Any MTB in Punggol?

kekke start of pregnancy related sleep issues ar?:p

do i pay $18.85 now? oredi included in shipping ar?

no leh... start of a new era of problems.. realised she is those act smart.. wants to kay... try to finish things very very fast so that to wake up late and sleep early type...noted she is rude to my mum last nite.. but when she saw us in the kitchen.. suddenly change her voice tone.. those type who act very well in front of employers..say sweet things... very very worried.. coz today is onli 5 day here.. i took the plurge.. talked with hb... and realised that yesterday was my high class maid's birthday.. sent her a birthday message.. (try to maintain r/s with her).. and see whether things will progress from there.. she's high class lar, some attitude problems.. but after seeing these 2 maids... i feel i trust the high class maid moRe.. :\ at least she show her true self.. not act.. sorry sorry to talk abt my maid's problems again

i think i give ON a miss..unless sales is very good.. i was looking at the clothes for bb.. really horrifying...alot..

smurfy/petite: Gal, thanks for asking.

Jayan slept better last nite after last dosage of medication so lembeh liao....
Midnite woke up & ask for water.
However yest in total only drank 10oz milk no solids.
This morning before I left for work he still sleeping.

Think he should be better today.

pm: How's Josh today?
yes, can use as receiving blanket. i started to wash abt 2-3 weeks in advance, esp take note that No 2 may arrive earlier. as for packing of bag... i packed v late.. tink few days before. i knw i shld hv packed earlier, but always v tired and gota handle matt and hsehold chores.. hence procrastinated in packing the hospital bag.

try to rest earlier tonite
strangely, when i had josh, i had lesser insomnia prob. but when preg with matt, always insomnia :p
josh's appetite still nt v good and he hasn't been sleeping well over the past 3 nites. always wake up and fuss/ cry etc. and initially i planned to wake up earlier to clean up house. in the end? i woke up at 5am to attend to him and carried him all the way till 6:45am!!! he will fuss if i unlatch him or put him down... and his cries will disturb matt

think i may hv to start my weaning off process.. if not, he always wake up to seek comfort from me.
here're pics of matt using the nebuliser. i put him on the high chair (so he can't run away) and i'll give him something to play with to distract him.


initially i was the one who hold the tube for him. but in the end, he found it quite fun to hold it himself. it's not as frightening.
matt - as usual so guai guai boy.

Zav - we use the mask... he wld play for awhile, then start to fuss/squirm then distract him can last for awhile again... then no patient, start to pattern again. hahhaa :p
actually, i find wearing the mask more uncomfy and 'scary' for kids. tink if matt has to wear the mask, maybe he will also fuss :p

initially, he was scared of the nebuliser too :p but i read to him a thomas story and showed him the 'steam' generated from thomas and the rest of the trains.. told him the 'smoke' from nebuliser similar to thomas steam.. he bought my story and enjoyed using it lor :p kekeke
can't believe a kid is still so guai when using things like nebuliser :x

ehh josh seems very sticky to u hor? especially now when he's sick?kekeke one yr old can wean him off the breasts oredi :ppPP ANd prepare for #3 :DDDD
yeap, he's v sticky to me. now thinking of weaning him off, if not, my movements also v restricted :p

wah.. prep for No 3?? dun tell that to my hb :p he'll b happy that he has supporters to convince me to have another child :p

anyway, that dumb SE din give me any proper reply.. still a toopid customer service trying to ask me for more info. i replied yest tat i jus wan to speak to a manager from SE and today he replied to me that my case has been brought up to some service dept for their review and action.

too bad.. it took SE too long to give me a satisfactory response. i've shot a letter to their GM.

and i've no contact no to that toopid wisma service centre and no one contacted me to keep me posted on the progress of my hp, when i can get it back etc. i tried leaving a voice msg yest and no one returned my call.

i've enuf of the waiting game. 1 week and i'm the customer trying to find out the progress myself. sick of SE's nonsense so off i shoot a letter to GM. if GM still not effective, SE can expect to see their name appearing in the media :p
hey, i gave them far too many chances :p but no sincerity on their part to resolve.. so dun blame me.

my hb joked that this is the 1st time he sees me so frustrated and irritated upon knowing me for 12 yrs :p it's really the 1st time i go all the way out to complain and demand a reply.

hb is now speculating how SE will respond (or will it respond :p)
SE probably think i'm nt serious. anyway, it's really hard to even find a name or contact number. there's an address for their main office, but tink even if i go down there, it'll be fruitless.

so after much googling, i managed to find the email add of the GM :p
pm188 (pm188), cool dw... Try writing to Newspaper too. Tat's Wat I will do.

I hate Sumsung HP and their service. F*** tup too. They said going to replace a battery for me and will call me whne the stock has arrive... Is almost 1 YR I hvae nt heard from them. I also lazy to call them aridi. Phone also terrible. Waiting 2 yrs later to switch back Nokia. Now no $$$...

Smufy, yap $18.85 include shipping... Can TT or COD is ok...
pm/petite - amazon still hv free shipping leh.. why u say dun hv?

anyway i hv free 2days shipping now. if u wan, i can buy for u gals.
my next step is to go to papers lor.

yes, the FOC shipping came back again. but there were a few days where the FOC shipping 'disappeared'.
i've only used samsung hp once, but i find the batt dies off v fast. thereafter, i heard comments that samsung hp batt does last v long, which is why when i bought mine, the box came with 2 batts. i always hv to keep a spare batt. 1st time using hp where it will die off due to no batt :p
imagine i hv no news on my hp now
can take it as 'lost'. i can jus go out now and buy a new hp, but it's the frustrations i hv with SE tat makes me wanna pursue this matter.
Pm: No follow up number given to U when the manager sent courier to pick up fm u ...Mmmm

Did any mummies invest in right brain teaching pdts...kekke

need to check with u on how to call a US number. if the contact number is 1-800-875-8480, do i still need to dial the country code, area code etc?
Singapore also using this 1800 no, rite...

