appetite. I tinking 2nite he dun wan, maybe i add milo.
oh Dr Allyson Tan... bbjan oso see PD fr this clinic, but i tink is the other PD.

since she has told u only go for assessment if cough worsens or if fever has not subsided after 72 hrs, then it shld be ok. meanwhile, gota monitor hard on jayan's progress.

eunice, mei,
hahaha.. i also wish to hv v v high salary leh :p

but FTWM not much to claim mah.. only this time coz i hv josh.. hence, can claim the parenthood something tax.. if only 1 child.. nothing much to claim leh. moreover, many are already 'auto' calculated, coz we pay CPF, so IRAS can track we r already FTWM.

wat r the benefits u claimed? i only can claim on:
1) CPF contributions (auto calculated)
2) earned income relief (auto calculated)
3) grandparent caregiver relief (this is the 1st time i'm claiming)
4) qualifying child relief (this time a bit more coz have 2 kids)
5) working mother's child relief (this time oso more coz have 2 children and revised tax incentive)
6) parenthood tax rebate (only can claim this yr coz last yr, oni 1 child, so cannot claim)
7) 1-off personal tax rebate (govt given to all - auto calculation)

last yr those applicable benefits din really offer much tax deduction coz the % all v small only. this yr better.. higher % of tax deduction.... so i'm hoping to pay lesser tax.

but this is the 1st time i've still not receive my statement after such a long wait.
no tat i'm worried.. but hb oso asking me hw come he din receive. i normally file for both of us.. nw he's almost like checking whether i really file for him.

so asking around lor :p
Wah... I couldn't remember wat I claim wor. you can still list down.

btw last yr got new rules. got claims on new parenthood. I let hb claim and he went to CPF board, tell them tat they make incorrect calculation and got back the tax he paid last yr too :p

I only remember I claim parents, life insurance, qualifying child relief,maid levy.

PM188 : pt 6 can claim last yr leh... hb claim
maybe nxt time shld ask him to file himself. doing it for him so many yrs.. i bet he doesn't knw hw to file his own taxes.
u cld claim last yr coz u hv 2 boys then. i delivered josh after filing income tax so not counted.

wah.. so much?? hw come i din knw leh?

anyway, i'm doing website revamp.. so surfing net now to check for info update.. and went to IRAS website and find the list of deductibles lor :p
eunice: I never claim both my parents leh.
My hubby say I very bo chup anyhow submit de.

cool_d: I got no heart to work still tinking of him at home.

Weird leh he still sleeping till now leh...arrgghhh
kekeke... i dun koe hor... I anyhow claim one. I dun care if my sis submit to claim my parents anot. I tink she din cos she's lazy too :p and somemore she can submit 1 empty form back. the details all by her employer data based liao (can't be wrong). maybe not S$12,000. see web for details bah.
Mei : kekeke... u worried too much. Just now u afraid he din sleep. now u afraid he slept too much. maybe eat medi take effect liao leh?

mei mei
ur jayen getting better oredi?

how abt ur josh?

can i use swaddling blanket as a receiving blanket to wrap the bb when bringing her out of hospital? when u all start to wwash their clothes and pack ur hospital bag?
Smurfy : u finished busy yr maid stuffs? welcome back

swaddling blanket can be use as a receiving blanket to wrap the bb when bringing her out of hospital.

I wash their clothes 2 weeks b4 due
smurfy (smurf_ling), yr milk bags is cfm at $18.85.
stock will arrive by 1st week Jul.

yes you can use swaddling blanket as a receiving blanket. packing of bags, better do it early..

Dont like me pack 2-3 days b4 delivery..... (Thinking got a week more to play with)

Mei, Jav slept well last nite?

Pm188, how better? eating more aridi? Eyes glowing?

morn gals.... so tired.
last nite woke up at 33am!! Toss n turn until dunno wat time then slept back. *Yawn*! :p

How r all the sick kiddos?? hope getting better.

Swaddling blanket - hmm.. heard v gd right? :p