So I guess u need to dial the country code, area code etc?

U can try dialing without 1st to see if is still local call or not :p

Sorry if I dun make sense hor :p

Re: Flashcard... wat are the types?
need to apply for the IDD call then can call issit? how to call w/o applying? like when we are overseas and we want to call home, singtel offers 2 services - 1) autoroam (need to apply and pay) and 2) another callback service which dun need to apply.
<font face="comic sans ms"> <font color="0000ff">Hi eunice,

Thanks for helping on the distribution.

The location on the email TPY, Orchard, Outram, Chinatown, SK are MRT station ya?

blur_p aka kiddy from kiddywonderland
lynn &amp; eunice,
i have those picture cards. but after attending BJG, they also use word cards (basically glenn doman method). hence, i'm now going to prep word cards for the boys.

but it's tedious to make flashcards coz hard to print direct onto the flashcard (either due to thickness or the size doesn't fit in normal printer). so 2 possible options to resolve - 1) print on normal paper, then cut and paste onto flashcard 2) write on the flashcard (if they are word cards).

wat is the size and thickness of the flashcard you bought?
how u know kiddy = blur?

btw, there are bp organisers using your thread at the same time. tho' it's for a good cause, issit messy for you to co-ordinate your orders? i read until i blur :p
PM188 : flashcard i can get A4 and A5. need to apply IDD. Use office phone? kekeke.... this is different. u need IDD to call out.

kiddy = blur how i koe cos i PM her and she tell me. kekeke...

Blur : yes. i can go vivo too... saw 1 mummy need my help.

Actually i also blur even though I read every post

Maybe you stop at cuteeland?

btw i'm visiting Charmaine too in July hopefully b4 her bday and ops.
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">ya me also see till blur.

Eunice, u mean weekdays or weekends? U wanna take vivo MRT too?

blur_p aka kiddy from kiddywonderland
nope, nt using office phone. then i use hb's hp tonite :p coz his hp has IDD.

can keep me posted when u visit her?
hey blur,
if i get the stickers, can collect fr u @ your plc/ we meet downstairs? coz we live so near to each other
Blur : I can only do <font color="ff0000">weekdays. If central, all 1 day. NEL another day</font>

Orchard/ TPY (6.30pm - 6.45pm)
Outram / Chinatown /Dobhy Ghuat / SK/ Punggol (6.10pm - 7pm)

Vivo is next fri (6.30pm)

They can all liase direct with me.

When can I collect batch 1 from you if there's any order? tomorrow can?

Saw yr post, kekeke... I also mess yr thread huh? So sorry. cos all say must be transparent mah so I post payment details there too.
Mummies any old kids' clothes? I'll collect on behalf of my aunt.

Do you still have 'old' wearable infant/baby/children clothing incl
mittens etc from your kid/s? I'm helping an orphanage in China (different
from the one I went) to gather these as the kids in this orphanage are as
young as infants, some even premature ones. Do let me know if you have. I
will arrange pick-up. I will have to sort them by early July so to
care-off friends who are going there in August.
i'm beginning to wean josh off wef today. suddenly, i have mixed feelings. very 'she bu de'. but i think almost 13months of BM is good enuf plus it's very tiring for me.

i dun hv such feelings when i wean matt off coz i was preggie then, and weaning him off is a must. but now.. it's a choice and i chose the easy way out.
btw anyone wants to buy Charmaine bday gift? although many mummies say give $$, but I tink a small gift will make a child happy rite? Small gift will do.
<font color="0000ff">blur_p. really getting very messy in yr thread. I will go crazy too. Ha ha.

I wont be getting the sticker books cos I don't need them. so sorry but I will play a part in helping in distribution ok?

My area: Rose Lane, Tanjong Katong Road
Punggol anytime. Esp when Eunice cannot make it. Hee hee.

Let me nod If you need my help. Cheers....</font>

PM188, 13mths is very very good aridi. Wat Can I say... Don't feel sad. I do understand how you feel. cos you still want to give yr best MILK but lots of things cannot do whiile BF....
PM: I can understand how bu she de feeling u have... U have done a good job already.

Xuan weaned herself when she was close to 18mths. I was really ill then lying on bed cant take care of her... she seemed to know &amp; expressed her reject when I wanna latch her when I got better. I was so bu she de &amp; blame myself when she starts to get sick when she stops drinking my milk... Argh so sad I shd have persevere since I am home with her...

That's how she starts her milk feed fm mug wif straw not bottle :p
if dun start nw.. will dilly dally again.

yalor.. alot of sacrifices, rushing home to feed, carry pump bag to work everyday etc. i also like the closeness with him when he latches on.

u even better lah.. 18mths
but if i'm a SAHM, i'll also try to BF as long as i can (like your thoughts) coz it's convenient and FOC :p

but xuan was ok to drink milk direct from mug? clever girl
some kids reject milk after they started to drink fr cup coz of the milk smell. My nephews, 5.5YO still drinking fr bottle! we tried introducing cup. they can actually drink frm cup, but they dislike the smell. so resumed back to use bottle.
Not clever gal... jus that she seemed to know have to drink formula milk(cos I dun store BM at all :p) and her mummy was really sick then.

1st time in my BM to pop anti-biotics &amp; marked my bf's history :p
